#Best Oncologist Doctor in Delhi
drdodulmondal · 15 hours
Understanding Genetic Cancer Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
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Cancer is a complex disease that can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic mutations. Genetic cancer, also known as hereditary cancer, is a type of cancer that is passed down through families due to changes in certain genes. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments of genetic cancer, with a focus on the expertise of Dr. Dodul Mondal, a renowned radiation oncologist known for his exceptional care and expertise in treating cancer patients.
Read more:https://bestradiationoncologistindelhincr.blogspot.com/2024/06/understanding-genetic-cancer-causes.html
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cancerconsultindia · 16 hours
How to Treat Breast Cancer During Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a beautiful and life-changing experience for women, but receiving a breast cancer diagnosis during pregnancy can be incredibly scary. It is necessary to navigate the complexities of cancer treatment while keeping both mother and baby safe. Here is an ultimate guide on how to treat breast cancer with the help of an oncologist in Noida during pregnancy.
Understanding the Diagnosis
Breast cancer during pregnancy, although rare, is not unheard of. Early detection is key – be aware of such symptoms as a persistent lump in the breast, changes in breast shape, or unusual nipple discharge. Timely recognition may largely affect the treatment strategy and prognosis for both the woman and her child.
Initial Steps After Diagnosis
When diagnosed with breast cancer, a multidisciplinary team will create an individualized treatment plan involving oncologists, obstetricians, and surgeons. Such a team approach ensures that both cancer therapy and pregnancy management are optimized.
Treatment Options
The approach towards treating breast cancer during pregnancy greatly depends on the trimester of gestation, stage of malignancy as well as overall maternal health condition. Below are some possible therapies:
1. Surgery
First Trimester: Surgery is generally safe; depending on the cancer stage and site lumpectomy or mastectomy may be performed.
Second and Third Trimester: The operation remains an option. Surgery becomes safer because the growing fetus gains more protection against risks associated with anesthesia.
2. Chemotherapy
First Trimester: Chemotherapy is often avoided due to the high risk for congenital abnormalities.
Second and Third Trimester: Certain chemotherapy drugs can be safely administered. They are carefully selected to minimize harm to the unborn child while effectively treating cancer.
3. Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy usually gets postponed until after delivery because it may pose potential dangers to fetus development.
4. Hormone and Targeted Therapies
These treatments are generally contraindicated during pregnancy due to potential fetal risks. They might be considered postpartum.
Evaluation and Changes
The baby’s health and growth will be ensured by regular monitoring by a cancer doctor in Delhi using ultrasound or other imaging technologies. Depending on the cancer response as well as the progression of pregnancy, doctors may need to modify their treatment plans.
Emotional and Psychological Help
Discovering that one has cancer when they are pregnant can take a toll on someone emotionally. This is why psychological help for mothers is important (sometimes fathers and relatives also need it). It is at this point that people should go for support groups, counseling, or even therapy because such kinds of services provide emotional steadiness, which helps individuals cope better during difficult days like these.
Post-Delivery Considerations
After giving birth, there might be a need to revise the treatment plan to include therapies that were avoided earlier on. The time of delivery should be chosen carefully i.e., whether full term or induced pre-term to balance between the mother’s health requirements vis-à-vis those of her unborn child. Also, depending on the treatment regimen, breastfeeding may have to be rethought.
Hope And Support
One must stay positive all through. Even in pregnancy, breast cancer can still be treated effectively thanks to improvements made in medical science. Care from friends, family members, and healthcare providers acts as stepping stones toward recovery.
Final Thoughts
Pregnant women with breast tumors require skillful management since both curing the disease and protecting the fetus have equal significance. By closely collaborating with Dr. Manish Singhal from CCI, the best breast cancer doctor in Noida, while keeping yourself updated about new medical developments and seeking mental backup, any woman can maneuver through this tough period stronger than before.
Remember, every experience differs. Therefore, there are many ways of going about it! Proper care coupled with adequate support sees the majority coming out alive. Hence, the best outcomes are being realized for both mom & baby.
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oncologistseemasingh · 18 hours
Early Detection of Breast Cancer   What You Need to Know
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Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting women worldwide. Early detection plays a crucial role in successfully treating and managing this disease. With advancements in medical technology and increased awareness, many women can now detect breast cancer at an early stage, significantly improving their chances of recovery. This article will guide you through the importance of early detection, the methods available, and the steps you can take to ensure you stay healthy.  
Read more: https://oncologistdrseemasingh.blogspot.com/2024/06/early-detection-of-breast-cancer-what.html
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drmohitagarwal01 · 5 days
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medicalworld17 · 7 days
Neo Hospital: A Premier Destination for Oncology Care in Noida
Located in the heart of Noida, Neo Hospital stands as a beacon of hope and healing for patients battling cancer. Recognized as the Best Oncologist Hospital in Noida, Neo Hospital offers comprehensive cancer care that combines advanced technology with compassionate treatment.
