#Cancer sucks
grimmweepers · 3 days
life comes at you so fast
#tw personal#tw death#tw cancer#not my usual silly goofy post but it’s hard to remain that way when there’s a lot weighing on your mind#cancer sucks#and it’s unfair how quickly it can take people from us#one moment they seem fine and the next they’re in the icu with a week left to live#he passed two nights ago#i wasn’t planning to post about it but i have the tendency to disassociate from my grief#so here i am instead of wherever the hell!#it’s heartbreaking because he and his wife weren’t just my mum’s bosses - they were long-time friends#i have clear childhood memories of playing at their house with their son#his youngest child is only 3 years old#as soon as he found out he started giving his final messages to his staff#obviously nobody wants to die in that situation#but you could feel how much he *wanted to live*#when i was told about his death it was in the morning and it didn’t feel real#every time i had seen him in the last year he always had a smile on his face#it’s always been hard for me to deal with the prospect of death#and understand how fragile life is#how REAL mortality is#it hits even harder when it happens to someone who was so FULL of life#sighs#life comes at you fast#sometimes in all directions and in every possible and testing way imaginable#i’ve been trying to write and feel any sense of normalcy this evening but for a multitude of reasons i have a sinking feeling in my stomach#sometimes when i’m upset i try recycle the feeling into excitement or happiness over something else#yeah … i can’t really do that tonight#apologies if my energy is bleh. hold your loved ones close. now i return you to my regular scheduled programming
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Shannen Doherty
Rest in Peace.
April 12, 1971-July 13, 2024
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dreamsagain · 1 month
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To all my friends and followers. I hope you will take a moment to read this little message.
Today I will travel to where I will be having major surgery. Tomorrow morning they will attempt to remove the cancerous tumor that is on my spine. There are only a few possible outcomes. 1 - It would be successful and I can resume normal treatments and radiation. 2 - They could remove it injuring my spinal column and causing paralysis. 3 -I don't survive the surgery. This is the least likely. I will take all your prayers, thoughts, positive vibes.
Whatever happens, I will have someone update everyone here.
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floridaboiler · 8 months
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mamaspark · 5 days
A very important person in my life received a cancer diagnosis recently. He will have chemo, surgery and more chemo. He will be fighting for his life. He us a big U of M (Michigan) fan. I decided he needed a quilt to take with him to his chemo and for napping. So I bought some fabric and made this top in 2 days. I adore this pattern and have made it several times now. It’s a free pattern by the Empty Bobbin Sewing Studio. It never disappoints! It’s with my quilter now. The backing I ordered won’t be to her until Monday so she will have to mail it to me to finish as I’ll be out of town. I had hoped to give it in person but don’t want to wait so will mail it to my friend.
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I had LOTS of help as I was sewing it. Roary seems to think her job is to help with the piecing, lol.
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I worked at U of M for almost 40 years. Their fight song is Hail to the Victors. I’m praying he is victorious in his fight! Would appreciate your prayers, good thoughts and positive healing energy 💙💛💙
Since I went to MSU(BIG) rivalry, he is one of the only people I would use these colors to make a quilt for!
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femmequixotic · 3 months
Hello #Femmequixotic, I am a huge fan of your fics, and I've recently finished the 4th part of your Tales from the Special Branch.
Firstly, I'd like to express my admiration and love for your writing and creativity, and after reading your last post here, I hope you currently find yourself in a better place.
Now, I confess that I came here to see when you had last spoken about your work, and was incredibly excited to see that you were working on it, only to see that it has been over a year since.
I understand how life can be unpredictable, and no-one will be upset (although certainly sad) about you abandoning the series, but I came here to simply thank you for your work, and ask if there is any chance of an update (that being new chapters or the definite end to the series).
Hi, friend,
I just logged in after a significant amount of time away and saw this and some other lovely messages of support for me from various people. Thank you all so much for your kind words.
To provide an update on why I once again disappeared....well. Life is curiously, frustratingly exasperating sometimes. Just as I got back into writing last year, I started to have some health difficulties that I had to deal with. Long story short, I was rediagnosed with cancer in the spring of 2023. This recent tumor wasn't operable due to its placement, and technically was considered metastatic, so over the past year, I have been going through a very long process of two different types of radiation treatment plus five months of chemotherapy. I still have a very long stretch of immunotherapy ahead of me, and while the tumor seems to have melted away, we're not entirely certain the cancer is gone based on some symptoms I continue to have. My oncology team is awesome, though, and they're doing everything they can to help me.
