#Best Telemedicine Complete health portal
smartdatausa · 7 months
What to Look for in a Healthcare App Development Company?
Is the creation of a healthcare app something you're considering funding? What factors should be taken into account before an app is created? Before committing to a healthcare app development firm, you should do extensive homework. They are glad to recognize you as one of the many healthcare organizations with which they have collaborated.
In this article, we'll review everything you should consider and tick off before hiring a healthcare app development agency. Instead of listing factors, we'll explain how to find the best healthcare app developers. Let's begin. Here are some healthcare digitalization facts.
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Importance of Health-Related App Creation
Apps that help in the healthcare industry have become increasingly popular because of the positive effects they have on patient outcomes, workplace productivity, and information accessibility. These mobile programs may be anything from a telemedicine portal to a fitness tracker or a patient management program. Your healthcare app will only be as good as the development team you hire, no matter the scenario in which it will be used.
Key Considerations for Finding the Perfect Companion
Tips for Finding the Perfect Companion
Professional Medical Experience:
The healthcare industry has specific rules, compliance standards, and quirks. It is critical to work with a company that has experience creating healthcare apps. Find a healthcare app development agency that has experience with healthcare's unique set of problems and difficulties.
Compliance with Requirements:
In the US, HIPAA mandates strict healthcare app criteria. Ask the company about its compliance understanding and ability to design a secure app.
Case Studies and Portfolios:
You can tell a lot about a company's ability to deliver a healthcare app by looking at their previous work and case studies. Take note of the various projects presented, as well as any examples of completed work or praise from satisfied customers. This will give you insights into their talents and track record.
Precautions for Safety:
The creation of secure healthcare apps is of utmost importance. Find out what precautions the healthcare app development agency takes to protect the confidentiality of patient information. Secure data storage, access controls, and encryption are all crucial features.
Method of Construction:
Learn how healthcare software development services grow and change. Are they experienced with agile development methodologies? You can only build an app with proper project management, communication, and teamwork.
Technologies and Platforms for Mobile Devices:
Consider whether your app will run on iOS, Android, or both and whether the company specializes in native or cross-platform development when making your decision. Verify that the company can build for the platforms you want to use.
Capabilities for Integration:
Integration with pre-existing healthcare infrastructure is a common requirement for healthcare apps. Verify if the organization has worked with healthcare IT systems like Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) before hiring them.
If you want your healthcare app to be a success, you need to make sure you work with the correct app development company. Regulatory compliance, a solid portfolio, and healthcare software development services experience should be top priorities. Find a collaborator like smartData with experience in app development and familiarity with the platforms and technologies you need, a large development process, and the right security measures to keep your healthcare app popular and useful. Consider these factors to make an informed selection and start designing a healthcare app to benefit your business and the healthcare community.
Also Read:
Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Power of Software Development Services
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doctly-software · 11 months
Online Doctor's Appointment & Prescription
Doctors’ appointment & prescription software
Simplifies prescription and appointments, helping you to manage patients & chambers in a smart way. Create your first prescription in less than 60 seconds.
The better way to manage your chambers, prescriptions, appointments & patients
Using Doctly account you can easily manage chamber wise prescriptions, patients, appointments and many more features.
For Online Appointment, please click
Online Consultation
Using Zoom online consultation patients can make a live video meeting with the experts and get treatment & advice from them. Also, doctors can set a fee for the online consultation and receive payments from patients using PayPal and stripe
Online Appointment Booking
Patients can book their online or offline appointments with their experts in specific date and time. Doctors can manage all bookings from their portals and patients can see the status from patient portal.
Advanced & Super-easy Prescription System
We have a automated, powerful and super easy on load prescription system that will help the doctor’s to create & print their prescriptions within a minute.
online doctor appointments and online prescriptions have become increasingly popular and accessible due to advancements in telemedicine and digital healthcare technologies. However, please note that the specifics of these services may vary depending on the country and region you are in, as healthcare regulations differ worldwide.
Doctly is a complete doctor’s appointment & prescription Software that gives your customers the ability to create and manage staffs, prescriptions, patients, drugs, advises, investigations, appointments etc. Users also can create multiple chambers & assign staffs so they can easily keep track of their chambers, patients & appointments in one platform.
Book your appointment online with Doctly. Get the best medical consultation & treatment with the best doctors.
Online Doctor Appointment:
An online doctor appointment, also known as telemedicine or telehealth consultation, allows patients to consult with healthcare professionals remotely through digital platforms such as video calls, chat messages, or phone calls. Patients can discuss their health concerns, receive medical advice, and even get diagnosed and prescribed medications in some cases.
Advantages of Online Doctor Appointments:
Convenience: Patients can consult with doctors from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need to travel to a physical clinic or hospital.
Accessibility: Telemedicine helps people in remote or undeserved areas access medical care from qualified professionals.
Time and Cost Savings: Avoiding travel and waiting rooms can save both time and money for patients.
Privacy: Some individuals may feel more comfortable discussing sensitive health issues through virtual appointments.
Online Prescription:
In certain situations, doctors can issue prescriptions online after conducting a virtual consultation. The prescription is sent directly to the patient's preferred pharmacy, allowing them to collect their medications without visiting the doctor in person. However, it is essential to follow local regulations and guidelines regarding online prescriptions, as some medications may require an in-person examination before prescription.
Requirements for Online Prescriptions:
Patient Evaluation: The doctor must assess the patient's medical history and current health condition to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate medications.
Compliance: Healthcare providers must comply with legal and ethical standards for issuing online prescriptions, including verifying patient identity and ensuring proper medical documentation.
Restricted Medications: Certain medications with a higher potential for abuse or misuse may require stricter regulations and may not be eligible for online prescriptions.
Before using online doctor, appointment services or seeking an online prescription, it is essential to verify the legitimacy and credibility of the platform and the healthcare provider. Reputable platforms typically employ licensed and qualified medical professionals and maintain secure systems to protect patient data. Keep in mind that advancements in technology and healthcare regulations may have evolved since my last update, so it's best to check with local healthcare authorities or trusted healthcare providers for the most current information and services available in your area.
Online prescriptions offer several benefits that make the process of obtaining medication more convenient and accessible for patients. Some of these benefits include:
Convenience: Online prescriptions allow patients to consult with a healthcare professional and receive a prescription from the comfort of their own homes. This eliminates the need to travel to a physical clinic or pharmacy, saving time and effort.
Accessibility: Online prescriptions can be especially beneficial for individuals who have limited mobility, live in remote areas, or have difficulty accessing traditional healthcare services. It widens access to medical care for those who might otherwise struggle to get to a doctor's office.
Time-saving: With online prescriptions, patients can avoid long waiting times at clinics and pharmacies. Online consultations often provide quicker access to healthcare professionals and prescription fulfillment.
24/7 Availability: Online prescription services are available around the clock, allowing patients to seek medical advice and prescriptions at any time, including weekends and holidays.
Privacy and Confidentiality: Some patients may feel more comfortable discussing sensitive health issues online rather than in-person. Online consultations can offer a level of privacy and confidentiality that may be preferred by certain individuals.
Easier Prescription Refills: For patients with chronic conditions requiring regular medication, online prescriptions make it simpler to get prescription refills without having to visit a doctor's office each time.
Cost-Effectiveness: Online consultations may be more cost-effective, especially for individuals who don't have health insurance or have high deductibles. Additionally, avoiding travel expenses can also save money.
Access to Specialists: Online prescription services can connect patients with specialized healthcare professionals who might not be available locally, ensuring they receive the most appropriate care for their conditions.
However, it's important to note that online prescriptions should always be obtained from reputable and licensed healthcare providers or platforms. Patients should exercise caution and make sure they are using secure and legitimate websites to ensure the quality and safety of their healthcare services. Additionally, certain medications and conditions may require in-person evaluation, so not all medical concerns can be addressed through online consultations.
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doctlyes · 11 months
Doctors’ appointment & prescription software
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Simplifies prescription and appointments, helping you to manage patients & chambers in a smart way. Create your first prescription in less than 60 seconds.
The better way to manage your chambers, prescriptions, appointments & patients
Using Doctly account you can easily manage chamber wise prescriptions, patients, appointments and many more features.
Online Consultation
Using Zoom online consultation patients can make a live video meeting with the experts and get treatment & advices from them. Also, doctors can set a fee for the online consultation and receive payments from patients using PayPal and stripe
Online Appointment Booking
Patients can book their online or offline appointments with their experts in specific date and time. Doctors can manage all bookings from their portals and patients can see the status from patient portal.
Advanced & Super-easy Prescription System
We have a automated, powerful and super easy onload prescription system that will help the doctor’s to create & print their prescriptions within a minute.