State-of-the-Art Oncology Department
The Oncology Department at Neo Hospital is equipped with the latest medical technology, ensuring that patients receive the most effective and precise treatments available. From advanced diagnostic tools like PET-CT scans and MRI machines to cutting-edge radiation therapy equipment, the hospital is well-prepared to tackle even the most challenging cancer cases.
Expert Oncologists
At the core of Neo Hospital’s oncology services is its team of highly skilled oncologists. These specialists bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, having trained at some of the most prestigious medical institutions in the world. Their dedication to staying abreast of the latest developments in oncology ensures that patients benefit from the most current and effective treatment protocols.
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Comprehensive Cancer Care
Neo Hospital’s oncology department offers a holistic approach to cancer treatment. This includes surgical oncology, medical oncology (chemotherapy, immunotherapy), and radiation oncology. The hospital’s multidisciplinary team collaborates to create individualized treatment plans tailored to the specific needs of each patient, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Support Services
Understanding that cancer treatment extends beyond medical procedures, Neo Hospital provides robust support services. These include nutritional counseling, psychological support, and pain management, all designed to help patients and their families navigate the complexities of cancer care with confidence and ease.
A Multi-Speciality Approach
As a multi-speciality hospital in Noida, Neo Hospital integrates the expertise of various medical disciplines to provide comprehensive care. This multidisciplinary approach is particularly beneficial in oncology, where patients often require the services of surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, and other specialists. The seamless coordination among these experts ensures that every aspect of a patient’s health is addressed.
Patient-Centered Care
Neo Hospital is committed to offering patient-centered care, emphasizing the importance of empathy and personalized attention. The hospital’s oncology team is known for its compassionate approach, ensuring that patients feel supported throughout their treatment journey. Regular follow-ups, patient education, and open communication channels are integral parts of the patient care experience at Neo Hospital.
Recognition and Awards
Numerous accolades and positive patient testimonials bolster Neo Hospital’s reputation as the best hospital in Noida. The hospital’s dedication to excellence in oncology care has been recognized both nationally and internationally, making it a preferred choice for cancer treatment in the region.
Neo Hospital’s oncology department stands out as a leader for those seeking top-tier cancer care in Noida. Its blend of advanced technology, expert medical professionals, comprehensive care, and compassionate support services solidifies its status as the best oncologist hospital in Noida. As a Multi-Specialty Hospital in Noida, Neo Hospital ensures that all aspects of patient care are meticulously managed, reaffirming its position as the best hospital in Noida.
Choosing Neo Hospital means entrusting your health to a facility that prioritizes innovation, expertise, and empathy, ensuring that each patient’s journey to recovery is as smooth and successful as possible.
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drshaina09 · 7 days
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oncarecancer · 12 days
Looking for the best breast cancer doctor in Delhi? Our comprehensive guide helps you find top specialists, understand their qualifications, and choose the right doctor for your needs. Discover expert care at Oncare Cancer.
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Experience Exceptional Care at Medanta Hospital in Delhi, India
Medanta hospital Delhi India stands as a leading multi-specialty facility renowned for its exceptional medical services. The hospital's dedicated efforts in pursuing an honorable vocation have established it as a symbol of versatility, setting new standards for healthcare quality.
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Best cancer surgery hospital Manipal India stands out as a leading multi-specialty hospital known for its exceptional cancer surgery services. Its dedicated efforts in pursuit of excellence have made it a symbol of versatility, setting new standards for healthcare quality.
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unique-hospital · 1 month
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In the realm of cancer research, what once seemed like science fiction is now a tangible reality, all thanks to a myriad of technological advancements. These innovations are not just changing the way we perceive cancer treatment but are actively accelerating progress against this formidable disease. In this given blog Dr Ashish Gupta will help you understand some groundbreaking technologies that are reshaping the landscape of cancer care and ushering in a new era of hope and possibility.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Imagine having a digital twin- a virtual representation of yourself – crafted through sophisticated AI algorithms to help physicians tailor treatment plans with unparalleled precision. This futuristic concept is now within reach, thanks to the remarkable capabilities of artificial intelligence. By sifting through vast troves of data, AI can pinpoint patterns, aiding in cancer diagnosis, drug development, and personalized medicine. As per Dr Ashish Gupta, USA trained, American board-certified medical oncologist, Chief of Medical Oncology, Unique Hospital Cancer Centre, Dwarka India, whether it’s analyzing imaging data or predicting treatment outcomes, AI is poised to revolutionize every facet of cancer care, promising transformative advancements on the horizon.
