chromet · 8 months
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Oakley 2K Eye Jacket, Minute and Monster Dog. Project for Backrow by Aleix Barau.
Photography: @aleix.barau
Haircut: @titopaulinoo
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alonglistofbirds · 2 years
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[586/10,977] Barau's Petrel - Pterodroma baraui
Order: Procellariiformes (tubenoses) Family: Procellariidae (petrels, prions and shearwaters) Genus: Pterodroma (gadfly petrels)
Photo credit: Niall D Perrins via Macaulay Library
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Juggernaut Wars - Gladiator Baraus by Alexandr Leskinen
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mobijeuxatelecharger · 9 months
Jeux d’aventure : retrouve plusieurs opus sur le site Mobijeux !
Les jeux d’aventure de Mobijeux te promettent des heures d’excitation, d’exploration et de découvertes. En effet, tu pourras prendre part à une tonne d’activités différentes. Par exemple, tu seras amené à aller à la recherche de trésors cachés, de mystères à résoudre ou de quêtes épiques à accomplir. Chaque titre t’offre une expérience immersive et captivante. Prépare-toi à embarquer dans des…
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nghubs1 · 2 years
Bashir Barau Mangal Biography, Age, Career and Death
Bashir Barau Mangal Biography, Age, Career and Death
Bashir Barau Mangal was a Nigerian businessman man and administrator. He was the Vice Chairman and CEO of Max Air and a younger brother to Dahiru Mangal. Bashir Mangal was born in Kastina state to Alhaji Barau Mangal.  Read Soji Taiwo Biography, Age, Movies and Net Worth Career and Business Bashir Mangal is a Nigerian businessman, industrialist and administrator. He was the CEO and vice…
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armandoandrea2 · 5 months
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Werner Bischof
Cham women returning from market, Barau, Indochina
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lamyaasfaraini · 5 months
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Ke trigger liat komen ini.. Iyak bener aku dan suami kaya gini juga ko. Pas aku liatin ke suami video dan komen ini blio jg heran knp emg kan udah suami istri pasti begitu bukan? Hahahaha iyaa makanya, terlepas dari ke sosweetan mereka berdua kami jg kadang dibalut oleh candaan. Aku ataupun suami saling heureuy aja gt, ngga hanya di dapur atuh.. Apalagi kalo di dapur di kelikitikin lah, tiba2 di cium pipinya atau di peluk jg atau ya minta peluk gmn sikon weh wlpn kita berdua teh barau kesang, barau bawang bumbu masak, dasteran, baju belel yg udah pw dipake tidur. Akupun sama kalo suami lg masak dan ngga bantu samsek, tiba2 pas mau selesei aku peluk lah sama sniff2 bau acem khasnya khas suamiku doang yg punya haha.
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Lalu nemu lg komen ngga kalah lucu dan jorang yah heuseus untuk yg udah halal dong tentunya wkwkwk.
Yaampun baca replies sama quote repost nya bodor2 pula. Iya bener relate loh heeeyyyy! Tangannya teh camal bgt atuh bukan hanya di dapur. Kayanya lg diem jg ujug2 di colek, di tepak gitu. Kadang risih kadang dah biasa saking seringnya hahahaha.
Kalopun suami lg nyuekin istrinya, aku selalu minta sih. "yang ko kayanya hari ini aku belom di peluk yah? Peluk dong 5 jam!" hahaha canda 5 jam. Yakalo nyolek pantat mah hemm gosah ditanya deh. Tapikan dipeluk lebih kerasa tatih tayangnya yahhh hwhwhwhw.
Dan kami jg punya kebiasaan physical touch bgt. Pas mau berangkat kerja sun tanganku, sun jidatku, cipika cipiki, smooch 💋, sehabis tiap solat berjamaahpun sama kaya pas berangkat kerja, pas mau tidur lebih mesra lagi cuddling dulu suami usap2in apa aja yg bisa diusap, punggung, pantat (yailaaa pantat lg), kepala, lengan jg yg penting ada sentuhan fisik lah. Trus suka tiba2 di sun akunya tuuhhh pas udah mau merem bgt jd mesem2 tp dah mau tibra haha.
Gedean dikit nih nemo pasti enek ngeliat kemesraan kita, mumpung msh kecil ya nak haha. Etapi ttp ya kalo depan anak mesra kami sewajarnya yg harus diliat anak2 dong yaa. Lagian kami kalo mesra jg ngga mengandung nafsu. Kalo udah nafsu mah ya beda cerita lain lagi di wkt yg tepat jg dong wkwkwk. Oiya seumur nemo mah msh suka liat ibu ayahnya begitu kadang ngingetin jg "ayah itu ibunya cium dulu" atau nyuruh peluk, atau pernah nyuruh pegangan tangan di tempat umum hahaha dasar. Tapiiii jangan salah nemo jg suka ada aja cemburunya, kadang cemburunya sama ibu atau sama ayah. Kadang ibu sama nemo rebutan ayah wkwkwk.
