#Bwuh. Typing
sharkface · 1 year
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This one is under a cut because it's so long <3
3.any recurring images/elements?
Oh my god so so so many. Pretty much every character has their own giant set of symbols not so much because I just looove subtle writing that makes you think but because I find it very hard to bring up motifs in the actual text I write. The most important of them for the main three though:
Bitters: The Judge. The color red, pairs of scissors, cicadas/mosquitos, the white streaks in her hair, street signs. The pip of an apple tree. Justice and order through enforced rules.
Caz: The Jury. The color yellow, stuffed cats, matchboxes, carnivorous plants, crashed cars. Emancipation through anarchy- the law of the jungle.
Clove: The Executioner. The color white, angels, wires/machinery, any and all inescapable enclosed spaces, road crossings. Butcher's fridges. Sterile places subjected to revolting situations. Amnesty through moderation and inhibition.
6.) speaking of tv adaptations, why would yours get cancelled? (other than capitalism)
I know the interesting answer for this question is "I would get CANCELLED for my DARK THEMES and TV ACTIVISM" but honestly I'm not that ambitious or driven as a writer. I kind of just make the things I want to see. I don't think it would be appealing to a network in the first place. I think if it ever got a production contract, it would be an experimental series with a cult following and suddenly be dropped for not making enough money.
8.) what inspired your world building, if anything?
When I originally made these characters it was DIRECTLY because of my obsession with the kagerou project and higurashi. It's a lot more like the former than the latter to this day. Really, any time loop media I've been into has inspired it in some way.
13.) how long have you been working on this project? what has changed from the outset?
9 years! It's been entirely rewritten like, four times now. Some of the characters were repurposed as DND characters and then back to ocs again. Caz was originally my player character in a JJBA themed tabletop. There used to be more main characters but I only found the main 3 and Finch to be appealing enough to me to bother keeping in the story in a meaningful way, which is kind of a shame because I love some of the work I did with other characters. But this is just how writing goes.
It was originally about a group of teenagers with powers who had been repeatedly reincarnated into a world where everyone either had cat features or bird wings. This was because Bitters had been given the ability to create her "perfect world" by a pair of gods taking the form of a flock of birds and a cat after being the last person remaining on earth following a wave of disease that came after a meteor impact, and had been reborn to live in it- But her perfect world didn't pan out the way she wanted it to because she had no reasonable idea of what a "good life" would be like.
Bitters does not have godlike power anymore, lol. It was kind of flimsy as a plot altogether.
18.) what aspect of the story would get you #canceled on twitter?
Probably Clove and Caz's terrible toxic cringe "romance"(if you can call it that). People would accuse me of baiting first and then move on to saying I'm a homophobe for not making the two gay men's relationship completely domestic and healthy. The point of it is that they are badly adjusted people individually and can't foster a healthy relationship with each other just by liking each other. They also never even actually date or anything like that. Outside of the circumstances of their situation they probably wouldn't have even become friends.
23.) describe how everyones character gets butchered once in the public eye?
Caz: The kinnies will descend on him not unlike a hawk to a purse dog. The amount of angst fanart and discourse will be fucking insane. People love taking annoying anime murdertwinks who are deeply pathetic awful people by choice and pretending they are just tortured and can be fixed through romance.
Clove: People are probably going to declaw him into a shy demure "tall calm bf" while not really caring much about his personal arc and draw him in big cozy cable knit sweaters and aprons. Lots of "he's a woman to me" but ignoring him being transfem later on in the plot. That kind of thing.
Bitters: "Mom friend." People will probably not like her because she is mean and kind of unreasonably judgmental and people think it's a plot hole when characters don't behave perfectly logically at all times. She's a woman so I doubt the yaoi enjoyers of this website will even pay substantial attention to her.
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rainymoodlet · 9 months
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noriaki-kak · 6 months
Ahhh ok I’m excited. Can I ask what your inspirations for Penelope and Leo were?
Ooh! They're some of my older ocs so this might get a little long but lemme see what I can put together.
Leo was one of the first characters I came up with in this whole extended world thing I've got going on. Funny enough this entire thing started as non-serious kinda jokey "I should come up with a dating sim concept and create all the different characters you could date." Leo predates my other characters even further by being a character in one of my earlier concept groups before I scrapped that, took him, and decided on a whole dating sim around the concept of dating demons in hell lol.
It's funny to think back on bc it rlly all did start as something not that serious. I was thinking about different dating sim archetypal character traits with the five characters I was creating, and when I got to Leo I pulled from various tropes.
He was the goofy jokey himbo type, kinda stupid but also more down to earth. But then it’d be a twist where, despite seeming straight forward, you'd get into his tragic sad backstory and a deeper side of his character would be revealed.
To be completely honest, while not the only inspiration or example, at the time mystic messenger was still mildly relevant in the dating sim world. So, while they couldn't be MORE different, 707 kind of was what made me want to go for creating a "Funny silly guy who's actually got some sad stuff going on." character sdfghj.
He was made to be a foppish Prince Charming that was cursed to become a demon. His backstory was supposed to be storybook fairytale stuff, resulting in a beauty and the beast sort of situation. It was tragic but not as fleshed out.
It stayed that way for a while but eventually when I started getting more serious and sharing this stuff with Thea, I began to go through and develop a lot of my different characters backstories. Lightly moving away from the dating sim elements to expand the broader world.
This is where Penelope would come in (and not long after Giselle and Caspian would follow hehe @dapper-comedy) I ended up really ironing out his story. I wanted to make Leo more sympathetic while still being at fault. Straying from prince charming to a more general, almost arthurian, hero prince type. Less arrogant, more well meaning, but still ultimately flawed in his desire to be an "ideal" prince.
Penelope on the other hand used to play a much smaller role in the story! Initially the story simply went that Leo was cursed by a witch as retribution for a wrong he committed, the curse stipulated that if his loved ones shunned his demonic form, then he’d stay a demon. And when he showed up as a demon, his fiancé rejected him.
But as I started going back, I thought it was a bit unfair to his fiancé that she existed more as a plot device for his initial story. So I went about giving her more complex motivations/wants and fears/etc and Penelope was born! She’s inspired by my wholly self indulgent desire to make female characters who are allowed to be awful and make horrible mistakes, while also being not entirely unjustified. (Penelope takes up so much brain real estate nowadays, it's almost surprising that I came up with Leo first sdfghj)
It feels pretentious to say but the groundwork being inspired by storybook fairy tales led the overall feeling to be inspired by classic tragedies. It all really came together when Caspian and Giselle came into the picture, leading to an overarching story of these four young friends not realizing the joy of their youth together until they slowly lose not just that youth, but each other.