In an age where connectivity reigns supreme, telehealth emerges as a beacon of hope, seamlessly bridging the gap between patients and cancer care providers. Especially crucial in the midst of a pandemic, telehealth has become instrumental in delivering cancer treatment and running clinical trials remotely. From remote health monitoring to video consultations, telehealth not only enhances accessibility but also ensures safety and convenience for patients and providers alike. However, the journey towards equitable telehealth access poses its own set of challenges, underscoring the ongoing need for research and innovation in this domain.
Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM)
Peer through the lens of cryo-electron microscopy, and you’ll behold a world of molecular intricacies previously unseen. With unprecedented resolution, Cryo-EM enables researchers to delve into the inner workings of molecules, unraveling the mysteries of cancer cell behavior and therapeutic interactions. Recent breakthroughs, such as visualizing drug interactions at the molecular level, exemplify the transformative potential of Cryo-EM in shaping future cancer treatments. As access to this cutting-edge technology expands, so too does our understanding of cancer biology, paving the way for targeted interventions and personalized therapies.
Infinium Assay
The secrets encoded within our genes, the Infinium Assay emerges as a powerful tool in deciphering the genetic underpinnings of cancer. By scrutinizing millions of genetic variations, this innovative assay sheds light on cancer risk, progression, and development. Initially met with skepticism, its journey from conception to widespread adoption showcases the tangible impact of taxpayer-funded innovation. From cancer research to population-wide genomic studies, the Infinium Assay holds immense promise in unraveling the genetic tapestry of cancer and beyond.
Robotic Surgery
Enter the realm of robotic surgery, where precision meets innovation to redefine the surgical landscape. With robotic arms wielding scalpel-like precision, complex cancer surgeries become minimally invasive affairs, offering patients faster recovery times and reduced postoperative discomfort. Beyond the allure of futuristic technology, robotic surgery epitomizes the marriage of precision and compassion, offering renewed hope to cancer patients worldwide.
As we stand at the precipice of a new era in cancer treatment, fueled by cutting-edge technologies, the future holds boundless promise and potential. From AI-driven personalized medicine to the precision of robotic surgery, each innovation represents a stepping stone towards a world where cancer is not just treatable but conquerable. By embracing and harnessing these transformative technologies, we embark on a journey towards a brighter, healthier tomorrow- one where cancer is no longer a formidable adversary but a conquerable challenge. If you are searching best cancer treatment, contact Dr Ashish Gupta, USA trained, American board-certified medical oncologist
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drdodulmondal · 16 hours
Head and Neck Cancer Understanding Your Diagnosis
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Head and neck cancer can be a scary diagnosis, but understanding your condition is the first step toward effective treatment and recovery. This blog will help you navigate the basics of head and neck cancer, providing you with the essential information you need.
Read more:https://bestradiationoncologistindelhincr.blogspot.com/2024/06/head-and-neck-cancer-understanding-your.html
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cancerconsultindia · 25 days
What is the Metastatic Cancer?
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When cancer spreads through the body from where it first formed, it is called metastatic cancer. This article’s objective is to cover all the aspects of metastatic cancer, including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options from Dr. Manish Singhal from CCI, the best breast cancer doctor in Noida, and the emotional roller-coaster that follows.
What is Metastatic Cancer?
It occurs when cells break away from a primary tumor and travel through lymph or blood to a new site in the body. These “traveler” cells of the primary tumor develop into secondary tumors elsewhere in the body, such as other organs or tissues. In other words, they are made up of cells that closely resemble those that make up the original (primary) tumor but not the organ in which they are found.
For example, if breast cancer moves to another organ, like the lungs, lung cells will not be seen in them. Otherwise, this would be called lung cancer. Instead, these will still be breast cancers that have invaded the lungs. For this one needs breast cancer treatment in Noida.
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How Does Cancer Spread?
Cancer metastasis involves several complex steps:
1. Invasion
cancer cells invade nearby normal tissue.
2. Intravasation
This is when cancer cells move into nearby blood vessels or lymphatic vessels.
3. Circulation
The movement of cancers via the bloodstream/lymphatic system
4. Extravasation
This is when cancer sticks itself out of blood/lymph vessels into new tissues
5. Proliferation
The number increase and growth of cancers in this place
6. Angiogenesis
Development of new blood vessels for feeding nutrients and oxygen supply purposes on tumor area which has now become metastatic.
Common Sites of Metastasis
Each type of cancer tends to spread most commonly to certain areas within the body- The most common sites for metastasis include;
Breast, prostate, and lung cancers often spread to the bones.
