#Assassins'c Creed Rogue fic
gococogo · 1 year
Having Earned More Pt 2 | Shaytham
Pt 1.
Synopsis : Before Shay travels out to take down Achilles and Liam before they do more harm than good, Haytham meets up with him unexpectedly. Even with his nerves sparking with electricity for the fight ahead, he's still able to show Haytham that he still wants to return the favour.
Word Count : 5k
Genre : Smut
Pairing : Shay Cormac / Haytham Kenway
[Warnings] : Anal sex/Bottom!Haytham Kenway/Top!Shay Cormac/Fingering/Gentle Sex
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Shay had to move quick. He couldn’t return to New York to report back to Haytham. Time is running out. From what le Chevalier had told him, Achilles and Liam were on their way to another precursor sight. Haytham would understand. He’d come back with more than a report on le Chevalier, he’d have the whole damn Brotherhood. He’d be able to present the box to Haytham and this would all be over.
But his hopes are short lived as one of his crew members shout at the top of their lungs, “Sails astern!”
Shay turns so quickly that if he moved any quicker he would of given himself whiplash. He keeps one hand on the wheel, using his vision to sight the ship. Gist is already handing him his spyglass and taking over on the wheel as Shay steps closer to the stern. He holds the glass to his eye and sets his sights upon the ship. Their flag whips in the wind. A Templar flag. Shay lowers his spyglass with a furrowed brow.  
“Is there any report of a Templar being out this far?” Shay asks without taking his eyes off the ship.
“Only us, Captain,” Gist answers a little bluntly.
Shay frown deepens. Even the tone in Gist’s voice tells him that he’s weary of the situation. His sharp eyes watch the sails, a speck of white on the horizon. It isn’t fear that rises and clenches his throat tight but a need to know who has come all this way out in the ice to meet them. He exhales, a cloud of breath blowing away.  
“Lay anchor and bring in the sails!” Shay bellows out his order.
Haytham is the first to step aboard the Morrigan, closely followed by Charles Lee. Shay can’t help the confused, distorted look that comes across his face. He straightens himself up though as he makes his way down the stairs to main deck to greet his Grandmaster. The last thing he wants Haytham to think is that he is displeased to see him. Gist takes the helm from Shay, keeping the Morrigan steady.
“Master Kenway, what brings you out here?” Shay asks formally.
Haytham sways on his feet a bit, still getting use to the rock and sway of the ship. But he stands strong and straight, his chest forward and chin held slightly up. He makes himself look bigger even though he stands at a medium height of a man. Shay stands at least a few inches above him, but it doesn’t matter. It’s clear who is in charge when they stand side by side.
Unlike Charles Lee who looks a right ol’ mess. He’s pale in the face and looks like he’s about to fall over the side of the Morrigan. It amuses Shay but he doesn’t let it show on his face.  
Haytham speaks sternly, “It was a bit of trouble finding you. But the cannon fire and smoke wasn’t hard to miss from afar,” he glances around the ship as he talks before returning to Shay. “I realized quickly that I wanted to see to the next Assassin dead. But I realize I’m a little too late?”
Shay lets out a short chuckle to cover up the heat he can feel burning on his face. “Almost perfect timing actually, sir.”
“Yes?” Haytham raises a brow.
“I’m on my way to stop Achillies and Liam in the north at a precursor sight. Le Chevalier was just but a mere distraction,” Shay explains all while he slowly makes his way back to the quarter deck.
He’s eager to go. He wants to lower the sails and catch the wind to stop the madness ahead. But without trying to make a scene, Haytham gives a shy nod to Shay with a short and almost unnoticed hand gesture at his side to the Captain. Only Shay sees it and he stops in his tracks, one foot on the first step of the stairs. Charles is too busy keeping himself up right to make a comment on anything.
“Charles, head back to New York,” Haytham answers without looking towards the man. He doesn’t take his eyes off of Shay. “I’m heading with Captain Cormac to the final location.”
Charles Lee perks up at this. “What about me, sir?”
