#But at least making ugly shirts for Eiji is fun
bkdk-n-tasty · 5 years
The hardest enemy to defeat is your own self-doubt
Look at that you guys, I made it all week with a finished piece! I’m so proud lol
Day 5: This day has no prompts, therefore you are free to do whatever you like!
With Pride month being last month and I meant to make this then, I figured I could do it for this prompt ♥ 
Please note that there is homophobic langue in this story, some internalized homophobia as well. If you’re triggered by that I suggest skipping this one. 
Katsuki let out a huff as he watched the people in his living room move about as if they owned the place, he had half a mind to tell him to get out but he'd let them in, to begin with. His mood calmed a bit as Izuku shot him a grin, he looked fucking cute as hell. But that fucking dweeb always looked cute as hell in Katsuki's opinion. Izuku wore an actually kinda funny shirt for once instead of one of his stupid shirts, though it was mostly due to the fact he only had a small say in his outfit, though he did agree to wear it. Izuku wore a light gray shirt that read "It Ain't No Lie Baby I'm Bi Bi Bi", the letters a gradient of the bi pride colors and to top it off with some sweet talking from Katsuki he got Izuku to wear a pair of cute short shorts that showed off Izuku's fantastic legs.
Katsuki sighed quieter to himself as he closed the distance between him and Izuku. He felt kinda shy which was a fucking weird-ass emotion to feel when he was never shy. But this was the first time he was actually going out in public flaunting the fact he was gay, it wasn't a secret he was dating Izuku. The bombshell blond wore a dark gray V-neck that read "I can't even think straight", though he kept his normal back baggy jeans.
"You look good," Katsuki muttered as he got to Izuku. Izuku beamed up at Katsuki with that fucking cute smile that made Katsuki want to do just about anything for the younger boy.
"You do too, Kacchan," Izuku chirped as he held up the markers everyone was sharing to color their pride flags on their cheeks. "You ready for your face painting?" Katsuki tsk-ed but he nodded, tilting his head to the side to let the smaller boy streak the colors on his cheeks. In return, he did the same for Izuku. The two glanced back at their friends, it was a beautiful chaos.
Denki and Eijiro were helping each other, Denki was decked out with a bright blue tank top that if it wasn't catchy Katsuki wouldn't have paid much attention but he even snorted as he read "I'm Bisexual so I'm nervous around everyone" with a shy carebear graphic under it. Denki's cheeks wore the same colors as Izuku's. Eiji was just as eye-catching as his boyfriend as he wore a black chest binder with a pan pride unicorn with bright red skinny jeans, that Katsuki swore he'd seen in Izuku's closet at one point in time.
Then there was Momo and Jiro with Todoroki, helping him with his cheeks. Momo wore less flashy colors but had her cute bi and poly pins on her shirt, while Jiro wore an outfit almost identical to her normal outfit but instead of her normal black jeans she wore a skirt that bore the trans colors. Katsuki had honestly been caught off guard by that, he never imagined that she was trans but like the rest of their friends supported her nonetheless.
Iida was sitting patiently with his girlfriend and her girlfriend marking his cheeks with the demi-sexual flag. But Uraraka and Tsuyu both looked pretty proud with their handy work. Uraraka wore a relatively cute pale pink tanktop that said 'multitasking' with two female and one male stick figure above it. Tsuyu had chosen to wear a similar outfit that she normally wears, though it was a matching pale pink shirt that read in a dark violet 'I love my girlfriend'.
The only pair that was missing was Sero and Mina and the two planned to just meet them there. Which honestly Katsuki was grateful as his home felt like it was crowded as is. It took a while longer for the rest to finish up in the meanwhile Izuku had managed to pull Katsuki away so he could steal some kisses before they headed out.
"We're going to have so much fun," Izuku beamed excitedly, glancing between Katsuki and the rest of their friends. Katsuki tried to ignore his nerves as he listened to the others chat, his gaze stuck low and didn't meet people they passed. It was strange to Katsuki to be so open about his sexuality, it wasn't like he should feel ashamed or anything, he'd had supportive parents who both loved Izuku to bits and pieces. It was just something he tried to ignore.
"You okay?" Izuku asked quietly, jerking Katsuki's attention from his thoughts. He glanced down at the worried expression on his normally outgoing boyfriend.
"I'm fine," Katsuki huffed out but after a moment he said quieter for only Izuku to hear, "I guess I'm a little fucking worried…I don't know, it's stupid."
Izuku shook his head and carefully pulled Katsuki over so their friends could keep walking. "If you're nervous it's not stupid. What are you nervous about?" Izuku had managed to grasp Katsuki's other hand and with those damn eyes, Katsuki couldn't just lie and say it was nothing, that there wasn't anything he was worried about.
"I…I don't know," Katsuki finally admitted, his gaze flickering towards their friends who all were so damn supportive and loving. He really didn't have it bad so why was he so worried? The harsh words he remembered in junior high…They were the ones that rung out in the back of his mind, it wasn't anything he had said but other bullies had…and those words had been pointed at Izuku a lot. He finally looked back at Izuku, "I just want you to know I'm sorry. For the things in middle school. That I couldn't even leave you alone, or at the very least keep the others from picking on you…"
Izuku's smile faltered for a moment but he squeezed Katsuki's hands. "You've been forgiven Kacchan, you know that. Things were different then, we've come so far since then," Izuku smiled gently up at him. "You denied yourself to a lot of things at that point, but you don't have to worry about today. I'm with you. The real you, the one that makes me happy and feels loved, the one that protects me when I do dumb things to try and help others. The one that drags me to bed when I'm trying to run myself into the ground." Izuku was breathless after his word vomit but he meant every word of it and Katsuki knew that. "I love you Katsuki."