Doctly is a complete doctor’s appointment & prescription Software that gives your customers the ability to create and manage staffs, prescriptions, patients, drugs, advises, investigations, appointments etc. Users also can create multiple chambers & assign staffs so they can easily keep track of their chambers, patients & appointments in one platform.
Book your appointment online with Doctly. Get the best medical consultation & treatment with the best doctors.
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There are various software applications and platforms available to help manage doctors' appointments and prescriptions efficiently. These software solutions aim to streamline the process, reduce paperwork, enhance communication, and improve overall patient care. Here are a few examples of commonly used doctors' appointment and prescription software:
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems: EHR systems like Epic, Cerner, and Allscripts offer comprehensive solutions that include appointment scheduling, patient records management, prescription management, and billing. They allow healthcare providers to maintain accurate and up-to-date patient information, manage appointments, and generate prescriptions electronically.
Practice Management Software: Practice management software such as Kareo, Practice Fusion, and Athenahealth assist in scheduling appointments, managing patient records, generating prescriptions, and handling billing and insurance claims. These tools often integrate with EHR systems to provide a seamless workflow for healthcare providers.
Appointment Booking Systems: Solutions like Zocdoc, Doctolib, and Practo focus primarily on appointment scheduling and management. They enable patients to book appointments online, provide real-time availability of doctors, and send automated reminders. These systems often integrate with EHR systems for seamless data exchange.
E-Prescribing Software: Dedicated e-prescribing platforms like Surescripts, DrFirst, and Practice Fusion's eRx offer features specific to managing prescriptions electronically. They allow physicians to electronically send prescriptions to pharmacies, check for drug interactions, and access patient medication history.
Telemedicine Platforms: With the rise of telehealth services, telemedicine platforms like Amwell, Doxy.me, and Zoom for Healthcare have become popular. These platforms facilitate virtual consultations, including appointment scheduling, video conferencing, and electronic prescriptions.
It's important to note that the availability and specific features of these software solutions may vary, so it's advisable to research and evaluate multiple options to find the one that best suits your needs and the requirements of your healthcare practice.
Telemedicine has become increasingly important in recent years due to several reasons:
Improved access to healthcare: Telemedicine allows patients to consult with healthcare professionals remotely, eliminating geographical barriers and improving access to medical care. This is particularly beneficial for individuals living in rural or underserved areas where healthcare facilities may be limited.
Convenience and flexibility: Telemedicine provides convenience to patients by eliminating the need for travel and long waiting times at clinics or hospitals. Patients can have virtual consultations from the comfort of their homes or workplaces, saving time and reducing the burden of scheduling appointments.
Timely medical assistance: Telemedicine enables timely medical assistance, especially for urgent or time-sensitive cases. Patients can receive quick medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment recommendations without the need to wait for in-person appointments.
Continuity of care: Telemedicine facilitates continuous and ongoing healthcare management. Patients can have follow-up visits, monitor chronic conditions, and receive prescription refills through virtual consultations, ensuring they receive consistent care even if they cannot physically visit a healthcare facility.
Cost-effective healthcare delivery: Telemedicine has the potential to reduce healthcare costs for patients. It eliminates travel expenses, reduces hospital readmissions, and decreases the overall burden on the healthcare system. It can also be a cost-effective option for healthcare providers, enabling them to reach more patients without the need for extensive infrastructure.
Remote monitoring and health tracking: Telemedicine allows for remote monitoring of patients' vital signs, health conditions, and progress. With the help of wearable devices and remote monitoring tools, healthcare providers can gather real-time data and make informed decisions about patient care.
Outbreaks and emergencies: During pandemics or other health emergencies, telemedicine plays a critical role in minimizing the spread of infectious diseases. It helps in triaging patients, providing initial assessments, and guiding them on appropriate next steps, reducing the burden on hospitals and preventing overcrowding.
Overall, telemedicine offers a range of benefits that address challenges in healthcare delivery, improve access to medical services, and enhance patient outcomes, making it increasingly necessary in today's healthcare landscape.
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medley-med · 2 years
Why use Telemedicine Technology?
Telemedicine from MedleyMed enables patients to receive continuous treatment. This will encourage adequate self-care and assist with diagnosis. Telemedicine services using AI will evaluate patient data automatically and let doctors respond quickly to emerging technology. Using telemedicine technologies, providers will be able to treat more patients. The time of visits and the size of hospitals can both be lowered. Access to tele–urgent treatment has the potential to reduce the number of trips to the emergency room. It allows professionals in rural hospitals to collaborate on cases. These are live-streamed conversations with remote specialists who can offer on-screen advice. Telemedicine is the transfer of medical data from one location to another via the internet. This is done to increase a person's physical fitness. It can be difficult to get an appointment with a primary care physician or a specialist.
This distant network from MedleyMed is collecting and delivering data for analysis to other healthcare organizations. This technology enables mental health clinics to visit more patients while still providing excellent medical care. As a result, there is more profit and better time management. Parents will no longer take their sick children to the doctor's office.
Also, the best part is..
By connecting patients with their caretakers, providing access to physicians and experts, and encouraging both patients and providers to leave high-risk situations, telemedicine establishes a new level of technology-assisted treatment. Various telemedicine strategies can be used to treat patients who are addicted to drugs.
This telemedicine technology allows physicians to share patient information with a doctor in another nation. A primary care provider can now communicate with a doctor about a patient's medical history and specifics without having to be in the same room. Systems can transmit data over long distances, allowing one practitioner to see what another has done previously. As a result, there is less duplication in monitoring and fewer cases of inadequate drug management. A physician can collect and exchange information with their patient using patient portals. Medical devices can transmit vital signs and other data to physicians, allowing them to make treatment changes. Patients can now send biometric data to their clinicians through wearables or remote monitoring devices such as pulsometers or blood pressure cuffs.
Treatment costs are lower overall, resulting in cost savings. As technology progresses, cost savings will become increasingly evident. Telemedicine is wonderful for physicians and patients when it comes to treatment and diagnosis. It has the potential to be an amazing support system. This type of telemedicine technology is beneficial to healthcare professionals in terms of prescribing appropriate medication and patient care.
When compared to traditional care, telemedicine online platform can save both the individual seeking treatment and the provider money. The healthcare professional would have telemedicine facilities on-site in order to deliver adequate therapy.
MedleyMed ensures that you receive the finest treatment possible by enlisting the help of experts in caring and knowledge. It's fantastic that all you have to do now is sign up for the app and fill out your health information. Once you've completed the registration procedure, you can schedule an appointment whenever you'd like.
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productivitybeauty · 2 years
How To Select A Primary Care Doctor
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An essential step to managing your healthcare is choosing a primary care doctor (PCP) Also known as the primary physician. For routine screenings, treatments of non-emergency conditions and most medical needs A PCP is the doctor you should go to. It is also possible to visit them with your health-related questions and issues.
The relationship you have with Family Practice can affect your overall health and well-being. It's crucial to choose a trustworthy health care provider. This article offers tips on selecting the right PCP for your health requirements.
How to locate and select a PCP
The doctor-patient relationship is crucial because you want to locate a doctor you are able to trust and speak openly with regarding your health. The PCP is responsible for advising and informing you on your health choices, and also examining and treating you.
Here are some helpful tips to help you select the right PCP
Choose the right doctor for your needs.
To start narrowing down the options, assess your health needs and determine which type of doctor (e.g., family practice physician, general practitioner or an internal medicine doctor) is the best fit.
Make sure you are enrolled in your insurance company.
Once you've found a doctor that can meet your requirements Be sure to verify your insurance network to verify that they're included. If you select a provider in the network could help lower the cost of your out-of-pocket expenses. Alternately, you can browse the directory of providers on your insurance company's website to locate doctors in your area.
Find the doctor's location and hours.
It is important to consider the logistics like a doctor's location and working hours prior to choosing them as your primary care physician. It is more likely to receive the medical care you require if the medical clinic is located near your workplace or home and available at times when you'd be able to go. It's important to communicate with your doctor in a clear and understandable manner.
Ask for referrals.
Families, friends, and colleagues have shared their experiences to help you gauge whether their respective PCPs could be the right fit for you. You can also consult your friends and colleagues who are health specialists they would recommend. It makes sense to get suggestions from people you trust when you're looking for a trustworthy health care provider.
Do your research.
For more information about medical professionals it is an excellent idea to check the authenticity of reliable sources. PCPs must have the required licensure and board certifications in the specific areas they are practicing in.
Connect with Office staff.
If you've narrowed your PCP choices to just one or two candidates, you can call their clinics. They can assist you with any concerns you have regarding waiting times, office hours, after-hours services, telemedicine and patient portals online. It is possible to get a good or bad first impression when you speak to the staff at the clinic. It is likely that you will interact with staff more than you interact with your doctor. So, it's important to make sure they're professional, courteous and polite.
