#Bruce Wayne hc
hanasnx · 2 months
Indy! What kinks do you think Bruce would have ?
bruce wayne's kinks.
! ── bondage + gags: it's a classic. tying you up and taking control from you is a huge turn on for him. if you have his complete trust, which rare ever do, you'll be able to do the same to him. unfortunately, those pretty silken ropes end up getting worn through way too quick, so you've upgraded to chains so you can ride him like a stallion. however, your headboard creaks a little more each time. when a 200+ man of pure muscle yanks on wood it splinters.
! ── edging + overstimulation + dacryphilia
! ── exhibitionism: part of his bruce wayne persona means public displays of affection are required. however, he enjoys it. getting his hands all over you where anyone could see means he elicits that cute reaction out of you where you hit him and scold him all the while his teeth are on your neck and he's groping you through your dress. the thrill of removing just enough to make sure he can get inside you makes him rip his belt open with fervor, and he's always a fan of a quickie. it's a stress reliever.
! ── breathplay: he's calculative when it comes to breathplay, but more specifically he loves putting his hand around your throat.
! ── size: he's an avid supporter. he thinks it's hot when you get all sheepish being reminded of how big and strong he is. he's got a powerful body he works day and night for, the least you can do is appreciate its every inch.
! ── food play: ever since strippers jumped out of his birthday cake in his twenties covered in frosting and edible bits that he was allowed to lick off he's had a thing for food play. at one point you feel like he's eaten entire meals off of you, he's completely nondiscriminatory when it comes to what he can lick and mouth as long as it's on you. if he's on a cheat day, he lets a scoop of ice cream melt on your skin just so he can clean you himself and watch your poor nipples pebble from the cold.
! ── impact play: chronic ass-smacker, tit-smacker less so, face-smacker even less.
! ── old school panty snatcher: if you put a pair of your used panties in his suit pocket before he goes to work he will play with it all day. stick his hand in there to meddle with the fabric between his fingers while he's talking to his board of directors with the presentation he's been preparing. he gets into the habit of inviting himself to your undergarments, and has been caught multiple times using one of your favorite pairs to jack himself off.
! ── bareback + creampies: condoms are fine he's not an idiot, but there's something about going in raw that draws him in. the extra edge of danger and the intimacy of touching the deepest parts of you bare.
! ── thigh riding: clasping your hands in his for balance while he watches you get off on his thigh. tells you it's like a personal show. he keeps those eyes trained on you with such an entertained grin it makes you whine in frustration, and that's hot too.
! ── threesomes/foursomes: he's done it all. having multiple partners is a testament to his endurance and he loves the praise, but since he's been official with you there is no room for that sort of thing and that's fine with him.
! ── light roleplay: you two have been known to throw the word "batman" around the bedroom.
! ── praise mostly very rarely a degrader
! ── daddy: as far as he's concerned, that's one of his names when it comes to you. in any context you call him that, he swells with pride. one time you visit him while he's in a meeting, not only did you turn every head in the room but when you called him "daddy" accidentally and out of pure habit, he didn't skip a beat. he glances at his companions with a knowing glint in his eye because they should be jealous that the girl they're gonna be thinking about for the rest of the day just called him daddy. he's got no shame about it.
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glassdecanters · 10 months
favourite bruce wayne skin is "suit on without the cowl" because it either has so much meaning (e.g telltale or arkham series), he's just being a fucking dumbass and harassing his family members, or he's just had one of the roughest fights of modern age and he's stumbling back into the batcave to utter the words "you should see the other guy"
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rushman2-0 · 2 years
I've decided that all of Damian's teachers at Gotham Academy know he's Robin (because ffs he talks like he's from the 1800s and he's always ready to cut a bitch, it's pretty distinctive in and out of the tights) but they're keeping it to themselves because the drama and politics involved in accusing Bruce Wayne Himself of child neglect is too much to fathom, but they do have an unofficial weekly staff meeting to compare notes and make sure the poor kid is sleeping.
During parent teacher conferences they send Bruce home with a Preteen Care Package containing:
A developmental psychology textbook filled with "this is why he does that" sticky notes and a bookmarked section on recklessness and impulsivity associated with pubescent hormones
A few pamphlets on child sleep needs and nutritional guides for active teenagers
An article on single fatherhood and demonstrating positive masculinity
A printed PowerPoint on guiding your teen athlete through rapid growth spurts without injury
And a handwritten note that says "we're thrilled that Damian cares for animals so much, but the Bat Cow is pushing it a bit" with an invite to the next unofficial weekly staff meeting
Bruce goes to the meeting.