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fruitsilly · 1 year
tumblr mobile is getting more and more abhorrent to use.
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theabigailthorn · 6 months
Have you considered moving to america? you know there are a lot of blond americans in america, and most of them would be absolutely enchanted by a tall lady with a fancy-pants british accent
I've thought about it, for career reasons rather than romance!
It's a difficult question. If I were to move to the US, right now L.A. would be the place to go: I have contacts there and I'm developing projects there. It's likely I'd be able to have a better standard of living out there too. There's also the political angle: if the Conservatives win the next British election there's a nonzero chance I'll have to leave the country because if they pass a national bathroom law and I can't use a women's toilet, I can't go to work on a set or in a theatre! I know the US is worse in a lot of places, but at least over there some politicians are standing up for trans people, some politicians are trans, some cities are refusing to comply with discriminatory laws... There seems to be a better line of defence over there, in some places? The sorts of places I would be going to live anyway. It feels like in the US the extremes are more extreme: some states are worse than Britain, but some are actually better. I think the US entertainment industry is in some ways ahead of the UK on trans issues - I've had British people straight up refuse to work with me cause I'm trans even though that's illegal, and string me along for ages cause they think I'll be a diversity checkbox for them. Whereas in my (admittedly limited) experience American producers are more willing to give me a shot and don't see my transness as an obstacle. The producers of [SUPER REDACTED] are American and they gave me that role even though the character is written as cis and cis women auditioned alongside me! I thanked one of them like, "Hey, this sort of thing has never been done and it's not the sort of thing trans people are usually allowed anywhere near!" and she was like, "Bwuh? You nailed the audition, why wouldn't we give it to you?" I said to her at the wrap party, "The idea that a trans woman could be a [PERFORMER OF THIS TYPE] has not yet entered the minds of anyone outside this room, and when it does it's going to be a gamechanger for all of us." See also Nebula! I pitched Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend to them and they greenlit it 15 days later. Contrastingly, I emailed a pitch deck and pilot episode for a trans-led TV series to a bunch of British production companies back in August and a lot of them haven't even read it yet. I like working for Americans because they just seem to get it on a level that a lot of Brits don't, yet.
On the other hand!
The entire US entertainment industry is about to move to Britain! So, maybe the smart career move is to stay. My family are here, my home is here, and despite everything I do love this country. I would be sad to leave. But we'll see. The next few years are likely to be a little... unusual. My plan right now is to have one foot in both countries, and then perhaps at some point the acting industry will make the decision for me.
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treysimp · 2 years
i’m sick as a dog rn (i think it’s just a cold but it’s got me DOWN) and was wondering if you could do headcanons of either the second or third years taking care of a sick reader 😭
Aww! Me too lovely! Self-indulgence coming right up! 🛎🍳
Taking Care of You When You're Sick 🤧(GN!Reader/Octavinelle: Azul, Floyd, Jade)
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Rating: G
Tags: Reader’s body not described nor are pronouns used, fluff, reader has a cold, Floyd says something suggestive but nothing actually happens haha, implied pining.
Words: 2k
Author’s notes: I ended up writing a short story rather than headcanons, whoops? Snipped it to just the Octotrio due to the length, haha. I just came down with a cold too, (as if just having recovered from surgery wasn't enough lol) so we can both project onto some cute fish boys to drown our sorrows together. 😖
Want more TWST? Here’s my masterlist!
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Azul Ashengrotto:
He has no idea what to do (affectionate). Azul will notice your absence from daily activities fairly quickly. He had the schedules memorized of the more ah... let's call them 'notable' students, and that includes you. Grim had been attending classes, but if anyone asked him where you were he would just say something about him 'not being your babysitter'. This was technically correct because you were in fact, Grim's babysitter, but it wasn't worth the breath one would waste arguing with him.
By overhearing the conversation between some of your socially impaired first-year groupies, it appeared you were sick. This bothered him greatly. Humans were much more susceptible to disease than mermen and pathetic as it was, he felt a tinge of charity pull at his heart upon hearing that you were ill. He supposed that he could visit.
Armed with a ‘how to take care of a sick human’ article on his phone, a reusable bag, and a full wallet, he raided Sam’s shop for all of the things that are supposed to make even the frailest of humans feel better. He debated calling in Jade and Floyd for their assistance in taking care of you, but he decided the snide comments of the twins weren’t worth the possible benefits. If you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself after all. Armed with soup, tissues, multiple types of medicine, and hot and cold patches, Azul makes his way to Ramshackle.
He knocks, but no response. He supposed he should have guessed as much, it’s not like the ghosts would answer and Grim is doing whatever that fiery tanuki does on the daily.
“Prefect?” He called, pushing on the doorknob to find it unlocked. With a shrug he traipses inside, scanning around the lounge, the bathroom, and the kitchen. It was beaten to hell, but there was a charm to the small things you had littered around the place to make it feel like home. A tied rag potholder here, a stained apron there, he felt a small smile spread across his face. Cute. Terribly kitsch and with no sense of room appeal, but cute.
A floorboard creaked upstairs, and he figured that was where you might be. Azul headed up the stairs and softly called your name, hearing a loud ‘BWUH’ come behind a door that he assumed was yours. Knocking softly, he called out to you again.
“May I come in?” He asked, plastering on his proper salesman face. You so owed him for this display of goodwill.
“A-Azul? Uh, yeah.” You called, voice audibly hoarse and nasally.
Azul swept into your room and set down his bag of goods, sweeping over your room curiously for information. It was the cleanest room in the whole house, but that was like saying that you got second place out of three entries. There were your books and schoolwork, some knickknacks and souvenirs that your friends had undoubtedly given you, but it was otherwise quite bare. As to be expected, he supposed. After a moment of silence, his eyes finally fell on you. Your eyes were red and glassy, your lips chapped, and you were covered in goosebumps. He felt his heart skip a beat.
Wait, what…?
Azul slapped his hand to his chest instinctually, surprised at the sudden feeling that was washing over him. On the other hand, you looked at him with ever-increasing skepticism.
“How can I help you Azul?” You rasp, eyes flicking between his face and the bag that he had dropped on your floor. Azul looked a little flushed. Was it hot in here? Your fever was making it difficult to tell.
