The "Zelenskyy is using green screen and is not on Kyiv" conspiration theories are just getting more and more dumb and crazy...
The first Kremlin idiots acutally (and they are serious about this) now say that they believe that Ze isn't real at all. That he was a projection / hologramm / green screen figure all the time. That he's not a real person.
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theartificialdane · 5 years
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So duuuuuuuuuuuuumb
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renxamamiya · 6 years
honestly, if I ever make a typo please fucking IM me so I can fix it. Just going on my graphic and being like ‘UM THIS WORD IS MISSPELLED LOL I’M SO SMART AT POINTING IT OUT OP IS DUUUUUUUUUUUUUMB’ is shitty, makes you look pig headed and I hope you enjoy getting blocked
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aduck8myshoes · 6 years
okay going back and watching Civil War after having a string of Marvel villains that were actually decent,
why did they even put Zemo in that movie? they could have easily played out the bucky/steve/tony conflict some other way
and his plan was duuuuuuuuuuuuumb
like literally any little detail going differently could have thrown that shit off course completely, and I refuse to believe that Zemo is some Ozymandias level master of planning given that we have no reason to think otherwise other than everything worked out
I still like the movie, it’s fun to watch, but that shit was weak, and I’m so glad Marvel got their baddies in line before Thanos
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officialstarscream · 7 years
Why are people so fucking duuuuuuuuuuuuumb
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