He also decides the rest of the kids (and Alfred, oh god) will never find out about this.
Jason starts teasing him about it the next day.
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dceuheadcanons · 9 months
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I've been asked to talk more about my "Bruce Wayne has OSDD-1B" post, so I will be doing just that!! I will elaborate on further details about each headmate in the future. Feel free to see my last post on this if you have not already.
So far I've noticed that there are at least five headmates. Batman, B, Brucie, Bruce Wayne, and Mr Wayne.
Batman started forming the night his parents were shot, and his memory also starts there. He cannot remember his childhood pre-ten. He's a protector of sorts, but he also holds the rage. He's the most intelligent of the bunch, what with being the "World's Greatest Detective" and all. He is slow to trust people, but he believes that there is good in everyone. That is why he does not kill. Though that wasn't originally the case, he saw the worst in everyone for a decade or so, his viewpoint changed when he took in Nightwing. Every part of him has patrolled as Batman, the cowl belonging to them all partially because of his obliviousness towards his disorder, but he is the one made to be Batman.
B is the father. He formed for the singular purpose of being a parent. None of the others were prepared for such a task. He has great care for his children, despite failing in places due to the awful example his own father set. He would kill for any one of them. He was the one that endeavoured to kill The Joker when Red Hood was murdered. He doesn't take kindly to anyone he loves being harmed.
Brucie is the playboy. Everyone knows that. He doesn't take much seriously, he flirts with everyone (of appropriate age) that he meets, he does drugs, and he's an alcoholic. But he's the one that's been around the "longest". He remembers his entire childhood. He deals with his grief and trauma with hypersexuality and substance abuse. He's the least honest of the bunch and absolutely hates people seeing him as sad or weak. But he commonly accompanies Batman on patrols. He's good with words and good with people, able to manipulate and redirect effortlessly. He's the one that goes on out-of-costume intel missions. He's the one fucking all his rogues! He has the lowest iq of the bunch, but he's still considered a genius by his score.
Bruce Wayne is the child. The child that "died in the alleyway with his parents". In systems, these are commonly called littles. They're used to cope with high stress situations, but he is never usually left alone. If left alone he's quiet, flinches at loud noises, distrusts adults, and will be willing to beat the shit out of anyone that disrespects his father's name. If you do manage to get him to trust you, he will talk about things that he liked in childhood. Pokémon, Sonic Underground, classical literature, etc. He was born in the 90s in my AU, similar to the newest movie. I will roughly outline my timeline in another post.
Mr Wayne is the business man. He does not respond to Bruce, as he both sees himself as above others and ISN'T Bruce. He's the only introject, and he's an introject of Thomas Wayne. He isn't mean or entirely self centered. He makes sure the employees of his company and all of the companies he owns are treated well. He pays for employees' family's education, rent, food, whatever they need. He has a LOT of money and he knows that as long as he keeps his businessess going and his employees happy, he won't ever go bankrupt. He uses that to help whoever he can, he donates large sums to charities, etc. He's commonly around at the same time Brucie is. He isn't allowed to be around at the same time Bruce Wayne (the little/child) is, though, due to the fact that their real father was abusive. He'd scare the kid.
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rhinexstone · 2 years
Highly selective health nut Bruce Wayne
He won’t eat any fast food unless he has to, but if it comes out of a bag it’s game
He 100% believes that if it totals up to 8 hours a day, he’s getting enough sleep
This of course means he passes out all day once a month and still can’t see the issue with that
If it’s green and it doesn’t kill or incapacitate him, it’s healthy
The man will not compromise on orthopedic inserts though, every pair of shoes he owns has them and he always carries spares
For skincare, his products are all over the place. High end snail slime eye cream to CVS sunscreen
Bruce has fought in casts before, but if he pulls a muscle he’s down for the count on a heating pad
He’s okay with prescription pain killers, but will always try to not take Tylenol
Bruce 100% takes ACV shots just because he likes the taste and that is arguably scarier than anything he’s done in the suit
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frownyalfred · 7 months
hc that Clark doesn’t get the human instinct/reaction of a gut feeling or the hairs standing up on the back of your neck since he’s Kryptonian, so sometimes Bruce just freezes up and says “something’s wrong” and Clark resigns himself to it like ah yes, that weird human thing again and is baffled when 99% of the time Bruce’s gut is absolutely right
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strawberrylet · 1 year
idea: batman and the robins never acknowledge that there have been different robins. like they all act that there's only been one and that they're the same person basically.