Colorectal, pancreatic, and breast cancers commonly metastasize to the liver.
Bladder, kidney, colorectal, and breast cancer often spread to the lungs.
Lung, melanoma, renal, and breast cancer frequently metastasize in the brain.
Symptoms of Metastatic Cancer
The symptoms associated with metastatic cancer depend on where it is in the body. Some common symptoms include:
Bone metastasis
Bone pain, fractures, and increased calcium levels
Liver metastasis
Jaundice, abdominal bloating, and poor appetite
Lung metastasis
Shortness of breath, persistent cough (or wheezing) and chest pain
Brain metastasis
Headaches, seizures, or convulsions as well as neurologic deficits.
These signs tend to appear slowly over time; they can also be mistaken for other things making it hard to diagnose them early enough.
Diagnosis of metastatic cancer
Diagnosis of metastatic cancer involves several steps and various diagnostic tools, such as:
1. Medical History and Physical Examination
Through detailed examination, an oncologist in Noida tries to understand the patient’s symptoms and medical history.
2. Imaging Tests
X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, and bone scans are used to detect the presence and extent of metastases.
3. Biopsy
Microscopic examination of a sample of tissue from the suspected metastatic tumor to confirm, if it is cancerous or benign and identify the type of malignant cells.
4. Blood Tests
These tests can give information to an oncologist in Noida about your overall health, and organ function, as well as help identify certain tumor markers.
Treatment of Metastatic Cancer
The main goals in treating metastatic cancer are to control its spread and alleviate symptoms by improving the quality of life for patients. Options include but are not limited to:
1. Systemic Therapies
Administration of drugs that kill any rapidly dividing cell within the body.
Hormone Therapy
To block hormones that stimulate growth in some types, such as breast or prostate gland cancers. It is often applied in breast cancer treatment in Noida.
Targeted Therapy 
These drugs are specifically designed to target specific genetic molecular defects known as mutations within cancer cells only.
 It enhances the immune system’s ability to identify the presence of different forms like viruses or bacteria and then activate an adaptive response against them by producing antibodies by themselves towards fighting off such foreign substances when they invade body organs.
2. Local Treatments
Radiations use high-energy rays directed at tumors or areas where cancer cells are present – this kills those cells present in these regions without harming other bodily tissues around them; thus shrinking cancers down until they shrink away on their own accord due to natural death process called apoptosis without causing any harm whatsoever.
Procedures like laparoscopic resection are often used by a cancer doctor in Delhi to remove a tumor or metastasis from the affected area when feasible.
3. Palliative Care
Focuses on palliating symptoms and improving the quality of life for those with advanced cancer, such as pain management, nutritional support, and counseling.
Advances in Metastatic Cancer Treatment
In recent years, significant progress has been made in the treatment of metastatic cancer, mostly through targeted therapies and immunotherapies. It includes Breast Cancer Treatment in Delhi. Notable among these developments are:
Personalized Medicine
Customizing treatment based on genetic information obtained from tumor samples taken during surgical removal operations carried out specifically against different types/originations sites within patients’ bodies where malignant masses have been identified presents itself option available so far;
Checkpoint Inhibitors
 Immunotherapy agents that can help the immune system recognize and destroy neoplastic cells.
CAR-T Cell Therapy
An immunotherapy approach that modifies a patient’s T-cells is employed by a cancer doctor in Delhi to recognize and kill cancers in a better way.
PARP Inhibitors
Targeted therapy medications are appropriate for some gene mutations as with BRCA-altered malignancies.
Metastatic cancer is a very challenging condition to diagnose, but comprehending it and the options for Breast Cancer Treatment in Delhi can enable patients and their families to tread through this difficult path. Incessant improvement of the prognosis and quality of life among people with metastatic cancer has been fostered by innovations in medical science. 
Being well-informed, accessing appropriate healthcare from Dr. Manish Singhal from CCI, the best breast cancer doctor in Noida, obtaining practical help, or working hand-in-hand with emotional supporters enables individuals diagnosed with metastatic cancer to remain hopeful while facing difficulties that lie ahead. As we look at the future journey ahead, taking every step toward understanding and controlling the disease can have enormous effects on those whose lives have been touched by metastatic cancer.
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drmohitagarwal01 · 12 days
Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that develops in the tissues of the colon or rectum, which are part of your large intestine. It's a prevalent concern, and early detection is crucial for successful treatment. This blog dives deep into understanding colon cancer, its symptoms, and the importance of seeking timely intervention from a qualified professional like Dr. Mohit Agrawal, considered one of the best cancer specialists in Delhi.
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Excellence in Healthcare: Dr. Vikas Dua of Fortis Delhi
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drshaina09 · 13 days
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