#Black clover tickles
rachi-roo Β· 1 year
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Black Clover: New High score!
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Yaaaay! I'm so happy to see Black Clover thriving on this platform again ^^
Summary: Tiggle fic. Luck and Magna have had an ongoing contest with each other to see who has better endurance, and Asta wants in. Even though he doesn't know what he's gotten himself into.
Characters: Lee Asta, Ler Magna, Luck and ler Vanessa.
Tw: None
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"That was not half an hour! It was twenty-nine minutes and fifty-eight seconds." Magna grumbled as he and Luck shoved each other through the main doors. Both looking out of breath and scruffier than usual.
Luck grinned, bouncing on Magnas shoulders. "Was not! It was half an hour! Three minutes longer than you lasted, Maggie."
Upon hearing their voices, Asta poked his head around the corner, pouting as he noticed their messy clothes. "HEY! Don't tell me you've been working out without me!"
Magna plopped down on the couch, rotating his shoulder in its socket as it ached. "Working out? Not really. We've just beeeeen, uuh, testing out each other's endurance-"
"Endurance training!? Without me?!"
"Well, no it's just-" The ex-punk wasn't sure, this was a sort of inside joke that he and Luck had been doing for ages now. Over Asta's shoulder, he spotted Luck giving him a nod as he grinned. He wanted to let Asta in on their little game, just for a laugh.
Magna's uneasy expression changed into a smug grin, as long as Luck didn't mind, he was down for getting Asta involved. "I don't know, little guy, it might be a bit too much for someone as inexperienced as you." He shrugged, watching Astas face twist into one of absolute disgust.
Luck chimed in with a grin. "What if we went easy on him the first time?"
"I bet I can take it! I'm tough! I'm strong! I've been working out every day of my life! Look at these guns! Look. At. Them!" The small wizard flexed his arms in an attempt to impress his friends, desperate to get in on the action.
Magna held up his hands in defeat. "Okaaaay, okay buddy. But you need to be prepared for a rough ride. And we won't be held responsible for whatever happens."
"You can't scare me! Let's do this! I'm pumped! YEEEEAH!" He was vibrating with excitement. Magna and Luck exchanged smirks, knowing exactly what was about to happen.
"Uh-huh, yeah, woohoo. First things first," Magna started, standing from the couch and stretching. "Lose the jacket and cloak. And hand over your belt-"
"Done!" Asta practically threw his clothing at Magna, standing like a pokemon sprite, all poised and ready to fight. "C'mon, c'mon!"
"Haha! He's so hyper!" Luck giggled.
"You're one to talk." Magna huffed, taking Asta's wrists and binding them together with his belt, earning a confused look from the short boy.
"What, uh, are you doing?" He asked, tugging slightly on the belt before yelping as Luck shoved him onto the couch.
"Not to worry! All part of the test." The electric blonde chuckled. "C'mon, arms up! Up!" Magna and Luck took their positions. Asta laid on the couch whilst Luck held his arms up, Magna sat on his waist.
"Alright, last chance kid. You sure you want to do this?" Magna smirked, cracking his knuckles, smirking at Luck.
"Yeah! Wait what are we do-IHIHIIII!" Asta's body suddenly spasmed as he felt the unmistakable feeling of fingers shaking into his tummy, instinctively yanking his arms down to defend himself. Magna tutted as Luck shook his head.
"Damn, not even a second. I thought he'd be tougher than you, Magna. Guess not." Asta pouted, looking at Magna as he shrugged.
"Doesn't look like it, oh well, maybe when he gets stronger we can-"
"No! No, I got it! I just wasn't expecting you to tickle me! Start again!" Asta puffed his chest, putting his arms back over his head, bracing himself for the ticklish onslaught.
"Alright," Magna chuckled, flexing his fingers over Asta's clothes stomach, the flesh trying to hide away from the digits as Asta sucked inward. "My longest time is twenty-nine minutes by the way." And with that, the attack started again, the white shirt Asta wore offered little to no defence as Magna scribbled and squeezed the puppy fat on his tummy.
