#Cathering 'Cat' Hunt the greyhound puppy
adiduck · 4 months
.....wait just a sec how have I not prompted 42. Married Kiss yet
An EXCELLENT question. Clearly people need to send me more prompts for SaintSpy May <3
42. Married Kiss
It’s a little thing, barely below notice.
“Sweetheart, where’s Cat’s leash?” Ethan hollers through the house.
“Try the living room!” is hollered back from the main bedroom. Ethan’s husband is putting on a name for the day, and apparently cannot be fucked to put down what he’s doing to help Ethan find the tool that will keep their greyhound from leaping out of the dog park after a bird, never to be seen again. Ethan sighs and gets down on his hands and knees to check under the couch.
“I’m in the living room,” he yells back. “I don’t see it!” Cat comes over to see why one of her dads is on the floor, licking at Ethan’s face almost perfunctorily. “Thank you, kitty-cat,” Ethan tells her at a normal volume.
“Kitchen?” Ethan’s husband suggests.
Ethan stands up and picks up the couch throw for the third time, shaking it out in case he somehow missed the leash the first time. A fine cloud of gray dog hair rises from the throw. No leash becomes apparent.
“I already looked there!”
“Well, we don’t take her leash off anywhere else! Those are where it’d be!”
Ethan folds the throw and walks around to the right side of the couch, Cat trotting along at his heels. He pulls one couch cushion off and then the other. No leash. Cat paws at one of the cushions in Ethan’s hand. “I’m telling you, it’s not here!”
There’s a distinctly exasperated silence that comes from the bathroom. “Give me two minutes!”
Ethan sighs and puts the cushions back. “Where’s your leash, Noodle?” he asks, and bends slightly to silk her ears. Cat’s tail starts going a mile a minute, thumping into the couch. “Oh, yes, you know that word! What a smart, good girl, yes you are! We can’t go until we find the leash, baby girl. Where’s your leash?”
Cat pulls away and goes to stand at the door, looking back at Ethan hopefully. It’s heartbreaking.
“Where have you checked?” comes from behind Ethan. He glances over his shoulder to see—probably Michael, looking annoyed.
“You okay, sweetheart?” he asks. Michael waves him off. “Dog park,” he says shortly. “Where have you checked?”
“All the surfaces in here, and in and under the couch, and the kitchen,” Ethan says.
“I’ll check the kitchen again,” Michael announces briskly, and marches off.
Ethan sighs and wanders into the downstairs bathroom. Maybe one of them came in here right from letting Cat off the leash and forgot it on the counter—no dice.
“I know you want to go, Kitty,” Michael’s voice says from the kitchen. “We have to find your leash first. Where’s your leash, hm?”
Ethan leaves the bathroom and wanders to the back door, sliding it open to peer onto the patio. “Could we have taken it off in the back?”
“Why would we have let her in and then let her back outside?”
“I don’t know, I’m just speculating,” Ethan calls back, and goes onto the patio to check the deck furniture. It’s not there, obviously—Michael’s right, if they’d just let Cat in, the chances she’d want right out into the back are pretty low.
Ethan wanders back inside and takes in Cat’s big, pleading eyes at the door. She’s now holding her pillow. “Aw, Sketti, I’m sorry,” Ethan says, and walks over to give her some pets. “I know, I know, we’re trying—”
He doesn’t know why he glances into the corner where the pillow was just a moment ago, but he does.
“Found it!” he yells.
Michael strides back into the room, as Ethan walks over and picks it up. “Where was it?”
“I think Kitty-Cat grabbed it at some point and stashed it next to her pillow,” Ethan says, holding it up. He turns to their dog. “Did you try to hurry us up at some point, Noodle-noo? I’m sorry, we’re dumb and slow sometimes, aren’t we?”
Michael sighs, absently petting Cat’s head as Ethan walks over and grabs her collar, clicking the leash into place. “Take her out to the car? I’ll finish getting ready and grab her bag.”
“You got it,” Ethan says, and takes a quick kiss before opening the door and letting himself and Cat out the front. It’s a beautiful day—the dog park will be fun.
It’s a little thing, the sort of kiss they no longer even think about. Expected, automatic, an exchange that they have done so many times. The sort of kiss that, twenty years ago, neither of them would ever have even imagined becoming commonplace. A married kiss.
That’s what’s nice about it.
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adiduck · 4 months
@oathkeeperoxas asked for 72. "Kiss me" for SaintSpy May! You got it, my friend! Send me a kiss for SaintSpy May!
72. “Kiss me”
A fun fact about Jude’s husband is that—not only can he not sing, he needs to be actively discouraged from doing so any time the mood takes him. Which is, unfortunately, far, far too often.
A fun fact about Jude is that he is terrible at doing this.
Case in point, Ethan is in their kitchen right now, their puppy in his arms, caterwauling—heh—an old pop song to her as he rocks her around like a baby and she occasionally stretches her long neck and snout up to lick at Ethan’s chin enthusiastically. Jude has no idea how this happened, and frankly he’s not sure he should ask.
“Kiss meeeeeee, beneath the milky twilight,” Ethan sings, forte and unforgivably off-key, pausing to accept more licks with a laugh. “Lead meeeeeee out on the moonlit flooooor—”
Jude really needs to put a stop to this for the sake of his ears. The issue is that it’s really, really cute.
“Lift your open haaaaand,” Ethan croons—very very badly—at their puppy, and leans down to drop a few kisses on Cat’s little paw. Cat licks him straight on the mouth, tail wagging so hard it’s thumping off Ethan’s chest. “Strike up the baaaaaand, and make the fireflies daaaaaaaance,” he pauses. “Uh. Something something soooomething—” He drops some more kisses on their very over-excited puppy’s head.
“Silver moon’s sparkling,” Jude offers from the door—spoken, not sung. Ethan looks up and grins at him, not at all surprised to know Jude’s lurking just outside the room.
“Thank you. Silver moon’s spaaaarkliiiiiing,” he adds, in what probably is supposed to be sung. Jude shakes his head, finally letting himself into the room as Ethan drops so more kisses on Cat’s little ears, holding onto her as she wiggles, eyes cutting back to Jude as he does. “So kiiiiiss meeeee—”
“If it will shut you up,” Jude allows, and leans over as Ethan straightens up, taking a slow, languid kiss, enjoying Ethan’s smile up against his lips—
—and reaching up to catch their kitty-Cat, as the presence of both her dads in close proximity this far above the ground becomes too much for her, and she wriggles so excitedly she nearly slips out of Ethan’s arms.
Cat makes a tiny puppy vocalization—a rolling little roorawwwroo that sounds just a little like the song Ethan had been singing—ah.
“Are you singing, little girl?” Jude asks, pulling away to grin down at Cat. “You sound much better than your dad, I’m going to be honest—” Ethan cracks up. Jude grins and continues. “—but you should be using your pillow! Where’s your pillow, noodle, hm?”
“Over in the corner,” Ethan says. “She was making noise around it.”
“Ah,” Jude says, and Ethan lets him take the puppy from him. He wanders over to the corner near the window and picks up the pillow, offering it to Cat as she makes another noise. She chomps down on it. “What a good girl,” he says, crooning—positive reinforcement of good behaviors, instead of the behavior you don’t want your dog to do, like all the books he’s been reading say to do. “Very good pillow. Yes!”
Ethan’s arms slide around his waist from behind. He—does some approximation of humming the song again. A few bars. So kiss me.
Jude sighs, and turns to comply. Probably, this is why Ethan continues this behavior Jude would prefer he stop.
Ah, well. Jude supposes he can live with the singing, in the end.
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