#Ashton Irwin smau
writersdare · 1 year
Prompt List – NEW –
Hi-hello, requests are finally open again! I made a longer prompt list this time; as always, you don't have to use it – only if you want to ♡
I'll write for: 5SOS, Stray Kids, BTS. I don’t mind to try to write for other fandoms if I’m familiar with them ♡
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Prompt List:
“I can’t fall asleep without you by my side.”
“I don’t know what we are anymore.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know where else to go.”
“Write my name next to yours.”
“Please, remember me.”
“Stop promising. It’ll hurt so much once you break the promise.”
“I know that you’re hurting.”
“I’m sick of begging for the things that should be normal.”
“Just trust me." — “Oh, I’m trying to, really hard right now."
“Do you wanna go out sometime?”
“I can’t do this any longer.”
“You’re not useless.”
“When are you going to come back?”
“Why are you asking this?”
“I would like to hug you right now.”
“Why did you come?”
“Who the hell hurt you so bad?”
“I didn’t mean to fall in love with you. It just kind of happened.”
“So, we’re in the middle of nowhere.”
“We’re... just friends.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Home is so lonely without you.”
“I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretend they’re you.”
“Would you finally acknowledge my feelings for you if I kiss you right now? You’re so bad at taking hints.”
“Where’s the smile? They’re going to think I'm holding you hostage.”
“You saved me." — “It’s not a big deal.” — “No. You saved me.”
“Did you hear that?"
“Come on, let's get you home.”
“I understand. I missed my chance.”
“It's been a long day. I'm tired.”
“This is not where I’m supposed to be.”
“I'm sorry, I forgot. I forgot to tell you.”
“What am I supposed to be, impressed?”
"I kissed you.” — “I know, I was there."
“I’d rather end it all tonight.”
“Sorry, just figured you’d want some company.”
“Most people in my life leave.”
“You don’t need to do this if you don’t want to.”
I’m fine with writing about almost everything except smut and poly relationships.
– pics aren’t mine and belong to the rightful owner –
© writersdare | all rights reserved
The prompt list consists of quotes I came up with myself, as well as some I found on the Internet ♡
Masterlist | Taglist 
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saucymalum · 2 years
5th Member of 5SOS pt.17
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(platonic) 5SOS x fem!reader / Eventual Calum x reader
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N is the 5th Member of 5SOS and these are the shenanigans that happen in the band groupchat.
pt.1, pt. 2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8, pt.9, pt.10, pt.11, pt.12, pt.13, pt.14, pt.15, pt.16,
2 minutes after sending the text Cal still hasn't returned. I try hollering for him but it doesn't work at all. 3 minutes after the text Calum nervously walks over to the couch and sits down next to me. My heart is pounding out of my chest and my stomach’s in knots but if I don't say this now I may never have the guts to again. Cal avoids looking at me and clears his throat.
"So... what'd you wanna talk about?"
His hands are almost shaking in his lap. I scoot a bit closer to him.
“Calum look at me please.”
I reach to guide his face to me but he pulls away with a wince.
“Please don’t do that. If you're going to reject me I really don’t want to know what it feels like to have you hold me.”   
I rest my hands on his cheeks and he looks up into my eyes, tears ready to fall.
“Cal, I meant it when I said I’d never thought it was a possibility of us being together-”
“This is the most drawn-out rejection I’ve ever experienced.” He grumbles.
I roll my eyes, “ I’m trying to tell you Calum this is not a rejection.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“As I was saying before you interrupted. I never thought it was a possibility of us being together. I wouldn't let myself think about it. Even though I had feelings for you before today I had pushed them so far down for so long that I forgot they existed. I’m scared too, Calum. You know how little success I’ve had with dating but I’d trust you with my life. I wanted to see your face when I told you that I like you too.”
He pulls his head away from my hands to get a better look at my face. His eyes are wide as he analyzes every inch of my face.
"So you- you actually- you really- are you sure?"
