#Cain and Setsu
blushingguy · 9 months
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Skip Beat! Act. 195, Vol. 33, Dark Breath
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csigoose · 1 month
This idea came to me in the shower. I didn't think I was going to be able to get anything done for the week, but managed to get this done!
FYI this fic is a follow-up to my fic "My Senpai in Every Way Shape or Form", and is an AU that centers Ren navigating their non-binary identity.
Ren paced in tight circles in the hotel room. This had been the first extended break from Cain and Setsuka since they had come to terms with this whole non-binary situation. Kyoko had helped them up from the floor of the bathroom and helped them into their Cain outfit. They did not talk about the scene Kyoko had walked in on and instead spent the rest of the night perfectly in character as doting brother and sister.
It had hurt, almost, to have this revelation brushed aside for the week they spent together cooped up in their hotel room. But the day they were meant to depart, Ren had woken up to find Kyoko waiting nervously at the foot of their bed. Maybe it hadn’t been too much of a surprise to see her up before them. Except she had stripped out of her Setsuka outfit and sat there waiting as Kyoko Mogami. No more characters to hide behind.
That was when they had talked. In the few hours that they had before previous engagements forced them to part ways, Kyoko asked cursory questions about Ren. About their identity. About how long they’ve felt this way. About if Ren wanted to experiment with gender neutral pronouns while they were together (they did!).
Now it was a week later and doubt had started to creep into Ren’s head. They thought that maybe Kyoko had decided she didn’t want to deal with any of their bullshit anymore. Maybe she had convinced President Takarada to take her off of this Love Me! Assignment. Too many possibilities circled through their head and, frankly, it was giving them a headache. Kyoko was supposed to be here in... They checked their watch. A minute ago.
Shit. She wasn’t going to show up. What are they supposed to--
“Sorry I’m late! Moko and I were trying out a new cafe and I lost track of time.” The door burst open to reveal Kyoko balancing her Setsuka suitcase with a coffee cup and a gift bag dangling from her pinkie. Like Ren, she wasn’t yet in her costume. They agreed to reunite this way so they would have time to talk as each other instead of as Cain and Setsu. “I did bring a surprise for you, though!”
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She's An Actress But She Ain't Got No Need
Cringetober 2023, Day 15: Song Lyrics
On AO3
Rating T - 953 words - Skip Beat! - Heel Siblings - Red/Kyoko
Summary: Setsu and Cain Heel have to return to Japan for an award press tour for Tragic Marker and can't even get through the strategy meeting without getting into a fight with Murasame. Song Fic to "Don't Trust Me" by 3OH!3.
Black dress with the tights underneath
I got the breath of the last cigarette on my teeth
And she's an actress (actress)
But she ain't got no need
Setsuka Heel leaned back in her chair, bored. The director was yammering on and on about the upcoming press junket. Setsu and her brother had been forced to come back to Japan by the production. 
Tragic Marker had been a run away success. (Setsu wasn’t surprised by this. Her brother was in it and everything he did was amazing.) But the Japanese cast were all fussing and celebrating.
Cain was going to have to go to so many talk shows with these annoying people. Setsu had promised to go to all of them with him. She would sit backstage and watch as the brittle, pretty hosts pawed at him. 
Cain had become a sensation. His BJ was frightening beyond measure, but also all the young (and not so young) woman of Japan had fallen in love with him. They wanted to be terrorized by him. Just like that empty headed Manaka.
But Cain was Setsuka’s alone to terrorize and be terrorized by. All of Japan could keep their paws to themselves.
As if sensing her thoughts, her brother placed a hand on her knee. Electricity zinged through her body. Kyoko’s spirit broke through the act for a moment. She lost Setsu and was now just her regular self with her boyfriend’s hand on her. In public. With nothing but ripped tights between their skin. She forced her body to hold Setsu’s posture until she could regain her character.
Setsu shot Cain a look that she knew would be enjoyable to the point of pain. Let his fantasies run away with him. He was the one touching her in public.
She's got money from her parents in a trust fund back east
T-t-t-tongues always pressed to your cheeks
While my tongue is on the inside of some other girls teeth
Setsu’s phone rang. Her ringtone was a metal band at full volume. The entire meeting ground to a halt as Setsu slowly pulled her phone from her purse. A dozen eyes glared angrily at her. They had all been asked that morning to silence their phones.
Setsu obviously hadn’t bothered turning off her ringer. Her calls were important. Hamsters like Manaka could silence their phones.
Setsu checked the caller ID, recognizing the number. She stood up to leave the room. 
Cain grabbed her forearm. “Where are you going?” Setsu could read between the lines. What he was really asking is ‘How could you leave me?’ and “There should be no one in the world as important to you as me.”
Setsu’s smile was indulgent in the face of his possessiveness. “It’s Mum,” she told him.
“Oh.” He let her go. “Tell Mum hi for me.”
Setsu nodded and went outside. The cast watched her go like they were a freak show. Every so often they said or did something that reminded them that they were ‘dangerous siblings’ and not regular lovers.
Setsu loved to shock them. Kyoko kind of loved it too. Kyoko loved the power of her acting.
T-tell your boyfriend if he says he's got beef
That I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him
“What the hell is wrong with you two,” Murasame demanded as soon as Setsu was out of the room.
Cain didn’t even look away from the door.
“Why is she even here,” Murasame continued. “She’s not really your manager. You’re keeping her like some kind of pet. Your good little P—“
Cain swung around to look at him. His glare communicating the rage in every muscle of his body. Daring him to keep talking.
