#But I think I'm fairly well aware of where I am in the WK one ;P
zumidotexe · 7 years
You ever sit and wonder about the perception of you in a fandom?  Not even the entire fandom, but the regular knots of people you start talking to.
If you’re just some rando, or do people look forward to you signing on each night (I don’t mean this as depressing as it sounds, I swear).  Are you the Info Geek, who knows everything about anything and the people want to ask you stuff?  Maybe you’re the Imagehunter who always knows where to get the best fanart, and can find a requested pic in 30 seconds.  Or if you’re seen as the person to go to for gifs and clips, or sweet remixes of different songs.
Do you ever wonder if someone goes “I need [Thing]” and someone else goes “Yeah man I know exactly where to go, let me give you their Tumblr” and it’s you.  Are you the one that mans the Headcanons?  Are you The Artist?  Maybe you’re even seen as a little weird but hey, you’ve got the lowdown on the rare info.
I dunno, I think about these things sometimes.  And I get curious, but I feel like it’d be a weird thing to ask.  Besides, the perceptions will change from person to person.  Still, I just like this idea in general, and it could be a thought experiment if nothing else.
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