I'm better than I was a year ago--or even six months ago--so that's positive, and my brain is finally starting to return back to normal from some of the fatigue and fog from treatment and from being ill. I'd like to go back to writing, and I'm feeling more creative as my strength builds back up. I don't want to promise anything, since the last time I did, life decided to immediately throw me a curveball, and to be honest, I'm still wicked tired on my good days, but I hope to complete the story within the next year. That's my plan, at least, so fingers crossed? I've always said I didn't want to abandon it at any point, and I'm determined to keep that promise to you all--and to myself.
So, yeah. That's what's been happening. I'm still here, I'm still fighting, and I'm still writing. Just super slowly, lol.
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night-market-if · 1 month
Just a quick note. I have been gone for nearly two weeks dealing with a family issue. To my Patreon members, you will have your post story content that you paid for. Everything else will be taking a small hiatus.
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trexalicious · 4 months
To those overly concerned with the state of Catherine's hair: She is so much more than her hair and that's the least of her worries! Most people aren't as concerned about their physical appearance when they are nauseous and exhausted all the time from cancer treatment...#pray for Catherine or leave her alone
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textillian · 4 months
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Years ago, my friend Sheila dyed yarn and had a sock club. She had asked me to be one of the designers, and so I designed these socks. They are toe up with crossed stitches that are made to look like icicles hanging from the cuff. Since all of Sheila's colors were named after songs, the design and the colorway were called "Ice Ice Baby."
We lost Sheila to cancer this past week. I will miss her. Thank you for believing in me.
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stonelovesbeer · 8 months
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This sucks. Dude loved his country, respected our military and the dude sure could sing. Rest in peace.
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stubbiethecorgi · 4 months
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We said goodbye to Stu earlier today. 🥺🌈. He was the sweetest, bestest boy and we love and miss him so much. I hope he’s doing zoomies and sleeping on his beloved pinapple float. 🍍
Bye Stu Stu.
#stubbie_the_corgi #pembrokewelshcorgi #corgi #cancersucks
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dreamsagain · 24 days
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Hi everyone. I am Hannah's best friend and roommate. My name is Lauren. She asked me before her surgery to update here. I will also post on her other blog.
First thing is I see she has a ton of messages. Be assured you can send her anything you like because I don't open them.
Hannah had surgery a week ago tomorrow. It was just over 7 hours long. They were able to remove a significant section of the tumor but not all of it. The hope is they can get the rest with meds and radiation. As of today, she has no nerve response in her lower body. They will be conducting further tests later today. Working on her spine had risks and Hannah was aware of them. She is still very heavily sedated and will remain this way for at least a couple more days.
Hannah will require extensive physical therapy going forward. She is a fighter just like her sister was. Feel free to send her messages and love. I know she would appreciate that.
If you have questions, you can message me at @callmenonames
(FYI - That picture is not actually from her room. No cameras allowed)
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nabbytabby02 · 3 months
[REPOST] Sept. 11 2022 - Tribute to Technoblade. My first of many public art posts
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thecryptidart1st · 6 months
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A week ago, I lost my dear Aunt Carine to her battle with stomach cancer
I know she’s no longer in pain, but as the first person of my family’s older generations that I came out to, it hurts me that she’ll no longer be physically with me…
But it doesn’t mean she won’t be there by my side for every accomplishment I make on my transition journey
I bought my first suit this weekend. While I wanted it to be for my sister’s wedding, I’m sure Carine’s so proud that I got a suit for her funeral
I’ll see you later, Carine <3
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“The Call” a Reader X Nick Amaro fanfic
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Word Count: 1,822
Warnings: Talks of cancer and women’s health. Infertility.
Author’s Note: This is deeply personal for me. I’m going through this right now and I needed to write to get my emotions out somewhat. I held back a lot but it’s what I know right now and what I’m going through. Just thought I’d share a little story with you all too.
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Sitting at your desk your phone started vibrating against the surface. Picking it up you noticed it was your doctors office. Two days prior you had gone in for a checkup and she had found a polyp on your cervix which she removed for testing but had assured you they were common and no cause for real concern.
Picking the phone up and answering it you pressed it to your ear with a casual greeting. “Hello?”
