#Challenges and opportunities of combining human intelligence with AI in web design
Experience the convergence of human intuition and AI ingenuity in web development. Catapult your digital presence with an impeccable blend of creativity and technology.
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gourresearch · 1 year
Unleashing the Power of Freelance Web Development and International SEO Expertise in AI Recruitment
Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of recruitment, technological advancements have brought forth innovative solutions that are reshaping the way companies find and hire top talent. One such convergence of skills is the fusion of freelance web development, international seo expert , and the application of AI in recruitment. This blog explores the synergies between these fields and delves into how they are collectively revolutionizing the recruitment process.
Freelance Web Development and Its Role in Modern Recruitment: Freelance web developers play a pivotal role in crafting appealing and user-friendly websites that attract potential candidates. A visually engaging and intuitive website not only showcases a company’s brand but also provides an efficient platform for job seekers to explore open positions. Discuss the significance of user experience, mobile responsiveness, and modern design principles in web development for recruitment.
International SEO Expertise for Global Talent Acquisition: The internet has turned the world into a global village, allowing companies to tap into a diverse pool of talent beyond their borders. International SEO experts ensure that a company’s job listings and website are optimized for global visibility, enabling them to reach job seekers from various corners of the world. Explore the importance of multilingual content, geo-targeted optimization, and cultural nuances in international SEO for recruitment.
The AI Revolution in Recruitment: Artificial Intelligence has brought unprecedented efficiency to the ai recruitment process. AI-powered tools can scan resumes, match candidates with job descriptions, and even conduct initial interviews. Highlight how AI is transforming candidate sourcing, screening, and engagement, while also mentioning the potential pitfalls and the need for human oversight.
The Synergy: Freelance Web Development, International SEO, and AI Recruitment: The combination of freelance web development and international SEO creates a powerful online presence, attracting a global pool of candidates. Integrating AI into this equation streamlines the hiring process, saving time and resources. Discuss real-world examples of companies that have successfully leveraged this synergy to achieve remarkable recruitment outcomes.
Challenges and Future Trends: While the convergence of these fields offers tremendous opportunities, there are also challenges to overcome. Address potential hurdles like language barriers, data privacy concerns, and ensuring AI algorithms remain unbiased. Also, provide insights into the potential future trends, such as voice search optimization, AI-driven candidate engagement, and virtual reality job previews.
Best Practices for Implementing the Synergy: Conclude the blog with practical tips for companies looking to harness the power of freelance web development, international SEO, and AI in their recruitment strategy. Emphasize the importance of collaboration between these domains, ongoing monitoring and optimization, and staying updated with the latest trends.
Conclusion: The fusion of freelance web development, international SEO expertise, and AI recruitment presents an exciting frontier in the world of talent acquisition. As companies strive to attract the best candidates from around the globe, the utilization of these interconnected skills offers a potent solution that enhances both the candidate experience and the efficiency of the hiring process. By embracing this synergy, organizations can position themselves at the forefront of innovative and effective recruitment practices in the AI-driven era.
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Artificial Intelligence : where are we headed for ?
The world is set to see a sea change in the manner technology operates and responds to our need. As per an internal report, more than 80% of businesses would be using Artificial Intelligence, one way or the other by 2020,
 Defining strategies based on AI for competitive advantage and intelligence will serve to be the basics when planning for a smart and agile enterprise in the coming times. Self-serving automated devices would prove to be catalysts ushering into a new era that would become mainstream. whether it is the automotive industry or the healthcare industry, artificial intelligence would prove to be the flag-bearer in decision making.
 Transformation in personal lifestyle would definitely bring about the eventual adoption an everyday affair. This is primarily based on man and machine relationship and therefore an opportunity for a transformative potential for a next-gen organization. Whilst Machine learning can solve linear problems, Artificial Intelligence helps distillation of automation. We are talking about disruptive technologies based on design thinking that lead to the simplification of tasks and better decision making structures.
 There is a tender inflection point between data and artificial intelligence that would prove to be deciduous for today's CIO to prioritize and adapt. Tangible and value-added insights in the business if delivered to address a  pre-defined challenge can reap true benefits
 So what does it take to become an AI-driven organization?
 What is the impact of AI and eventually machine learning on our daily lives? An interesting case study that I saw on the economist TV channel that details the role of technology in the coming decades and how it would impact
 By 2050 worlds 2/3 population would live in urban areas. In order to better our living conditions owing to congestion on account of population, artificial intelligence, and predictive technologies would have a major role to contribute to daily lives. Consider this, The subway system in North Korea in Seoul is generally managed through a sophisticated technology system that monitors daily traffic or footfall over the stations through data technologies. The administrators manage to pre-arrange and adjust the speed of trams and stoppage times based on the technology and the data gathering.
 This way they gather in advance the number of passengers and the time needed for them to board at different stations.Not only that, they keep citizens informed through social media and internet channels about the arrival of trains and stoppage times. Whats even more interesting is, that machine learning helps the administrators find faults and any kind of discrepancies in the tram equipments in advance. Thus, saving time and balancing processes at such a scale is only enabled through machine learning and artificial intelligence meeting scale and state-of-the-art infrastructure
 This is a typical example of data management models sitting at the core of AI.
 Ai and Digital Marketing
 In a digital landscape, a great user experience or user journey is where AI adapts to and makes payments and transactions much faster and eases decision-making algorithms.
 AI, therefore, holds a huge potential in the field of Digital marketing, predictive analytics, and targeted marketing and would surely provide for a smarter future and consequently, a better customer experience.
 We have advanced applications based on the same technology, This would also imply towards a change in the way we analyze and assess. Assessing current data to extrapolate future trends and benchmarking business excellence is a major key result area that we may for-see and it could be social media data, purchase pattern of customers or clinical data of customers mapped in a hospital. we would be able to predict our best customers and also offer them tailor-made answers to their questions which could be in the form of products and services.
 Automation in data and knowledge work is another major stakeholder. Insights and value-driven inferences would lead to broader perspectives.
 There would be a time in the near future where every company would increase their investments in artificial intelligence whether it is retail, healthcare, government and more. Inferences and value led insights would navigate the ever-evolving and rapidly changing the technological landscape.
 Think about precision targeting that is based on behaviors and backed by intelligence and a Marketers quickest response would be Artificial Intelligence.
 Mining customers based on their individual choices and preferences, and thereby Collecting and analyzing data to make specific decisions based on predictive technologies can leverage the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. Gone are the days of IP address based predictions, now AI maps customer journeys and targets based on customer choices and preferences.
 A great CRM tool coupled with analytics can be a very promising combination today but would soon be a hygiene. The intersection of AI and marketing enables Personalizes User Experience (UX). Artificial Intelligence tracks search queries generated through search engines. Hence the search engine today is smarter.
 Purchase behavior and multiple touch points lead to a pre-defined path based on search strings to get an exact match to the specifics that are custom generated through Artificial Intelligence. This automatically reduces complexity and noise leading to value-added conversions based on an exact match on demand and supply.
 Hello "Chatbots"
 Chatbots would be a common feature soon. Apps lead to bots and bots ultimately integrate with data and machine learning models.
 "A chatbot is a computer program or an artificial intelligence powered program which conducts a conversation via auditory or textual methods ; chatbots are typically used in customer service or information acquisition and many systems scan for keywords within the input, then pull a reply with the most matching keywords, or the most similar wording pattern, from a database." so says Wikipedia.
 Chatbots have been designed to boost business outcomes and craft superior experiences in order to better overall productivity. The purpose of a bot is also to apply and build meaningful responses to these unique requirements over time. They have been invented to provide for answers we are looking for. For example to be able to do a Web search without opening up multiple apps. you ask for it and it answers.
 for instance, I type on Facebook messenger and book for a dinner reservation, that should not be an issue.
