#But for a more 'canonical' answer: Ren genuinely doesn't have a favoured scent (outside of whatever Angel's favourite scent is)
14dayswithyou ยท 8 months
Is there a scent in particular that Ren/Redacted prefers? Y'know apart from anything Angel-scented lmao. Just something they themself like?
WARNING... minors/ageless blogs: do not interact. please read my pinned post before you send in anything !!
Your deodorant, your skincare products, your hair products, your clothes, your laundry, your laundry softener, your blankets, your bedsheets, your pillowcases, your plushies, your dishwashing liquid, your bag (specifically the inside), your phone case, your laptop when it hasn't been opened after a while, your chair after you've sat in it, your shower, your
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