“Is this Mrs. Amaro?” The woman on the other end of the line spoke softly.
“This is she.”
“This is Jackie at Dr. Coleman’s office. Mrs. Amaro, the doctor would like you to come in today to see her in the office to go over your test results.” She spoke with a slight worrying tone to her voice.
“U-um…y-yeah okay. Alright.” You felt your heart rate rising.
“Can you come at one this afternoon?” Jackie asked.
“Y-yeah…yeah I’ll be there.” You nodded not that anyone could see you.
“We’ll see you then Mrs. Amaro.” The nurse hung up after saying goodbye.
Fears and anxiety raised in your mind as your heart raced more. You needed to tell Nick and there was no way you could concentrate on your tasks at hand now.
Signing off your computer you dialed Nick’s familiar number hoping he would pick up.
“Hey baby…didn’t expect you to call.” Nick purred as soon as he saw a picture of you and he at the summer festival in Central Park pop up on his phone.
“Nick…Nick…” You started, your voice shaky.
“Baby what is it?” Nick asked straight away detecting the fear in your voice.
“The doctor, the doctors office just called.” You found yourself swallowing a lump in your throat. “They want to see me regarding the polyp they tested. I know it’s not fair of me to ask this but…but can you” You began before Nick cut you off.
“I’m coming home and going with you, baby. You don’t need to worry about asking me. I’m going with you. I’ll be home, twenty minutes tops okay?” He spoke with urgency.
“O-okay…t-thank you. I’m just. I’m just scared. They don’t ask you to come in if everything is normal.” You tried swallowing your tears.
“I know baby, I know.” His voice was soft and broken with worry and concern for you.
It was about twenty minutes later Nick rushed into your shared apartment finding you pacing the small living area.
“Hey baby I’m home. I’m here. I’ve got ya.” He came over pulling you into his arms holding you close and stroking your back gently.
You breathed shakily into his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him.
“Thank you for coming home. I’m so sorry…I shouldn’t ask you to come home. I’m so sorry.” You sniffled.
“Hey…” he pulled you back and held your upper arms as he looked into your eyes. “I will always, come home to you if you need me for anything. Alright Amor?” You nodded before he pulled you close again kissing you tenderly and holding you close.
It was a little past one now as you sat in the doctor’s office. The nurse had just shown you to her office and said that Dr. Coleman would be in with you in just a few moments. You thanked her kindly and took a seat across from her desk, Nick sitting beside you holding your hand.
Your mind filled with questions and what if’s but nothing made any clear sense it was so jumbled.
Your knee bounced with anticipation and anxiety as you zoned out onto a little medicine advert sitting on the desk.
“Hey…” Nick whispered looking to you with his brows furrowed in concern.
You looked over to him as his voice shook you from your thoughts. “Hmm?” You hummed.
“It’s alright. No matter what she says, I’m right here with you.” He nodded a little and gave your hand a squeeze.
You were about to thank him when the door opened and in walked Dr. Coleman. “Good afternoon. I’m glad you could come in (Y/N), but I’m so sorry too.” She sighed as she took a seat. “You must be Mr. Amaro.” She looked over to Nick.
“Nice to meet you.” The blonde smiled and pulled up your chart on her computer.
“Nice to meet you as well.” Nick replied.
“So…(Y/N) the polyp we removed the other day ended up being a grade one tumor. It shows you have Endometrial Cancer.” The woman said softly as she looked to you and Nick.
You zoned out as you felt your heart drop. Cancer. You had cancer. No one expected or ever thought they’d have cancer especially in their 30’s.
The doctor kept talking explaining everything and stopped to ask if you or Nick had any questions. When you didn’t reply Nick squeezed your hand. “Amor?” He said gently.
“Hmm?” You looked to him then back to the doctor feeling tears fall down your face that you weren’t aware had even gathered in your eyes.
“Do you have any questions?” Dr. Coleman asked again.
“I…I.” You swallowed. “I don’t know.” You let out a choked breath.
“I understand. We can stay here as long as you like to (Y/N). You can always call or message me if you think of anything at all. I’ll make sure the oncologist calls and sets up an appointment with you as soon as possible.” The woman assured.
“I-I don’t think I can even think of anything. What will they do about it?” You furrowed your brows.
“They’ll preform a hysterectomy. Usually if it hasn’t spread to the lymph-nodes then a hysterectomy is all you’ll need. Thats what we hope for.” She smiled.