"100% sure Calum. I wouldn't have said anything if I didn't want to be with you." I smile.
A grin spreads across his face and he pulls me into his arms. I pull him closer resting my cheek on his shoulder.
"Why didn't you say anything?" He asks.
"And have it where this whole scenario didn't happen? Where's the fun in that?" 
He laughs and pulls away to look into my eyes again. "Yeah, because being scared shit-less and almost crying is so fun."
"Am I really that scary?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.
"Well, when someone’s as crazy about a person as I am the thought of being rejected is scary."
I rest my head on his shoulder as he takes my hand. He plays with my figures as minutes pass us by.
"Cal? What does this make us?" I ask, looking up at him
"What do you want us to be?"
I give him a soft smile as I take his hand in mine.
"Calum will you be my boyfriend?"
A giant smile grows on his face as he gives my hand a squeeze.
"I'd love to."
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Part 14: It’s been awhile...
Crash And Burn- Ashton Irwin smau
Summary: You and Ashton were never on the best of terms, maybe since you guys were so similar: sarcastic, stubborn, protective and had a true love of art. After a misunderstanding and $200 on the line, you find yourself (fake) dating the campus’ most adored (and drooled after) art student... with friendships at risk and feelings emerging it was only a matter of time until the inevitable crash and burn
A/n: Wow I actually managed to post on Monday!! (A week after I promised but hey I tried I’m sorry tho) Hope you guys enjoy this written part! Hope it starts clarifying things and brings you a bit that drama!! If you have any questions lmk I know I think things are clear and sometimes it’s like uh no Lydia no one knows wtf you’re talking about lolol. Anyway enjoy!
Those words kept replaying in your head. Over and over again. I told you this would be easy...I told you this would be easy...I told you this would be easy...
No there was no way. He wouldn’t...except he would. It was right there on Luke’s lockscreen. The whole conversation occurring right before your eyes. A bet. That’s all you were. You don’t know when it was made or how for that matter... but after all that questioning and finally believing, no deluding, yourself into thinking maybe, just maybe what you and Ashton had was real. No wonder he was so insistent on starting this whole fake relationship... in fact you wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the real reason he kissed you that night at the party... just to receive his cash payout for managing to get you, the person who despised him the most, to go out with him. And he thought it would be easy...
Despite your anger and frustration you couldn’t stop the tears that ran down your face. You put Luke’s phone back on the table and texted Lisa you had to go because there is no way you could stay here. Luckily you were in a secluded area back of the library, making easy to wipe your eyes as you gathered your things and made your way through the shelves of books. Just as you were nearly at the gathering area of the library where all the booths and madness occurred you heard someone call your name.
“Y/n? Are-are you alright?”
You turned around to see the last possible person you thought you would ever run into again. Sitting there at one of the couches along the shelves was none other than Jae.
“Oh...hey” you said, wiping your eyes and trying to feign a smile. “Jae...it’s um.. it’s been awhile”
“Ya... I guess it has...” he said, standing up and walking over to you. “What happened?”
You looked up to meet his eyes, surprised to find nothing but concern. Despite everything you both had been through he was still such a good guy...
“Nothing... it’s nothing don’t worry” you said trying to reassure him...and yourself
“It doesn’t look like nothing... y/n... come here” he said, grabbing your arm and guiding you to the couch. “I know we aren’t exactly...close... but tell me what’s going on? Please?”
You let yourself be pulled next to him on the couch, strangely finding comfort in his presence. “There’s really not much to tell” you laugh “you know just relationships are hard...”
“Trouble in paradise huh?” Jae sighed. “Should have known... what did he do?”
“It’s...complicated...but it just has me questioning everything... and now I just don’t know what to expect next... and...he’s just...I-... ahh“ you couldn’t stop the resurgence of tears, but this time you truly felt as though you were going to break...saying those words out loud made everything so REAL. Here you were crying about the guy you fell for not once but twice and managed to get your heart broken both times to the guy you once thought you would end up with. You couldn’t help but think things would be so much easier if you ended up with someone else...like the guy currently holding you...rubbing your back and whispering words of assurance as you cried into his chest... probably ruining his hoodie with your makeup and tears. Oh how different things would have been...
