#But at the moment I'm happy working on my insane Watermour ideas
daisyfloyd · 2 years
So glad you're back!! Congrats on the finals!
Also I'm really stocked to see what this 22000 word fic is you showed a sneak peak off👀
Thank you, dear ❤️ it was a lot of work, but it paid off in the end. Now I'm about to start my classes again! My holidays were really short-lived.
I don't know if posting a word count can be considered a sneak peek, haha. The thing has almost doubled in length since then.
I honestly don't know when it'll be posted... You know when you've got too many ideas all at once and you've got to figure out how to make them fit in a coherent story? That's me right now, and most of the time.
I've said it before. I often feel like I don't choose which stories to write, they choose me and I'm just a vessel. And being a vessel can be exhausting, as fun as it is.
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