#But I don't want to write in an accent and do it poorly and ruin the quality of the translation
Hey I wondered if I can send in another Crowley Request. My father just told me he wants me to move out because I ruin his mood with my Depression and that I should just go live in a share house for mentally ill people ❤️ Could you write something were Reader is in that kinda situation and summons Crowley for the first time to sell her soul because she feels like a burden to everyone and he decides to take her in instead to keep him company in his house?
It’s absolutely absolutely ok if you’re not comfortable with this, just delete the ask if you don’t wanna write it.
I'm so sorry to hear that! That's not right! I can totally write something with Crowley! I don't mind at all! 💖 *bit of angst*
I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here
You summon Crowley with a deal in mind after you’ve come to a devastating realization. However, what happens next is not what you expected.
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You didn’t understand the way people think sometimes. How could another human being treat another human being so poorly, like their feelings didn’t matter. The mistreatment of others is what usually leads to terrible situations, people turning to things in desperation because they see no other way out.
That’s exactly what happened with you.
A young woman like you was just told one of the worst things one could ever hear from their own father. You knew you were depressed; it wasn’t something that someone needed to tell you and it’s certainly something you didn’t have to be constantly reminded of. But shouldn’t parents help their children? Even if it means at the cost of themselves?
But no, your father wanted nothing more than for you to leave. Go somewhere where they will take care of your emotions. Somewhere where your depression doesn’t “ruin his mood”.
Who the hell does that? You’ve had enough. 
You weren’t the type of person to think about harming yourself, but you couldn’t help but feel like a burden. You couldn’t help how you felt, but it seemed like no one wanted you around. That no one wanted you period. That’s what led you to researching the occult.
That’s what led you to Crowley.
You figured out how to summon him after thoroughly researching what would happen to you. You make a deal, lose your soul, and go to Hell. Perhaps you could bargain to make it quicker. You didn’t want to stick around longer than you had to. This would be your first time summoning a demon, so you hoped it worked out right.
Who would’ve thought you would’ve ever needed to say that? 
Gathering the correct ingredients, you decided to do this in your room. You were mostly left alone, so you weren’t worried about anyone walking in. With the bowl in front of you, you lit a match and dropped it, causing the contents to ignite.
Then you waited.
“Hello darling...I knew someone like you would’ve called me eventually.” You turned your head to see a man in your room dressed in an all-black suit and tie. He had a fairly dark persona about him, with his deep voice and British accent. The way he casually sat on your bed, staring at you with those hazel eyes told you that messing around would be a bad idea. There was a sense of arrogance around him, that he was a person of high position.
“Who are you?” You knew that was a stupid question, but like with any deal, you wanted to know the name of the person. He scoffed a bit, confirming your thoughts that he believed the question to be stupid.
“I’m surprised you don’t know who you’re dealing with. I am the father of all demons.” He said with a smirk slowly growing on his face, illuminating his features. Your eyes widened in shock.
“Lucifer...” You breathed and the man in front of you immediately scowled, looking disgusted.
“No! I’m bloody Crowley! The King of Hell!” He said while sitting up, causing you to cower slightly. His eyes flashed red for a second, making you wonder if you made a mistake. But at this point, you really didn’t care what happened to you.
“Anyway,” Crowley straightened out his tie and shoulders, seemingly calming down before that smirk returned to his face, “we have some dealing to do.” 
“Y-Yes...Take my soul.” You simply told him, tensing your shoulders while waiting for a response. Crowley nodded to himself.
“For what?” He asked and you tilted your head. The demon sighed dramatically while rubbing at his face.
“What do you want in return? You get ten years of life for whatever you wanted before I claim your soul.” Crowley said to you, but you had already begun to shake your head.
“I don’t want anything. I just want you to take my soul.” You said, but your voice sounded like it was on the verge of tears. Crowley gave you a look, confused. He was so used to the greed of people.
“Seriously? Nothing at all?” He had to ask. After all, Crowley honors a deal, and he doesn’t want to sneak anything past you. You never thought you were going to beg towards a demon, but you have reached rock bottom.
“Just take it! I can’t live like this anymore!” You shouted at him before moving to hug yourself, crying immensely. There were so many comments that Crowley could make right now. In fact, he could also just leave. But instead, he just watched you during this pitiful moment as you continued to rant.
“I am just a burden here! No one wants me around anymore, I can feel it, I’ve been TOLD it! I can’t help who I am or how I feel, but I just want it to be over! So please...take my soul...let this end for me...please...” You begged him, teary eyes looking towards his shoes, so you didn’t have to feel more shame than you already did. However, especially as a demon, Crowley’s response surprised you.
“What do you mean no?!” You asked him in shock. You summoned him here to take your soul, to make a deal. Isn’t that what all demons want in the end? Your soul? So why was he being so difficult? You were making it easy for him. 
“I mean, I think everyone serves a purpose. Whether it be to live, die, be tortured, etc. I think that you, Y/N L/N,” Crowley gave you a grin and pointed at you while walking closer, “serve a great purpose.”
“There’s something I want more than your soul, if you’re still willing to deal that is.” He said with a smile while putting his hands in his pockets. Curse your human nature, because you were oh so curious as to what he was talking about.
“And that is?” You asked him and he tilted his head slightly.
“Your company.” He stated with a grin and now it was your turn to be confused. Why would a demon want company? According to lore, they didn’t have any feelings of their own and just wished to corrupt. But Crowley seemed different.
“I know what you’re thinking, but demons don’t make the best company. Aside from yours truly of course.” He said with a bit of a chuckle, and you smiled in spite of yourself. 