Set up an appointment.
If you've decided on one of the top candidates for your women doctors, schedule an appointment to go over your medical history and discuss any health concerns. If you are satisfied that the doctor was well-informed and attentive to your medical needs it is likely that you have identified a good match.
It could take some time to complete, but it's well worth choosing the best physician for your health needs. When you feel confident asking questions and trusting the doctor, you're more likely to keep up with preventive treatment and address any health concerns.
Select a doctor with care and ensure that you visit them at least once a year to maintain the doctor-patient relationship. Contact your HR representative if you have any questions regarding in-network providers or health insurance options.
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painehr022 · 2 years
Improve Your Clinical Practice with EHR for Pain Management
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EHR for pain management is a highly specialized area of ​​pain management. With the growing number of companies offering EHRs today, clinical trials offer many software solutions to choose from, but many do not require specific pain management support. Not all electronic health records are created equal, and generic electronic health records do not have the documentation tools necessary to address each individual patient. Having a dedicated electronic medical record for pain management, such as the IMS Pain Management Modified version of the Pain Management EHR, is the first step you can take to provide quality healthcare. Here are some tips to improve your pain management.
1. Go to E-medicine
Drug dealers prescribe drugs to ease the patient's pain. Complete hard and soft support from EPCS means less liability for you and better treatment for patients.Pain management ehr software integrates with your state PDMP, so you can review a patient's prescription to help you make informed decisions before electronically prescribing controlled substances.
2. Engage Your Patients with Online and Remote Support
Put your patients in control of their health and give them more choice and make it easier to interact with your practice. Whether it's a telemedicine consultation or logging into a portal to request a new drug, patients now expect instant and reliable online services. IMS patient portal and pain administration system help your patients access medical records, laboratory results and any place. This gives them the opportunity to send photos to the clinic to better describe their pain points. 
3. Communicate Important Information Quickly to Your Team
Accessing patient records before a scheduled appointment saves you time and helps you make informed decisions faster. With the ehr's mobile pain management capabilities, you can access patient information anytime, anywhere, so you can use useful information at any point in the care process.
Effective communication within the service team is also important to ensure ongoing support. This encourages cooperation and teamwork, which prevents medical errors. Easily communicate with your medical team with IMS Chat, a messaging system built right into your EHR for pain management. A patient can quickly write a prescription or ICD while talking through IMS Chat.
4. Remove Unnecessary Modules
By using ready-made and customizable pain management templates in the eprescription system, there is no need to fill out different forms every time patients enter the clinic. Patient data is automatically filled in forms or letter templates. As needed, forms and correspondence are stored directly in the patient's file for easy reference during visits.
Finding the Right EHR for Your Pain Management Practice Equipping the office with the right tools is essential to improving patients' lives. Remove pain from EHR -care designed for specific requirements of your pain administration procedure. IMS has a fully integrated medical solution, patient involvement and pain training. If you are looking for the best EHR for pain management, visit us at Pain Management EHR!
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tog-centre · 3 years
10 Things to Look for When Searching for a Gynecologist
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. True for doctors in different fields. But a gynaecologist is one doctor that every woman wants to visit atleast once in her lifetime. For a good reason of course. One of your first steps as you prepare for this exciting and pivotal time in your life, pregnancy, you should be choosing the correct gynecologist in Jamaica. You must feel completely at ease with a gynaecologist, since he or she will accompany you throughout your exciting nine-month adventure, culminating in the birth of your bundle of joy.
What do they check for at the gynaecologist
Other than pregnancy or childbirth, if you're having problems with your reproductive system, such as heavy bleeding, severe cramping, or other troubling symptoms, you should see a gynecologist. Even if you're in ideal health, you should get frequent checks to make sure your reproductive organs are in good shape and stay that way.
How do I choose a good gynaecologist
Well there are two fields interwoven with this. A gynecologist is a doctor who focuses on the reproductive health of women. Obstetricians provide treatment to women during pregnancy and shortly after the birth of their child. They also give birth to children. All of these are things that an ob-gyn is trained to do. It would be ideal to visit obstetrics and gynaecology care centre Jamaica.
What should I know before going to the gynaecologist
Your ob-gyn will take care of some of your most essential health concerns, such as birth control, childbirth, and menopause. An ob-gyn can also conduct surgery for pelvic organ or urinary tract disorders, as well as screen for cancer and cure infections.
Because ob-gyns deal with such personal and delicate health matters, some women may be apprehensive about seeing one for the first time. You may be apprehensive or ashamed about allowing a doctor to examine the most intimate portions of your body. You might be hesitant to communicate your most personal concerns with an ob-gyn. In this article we will be discussing about few tips to help you choose your best gynecologist in Mandeville Jamaica.
How to find a good Gynecologist near me
Considering the aspect of location is more a point of necessity than comfort. You will have to make  a monthly visit or two to your gynaecologist, so its wise to choose one which has offices at various locations in town. Obstetrics and gynaecology care centre Jamaica has offices at Spalding, Mandeville and Santa Cruz.Also consider:
Does her clinic/hospital have facilities for conducting various tests and investigations?
Does it have a pharmacy nearby?
Trust is imperative
You'll want to select someone with experience who you can trust because you'll be discussing your most private and sensitive health issues with this doctor. You wouldn't put your most private portions of your body in the hands of just anyone. That's why you should choose your ob-gyn with care.
Don't just pick a doctor's name at random from your health insurance provider list. Obtain a recommendation from a friend or family member. Find out about essential variables including the doctor's skills, experience, and bedside manner when you ask for recommendations.
Gynaecologist reviews
Read internet reviews to find out what other people have to say about your possible OB-GYN. Patient satisfaction surveys can reveal a lot about what to expect in terms of scheduling, availability, office environment, doctor approachability, and bedside manner, among other things.
A collection of patient comments and starred ratings is also available. A few negative reviews among many positive ones are probably unimportant, but hundreds of unfavorable reviews should be a major red flag.
Experience counts
Check out the credentials of the gynecologist in Jamaica while you're browsing online. You should be able to find the doctor's bio on the same websites that offer reviews, as well as on their practice's website. You should be able to see where the doctor went to medical school, how many years they've practiced, which hospital(s) they're affiliated with, and what their specialties are.
During some of your most vulnerable moments, your gynecologist will be by your side. His or her bedside manners are really important. Is the doctor a nice guy? Is he or she upbeat and responsive? Is he/she approachable and friendly? Is he/she a good fit for you?
Every consultation takes time.
This is an essential factor since you don't want a doctor who rushes from one patient to the next without pausing. Always go for the person who is relaxed and patiently answers all of your questions.
Regardless of how busy she is, she should answer all of your questions and perform all of the necessary examinations.
Does the gynaecologist accept your insurance
When it comes to choosing a doctor, price is a major factor. If your gynecologist isn't in your network, you'll have to pay for your care out of cash, which can rapidly add up. To begin your search, check with your health plan to discover which gynecologists in your area are part of their network.
A comfortable communication
You want a doctor who will listen to you and take your concerns seriously. The best doctors don't give orders or preach to their patients; instead, they communicate with them in a two-way manner. This is the doctor who will perform your gynecologic exam and quiz you about your reproductive health in great detail. For the relationship to work, you must be entirely at ease with this individual.
Your gynecologist should be able to talk with you in simple terms. She should be able to answer all of your questions in layman's terms rather than medical jargon. She should be pleasant, kind, and attentive to your issues.
She should also keep you informed about how your pregnancy is progressing, any difficulties, and any further precautions or preparations you may require. Going to a doctor who does not communicate well with her patients is pointless.
What kind of additional access do you think you'll require?
During the week, most OB-GYN practices have conventional business hours. Is that sufficient for you, or do you require additional flexibility?
If seeing an OB-GYN during regular hours is difficult, investigate whether:
When the clinic is closed, you can reach out to an on-call doctor. When the clinic is closed, the doctor offers telemedicine services that allow you to have virtual appointments.
The doctor provides you with an online patient portal through which you can contact with them.
It saves them time and money on travel, increases communication with gynecologist in Jamaica , and aids in better health outcomes.
What are your thoughts on the practice as a whole?
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants are used by many practices to offer primary care. How well do you get along with the other doctors and nurses in the practice?
It's also important to see how the front and back office workers interact with you. They'll be the ones to contact most of the time, whether it's for arranging appointments, billing problems, or medication refills.
You might also wish to consider the practice's physical environment. Is the waiting room tidy and welcoming? Do the patient rooms appear to be well-organized and stocked? Is the equipment in good condition and appears to be reasonably new?
Where can I find a gynaecologist?
Though the clinic's appearance may appear to be trivial, it may be an indicator of how effectively the healthcare team will treat you. Finding the best gynecologist in Mandeville, Jamaica doesn't have to be stressful now that you have such a variety of information at your fingertips. And with these pointers in hand, choosing the right OB-GYN for you could be a lot easier than you think.
