#Carey rambles about life and stuff and work and also bitches about the Farmer's Markets
dewitty1 · 1 year
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Stuff from Thursday's farmer's market - bunnies in the grass thoroughfare, a person in just swim trunks - oh - and sunglasses, a sheriff's deputy, a kid who screamed like a bird while running laps around the whole market (he got a swat and a time out) , and three very large, free cucumbers (from a booth that has never spoken to me), and a free (stinky) cantaloupe. It was also pretty smoky, that close to the 16k+acre fire. (n˘v˘•)¬
Stuff from today's market - I got to the market by 815am, and they had given my *reserved* spot away. And OK yeah, there are a lot of new people, buuuuut, I should have priority because I'm reserved. And they're not supposed to give spots away until 8:30.Ughhhhh. Anyway, the market manager said she'd pay for me today because she made the mistake. Which is nice. Though Idk if it was really her. She's supposed to have a map with all the vendors spots. It could have been the head board member.(ᅌᴗᅌ* )
In other news, our sink in the kitchen is leaking and our landlord isn't coming until maybe tomorrow.(๑•॒̀ ູ॒•́๑)
I got a boo boo! I just got home from the Farmer's market Thursday night, getting stuff cleaned up, and my foot slid out on the floor, and I bit it on my right side. Good thing the padding on my hip only got some bruises, and my right elbow is only slightly dinged. And somehow my left pointer finger has floor(road) rash. Oh, and somehow I banged my knee, and wrenched my shoulder too.( ;´Д`)
My brother and his wife were in town. That was fine, except for the fact that the dinner with them was made more irritating by dad not listening (or wearing hearing aids) and us getting into a bitching match. It happens.(~_~;)
On a happy note, I got a deposit for another project today. (*´▽`*)
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