rotfics · 1 year
in which dredge is a boyfriend and also cuddles you to sleep (rough blurb)
You finished brushing your teeth, showering, etc. Your typical before bed routine. You could feel his eyes on you....Earlier, he had made you a simple dinner; Just baked chicken and roasted potatoes. You didn't eat all of it, the rest was put away. You looked back and his head was tilted to the side, almost comically.
"..Y'take yer meds?" His claws tapped at the bed.
"Yes, I did. and before you ask, I brushed my teeth, too." You knew what he wanted you to do, for yourself. It was sweet, how he cared. ..A little weird how he did so sometimes (including the thing where he has to kill bad people to eat...zombie boy), but lovingly all the same.
"Good." he yawned a bit and sat up, making sure his mask was on the table next to your bed. he blinked a few times as he watched you change into your pajamas (his t-shirt and some sweatpants).
his eyes were glued to you with a different sort of vacant gaze than what he normally had. You gripped his shoulder and Nudged Him.
"You oka-"
Dredge huffed out a breath before kissing you as best he could, face burrowing into your neck. His claws slid up your hips, to your back, to your shoulders.
the moment you climbed under the covers he scootched up to you, arms around you, face nuzzled into your neck. he "purred", and "kissed" your cheek (which is just him pressing his mouth to you, and licking a bit).
"Every night, huh?" your question was met with an affectionate, rumbling growling sound, that resembled an "i love you" as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck before you fell asleep, making sure his body temperature was to your liking. so yes, every night.
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babyslia · 9 months
The home of these characters are accepted but have a system.
Royce evaluates them. Doodle of Dredge joining the home. Messy proto story
"...So, you're a zombie?" Royce held her clipboard. Dregde looked around a bit. "I- th-"
"Wh- I- I guess? I don't fucking know, I just woke up and a fucking talking black cat was there?!" (Ani). Royce cleared her throat and lowered her clipboard, furrowing her brow.
"Are you oka-"
"No...I just woke up like this, REALLY-" Dredge scrambled a bit, falling over and scooting into a corner. Royce sighed. "...Well at least you remembered how you died."
Dredge scrambled back and looked at his new clawflas, making a shrill sound. Royce knelt next to him and gripped his hand.
"Shut up. I woke up, and I was attacked because...b-because I look like this. I got mad and-"
"Stop there, it's fine." Royce stroked his head a bit.
"I get it, everyone here went through what you are." Royce kneeled in front of him. "It gets better, especially now that you're here, specifically." She cleared her throat a bit and patted his back, guiding him to the rest of the home, sitting him down on a couch. He curled into himself.
Royce pulled up a floating screen for a moment, and closed it. She wrote something down.
"You're not magic, you can't learn any magic."
Dredge kinda shrugged. "..I don't want to?"
She muttered a bit; Eventually making an inquisitive noise.
"You have some odd things going on. For one, you're..."
Royce flipped some notes on her board. "Venomous."
Dredge blinked. "I....I'm venomous."
Royce mumbled a confirmation of that before going back to her clipboard. She coughed a bit and leaned back, sighing.
"Okay, I can't keep doing this right now,"
"..I don't feel safe and I feel weird can you at least sleep on whatever with me or something." Dredge squirmed.
"...Uh..wow alright, sure."
Royce flopped onto a couch and patted the space behind her, Dredge immediately curling up beside her. ...Why does he help her fall asleep.
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triotag · 11 months
you: why d'ya drink dredges venom or booze this often royce: .... kin: HEY Royce we're gonna see what happens when we blow Dredge up with firecrackers dredge: royce: .... you: oh
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rottenrune · 1 year
Spamton: DRDGE DR3DG DREDG3 DEDG Dredge: Yeah? Spamton: ....'M UH. Dredge: Did'ja forget your thing Godfrey: @#$% NO [Yes] Dredge: Yeah I just did that too Spamton: ...1 W4N 2 W@TCH TVE Dredge: Ok but we're turning it ON this time Spamton: W1LL U EVR [Drop It Like It's Hot] TH4T Dredge: *Smirk* Nah Spamton: ...F1NE WH@VER D4GN Dredge: Love you Spamton: ILY2 SHUT TH3 UP SHUT Dredge: You want a snack first Spamton: ...COOK13S PLZ??/?/? Dredge: Got it Spamton: TYILYSHUTUP Dredge: Mmhm Spamton: A
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denaliwrites · 10 months
Little Creepy House
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader
Catch and Release Prompt: "Attic"
Summary: The Doctor really doesn't like attics. Unfortunately, that's where the alien of the week is.
