#Bingge's so edgy I love him
Preview for HSY chapter 6! After YQY's kidnapping!
Oh. Oh, shit.
Shen Qingqiu would just ignore that little slip!
“The point is, there is no deal between us. Especially not that I would be your empress!”
“So you didn’t marry me of your own will?”
It felt like the entire Peak took a breath, and Shen Qingqiu realized this little melodrama was happening in front of everyone who cared enough that their Sect Leader was kidnapped to come to Qiong Ding Peak and aid the search effort. That included, by necessity, at least one representative of each Peak, and a good portion of Qing Jing. Oh, and most of Qiong Ding Peak, too, since they didn’t want to be seen as treasonous as their Shizun.
The Elixir of Truth was powerful, but Shen Qingqiu had some free will. “In dreams, yes.”
“You know my powers, Shen Qingqiu. And you know a dream is never just that with me.” He walked up to him and Shen Qingqiu didn’t understand why he was doing this. He couldn’t ask him, not with their communication spell long ended. “The blood exchange was binding.”
“I don’t carry your blood para…”
There was a slight but very present shifting of something in Shen Qingqiu’s body. It was light as he felt something brush against his lip from the inside. It was minuscule, but certainly there.
“I won’t steal you from your life here,” Luo Binghe said, staring at Shen Qingqiu’s pale face steadily. “I will not harm anyone here. And will not renounce my claim to being your Second Husband, or to you being my First Husband and Empress as soon as I can bring you to my court.”
“Second Husband!” Wei Qingwei shouted, coming forward, flushed and fuming. “Sect Leader Shen! Please explain!”
“He’s promised, isn’t he?” Luo Binghe said, not breaking eye contact with Shen Qingqiu. “To Prince Tianxuan-Jun. This is his world, not mine. But Shen Qingqiu is one I have crossed space and time to find; I won’t let a little treaty keep me from my soulmate, as confirmed by Madam Meiyin.”
“So disciple Luo Binghe. Is Prince Tianxuan-Jun.” Wei Qingwei said.
“The family resemblance is rather obvious,” Ning Yingying said under her breath. Which… yeah, that was true when you looked at the Emperor, Empress, and Luo Binghe together.
“Do you love me?” Luo Binghe asked him.
“Yes,” Shen Qingqiu answered. “And it’s complicated.”
“How so?”
“Binghe, you just killed the second in command of this sect!”
“He was in the middle of trying to assault you. I would have taken my time as he deserved, but your safety was my priority.”
“He did what.” Ning Yingying prompted darkly and okay, he didn’t really need that spread around.
“Yes, and I appreciate you for that,” Shen Qingqiu conceded. “But I haven’t agreed to marry you outside of dreams, let alone be your empress! And I need to talk to my first husband before I can take on a second!”
“You already have.” Shen Qingqiu startled as he looked at Tianlang-June’s severe expression from where he had backed up to stand beside his wife. Oh, it was never good when the emperor got serious. “Under demonic law, if you exchanged blood with the intent to marry, unless under clear duress, you’re married.”
“I knew,” Luo Binghe said, Zhuzhi-Lang slithering away to stop being a barrier between them. It felt like everyone had backed away from him, leaving him at the center of everything with Luo Binghe. “I knew that marriage would be binding here as long as my blood parasites took.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because you are the most important person in my life. And didi is the most important person in yours. There was no other way to make sure you stayed with me once he returned. And now you can’t escape me.”
This was so, so fucked up. But Shen Qingqiu heard the hurt in his voice, saw the need he had, and forgave him instantly, because he was Luo Binghe. “You didn’t need to do this.”
“Yes, I did. I’m not a good person, Qingqiu. I’ve had to take everything I’ve ever had; your hand in marriage is no different. I have schemed and manipulated and pushed you to this point. If that makes me the villain, then so be it.”
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