Murasame knew he should just shut up, but he couldn’t. It wasn’t fair that Heel got someone like that. Someone who he shouldn’t be allowed to have. It was indecent. 
Murasame threw the gauntlet down, “She’d be better off with a different owner.”
Cain flipped the conference table on top of him.
She wants to touch me (whoa)
She wants to love me (whoa)
She'll never leave me (whoa, whoa, oh, oh)
Setsu heard the commotion from the hall.
“What’s that?” asked Julie.
Julie could hear Setsu’s eye roll in the tone of her voice. “There’s this complete idiot on the cast of Tragic Marker that Cain keeps fighting with.”
“Is it all okay? He isn’t struggling with—“
“Not anymore,” Setsu cut in. Kyoko screamed in the back of her mind that Setsu was disrespecting their honored mother by talking over her, but Setsu was firmly behind the wheel. “They used to, but my wonderful brother was able to work through it. These days, they mostly fight about me. The idiot is very insistent.”
“Well, tell Cain ‘Mum’ says to not let boys disrespect her beautiful talented daughter.” Julie wasn’t as onboard with the Heel sibling charade as Lory. But she did love that she got to be both of Setsu and Cain’s one and only mother. “And I’ll message you pictures of the dresses.”
“Thank you, Mum,” Setsu paused for a moment, thinking. “I love you.”
Julie’s voice was brimming with warmth when she replied, “I love you too, daughter-of-mine.”
Setsu hung up and went back into the conference room. She carried a sense of familiar contentment in her heart. It only amplified when she saw Cain standing on a table that he was using to crush Murasame.
“Mum says you should beat him up,” Setsu said. She was paraphrasing but still.
The other members of the cast glanced at each other. What kind of mother tells her child to get into a physical fight? The whole family was strange and dangerous.
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neverendingreading · 2 years
So obsessed to them 😍 I really, really can't forget this arc.
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lemmebefangirl · 4 years
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The author of Skip Beat is so funny. For my next trick I’ll have them act as goth incest siblings
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rensbathtub · 3 years
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rawrie xd lol fml my friend made this on discord sometimes I question our sanity
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chiaradahlianana · 4 years
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fairy-edits · 7 years
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MORE THAN AN ACT -Skip Beat- Credits: Yoshiki Nakamura's Arts. Edit by me.
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justanobodie · 7 years
Only Bought this so You Could...
And my shameless plug goes here....
It’s a new fanfic that I wrote and I would love to hear feed back. :3 And also just people in general to fangirl with me about skip beat. Because it’s much needed.
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csigoose · 1 year
I decided to give Ren Gender Feelings. 🚨
Kyoko was feeling pretty proud of herself. Box R had wrapped early this evening and, now a week into her charade as Setsuka Heel she was needing less of Jelly Woods’s help with her transformation process. Every inch of her wanted to skip her way to the hotel room where Ren playing Cain would be waiting for her, but skipping was hardly something that Setsuka could be caught doing. While there was less of a risk of being spotted when she wasn’t at Cain’s side, she still couldn’t afford to disrupt the illusion of her cool-girl aesthetic, regardless of how proud she was feeling. However, that didn’t mean she had to hide her enthusiasm once she was inside the safety of her hotel room. Surely she could just make up a reason that Setsuka was as happy as Kyoko was; Setsu was much easier to please than Kyoko, anyhow.
“Brother, I’m home!” she sang as she pushed the door open, grinning widely.
That was the first thing wrong with her entry. Ren didn’t take himself into the hotel room; they were supposed to act almost entirely as Cain and Setsu unless they needed to break character for whatever reason. Ren was not in character as Cain. But as she lingered in the entry, she realized that he wasn’t really in character as Ren, either. Not even the stranger she’d met when she first started working with Cain was present in the room. Instead, she found herself sharing a room with someone she didn’t know at all.
Kyoko quickly closed the door behind her and pressed her back against the solid fixture of the fall. Her first instinct was to laugh even though there was nothing to laugh at. Not with the scared expression Not-Ren wore now, like a deer caught in the headlights.
He wore a lacy bralette trimmed with velvet that Kyoko recognized as one of Setsuka’s discards when they recognized the bra was far too big for her chest. Now it was too small on Ren’s broad body and pinched at the skin where the soft straps strained to stretch across his torso. A shawl was draped haphazardly over his shoulders, but that wasn’t the part that had left both parties frozen in uncertainty.
Over his hips, he’d tried and failed to fasten one of Kyoko’s old skirts over his hips. She’d forgotten that the skirts were still in their room, having forgotten about them since Ren had been kind enough to procure pants for her comfort. Now seeing him in the skirt, uncomfortable for an entirely different reason than she had been, Kyoko’s heart broke clean in half.
She extended an arm and stepped away from the door, approaching him slowly. “Do you need--” Help? The offer stuck in her throat, unsure of how she was supposed to help in the situation she’d found herself in. Help him put the skirt on? Take it off?
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vikkybrazik · 7 years
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Не Сдавайся! | Skip Beat!
aesthetic: Сain Heel & Setsuka Heel
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neverendingreading · 2 years
My favorite scene 😍 When Kyoko regrets that she didn't admire Ren's body, top to bottom 🤣
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lemmebefangirl · 4 years
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Cain and setsu interaction in the nutshell!
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another (belated) valentine's day couple: Cain and Setsu Heel (yes, I know, more Skip Beat). What can I say, something about Setsu's style just makes me want to draw.
supplies: traditional sketch, colored in CSP
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