Justice League who's used to teen dick not kid jason: who is this child?
Batman: what do you mean, it's robin.
Batman and Tim walking through the watchtower:
Justice League who remembers robin literally dying: ...*side eye*...
Flash: batman… who is this?
Batman: robin. you’ve met before. several times.
Flash: no, i met a black haired boy. this is a blonde girl!
Batman: her name is robin
Superman: it's time for you to explain. where are you getting all these children?
Batman: i have no idea what you're talking about.
Superman *pointing to damian*: who is this kid?!
Damian: i'm robin. i'm offended you would even ask that? don't you remember *proceeds to recite a story dick told him of his robin days*
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vivianthepigeon · 7 months
Tim: “I need to tell you something”
Bruce: “What did you do??”
Tim: “when Alfred was doing our taxes he noticed a missing check”
Bruce: “what did you do???”
Tim: “Before I answer do you trust me enough to understand that it was for a good reason and just leave it at that?”
Bruce: “What. Did. You. Do.”
Tim: “it’s all Jason’s fault! He is a BAD person, I’ve been telling you for years!”
Bruce to Jason: “WHAT DID YOU DO?”
Jason: “okay now before I answer that-“
Bruce: “just tell me whatcha did”
Jason: “I got a DUI”
Bruce: “Jason!”
Jason: “it’s not as bad as it sounds”
Bruce: “How is driving drunk not bad???”
Jason: “I wasn’t exactly driving”
Bruce: “I don’t follow.”
Jason: “I was at the bar with Damian and I had a few”
Bruce: “DAMIAN?!”
Damian: “With God as my witness I’ve never been to that bar in my life.”
Jason: “He knows.”
Damian: “Oh I’ve been there a bunch”
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Bruce with baby!Jason and toddler!Dick
Dick figuring out words but moves like he has no bones, cartwheeling, and Bruce has to keep running before him because Dick forgets the room eventually ends and then gets his forehead straight into a wall
Baby Jason Soo sweet and affectionate. Doesn't know how to give Bruce kisses so he'll kiss Bruce by bitting (but don't worry he doesn't have teeth yet)
Baby Jason being carried by toddler Dick is SOOO cute. Alfred taking pics, he's a proud grandpa
Dick likes when Bruce holds him upside down and giggles so loud it echoes. Jason who sometimes get so tired but still want to stay awake to play with Dick and Bruce
Jason will eat anything if he sees his big brother eating too. Jason who loves to watch cartoon with stories. He'll nod along to what Bruce says to him
Bruce getting back from a mission, says "ouch". Jason sees it, says "ooouch?"
Bruce will be talking to Dick and Jason will start to cry because he wants to be included in the conversation! He'll even babble along
One of those grey but comforting evenings where there's lots of rain and wind, Bruce flat out dead (sleeping) in the couch, Jason napping in his chest, Dick between the couch and Bruce and using his arm (that is not holding Jason up) as a pillow, snoring
Jason that pouts when he's focused (playing with his teether). Isn't easily tickled but does laugh when Bruce kisses his feet
His first word is "dick"
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violent138 · 2 months
*At the funeral of a former Gotham D.A.*
Tim: "So how come you brought just me?"
Bruce, nodding politely at other guests: "The others keep daring each other to do stupider and stupider things and I just wanted one night without any--"
Tim, choking on his drink: "Oh shit, oh shit, that's one of my exes--" hides behind Bruce and nearly knocks over a large photograph of the recently deceased
Bruce, forcing a smile and desperately searching the room for alcohol, muttering: "Him? Really?"
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glassdecanters · 9 months
one of my favourite things abt the arkham games is bruce’s monologuing. like. it’s so funny. who is he talking to???? can anyone hear him??? is he talking to alfred on the comms and alfred is just nodding and agreeing?
like when you select the riddler missions and he goes
“i’ll play your games, nygma, and i’ll win.” like ok edgy king!! wyd!!! what u cookin!?!??!!?
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 2 months
Random things I like to hc :
(here's : part 2)
- Constantine calling Batman "love" anytime.
