#But yeah pearls case is just stupid from the top down. This isn't even in line with your own rules you just made that shit up
thecoolerliauditore · 4 months
i might regret this deeply and delete this in the morning but the whole obsession with pearl and gems shipping boundaries and how they recently changed is literally the most blatant example of ""boundaries"" being more about policing the fandom than care for the creators especially in pearls case.
I used to be very headstrong about Respecting The Creators so I actually dug around for actual things that they said and Pearls only mention of shipping before was on a deleted stream clip where she specifically calls out assumably someone IN CHAT making allusions to her relationship with grian as like. Actual content creators. The transcript even had a section of her saying that "some people do it for fanfiction and stuff and that's fine(...) but please don't bring it into streams that's not appropriate" or something like that.
I can't say for sure her exact wording or be certain of the context or even provide proof that this happened at all because THE ONLY surviving evidence of it is someone's random transcript. In which she literally says shipping is okay.
But because the fandom loves to play this weird fucked up game of telephone it somehow became pearl is uncomfortable with shipping which is just. Not true? And has never been true based on the only thing we've ever heard from her at that point.
not that what the creators feel comfortable with should dictate the fandom anyway BUT yeah sorry I just needed to get that out of my system. You guys don't actually give a shit about the CCs as people you just want brownie points for following made up rules to stay in your super awesome club house.
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