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Telemedicine Platform, Telehealth eHealth and Electronic OPD
Telemedicine Platform, Telehealth eHealth and Electronic OPD
Telemedicine is a practice where the provider and patient are not present for face to face interaction, still, the patients can get the facilities of health care. Due to modern technology it is now possible as doctors can consult patients by using video chats applications which we also know as telehealth.Telemedicine platform is a health portal online where doctors and patients are involved in giving and taking tele-medicine services.
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Table  of Content
  Definition of Telemedicine · 
  What is Telemedicine? · 
  How is telemedicine conducted ·    
  What is Tele-medicine ·
  What is Telehealth ·    
  Telehealth Platforms ·   
  Benefits of Telehealth · 
  Telemedicine Platforms ·
  Best Telemedicine Platform
  What are the advantages of Telemedicine · 
  Differences Between Telemedicine and Telehealth
  Healthtech Sector ·  
  Health Apps ·    
  Medical Apps ·   
   Benefits of Tele medicine or e OPD to Providers ·  
   Benefits of Telemedicine to Patient ·  
  Telemedicine Benefits to Players like Online OPD Registration ·      
   What are the disadvantages of telemedicine ·     
   Uncertainty in Policies related to E OP ·
   Reduction in Face to Face Consultation
Expensive Technology
Telemedicine Definition
Tele-medicine is a perfect tool for healthcare. Telemedicine can be defined as a tool that makes healthcare more reachable, less expensive and boosts up patient engagement and is also known as doctor online. People living in rural and remote areas are getting health advantages as these people can reach the doctor virtually instead of visiting them physically.
Telemedicine Meaning
Due to the introduction of the telemedicine, patients and doctor can speak in real time from one screen to another screen.  Patients do not have to wait for appointments from doctors and also do not require to stand in the long queue of hospitals for their turns. They can consult a doctor from their home and offices in their comfort zone. Physicians slowly adopted the idea of telemedicine and telehealth.
However, due to the increase in demand from the tech-savvy population, it is continuously expanding and adopted as E-OPD has features such as cost-efficient, more accessible, and time-saving.
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Conducting of Tele medicine
What is Telemedicine platform?
We can describe it as platform for “the remote delivery of healthcare services”. There are various kinds of tele-medicine, but the three common types of tele medicine are:
   Interactive     medicine     - It permits patients and doctors to interact in real-time while     sustaining HIPAA compliance
   Store     and Forward     – It allows providers to share patient details with a physician in another     place.
   Remote     Patient Monitoring     – It permits faraway caregivers to observe patients that stay at home by     using mobile medical devices to gather data (e.g. blood sugar or blood     pressure)
How is tele medicine conducted?
There are numerous ways to conduct tele medicine. The mode being used most widely is simply video calling. It is similar to a video call to family and friends.
Health providers can conduct tele medicine with portable tele-medicine kits which involve mobile and computer medical equipment such as ECG machines or important sign machines. Digital cameras with high resolutions are also available for comprehensive medical images to doctors and specialists. At last, there are various telemedicine software that permits everything from storing data to live video conference. In general, there are numerous advanced tele medicine devices to meet the different needs of patients today.
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What is Tele-medicine?
As per the World Health Organization (WHO), we can define tele medicine as “healing from a distance”. Telecommunications technology and information technologies are utilized to deliver medical services to patients residing in remote areas. The practitioners for digital imaging transmission, video conferences, and medical analysis now use Telemedicine.
Nowadays, a person does not require to visit the clinic or doctor to have a treatment. Instead of visiting personally, individuals can make video and audio call to physicians and receive the treatment and advice from the comfort of their locations (home and offices). This Feature is also growing in third world countries so we also find telemedicine in India like countries.
What is Telehealth?
HealthIT.gov describes telehealth as "the use of electronic data and broadcast communications advancements to help and support long-distance clinical medical care, patient and expert well being training, public health and health organization." The definition of Telemedicine and Telehealth sound similar but there is a difference. Tele health also includes non-clinical services such as meetings, CME, training for, etc. as compared to telemedicine. It is not a particular service, but a combination of multiple ways to improve patient health.
Overall, telecare and telemedicine fall under the umbrella of telehealth i.e. telehealth is a superset of telecare and telemedicine.
Telehealth Platforms
While most are telemedicine platforms it is very hard to find a true telehealth platform. Only VVFIT is the one that can be regarded as a complete and best telehealth platform.
Benefits of Telehealth or Tele-medicine Project
Ease in Health Services     Operation
Proper appointment and show ups
Higher client satiation
Higher Degree of Quality Health     Services
Cost Reduction
Time Reduction in Health     Services
Greater Outreach
Precision in Services due to     Automation
Enhancement in Services due to     saving of all Practice Resources
Better Records Maintenance     Procedure and Storage
The above list of the benefits of telehealth is inexhaustive.
Telemedicine Platforms
These days several telemedicine platforms have sprung up in the online market but none of them has gained any prominence yet. Most players in this segment seem to be at the experimental stage only. VVFIT is the only proper and the best telemedicine platform.
Best Telemedicine Platform or Telemedicine Centre
As no telemedicine platform has gained considerable success while many keep claiming no one can be determined as a winner while there are a few likes of VVFIT taking lead in this segment yet.
Telemedicine Slideshare or Telemedicine PPT
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What are the Advantages of Telemedicine?
With the rapid advancements in technology, tele medicine is going to stay in the healthcare sector. At the present time, everyone from patients to provider wants to avail the benefits of tele-medicine.
What are the Differences between Tele-medicine and Telehealth?
Recently, rapid innovation in the healthcare sector and technology has brought the new terms in utilization. Terms such as policymakers, advocacy groups, healthcare systems, etc. are used incorrectly while the discussion in medicine and technology. Mostly, the terms “telemedicine” and “telehealth” are used in place of each other, but there are differences for sure. Technically speaking telehealth has a wider perspective with even some of the health IoT systems used while telemedicine is primarily like simple online OPD.
Healthtech Sector
Telemedicine or telehealth are parts of health sector so these can also be taken as derived from health tech sector.
Health Apps
These are app services under health tech sector itself. These merely provide health related services through apps. These can be like heart rate monitor app, pulse rate monitor app, body activity monitor app, medicine reminder app, telemedicine app, medical appointment scheduling app, etc.
Medical apps
Most health apps medical apps but health apps have a wider perspective. In this way medical apps are subsets of health apps and health apps are superset segment of medical apps.
Benefits of Telemedicine or e OPD to Providers
Tele-medicine is used in healthcare systems, physician practices, and trained nursing facilities to take care in a more efficient way. There are various tele medicine software which are integrated with features like AI diagnosis, medical records. These aid medical streaming devices which help medical service providers in better diagnosis and treatment. It also permits providers to observe the patient in real time. By utilizing tele-medicine revenue can be increase for health service providers. It is because doctors do not require to hire more staff or to have large office space.
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What are Benefits of Tele-medicine to Patients?
Tele-medicine has numerous benefits for patients. Earlier, patients who face difficulties in reaching to the physician can access the facilities from their comfort of homes. Seniors who are in trouble due to their age can avail services by using medical streaming equipment. Also, the risk of spreading contagious diseases reduces as patients with such diseases do not require visiting clinics. This also facilitates them by not requiring to expose to doctors in crowded waiting rooms.
Tele medicine also benefits patients in the given below methods
   Transportation: Patients can dodge spending     money or killing time in traffic with video calling.
  No     missing work:     In the present day, individuals can plan a session during a work break in     the office.
Telemedicine Benefits to Players like Online OPD Registration
It is difficult to prove this point but big players like Health systems such as Hospitals are gaining from the tele-medicine. With the improvement in technology, the treatment offers cost saving and will become more evident.
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Telemedicine Satellite
Telemedicine first conceptualized in the US but it has spread even in the third world countries. The use of satellites is very necessary in creating Medical or Health IoT (Internet of Things). China is making meticulous studies and has advanced too much extent in it with the program on use of telemedicine satellites. India’s ISRO Telemedicine programme started long ago in 2001 that connects connecting remote/rural/medical college hospitals and Mobile Units (MSUs) through Indian satellites to major specialty hospitals in cities and towns. ISRO
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network covers various states or regions of its country.
What are the disadvantages of tele medicine?
With the advantages of tele medicine, here come the disadvantages of tele-medicine as well. As the field is developing exponentially, various challenges will also occur.
Uncertainty in Policies related to E OPD and ehealth
As the industry is growing, there is uncertainty faced by the policymakers in regard to reimbursement policies, privacy protection, healthcare laws, etc. Besides this, every state has their own telemedicine or ehealth laws.
