#By doing this. PPL would've gained curiosity about Jason while simultaneously knowing where Percy is aswell
Jason's lack of backstory is easily bc we got introduced to him as an amnesiac tbh. New characters like Leo immediately had past flashbacks within a few pages into his POV about his mom and Tia callida. Now I'm just realising how different it would've been if SON was published first with everyone mentioning the mysterious perfect, Jason Grace, and included a few "leader Jason" flashbacks from reyna, or just general childhood flashbacks of how he refused to join the prestigious first cohort and joined the twelfth instead to bring glory to it, while defending the unpopular kids from getting bullied, when he led the battle of mount orthrys and killed krios, and THEN we got to meet him in TLH. Where he's all clueless and silly, nothing like how "heroic" he's described by Reyna and others, he'd be unaware of how much ppl look up to him in a camp that's miles away, and noble he actually is, while we know it. It would make him more endearing to read about since we know everyone knows him as the mighty golden boy.
He'd even be considered stronger if rick has done this, to the point that even the brick jokes wouldn't affect the reputation against Jason's power. Since we got to SEE his fighter moments in flashbacks. So we KNOW he's a tough guy.
Gosh that would've fixed everything. Ppl would've loved him.
And the majority of the readers only hated Jason bc he was introduced so randomly, making ppl wonder where Percy was, causing nobody to care about the new protagonist, so by releasing SON first, that would've been solved as well, since we'd know where Percy is, and would gain curiosity as to what's going on at camp half blood with this mysterious new boy as a camper. Making us interested in Jason, I feel like the audience would've gotten much better reactions to this as well, and the Thalia being Jason's sister revelation would've been even more epic.
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