#Btw Erica found a hello Kitty keychain hidden under Eddie's mattress
fruity4lifesanders · 6 months
Steddie: First Kiss (no UpsideDown Au)
My first attempt at writing a fanfic! Just some steddie first kiss fluff!
Some language.
These kids were gonna end up being the death of Eddie. Somehow Henderson had figured out his crush on Steve, let it slip to the other youngsters and now they all keep making faces at him everytime they are around Steve.
He was tired of the little shits constantly nagging him to ask Steve out...which is exactly what had happened yet again just a few moments ago, in mike Wheeler's basement of all places.
They had just been taking a break from making character sheets for a new campaign when Steve was brought up...
"jesus- he's like the straightest guy I've ever seen Henderson! I'm NOT gonna ask him out just to get rejected man! Drop it!" Eddie all but yells, getting flustered at just the thought of Steve.
"you don't know that he's straight though." Dustin retorts
Max quickly interjects "I would just like to say that I know for a fact he is NOT 100% straight. I once heard him mumble about Billy being 'too fucking hot for his own good'."
"See!? JUST TELL HIM." dustin is all but begging him at this point.
Eddie rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Doesn't matter Henderson. There's no way he's interested."
Dustin sighs, "erica, care to help handle this?" Glancing over towards where she was sitting.
"Do it or you're straight." Is all she says.
"that's really the best you could come up with? Seriously?" As soon as the words left his mouth, Eddie knew he messed up. You don't EVER challenge Erica.
".....plus I'll tell everyone what I found in your room." Erica looks at him deviously. All the other kids turn to look at him, wondering what she found that could be so bad.
He isn't sure what she found or when she was in his room for that matter but if it's what he thinks.....no-he can't take that risk. His street cred and "edgy cool-guy" image would be destroyed.
So here they were in his van, him driving with Dustin in the passenger seat, and the others piled in the back, on their way to see Steve on his shift at Family Video.
When they get there, Steve's eyes widen and then narrow as he takes in the collection of kids plus Eddie walking in the door, going from surprised to suspicious.
It had been a slow day, no other customers were in the store, and Robin was off hunting another vhs to put in the pass the time when the junky van pulled up outside.
Eddie walks directly up to the counter and looks at Steve, and Steve's confusion grows as Eddie just stands there.
After about a minute , Steve asks "do you need something?" When he gets no reply he looks back at the kids behind Eddie and says "did you guys break him or something?" With a slight smile, but only half joking.
Then suddenly eddie just lunges forward and grabs the front of Steve's uniform vest, pulling him in and- kisses him?
'EDDIE MUNSON IS KISSING ME' is the only thought replaying in Steve's mind, so surprised that he completely forgets to respond in any way, until Eddie starts to back away, an apology already forming on the top of his tongue, at which Steve promptly puts his hands on either side of Eddie's face and pulls him back into another kiss.
Now it's eddies turn to be shocked, but he quickly returns the kiss. They stay like that for a minute before pulling away just enough to look at each other.
From "ewwww" to "Get a room!" To "FINALLY", the kids' responses vary, but neither Steve nor Eddie really hear them, only breaking eye contact after Robin practically appears out of thin air beside Steve and clears her throat.
Eddie quickly lets go of Steve's vest and steve retracts his hands from Eddie's face, both a little flushed.
Steves the first to break the silence between the two,
"so uh, how's 7 o'clock this Friday? I'll pick you up after my shift..." he throws Eddie one of his blinding smiles.
"oh, uh yeah, that sounds great....uhm, see you then I guess..." Eddie replies, still flustered and unsure of what to say.
He ushers the kids out quickly, glancing at Steve on the way out the door, who was just watching Eddie with a big grin on his face.
As the van pulls away, robin and Steve may or may-not have been holding hands, jumping and squealing like middle school girls...
Tysm for reading if you did! Please feel free to leave tips for writing. Sorry if it wasn't very good quality it's my first (:
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