Di tengah badai juga namanya rumah tangga ada warasnya jg dong. Malah kalo kami lg berantem itu kami kaya lg ngga mengenal satu sama lain, lohhh siapa sih kamu ko kita saling menyakiti padahal kita semesra itu loh, ketawa bareng, sayang2an, secinta itu.. Begitulah pahit manisnya rumah tangga yg baru seumur jagung ini.. Semoga yg manisnya akan terus bertahan bahkan semakin bertambah, yg pahitnya bisa dimininalisir kalo boleh minta mah ilangin aja ya Allah. Yang pasti ya Allah tolong selalu jaga kami yaa.
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marcoszks · 8 months
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Oakley 2K Eye Jacket, Minute and Monster Dog. Project for Backrow by Aleix Barau.
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janjai · 24 days
Awali yang barau
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ejesgistnews · 1 month
Lagos Police Foil Kidnap Attempt on Car Dealer in Ikorodu.   Lagos, Nigeria — Personnel of the Lagos State Police Command have thwarted an attempted kidnapping of a car dealer in the Ebute Igbogbo area of Ikorodu. The swift response by detectives attached to the State Command led to the arrest of three suspects during the operation.   The suspects, identified as Taiwo Olayinka, 30, Azeez Sodiq, 33, and Saheed Moonstruck, 23, were apprehended on Wednesday, August 21. The incident unfolded when the car dealer, who was riding his powerbike, was stopped at gunpoint by the armed robbers in broad daylight. The assailants then forced the businessman into their operational vehicle and drove him away from the scene.   Read Also: Fuel Scarcity: Sack NNPC GMD, Mele Kyari, Now, PDP Chieftain Tells President Tinubu   According to sources, the suspects took their victim to three different Point of Sale (POS) terminals, forcing him to withdraw money from his bank account at each location.   The Lagos State Police Command has since commended the efforts of the officers involved in the operation, noting that their quick action prevented the successful execution of the crime and led to the capture of the suspects. The arrested individuals are currently in custody and are expected to face charges related to the attempted kidnapping and armed robbery. Palliatives: Barau-Led Committee Meets, Assures Of Equitable Distribution In Kano   The incident highlights the ongoing efforts by the Lagos State Police to combat criminal activities and ensure the safety of residents in the state.
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tracknews1 · 1 month
Unknown gunmen kill one, Kidnap eight others in Kaduna community
Unknown gunmen have attacked Kwassam in Kauru local government area of Kaduna State, killing one Doctor Ishaya and abducting about eight others. A source told TrackNews Media that the kidnappers stormed the community in the early hours of Monday and went away with an uncertain amount of people’s property. According to the source, “Those abducted by the kidnappers are Mr Dan’iya Barau, Mrs Bitrust…
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kurung-kuring-aing · 2 months
Jadi kieu :
- Pilari sing kapendak Jalan na (Solokan nana) anu nuju ka Laut (Sagara Cai).
- Pilari Akalna Sangkan Caina ngocor ka Laut (Sagara Cai)
- Pilari sing kapendak Elmuna Sangkan Rasa Cai di darat bisa balik deui kana Rasa Cai di Laut (Sagara Cai) nyaeta Asin.
- Upami teu kapendak solokan nana (Jalan na) anu brasna ka Sagara Cai (Laut), upami teu kapendak cara na caina ngocor lancar ka Puserna deui, upami henteu kapendak sangkan Rasa Cai jadi Asin deui, - atuh bakal tetep kukulibeukan pungkal pengkol kalangsu di darat keneh didarat keneh, bisa-bisa engke parantos ngancik dina Kolomberan nya kotor nya barau. - Nya wayahna teu tiasa mulang ka Asal. - Tah eta ibaratna cicing dina Rasa Naraka.
- jadi kitu kajadianana teh benten na Rasa Dohir (Dunya) sareng Rasa Batin (Akherat) teh. - Salajengna ayeuna teh panasaran hoyong di pasihan carana atawa milarian jalan pamulihan !.
- Perkawis eta mah ulah lesot tina ukuran, tuturkeun sakumaha pituduh Dalil :
- Anu hartosna : Kedah tiasa maot samemeh maot anu sabener na.
- Margi upami teu tiasa maot heula sajeroning hirup, engke moal terang ka Akherat.
- Kapan Ma’na tina eta Dalil ANTAL MAOTU QOBLAL MAOTU, teh sasat mere pituduh, yen Akherat (Bathin) asal urang teh kedah uninga heula ti ayeuna, supaya engke ulah nyasab atawa kalangsu jalan.