“I just ah…” Azul began, his pulse fluttering as he looked for a good explanation. “I just wanted to…”
Your brow was raised amusedly. How often did anyone get to see Azul of all people be at a loss for words?
“I just wanted to make sure that someone had thought to take care of you… since you’re alone here, and all.” He finished, the flush on his cheekbones darkening. He thought back to the times that his family had taken care of him when he was sick, and also the times that they hadn’t. The times that he was alone. And you, you were always that alone, weren’t you?
“Please allow me to help you… on the house.” He finished, eyes looking anywhere but at you.
“I see.” You say. You eye his bag, his expression, the way his hair was windswept in an uncharacteristic way, “Thank you, Azul.”
“You’re… very welcome.”
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Floyd Leech:
He has no idea what to do (insult). Azul had returned from Ramshackle earlier that day in an uncharacteristically spacey mood, and he had a suspicion that it had something to do with you. Telling Jade that he was heading out, he walked to the decrepit building. Opening the door without knocking, he saw that one of Azul’s bags was on the table. Huh.
Rifling through the contents, he found supplies for human colds. Putting two and two together, his face curled into a smirk.
“Azul is making shrimp scampi, huh?” He giggled, cracking himself up with his joke. The soup was chicken noodle, but you had to work with the material you were given. Waltzing his way upstairs to your room, he slammed the door open, which woke you up with a start.
“W-what? Floyd?” You yelled, holding your blanket to your chest in surprise.
There was a slight sliver of skin exposed from the buttons of your pajama top had come loose. Floyd’s eyes flicked to your slipping collar and then back to your face, giggling while he strode forward, flopping to a seat next to you.
“Shrimpy, what is it about you, huh?” He asks, getting dangerously close to your face as his eyes scan for any microexpression that might give away your secret.
“You’re just so… different, aren’t you?” He asked, trailing a finger down the line between your ribs. You frowned and slapped his hand away.
“Floyd, I’m too tired for your weird teasing, okay? Get away, I don’t want to get you sick too.” You chide, trying to push him to his feet and off of your bed with your germy self.
Floyd clicked his tongue, “Aww, don’t be like that. Idiots don’t get colds you know? I’ll be fine.” He said with a grin, the low light sparkling off of his pointed teeth.
You frowned. You highly doubted that but you also knew so little about mermen that he might be right? Ugh, why was everything so confusing?
“Aww, your face is so cute.” Floyd cooed, squishing your cheeks like dough. “Should I sleep here with you? Will that make you feel better?” He asked, getting uncomfortably close again.
“Flowyed, stut upf.” You whined, words muffled by Floyd’s vice grip on your face.
“Fish are cold-blooded, you know? I’d be like an ice pack for your feverish ‘Lil head.” He continued, seemingly convincing himself more than you about why this was such a good idea.
“If you’re really good, we can snuggle naked?”
“Fine, fine, you’re no fun,” Floyd sighed, finally standing up and walking towards your hall. He looked over his shoulder at you as he was closing the door, a mischievous sparkle in his eye.
“I’ll come to sleep with you when you’re well instead. Later!” He cackled, slamming the door shut to shield himself from the pillow you had tried to lob directly at your face.
Feeling even warmer than you had a minute ago, you collapsed in a huff and yelled into your pillow in frustration.
This freaking eel was going to kill you.
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Jade Leech:
Something was apparently in the air today, because both Azul and Floyd had gone to visit the Ramshackle Prefect. Jade had to admit that he was quite fond of them, their naïveté about the world they had found themself in was quite entertaining to watch, especially as it pertained to non-humans such as himself. One day they had taken multiple hours to quiz him about merpeople, their food, their culture, and even their anatomy. Jade had offered a “demonstration” on the anatomy portion, but they had sadly refused his kindness. A pity.
Both Azul and his brother had returned with significant mood changes. Azul had returned in a strangely introspective mood, staring dazedly out the windows with his brows knit in thought and then locking himself in his office for the last few hours, clearly wrapped up in some sort of project.
On the other hand, while Floyd was similarly distracted, he seemed quite frustrated. He was being fairly active on campus, running around in search of stimulation. Jade recognized this as being one of Floyd’s many coping mechanisms when he was actively trying to distract himself. How very interesting.
Walking up to Ramshackle, Jade was distracted by the thought of how the gloomy and decrepit building could be well utilized as a greenhouse for some tricky plants he had hoped to cultivate. He filed away that thought for later, perhaps the Prefect would be willing to trade him some growing space in one of the spare rooms at a later date. He would just need to think of something that they wanted enough to give it to him. Well, he was here anyway, might as well try and find out.
Entering the charming hovel of the entryway, Jade notices the Prefect’s shoes discarded next to the doorway. He certainly did not trust the floor enough to do the same.
Walking up the stairs, Jade decided that the best bet would be simply to beeline to the Prefect. He had brought his mushroom risotto along with him, thinking that you might appreciate a home-cooked meal when you were ill. The feedback he had received upon serving it in the cafeteria was quite positive from the other humans, so he was about 70% sure this particular species of fungi was not lethal to your species. Well, the ones from here at least. That is what the other 30% is for.
Rapping his knuckles lightly on the door, he heard a quiet ‘come in’ from inside the room. Jade turned the knob and let himself inside, holding up the thermos with risotto in one hand and one with peppermint tea in another.
“I apologize for the intrusion.”
“Jade?” You ask, “Wow, I think I’ve had more visitors from Octinavelle today than when you all tried to steal this place.” You graveled, weak cough shaking your body as you laugh.
Jade gives you a warm, genuine smile. His face crumples into a melodic laugh, a real one, and he covers his face to stifle the sound.
“Well, the location is still quite ideal if you ever change your mind.” He says, stepping forward to place the food he brought on your nightstand. “Food and drink, I get the feeling that you might not make some otherwise.”
You look wide-eyed at the two containers, carefully picking them up and unscrewing the caps to see the contents. Through your stuffed-up nose you could smell a hint of mint, and the risotto looked decadently buttery.
You looked to Jade, and he motioned to the attached cutlery. Taking a wary bite, your mouth was met with something both delicious, hearty, and oddly familiar. Had you had this before? Your heart skipped a beat at how tender this moment felt. Jade’s eyes looked lidded and fond while tears threatened to well up in the corners of your eyes.
“I-I really needed this, I think.” You say, your ‘D’s sounded like ‘B’s due to your stuffy nose. “Thank you very much, Jade.”