Reduction in Face to Face Consultations with ehealth
A few doctors and patients face difficulties to adjust with tele medicine, particularly senior people. Doctors also worry about the mismanagement and misconduct of the patient. Along with this, there is a chance of occurrence of an error in technology.
Is Telemedicine Expensive Technology?
People require training for the adoption and implementation of new systems as staff members may face challenges to adjust to the changes. It involves a lot of time and money. This is also giving rise to Health IoT or Internet of Things
Though it is expensive in the beginning, in the future there are positive returns on the investment.
The information is on the basis of the most prevalent media information and is not a medical advice.
This article was originally published at: https://telemedicineplatform.blogspot.com/2019/11/tele-medicine-platforms.html
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Improve Your Pain Management Practice With These Easy Pain Management EHR Tricks
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Top recommendations from 1st Providers Choice for selecting a pain management EHR include:
A flexible EHR template is at the heart of everything a pain management practitioner does.
A customizable template allows the user to follow established recording standards such as etiology, frequency, and duration of pain, relieving and aggravating variables, previously attempted therapies, and alternatives and description of the treatment plan to patients during the visit. Any injections and procedures may be documented using customizable templates for future reference.
E-Prescription Capabilities:.
Prescriptions, while not the preferred way of pain relief, can play a part in pain management treatment. All pain drugs supplied must be closely monitored by the practitioner, who must also keep a look out for potentially addictive tendencies.
In a COVID-driven culture, telemedicine integration has become a crucial aspect of pain management. Providers must maintain contact with patients to ascertain whether pain levels have grown or reduced during times of isolation in order to provide appropriate treatment recommendations.
Pain Screening Tools:
Pain management EMR software aid in the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of pain. During an examination, providers complete the health data and any history of current sickness, or the patient fills it out prior to the session. These are scored automatically and put to the patient's chart. Opioid risk assessment, pain index, neck pain and disability index, and depression screening are all possible pain screening techniques.
Simple to Use:
In order to be a valuable tool, the pain management EHR must be simple to use. When every "click" counts, having to scroll through screens for information might be counter-productive. A customized process is created that is particular to the logged-in user and the kind of visit, so that screen navigation occurs as expected. Anatomical diagrams are useful for annotating discomfort, treatments, and injection sites for future reference.
Because many cases include Chronic Care Management, the best EHR for pain management clinic will frequently require effective communication with other medical providers, such as the referring physician, imaging facilities, and laboratories. The EHR should enable smooth communication with other providers through fax, secure email, or a provider portal. Key events and incoming items such as referrals, test results, and communications should be sent to providers at the pain management clinic. To avoid missing something urgent or crucial, these communications are delivered to many people.
Reminders for medical appointments and follow-up notifications:
Pain treatment is typically a lengthy procedure that needs complete patient engagement and commitment. Those who are on particular pain management regimens must be treated on a frequent basis. Failure to follow instructions, take prescriptions, acquire outside testing, or arrange follow-up sessions might impair the treatment plan's efficacy. Missed appointments may also cost the practice money. To increase patient participation, the ambulatory software should include automatic appointment reminders and confirmations, as well as feature a Patient Portal. If an appointment is not arranged within the timeframe specified in the prior appointment, the patient's name is added to a waiting list.
Pain management EHR medical clinics, 1st Providers Choice EHR provides a configurable, tailor-made workflow with extensive and specialty-specific material. Our cloud-based EHR optimizes operations with modules and features such as Practice Management, Medical Billing, Telemedicine, Patient Portal, and e-prescription.
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daniels09stuff · 2 years
Top Medical Billing Companies In The US
A report published by InstaMed highlighted that 70% of customers are confused by medical bills, with 93% of customers being surprised by a medical. Furthermore, 77% of healthcare providers in the US claimed that it takes over a month to collect any payment.
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Healthcare providers have a considerable concern regarding EHR technologies placed in systems. Collecting medical claims is indeed a complicated process.
To make the lives of healthcare providers and businesses easier, medical billing and coding companies are becoming more efficient than ever! Hence, it is logical for healthcare systems to identify the right medical billing company as your partner, simplifying managing revenue.
We have made a list of top medical billing companies in the US which are best for you.
24/7 Medical Billing Services
They offer affordable services, adheres to HIPPA compliance with 24/7 availability around the clock. In addition, focus on data security and quality services for practices to streamline their operations and financial workflows.
Kareo is the only cloud-based clinical and business management platform that aims to provide integrated healthcare solutions specifically to independent practices. The platform hosts multiple tools, including electronic health records (EHR), practice management, marketing, patient engagement, and medical billing software.
AdvancedMD offers cloud medical office software to ambulatory healthcare services. They have developed their services that are affordable and scalable to independent practices as well as large practices. The company offers comprehensive solutions ranging from practice management, EHR, patient relationship management, medical billing services, analytics, reporting, physician-performance benchmarking, and personal telemedicine.
CareCloud allows large or individual practices to outsource medical billing services. In addition, the company provides healthcare IT solutions, including fully integrated electronic health records, revenue cycle management, practice management, and other services include business intelligence, telehealth, and patient experience management.
DrChrono was the first EHR to build a native app for the iPad and iPhone, the only official Apple Mobility Partner for healthcare. The company offers medical billing services alongside web and cloud-based apps for individual and large practices. In addition, the platform hosts multiple services like EHR, practice management software and provides fully integrated revenue cycle management.
CureMD offers all-in-one solutions including EHR, practice management, and medical billing  to specialty practice. The platform supports 34 private practice specialties and provides end-to-end revenue cycle management services.
ChartLogic is one of the oldest revenue cycle management software. The company offers certified coders support for practices that need billing services. The solution caters to primary and surgical care and other areas of medical care. The complete ambulatory EHR suite includes electronic health records, practice management, revenue cycle management, patient portal, e-prescribing, and more.
AthenaCollector is a part of AthenaHealth Systems, which offers many healthcare IT technologies to the hospital systems. The healthcare suite is specifically designed for hospital systems that outsource medical billing services to third-party providers. AthenaCollector provides the accessibility of an automated billing service while maintaining in-house control, making it the best solution for hospital systems.
Waystar provides high-level reporting, end-to-end billing solutions and integrates all major practice management software, making it an ideal choice for large practices. The company’s platform combines all types of healthcare payments for commercial to government healthcare systems. Additionally, it’s a cloud-based platform that integrates health information systems and practice management systems so practices can maintain in-house EHR software with medical coders.
Some medical billing companies in US can give you a wide range of advantages. Still, when it comes to extended customer support with perfection in providing medical billing services and several other points that other companies cannot afford to give at an end, no one can reach close to 24/7 Medical Billing Services. To get in touch with the company, give a call at +1-888-502-0537.
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yoursmithjorden · 3 years
5 Commonly Used EHR For Urgent Care Billing Services
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If you’re also looking to achieve success for your urgent care practice, it is essential to have the right tools. In fact, your practice must include ample parking, the best location, visible signage, experienced staff to offer quality patient care, and, most importantly, the right EHR tool for your urgent care billing services.
However, choosing the right EHR tool from the numerous options available in the US market is not easy. In fact, one shouldn’t rely only on the default system already existing within the hospital. There is a need to consider the different EHR software based on their unique attributes before selecting and implementing it in the system. Even the software is selected on the basis of the different expectations of the urgent care patients for healthcare and services. The most commonly used EHR by the urgent care billing services are as follows:
Kareo is a web-based practice management EHR, mainly suits small medical practices and billing companies. In fact, this system is used by thousands of physicians across the US. With this software, medical practices can –
Schedule the patients,
Confirm the insurance,
Manage the accounts and collection process,
Store the documents of the patients,
Develop the customized reports,
Run the tasks within 48 hours of signing up and many more.
The best part of this system is that it starts at a low monthly rate with no set-up and contract fees, without any hassle of maintenance and updates requirements.
The athenahealth software used for urgent care billing currently works with more than 160,000 medical providers under the recent name as 2020 Best in KLAS: Small Practice Ambulatory EMR/PM. The athenaClinicals provides cloud-based services for –
Electronic Health Records (EHR),
Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) & medical billing,
Care coordination,
Patient engagement,
Population health management, and many more.
This EHR software is for 10 or fewer physicians that offer a homepage to review the patient information and daily schedule, manage the orders, and view the lab results.
The drChrono EHR is compatible with iPhone and iPad, allowing healthcare providers and medical practices to manage patient intake and care, clinical charting, revenue cycle management, and alike. It includes-
Customizable medical forms templates,
Prebuilt forms,
Real-time patient eligibility checks,
Automatic scheduling tools, and
A patient portal.
It also offers a medical API and a multitude of apps for healthcare app developers to track patient information quickly.