 In yet another example, you ask for a data analysis report without juggling tabs and applying multiple commands, you will have an answer in fractions of a minute. Now, this is going to get that simple. An application in a  sharp contrast is going to be heavier and a tedious affair. Thus the arrival of a chatbot.
 Chatbots recognize keywords and access the database for input towards giving a predefined response. for example; configuration of a MacBook Air instead of MacBook.So imagine having your own personal assistant soon who could solve and answer questions of your customers, generate pre-scripted yet agile answers to perfection.
 Most important changes would be best seen in human to machine interaction. We would not be surprised to see chatbots as psychological counselors working with human emotions. Siri is a very simple yet minimal example.
 The retail industry is surely in for a big and deciduous change and as harsh as it may seem many in the industry would lose their jobs to chatbots. Instead, we would see a higher number of tech compliant jobs that also demand a higher skill set.
 Of course! There is innovation and there are opportunities for brewing.
 Some more popular examples :
 Heard of IBM Watson? The smart AI & machine learning based supercomputer. You throw off a challenge and IBM Watson gives you the answer, posed in natural language processing. It builds and analyses workflows for better processes.
 In our daily lives, Amazon has launched 'Alexa', your smart personal digital assistant that would do everything from booking a table for you in a restaurant to answering your queries on music.
 I personally believe that a large part of this innovation came to set in when Apple gave us iPhone. The connotation of technology just hit another trajectory with such an explosive shake-up.
 You might disagree, but I may go candid and say, since the launch of Apple iPhone, innovation has lately been a complete game changer. No wonder many stalwarts like Samsung have bowed to the "game-changing "blueprints and in fact followed suit. Off late, the features that come integrated with technology resonate with people's choices and preferences. We have more to see based on iterative refinement that clubs effectively with the digital future of the Gen Y and blends well with their lifestyles.
 There are other impacts of AI such as self-driving cars. Drones and many of the possible cyborg enhancements in our future everyday lives. Let's not forget Jarvis in movie " Iron Man", the lead protagonist of Tony stark industries. What better example to expatiate this. So a very simple and basic question arises, would our dependence on AI lead to the transfer of an autonomous control to man-made machines? How different the future looks now?
 Remember the sky net series, it is perhaps not very far from reality I suppose. But many argue that AI can be detrimental to the human race.
 The Pros and Cons: Do we need to stay on guard?
 As per an excerpt in the conversation.com,
 "The late Stephen Hawking was a major voice in the debate about how humanity can benefit from artificial intelligence. Hawking made no secret of his fears that thinking machines could one day take charge. He went as far as predicting that future developments in AI "could spell the end of the human race. Hawking cautioned against an extreme form of AI, in which thinking machines would "take off" on their own, modifying themselves and independently designing and building ever more capable systems. Humans, bound by the slow pace of biological evolution, would be tragically outwitted."
 At a gathering at the crown plaza hotel at New Delhi, we were listening to Mr. Ravinder Pal Singh, CIO, Tata Sia Airlines. He vehemently pointed out that customer trust factor on transactions can also decide the adoption of a particular technology, such is defined the role of chatbots in commerce transactions.
 Artificial intelligence may be the biggest shakeup in the technological landscape as such a system could potentially trigger self-improvements and modifications that would outwit the human intelligence. whilst we would go a sea change in technologies such as Banking, healthcare, Retail, Resistance to change, the absence of sponsorship, culture non-adherence by the top shots and many other factors contribute to hampering of non-adoption and compliance to such innovative technologies.
 There are other apprehensions, that a large number of the workforce or human labor may be replaced owing to the invasion and evolution of chatbots Or there is no replacement for human judgment and sixth sense?
 But many industries would benefit immensely too with critical information coming into better processor business outcomes.
 What cannot be ruled out though is that we have already embraced this change and barricading our limitations may be in the best interest of the times to come?
Know more about Artificial Intelligence at http://vivoki.com/
Author: Ms. Deepa Sayal ( Digital Mentor, Incubator, Entrepreneur and a tech evangelist with 20 years of holistic experience in the Information Technology domain and was featured in the CNBC TV-18 to be "amongst the 32 impactful women changing the Digital world" in India)
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thehimalayancompany · 3 years
Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing Web Development
Artificial Intelligence has evolved as a trustworthy domain in the recent past. Apart from the pandemic 2020 has brought, the opportunities related to AI are growing with pace. AI is not a futuristic approach now since it has been globally accepted and used in all the organizations. Humankind is becoming more reliable towards AI for their development as AI is bringing everyone closer towards huge technological developments with the use of AI algorithms and deep machine learning mechanisms. AI is affecting almost every field like banking, healthcare, education etc. In recent years AI is becoming more significant for the field of web development.
How is AI revolutionizing web development?
In this globally connected digital era, web development is growing at a fast speed. Everyone is willing to have fast, secure and fully featured web applications for their organization. Artificial Intelligence can fulfil all the needs and can enhance the web development process by automating the work which is being performed by the developers.
Visitors form an opinion about a website in half a second, so the website design matters a lot more than we imagine. By the use of Artificial Intelligence the web development industry is improving the user experience by implementing chatbots, web design, and digital marketing etc. Web development is a kind of place where AI implemented user experience is a must. Web development companies are taking the help of AI as they are facing many challenges in traditional methods of website designing. Implementing AI is a fine way of revolutionizing the web development process by replacing the traditional field. By implying AI in the development of a site, the platform recognizes the colour, theme and style by itself. 
The features included by the AI- enabled websites include:-
User Experience: The web platform should be user friendly, so
that the visitors find relevant products and content when they visit the site. The user-centric web platforms have started relying on AI in order to improve the customer experience.
Customer centric content: With the help of data analysis AI lessens the defects in web architectures. AI also suggests relevant content per customer interests which help in advertising purposes.
Voice recognition feature: Websites are now providing chatbot features which directly recognize customer requests and act on them to enhance the user friendly approach. The AI feature is taking care of the customer queries through this way.
 AI enhances User Interface:
Deep learning and adaptive AI are helping in optimizing User Interfaces (UIs), which allows to automate the design decisions. It observes the existing pages of the web platforms and understands various design principles through channelized training processes. With the combination of these two processes the AI creates attractive web designs without human interference.
Platforms like Linkedin are also implementing AI in their domain to improve its networking and navigation possibilities. The job recommendations, connection suggestions are being carried forward in an automatic way.
 AI as a Web Design analytical Tool:
Apart from being a tool for improving user interface and platform functionality, AI is also performing its role as a precision analytics tool. In this era of digital marketing along with the need for high quality of design, we also need tools to ensure that the platform remains maintained by periodical tests. These are being carried forward with the help of AI based tools in a precise manner.
The future of AI:
AI is a continuous emerging sector and its growth will increase rapidly. With the growth of technology AI will do more tasks than mere web designing and it will revolutionize these things in future. Ai can recognize the frame and pixel of every image, create designs and themes, and build attractive graphics for a website. As the technologies are being developed each and every day, the user's expectation of experiencing a customized web future is not far away. With the influence of AI in web development the websites will become capable of adapting themselves as per customer requirements in the near future.
With the latest stats the role of AI in web design is certainly going to be massive. With the growing needs of automation approaches and increasing AI specialties in the technological domain there is an exponential increase in the possibilities of the amount of AI that we can implement in our system. AI will soon allow the web platforms to act significantly in order to provide personalized user experience. This will allow us to overcome the limitations of the human fed databases as artificial intelligence will soon surpass the performance of human cognition. For more information feel free to visit:-  https://thehimalayancompany.com/
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decisionforsight · 3 years
Global Internet of Things Market Expected to Witness the Highest Growth 2030
Pune, India, 9thJune, 2021: Global Internet of Things market accounted 169.8 million USD in 2020 and is predicted to reach 1060.2 million USD by 2030 with a CAGR of 20.10% during the forecast period. This information is published by “Decision foresight“, in its report, titled, “Global Internet of Things Market, 2020-2030.”Internet of Things has emerged as one of the most important technologies of the twenty-first century in recent years. Now that we can link common objects to the internet via embedded devices, including as kitchen appliances, automobiles, thermostats, and baby monitors, seamless communication between people, processes, and things is feasible.