Jade nods, looking pleased. You continue eating your fill and then allow Jade to gather his dishes, promising that he will come again soon with another dish. You were fairly excited at the prospect.
Jade pauses for a moment at the door, seemingly in thought. He returns to your side, but before you can question him, you feel a warm peck at your forehead.
“Feel better.”
Jade leaves as fast as he came in. You sit there flustered and confused.
Is this just a merman thing or what?
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Pray for me! I hate phlegm with my entire body, I want to die and to kill at the same time. Why hast mine own body forsaken me?
What did you think? suggestions, feedback? LMK!
Love you, reader!
Requested Tags:
@certe-cose, @readinganas, @yandere-kou, @daeda21, @sideofblog, @buckketboy, @kxhyuns, @aikochan4859, @kumiko-desu, @destinationdesignation, @star-gods, @fragmentedstarlight, @sarahyumiko2, @sappyisyourpappy, @sunnyseaside, @bunntsu, @rebel-faes-writing, @stillserene, @witch-waycult, @fr0llo, @bluesylveon2, @dari-kun, @kit4kat256, @riddle-simp, @fightmecowardlmao, @lovelynai, @chillywinterbreeze, @venniin, @acherrytart, @naniky,
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faemytho · 9 months
Maybe some fun found family stuff with pitaya and snapdragon?
sorry gonna put holly in there too lol
it/its snapdragon, snapdragon lore headcanons, dragontongue headcanons (i made up a few words + language rules), hollytaya if you squint really hard. this got a little bit emotional instead of silly, my bad. hope you enjoy it anyways!
"What are you staring at me for?" Pitaya Dragon Cookie asked, ignoring the tiny dragon climbing on their head.
They had parted from Royal Margarine and Tarte Tatin upon reaching Dragon City. With their agreement to help in the upcoming war, Pitaya was following Hollyberry and Wildberry back to the Hollyberry Kingdom. She really hadn't expected to return with one dragon, let alone two.
"Nothing, I just- I never took you for the parental type," Hollyberry finally said, watching Pitaya scramble to catch Snapdragon when it fell, babbling happily.
"Parental type? Is that some kind of cookie concept I don't know about?" Pitaya asked, but they apparently weren't really looking for an answer as they turned their attention down to the dragonet in their arms. It babbled something in dragontongue, and they responded in dragontongue as well, the words clearly gleeful despite her inability to understand them.
"Yes," Hollyberry said awkwardly, turning her gaze to Wildberry. He gave her an impassive look, but she was good at reading the little twitches of expression in his face. She dug this hole for herself, he was saying, don't drag him into it.
Snapdragon babbled behind her, and Pitaya laughed.
"Parenting is when an older cookie, or more, takes care of a younger cookie with the intention of helping them grow up into an older cookie," Hollyberry explained, awkward and stilted, and realized she hadn't really been a very good parent herself. "With how well you're getting along with that little fella, we'd call cookies like that the parenting type."
"Well, there's only one problem with that," Pitaya said, finally looking up at Hollyberry. The depths of their eyes would never cease to astound her. "Neither of us are cookies, and Snapdragon and I are around the same age."
"Bwuh- huh?" Hollyberry said, elegantly. Even Wildberry looked confused, as much as he was attempting to avoid engaging in the conversation. "But it- How? Didn't it just hatch?"
"That's also two problems," Wildberry muttered, and was promptly ignored.
Snapdragon babbled again, little paws batting at a lock of Pitaya's hair draped over their shoulder from the rest of their mane. Pitaya shrugged, and let the little dragon do what it liked. "Yes," they answered Hollyberry, "it did. But it has been conscious for... about as long as I have existed. Its egg was laid in ancient times, back when I was still a little dragon myself!"
"Daond ahor?" Snapdragon asked, blinking up at the other dragon as cutely as it could manage. Pitaya laughed.
"Needy little thing," they cooed, petting Snapdragon's head. The little dragon babbled happily at the attention.
Hollyberry was still reeling, but if she didn't think about it too hard, she could somewhat wrap her head around it. "I still think it counts," she said, gazing at the two dragons. "Even if it is near in age to you, it still just hatched, and it certainly still needs guidance. You could be its parent."
"Eghk," Pitaya voiced their discomfort, looking down at Snapdragon. They held the little dragon away from themself, giving it a scrutinizing look. "Cookie family. What do you think?"
"Clann!" it shouted, dissolving into a fit of giggles. Curiously, the look of disgust had faded from Pitaya's face, replaced by something indescribably soft.
"Okay," Pitaya said softly. Hollyberry resisted the urge to double-take; she'd never heard them speak so quietly before, and they continued speaking in a murmur. "T'ihn clann wyit, tilt'hend."
Snapdragon squealed. "Tilt'hend!"
The Berry Forest came into view, but they didn't continue their conversation until they'd returned to the Hollyberry Kingdom. News of their victories had already spread, and they were greeted back as heroes, even with Pitaya among them. Immediately, there was a grand celebration; Hollyberrians were nothing if not expert party planners.
The night approached quickly, and they gradually retired from the celebration. As the Queen Mother of the realm, Hollyberry had a room set aside for her draconic guests. This didn't happen to matter much to Pitaya however, as they let themself into her chambers and threw their entire weight onto her bed with a groan in the early hours of the morning.
"Finally," they complained, laying face down. Hollyberry promptly set aside her book and glass of wine. "I just convinced Snapdragon to try to sleep. It's been in that egg for so long it didn't want to, and with all the excitement, it was so wound up..."
"Parenting troubles?" Hollyberry teased in amusement. Pitaya gave another groan, pulling themself up slightly to rest their face on their arms.
"Yes-" they started to complain again, but stopped short. Lifting their head a bit more, they fixed her with a slit-eyed glare. "Clann is not 'parenting troubles'."
Hollyberry laughed. "Seems a lot like it to me."
Pitaya rolled their eyes, muttering. "Of course, as a cookie, you wouldn't understand. Clann is like... a pack bond. To use cookie terms, it's a family you choose, where all within it are valued as equal, whether partner or blood or neither."
"Snapdragon asked you to be clan," Hollyberry realized, trying her best approximation of the dragontongue word. Pitaya nodded with a shrug.
"Yes, it did. Snapdragon is..." Pitaya trailed off, seemingly realizing something. They sat up now, wings flapping slightly in their scramble. "Dammit Hollyberry, this is parenting troubles!"