Haytham finally gives him the satisfaction of looking in his direction. “You are going to take a trip back New York and wait until I’ve arrived back.”
This gets a reaction from Charles. His face goes as wide as a sauce pan and he looks between Haytham and Shay.
“Sir, with all due respect I-“
Charles shuts up when a hand is raised in his face. The Grandmaster’s dark stare is enough to quite anyone but this is Charles. He’ll keep talking and yapping despite the obvious signs of wanting him to stop.
“I need someone I trust in New York,” Haytham has to hold his sneer from scrunching up his nose.
At that, Charles’s demeaner changes to something satisfied. Shay clearly sees the annoyance radiating from the Grandmaster but someone as blind as Charles, it’s like a moth to a flame. As if to be proud that Haytham trusts him enough to man the fort in New York. A large smile appears under that moustache that Shay finds very annoying. He’s never liked Charles. Has always found him seeking and getting his nose into people’s business that he doesn’t have any mean to be in. He tends to stay away from Boston where the man likes to do his own business.
The one time he was along in a room with him, he talked down to Shay the entire time. Commenting about his former alliance and how he shouldn’t properly be trusted. Then as soon as Haytham had rejoined them, the boot licker’s personality was back.  
And here it was again. That sparkle in his eye any time Haytham looked his way. Like some lost pup that had forcefully attached itself to one person and wouldn’t leave them alone. The urge to tell him to get off his ship was strong, but Shay holds his tongue for professional reasons. Not in front of Haytham.  
“I’ll do just that,” Charles says with a low bow of his head. “I’ll see you upon your return.”
And with that, Charles Lee crosses the plank back to the Schooner Haytham voyaged out here. As soon as the plank is drawn back from the Morrigan, Shay is calling out for full sails. He almost runs up to the quarter deck and takes the helm from Gist.
“Raise the anchor! I want main sails! We’re going to get there as fast as we can!” Shay calls out to his crew.
Half the men respond back to him, acknowledging they’ve heard him and it’s like a frenzy on deck. Men run and pull ropes, climbing masts and letting red sails fly. The other half of the crew push the Morrigan away from Haytham’s schooner so they can set forward with scrapping sides. The trust the crew has in Shay and vice a versa is something Haytham has always dreamed of. But he also knows this bond between man and Captain is something only found out at sea and on a ship. It’s something earned and respected. Earned by being days out at sea and seeing the worst and the best of days together.
As the sails are let down, Haytham makes his way up next to Shay. He nearly falls over halfway up the stairs as the Morrigan suddenly lurches forward as she catches the wind. Haytham holds onto his hat as he makes the rest of the way up. A big smile comes across Shay’s face that he can’t hide. At the fact that the Morrigan is set a sail again and that Haytham is beside him.
But it quickly fades as soon as it comes. The destination quickly comes to mind. His excitement is short lived, his mood quickly becoming dull and sorrowful. He doesn’t know if anyone else has picked up the sudden change but he hopes not. He gives a quick glance to Haytham who is looking over his crew. Seeming to be fascinated with how they work. Haytham catches him staring, blue meeting brown. Yet, Shay can’t find himself to look away.  
“Report back to me now,” Haytham says over the rushing wind and thrashing waves, looking back out to the deck.
Shay seems to snap out of a trance and looks forward as well. The rest of the evening is Shay updating the Grandmaster as they sail north in the brisk cold. The sail is smooth though, any ice sheet that comes their way is smashed through with their ram. The Morrigan is strong and something of a menace.
Every time Haytham is aboard the Morrigan, an unknown sort of jealously arises inside of him that he can’t quite place. Might be one from never stepping foot on his father’s ship. Or that he has never met a Captain such like Shay before. Might or one or both between.
But Shay’s voice flows through the wind like some siren song. A thing that Haytham finds himself enjoying and one he could listen to for ages. None have quite perked the interested of Haytham Kenway much like the Captain of the Morrigan.  
The night comes quick and by the end of it, Shay’s voice has become hoarse from talking into the freezing wind. He didn’t stop once though, giving Haytham everything and anything in between. Answering every question that was asked his way with an even longer story.