Physical things can exchange and gather data with minimum human interaction thanks to low-cost computers, the cloud, big data, analytics, and mobile technologies. Digital systems can record, monitor, and adapt each interaction between linked items in today's hyperconnected environment. The physical and digital worlds collide and work together.
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COVID-19 Impact: Affirmative Commercial Business Sales Observed amid Pandemic
Unlike the Internet as a whole, which is seeing significantly greater data throughput rates as people remain at home and watch movies and have teleconferences, the “Internet of Things” is not experiencing the same effect.IoT devices are operating normally and delivering similar volumes of data as before the crisis. The main networks are untouched to a considerable extent.
Work-from-home infrastructure (e.g., laptops, displays, connectivity, etc.) Collaboration tools (e.g., Video conferencing, project planning, etc.) Virtualization infrastructure (e.g., remote desktops) VPN networking Mobile devices Security Desktop support are all on the rise due to Covid 19 restrictions such as work from home & lockdowns. 
Browse Full report on Global Network Forensics Market @ https://www.decisionforesight.com/reports/internet-of-things-market 
The worldwide market may be divided into segments based on the technologies that are used to link various entities, components, applications, end-users, and geographical areas. The segmentation is carried out in order to conduct a thorough examination of the whole IoT market. Radio frequency identification (RFID), gateways, cloud management, near field communications, and Zigbee would be the subcategories of the technologies section. IoT includes important components such as RFID, pressure sensors, network connectivity, and data processing. The Internet of Things idea may be applied to a variety of applications, including environmental monitoring, infrastructure management, industrial applications, energy management, medical and healthcare systems, and so on.
New Business Strategies, Challenges & Policies are mentioned in Table of Content, Request TOC at @ https://www.decisionforesight.com/discount/DFS020414 
Drivers and Restraints
Technologies such as Augmented and Virtual reality,5G toDrive Market Growth
The research and development of new technologies in the IoT sector is being driven by rapid technical advancements and a strong demand for automation in many industrial areas. Sensor technology, which is incorporated in IoT devices, will continue to improve in price, sophistication, and availability. As a result of this availability and cost-effectiveness, new sensor applications, such as large-scale monitoring and detection, will be possible. Meanwhile, in the last few decades, processing power has risen by a factor of 100.  Real-time analytics and artificial intelligence applications, for example, might move activity away from local devices and into cloud and edge computing solutions.  In addition, with the introduction of 5G, new applications for experiences such as augmented and virtual reality will be possible.Because existing IT equipment will need to be connected to the IoT, the IoT market will expand. With more than five billion cell phones, two billion laptops, and one billion tablets in use, there is a huge market for device integration. Individual companies do not need to arrange large hardware, build management networks, or establish workflow development in IoT with cloud computing.
The adoption of remote working rules in the aftermath of the COVID-19 epidemic has sparked a need for operational openness. At this point, smart linked solutions are expected to play a critical role in obtaining organisational operational insight. Businesses are looking forwards to creating resilience to ensure growth in the post-COVID future, as well as adjusting to remote working and automating their operations accordingly. 
Regional Insights
North America has the greatest share of the worldwide IoT market, accounting for almost a quarter of the total. In the near future, the value of this market is projected to skyrocket. The major driver of market expansion is the advancement of technology. In this area, growth in the industrial, automotive, and healthcare industries would have a significant influence on overall IoT market growth.Europe has a sizable part of the worldwide IoT market. The revenue share of Western Europe is anticipated to rise. Government assistance for the expansion of IoT is driving the industry in Europe. In Europe, the automobile industry is expected to account for a significant portion of IoT market sales.
The Asia Pacific area is expected to be the fastest-growing regional market. Advanced industrial automation systems are becoming increasingly popular in the area, particularly in Japan, China, and Taiwan. Manufacturing companies all throughout the area are progressively seeing the advantages of implementing robot arm technology. The government's initiatives, such as "Make in India," are aimed at prioritising the adoption of sophisticated automation technology in the area, and India is set to become the region's industrial powerhouse.
Competitive Landscape
Market players are investing heavily in start-ups and midsized businesses in order to provide cost-effective solutions.
Companies are investing heavily in new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, and others. Key companies have been able to extend their businesses into numerous end-user industries and acquire a competitive advantage as a result of their investments in sophisticated technology. Established market players are investing heavily in start-ups and midsized businesses in order to provide cost-effective solutions to end-user sectors like as healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and others.In May 2019, SAP formed a partnership between Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the SAP Leonardo Internet of Things (IoT) portfolio to make cloud-to-cloud connectivity more widely available.
Industry Development
July 2021:Ola, a Bengaluru-based mobility platform, announced on July 17 that it has received 1,00,000 pre-launch bookings for its electric scooter in only 24 hours after enabling pre-launch bookings for the two-wheeler.
List of Key Players Covered in this Market Report
Intel Corporation
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
MediaTek Inc
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Siemens AG
Oracle Corporation
IBM Corporation
Google Inc
Huawei Corp
Samsung Electronics
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Amazon Web Services, Inc
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How will this Market Intelligence Report Benefit You?
The report offers statistical data in terms of value (US$) as well as Volume (units) till 2030.
Exclusive insight into the key trends affecting the Global Internet of Things Market industry, although key threats, opportunities and disruptive technologies that could shape the Global Internet of Things Market supply and demand.
The report tracks the leading market players that will shape and impact the Global Internet of Things Market Market most.
The data analysis present in the Global Internet of Things Market Market report is based on the combination of both primary and secondary resources.
The report helps you to understand the real effects of key market drivers or retainers on Global Internet of Things Market Market business.
The 2021 Annual Global Internet of Things Market offers:
100+ charts exploring and analysing the Global Internet of Things Market Market from critical angles including retail forecasts, consumer demand, production and more
15+ profiles of top producing states, with highlights of market conditions and retail trends
Regulatory outlook, best practices, and future considerations for manufacturers and industry players seeking to meet consumer demand
Benchmark wholesale prices, market position, plus prices for raw materials involved in Global Internet of Things Market Market type
Buy This Premium Research Report@ https://www.decisionforesight.com/checkout/DFS020414 
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Decision Foresight is a market research organization known for its reliable and genuine content, market estimation and the best analysis which is designed to deliver state-of-the-art quality syndicate reports to our customers. Apart from syndicate reports, you will find the best market insights, strategies that will help in taking better business decisions on subjects that may require you to develop and grow your business-like health, science, technology and many more. At Decision Foresight, we truly believe in disseminating the right piece of knowledge to a large section of the audience and cover the in-depth insights of market leaders across various verticals and horizontals.
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
Who Is Responsible for Meeting Website Accessibility Compliance?
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/who-is-responsible-for-meeting-website-accessibility-compliance/
Who Is Responsible for Meeting Website Accessibility Compliance?
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The pandemic of 2020 has changed the lives of everyone.
Were businesses and schools ready to meet the challenges for website accessibility compliance?
Adapting to new ways to work remotely or go to school was not always effortless, especially for persons with disabilities.
And meeting accessibility compliance historically took a back seat to just about every other business goal, creating a business risk.
Though remote work provided some with opportunities to continue to conduct business online, consumers and students quickly uncovered all the ways in which they could not do their work – preventing people from:
Doing their jobs.
Taking tests.
Completing assignments.
Holding meetings.
Ordering supplies during quarantines.
This created frustration on top of an already difficult time.
Somebody needed to be responsible.
For digital marketers, the rumblings about website accessibility may be unimportant until a client receives a demand letter or worse.
Getting an ADA accessibility lawsuit creates alarm, followed by confusion over the next steps.