She laughed at them. She couldn't help it, and their distraught expression only made her laugh more.
"What are you laughing for?" they demanded, a slightly desperate look on their face. "Stop that, this is serious! I've never had a child before!"
"Oh, I'm sorry my friend," Hollyberry said through snorts of laughter, "I'm afraid I'm just finding all of this quite amusing."
"You've had children, right?" Pitaya asked, and the wisps of lingering desperation in their tone nearly set her off again. She managed to calm herself. The dragon cookie perched at the foot of her bed looked so genuine.
"Yes. Only one though," she answered, her laughter fading away. As she thought about her son, her smile fell away as well. She really hadn't been a very good parent to her son at all. It was one of the things in her past that she regretted the most. "Truth be told, I wasn't very good at the whole parenting thing. I'm afraid I won't be of much help if you're looking to ask me for advice."
Pitaya deflated, slumping back down on the bed and stretching out like a cat. "Ugh," they muttered, "I just don't want to mess this up. Snapdragon's been unhatched for so long and I've been without clann for so long-"
"Hey, none of that now," Hollyberry admonished them, her voice soft despite that. "You're the Greenish-Red dragon! Besides that, I can tell you already care a lot about it. So long as it knows you care, and keep caring about it, I think that's all you need. I wasn't very good about either of those things with my son, and its something I regret quite a bit."
Pitaya gave her a scrutinizing look. She met their gaze, unflinching at the depth of their slit-pupils and the black of their sclera. After a long moment, they sighed, and rolled themself off her bed.
"I'd better go check on it," they muttered, but they sounded better now. Less desperate.
"Have a good night, Pitaya," Hollyberry called after them, watching as they paused at the door.
"I never said this," Pitaya said, their hand on the doorknob and not turning around, "but thank you, Hollyberry. I feel better about Snapdragon, now."
"You're quite welcome," she responded with a smile. Pitaya huffed out a laugh, turned the knob, and left her chambers.
She had no doubt they would be good for the little rascal.
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a-vessels-thoughts · 2 months
Talent swap dribble.
Mukuro shifted from foot to foot, nervous and guilt-ridden. Her throat dry and eyes wide, she found that her limbs- heavy as lead- wouldn't move. Mukuro didn't know how long she stood there, whether it minutes or seconds, time ceased to exist.
Until a voice called out to her, breaking the trance. "You're nervous too, right? Never thought I'd get into Hope's Peaks."
The voice-boyish-laughed sheepishly. Mukuro took in the hair first, brown and wild with an ahoge; then his face; yellow eyes; and the green jacket under the brown main course uniform. (How was he not burning under that?)
Her opinion of him was.... painfully average. Mukuro could miss him in a crowd even if he stood right in front of her. The thought comforted her. He seemed normal, plain.
Just like her.
"Uh..." He trailed off, unsure how to continue, and Mukuro realized she had stood there, just staring at him. She jumped.
"Ah-yeah! I... I don't know even where to go," Mukuro admitted with a blush. The short boy hummed and turned away.
"I read a map on my way, so I can lead if you want." She nodded. Thank God one of us isn't a mess, Mukuro chided herself.
"Uh, you should probably grab my hand. I can't control my Talent sometimes," he scratched his cheek, and she wondered what kind of talent would require that. Maybe he was lying? But he didn't seem the type, and why about that of all things?
She didn't bring it up since she would most likely have to reveal her own,"Talent," and she couldn't find it in herself to do so.
How could she, when he was a proper Super-High-School-Level Student, and Mukuro Lucked her way in?
As if the world heard her thoughts, the helpful boy stopped abruptly. "Oh!"
"Bwuh?" She stumbled a bit, but he caught her with deceptively strong arms.
"Sorry! But I realized we never introduced ourselves. Naegi Makoto, SHSL assassin!" He smiled with the power of the sun.
"Bwuh?" Her brain lagged. He was... what?
Oh. Oh no.
Mukuro gulped, wishing she could've avoided this moment longer.
"Ah, I'm..." she closed her eyes, afraid of his reaction," Ikusaba Mukuro, SHSL Lucky Student."
There, she said it. Now he'd - "That explains why you didn't grab a map."
That was all he said about it. His pleasantly cool hands never retreated from hers; his smile never left his face; his yellow eyes stayed kind.
When the day was over, she dreamed of yellow eyes and smiles with one of her own.
Coin flip: the talent of Mukuro ikusaba. She can set the chances of things she sees to 50%. Doesn't matter if it has a .0000001% chance of happening or 100%. It doesn't work through cameras or anything of a similar nature, even glasses and mirrors. As of now, she can't control it and maybe never truly will. So she can't make it rain cows by wishing for it, but she can raise the chances of you randomly gaining allergies. Or cancer.
She won the raffle by sheer, random luck, unrelated to her Talent. How Lucky. She hadn't even been aware of its existence until she read the letter.
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toujokaname · 1 year
Sex Appeal 101 (Jun Idol Story)
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Author: Nishioka Maiko
Characters: HiMERU, Jun, Kohaku
“HiMERU's always had somethin' like that, right? Pheromones, I guess.”
[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Autumn
Location: Break Room
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HiMERU: ...Mm? Why doesn't it come out, even after pressing the button? Could it be broken—
—Ah, the Coke is sold out. HiMERU didn't notice the button lighting up.
(As HiMERU, he should buy Coke. Well, if it's sold out, so be it. He'll just have to settle for something else...)
(Then, a black coffee.)
(It feels unlucky to be unable to get what he was planning to buy.)
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Jun: ...... (Staring at HiMERU)
HiMERU: —Sazanami, if you were there, couldn't you at least have said hello? What are you even doing? HiMERU dislikes to be stared at like that...
It's impolite to begin with. Ah, maybe it's HiMERU's fault for expecting manners, when you're a stray dog.
Jun: Yeah, yeah. Sorry 'bout that. I'm a stray dog with no manners.
Well, I do feel bad about staring without calling out to you. I was just curious.
HiMERU: ? What exactly were you curious about?
Jun: HiMERU's always had somethin' like that, right? Pheromones, I guess. It's like you're always giving 'em off.
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HiMERU: Bwuh?! —Cough! Cough-?!
Ahem— Haah. What are you saying, all of a sudden? Did you hit your head? HiMERU is giving off no such thing.
Jun: No, no. You definitely are. Like, the other day I saw you on the cover of a gravure magazine?
The one with the blurb about sex appeal. The ad was displayed all over the station building.
