mayumyum · 10 months
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Richas ...?
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amberizedcasey · 7 months
okay guys this is bagi and cellbit discussion one hundred percent
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i know that in achilles come down the person singing is patroclus so you may think of roier first but he is also down with the murder so it won’t work (although i can see some other parallels in the song with spiderbit and also them as achilles and patroclus in general but that's for another time)
now let me tell you how this would go
mention of intrusive thoughts btw, i have them myself so this may be a little biased sorryy
cellbit has a martyr complex, he thinks he is better off dead, he is putting himself out there, he wants the feds to know it's him killing the workers, he nows that this is not ending well, but he is doing either way because he knows (at least he thinks so) that this is the only way to save the people he loves, he is willing to die so they can have a chance to leave the island and be free, and he won't stop
bagi on the other side is little codependent, she spent her whole life trying to find her brother, trying to save him, and she blames herself for no finding him soner, she thinks it's her fault that he is the way he is, she thinks that she wasn't enough and that maybe if she was, he wouldn't have end up the way he did, so she wants to help him, she really does, even thought the brother she once knew is not really there (also something i want to dive more in because we do see that brother sometimes, when he is with the eggs for example), but she can't let him go this path, because she nows that there will be consequences, and that he may lose himself, or worse he may die
so she is trying get him to come down of the roof, or in their case, stop the killing
the voice in his head is himself, not in a double personality way but as intrusive thoughts cause like he said, there isn't a f!cell and a q!cell, he is cellbit and he is a little fucked up (as someone with intrusive thoughts myself i found that funny, let me cope the way i want)
cellbit is looking for a way to help people, he doesn't want them to go through the same pain that he went, so he puts himself in the position of a martyr, someone that is willing to die for his cause, but he is also tired, tired of trying, tired of containing, tired of not felling anything, so he let go, he let's his intrusive thoughts win (THOSE ARE REAL INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS GUYS, NOT WANTING TO DYE YOUR HAIR AT THREE AM)
cellbit has said before that he doesn't like the person he used to be, he said once to richas that he was something way worse than a hero, so a rat isn't that far from it, he deserves nothing but death
the thoughts tell him as much, he must die, and he must take as many workers with him, if he can't infiltrate, if playing their game is not enough, if he is not enough, so let's be the monster they made him to be, if people don't trust him, let's give them a reason not to
but bagi won’t let him do this, so she tries to talk him out of this
now for a more ilustrated way (my brain only thinks through animatics even thought i have no strength to take this images and put them in paper) i think he sees the intrusive thoughts as himself, he is what he is most afraid of after all, and bagi is talking to him, but he doesn't see her as she is, she see a child talking to him, he sees the sister he could have had, he sees the sister he didn't have
at the end of the song, when there is only bagi talking he finaly see her as she is, as a woman, a woman who lost her childhood trying to find her brother, a woman who fought hell and back to get to his brother, a woman who loves him, a woman who doesn’t want to lose him, a woman who could be his sister again, if he would just come down of that roof
AAAAND we end it here cause that's all i got
also, if you have intrusive thoughts too i just want to tell that they DO NOT define you, you are not them, you are not a bad person, if one thing you are really strong for keeping up
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