#Birb's small form is gonna have a few different outfits too!!
kowtownart · 2 years
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Made a Ref for Birb and his forms! Had a lot of fun with this one, actually surprised it turned out this well!
Transcription below:
Page 1:
Spamton “Birb” Spamton
Fun facts:
*His nickname started off as a joke to separate him from my friends' Spamtons, but it ended up sticking.
*He stims a lot when happy/flustered: he chirps, trills and makes other noises + Tail wags, hand flaps (wing flaps too)
*He becomes flustered/embarrassed very easily from compliments/affection
*A very easy-going, happy little guy!
*He suffers from panic attacks/anxiety (mostly because of Basement fight)
*Can mimic voices (like a parrot) Though it will sound like its from an old radio
*His body is mostly made up of soft baby-doll plastic, with his middle being plush
*Voice skips caused by damage to his voicebox from the Basement fight. (does not hurt him)
*After the Basement fight, his body suffered a major shutdown, causing him to lose/corrupt a majority of memories from before
the fight.
*Because of this, he does not remember most of his days from before his downfall. He scarcely remembers his older brothers, the main four Addisons. He also has very fuzzy memories of his Big Shot days.
*The abandoned body he used in the battle changed him physically and mentally: He gained his bird-like features/mannerisms
(tail, fangs, and fluffier hair) when his data and the Husk's data merged.
*His personality reverted back to what he was like before he became a Big Shot, as did his mental age, making him in his late twenties.
*He can transform into his 'New' (softer) NEO form at will, the more robotic/feral version was only seen during the fight.
Page 2
Basement NEO:
*Territorial, feral, and desperate to get to [HEAVEN]
*Uses the original husk from the Queen's Basement
*Stream/smoke pours from between his paneling from his body trying to keep him from shutting down
*Glitching is significantly worse in this form. His voice is very deep, almost like a roar
Soft NEO:
*Gentle Giant, very careful/cautious around anyone smaller than himself
*NEO form became part of him after absorbing the code from the husk
*Smoke/steam comes out of his mouth/paneling on his back when he's flustered or overstimulated
*Voice is a bit deeper/louder in this form
*Able to fly in this form! He has one organic (Feathered) and one mechanical wing (bat-like)
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