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While the client is wrestling with this new expense, they may even ask why they were never made aware their website or mobile app was not accessible.
There have also been increasing concerns like:
Who is responsible for building websites, software, and mobile apps that not only are accessible but adhere to the accessibility laws of the country or state they reside in?
Is it ethical to create search engine marketing strategies for websites that are not tested for accessibility compliance?
Why is accessibility testing not included in usability testing, user research, software testing, and split testing of landing pages?
Are marketers, web designers, and developers legally liable if a client’s digital property fails to meet accessibility compliance requirements?
A Changing Work & Home Life Environment
It is estimated that 1.4 billion people around the world have a disability or impairment.
They are treated differently and even ignored in some countries.
The stigma with imperfection means that many people hide their impairments such as failing eyesight, dyslexia, or the inability to remember what they just read.
When companies sent their employees home to work remotely many adjusted to sharing bandwidth and computers with other members of the household.
Parents became teachers.
Students became bored.
Employees met on Zoom.
The time saved from not having to commute to work allowed for more time to study, practice skills, and for creating new projects.
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Some companies clearly thought it was high time to mess with our heads and make unexpected changes to their existing products.
Like changing Google’s branded icons into something that increases errors because we no longer understand what each icon refers to anymore.
Or that Facebook’s new user interface redesign better resembles a corn maze.
Or that the new Google Analytics is not even recognizable anymore.
It doesn’t seem logical to see so much attention on changing branded icons and user interface layouts when there are millions of people trying to work and study at home and facing accessibility barriers.
Gathering Data
Marketers look to data to decide how to improve page optimization for search engines and adjust marketing strategies.
They especially watch how Google is ranking webpages.
And the research into search behavior is extensive.
But even Google’s Core Web Vitals does not look to accessibility as a metric.
The use of assistive devices such as screen readers could provide some insight into how many students depend on them to access assignments by their teachers.
What is the performance like?
What computer devices were used?
Does speed matter to someone who listens to a page?
How about the student who needs more time to take notes from a page heavy on text?
Mobile is Google’s darling, but for many people with disabilities, it isn’t.
I record webpages for my clients with the MAC VoiceOver and Safari combination screen reader.
Listening to what their webpages sound like helps to understand the user experience for people who are blind, sight-impaired, or have reading and cognitive difficulties.
Little else makes an impression than hearing what you designed or built.
Nothing sells better than proof.
The Motivation for Web Accessibility
There has to be motivation other than the threat of ADA lawsuits to make companies care about persons with disabilities.
Regular accessibility testing and site compliance audits should be part of all design and development planning and QA procedures.
In addition to budget restraints, there aren’t enough developers trained in accessibility design for websites, mobile apps, and software.
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For many WordPress platform-dependent site owners, failing to meet WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines is common because theme remediation can be difficult.
And for third-party plugins, it’s next to impossible.
Welcome to 2021.
The rules have changed.
Accessibility Overlays
Imagine if you require a wheelchair to get into a store but before you can enter you must first:
Paint the lines for your handicapped parking spot.
Order the handicapped parking sign.
Build the ramp into the sidewalk.
Install the automatic door opener.
Redesign the aisles to allow more room for you to move around in.
That’s what an accessibility widget does.
Before a person with a disability can enter the website, they need to design it to work for them first.
This is discrimination.
There is no such thing as a perfectly accessible website or application that will automatically work for everyone with a disability.
The reality is that automatic accessibility overlays working in the background are a cheat based on false promises.
Despite the clever marketing and video of the convincing guy insisting your days of worrying about owning an accessible website are miraculously over.
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Artificial intelligence cannot replace humans.
We are each unique. Our brains are different.
We use computers in unique ways and depend on them to work when and how we need them.
Every time we tell ourselves that we know better than anyone else how a webpage should be used, we remove the right to choose what works for persons with impairments or disabilities and their specific needs.
Most people choose their own settings in their computer devices and browsers to help them interact with webpages and apps.
Accessibility widgets that override their settings, mimic, or conflict with them are not helpful.
The message sent by accessibility overlays and widgets is that your company didn’t bother to design and develop an accessible website and gave the whole experience to AI.
This raises a flag to legal firms looking for websites to sue.
The Accessibility Legal Landscape
Web accessibility litigation in the U.S. for 2020 shot up and shows no signs of slowing down.
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The U.K. and Ontario escalated their accessibility requirements, too.
What you should know:
1. ADA Laws in the U.S. as They Pertain to Websites Remain Unclear
There is a lack of precise ADA guidelines on websites up to this point.
The exception is Section 508 for government and GSA contract websites.
2. Serial Plaintiffs Look for Websites to Sue
Decisions differ by state and plaintiffs can sue outside their own state.
Serial filers are sometimes known as “testers of compliance” and plaintiffs do not need to use your website to be able to file a complaint.
Also, there is no limit on cases.
One well known serial plaintiff with a physical disability filed approximately 500 cases since October 2019.
3. What to Do After Receiving a Demand Letter
If you receive a demand letter, contact a lawyer who specializes in ADA and accessibility law immediately.
4. There Is No ADA Law in the U.S. Enforcing the WCAG Standard for Public Websites
However, related laws and various circuit court judgments are chipping away with decisions based on ethics and non-discrimination.
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5. The Ontarians With Disabilities Act (AODA) Takes Effect January 1, 2021
The AODA requires all digital content to conform to WCAG2.0 AA standards by January 1, 2021.
There are fines for non-compliance.
They provide online guidance, site testing, training, and filing compliance report policies.
6. WCAG 2.1 Adoption in Europe
The U.K. updated EN 301 549 which specifies the accessibility requirements for ICT products and services.
The standard to meet is WCAG2.1 AA.
Websites and mobile apps must provide an accessibility statement.
The deadline for meeting their digital accessibility regulations was September 23, 2020
In the U.S., on October 2, 2020,  a bill called the “Online Accessibility Act” (H.R. 8478 – the “OAA”) was introduced.
It would amend the present ADA to add a new Title VI prohibiting discrimination by “any private owner or operator of a consumer-facing website or mobile application” against individuals with disabilities.
Already coming against a negative reception by disability rights advocates, this latest attempt has a similarity to H.R. 620 which never got past the House in the present administration.
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This is because it placed the burden on the person with disabilities to pursue and subsequently wait for remediation to occur.
The OAA allows 90 days for remediation of a complaint.
If not satisfied, then it goes to the Department of Justice, which has 180 days “to investigate.”
Steps to Take Now to Protect Your Business
There are automated tools that are free to use that provide a quick assessment of the most common accessibility issues on websites.
It’s important to note that they catch about 25% of the problems and don’t replace manual testing.
WCAG 2.2 is in draft format now, with an expected release next summer.
One of the additions is a change to the guidelines for the focus state, which is what we see when we navigate without a mouse.
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Use CSS to enhance the focus state.
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Web Developer Tools offer a built-in accessibility section that can be added to.
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Developers also have their own preferences.
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Web developer tools can be enhanced to include additional testing tools for accessibility.
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A different example of web developer tools in Firefox.
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High on the list for manual testing is looking at the way headings are structured.
Not only are heading tags important for SEO, but they are also of particular interest for screen reader users who sort content by them.
WCAG2.1 spells out guidelines for headings that include making sure there is only H1 on a page.
If you look carefully, you will see a duplicate heading below, which is technically a failure, and even worse would be if both were linked to the same landing page.
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Even if the page looks like it makes sense visually, with a screen reader the experience is very different.
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If you were to listen to this page with a screen reader, you may wonder what’s behind “Everything you need to find.”
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For accessibility, understanding content in context makes even more sense when you listen to your content.
Descriptive headings and link anchor text requirements appear more obvious when you listen and hear what’s missing from your presentation.
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The ability to manually look for areas to improve accessibility is easier with the proper tools.