AdvancedMD is a unified software solution meant for independent urgent care practices. The features of this software include –
Medical billing and practice management,
Patient engagement tools,
Reputation management,
Telemedicine functionality,
Patient charts,
Financial analytics,
Business intelligence reporting, and alike.
The integration of all these features in one place automates the patient’s journey and boosts the patient experience right from self-scheduling or e-appointments.
The eClinicalWorks is a practice management solution that provides technology support for every step of the patient care delivery process. The features of this electronic health record (EHR) includes –
Customizable reminders,
Patient engagement,
Population health data,
Healthcare analytics,
Custom messaging campaigns, and alike.
Moreover, the eCW solution offers access to all the elements of the patient records and provides options like trend analysis, structured data capture, customizable documents, etc.
Did you know that the successful operation of your practice is highly influenced by the selection of the right EHR/PM software? That’s why it’s highly recommended to choose the right tool very wisely. In fact, if you’re switching to some other tool from your existing one, you should be aware of the net impact of the same on your practice operations. Take your time to study and test each option against the attributes that you are looking for. Else, the best option is to outsource your urgent care billing to the 24/7 Medical Billing Services that have experts with complete knowledge of this EHR’s.
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medley-med · 2 years
Why use Telemedicine Technology from MedleyMed?
Telemedicine from MedleyMed enables patients to receive continuous treatment. This will encourage adequate self-care and assist with diagnosis. Telemedicine services using AI will evaluate patient data automatically and let doctors respond quickly to emerging technology. Using telemedicine technologies, providers will be able to treat more patients. The time of visits and the size of hospitals can both be lowered. Access to tele–urgent treatment has the potential to reduce the number of trips to the emergency room. It allows professionals in rural hospitals to collaborate on cases. These are live-streamed conversations with remote specialists who can offer on-screen advice. Telemedicine is the transfer of medical data from one location to another via the internet. This is done to increase a person's physical fitness. It can be difficult to get an appointment with a primary care physician or a specialist.
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This distant network from MedleyMed is collecting and delivering data for analysis to other healthcare organizations. This technology enables mental health clinics to visit more patients while still providing excellent medical care. As a result, there is more profit and better time management. Parents will no longer take their sick children to the doctor's office.
Also, the best part is..
By connecting patients with their caretakers, providing access to physicians and experts, and encouraging both patients and providers to leave high-risk situations, telemedicine establishes a new level of technology-assisted treatment. Various telemedicine strategies can be used to treat patients who are addicted to drugs.
This telemedicine technology allows physicians to share patient information with a doctor in another nation. A primary care provider can now communicate with a doctor about a patient's medical history and specifics without having to be in the same room. Systems can transmit data over long distances, allowing one practitioner to see what another has done previously. As a result, there is less duplication in monitoring and fewer cases of inadequate drug management. A physician can collect and exchange information with their patient using patient portals. Medical devices can transmit vital signs and other data to physicians, allowing them to make treatment changes. Patients can now send biometric data to their clinicians through wearables or remote monitoring devices such as pulsometers or blood pressure cuffs.
Treatment costs are lower overall, resulting in cost savings. As technology progresses, cost savings will become increasingly evident. Telemedicine is wonderful for physicians and patients when it comes to treatment and diagnosis. It has the potential to be an amazing support system. This type of telemedicine technology is beneficial to healthcare professionals in terms of prescribing appropriate medication and patient care.
When compared to traditional care, telemedicine can save both the individual seeking treatment and the provider money. The healthcare professional would have telemedicine facilities on-site in order to deliver adequate therapy.
MedleyMed ensures that you receive the finest treatment possible by enlisting the help of experts in caring and knowledge. It's fantastic that all you have to do now is sign up for the app and fill out your health information. Once you've completed the registration procedure, you can schedule an appointment whenever you'd like.
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painehr022 · 2 years
Fully Customizable Best Pain Management EMR Software Increases Communication, Efficiency and Revenue
Your patients deserve the best. So why continue to waste valuable time, energy, and revenue with your current rigid and inflexible EMR software? It's time to upgrade to Pain Management EHR’s the best pain management EMR.
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You benefit from the ability to customize your EHR pain management platform and automate tedious tasks, eliminate redundancy, and collect and report data more easily. Seamless communication between your practice and laboratories, radiology, pharmacies and referring physicians has been proven to save valuable time and resources, allowing you to maximize efficiency and increase your revenues while better addressing the immediate needs of your patients and your pain management practice.
Pain Management DSE Software Improves The Effectiveness of Your Medical Practice:
• Automation of workflows with specially specific models, including admission forms, soap emergencies, laboratory orders and more
• Simplification of reasonable use to improve care coordination, transfer management, patient loyalty and office efficiency
• Provision of immediate access
• Transition to a fully integrated patient gate and reaction
• Adjusting paperless declarations and online accounting options
• Facilitation of planning and online appointments adapted to patients
• And several other pain management EMR software options that have been specially developed to increase the efficiency and source of income for their pain management practice.
Find Out Why Pain Treatment is Classified as The Best DME for Pain Treatment
• The best pain management EMR from Pain Management EHR has been developed as an integrated medical and practical electronic system and allows specialists and pain treatment clinics to manage and treat chronic and acute pain with the disease, disorders or Trauma by invasive and non -invasive treatment, and treat them treat. Automate clinical processes, reduce documentation time and offer better pain management at lower costs.
• Designed for unique office workflows / pain processing practices
• Pain - models of clashes with clashes and other functions simplify care and documentation in pain clinics
• Electric lines, simplifies administrative and financial tasks and improves the productivity of the doctor and employees
• Fits into many surveillance machines and IMS patient portals for the vital operating room and offers an overview of pain specialists during the operation.
• Portal of integrated pain management patients included in our DME
• Reduced costs experience and increase income with our billing services
• Methods of implementing the temporal test for a successful transfer of DME
Position Your Practice to Succeed in 2022
Be fully equipped with the right pain solutions to resume new health care and its challenges with the choice of the 1st suppliers. We guarantee a complete and dedicated high quality service to help you take care of your patients in the easiest and most uninterrupted way possible.
• Book an appointment online
• Contactless check-in
• Pay your bill online
• Telemedicine
• Cloud EHR
If you are looking for the best best pain management EMR, visit us at Pain Management EHR!
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endenogatai · 3 years
Telemedico gets $6.6M to grow the reach of its digital health SaaS
Poland-based Telemedico has closed a €5.5 million (~$6.6M) Series A round of funding. The round is led by Flashpoint Venture Capital, Uniqa Ventures, PKO VC, Black Pearls VC (an existing investor) and Adamed.
Telehealth services specifically, and digital health more broadly, have racked up plenty of growth during the pandemic as demand for remote consultations (and other types of support) has accelerated sectoral uplift.
Telemedico, which was founded back in 2014 — but only launched its current b2b model (which is primarily targeted at insurance firms) in 2017 — says 2020 was a record year for its business.
One million consultations were carried out via its platform during the 12-month period, it told us.
FCC enacts $200M telehealth initiative to ease COVID-19 burden on hospitals
Pawel Sieczkiewicz, founder and CEO at Telemedico, says it’s fielding over 100,000 consultations per month at this stage — and is projecting that to increase to 250,000 by the end of 2021.
The platform has been used by more than 900,000 patients to date. While more than 600 doctors currently provide remote consultations for Telemedico.
Services its platform offers include consultations with a doctor via chat, video, telephone; AI-triaging and coordination; and booking of in-person visits and blood testing.
The business has been growing 3x YoY since 2018, per Sieczkiewicz, who says it has carried out more than 2.5 million appointments in total to-date, spanning 10 languages.
It’s expecting to double the size of its (60-strong) team this year, he adds.
The Series A funding will be put towards international expansion — including eyeing potential growth opportunities in LatAm.
Expanding supported languages is part of that plan. (Currently it supports consultations in English, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Portuguese, Turkish, Arabic; languages it’ll be adding next are: Italian, French, Greek, German, and Romanian.)
Telemedico’s best markets to date are Poland and Spain, per Sieczkiewicz, who says it’s active in 14 markets in total.
“We aim to increase our presence on the markets where we are already active: Spain, Russia, Portugal, Turkey, and launch on new markets, with new languages — mainly EU Countries, like France, Germany, Greece, Italy, and Romania,” he adds.
While there’s a lot of activity in the telehealth space, Telemedico bills itself as one of the only ‘plug and play’ platforms for insurance companies — offering a whitelabel service geared towards a sector that Sieczkiewicz argues may not want to relinquish so much control to brasher, brand-building ‘digital first’ competitors.
“We provide our enterprise customers with a platform they can customise to meet their needs and a network of over 600 doctors who speak 10 languages that they can mix with their own network,” he tells TechCrunch. “We help our customers strengthen their value chain, so they can stand up against digital-first insurance companies who have been emerging for the last couple of years.
