#But the current plan is to have some stuff from Vlad's pov and then go back to Dan's pov.
asjjohnson · 2 years
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Part 5 of my poll adventure fic. Links: the beginning, part 2, part 3, part 4.
POV shift this time. Switching the protagonist. Shifting the story. It's a consequence of voting for Vlad to be a nice guy. (...the last poll was an extra I'd thrown in and it didn't have any bearing on this post, so... But this poll will effect the next part.)
Vlad shouted as pieces of the ceiling fell toward him. He managed to turn intangible just in time. Then waited for the ruin to settle.
"Mayor Masters!" The voice was shrill with panic. "Mayor Masters?!"
He found a large enough space within the debris and returned to tangibly. "Over here, Valerie," he calmly shouted back.
He pushed against the rafters tented above him, crumbling pieces of drywall falling from the pile, their pinging impacts echoing.
He soon heard the sound of Valerie's engines. "Don't worry, I gotcha! I'll get you out," she called to him.
Valerie made good progress in picking up and tossing pieces of debris to the side, managing to pull Vlad out and set him to his feet within minutes.
Of course, it was a few minutes longer than he would have been free without her help, but that was neither here nor there.
He waved away her concerned hands and worked at brushing the white dust from his suit. "Ah, thank you, my dear. I don't know what I would have done without you. Now... could you see if you can find my cat?"
"Oh! Of course, Mayor Masters!"
Vlad's thoughts turned to the grown, more-ghostly version of Daniel that he'd set free on Amity Park.
He didn't know much. Just that the being was some sort of weapon of mass destruction, capable of leveling entire cities—in the human realm or the ghost zone. And that Danny had managed to contain it—no, him—once before. Probably due to the element of surprise and happenstance rather than any actual skill. And also that he was so dangerous, Clockwork had personality taken charge of his containment.
It looked like the young Daniel was going to have his hands full for a little while.
...Or, that's what he would usually think.
Vlad frowned in thought.
The future version of Daniel was right. He did push unexpected responsibilities off on others too often. Probably a consequence of how easy it had been during the past twenty years to get out of anything... uncomfortable... with a little overshadowing. He had grown so used to such ease.
He tapped his lips in thought—and sputtered as he got the taste of drywall chalk in his mouth—how should he deal with this situation?
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