#Biiiiig fan of this concept actually
saphira-approves · 3 years
Does anyone else do math when they’re bored? Specifically fandom math?
I know I’ve done it before on this blog with Murtagh Maths, so today I present a topic already debated that I decided to start from scratch… atomic physics!
So, fun thing about existence, matter can be converted into energy. Really neat trick! The thing is, when matter is converted into energy, it’s a LOT of energy. Ever heard of a little formula e=mc^2?
Yeah, so, obviously, e is energy, m is matter, and uh… c is the stand in for the speed of light. You know, real biiiiig number. And it’s squared.
So the energy from this equation is equal to the mass of the object MULTIPLIED by the SQUARE of the SPEED. OF. LIGHT.
oh god. that’s an even bigger number.
But! What does this have to do with our near and dear Inheritance Cycle?
Well, before I actually address that, let me bring in one more idea. Fans of FMA will be familiar with the concept of Equivalent Exchange, which is very similar to some of the laws of physics: matter and energy cannot be created from nothing, and neither can they be destroyed. Matter can be converted into energy, energy can be converted into matter, but you cannot unmake matter or energy.
Now, anyone remember that terrifying spell that was Galbatorix’s last act, waíse niatt? Be not? Essentially, he destroyed himself—he stopped existing as solid matter.
But wait! We just covered that matter cannot be destroyed!
Instead of being destroyed, Galbatorix stopped existing as solid matter—and his matter was converted into energy.
Oh no.
So, assuming that Galbatorix, being apparently very buff, weighs a chunk more than the USA average of 80kg (~180lbs), let’s put him right at 100kg (~220lbs). Plug that into our neat little equation from before: e=220c^2=1.977x10^19 joules.
If you’re not familiar with scientific notation, 1.977x10^19 can be written out as 19,770,000,000,000,000,000, or nineteen quintillion seven hundred seventy quadrillion.
For reference, a single joule (a unit of energy) is about enough energy to lift an apple one meter. A single ton of TNT is equivalent to about four million joules.
The atom bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima detonated with about eighteen trillion joules of energy.
Of course, the spell might not entirely convert all of Galbatorix’s mass to energy; there could be some Dustatorix particles floating around the destroyed throne room. Alternatively, the spell itself could have been so massive an undertaking that it drew its power directly from the energy it created, claiming an enormous chunk of destructive power to fuel a little arson. Whatever the case, Mr. Paolini Sir, the numbers! are! terrifying!
Anyway. I’m gonna go to bed now.
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