“The top three competitors are Babylon Health, KRY, and Pushdoctor. They represent a B2C approach, with a strong local presence. They are also building strong brand awareness around the service, and force insurance companies to let their customers leave their ecosystem. From the feedback that we receive from insurance companies, this isn’t their favourite way of organizing the patient flow.”
“One major drawback for insurers using the Babylon-style setup is that in the future, Babylon might be able to begin offering insurance cover directly to consumers, cutting out the original insurance companies themselves — similar to how digital-first insurance companies like Oscar Health operate,” he adds.
Telemedico says its system can be deployed within around 48 hours — letting insurance firms and other enterprise customers offer a telehealth platform that gives their users access to web and mobile white-label patient portals; online consultations; medical documentation storage; in person visits; automated triaging; and symptom checker tools.
The startup also offers insurance companies access to an ‘insurance product creator’ to manage variants of their current product suite for specific groups of users.
Telemedico says its platform is used by “a number” of health ministries around the world, as well as PZU, Allianz, AXA, Metrored, Compensa, TU Zdrowie and more than 50 other insurance and medical assistance companies (“mostly” within the telemedicine space).
Spanish startup Elma gets $3.2M for a digital-first health insurance play
It does also offer a direct-to-consumer telehealth service in Poland, via the public healthcare system — where consultation fees are covered by the insurance of the publicly funded National Health Fund of Poland (i.e. free at the point of use for patients).
It also offers consultations via a fee-for-service model. Sieczkiewicz says its USP is “that we are built on three foundations: B2B, whitelabel and cross-country services”.
“Telemedico is primarily a B2B company,” he continues. “The majority of our business comes from recurring enterprise customers, such as insurance companies, banks, pharmacies and other companies who either offer health services and want to improve them with a digital layer or want to offer health services to their digital offering.
“We see a huge trend among insurance companies, that add new healthcare products to their offers. We help create those products with our so-called ‘insurance product creator’, providing them with tools for setting up and management of their digital health services, patient flow, and more.”
He also says the ‘plug and play’ style SaaS platform supports a modular approach — enabling the target b2b users to zero in on the most useful aspects of its platform for their particular customer case (be it telemedicine, drug ordering or automated triage).
The software can be completely integrated into a customer’s platform or run as a stand-alone product, he adds.
“Telemedicine is no longer an add-on to insurance packages but in many countries the first touchpoint with medical services — a way to increase patients satisfaction and decrease costs for the insurer,” Sieczkiewicz suggests.
Commenting on the Series A funding in a statement, Michael Szalontay, general partner at Flashpoint VC, said: “We are convinced that telemedicine will become a primary distribution channel for medical services in the next decade and Telemedico is poised to become a European leader in this domain. We are proud to become Pawel’s partner in Telemedico, he has an amazing energy and conviction, and in our experience, such gumption is a prerequisite for success.”
“This decade will be the Golden Twenties for telemedicine,” added Dr. Andreas Nemeth, general partner at UNIQA Ventures, in another supporting statement. “The potential is enormous and telemedi.co is already setting standards here today. telemedi.co has the right product, the right team and the right culture to support insurers in providing seamless telemedicine services. We are therefore delighted and proud to be able to follow the path together in the future and pleased to be able to become a part of the company’s international growth story.”
Oscar’s health insurance platform nabs another $225 million
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hmsusa · 3 years
How Telemedicine Can Keep You Safe during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Doctors and hospital holders can communication us through HMS TELEMEDICINE official website for conduct all their Medical Billing-related matters
Imagine awakening up with a strange pain in your tummy. It started about your stomach key, but then it stirred down to your right side—and you’re also sensation handsome sick. Do you have food poisoning? A stomach bug? Weird period cramps? You dial up your doctor’s office for a quick video conference … and he tells you it could actually be appendicitis, so you should head to the ER.
Turns out he’s right. In a pair hours, you’re improving from operation, and back home within a day—a very important analysis made so easily and rapidly, you can barely believe it.    
That’s what telemedicine is all about. Fundamentally, telemedicine is near healthcare: You can see your doc via video, or check with him/her via email to discuss signs, work to an analysis of a medical tricky, or check in speedily when an in-office choice isn’t available or fitting. But that’s just one aspect of what telemedicine can do for your health.
Telemedicine can deliver you with data on situations, allow your healthcare team to screen a chronic infection, allow you to easily ask queries about your care, and contribute with greater proactivity in relations of attaining great health results.
“As a family doctor, I feel that telemedicine is an excellent adjunct to traditional healthcare,” says Dr. Jennifer Caudle, DO junior professor of private medicine at at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey.
Visit HMS USA’s website and contact us for better Medical Billing and Credentialing experience.
What is telemedicine?        
“Telemedicine is the isolated delivery of health care services among health care breadwinners and patients using communications systems,” explains Caudle. This often happens via telephone, computer, video or other skills.
Because telemedicine can be modified for a widely varied range of amenities, using it can be wholly modified, depending upon your health state: the conditions you have, a precise question or worry you have, or areas you have concerning your care.
Telehealth tools are the arrangements you can use to advance remote medical services and data.
For example, if you have a continuing disorder like diabetes that revenue you need to test your lifeblood sugar daily, or your doctor wants you to screen your blood density at home, all you have to do is upload your stages and/or records to your phone, send them in to your doctor’s nurse or medical associate, and rapidly receive info on pill adjustments.
You can also watch videos about nearly any condition you can think of, to healthier understand indications or a analysis you’ve received.
Another great benefit of telemedicine: patient portals. These are gamely and broadly available via the website of many healthcare establishments and hospitals, and agree you prompt access to test results, your medical accounts and records scheduled your office visits. You can also use telehealth outfits to email your doctor with queries, order medical provisions you need, refill your medicines, or receive cues about upcoming actions or events.
How does telemedicine diverge from outdated replicas of healthcare?
One word: immediacy. Telemedicine rejects the bother of preparation an office visit for a minor matter, or waiting for hours in the extra room when you truly don’t need to be got at all. For instance, nurse call centers, which sundry health plans offer their fellows, is a telehealth tool that can remove guesswork as to whether you need a tetanus shot after walking on that nail.
Or answer more complete queries, such as what to do about a pesky pain or a cold you just can’t wobble, by asking you about your indications. Then there’s the handiness factor: Telemedicine services are repeatedly accessible 24/7/365.
Your doctor may plan an effective evening or vacation visit with you when he or she is engaged up during steady office hours, for sample. Your doctor can screen how you’ve been responsibility in regard to side effects of a new medication, talk through test results with you, outline changes to your behavior plan, or answer queries you have in much more complexity than he or she could do in the same quantity of time consumed on a phone call.  
Another matchless benefit of telemedicine: It agrees your PCP to connect easily and in gritty detail with any specialists you’re being mentioned to or already see. You can also be video meetings in to conferences with your health care team if you’re being treated for a chronic or serious condition, something that rarely happens outside of certain hospital locations yet telemedicine styles it a applied, achievable answer.
Who benefits from telemedicine?
One of the welfares of telemedicine is that it can growth admission to health care for patients.
Studies have shown that a wide range of patients can do extremely well when telemedicine is part of their treatment plan. One study found that patients who received virtual obstetric care were highly satisfied with it; another study found that telemedicine can be quite cost-effective for pediatric patients.
 As for serious illness, a third study found that telemedicine can be very effective for symptom monitoring in cancer patients, leading to positive clinical benefits.Should telemedicine play a central role in your healthcare?
It’s significant to recall, however, that even if telemedicine shows helpful to you in selling with an current health matter, it should not ever be seen as an complete interchange for seeing your doctor face to face.
Your best bet: ask your doctor precisely how he or she thinks it’s appropriate to incorporate telemedicine into your care plan or treatment. Telemedicine can be a great cost-saver, but you need to know how much out-of-pocket expense you may be responsible for, as opposed to what you currently pay for in-person appointments and services.  
Your best move: Make telemedicine part of your healthcare—but never lose sight of the fact that your doctor needs to physically see you in order to completely evaluate and examine you. So think of telehealth tools as a compliment to your care, not a be-all, end all.
We provide the best Telemedicine services to physicians and hospital owners at HMS USA Medical billing. If you need our services, visit our website and reach out to us with your current problems.