You only nodded. You and Nick had talked about having kids but it hadn’t happened yet even with trying. You always wanted to be a mother and you had an extremely close relationship with Zara and Gill but you wanted to expand your family and now it was all for nothing. They could take your uterus and leave the ovaries but generally they would take them as well which left you no option of even saving eggs for a surrogate in the future. Not to mention IVF was an extremely expensive adventure.
You felt your heart break all over again before you looked back to the doctor. “Thank you. I’ll let you know if I need anything.” You sniffled and even caught a few tears in Dr. Coleman’s eyes.
“Again, I’m so sorry.” She said softly and you just nodded and held onto Nick’s hand as he helped you up and headed out the office.
The ride home had been a silent one. You were processing it all. The anxiety, the fear, the unknowns, never having your own kids. You could adopt of course but that wasn’t even in your head right now.
Once inside the apartment you kicked your shoes off and headed to the bedroom wanting to just get comfortable before you even sat down to process and talk to Nick.
Nick sighed, the news had scared him too. Cancer. The big C word. It scared him to think he may not have as much time with you despite it being a very treatable cancer that they had seemed to catch early unless it was worse once they opened you up. That thought scared him alone. The what if’s had swirled in his mind just as much as they were yours and now he needed to try to focus on helping and supporting you the best he knew how.
“Baby…can I get you a tea or anything?” He called down the hall to you.
“No. I don’t feel like drinking or anything.” You said back as you came back into the living room heading to the couch and curling up with your knees bent and feet tucked under you.
“You didn’t have lunch or anything though baby. You got to be hungry by now.” Nick came over to the couch, sitting down beside you and pulling you into his arms, bringing your head to his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, pressing his lips to your head gently.
“I’m not hungry. I can’t even think of eating.” You sniffled.
“Baby…I know you’re upset and this news, this news is just heartbreaking but you have to eat. You are fighting now. You’re fighting harder. Your body needs food.” He purred as you sat there listening to the steady beating of his heart.
“I know. I just don’t want anything right now.” You spoke barely above a whisper.
“Alright Amor.” He replied understandingly. “I’m right here with you. I won’t go anywhere.”
“Cancer. Who the hell thought it would be that. They had said it was normal a-and now it’s cancer. I have to wait so long for the oncologist and then I’ll have surgery and what then?? W-we weren’t able to have children like we wished. We couldn’t…we tried and couldn’t. You think this is punishment for something I’ve done?” You looked up to Nick’s hazelnut eyes as tears spilled down your face. “Punishment for not being healthy enough o-or did I do something wrong?”
“Baby no…no you didn’t do anything wrong Amor. This isn’t your fault and it’s not a punishment. You are strong you are a fighter and you are kind. This isn’t your fault. It’s not.” Nick urged.
“B-but we can’t…we’ll never have children of our own. Never. A-are you sure you still want me? You sure you want this? You don’t have to put up with anything, I can leave.” You choked out.
“Hey…no. That’s not happening. I love you so much baby. I love you. Please never ever forget that. you’re not going anywhere okay, no one is getting rid of anyone. You’re the love of my life. So important to me and to my kids. We may not be able to have our own babies, Amor but you and I can adopt when we think we’re ready. Right now all I’m worried about is you, your health, and your happiness. I just want you to be okay right now.” Nick urged, a finger under your chin to keep your gaze on him until he kissed you softly and wiped your tears with his thumbs. “I love you (Y/N) Amaro. I love you so much.” He said between kisses.
“I-I love you too.” You sniffled.
“We’re going to fight this together alright? I’m going to take off work and be with you for every appointment and every test. You’ll never have to be alone. Through sickness and in health.” The handsome raven haired Cuban assured.
“Thank you. Always. You’re so important to me.” You replied. And he kept his promise, he was right with you through everything and always there to hold your hand, just like he said because Nick Amaro was a man of his word and always kept his vows.
Author’s Note: Thanks @irishavengersassemble for editing and reading through it. Thank you for supporting me and being there for me.
Tagging a few people who may want to read (or not want to and I just admire your writings and want to share 😅) @itsjustmyfantasyroom @burningtacozombie @beccabarba @darqchilddaydreamz @breanime @withmyteeth
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trexalicious · 1 month
Fantastic news for Murky Meg on X 🙏
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