After a short while you finally were able to take a breath... no more tears left to fall...
“I’m really sorry about that...” you said, sitting up and wiping your eyes.
“Y/n...it’s ok you looked like you needed someone to talk to and hey you actually needed a shoulder to cry on and just glad I could help” Jae said with a small smile. Although no longer holding you, he still kept his hands against yours.
You looked at him, seeing the care, concern and kindness in his eyes... if not for the misunderstanding you couldn’t help but wonder what if...
Before you could stop the words leaving your mouth you found yourself saying “I really liked you you know”
His eyes widened, then he began to smile. He laughed softly as he looked down, not quite wanting to meet your eyes.
“No Jae I mean it... I REALLY liked you. I just wanted you to know that.. things just got so messed up... and I found myself with someone I never expected...”
“It’s... it’s fine that’s all in the past... I REALLY liked you too” he said giving you a wink. “But that party sent us both in different directions. You ended up with Ashton... I started dating Ashley... I met her that night and we’ve been happy ever since...”
Now it was your turn for your eyes to widen in surprise. You didn’t know he ended up with that Omega girl.
“Oh wow... I-I didn’t know... I’m happy for you Jae”
“Well we aren’t the center of all campus gossip so that’s ok! Can...can I ask you something though? That night, was it really the start of your guys’ relationship? Or were you together when we met?”
“Oh my gosh Jae...no. I promise nothing happened between us until that night. I know there were a lot of stories and pictures going around but that’s not what happened. I wouldn’t do that to you...”
He smiled, seemingly pleased with your answer. You couldn’t help but wonder about the hurt he probably felt because of you... how he was here with you now instead of hating you was incredible.
“I didn’t think so... you didn’t seem like that kind of person...and even though we weren’t even together I just didn’t think you would do that to me...”
You sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder. “How on earth did we end up here Jae?”
“I have no idea... the universe works in strange ways...”
You laughed as you heard someone approach you both. Looking up you were surprised to find none other than Ashton, looking at you with hurt and confusion.
“Ash? What-what are you doing he-“
He grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from Jae and towards the exit of the library. “Let’s go” he said, cold and harsh.
“What-no!” You yelled, pulling free from his grip. “I’m not going anywhere with you!”
“So what you’re just going to stay here with him? You’re still my girlfriend”
“Am I?” You met that in multiple ways. You were his pretend girlfriend. You may have been something close to the real thing, but now? Now things were beginning to end.
He seemed to sense the dual meaning behind your words. Asking you so many questions in those green eyes that met yours.
Sensing the tension between you both, Jae stood up ready to get between you both.
“Y/n-“ Jae started to say before he was cut off.
“Stay out of this” Ashton said, glaring at the other guy.
“No he doesn’t have to do anything you tell him.”
“So what y/n you want to back to him now? You really want to end things between us that way?”
“Wow that’s rich coming from you!”
“Oh please like you didn’t do the same thing to me! When we first met I was so in love with you and just when I thought things were serious you ended up with some other girl! What was her name? Chelsea? And just when I start opening my heart to you again... when I let go of that hatred and start to love you again I find those messages... I really just mean nothing to you do I Ashton?”
“What y/n- no I-“ Ashton says. Shocked, surprised, confused...unable to complete a sentence, not that he was able to since you cut him off.
“I don’t want to hear it Ashton. Just leave me alone.”
You walked past him, leaving him there staring dumbfounded. Trying to process your words, so many things finally making sense. That’s why you hated him...because of Chelsea of all people. The news you fell for him as hard as he fell for you, not once but twice. And both times he fucked up. He didn’t even notice when Jae left. To absorbed in his own thoughts and wondering how in the fuck he was going to fix this.