Soundtrack: Walking on Air by Kerli
Requests: Open!
Tag List: @nyxiethesimp
Warnings: Canon-Typical Peril.
"Oh, no," the Doctor groaned from behind you. "Why'd it have to be an attic?"
Indeed, the two of you, as well as the owner of the house (and the mother of the missing child you and the Doctor were looking for), were looking up into the dark hole in the ceiling that fed into the house's attic.
Even you had to admit that, staring into that deep dark shadowy black, you were a little nervous too.
Unlike the Doctor, though, you didn't hesitate to climb up the rickety set of wooden steps leading up. Your head popped up over the threshold, eyes scanning the dark quickly before you hauled the rest of you into the room.
"Bethy?" you called out into the dark. Everything sounded... strangely muffled, up here. Your voice didn't reach nearly as far as you expected, and when you heard the Doctor say your name, you swore it sounded like he was speaking through cotton.
"Bethy?" you tried again, louder, more alert now that you knew you had to really make an effort to hear things up here.
Which... was a little odd, wasn't it? You knew attics were sometimes creepy, full of dust and ancient furniture and vintage chests with skeletons in their wedding dresses stuck inside them.
But you'd never heard of a noise-canceling attic.
You were so busy thinking and listening that you forgot to keep an eye on your feet. Something in your path tripped you up and nearly sent you flying. Wheeling around, however, revealed that nothing was there.
Okay, but you knew the difference between tripping on an object and tripping on air -- there had definitely been something there a moment ago. You may not have seen it, but it had to exist somewhere in the vicinity.
A shiver cascaded down your spine in a way that reminded you of the time the Mean Girl in your class had dropped an ice cube down your shirt. In fact, you were pretty sure that the shiver even left behind a trail of cold sweat that only served to further mimic the memory.
"Doctor?" you called, turning back.
Wait, where was the entrance?
There should've been a glowing beacon of light emanating from behind you, but instead, just pure darkness greeted you. Enveloped you. Made you want to cry out for your mother.
"Oh, fuck this place," you growled to yourself, facing ahead and forging on, steps as determined as they were unsure.
"Bethy?" you shouted again after a minute or so, hoping that somehow it'd reach her this time.
Only silence greeted you at first, but then --
"Mom?" a tiny voice cried out, and you spun in place, trying to pinpoint where it was coming from. "Mom?" the voice cried again. You swiftly turned to your left and all but ran ahead, not even caring what danger may lay in wait for you.
"Hey, hey, hey," you said comfortingly as you got nearer to where, to the best of your abilities, you'd calculated the voice was coming from. "I'm not your mom, but she sent me. I'm here to take you back to her, okay? You can come out, it's safe."
You thought maybe you'd been wrong, or that the girl had run away, or maybe that she was just considering her options, but only a moment later a small body launched at you like a missile and hit your body with force. Tiny arms circled your hips, and a scared voice whimpered into your shirt. You could hear sniffles, too.
Kneeling down to the girl's level, you pulled her into a hug and whispered comforting nothings for a moment. She needed a parent -- her mother, to be precise. But you were the best she had for now, so it was up to you to fill in the gap.
"Hey, it's okay," you told her, pulling away so that you could look her in the eyes, your hands gripping her shoulders firmly. "We're going to get out of here, and you're going to see your mom and give her a big hug. And I'm gonna see my friend and give him a big hug. Yeah?"
She nodded, trying to contain her sniffles while she wiped away her tears.
"Say it, Bethy. C'mon."
"That's a girl. Okay. Let's get the hell out of here."
You stood and took her hand, then turned to face the direction you thought you'd maybe come from.