In that volume, didn't they call you one of the sexiest idols in the industry?
Besides. Just now, I thought it when I was staring at you. Even if you're just buying a drink from the vending machine, every gesture you make is so attractive. I think that must be sex appeal.
HiMERU: —... What is wrong with you today? You're being awfully complimentary. Are you scheming something? HiMERU will not be deceived.
Jun: I just give honest praise when I think something's good. What do you think I am?
I mean. There is a good reason. The truth is, I have a job coming up soon that isn't my usual type of work.
It's for a magazine, it seems they wanna contrast me as a highschooler against me as a grown-up.
I thought it'd be a good gap if I could create a mature atmosphere.
HiMERU: —Hm... So that's why you brought it up.
Jun: I don't have much confidence in that area. I was looking at you to see if I could pick up on some of your tricks.
HiMERU: —From HiMERU's point of view, Sazanami seems to be sufficient. With that said, if you don't think you're cut out for it, then you shouldn't push yourself.
It's possible to take any number of different approaches within your own category of expertise.
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Why force yourself to use something you're not good at as a weapon?
Jun: That may be true. But I also don't like leaving my weaknesses as-is. I feel like my growth as an idol would stop there.
Plus, a new weapon would broaden my range.
HiMERU: —Hm. HiMERU understands your feelings. And, well, he doesn't dislike that kind of self-discipline. That said, HiMERU isn't sure if he's the right person to ask for advice.
...HiMERU has heard that people who practice tea ceremony and figure skating have beautiful gestures. That's because they're aware of their nerves all the way down to their fingertips, they say.
(HiMERU can't really tell what Sazanami is talking about.)
(HiMERU wore away at his nerves down to his fingertips in his goal of becoming the perfect idol so that any third-party would see him as such.)
(Could his advice really help Sazanami...?)
Jun: Ohh, I got it. It's true that I never thought about moving in that way.
Being aware down to your fingertips... Umm. Somethin' like this? I'll brush up my hair...
HiMERU: ......
—Sazanami. You're forcing it a little too much.
Try to be more natural, like this...
Jun: Huuh. As I thought, you're really good at it. Like an expert.
HiMERU: Like he said, HiMERU doesn't do this on purpose.
Jun: Fine, fine. Isn't it good? I'm complimentin' you.
Uhh, how 'bout this?
HiMERU: —Hm~m. Your hand gesture is good, but the rest is too sloppy. How about showing the nape of your neck a little more?
Take for example... this.
Jun: I see...! Like this?
HiMERU: No, no. More. That won't catch people's eyes. Be sexier! Flaunt yourself!
Jun: Gh... This's hard.
Kohaku: What the hell are y'all even doin'...?
How 'bout this?
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Jun: S-Sakura-kun?!
Kohaku: Hrmm... Hmm...? (Staring him up and down)
What y'all do is your business. But even if you were bein' discreet, it's so lame that y'all're posin' around with your hair up in the break room.
HiMERU: That's not it...! This is a misunderstanding, Oukawa.
Jun: That's right! This is like a special training session! I was just gettin' some tips from HiMERU!
Kohaku: Riiight. You're puttin' so much effort into your special narcissist trainin'. Then I can't interfere any longer. I'm leavin', so keep at it~
Jun: Narcissist?! Gaaah! That's not right either! Wait up! Please hear me out!
HiMERU: HiMERU's going after him, Sazanami! It's not right for Oukawa to maintain such a disgraceful misunderstanding!
Jun: That's my line! Please wait, Sakura-kun!
[ ☆ ]
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words-after-midnight · 2 months
Hey thanks for the follow and reblog! Just stopping by to say your WIPs sound interesting and unique. For Storyteller Saturday: Since Life in Black and White is an aughts period piece, is there a song from that time that reminds you of the story or characters? Or a song the characters like? (Believe it or not I was going to ask this anyway before I saw your playlist poll lol. Im curious either way tho!)
Ooooh thank you for this, I love music questions!
I'm sure I will forget some, but here are some songs from the aughts that I associate with the story/characters (many of these were on the original playlist, as I actually drafted the story in the late aughts):
Yellow by Coldplay (2000)*
It's Been Awhile by Staind (2001)
Weathered by Creed (2001)
My Sacrifice by Creed (2001)
Hide by Creed (2001) - This song still makes me emotional to this day, bwuh. 🙃
Breathe Your Name by Sixpence None the Richer (2002)
Down and Out of Time by Sixpence None the Richer (2002)
Dark Diamond by Elton John (2002)
Original Sin by Elton John (2002)
This Train Don't Stop There Anymore by Elton John (2002)
Unwell by Matchbox Twenty (2002)
Bright Lights by Matchbox Twenty (2002)
Clocks by Coldplay (2002)* - I've considered this the story's theme song, pretty much, since I started drafting in 2008.
The Scientist by Coldplay (2002)*
Harder to Breathe by Maroon 5 (2002) - Generally not a fan of Maroon 5 but this song is lyrically great for Gabriel
Fallen by Sarah McLachlan (2003)
Stupid by Sarah McLachlan (2003)
Train Wreck by Sarah McLachlan (2003) - this one is funny because I refer to the Gabriel/Jeff dyad as "trainwreck," but this song is not where the name comes from. It just fits lyrically.
Mr. Brightside by The Killers (2004)
Savin' Me by Nickelback (2005) - The actual only Nickelback song I've ever liked because of how perfect the lyrics are for this story lol
Amid the Falling Snow by Enya (2005)
Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap (2005)
Us by Regina Spektor (2006)
To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra (2007) - Not to be dramatic but I can barely listen to this song now lol.
Death and all His Friends by Coldplay (2008)*
O My Heart by Mother Mother (2008)**
Burning Pile by Mother Mother (2008)**
Body by Mother Mother (2008)**
Ghosting by Mother Mother (2008)**
Try to Change by Mother Mother (2008)**
40 Day Dream by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros (2009)
Bulletproof by La Roux (2009)
White Blank Page by Mumford and Sons (2009)
The Cave by Mumford and Sons (2009)
*Can you tell I was listening to a lot of Coldplay as a teenager? The opening chapter is called "A Rush of Blood to the Head" after the album that Clocks and The Scientist are on.