- anu di maksad Maot didieu teh naha Maot leres ?, atawa kumaha ?.
- Kapan saur katerangan oge MAOT SAMEMEH MAOT, jadi sanes maot leres - Maksadna teh sing ngaraos Sakarat, sing Karaos Nyerina. - Upami disorang ti ayeuna, engke dina waktosna Moal kasorang deui, margi sakaratna parantos seep.
- janten ieu mah mung supaya ngarasakeun wungkul - Dupi bentenna sareng anu maot leres kumaha tah ?
- Kieu atuh - aya NYAWA sareng RASA NYAWA :
- Ari anu maot leres mah, Nyawana teu Aya, tinggal Wujud na (Af’alulloh) tea.
- Ari anu dimaksad ANTAL MAOTU QOBLAL MAOTU mah upama basa Karuhun mah - KUDU BISA NGANJANG KA PAGETO. Eta teh kieu :
1. Sanes Nyawa na anu teu aya teh , tapi Rasa Nyawa na nu kedah leungit pisan. - Sing tiasa hilap kana saniskara. Kalebet kana Wujudna sorangan. Bakating ku cengeng ka - Dzat – Sifat Alloh, ningal sajeroning Ati.
2. Kedah ngarasakeun Nyeri na Sakarat Jalan Maot di lahir. Ngarah teu nganteur Nafsu teuing kana kama’siatan.
- Upami saur ahli-ahli Tassawuf mah kedah ngalangkungan Pintu Fana pikeun ngajugjug, sangkan dugi kana Musyahadah (Paneteup) ka Dzat Alloh. - Ari carana kedah ngalangkungan Panto Maot, dina hartos Maot Kahoyong (Nafsu) pikeun Awas na Qolbu.
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alkammawa1posts · 3 months
Quality Education: NTIC Very rare in Nigeria says Kwairanga
By Bello Ahmadu Alkammawa The combined graduations of Nigerian Tulip International Colleges Abuja (NTIC) and  Cuddle School Abuja was attended by large crowd of people that comprises the Deputy Senate President Senator Barau Jibrin, Ministers of FCT and Police Affairs as well as former governors, captain of industries, traditional rulers such as Damburan of Gombe, academicians and politicians of…
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Mobijeux te présente une variété de jeux de logique !
Les jeux de logique de Mobijeux sont conçus pour stimuler ton esprit et t’offrir une expérience captivante. Que tu sois un amateur de puzzles ou un passionné de softs de type « Réflexion », sache que tu auras l’occasion d’en retrouver une panoplie sur le site. En effet, chaque opus te permet de vivre des moments intenses à travers des activités intellectuelles. Prépare-toi à relever des défis…
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hardynwa · 7 months
Senate confirms 4 persons to serve as Board of Directors for CBN
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The Senate on Thursday, approved four nominees out of five from President Bola Tinubu to serve on the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN. In a report which was submitted to the Chambers by the Committee Chairman on Banking, Insurance, and Other Financial Institutions, Senator Mikhail Adetokunbo Abiru, representing Lagos East Senatorial District, the nominees were satisfactorily screened. The lawmaker maintained that their nomination by President Tinubu was in line with Section 6(1)(10)(D) of the CBN Act. While he sought their confirmation, Abiru told his colleagues that there was no petition against any of the nominees, adding that there were no security reports about them by the Department of State Service, DSS or the Nigeria Police and that they had also fulfilled the Code of Conduct Bureau requirements. He said: “He also said, the nominees have knowledge of the industry and have the capability to serve on the CBN board ” Meanwhile, Senator Orji Uzor Kalu representing Abia North Senatorial District disclosed that Urum Kalu Eke who is his constituent excused himself from the nomination for another engagement with the World Bank. He said: “Mr President and Distinguished Colleagues, Mr Urum is my constituent and he called to say, there will be a conflict of interest in his nomination as CBN board director. “That he wishes to decline, while he has already informed the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria.” After contributions, the Deputy Senate President, Jibrin Barau who presided over the plenary confirmed the nominees through a voice vote: The nominees confirmed are: 1. Mr Robert Agbede2. Mr Ado Yakubu Wanka3. Professor Muritala Sabo Sagagi4. Mrs Muslimat Olanike Aliyu. Read the full article
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gbeducitynews · 10 months
Peter Obi visits victims of Kaduna airstrike, calls for probe
The presidential candidate of the Labour Party in the 2023 general elections, Peter Obi has visited victims of the recent accidental military airstrike on Tudun Biri village in the Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State. During his visit to the Barau Dikko Teaching Hospital on Tuesday, Obi called for a thorough investigation into the incident and emphasized the need for increased funding for…
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