Well, that wasn't good, was it?
Unwilling to show your fear to the girl, you marched on ahead, gently tugging her along with you. For a while, the two of you were silent as you tried to navigate the dark. Then --
And then Bethy was gone, quicker than you could even process what had happened. "Bethy?" you called, feeling panic rising in your chest. "Bethy? That's not funny -- where the fuck did you go!?"
There was no answer. At least, not from Bethy.
You could hear something, though, lurching closer. Each muffled, thunking step was accentuated by a rattling breath and a growing sense of dread. Suddenly, you understood why Bethy had told you to hide.
Instead of even trying to do that, though, your body stood frozen, eyes locked on a looming shape in the darkness.
A pathetic moan spilled from your lips as the thing moved closer, and you could finally see details -- though you wished you couldn't.
Its body was an ever-shifting mass of shadows, rippling and roiling. You could see limbs -- arms and legs of flesh, but they were unlike anything you'd ever seen before. The legs reminded you of Godzilla with how thick and heavy they seemed, while the arms -- well, if you had your wits properly about you, you would've compared them to a crab. One arm was massive and ended in a sickle-like claw, while the other was significantly smaller, and looked more like a proper arm -- though the fingers were also claws, just... smaller.
And its face was...
Well, you screamed when you saw it.
The scream was short-lived, cutting off as soon as its massive claw lifted menacingly into the air.
Oh, God, this is where I die, you thought. You weren't going to save Bethy, you were never going to see the Doctor again, or your parents, or anyone in your family, or your friends, or -- or anyone. Anything.
"Don't you fuckin' dare," a voice pierced through the darkness, the void, the hollow silence. It sounded dangerous. And it sounded an awful lot like the Doctor.
The claw froze in the air, no doubt only in hesitation, but a moment of hesitation was all you needed to move, to dive for cover somewhere far from that terrible, awful thing.
"That's better," the Doctor said from... somewhere. You weren't sure. Frankly, you kind of didn't even want to know. All you could say for sure was that, for this moment right now, you were safely hidden under a table, which just so happened to be covered with a white sheet, giving you an extra layer of security.
"Now, why are you in some poor single mother's attic, terrorizing her daughter?" the Doctor asked. All he received in response was the suffocating silence of this godforsaken room.
You heard the sound of the sonic screwdriver. The alien, or creature, or whatever it was, finally made a sound -- you thought it might've been a growl. It sounded... like rocks grinding together, but... garbled. Muffled. Like you were hearing it in impossibly deep water.
Your instincts told you to keep quiet, to be silent as the grave. Even quieter, actually, if that was possible.
That deep, gurgling growl, though. It sent such an intense wave of fear through you that you couldn't help the pitiful moan that came out.
There was a shuffle, followed by one of those awful feet stamping the ground. The alien had turned around.
"Oh, I really wish you hadn't done that," the Doctor sighed. "Run!"
You didn't need to be told twice. Where you were running to was a problem for future you, all you knew for the moment was that you needed to get the fuck away from that thing.
You only stopped running when something in the path tripped you and sent you flying towards the floor. You braced for impact, but other than a sharp hiss, you didn't acknowledge the pain. Instead, you turned sharply and grabbed at the thing that had tripped you.
Your hand wrapped around something cool and smooth, and when you drew it closer you saw that it was the leg of an old ceramic doll. Creepy, but harmless. But that didn't explain how it had disappeared earlier.
The wail it released sure did, though.
You shrieked in return, throwing the doll away into the darkness in fright. "What the fuck," you sobbed, "what the fuck. What the fuck?"
Only silence answered you.
Apparently, you'd run far enough away in this impossibly infinite attic that the alien could no longer hear you. Or the silence was so oppressive that even at near distances sound still couldn't pierce through.
Neither option seemed great, to be honest.
Regardless, though, you had to press on.
Rounding a corner, you were suddenly confronted with Bethy. She was facing away from you, looking down a corridor formed from stacks of boxes and furniture. You said her name quietly to let her know you were near. Big, terrified eyes turned back to look at you and she quickly beckoned you to join her.