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No accessibility testing is complete without manual testing.
There are various tools available for web developers to use to help identify any issues.
Moving around a webpage without a mouse is a manual test performed by pressing the TAB key on your keyboard.
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The reading order should begin with a Skip to Content link, which should be there (and if not, it should be).
Each TAB key click should proceed to the next link in the DOM and is highlighted visually with a focus state.
Common errors with manual keyboard testing are:
The focus state disappears as it goes through the navigation and sub-levels.
Site search.
The sudden appearance of ads and pop-ups.
Sometimes Accessibility Compliance Is Difficult
For those who develop a serious interest in building inclusive websites or mobile apps, there is a large community of accessibility advocates, educators, and certified accessibility specialists who make themselves available.
There are free podcasts and videos providing instruction on how to make documents accessible, and how to use screen readers.
Look for webinars. Many are free.
There are guidelines for colors, images, layout, understandability, and compatibility with a broad range of user agents.
The most difficult is learning Accessible Rich Internet Applications or ARIA – which can conflict with HTML5 – but is necessary for screen readers to figure out what’s happening on each page.
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Who Is Responsible for Accessibility Compliance?
We are responsible for the content on our webpages.
This includes our videos, podcasts, forms, themes, and interactive elements.
It’s a lot to ask of beginners.
And for those who opt for ready-made websites, it’s a risk they may be unaware of.
Do yourself a favor and get an accessibility site audit done.
Hire a consultant or find an agency that offers accessibility testing as a service in addition to designing web sites or marketing them.
Add accessibility testing to your in-house projects.
It wouldn’t make any sense to produce products that are not ready to work for everyone.
Hire agencies that test with people with disabilities.
They are your best investment.
In 2021, you may be required to own an accessible website, mobile app, or online software application.
The best offense is knowing what you need to know.
Join me on January 12 at the SEJ eSummit where I deliver a presentation on “The Emergency Guide to Website Accessibility Compliance.” 
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More Resources:
Image Credits
All screenshots taken by author, November 2020
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netmetic · 4 years
Amdocs Voices
Learn about Amdocs’ catalyst projects, award nominations and speaking opportunities taking place at TM Forum’s Digital Transformation World 2020
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At TM Forum’s Digital Transformation World 2020, taking place online from October 7 – November 12, Amdocs will show how it’s taking the industry to the cloud and innovating in areas like 5G, cloud-native IT and artificial intelligence (AI). These advancements enable the effective and efficient managed digital and network transformation of communications and media companies. Here’s a snapshot of the activities Amdocs and customers are participating in. Keep an eye on Amdocs Blogs, Twitter and LinkedIn for more updates in the weeks to come.
Automating NaaS Wavelength (Lambda) Services Introduces a NaaS platform to enable “complex” network transformations for network monetization and decoupling OSS/BSS systems from the network. AI-Driven Business Assurance for 5G Demonstrates industry best-practices for using AI-driven business assurance innovations in multiple 5G-scenario use cases, including COVID-19-related eHealth services. Ecosystem Assurance This “mega catalyst” combines three projects around assuring trust in an ecosystem and demonstrates how a secure supply chain with repeatable patterns in a digital business marketplace can be constructed utilizing a plug-and-play design.
Amdocs is a finalist for three TM Forum Excellence Awards
Sprint transformed to cloud-native architecture using a unique co-development approach with Amdocs, supported by Amdocs’ Microservices360 platform. Amdocs helped Sprint move from a heavily-siloed environment to a unified, simplified cloud-native architecture to deliver functionality in weeks instead of months, and enable digital, omnichannel experiences and continuous new, fast-to-market offerings.
Amdocs transforms its own culture to help service providers move to the cloud. To accelerate the way it delivers value to customers, Amdocs’ highly successful top-down, company-wide transformation included moving to a cloud-native, microservices-based portfolio and services that can deliver new functionality and value to customers in rapid iterations.
Three Ireland – a Hutchison Company – & Amdocs. Amdocs supported Three Ireland with their complex post-M&A BSS consolidation and customer-experience transformation, which used a “build-once-deploy-many” design-led approach and DevOps methodology to deliver a category-leading, omnichannel, digital-first experience across mobile, web, agent-driven channels and physical stores.
Catalyst Showcase Discussion
Thursday 22 October 2020 | Is business assurance critical in ecosystems?
Andreas Manolis - Head of Strategy & Innovation, BT; Gadi Solotorevsky – TM Forum Distinguished Fellow & Co-Head of Business Assurance group, CTO of Amdocs cVidya;
Amdocs speaker sessions by track
Wednesday, October 7 | Accelerating the journey to the cloud
Andre Fuetsch – President AT&T Labs and Chief Technology Officer, AT&T;
Anthony Goonetilleke – Group President – Strategy & Technology, Amdocs
Wednesday, November 4 | Redefine your business with a whole new approach to AI
Dan Noel Natindim – Vice President & Head of Enterprise Data Office, Globe Telecom;
Gil Rosen – Chief Marketing Officer & Division President, amdocs:next
Wednesday, October 21 | How to transform into a digital organism for complete business agility
Avishai Sharlin – Division President, Amdocs Technology
Thursday, November 12| LIVE MASTERCLASS: Utilizing the Diversity & Inclusion Maturity Model (with BT, Amdocs & Bain)
Idit Duvdevany – Head of Corporate Responsibility & Inclusion, Amdocs
Wednesday, October 21 | The migration dilemma
Ralf Hellebrand – Head of Solstice Transformation, Vodafone Germany;
Avishai Sharlin – President, Amdocs Technology
Wednesday, October 21| Solving the complicated integration challenges of a digital transformation
Meg Knauth – VP, Billing & Technical Product Solutions, T-Mobile US;
Josh Koenig – Head Of Client Solutions, Amdocs Digital Business Operations
Wednesday, November 4 | The 5G network platform – How to apply cloud business models to the network and edge for innovative monetization
Visu Sontam – Senior Partner Solutions Architect of Global Telecom Partner Technology, AWS;
Ron Porter – Product Marketing Lead, Monetization Solutions, Amdocs; David Hovey – Director of 5G Solutions and Strategy, Openet, an Amdocs company
Wednesday, October 28 | Private enterprise networks panel – Why vertical enterprises are doing it for themselves
Alla Goldner – Chair of ONAP Use-Case Subcommittee, Linux Foundation, and Director, Technology, Strategy & Standardization, Amdocs
Wednesday, October 28 | From theory to practice – Making network slicing monetization a reality
Joe Hogan – Founder & CTO, Openet, an Amdocs Company;
Angela Logothetis – CTO, Amdocs Open Network;
Dereck Quinlan – VP Sales, North Asia & ANZ, Mavenir
Wednesday, October 29 | Satellite case study: Implementing the world’s first open, standards-based network-automation and service-orchestration NaaS platform on a public cloud
Gint Atkinson – Vice President, Network Strategy & Architecture, SES Networks;
Yogen Patel – Head of Solutions Marketing, Amdocs Open Network
Wednesday, October 28 | LIVE MASTERCLASS: Moving to predictive business assurance in the age of AI
Gadi Solotorevsky – TM Forum Distinguished Fellow & Co-Head of Business Assurance group, and CTO of Amdocs cVidya
Wednesday, October 28 | LIVE MASTERCLASS: How Rogers are moving machine learning to an operational business-assurance functionality
Nurlan Karimov – Fraud Management Expert, Rogers Communications;
Gadi Solotorevsky – TM Forum Distinguished Fellow & Co-Head of Business Assurance group, and CTO of Amdocs cVidya
TM Forum Rising Stars & Talent Mentors Program
The new Rising Star program aims to recognize and showcase young diverse talent in the tech-communications sector. TM Forum has selected Amdocs Software Engineer, Gitika Sinha, as one of their Rising Stars, and will be broadcasting her story throughout the conference. TMF also selected Amdocs Head of Learning and Talent Development, Nomi Malka, as a TM Forum Talent Mentor. Her story of leading pioneering internal and external mentorship programs will also be broadcast throughout the conference. Communications service providers can register for TM Forum’s Digital Transformation World 2020 at no cost.
    published first on https://jiohow.tumblr.com/
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rposervices · 5 years
The Complete Guide to Skill Testing
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Skill testing can give recruiters a competitive advantage in today’s ultra-competitive job market. Not only that, but candidates who are hired on merit, rather than background, tend to stay longer and perform better over the long term. Here’s how to use skills assessments to fill your open positions and to keep your pipeline full of happy, engaged candidates.
