mrkimmy-101 · 11 months
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meucantinhopraficar · 2 months
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prettymeredith · 4 months
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There's a special little place that's simply called "The Attic".
You know, the cramped stuffy space where you store things for awhile until they're need them again? Items that are preferred to keep out of view as not to clutter up the main living spaces.
There is a fabeled attic; a one of a kind that houses all varieties of different damsels. The location kept in secret, however evidence remains prudent of it's continued existence as images of its occupants occasionally leak their way online.
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Damsels; Roped up amongst a painted white wooden walled backdrop for durations and reasons unknown.
Early evidence suggusts the iconic black pole was added at a later point in time, simply not for structural reasons.
A lone window, subtly taunting the prospect of freedom to whoever stares through bound from the inside.
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The Attic offers ample more questions than it does answers; who, why, when, where, how..?
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Not much is known about those who appears in the attic. No faces match any open missing persons cases, and no victims have openly stepped forward.
Occupants ranging from your average girl next door to high class lingerie models. Business Women to Wonder Woman. Evidence may suggust everyone shown is here under their own free will.
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Rumors are, just our of frame, are printed shots of every damsel that ever stepped foot in The Attic. Playfully eyeing the newbie in this unique sorority of damsels of sorts.
Knowing that she too will take her place amongst this gallery. Studying the many faces, wondering what she shares with them aside from a few hours bound in the same place.
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What other mysteries is this sacred, secret place of bondage holding from us? Should we dare to explore to find out? Personally, I believe that we see here are a collection of those who want to, and those who didn't.
Maybe, just maybe some part of me is curious enough to know for myself. Knowing the consequences of what needs to happen in order to gain that knowlege is just a risk I'm willing to accept.
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"The Attic" - A place where Damsels lay Dormant.
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lidia-vasconcelos · 2 months
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"Queria saber como era o Seu Rosto, embora eu sinta que era mui lindo..."
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caminhadacomdeus · 3 months
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Este versículo nos convida a experimentar a grande bondade de Deus. Quando confiamos em Deus e colocamos a nossa fé Nele, somos abençoados e encontramos a verdadeira felicidade🙏🕊
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roggiaeliasoficial · 28 days
Os momentos difíceis que passamos, não anulam a bondade de Deus nas nossas vidas.
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Acho que se Jesus voltasse amanhã,ninguém iria acreditar a não ser que desse provas como os milagres feitos no passado,aí já mostraria como o mundo o trataria,diriam ser um louco ou coisa pior,mas temos que ir fazendo sempre o bem,não porquê tememos Jesus e sim por optar pelo bem,quem tem um coração bondoso não teme seu futuro.
Jonas r Cezar
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jesusrei · 3 months
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bruuhgomes · 1 year
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cristianismosimples · 4 months
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“Regozijai-vos sempre no Senhor; outra vez digo, regozijai- vos”. Filipenses 4:4
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mrkimmy-101 · 1 year
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meucantinhopraficar · 2 months
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lidia-vasconcelos · 4 months
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Bondade boa é a praticada...
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caminhadacomdeus · 3 months
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Se os ventos fossem capazes de revelar os milagres divinos que ocorreram na minha vida, a bondade de Deus seria inquestionável 🌟🙏
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somosprojetoamigos · 3 months
Todos nós temos a capacidade de fazer o bem e Deus capacita cada um de nós com habilidades e talentos que podem ser usados para servir outras pessoas. Seja um dom espiritual ou uma habilidade aprendida, você terá oportunidades únicas de mostrar bondade aos necessitados.
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As pessoas sempre irão esperar mais de você,se ficar se preocupando em agradar a todos,fará as vidas deles serem perfeitas e não irá viver a sua,coloque um limite na sua bondade.
Jonas r Cezar
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