#Barlow Renegade (OC)
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Rosemary and her brothers (Barlow & Bosco) are just trying to make new friends but unfortunately her eyes are scary to most kids
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*RosePearl Gemling Jumpscaee*
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And Lore dump…Istg I keep lore dumping about the wrong things
But anyways it’s below if you’d like to read it. If not; get ready to see these guys a lot because the gemling stuff is actually important to the AU and not just fun (although I am having fun with these guys)
The RosePearl kids were born sometime durning the war and spent most of their (very unfortunately) short lives fighting each other and alongside each other.
Barlow and Rosemary have always had animosity toward each other even since they were barely walking leaving Bosco to defuse the tension.
Barlow’s anamosity just might be her interlaced hatred of being a Pearl and Rosemary not having to try as hard to be a good fighter/soilder. He’s trying his best and live to his mother’s legacy and if anything were to happen to them, he would like to be the new acting leader of the rebellion. Although her façade of the prefect golden child slips every now and then.
Rosemary wants nothing to do with the war as much as most gems seem to want nothing to do with her. People have always called her the strange child of Rose and her unnerving eyes make it harder to even walk up to people.
Bosco, the youngest, is just trying his best to get by. He really, really wants to be a leader like his mother (Rose) and be able to strike fear in others and be someone people look up too. But he’s just so small and scrawny and Barlow has already convinced everyone he’s a better fit for a leader and has already led several successful battles. If only he could be half of what Barlow is.
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"Our mothers fight and now Barlow is getting involved in those fights. My family is falling apart!"
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Some lore to crunch on:
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Barlow Omggg Barlow, I can’t wait to talk about them more
Barlow tends to hide under a mask of confidence that he so scared to let slip or break. And unfortunately it happens a lot around his siblings. He’s a talented swords man, he learned from the best (his mother) and now he’s burden himself with too many responsibilities that he doesn’t want to let go. He doesn’t want to disappoint his mothers. He’s so busy trying to inherit his mother’s legacy, he forgot he can build one of his own, with his siblings. But he’s driven himself mad with exhaustion, war and lies. So mad he doesn’t even feel when he strikes his siblings.
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