It’s Gist that stops them. Shay’s first mate that notices the slouch in his Captain’s shoulders and how is voice sounds compared to a couple of hours ago.  
“Captain, I can take over if you want to call it a night?”
Shay is about to protest. That he can be out here for a couple more hours while Gist gets some rest himself, but Haytham beats him to it.
“I think that sounds like an excellent idea,” the Grandmaster pipes up. “Shay, there are more private things I need to discuss with you,” he says as he’s already making his way down the stairs.  
Shay stares off after the Grandmaster. He looks to Gist with a half smile.
“Best be off then. Boss has called,” he says before handing the helm over to his first mate. “Have one of the boys take over before you call it a night, Gist.”
“Will do.”
Haytham has already made his way inside of Shay’s quarters. It makes him slightly nervous at what he’s sniffing around at. Maybe the nervous flutter in his chest isn’t from Haytham snooping. He hasn’t been able to properly think about what happened between them a few weeks ago. Yes, he’s been wanting more of Haytham but Le Chevalier has been on his mind instead. His focus has been the precursor sites. If this private talk is about the moment they shared, the moment where Haytham showed him how much he truly cares then he hopes the Grandmaster can understand.
When stepping into his own quarters, Haytham is inspecting the model ship of the Morrigan. He doesn’t touch it, he knows it’s best not to despite how stunning it is. Haytham had heard Shay enter, but did not hear his soft and quiet footsteps come up behind him.
“How long have you had this?” Haytham simply asks.
Shay has to ponder for a moment. It’s been awhile but it’s always been there since he’s had the ship.
“When I took the Morrigan for myself, the model was already here,” Shay explains as he steps closer behind Haytham.
He’s close enough that his weapon straps on his chest could touch him if he leaned forward a bit. Shay smells strongly of gunpowder and the ocean. Salty and honestly, slightly fishy. But it’s a familiarity that Haytham would never admit.
“Why did you come out this far north, sir?” Shay asks after a long break of silence.
Haytham smiles to himself as he turns to face the hunter. With Shay’s added height, Haytham has to turn his chin up to look at the man in front of him eye to eye. He is truly a force to be reckoned with and Haytham has him to himself. He is on their side and they’re about to finish what Shay started. He wanted to be here to see that. For Shay to see this through.
But, truth be told, Haytham had begun to worry about Shay. Had a feeling this would be coming to a close very shortly. And, he was right. Shay would have returned and reported back just fine. Haytham has that trust in him. It’s just the thought of not being there while it all happened is what brought him this far north. What brought him upon renting a schooner and following the Morrigan’s course and tailing him all the way out here. When he had heard the cannon fire on the horizon, he had insisted that they join the fight. Yet Shay will not know of all that.
He will simply know, “To make sure that you don’t lose your head.”
That brings a light snicker from Shay but his brown eyes don’t leave Haytham. Shay’s touch is hesitant as his fingers glide up Haytham’s arms to lightly hold him.  
“Mhm, sure,” Shay grins as he comes ever so closer to his face. “Telling me not to lose my head, is that what was so important to tell me in private?”  
Haytham leans up for a kiss but stops a mere hair away from Shay, watching the Captain stare down at him through his lashes before going the rest of the way. Weary and gentle. Shay’s hand comes to the back of Haytham’s head, fingers raking into his hair and untying his ribbon. His hat is knocked off as Shay only wants more, deepening the kiss ever more. Neither of them want to rush this even though they both know the travel ahead.
Shay guides Haytham backwards all while unclothing him with cold fingers. Taking off his cloak and then his coat. In only his shirt, the brisk air quickly latches onto his skin and goosebumps rise with his hairs. The back of his legs hit the bed and he’s push down slowly with a hand on his chest. He goes down willingly.
“Losing my head, you said? It does feel like it when you do this to me,” Shay confesses, standing in front of Haytham still fully clothed.
“Oh?” Haytham says with a raised brow.
