#Ch; halden hielmstierne
rcyalxblccd · 6 months
Halden had awoken from the previous nights festivities, still extremely intoxicated. It appeared that he hadn't made it back to his living quarters, though was somewhere in the Greek castle - which was a plus in his mind. He still held last nights beverage in his hand, but couldn't for the life of him actually remember what it was. Nonetheless, Halden brought the drink to his lips and chugged the remaining contents of it before placing the empty glass on the table beside him. The entire night before was a blur; but given that he was fully clothed - Halden was at least sure he hadn't made an absolute fool of himself. Even so, it was probably in his best interest to make his way back to his room before anyone saw him and yesterdays wardrobe. Halden; who normally lacked confidence in himself, was confident enough to push himself up off the couch. Regret was quick to take over, when he felt himself stumble backwards just as someone entered the room. "Good morning!" Halden exclaimed a little too excitedly, plopping back down onto the couch to avoid any further embarrassment. When his eyes finally fell on the person who had entered the room, a mixture of emotions took over and he found himself wondering if the embarrassment of stumbling to his room might have been worth it in the long run. "Oh...hello," Halden spoke quietly as he forced his gaze away from his old friend and rustled his hand through his disheveled hair. "The Greeks sure do know how to party," he told Jakob. "You should come with us some time...it might help ease your troubles." Halden aggressively patted the seat beside him as he eyed Jakob, "Come sit with me - or do you have somewhere to be?"
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rcyalxblccd · 5 months
For all intents and purposes, Halden should have been excited for the Masquerade Queen Dimitra was holding. After all, parties were something that brought him much joy. The dancing, the drinks, the outfits - it was as if Halden was where he was supposed to belong, and yet he found himself feeling rather miserable. A flask of his strongest liquor had been open and in his hand until he reached the descent into the basement of the castle and his father snatched it from him. Eyes narrowed in the Kings direction; but Halden knew better than to argue. His father was far from pleased with him at the moment.
“You may do whatever it is you wish at your little parties Halden, but do make yourself presentable tonight - huh Halden?” his father asked.
The man had once cared little about Halden’s escapades; or he at least never voiced his taste out loud, but now with more watchful eyes around it appeared he was growing more wary of the way his son behaved.
Halden waved a hand in the air; a half assed goodbye to his father before pulling his mask over his face and making his way down the steps and towards the party.
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rcyalxblccd · 6 months
It seemed foolish to Halden that; while the Greek castle and its surrounding buildings were much larger than Matteo's estate, the Queen had refused to allow everyone to stay within one spot. Had it not been for his father; Halden would have probably opted to stay with everyone else on the outskirts, but his father was adamant that staying at the castle would be much safer. Halden couldn't help but disagree; given what had just happened in Italy, but he wasn't one to argue with his father. Eventually Halden had arrived at his destination. After knocking a few times on the door to the home; he retrieved a cigar given to him by one of the Cuban guards, and a box of matches from his suit jacket pocket. He lit the end of the cigar and took a few deep inhales as he shook the match to put it out before tossing it aside. "Are you alive in there?" he called out to Theo, glancing around the outside of the house for any sign of life. The shades were pulled to cover the windows, leaving him to wonder if the other was even home. Even so, he refused to leave quite yet. "I've heard there is some fun to be had the next town over," he added, falling against the house beside the front door. He took a few puffs of the cigar and let out a quiet sigh. It wasn't that he couldn't go to the party alone, he had gone to many in the past doing just that. He had just come to find that he enjoyed Theo's presence, and well parties seemed to be far more fun when the two were together. "Or are you still recovering from the other night?" he asked teasingly.
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