What We’ll Cover
What is a skill test? How skill testing works How to run a skill test Using skill tests during hiring Skill test examples and templates Do new hires like doing skill tests? What are the benefits of a skill test? Do skill tests work? Skill tests vs. interviewing Additional resources
What is a Skill Test?
A skills test is an assessment used to provide an unbiased, validated evaluation of a candidate’s ability to perform the duties listed in the job description. Typically, a skills test asks a variety of questions in different formats to see how candidates perform on-the-job tasks. A good skills test includes questions that are capable of being answered by someone already doing the job and can accurately measure key performance metrics. Questions should also be specifically tailored to relate to the responsibilities of an open position. Many skills tests include immersive experiences, like coding challenges or job simulations, to mimic how a candidate performs when faced with a real-life scenario. Other types of job-readiness evaluations deploy validated psychometric assessments to identify those in-demand soft skills: things like motivation, conscientiousness, resilience, and emotional intelligence. A personality assessment varies from a skills test in that it predicts how a person will behave in a specific scenario, rather than their ability to complete a task. While skills test cover task-related abilities, like coding, copywriting, or sales, some pre-employment assessments integrate the less tangible capabilities – things like teamwork and leadership. These qualities are sought after by executives at more than 900 companies, according to a Wall Street Journal survey of executives. Yet, 89% of those surveyed said they have a “very or somewhat difficult time finding people with the requisite attributes.” Where traditional hiring methods fall short, a skills test can easily clarify a candidate’s true talent. Overall, skills tests can play a critical role in predicting on-the-job success. More so than resumes or job interviews, a skills test can assess the true potential of a new hire to go the distance with the company. Here’s how skill testing works, and why more companies than ever are starting to integrate skill testing into the recruitment and hiring process.
How Skill Testing Works
Skill testing works best when the questions being asked are specifically crafted to the role and needs of the team hiring the new candidate. In designing a skills test, combine different types of questions to get a 360-degree view of how a candidate will perform in different scenarios. There are a variety of ways to set up a skills test – and we’ll get into the mechanics of how to actually run the assessment in the next section. But, designing a thoughtful aptitude test takes some initial foresight on behalf of the hiring manager and team. Research by Deloitte suggests this sample process for selecting and implementing skill testing questions: Define the “human elements” needed to perform the job Compile questions that will measure and predict these human elements Use the data gathered by the skills assessments to empower the next round of the screening process Post-hiring, evaluate the efficacy of the hiring assessment to ensure the questions delivered the best result. Ultimately, the best use for an aptitude test is to help recruiters move away from the resume and allow candidates to prove they are the real deal. Crafting the right series of questions should be a collaborative process between the recruiting team and the team hiring the new employee. Here’s how these teams can set up and run a skills test.
How to Set Up and Run a Skill Test
In designing a skills test or pre-employment assessment, there are a few specific steps to take in order to thoughtfully structure your questions. Vervoe recommends following these best practices in setting up and running your skills test. These tips can help with candidate engagement and lead to high rates of completion. Your skills test should include a minimum of six questions; somewhere in the eight to ten range is best. At least a few questions should require text answers; start with a text-based response in the first question, rather than a video or immersive question. At least one question should be multiple choice. Include an “immersive” style question, in which the candidate edits a document, spreadsheet, or presentation. To retain a candidate over the entire experience, start with easier questions and build up to more difficult ones later in the assessment. Try to minimize use of timers to account for technical difficulties and give the candidate the best chance of success. We also suggest that video responses not be timed; there are too many technical issues that can result from a candidate trying to film a one-way video interview. If you do wish to set a time limit, make sure it’s at a minimum of five minutes. Running a skills test through Vervoe, or any other platform, is relatively straightforward. Vervoe’s Talent Trials let you select questions from a library of assessment tools, or design your own questions based on the specific needs of your company. The Talent Trial library offers questions and trials created by experts in their fields, meaning they have at least 3+ years of experience in their specific area of expertise. You can preview questions from any of the Talent Trial areas and add them seamlessly through the Vervoe platform. Now that you know how to set up an aptitude test, when should you deploy this tool during the hiring process?
Using Skill Tests During Hiring
Timing is everything when it comes to adding a skill assessment to your hiring process. Research by Harvard Business Review revealed that skills tests should come early in the hiring process. According to their study, “Many service companies, including retailers, call centers, and security firms, can reduce costs and make better hires by using short, web-based psychometric tests as the first screening step. Such tests efficiently weed out the least-suitable applicants, leaving a smaller, better-qualified pool to undergo the more costly personalized aspects of the process.” Skill tests should be used to screen candidates in, not out. The issue many recruiters face is that the volume of candidates makes it impossible to carefully consider each person’s ability. Smart algorithms and AI tools can turbo-charge candidate assessments by scoring results quickly and removing human biasfrom the equation. Vervoe’s algorithm scores candidates using a multi-layered approach. Candidates are ranked based on how well they performed, rather than filtered out if they didn’t achieve a certain benchmark. The top candidates easily rise to the top; but no one misses out on being considered for the next round. When used early in the hiring process, Talent Trials can select a more diverse pool of applicants to continue onto the next phase.
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Skill Test Examples and Templates
There are many ways to set up a skills test, depending on the position for which you are hiring. Pre-employment skills tests can cover a range of positions: administrative assistant, finance and accounting,and call center reps are just a few roles that companies hire for using Talent Trials.
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Excel skill tests, coding skill tests, typing skill tests, and other computer skill tests are the most common forms of pre-employment assessments. Some companies focus on questions that are task-related, e.g. “Create a Powerpoint Slide that has a video embedded in the presentation.” Questions can get hyper specific to test a niche skill, like a coding language, or be posed more broadly to test the general requirements for success at a certain level.
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Some companies choose to focus on verifying the skills that will help a candidate succeed beyond the immediate position. This approach skews closer to a pre-employment assessment, with questions designed to reveal if a candidate can climb the corporate ladder, adapt in a challenging work environment, or respond under pressure. For example, one call center rep test included questions such as, “You have an elderly customer on the phone who is having trouble understanding your instructions. A colleague is also trying to transfer a call from a customer you served before, and you have a scheduled follow-up call happening in 5 minutes. How would you handle and prioritize in this situation?”
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Multiple choice, open-ended questions, and pre-recorded video responses are all great ways to see if a candidate has what it takes to do the job well. But, do candidates enjoy answering these types of questions?
Do new hires like doing skill tests?
By most accounts, candidates appreciate the opportunity to showcase what makes them great at their job. Orica, the world’s largest provider of commercial explosives, integrated skill testing into their interview process to the delight of their job candidates. In revamping the interview process for graduate students looking to join the Orica team, recruiters consolidated their online evaluation components into one platform, Vervoe. The Talent Trial test combined questions focusing on skills, logic, and values. An average of 86% of candidates completed the online process, and the reviews were mostly positive. Here’s what the candidates had to say about the skills test: “The tests required total engagement and thought, and were a clear demonstration of what makes Orica different from any other company.” “I think the questions were very diverse and it allowed me to showcase myself, my skills and abilities in different ways.” “It gave me an opportunity to showcase who I am as well as challenge my skills” This is just one example of how a skill test can change the entire interview process for a potential new hire. In a job market where people spend an average of 11 hours a week looking for a new job, it’s easy to get burned out, fast. Every job description starts to look the same; every interview begins to feel stale. When given the opportunity to showcase their talent through real-world tasks, job candidates will jump at the chance to be engaged with the job description, rise above their resume, and challenge themselves. Companies that use Vervoe’s Talent Trials experience a 97% candidate completion rate, which is among the highest engagement rates in the industry. Candidates love the opportunity to stand out from the crowd. Even if they aren’t hired, skills testing offers a break from the repetition of the stale interview experience.