Shay smirks down at him. It’s at this angle that Haytham thinks that this must be what men see before they die at his hand. Almost a shadow in the night, staring down with dark predator like eyes. The look Shay gives him is one that wants to pounce, but its restrained. Those men that have died by his place have seen the other side of that predatory look.
He sits up on his elbows while he says, “This is highly unfair.”
Shay smiles as he begins to undo the straps that go across his chest. It takes too long for Haytham that he sits up fully and pulls Shay closer by his belt to undo it. The both of them get Shay down to just his pants in a good few passing minutes with just how many layers the man wears. Haytham never got to see what was under all those layers that night. But now he can see Shay’s refined form from years of discipline and hard work. Scarred with years of battle and fighting.
Haytham can’t help but run his hands down Shay’s chest to his hips. His fingers lightly touching the scars that mar his skin. The touch has the man almost flinching away, trying to hold himself in place.
“Ticklish?” Haytham raises a brow.
Shay gently wraps his hands around his and takes them off his stomach. “Your hands are cold, sir.”
This has Haytham barking a short laugh. It sounds odd but it’s a rare thing to hear and Shay drinks it up. He pushes Haytham down to his back again as he crawls over the top of him. He hisses in sharply as Haytham’s cold fingers touch his sides again. He can’t stop touching him.
Shay comes down close to Haytham’s face, their noses barely touching. Haytham leans up to kiss him but Shay moves just out of reach. A protest is on the tip of his tongue when the Captain looks away sheepishly.
“I want to…” the hunter’s gaze comes back to Haytham, “…return the favour.”
“Hmm.” Haytham agrees, a sly smile coming to his lips. “How would you like me then?” He talks so softly that Shay could have missed such a sweet question over the water splashing against the sides of the Morrigan.
Shay finally captures their cold lips together. Haytham holds his breath, closing his eyes and getting lost in the moment. Kissing Shay is so much different to anyone else he’s been with in the past. Shay is rough and stern, musky and salty, and firm unlike a woman or any of the other young men Haytham’s messed around with in his youth. It goes straight to his cock, his gut buzzing. As much as he wants to touch himself, he holds the sides of Shay’s face, not wanting this moment to end. But they have to part at some point to breath, too captured by the other to notice their lack of air.
Shay rests his forehead against Haytham. “You’re perfect like this.” He says before he sits up on his knees.
He bends over awkwardly, reaching over backwards to his nightstand. In the draw, he grabs out a bottle of oil and comes back. He sets it down next to Haytham on the blankets before his icy fingers hook his pants. He expects Shay to just take them off but big brown eyes stare at him.
“May I?” The Captain of the Morrigan, asks for permission.
Haytham has to hold back a smile, but the amusement can be heard into his voice as he answers with a soft, “Yes.”
With such a gentle touch for a Templar, Shay takes Haytham’s pants off. The cold instantly hits Haytham, keeping his dick semi hard. But Shay looks down at him with such adoration that it has his ears going red. An odd flutter appears in his chest that he wishes would go away, a tightness in his throat that seems to be choking him.
Shay grabs the bottle of oil and slicks up his fingers generously. Haytham watches him with anticipation. He quickly becomes confused as Shay reaches around to his own ass. Haytham grabs Shay’s arm and holds him still.
“No,” Haytham shakes his head lightly. “You said you wanted to return the favour. Do it this way,” he says as he opens his legs a little wider for Shay to get the message.
His brown eyes seem to get a twinkle in them as he shifts himself snuggly behind Haytham. His unslicked hand grabs on of Haytham’s thighs and pushes it out further to reveal himself more. He should feel like a dime whore giving himself up like this. The Grandmaster of the American Templar Order giving himself up to another man. But it’s Shay. He’s not just some other man.
“You’ve gotta stop doing this to me, sir,” Shay breathes out.
“Doing what?” Haytham quirks.
Shay squeezes his thigh softly. “Giving yourself to me.”
The ship glides over the water calmly and the cold seems to come forth a little bit more. Chilling Haytham’s skin with goosebumps. Or maybe Shay’s words is that, that has given him chills to cover him.