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saucymalum · 2 years
5th Member of 5SOS pt.1
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(platonic) 5SOS x fem!reader / Eventual Calum x reader
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N is the 5th Member of 5SOS and these are the shenanigans that happen in the band groupchat.
(This was written in 2020. I know Mike and Crystal are married now.)
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saucymalum · 2 years
Unfortunate Events
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(Platonic) Michael Clifford x gn!reader no pronouns used
Summary: Y/N is a part of the band and once again the media thinks they are dating Mike
Rewritten but originally posted on my Instagram
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saucymalum · 2 years
5th Member of 5SOS pt.16
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(platonic) 5SOS x fem!reader / Eventual Calum x reader
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N is the 5th Member of 5SOS and these are the shenanigans that happen in the band groupchat.
pt.1, pt. 2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8, pt.9, pt.10, pt.11, pt.12, pt.13, pt.14, pt.15
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saucymalum · 2 years
Fading L.H
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Luke Hemmings x gn!reader no pronouns used
Originally posted on my Instagram
Warning: Unrequited Love (does that even need to be a warning?)
Summary: Not everytime you catch feelings for your friend do they feel the same. This is one of the times it doesn't work.
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saucymalum · 2 years
5th Member of 5SOS pt.5
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(platonic) 5SOS x fem!reader / Eventual Calum x reader
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N is the 5th Member of 5SOS and these are the shenanigans that happen in the band groupchat.
pt.1, pt. 2, pt.3, pt.4
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saucymalum · 2 years
5th Member of 5SOS pt.4
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(platonic) 5SOS x fem!reader / Eventual Calum x reader
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N is the 5th Member of 5SOS and these are the shenanigans that happen in the band groupchat.
pt.1, pt. 2, pt.3
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saucymalum · 2 years
5th Member of 5SOS pt.3
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(platonic) 5SOS x fem!reader / Eventual Calum x reader
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N is the 5th Member of 5SOS and these are the shenanigans that happen in the band groupchat.
pt.1, pt. 2
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saucymalum · 2 years
I Don't Love You C.H
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Calum Hood x gn!reader no pronouns used
Summary: Based on I Don't Love You by My Chemical Romance
Originally Posted on my Instagram
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saucymalum · 2 years
5th Member of 5SOS pt.15
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(platonic) 5SOS x fem!reader / Eventual Calum x reader
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N is the 5th Member of 5SOS and these are the shenanigans that happen in the band groupchat.
pt.1, pt. 2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8, pt.9, pt.10, pt.11, pt.12, pt.13, pt.14,
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38 notes · View notes
saucymalum · 2 years
5th Member of 5SOS pt.14
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(platonic) 5SOS x fem!reader / Eventual Calum x reader
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N is the 5th Member of 5SOS and these are the shenanigans that happen in the band groupchat.
pt.1, pt. 2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8, pt.9, pt.10, pt.11, pt.12, pt.13
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saucymalum · 2 years
5th Member of 5SOS pt.12
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(platonic) 5SOS x fem!reader / Eventual Calum x reader
And so the romance begins
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N is the 5th Member of 5SOS and these are the shenanigans that happen in the band groupchat.
pt.1, pt. 2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8, pt.9, pt.10, pt.11
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45 notes · View notes
saucymalum · 2 years
5th Member of 5SOS pt.9
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(platonic) 5SOS x fem!reader / Eventual Calum x reader
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N is the 5th Member of 5SOS and these are the shenanigans that happen in the band groupchat.
pt.1, pt. 2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8
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46 notes · View notes
saucymalum · 2 years
5th Member of 5SOS pt.8
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(platonic) 5SOS x fem!reader / Eventual Calum x reader
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N is the 5th Member of 5SOS and these are the shenanigans that happen in the band groupchat.
Warning: Mentions reader on her period.
pt.1, pt. 2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7
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42 notes · View notes