What are the benefits of a skill test?
The benefits of a skills test aren’t limited to the candidate experience. Recruiters looking to hire diverse, high-performing teams with better efficiency and consistency can use pre-employment tests to their advantage. Skills tests are a better predictor of performance than resume screenings or traditional interviews alone. Resume screenings are bad for three reasons. First, studies suggest that it’s common for candidates to lie on their CV. The person you think you’re hiring may not actually possess the qualifications you think they do. Second, resumes only provide a high-level view of a candidate’s credentials and work experience. These items don’t offer qualitative insight into actual on-the-job performance. Coupled with recruiting biases that are built into the process, the third threat is that recruiters are privileging candidates based on background and demographics, rather than talent. Perhaps this is why new hires crash out as often as they do. According to one study, 46% of new hires “fail” within the first 18 months of being hired.
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Skill tests can help take some of the bias out of the interview process, give recruiters a new evaluation metric to consider, and lead to happier, long-term hires. There’s ample evidence to suggest they really do work better than many of the other traditional hiring methods recruiters have relied on in the past.
Do skill tests work?
In our experience, skill testing works better than traditional hiring methods – with some caveats. Without a doubt, aptitude tests can be used to replace resume screening. This style of sorting through candidates increases the chance that the best candidates will be unfairly eliminated. Good people get screened out, rather than screened in. So-called “pedigree proxies” – resumes and cover letters – are not indicative of job performance, yet they are often the quickest way a recruiter or algorithm can think of to cut down on their stack of candidate resumes. Skills tests improve time to hire while allowing the hiring manager to see how someone will do the job, before they get the offer. This reduces turnover costs, which add up quickly: the cost of making the wrong hire can be up to 2.5x salary, easily over $100,000. Working with Vervoe’s Talent Trials, on the other hand, can help a recruiter identify the best people at under $100 per hire. The best skills tests, however, need the right formula to help the candidates succeed. Some recruiters focus narrowly on the skills that will help a new hire succeed in the immediate position for which they are hiring. Yet, many CEOs emphasize the importance of soft skills – things like leadership and teamwork. New hires may end up being disappointed and leaving because they lacked the soft skills needed to adapt to their new team, not necessarily the skills to perform the job. Recruiters must integrate questions into their skill assessment that focus on critical soft skills that predict long-term success. These validated psychometric assessments are key to assessing “culture fit” without defaulting to recruiter bias.
Skill tests vs. interviewing
In conclusion, we’ll leave you with few thoughts on skill tests compared to interviews. First, interviews, in general, need a total overhaul. Recruiters have been asking the same, outdated interview questions for decades. Many candidates get overwhelmed by the performance anxiety inherent in the interview and may make (forgivable) mistakes. Nevertheless, many recruiters like the security of meeting someone before making an offer. Many recruiters seek the same insight from a group interview or case study that they would get from an individual skill test. Unfortunately, using these methods can’t give you the same valuable information as a straightforward aptitude assessment. Case studies can be too conceptual; rather than seeing how a candidate will approach the work listed in the job description, case studies ask abstract questions. The goal of asking “how many tennis balls can fit on a Boeing 757” is not to see if the candidate can guess the right answer, but to see how they approach the question and reason through their response. But this knowledge doesn’t always serve a recruiter with the best predictor of on-the-job success. Group interviews provide more insight – into a candidate’s teamwork, leadership, and communication, for example. Yet, in a group scenario, extroverts tend to dominate. It can be difficult to see how each candidate performs as an individual while trying to consider the group at once. In summary, skill testing is all about understanding whether a candidate can do something or knows something. It’s about verifying their ability to go the distance with your company. Pre-employment assessments differ slightly in that they focus on predicting how a candidate will behave in certain scenarios, not what they can do. By combining questions from skills testing and pre-employment assessments, recruiters can get a more accurate picture of the candidate’s ability. Read the full article
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kisan512posts · 4 years
Cognitive Computing -Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities and Analysis Of Top Key Player Forecast To 2024
Cognitive Computing Industry
Wiseguyreports.Com Adds “Cognitive Computing -Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities and Analysis Of Top Key Player Forecast To 2023” To Its Research Database
Cognitive computing like many IT terms is defined both by its technical capability and applications and by marketing statements. From a technical standpoint, cognitive computing is a system that uses machine learning algorithms to continually increase its “knowledge” from the data it receives. The learning aspect is characterized by the system continuously refining patterns in the data as well as the way data is processed. This learning allows cognitive computing systems to anticipate new problems and model possible solutions in an adaptive and iterative manner. The system also works within a context and can identify and extract contextual elements such as meaning, syntax, time, location, regulation, user profiles, tasks and goals.
Applications of cognitive computing are derived from data mining, pattern recognition and natural language processing. These applications automate manual processes or augment more basic computing processes. The marketing definition of cognitive computing is to solve problems as well as or better than humans without human assistance. However, cognitive computing may best be applied as an enabler in a process that involves both machines and humans rather than one replacing the other.
As with the field of artificial intelligence in general, cognitive computing is now coming into practical application because of a convergence of underlying technologies. These include high performance processors and advanced algorithms, which combine to enable computing systems to leverage machine learning, natural language processing and expert systems to provide new value in dealing with consumer and business applications.
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While cognitive computing represents the continued evolution of artificial intelligence to practical commercial applications, it is currently benefiting from accelerated adoption in the market caused by its ability to make sense of unstructured data. According to some estimates, the amount of data being generated globally is growing at a rate of REDACTED% per year. Most of this growth is from unstructured data types (e.g., data that does not fit neatly into a database, including documents, videos, photos, audio files, presentations, web pages, etc.). Conventional database management systems are not designed toorganize and interpret this data, limiting the applicability of IT organization to make use of it. Entercognitive computing, which can apply new processes to discern patterns that can be used to manage,interpret and act on unstructured data.
The demand for this kind of deep data analysis and autonomous response is driving the cognitive computing market to grow to $REDACTED billion by 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of REDACTED% for 2017-2022. The market was $REDACTED billion in 2016 and grew to $REDACTED billion in 2017. With a foundation in expert systems the market can be segmented into expert systems, machine learning and natural language processing.
North America is the leading market with a REDACTED% share, followed by Europe at REDACTED% and Asia-Pacific at REDACTED%. While enterprise is a wide adopter of cognitive computing, governments with the highest growth rates and applications are pioneering cognitive computing in education and healthcare. Within enterprise applications and financial services, operations and marketing are gaining traction.
Report Scope
The scope of this report covers the overall Cognitive Computing technologies market with market sizing and trends analysis for the most recently completed actuals for 2016 as well as forecasts, trends and compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) for 2017 through 2022.
The market is segmented by end user, technology and region. End user segments include education, government and enterprise. Applications include the military, healthcare and manufacturing sectors.