Haytham counteracts it, realizing he doesn’t have anything to say, “Are you going to stare at me all night in the cold, Shay?”
His face reddens as he looks down, the Irishman clearing his throat. Shay gently brings one oiled finger to Haytham’s ass finally and pushes in. Haytham hasn’t done this in a while so the touch is foreign, but not enough so that it isn’t welcome. After a couple of strokes and with Haytham relaxing, Shay adds a second. This gets a grunt from the Grandmaster. But Haytham can’t help the deep yelp that escapes his throat as Shay pours cold oil over his ass.
“Sorry!” Shay is quick to say.
Haytham goes to snap but his words get caught in his throat as Shay adds a third finger with the rest. He can’t help but pant as Shay works him open. His entire body buzzes and sparks. His hands fists into the blankets and he grinds his teeth, trying to keep himself from making a noise. He hasn’t felt this thrill of pleasure in ages. He must be a sight at the moment.
When Shay deems it enough, he takes his fingers out to Haytham’s dismay. He watches Shay with hooded eyes as he shuffled back off the bed to take his pants off to reveal the rest of him. His dick is half hard but as he shuffles back onto the bed, he strokes it a couple times with his oiled hand to bring it to full length. Seeing Shay fully naked now has Haytham realizing how refined this man is. The scars travel down his thighs and there are even some around his hips. Each white line most likely has a story and Haytham will have to get them out of Shay later on.
Haytham sits up and meets Shay with another kiss. He seems to can’t get enough of the taste of salt on the Captain’s lips and skin. Shay’s hands make their way under Haytham’s shirt, feeling him up. He knows he’s not as hardy as the other, his stomach a little bit softer, but all of his strength is in his chest and arms. Shay takes his shirt off swiftly before laying him back down on the bed. Haytham has a few older scars on his body that are now faint and fading, nothing like Shay’s. A higher-class Templar life does that to a man, only having to worry about an Assassin that will come around one day and give the killing blow. Nothing that one could walk away from. No scars to hold as trophies. Assassins don’t allow that.    
Shay grabs the bottle of oil again and slicks up his dick, hissing at the cold substance. Haytham holds his breath as Shay lines himself up, the head of his cock resting against his hole. Brown eyes glance at him, as if asking if he’s ready before pushing forward carefully.
Haytham tenses immediately as the head eases in, there being enough oil and prep that it goes in without resistance. Shay stops and waits for Haytham to give him a hard stare before continuing on. With how much violence this man as wrought it’s odd to see him so worrisome and gentle. Yes, this man tends to wear his heart on his shoulder, but he also hides it under his need to do the right thing. And if the right thing needs a monster, than Shay will show just that.
Shay pushes forward, slowly easing out and then thrusting again to get himself inside Haytham little by little. The stretch is uncomfortable and Haytham covers his face to stop the groans and whines coming from his mouth. With each bit that Shay is able to get inside, Haytham feels himself come apart. He can’t help his legs wrapping around the back of Shay’s back and almost pushing down the rest of the way. He feels such loss of control that it’s almost scary. It’s not until Shay is fully sheathed that Haytham’s hand is pried from his face. His hand is replaced with delicate lips that seem to peck over his lips, cheeks and forehead.
It’s all a little too much. Haytham knows he’s the one that has given himself up, but he can’t remember when he has been treated with such kindness. He doesn’t realize that there are tears spilling from his eyes until Shay is kissing them away. He hasn’t move within Haytham the entire time, keeping still and it’s making him itch. He isn’t crying, but the tears do drip down the side of his face and into his hair.
“Shay,” Haytham breathes out. “M-Move, for the love of God.”
A deep chuckle escapes Shay’s throat in Haytham’s ear that goes straight to his crotch. Shay pulls out only a bit and more or less begins a grind into his ass. It may not be a lot, but each movement drags along Haytham’s prostate, the oil easily helping the slide. He holds onto Shay as the other buries his face into his neck to apply more kisses to his skin. At this point, Haytham can’t help the breathless panting groans that come from him.