**Alternate playlist for libaw: the 2008 Mother Mother album "O My Heart."
In terms of what music They™ enjoy (ie. stuff they actually listened to at that time, so mostly older stuff than the aughts):
Gabriel's mostly an alt rock/metal/punk & similar type, which I'm sure will surprise approximately no one who's read Gabriel. His frequently played artists include Nine Inch Nails (his favorite band), Joy Division, Tool, Radiohead, RATM and the like. He's also been known to dabble in more electronic genres (eg. we share an appreciation for Daft Punk and Depeche Mode), enjoy classical music (eg. Beethoven), and have a certain nostalgic fondness for some classic rock, such as GNR and Pink Floyd, and Elton John, who was his late mother's favorite singer.
Jeff's a big classic rock snob* - think GNR, Zeppelin, AC/DC, Rolling Stones, CCR, Van Halen, Springsteen. His favorite band is Pink Floyd (favorite album Animals). Caveat: if you get him drunk enough there's a chance he'll jokingly (read: fully seriously) put on either Aquamarine by Aqua or Voulez-Vous by Abba and get very into it.
*He gets that from me. The classic rock part, not the snob part.
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blujayonthewing · 7 months
Hi! I'm just dropping in to tell you that I admire you and the love you have in your heart for the natural world and your artistic eye and all the care and detail you put into your creative endeavors. I hope you're having a good day, or at least that a good day is on the horizon for you. This isn't one of those "pass it on" type anons, I just needed you to know that you're a gift, and that you're a wonderful presence. ♥️
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futabagaming · 1 month
Huh Buh bwuh buwhghug but if you don’t vote blue then red wave orange man jorjor wel 1984 democracy Hillary Clinton Pokémon go to the polls no matter who
Checkmate leftist
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Me trying to figure out which one of my friends this is because I intrinsically know your typing styles
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solarpawbs · 3 months
give me the entire paragraph about all of your ocs now.
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BWUH. UMM TYSM OK I will rant only about my sonas for now!! (rambles under the cut!)
Biscuit (middle) is my main sona, so they basically represent me! However, they're also a kinsona of Parappa the rapper and a comfort oc, so a lot of how I draw them + what I draw them doing are things that either comfort me to look at or I like/would like to do irl :33! Their design takes a lot of inspo from Parappa for the formerly-mentioned kin reasoning. I also almost always draw it sleepy since that's just the sorta thing I like in character design! This is honestly part of why Gamzee from homestuck and Wally from welcome home are some of my fav characters lol! I'm a sucker for a sleepy little guy :]] Little fun-facts abt Biscuit is that he loves muffins, rlly likes raking + crunching fall leaves, and is often found chasing their tail before getting dizzy and taking a nap!
Zee (far right) is my secondary sona (and also the oldest one I still use!) They are a mischevious little punk, always playing pranks and just being an all-around stinker. I sorta use Zee to represent my more loud and childish aspects, especially related to my autism! So Zee only talks in all-caps (not quite yelling but just kinda loud all the time), always moving, likes super """cringe""" media like Minecraft and FNAF and Bluey! Unlike Biscuit who lives in a funny little cottage, Zee is a vagabond and never likes to live in one place for too long! Too many good foods to try and people to prank!!
Beet (flying above Zee) is a minor sona! It represents me, but doesn't have nearly as much thought behind it as Biscuit and Zee admittedly :'] It is a fluffy Japanese rhino beetle, so basically just if that type of beetle had fur like a cat! It also behaves like a cat as well, being much more animal(??) than my other guys! Beet loves fruit and crafting more than anything else! It is also mute, talking with all my other guys through ASL :]]! It is just a silly little guy who likes having fun!!
Last is Chef (bottom left), my pokesona! Chef is by far the newest guy out of the bunch, thus doesnt have as much thought behind them either sadly :'''] But!! What I can say about them is that they love stealing pokeballs from trainers for their collection! Their goal is to eventually get one of each kind so they can make a rainbow out of them all. Contrary to the name, Chef has no idea how to make a good meal and will usually just munch on malasadas and berries :]] They're just a funny guy with big silly ears yippee wahoo!!
That's everyone I still use as a sona!! Longtime followers might remember Metro, though as of rn, he is retired in favour of these four and I am currently looking to rehome him :]] Tysm for the question anon, this was rlly fun!!
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pinkiepiebones · 10 months
Bwuh (work talk)
-Okay starting with the silliest complaint: The toilet closet to my room has one of those flushers that, like, I guess is a motion sensor, which is fine, but the TP dispenser is mounted so low that if you're sitting you HAVE to bend to reach the TP, and if you bend you're out of the sensor's range and it ASSUMES you got up and it flushes and I find it very rude because I'M STILL SITTING HERE. >:(
-I did so much talking to people today. And hand shaking!! And generally appearing very neurotypical and not terrified!!
-I also made pretty documents on Canva and was so proud I went and showed them off to other teachers and one said "good job" and sometimes that hits so right. This was one of those sometimes.
-I learned how to use the laminator!! The smell of it takes me waaaaaay back to elementary school. Warm and cozy vibes. Yes, from the smell of heated plastic sheeting, shut up.
-I made bilingual signs for my class. I probably need more, but colour families (primary, secondary, complementary, warm, cool) is a good start I think.
-I am participating in a "Secret Pal" thing where every month or so I give a small secret gift (like a candy bar or something) to someone who's name I drew from a bag. I got the head custodian! I think he deserves not so small gifts tbh. Custodians are fucking heroes.
-I referred to MY BOYFRIEND in a conversation. Just a little "oh my boyfriend works at a bakery" 🥰🥰🥰 It's one thing to type it, but it's another to say it out loud~
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
*Deep breath* Wahahahaha~! Make way, peons! It's a festival, a festival I say! Coming to Sorashido City whether you like it or not! Wahahahaha! So... Princess Elle of Sky Land is feeling great sorrow? Well now... we can hardly have that now can we?
This tremendous sweet sixteen for Hirogaru Sky PreCure! Is it a worthy telling of such an iconic legend?
Oh, by the way, by the time you're likely reading this, it's the birthday of our very own Tsubasa Yuunagi~!
By the way, here be spoilers! You'd best tread with caution!
-Everywhere I go... I see his face. Tarou-san...
-Bwuh? Oh yeah, Ranborgs.
-And Captain Shalala just dipped.
-By the way Sora, I'm very proud of you for kicking so much ass last episode, you were awesome.
-Ageha, now hardly seems the time for puns.
-The birthday boy grits his teeth.
-Hello, Yoyo-san.
-"What's their fucking deal, Grandma?"