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jeramymobley · 4 years
Coronavirus: Brand Moves for Wednesday May 27
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A just-released survey from Adobe Advertising Cloud has revealed that a significant proportion of the American population is still buying luxury goods and still, surprisingly enough, wants to see luxury advertising. What’s more, that group is Gen Z, the under-25 consumers who statistically lack the job security and affluence that many older buyers enjoy. Adobe conducted its survey earlier this month, interviewing over a thousand shoppers to learn their feelings about brand advertising during the era of COVID-19. The survey’s most surprising finding deals with young consumers and luxury. While a huge swath of Gen Z (72%) report that it’s been negatively affected by COVID and the associated economic bedlam, that doesn’t seem to have dampened the young adults’ desire to shop. Over half of Gen Z respondents said they “aren’t hesitating when considering luxury good purchases,” and 40% report that they would actually like to see luxury (or “non-essential”) brand advertising right now. “While turning off all advertising may be tempting to brands, our findings show us that this isn’t the best solution,” Adobe Advertising Cloud’s product marketing head Ryan Fleisch said. “Pockets of opportunity still exist. The fact that a large percentage of Generation Z still desires luxury and non-essential brands is one example of this.” Gen X and the Boomers, though, each report by a margin of 76% that they’re “hesitant” to buy luxury goods at this time. Millennials aren’t far behind, with 75%. Many luxury brands have recently been directing their marketing efforts towards the small screen, notably Christian Dior’s “Designer of Dreams” Paris exhibition on Instagram. Luxe wristwatch brands including Patek Philippe and Rolex report they’re still receiving a steady stream of inquiries from prospective buyers, while handbag icons Chanel and Louis Vuitton have quietly raised prices in the United States.
American Well, a company that offers virtual medical visits, has just raised $194 million to help it keep up with skyrocketing demand. CEO Ido Schoenberg said the company decided to raise funds now because health care is rapidly moving online. Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, telemedicine was growing slowly because of a patchwork of complex state-by-state regulations. Since the spring, states have loosened many of these regulations to encourage medical providers to conduct their visits online, letting patients avoid unnecessary exposure to the virus. “Currently the market is very kind to companies like us,” said Schoenberg. American Well, also known as “Amwell,” sells its technology to large employers and health systems. It competes with Teladoc, which has also seen skyrocketing usage since the pandemic. Schoenberg said that some of the new funding will help ensure that American Well’s technology is robust enough to handle the increased usage. The current level of demand could hold steady for months, he estimated, particularly if there’s a second wave of the coronavirus in the fall. “We want to make sure we can be there for clients and partners even if there is a storm coming,” he said.
Meanwhile, French company DocCity has raised over 15 million euros to develop new generation medical consultation surgeries. “Healthcare real estate will have to reinvent itself to meet new demands, in a very sensitive health context,” said president Xavier Boutin. The first opening is planned for the end of 2020, in Narbonne. A dozen projects are already underway and DocCity expects a rate of 8 to 10 openings per year, everywhere in France. These will be completely new-style treatment spaces for family doctors, with technology built in to help with aspects such as making and managing appointments. “We are entering a new era, in which the relationship between doctor and patient is changing, relying more and more on digital. DocCity is inventing the premises and the services that support this transformation,” explained Boutin.
South-east Asian real estate portal PropertyGuru has launched a new digital feature allowing a 360-degree walk-through of a project, its units and the surrounding cityscape.
The feature, called StoryTeller, is available on the group’s sales automation platform, FastKey. According to the company, FastKey digitises and automates the entire property sales process from project launch to close of sale. It currently serves over 500 projects from 100 property developers in South-east Asia. PropertyGuru said the new feature allows agents to host viewings and close deals remotely. It also enables property developers to go-to-market as soon as their project is approved, without having to wait for the construction of its sales gallery or show flat. The group’s latest rollout comes after the Singapore government said last week that developers’ sales galleries will remain closed until further notice, with marketing and sales activity only allowed to continue on virtual platforms under phase one of the economy’s safe reopening, starting on June 2. “Social-distancing measures implemented amid the pandemic have reshaped consumer behaviour and with it, expectations around property buying and selling. With sales galleries now empty and people still looking to explore properties amid a new normal, the time has come to evolve property discovery,” the company said.
Apple says it is planning to reopen more than 100 US retail stores this week, but because the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing, most locations will only offer curbside or storefront service. By this week’s end, Apple says, about 130 out of its 271 U.S. stores will be open. Certain locations, but not all, will allow customers to walk inside the store and conduct transactions on-site with staff. Apple’s retail openings are being closely watched as both a key demand driver for Apple as well as a leading indicator for the health of the retail industry, where Apple’s locations often anchor important malls or shopping districts. The stores in the United States that have re-opened so far have focused on Apple’s Genius Bar, which enables customers to get service and support for broken iPhones and other Apple products. “This week we’ll return to serving customers in many US locations,” an Apple representative said. “For customer safety and convenience, most stores will offer curbside or storefront service only, where we will provide online order pick-up and Genius Bar appointments.”
Walmart is entering the fashion resale market with ThredUp, an e-commerce company that buys and sells secondhand clothes, shoes and accessories. Customers will be able to browse thousands of pre-owned items for women and children on the big-box retailer’s website. They can get free shipping so long as they spend $35 or more, and if purchases don’t work out, they can return the items at a nearby store. Walmart is expanding its online fashion selection in a timely bid to grab more market share in apparel and accessories. The coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated challenges for clothing retailers; major names, including J.Crew, Neiman Marcus and J.C. Penney, have filed for bankruptcy. Others like Nordstrom have said they’ll permanently close some stores. Walmart dominates the grocery business, but still lags in fashion despite having acquired plus-sized women’s apparel company Eloquii and menswear company Bonobos, developed exclusive apparel lines with Ellen DeGeneres and Sofía Vergara and revived Scoop, a trendy brand that used to have stores in New York City. Denise Incandela, head of fashion for Walmart’s e-commerce business in the U.S., said the retailer has been talking to ThredUp for about a year. With the pandemic, though, she said buying fashionable, yet budget-conscious items may have even more relevance. “Everything that we do has been focused on making Walmart a destination for fashion,” she said. “We are absolutely seeing this as an opportunity to support a bigger portion of our customers’ closets.” Even before the crisis, however, Walmart was looking for ways to sell more higher-margin items like clothing to drive its e-commerce business, which has not yet turned a profit. ThredUp bills itself as the largest online thrift store. Customers can send in clothes, shoes, handbags and more, so long as they’re in good condition. If they pass a quality inspection and sell, he or she gets a portion of the profits. The San Francisco-based resale company has over 45,000 brands, ranging from designer names like Marc Jacobs to fast fashion like Forever 21. ThredUp has struck deals with a growing number of retailers, including Gap, Macy’s, J.C. Penney and J.Crew-owned Madewell. Many of its partnerships with retailers have had a brick-and-mortar rather than e-commerce focus.
While the regular ice hockey season will be abandoned as part of the league’s formal “phased return to sport” protocol, 24 of the NHL’s 31 teams will resume play in the summer and fall to compete for the coveted Stanley Cup title. The Stanley Cup Playoffs air on NBC and the NBC Sports Network, which now has a huge hole in its schedule due to the cancellation of the Olympics in July and August. The plan announced today could potentially see the return of the NHL in time for when the Olympics would have occurred. However, while the return-to-play plan may have been formalized, it is not necessarily finalized.  “Although we are anxious to get back on the ice, we will not do anything until we are assured by medical officials and the relevant government authorities that it is safe and prudent to do so,” commissioner Gary Bettman said. The NHL anticipates reopening training camps no earlier than the first half of July. The Playoffs will be assigned to a hub city with secure hotels, arena, practice facilities and in-market transportation for players, coaches and essential staff. Each team will be limited to 50 personnel in the hub city, with limited support staff permitted in event areas. A comprehensive system of testing will be implemented in each hub city. Participating clubs will report to their respective hub cities – one for the Western Conference and one for the Eastern Conference – and play will resume. Neither exact dates nor hub cities have been announced yet.
German state rail operator Deutsche Bahn has announced that it will resume its long-distance rail connections to all neighbouring countries. Starting in the last weekend in May, Deutsche Bahn is making a much larger number of services available again. In addition to resuming tourist ICE and IC services, particularly popular ICE city connections will be given more services as well. These are Munich-Dortmund via Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Cologne, Munich-Dortmund via Stuttgart and Cologne, as well as Basel-Dortmund via Karlsruhe and Cologne. Deutsche Bahn will use trains in double-traction formation to double the number of seats. Furthermore, Deutsche Bahn is increasing its services in regional operations. The average service level is already back up to 95 percent. DB’s Head of Passenger Transport, Berthold Huber, said: “Demand is slowly increasing again. More capacity also means more space for greater distancing and safe travelling. We’re rapidly increasing our tourist services again; we even want to extend them and win over as many passengers for environmentally friendly rail travel for the summer.” International connections are also being expanded; almost all services between Germany and Austria and Switzerland are now running again. The first trains between Berlin and Prague are also back on track and in mid-June connections to the Netherlands and Poland will resume. Further connections to all neighbouring countries will follow depending on border circumstances.
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