“You want to leave, and I need someone other than a demon or my adversaries to be a sense of reality in my world. And since I won’t take your soul, and since it seems like you’re at a wit’s end, I suggest you take my deal.” He said to you and without much thought, you nodded.
Crowley was right. You just wanted to be away from all this, and not feel like a burden anymore. And from the way he was talking, it sounded like he needed you. Perhaps not necessarily needed, but he could’ve just as easily killed you, which he didn’t. That still ponders you as to why he didn’t want your soul.
“Can I ask one question before we go anywhere?” You asked the demon, who hesitated before nodding.
“Why would you go out of your way to help me instead of kill me?” You asked him, tears still brimming your eyes. For a second, Crowley softened a bit before looking towards the wall, then back at you.
“Call it pity, guilt, or an understanding, but I get what it’s like to feel unloved by your parent. Also call it selfishness. I’m still a demon, which means I come first. Someone like you wouldn’t be the same without a soul, and I want the person I see in front of me, not some shell of their former self.” Crowley explained and you grinned a little. You couldn’t believe you found such comfort in a demon, and you were so relieved that you moved to hug him without even thinking about the fact that he was a demon. So, he’s probably never been hugged before.
“Thank you so much...you saved me.” You whispered into his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him. As expected, Crowley tensed up and let out a nervous chuckle.
“Well...deal’s been done...we should be going now.” He said with a slight grin as he wriggled out of the hug. You nodded and with a snap of his fingers, you were someplace else. You didn’t know if it was Hell or not, but you sensed several eyes on you, and you looked up to see many people in suits staring at you.
“Listen up! If any of you lay a finger on her, you will be punished severely!” Crowley threatened, what you assumed were demons now, who all scurried off when he was done talking. After it was just you and him, you looked around to see that it looked like a throne room.
“You’re safe here, Y/N.” Crowley promised you, and you turned to see him sitting in his throne. You walked up towards him, and he smiled at you. You’ve only been here for a few minutes, but already you looked happier. He would be lying if he said it didn’t make him feel happy. Crowley didn’t understand how parents could do that to their children, but his own mother showed him that not all parents are loving. 
Perhaps torture should be implemented.
But you told him to leave it alone because you still cared. He may be a demon, but he respected your decision. You were his now, in a sense of protection. You were his to protect and care for, not that he minded. The more you were around, the more he endeared your company. The more he found his heart expanding with love. 
Yes, he wanted you down here with him for company, but perhaps it could grow into something much more.
Perhaps, one day, you could be his queen. The Queen of Hell.
Either way, he would turn you into something that would make your father regret his behavior. But you would never go back there unless you wanted to. As stated, you were under his protection now.
And if people wanted you back...they’d be playing with hellfire.
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solradguy · 2 years
Got another page of Izuna's story done tonight so it's officially about halfway finished. If I get a day where I'm not working on a million things at once I could probably complete it lol
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kittyandco · 5 years
someBODy once told me i was gonna be writing completely serious and unironic self insert fanfic about a sh/rek character one day... be the change u wanna see... 
Living in a swamp really showed, once you went out to the civilized world. The grassy stench of nature wafted off you like you'd been in down the dirt all day. There were probably speckles of mud on your ankles. There might've been slugs following your footsteps.
Such a pretty girl didn't belong in a swamp. That's all it was, every time. Every "civilized" pest that crossed my path said so. But it was the only place that felt like home. No human had ever learned respect sufficient enough to keep me around. Blah, blah... 
Wait. Why are there Far Far Away knights galloping through the forest? Ruining a good time? Wait again, there's just one. He carried the energy of many.
"We just left... there's no way... are they really here for us again," was my first thought. The second hardly came to fruition. Not before...
"Oh," I nearly forgot to stifle the excitement in my voice at first. He was one of the few people I get happy to see. That Charming... "You."
"You're beautiful as ever."
With a sigh, I quipped, "What're you doing all the way out here?"
"I had to return to you?" He shot back, like some agreement was made. I abandoned him in that cesspool of privilege and frivolity. I want him relegated there only. 
“No... you didn’t. You should stay where you belong,” I huffed, feeling a tinge of harshness from the statement, but too proud to revoke it. This was some joke.
“It’s you I belong with, Kitty. Darling." Trademark confidence wavered, his features hardening. I had to be slipping through the cracks of his facade. But was it really because of me...?
"You already have a place of your own... for you," that stupid anger-induced accent broke through my practiced stoicism, particularly on the last word. 
"It is mine no more... ever since I fell for you..."
"No way... you get everything you want. Don't believe you."
"You think I would come here willingly? Here?"
"I don't ever know what you're thinking. Do you even think?"
He sighed. Glanced around. At the patches of grass in the firm mud and dirt, the moss on the trees, the murky puddles. "I'd be miserable here; I am now. But I'd be with the woman I love," he choked, veneer surely melting. Did he want sympathy? Sympathy was gone. "There is nothing for me."
Nothing? Nothing! The man who had everything now has nothing! He manipulated so poorly.
"Did... anyone find out... about us?" Not that I meant to admit close to anything, but it had to be the only way to coax an answer. "Whatever we had."
"Everyone knows! And I cannot return... why don't we run away together?" Oh. He was holding my hands now. 
“Go... where? I’m... staying here.” The thought of leaving the swamp placed a hard weight on my heart. 
“You wouldn’t think once of leaving this...” he searched for a fitting word, but I cut in. 
“This is my home! I can’t leave; I can’t leave with you; I can’t leave for any reason. I won’t! Now go before I make you.” 
I started to walk off prematurely; despite the threat, I was done. I heard a harsh gallop behind me. I couldn’t make it out. I ran. I heard something. I heard him calling after me, something to the effect of: You will be mine, Kitty. You will be mine. I love you. 
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