The angst-filled blonde finally nodded after a moment, a small smile broke across his lips. "You really do love me, huh?" That made Izuku snort but he kept that loving smile on his lips.
"Of course I love you." It was so obvious in everything Izuku did when it came to Katsuki, everyone could see that. With that Katsuki's smile grew and his body seemed to relax.
"I love you too, you nerd," Katsuki murmured, his cheeks heating up. He could handle holding hands in public but saying 'I love you' apparently got him flustered, and it was cute in Izuku's opinion. With that, they joined their friends and headed towards where Mina and Sero had gotten them a good spot to watch the parade. Katsuki really did relax with his friends once the parade started, watching all those people proudly strut their stuff made him feel really good. He even was able to build up the courage to kiss Izuku in public, in front of their friends and strangers. No one even thought twice about it or cared and that felt so good.
"I love you," Katsuki murmured against Izuku's lips before stealing a second kiss. Izuku had melted into the kiss and only after a few moments was able to pull himself away, but he didn't try and move away from Katsuki's embrace. No instead Izuku relaxed and leaned into Katsuki's chest as he watched the parade.
"We need to check out the seller's booth," Mina announced brightly when the parade had wrapped up. Izuku pulled Katsuki along as they headed towards the area that had been set up for people to sell homemade merchandise. The group was able to find a bunch of things they liked and bought, glad to help local artists. Izuku ended up with the most buttons rivaling Denki's, the two looked like kids with all the buttons.
Denki and Jirou lead the group towards the block that had been closed off so they could set up a dance area and pump out music that left even Katsuki wanting to dance. It was obvious in moments who the DJ was, Mic wouldn't pass up an event like this. And anyway, he was the best so of course, he wanted his community to have the most fun they could get.
Izuku and Katsuki were both laughing and clinging to one another. They honestly had the most fun they had in a long time on a date. Katsuki even admitting that Izuku was right, that he would have fun, that there really wasn't anything to worry about.
That was until they were leaving. The group was going to head back to Bakugou's to unwind and watch a few movies before dispersing for the night…Katsuki gritted his teeth as he saw the group at the edge of the fenced area.
Izuku stopped, throwing his arm out in front of his friends. "We are not going that way," Katsuki growled as he caught the red letterings on the signs, the ones that left him wanting to fight them all.
"What's up?" Eijiro asked, squinting ahead. As the redhead caught sight of the words on those ugly signs his smile dropped. "Are they…Are they serious?"
Iida squared his shoulders as he moved forward as if he would lead them past the hateful group of people. "They might be allowed to spew their ugly words but they are not allowed to touch us. We just need to pass them and ignore them," Iida said, looking over the group.
"It's easier said than done," Jirou frowned, leaning against Momo. It was strange to Katsuki to see Jirou who rarely showed fear to look as nervous as Katsuki felt.
"We have the numbers on our side," Izuku said, squeezing Katsuki's hand protectively. "And we all got strong quirks if they even do try something. We can defend ourselves."
After some debate going back and forth they eventually headed towards the exit. They wanted to go back and rest, the hate group couldn't physically touch them and that was what they kept telling each other. But it was hard to ignore their shouting and protesting.
Katsuki could feel his rage boiling in his blood as they got closer and closer to the loudest member, he had to be the leader. "You all are doomed to hell if you don't repent!" The blonde shot the man a glare that normally was reserved for villains and that seemed to only add fuel to the man's words. "You are going to hell!" He even pointed right at Katsuki with his free hand. That made Katsuki almost lose his shit but instead, he smirked at the man, pulling Izuku to him before dipping him and giving him a kiss in front of the group.
"You're only a jealous old man," Katsuki yelled back at the leader, "You're fuckin' jealous my boyfriend loves me and you're in a loveless marriage!" Katsuki's friends were quick to start to drag him away. They all knew once he was really angry that there would be some really ugly words passed back and forth.
"It's fine Kacchan," Izuku murmured softly up to Katsuki once they were far enough that they were less worried that Katsuki might start setting off explosions. "We'll go home and just cuddle and watch those dumb cheesy movies," Izuku continued softly, trying to calm the older man. Instead of the group hanging around their friends went home so they could just spend time together.
Once Izuku and Katsuki were home, the two managed to drag every single blanket they owned to the living room where they could build a nest of sorts on their couch. They were comfy under their blankets when Katsuki finally broke down, his face buried in Izuku's shoulder.
It was a rare moment when Katsuki broke down when he cried. Though it was only ever just Izuku that witnessed it, who Katsuki trusted not to make fun of him. To support him and help him feel better. Izuku rubbed at Katsuki's back, murmuring soft and loving words. It wasn't long before the blond exhausted himself, laying his head on Izuku's chest with the blanket pulled up over his head, just enough was uncovered that Izuku could see the red puffiness around his eyes.
"We had fun overall, right?" Izuku softly asked, rubbing the older boy's back gently.
Katsuki nodded as he yawned. "Up till we had to pass those fuckers," Katsuki grumbled.
"You did really good though," Izuku said, "I thought for sure you were going to end up punching that guy's face."
"I thought about it," Katsuki admitted, "But I thought the kiss would do more damage to his kind."
Izuku chuckled softly, "Probably. That was a really good kiss by the way. I wouldn't mind you kissing me like that more while we're on dates."
Katsuki looked up at Izuku with that smirk of his. "I bet you would, you gotta earn those kinds," Katsuki teased. Izuku seemed to relax then, seeing Katsuki return to his normal snarky attitude.
"I might have to do more than," Izuku giggled, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend's forehead. "I love you so much Katsuki," He murmured softly, "I love you more than anyone else in this world."
"I love you too," Katsuki mumbled.
"You're a nerd!" Katsuki said louder as his cheeks flushed a dark red. That left Izuku giggling and pressing all the kisses he could over his lover's face.
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