His wrapped legs hold tighter onto Shay and his nail seem to dig into his scarred back. He hasn’t gone two minutes and his body already feels like jelly, his body buzzing with want and a need to release. Haytham realizes that it has been quite a while since he has done something like this.
Shay changes his rhythm to something more, pulling halfway out then thrusting in over and over again. Haytham’s groans turn into panty moans. Even Shay now makes noises in Haytham’s ear, noises that only bring him closer to his release. The cold is long forgotten as their body heat is now radiating off both of them. The coil of pleasure tightens in Haytham’s gut and he knows he won’t be able to hold out for any longer.  
“S-Shay,” he accidently whines out. “Sh-Shay.”
Said man rises to his hands, thrusting into him at a different angle. He then changes it completely again as he sits up and grabs onto the back of Haytham’s thighs and pushes them forward until his knees are near his face, folding him in half. It gives Shay better access to thrust in and it’s clear he’s becoming desperate now, but still all while giving Haytham something. Because this, is going to send him over the edge. He can’t think straight now as every thrust pounds down in that spot that sends shocks through him and has him gripping the blankets again. His hair is like a halo around him and he stares up at Shay through hooded lashes.  
His hard dick hangs fully erect between them and hasn’t been touched this entire time, leaking pre cum onto his chest. If Haytham touches himself, he’s going to break, he’s going to come undone. He’s trying to hold on but even the sight of Shay seeming to concentrate on the even pace he sets himself is enough to push him over.
After a couple of more thrusts, Haytham can’t take it anymore. He’s sounding more like some virgin that has never been fucked in his entire life. Anyone outside the cabin be damned. He wraps a hand around his own dick and with a couple of sloppy strokes, he’s tensing up and almost locking Shay into place as he comes onto his own chest with a choked cry. Shay pants as he moves, pushing Haytham through his orgasm to meet his own. Haytham’s scrunched up expression as he comes is something that will be forever held onto. With a couple of more shallow grinds into Haytham, Shay quickly takes his dick out and comes onto Haytham’s stomach instead with a loud cry. It’s an odd feeling on Haytham’s part but he could care less right now. His entire body is buzzing and his vision is hazy. Shay stays where he is, shaking visibly and panting loudly.
The chill of the night quickly seeps upon Haytham before he can come down from his high. It seems to sober him up real quick.
“Shay, may you pass something to clean me up?” he asks drowsily.
Shay is quick to stand, his legs nearly giving out on him though but he stills grab Haytham a hand towel from across the room. It’s an amusing sight seeing the man’s pale ass skip across the room to fetch said item. Shay hand’s it to him before laying down on the bed next to the man. Haytham sits up on his elbows and cleans himself up the best he can. But he wants it done quickly as all he wants is to get under these blankets and fall asleep.
“It’s bloody cold,” Haytham grumbles.
Shay exhales a short laugh. “You get use to it.”
Haytham shakes his head as he chucks the towel onto the ground. “Move over so I can get underneath these damned blankets. I’m not walking all the way back to my quarters after most of the ship probably heard us.”
“I see you don’t do the walk of shame, sir,” Shay jokes as he hops off the bed and pulls back the covers.
Haytham rolls underneath them, already feeling warmer. “No,” he pouts.
Shay covers the bed with a couple of wolf and polar bear furs before sidling in next to Haytham. It’s warm and they may still smell of sex but neither of them care. The heat that seems to radiate off of Shay is something like a fire and Haytham holds onto him to capture that. Shay holds onto him, an arm wrapped around his shoulders to keep him warm. Haytham is content.  
After a few moments of peace though and with Haytham on the verge of sleep in the arms of Shay, said man perks up a question.
“What comes after this?”
Haytham hums in reply, not fully hearing the question.
“What will my orders be after this is all over?” Shay repeats.
The Grandmaster thinks for a moment. “There is always something next for the Order. Let’s just concentrate on Achilles and the task at hand,” he replies.
This, Shay seems content with. Haytham is finally able to fall asleep in the warmth of another all while Shay stays up thinking about the fight ahead. All with little knowledge that Haytham is about to send him away on orders for the next two decades.
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