You obeyed, crouching once you reached her side and looking down the corridor with her.
"It's the dolls," she whispered, pointing. You could just make out small shapes shifting in the darkness. "They won't let us through."
You sucked in a deep breath and released it as a sigh. "Don't worry," you told her, moving to a stand. "I got this."
Acting blithely unaware of your surroundings as you neared where you'd seen the dolls was surprisingly easy as, for the most part, you were rather unaware. However, your ears were honed into any slight sound that could possibly arise from those creepy little fuckers.
So when, miraculously, you caught the scratching of their little porcelain feet on the attic floor, you froze, geared up, and sent a powerful kick in the direction of the sound.
And you were met with the satisfying shatter of its stupid porcelain head.
More sounds started up, no doubt the assault on one had sent the others into a panic. But you were keyed in, and out for blood. Stomping, smashing, and crushing them was like a sport, and at the end of the match you'd destroyed about eight of them, and silence surrounded you.
"Bethy?" you called. "It's safe to come out now."
There was a quiet shuffling, and then Bethy was beside you, clinging to your arm to the point that it hurt. But you said nothing -- you were scared, too, and would probably cling to the Doctor the same way if he were there.
The two of you made your way through the attic, desperate for... well, anything, really. You were sure Bethy wanted the exit, and while you wouldn't say no to that, you were more interested in finding the Doctor.
You felt like you'd been walking for hours when you finally stumbled on the man himself. He was breathless, no doubt from running, but he grinned when he saw you. "There you are!" he said by way of greeting, pulling you into a hug. Then his eyes caught on Bethy, and he knelt down to her level. "And there you are! Your mum is gonna be very happy to see you."
If you ever made it out of this attic, anyway.
The Doctor made a sound at the back of his throat, and when you redirected your attention to him, you saw that he was looking at you rather seriously. "Any ideas?" he asked, eyes flitting for a moment to look at something behind you.
You felt the overwhelming sense of dread growing, and the fear kept you locked in place, unable to look back.
"No," you whimpered.
The Doctor moved closer, taking your face in your hands and forcing you to look into his eyes. "Hey," he said soothingly, smiling. You moaned in response. "Oh, now, none of that. C'mon. Be brave for me, yeah?"
Fear clouded your mind, and you could feel the thing behind you, could sense that claw hovering over you, ready to strike. But as the Doctor spoke, as more and more words of encouragement washed over you, the feeling started to recede.
And with it, you felt the monster retreating.
"K-keep talking," you told the Doctor urgently.
And he did, and you took his every word in, believed every word. As he spoke, and you listened, not only was the monster retreating but the darkness and silence followed it. You were starting to hear things -- birds chirping, a car driving by. A plane overhead. And you could see light beginning to filter in from... somewhere. Anywhere. Everywhere?
All you really saw, though, was the Doctor.
He was grinning -- no, beaming at you.
"Look at you," he said, voice brimming with pride. "Defeating a monster that feeds off fear and isolation."
You released a relieved giggle. "No, that was all you."
"Oh, it wasn't," he told you, his eyes looking into yours. "My words would've meant nothing if you hadn't trusted me. If you hadn't believed me."
"Of course I trust you."
His grin broadened and he let out a breathy chuckle. "That's good, then. That you trust me. We would've been in a lot of trouble if you didn't."
You laughed. "I'd probably be dead."
"We can't have that," he said, suddenly serious again. For a moment you thought maybe the monster was back, but you blinked and when you opened your eyes, he was smiling again. "No dying on my watch, got it?"
"Trust me, I do not have any plans on doing that any time soon."
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rootsofdread · 7 months
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posting before i go to bed, demise with our favorite silly new guy! (and dredge!!) ❤️❤️❤️
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sonik-kun · 1 year
Imagine obsessively hating a character? It's like, y'all aren't even writing meta on him at this point. You're just hating for the sake of hating. You do realise that by engaging in tags concerning the character you supposedly hate, the algorithm picks up on that and shows you more JC related content?