"Good plan, love. Now, if I may add..."
- Diana constantly fighting the urge to add multiple times in the footnotes of her research papers : "*I know that because I was there."
- Clark feeling some type of way whenever anyone from the Batfam calls him Uncle Clark (he does tear up a little the first few times).
- Anytime, Booster would get cancelled for a tweet, he'd go back in time just far enough to prevent from tweeting it. He did that way too many times.
- Barry and Hal being that one best friend duo that are big on PDA. Most of the time during JL meetings, Hal's leg would be intertwined with Barry's.
- Given that the way they usually interact correlates with what he learned about married couples, J'onn assumed for the longest time that Bruce and Clark were spouses.
- Much like how Clark switches off his kansan accent when he's being Superman, Bruce switches off his "posh" accent when he's being Batman.
- On the contrary, Oliver always sounds filthy rich.
- Everytime someone mentions (any) Robin, Hal's mind still can't fathom that Batman's sidekick is a literal child.
- Dick is a bisexual flirt in and out of costume.
- Regular occurence : Batman enters the meeting room, sees Booster's stupid expression that's a clear sign he's going to share very stupid ideas, and Batman exits the room without a word. He doesn't come back for the rest of the meeting. After it happened more than once, some of the members get the clue and walk out as well.
- Superman can recite entire movies by heart. Not surprising in and of itself, but surprising that Bruce silently lets him do it over his shoulder when he's working in the batcave. Lets Clark unwind and gives Bruce background noise.
- After multiple complaints, Batman had to soundproof Dinah and Oliver's room in the watchtower.
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ditzybat · 2 months
any teenage female hero: oh no, i think i'm starting my period :(
bruce, proud girl dad, procuring a basket of menstrual products and comfort items: i've got this guys.
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
Tim Drake hc:
After rescuing Bruce from the timestream, the other Bats eventually notice that Tim is 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 without at least one weapon on him at all times. He usually has three (the small knife he built hideaway spots in all his shoes for, the larger knife either on his hip or shelved on his back, and a nonlethal option such as a taser), but he doesn't even sleep without them within reach.
The shoe knife was introduced to his outfits after the Titan Tower Attack. He wanted a hidden way to never be caught off guard again (he wasn't sure his precautions would be well-received by the Bats). The larger knife was added after the desert (Tim's not sure he'd resort to using it, but he lost two friends during a time he had only himself and them to rely on). The nonlethal one was added after Damian cut his line.
He does end up forgiving all the Bats for their transgressions and seeking forgiveness for his faults, but he's never without a weapon. He's learned that even "safe" spaces can suddenly become unsafe. He learned that, when it came down to it, he has only himself to constantly rely on.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
Menace! Reader who keeps using the batfam’s real names during patrols/fights.
Menace! Reader who doesn’t take patrol/fights or most heists seriously at all. They have numerous plans already prepared for the case that they lose or get bodied which is all the time. But they always escape even if the boys don’t purposely let them off
Bruce will say it’s cause Menace! Reader knows and won’t hesitate to expose their true identities to the world. Which is true, but Menace! Reader thinks he’s being too dramatic.
I mean it’s not like they have an entire document detailing the atrocities Batman could have prevented if he didn’t have that stupid no-kill rule. The lives and people that has been lost to Joker. Detailing each one of them so they won’t end up as just a number under that monster’s belt.
Menace! Reader who’s always, always there for everyone of the Batfam’s members if they’re needed. Ever since Jason’s death, they made sure to keep tabs on every one of Batman’s kids.
Menace! Reader who hides how much they care, how deathly afraid they are of losing anyone in that family, Robin or not.
Yandere! Batfamily who knows of all of this and would die before anyone ever hurts you.
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thief-of-eggs · 1 year
Headcannon that when Alfred finally caves and allows the Wayne family to get a roomba, the bat brothers just go nuts over it:
Damian names it, and gets disgruntled when people simply refer to it as “the roomba”. Like, no, that is Cerberus? Get it right please
Tim tampers with it on more then one occasion. Hooks up some motion activated speaker/microphone mechanism complete with a voice modulator so that he can speak to whoever it passes. Steph is convinced for a whole WEEK that the roomba is sentient
Jason puts a few knives sticking out from it at some point. The whole family can hear Bruce’s screams when it enters his study.
And Dick just turns the damn thing off every time he sees it. He thinks it’s the worst purchase of all their collective lives
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