#Call out all corruption and tyrany
dyke-on · 1 year
Just saw someone say Putin is like modern day Hitler and.... I don't know if that's an appropriate comparison. I'm just gonna point out that libs will never compare American imperialists to Hitler for what they did to Afghanistan, Iraq, Hawaii, all of the global south etc.
More Ukraine flag in bio type shit
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archmarastyden · 4 years
An entire colony revolted and started a war of independence over some extra taxes, but you're ok with sending YOUR children into a classroom sized petri dish of death because the government says we should. Where do you draw the line?!
Deadly disease has spread so rapidly that we've been digging mass graves for the unclaimed alone. Our government's response has been "You can have a week off and wear a mask if you're nervous." We as a country have been banned by other countries from travelling because we are too high of a risk. We are plague bearers and the government balks.Children are being sent to die because it is considered what is best for our government.
There are some of you who believe it's a conspiracy, that it's nothing more than a headcold, and that we're overreacting. To those I ask, who is behind this conspiracy?
There is no left wing, there is no right wing. It's coke vs pepsi, it's left twix vs right twix, it's cake vs pie, it's the black & blue dress vs the gold & white dress. It all has the same end, and that is the end where they are on top and YOU are forced to work ungodly hours, for unreasonable pay, not get to enjoy your life, or see your family, or you don't get to eat, your kids don't get to eat, and no one in your family gets medical attention.
There are government soldiers in the streets, posing as respectable police officers and sullying their good names. They use the laws written to keep the rich in power and abuse the laws written to keep us safe, to justify breaking into your homes, assaulting your family, and murdering your wives, husbands, and children in their beds and in public and you let it happen.
I love America, but is this what a government is for? Is the government only here for paving roads and keeping the rich in power? A large scale corporation could do that without a single dollar of your hard earned wages being taxed. This is no longer a government, and this is Not America.
When laws are written not to keep you safe and happy and the country running smoothly, but instead to confuse, miseducate, undereducate, or enslave the people they are no longer legislators, but slavemasters.
When "police" focus more on how to put you away, silence those they don't agree with, and how to attack you, than they focus on trying to make sure everyone is happy, healthy, and safe, and when they pick up military weapons, they stop being police and become government soldiers. When you murder someone it shouldn't matter what kind of bullet you used to do it, you should be arrested, tried, and, if found guilty, sentenced!
When the leader of a country (any leader!) can get away with breaking any law, and can pardon their friends of any law, ignores the best interest of the country and its people for his or her own personal gain, and sends in the government soldiers to silence the opposition they are no longer a leader, but a Tyrant.
I am speaking to all political parties! You love your country! You love what your political party stands for at its core! Stop allowing the powerful to walk all over us.
The constitution gives us a way to combat tyrany and corruption within our government and it's time we paid attention! Speak to your representatives and senators and DEMAND they act rightly and hold them accountable! If they don't listen vote them out because THEY ARE NOT REPRESENTING YOU! If the system fails to vote out a crooked politician, step up and run yourself! If we still can't fix the corruption, begin protesting, join those already protesting reinforce your neighbor! It doesn't matter if you agree with their complaints, because at the core of the problem is WE WANT TO BE HEARD!!! We want peace, health, happiness, and freedom!
We want to obtain them peaceably, and it is our duty to exhaust all peaceful methods before moving toward any other methods, BUT IF THIS FAILS the constitution gives us another option. This is not an option we should take if it can be avoided, but those running the puppet show need to remember that it is still an option.
This is not a call to arms, but a call to action! Put aside your differences of opinions long enough to get something done! Stop fighting your neighbors and focus on the real problem! Ask anyone on the street, Democrat, Republican, Independent, and even people who aren't even paying attention! WE ALL KNOW THE REAL PROBLEM!
Where will you draw the line? Stranger? Neighbor? Friends? Family? Children? Or do you have to be directly attacked before you are angry enough to band with the enemy of your enemy to bring about change?
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