Here's a tip. If you don't like seeing positive JC posts or fanon art or fanfics of him, then stop talking about him. Stop obsessively combing through the tags, searching for things you dont like and looking for any excuse to bitch about him. Block JC fan accounts if you must. That will fix that little problem of yours.
Oh, and stop criticising fanfics and art, too. Why are you even reading a JC fanfic if you don't like him? Fics are often tagged appropriately.. If you're looking for a specific fic, read the tags.. You'll find what you're looking for that way.. I can guarantee the fic you're looking for is out there.. Instead of making pointless posts complaining about these problems, maybe take responsibility and curate your own fandom experience? Instead of bashing people's work? And asking why we make this content at all when the answer is so simple? We just want to have fun.
Just some friendly advice xoxox
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questionedturkey · 1 year
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dutybcrne · 5 months
From a very young age, Kaeya held such a fondness for handholding. Whether it was his father clinging tightly to him to make sure he didn’t get lost, Adelinde’s gentle, grounding hand closed over his to comfort him whenever his nerves got the better of him, Crepus’s rough-palmed, firm yet comforting grip as he brought him back home, or, as it was most often of all, Diluc’s warm, yet at times uncomfortably tight hold as he dragged him anywhere, everywhere, determined to always keep Kaeya close and eagerly show him all there was to see, Kaeya treasured the gesture greatly.
Of course, being as shy as he was, initiating it himself was always the harder part. So much so, he would tend to hold pinkies, rather than outright take a person’s hand in his own. Eventually, it would become his most common way to go about the gesture of affection.
#hc; kaeya#//Handholding is one of his favorite ways of affection bc 1) it’s not too overwhelming when it comes to his touch aversion#//The sensation is all focused in one spot; and even then; it’s more grounding than uncomfortable bc of how firm people’s grasp tends to be#//He really took to holding pinkies bc he realized he could ‘test’ people that way#//If it was a bother to them; they wouldn’t blink twice before moving their hand from his hold. so rejection isn’t as BIG; more subtle#//And if they Liked it; they could either accept it as is or make him happier and take firmer hold of his hand#//Once he was more confident; he would go straight to more outright handholding. Klee ofc got that RIGHT from the getgo. Bc she is smol &#liked him from the start. Even if her Pyro energy did make him uncomfortable at first; but he got used to it. for her#//Luc made it easy to go right to it to—the kid would always seem to know when he wanted to hold hands for whatever reason and grabbed hold#before Kae could link pinkies. kae did like the fact that Luc would Pout the few times Kae did link pinkies instead of hold hands#//Pout; & snatch his hand firmly in his like ‘Why did you do that? THIS way’s better’. Love the image of bby!Kae grabbing bby!Luc’s sleeves#but lbr; they deffo held hands a lot as kiddos. Bc we all know just how (canonically) indulging Luc is with whatever Kae wants. Once Luc#//figured him out; it was a Very common sight; seeing Luc tromping around like the proud lil protector he was; & Kae scurrying after him#//Lil subtle delighted gleams in his eye compared to Luc’s more overt confidence and joy. So common a sight; it was no surprise that#Kae was Deffo distressed when Luc inevitably grew out of it. Adjusted; yeah; but the sudden Change was deffo NOT good for his nerves#//Clung to Addie a lot to make up for it; until he heard the maids tittering abt how childish he was being#//He quit that FAST; finding other ways to stave off his nerves and show his affection#//Sometimes when he’s drunk at Angel’s Share; he gets tempted to hold Luc’s hand—an old habit dredged back up bc he wants comfort#//But any sudden moves Luc makes; whether bc he noticed Kae reaching out or not; utterly scare the urge away every time#//He’s made his peace with Luc resenting him; but it still stings that the ONE person he felt closest to is now practically a Chasm away#//Not like he helps any with that; running away or lashing out every time Luc tries to bridge gaps or shows concern#//Sends him into fight or flight mode every time—who’s to say Kae won’t fuck it up and make a Luc regret trying?#//Might as well sabotage it all himself—at least THEN he knows with utmost certainty it will end failure. Whoops veered off topic#//The closer he is to someone; the more likely he ends up toying with their hands a bit—esp if Interested in them#//Likes playing with their fingers; linking; unlinking and slotting them together; tracing lines on their palms#//Cute shit like that. He likes seeing how they fit together; the differences in size and how they feel#//This was all bc I saw a detail from a show pointed out on the Twitter ndnfn. And thought the pinkie thing was SO cute. Anywho#//Hi. Shit happened irl & I am still not 100%. Not saying what bc it’s not a pleasant topic; but know I am ok#//Just a lil tired. But kinda wanna hcs for rn. I had a lil burst of energy earlier today. that was nice. Over a long dead show; no less#//But it helped lift my mood a bit. I still kinda wish I could drink rn tho. Think it’d help my brain rn