-Light and shadow. Heaven and Hell. North Carolina and South Carolina.
-Kira Kira Energy.
-...this feels oddly familiar.
-An apothecary~!
-Papa, Mama, yes~!
-Aw :(
-Kanashimi o taiji shite yu- No Tsuki! Restrain yourself. It's not yet time.
-Uhhhhh, theme song! I forget if I talked about it yet, but it's delightfully hopeful and (as expected of a Toei franchise) masterfully composed. The percussion especially is immaculate, a good percussion section knows exac
-Ohhhh, puppet show~!
-Pretty Princess Butterfly.
-You are very based, Tsubasa. I forgive you, you filthy crimin- *Smack!* Focus!
-We must hurry to Onigashima.
-Well, we could retell the story with an odd cast from previous seasons... Love/Peach would make a good Momotaro just off her name alone, you could make a strong argument for casting Kokone/Spicy or Akira/Chocolat as the dog, Asuka/Flamingo of course could be the pheasant as it's a neorinthe like a flamingo...
-I'm not quite sure who'd be the monkey in this case. ...Ako/Muse, perhaps? I'm genuinely not sure, I only started watching Suite a little while ago, but she does give me monkey vibes. Minori/Papaya'd make a good substitute if you don't think that counts though.
-She shreep
-Puppet play~!
-Don! Don! Donbura ko!
-Don Elletaro~! Fully formed and armed to the teeth!
-Prop recycling~! Wouldn't be a Toei production without it, huh?
-Well, you know how it is, Mashiron! Everybody loves to play with the tropes of fairy tales~! It's why we as a society love Shrek so much. And RWBY... and I guess if you're me, Saber.
-Yooooo! Nippon Ichi!
-Furry Sora Jumpscare!
-Keep your face out of the kibble and we'll be just fine.
-Free Bread~!
-Elleeeetaro Zan, Elletaro Zan!
-And now... a Haiku.
Light from the blue sky
Caught in the shining prisms
Rainbows gayly form.
-Y'know, Shinichi would be giving Mashiro girl advice. And she'd go for it.
-We're all going pretty quick, eh? Mmmm... Momotaro had to do a bit of walking after.
-...there is a surprising (read: distressing) level of similarity between Tsubasa (Yuunagi, moderate amount of issues) and Tsuyoshi (Kijino, lots of issues).
-Y'know, male character in a predominantly female role, used for comic relief fairly often, being wildly popular among fans on Tumblr... all I'm saying is you might wanna keep an eye on Wing's love life. For his sake, and ours.
-We laughed, we cried, we had wacky misunderstandings, we had insane romance subplots, people died and came back, Kaito was there...
-To the port!
-Onigashima! Where the ogres gather.
-There's something about the Underg, huh Granny?
-Elletaro's companions stand resolute in spite of their fears.
-This is the good stuff.
-...apparently the princess isn't quite a big fan. ...give it a few more minutes, it'll be really good.
-Here comes creepy Battamonda~! Who... most assuredly is not a Noto analogue. That's probably better reserved for Captain Shalala or from a certain perspective Kabaton.
-Ageha may be voicing the Oni, but she's definitely no Haruka. ...if anything, she's much more of a Jiro type. Arguably even more so than whatever Fifth Cure we'll be getting.
-The special effects are ruined! Your suit budget is in shambles! The shippers are going apeshit!
-She walks!
-She speaks!
-She's done it!
-The cloud has lifted.
-For Elletaro! Princess Elletaro~!
-...so uh... where're Sora's parents in all this?
-I don't mean to ruin this nice moment, but I find it a little concerning that they don't seem to have been appearing much.
-"What up, fellas?"
-Instead of kidnapping, Battamonda prefers a spot of murder.
-Whoa, perfect catch!
-Hell yeah, Prism Punch!
-I love how floaty these fight scenes are.
-Down they go!
-Eat my ass, Battamonda.
-Keep moving forward! The princess says so!
-Wahahahahahahahaha! Shine on, dear companions!
-Whoa! Flash Bang!
-Man, the Sky Mirage just seems like a really neat little toy to play with.
-Into the mirror~! Okay!
-Mermaid Aqua Pot Moment.
-Have you considered maybe you're just a moron?
-Thank you again, Elle-chan.
-Walk style.
-Elletaro-san~! Elletaro-san~!
-So let's get the party started~! Don Don, Iitokomikke~! Tokuige! Ni mune harou ze Brother! WOO!
-Ah, uh, outro, outro! Very catchy, love the rhyme structure, the Butterfly teasing is making me seethe and cope, get your skinny ass in there already babe.
-Mashiron must run! And never look back!
-Now if you excuse me, I do believe I have an installment of a certain other franchise to get back to. One that also involves floating sky kingdoms, ancient legends, knights and heroes, a pig-themed villain, wildly bucking franchise conventions, gender stuff, and horrifying underground monstrosities.
-...look I could've just said "Zelda" and there'd have been no question, but that's okay, see youuuuuu~!
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theferalscion · 2 years
RPing as Sanson on Twitter, with my Guydelot friend pulling out (he's v tough for them to play with his personality type, no grudge), with other NPCs from FFXIV, is VERY funny, bc I have learned two important things
1. Single Sanson gets EVERY Elezen/tall person on his ass immediately
a. Estinien wants to pin him to a wall and bite him every time they argue
b. Lucia thinks he's cute even though she's trying Very Hard not to
c. Nero.
d. Aymeric visited him in his office and brought gifts, completely unprompted
e. Has become unexpectedly close with Artoirel. Actually took a vacation to stay at the Fortemps manor as a special guest for a week or two.
2. Sanson in general gets every remotely obnoxious person harassing him
a. Fandaniel has found his reactions hilarious and has been harassing him every chance he gets
b. Elidibus has decided they're friends and will just appear in his office/apartment without warning to chat. Left a shark plushie in his apartment.
c. TWO Emet-Selchs following him around for 'no reason'. One of them put his feet on Sanson's desk. The other helped clean his apartment.
d. Estinien called him Captain Banana repeatedly until Sanson had to be stopped from physically assaulting him
e. Nearly punched Charibert for calling him a rat.
It's been a ton of fun and I've even gotten some neat art out of it though I cannot share without permission I can link it!
Sanson x Artoirel
Emet giving romantic advice (yes really)
I know that 'bwuh Twitter is evil' and... It is. A lot less content curation than Tumblr. But the RP scene is REALLY good and it's fun to watch even if you don't participate
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