"Pffff-! Ahahaha! Oho gahahad!" The ticklish wizard managed to resist the urge to defend himself this time, trying his best to leave his arms up in Luck's grip. "I-Ihihi! I got thihihis!" He beamed, his heels digging into the couch as he tensed.
"Oh yeah? What iiiiif we move on up a little?" Magna hummed, moving to pinch at Astas lower ribs, rubbing his thumbs in circular motions on the protruding bone. Asta's hips bucked, that spot surprisingly more sensitive than the other.
"AAAH! Ah! Geheheez!" He shook his head, twisting his torso back and forth.
Luck giggled at Asta's reaction. "Oh wowwie! He's so loud!" He said in a raised voice so he was heard over Asta's ridiculously loud cackling and yelling. Happy yelling. But loud, contagious yelling.
"He sure is. I wonder what noise he'll make if I do this! Coochie, coochie, coo, loud mouth." And so began the teasing as Magna shoved his hands up inside Asta's shirt, vibrating his fingers into the front of his ribs, just below his pecks. The noise that followed caused a flock of birds to scatter in the nearby trees outside. You'd think someone was being murdered.
"GYAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAA!" After completely emptying his lungs, Asta took in a sharp breath, laughter falling silent for a brief moment. Magna and Luck couldn't help but laugh with the boy and be amazed by how he was holding up. He did need to breathe though, Magna thought.
"I think we should stop for now, you're going to loose your voice kid-"
"NOHO! No! I-IYAHAHA! Icandothis!" Asta blurted out before falling into a bout of giggles. Magna shrugged, continuing the tickling tournament. He looked up, feeling the weight on the couch behind him shift, then smiled upon hearing the voice.
Vanessa's silk tone greeted them with a chuckle as she sat on the couch, crossing her legs and trapping Asta's ankles between her thighs. "Well, well, what are we doing in here?" She asked, already knowing exactly what they were up to. She had seen Luck and Magna do this to each other before. "Say, Asta, want me to help? A big strong wizard like you can surely take more than just Magna's training." She chuckled, playfully slipping Asta's boots off, all whilst he's still in hysterics.
"Gihive me your wohorst!" He blurted out, of course, he could take more than this! He's going to be the wizard King! With the okay given, Vanessa started slowly dragging her nice pointed nails up and down Asta's soles, making his little toes curl as he tensed his legs up.
"Ooh, I think he likes that." She smiled. Through all Asta's squirming, his headband had slipped over his eyes, deepening the tickly sensations as his other senses were heightened. A flurry of warmth filled his belly. His cheeks and nose a soft pink, along with the tips of his ears.
He was indeed holding up very well. Between Magna mercilessly switching between Asta's tummy and ribs and Vanessa now scratching on the paw-pad-like toes, surely he would break soon.
Some time passed when Asta finally felt at the end of his rope. His breath getting shallow and his throat became dry. "Okahay-! Ah-AHA! OKAHAY! I GIVE! STAHAP!" And instantly, the tickling stopped.
Luck untied Asta's wrists, Magna and Vanessa removed themselves from their Asta-shaped seats, allowing the tuckered-out boy to curl up on himself, still giggling like a loon. He slowly peeled his headband from over his eyes, smiling at his friends.
"That was impressive kiddo, lemme get you some water." Vanessa smiled, fetching a glass of cool H20 to rehydrate the shrivelled little man.
Asta graciously took the glass, sipping between giggles. "Hah..... ehehe.... H-How long..... Did I last?"
Magna petted his hair, sympathetically. "That was eighteen minutes and forty-four seconds. Not beating us this time but, hey! At least you got a score higher than zero." He chuckled, prodding Asta's cheek.
The boy sighed. "I need to get better! Let's go again! Right now!" He moved to lie down again when Vanessa stopped him. "I don't think so, kid. You're tired enough as is now. Maybe another day. Right?" She asked, looking at Magna who nodded in agreement. They didn't want to burn him out completely.
Asta nodded, he was pretty tired after all that. He'd have to think of a way to strengthen his core maybe. Work on being able to turn off his tickle receptors as well as his pain ones then the time needed. As he sat thinking of how to improve, he found himself starting to doze, leaning back into the couch cushions.
This new tool that could be used against him and needed to be dealt with. After a long nap that is.
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