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Doing legacy, night terrors, and dissent all right in a fucking row really is the anders nightmare train huh
#ive made this exact same post before but its really hitting me working on the fic#not once not twice but THREE FUCKING TIMES has anders lost control over himself in such a short span of time#nearly killing someone and (in my canon) seriously wounding cyrus (the guy hes been in love with for three years)#in the process#like....... the post alrik convo is all the more intense and serious when taken in that light#and then immediately following that up with him & cyrus hooking up (in the same scene in my fic)#like (a) yall probably need to take some time to p r o c e s s and cyrus baby boy PLS go talk to ur other friends#fenris and isabela will apologize for betraying you in the fade you do not need to latch on to anders like this#but (b).................... for anders it IS a strangely meaningful & healing way to renegotiate#his understanding of how much control he has over himself and his body#first by topping cyrus & using that control exclusively in the service of taking care of someone else#and their pleasure#and then afterwards making the conscious decision not to pursue his own pleasure further#by staying with cyrus#bc he thinks its the safer and more selfless option#snyway working on this fic has dredged up a LOT of feelings#i dunno if im ever going to have the confidence to share it bc of. yknow. the hooking up part#but its there and its meaningful and its good for both of them#just........ the romantic feelings it comes with are a bit more questionable/destructive in their singular devotion#cyrus hawke#cyrusXanders#**by NOT staying with cyrus
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rotfics · 8 months
zoey gets to be the little spoon (yet another dredge and zoey nap/cuddle thing)
Dredge yawned a bit and flopped back, it wasn’t bedtime, he would be with Kin and Royce if it was. Nah, just naptime.
A special one, kinda. Zoey scooted up next to him and almost looked bashful if that was even possible for her.
Dredge grunted and patted the space on the couch beside him. Zoey inched up.
“…Zoey we been through tons of shit together, girl, just let me cuddle you for once.”
Zoey bit her lip and shrank into herself but scooted up into Dredges arms, letting him wrap them around her.
“I gotcha.”
Zoey looked around a bit and curled up, eyes wide.
“Relax, girl. Turn ‘round ‘n face me.”
Zoey slowly did so and found her face buried in her best friends neck, letting that lure her into a relaxed state. He had a smell. A good one. One she liked, anyway.
“Mmm’gonnap now..”
Zoey buried into him.
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babyslia · 11 months
once royce had to yell at dredge and zoey bc they were..."playing" with things
and by playing i mean zoey kept zapping dredge with a defibrillator bc dredge thought it felt weird as hell but also very hilarious
they're either not allowed to be near or very watched around medical equipment ever. at least around anyone who is not dredge
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triotag · 1 year
even though royce scolds dredge a lot for being a little shit all the time and softly jokes about not knowing why she loves him and kin their relationship isn’t toxic or anything they genuinely love and care for each other
they get into little play fight wrestling things that kin finds absolutely adorable (he does the same thing w/ kin too)
all three of them are weird little fuckers and they just fit together
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rottenrune · 2 years
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so your new boyfriend is a weird trash puppet who acts like a cat. yea dredge aint moving anytime soon.
(theyre kind of going out now wow how predictable // click for better quality)
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thelaughingmerman · 18 days
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rootsofdread · 1 year
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i finished both of these!!! <333 they both took a while but i'm so happy with how they came out, i hope everyone else loves them as much as i do !! :-D <33
dedge loves hugs of course, and talbot is always a gentleman. he can't exactly kiss serenity's hand...but he tries!
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