Report Includes
– An overview of the global market for cognitive computing – Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2017, 2018, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2023 – Insight into the types of cognitive computing technologies, including natural language processing, neural networks, and expert systems – Descriptions of key patents related to the market – Information on key components, applications, and market trends – Profiles of major players and companies in the market, including Google Deepmind AI Solution, Intel Saffron, Numenta, Welltok Analytics, Cisco Cognitive Threat Analysis and Abbyy
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction Study Goals and Objectives Reasons for Doing This Study Scope of Report Information Sources Methodology Geographic Breakdown Analyst’s Credentials Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background Cognitive Computing Defined Cognitive Computing and Data Analysis Cognitive Computing and Robotics Robotic Process Automation Cognitive Computing Challenges Cognitive Computing and the Cloud Deep Learning Video Analysis Chapter 4 Market Breakdown by Technology Type Expert Systems Machine Learning Machine Intelligence Natural Language Processing Speech Recognition Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by End User Enterprise Government Education Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Application Financial Services Healthcare Military Manufacturing Other Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by Region North America Latin America Europe Middle East and Africa Asia-Pacific Rest of World Chapter 8 Analysis of Market Opportunities Cognitive Computing Market Landscape Opportunities in Finance Opportunities in Insurance Opportunities in Marketing Opportunities in Security Opportunities in Healthcare Approaches to the Market New Developments Market Challenges Future Directions Data Governance Chapter 9 Patent Analysis Cognitive Technology Patents Can an AI System Patent Itself? Chapter 10 Company Profiles ABBYY ALPINE DATA AMAZON AWS APIXIO ATTIVIO AVAAMO BAIDU MINWA C3 IOT CISCO COGNITIVE THREAT ANALYSIS COGITAI COGNITIVESCALE CROWDFLOWER CUSTOMERMATRIX DARKTRACE DATABRICKS DIGITALGENIUS DIGITAL REASONING EXPERT SYSTEMS GOOGLE DEEPMIND AI SOLUTION HEALTHCARE X.0. HPE HAVEN ON DEMAND IBM WATSON INTEL SAFFRON IP SOFT LOOP AI LABS MEDWHAT MICROSOFT COGNITIVE SERVICES NUMENTA NVIDIA PERPETUUITI TECHNOSOFT INC. PERSADO QUALCOMM SPARK COGNITION WELLTOK ANALYTICS WIRETAP
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NOTE : Our final report have added the analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on this industry, Our team is studying Covid-19 and its impact on various industry verticals and wherever required we will be considering Covid-19 footprints for a better analysis of markets and industries. Cordially get in touch for more details.
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endenogatai · 5 years
Mangrove Capital’s Mark Tluszcz on the huge mHealth opportunity and why focusing on UX is key
Mangrove Capital Partners’ co-founder and CEO Mark Tluszcz is brimming with enthusiasm for what’s coming down the pipe from health tech startups.
Populations armed with mobile devices and hungry for verified and relevant information, combined with the promise of big data and AI, is converging, as he sees it, into a massive opportunity for businesses to rethink how healthcare is delivered, both as a major platform to plugging gaps in stretched public healthcare systems and multiple spaces in between — serving up something more specific and intimate.
Think health-focused digital communities, perhaps targeting a single sex or time of life, as we’re increasingly seeing in the femtech space, or health-focused apps and services that can act as supportive spaces and sounding boards that cater to the particular biological needs of different groups of people.
Tluszcz has made some savvy bets in his time. He was an early investor in Skype, turning a $2 million investment into $200 million, and he’s also made a tidy profit backing web building platform Wix, where he remains as chairman. But the long-time, early-stage tech investor has a new focus after a clutch of investments — in period tracking (Flo), AI diagnostics (K Health) and digital therapeutics (Happify) — have garnered enough momentum to make health the dominant theme of Mangrove Capital’s last fund.
“I really don’t think that there’s a bigger area and a more inefficient area today than healthcare,” he tells us. “One of the things that that whole space is missing is just good usability. And that’s something that Internet entrepreneurs do very well.”
Extra Crunch sat down for an in-depth conversation with Tluszcz to dig into the reasons why he’s so excited about mHealth (as Mangrove calls it) and probe him on some of the challenges that arise when building data-led AI businesses with the potential to deeply impact people’s lives.
The fund has also produced a healthcare report setting out some of its thinking.
This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity
TechCrunch: Is the breadth of what can fall in the digital health or mHealth category part of why you’re so excited about the opportunities here?
Mark Tluszcz: I think if you take a step back, even from definitions for a moment, and you look around as an investor — and we as a firm, we happen to be thematically driven but no matter who you are — and you say where are there massive pockets of opportunity? And it’s typically in areas where there’s a lot of inefficiency. And anybody who’s tried to go to the doctor anywhere in Europe or around the world or tried to get an appointment with a therapist or whatever realizes how basically inefficient and arcane that process is. From finding out who the right person is, to getting an appointment and going there and paying for it. So healthcare looks to us like one of those arcane industries — the user experience, so to speak, could be so much better. And combine that with the fact that in most cases we know nothing as individuals about health — unless you read a few books and things. But it’s generally the one place where you’re the least informed in life. So you go see your GP and he or she will tell you something and you’re blindly going to take that pill they’re going to give you because you’re not well informed. You don’t understand it.
So I think that’s the exciting part about it. If I now look around and say if I now look at all the industries in the world — and of course there’s interesting stuff happening in financial services, and it continues to happen on commerce, and many, many places — but I really don’t think that there’s a bigger area and a more inefficient area today than healthcare.
You combine that with the power that we’re beginning to see in all these mobile devices — i.e. I have it in my pocket at all times. So that’s factor two. So one is the industry is potentially big and inefficient; two is there’s tools that we have easy to access it. And there has been — I think again — a general frustration on healthcare online I would say of when you go into a search engine, or you go into Web MD or Google or whatever, the general feedback it gives you is you’re about to have a heart attack or you’re about to die because those products are not designed specifically for that. So you as a consumer are confused because you’re not feeling well so you go online. The next day you go see your doctor and he or she says you didn’t go to Google did you, right? I know you’re probably freaked out at this point. So the second point is the tools are there.
Third I’d say is that artificial intelligence, machine learning, which is kind of in the process of gaining a lot of momentum, has made it that we’re able to start to dream that we could one day crunch sufficient data to get new insights into it. So I think you put those three factors together and say this seems like it could be pretty big, in terms of a space.
One of the things that that whole space is missing is just good usability. And that’s something that Internet entrepreneurs do very well. It’s figure out that usability side of it. How do I make that experience more enjoyable or better or whatever? In fact, you see it in fintech. One of the reasons, largely, that these neobanks are winning is that their apps are much better than what you have from the incumbents. There’s no other reason for it. And so I think there’s this big opportunity that’s out there, and it says all these factors lead you to this big, big industry. And then yes, that industry in itself is extremely large — all the way from dieting apps, you might think, all the way to healthy eating apps to longevity apps, to basic information about a particular disease, to basic general practitioner information. You could then break it down into female-specific products, male-specific products — so the breadth is very, very big.
But I think the common core of that is we as humans are getting more information and knowledge about how we are, and that is going to drive, I think, a massive adoption of these products. It’s knowledge, it’s ease of use, and it’s accessibility that just make it a dream come true if we can pull all these pieces together. And this is just speaking about the developed world. This gets even bigger potentially if I go to the third world countries where they don’t even have access to basic healthcare information or basic nutritional information. So I would say that the addressable market in investors’ jargon is just huge. Much more so than in any other industry that I know of today.
Is the fund trying to break that down into particular areas of focus within that or is the fund potentially interested in everything that falls under this digital health/mHealth umbrella?
We are a generalist investment firm. As a generalist investment firm we find these trends and then anything within these trends is going to pique our interest. Where we have made some investments has been really in three areas so far, and we’ll continue to broaden that base.
We’ve made an investment into a company called Flo. They are the number one app in the world for women to help track their menstrual cycles. So you look at that and go can that be big, not big, I don’t know. I can tell you they have 35M monthly active users, so it’s massive.
Now you might say, ‘Why do women need this to help them track their cycles because they’ve been tracking these menstrual cycles other ways for thousands of years?’ This is where, as an investor, you have to combine something like that with new behavioral patterns in people. And so if you look at the younger generation of people today they’re a generation that’s been growing up on notifications — the concept of being notified to do something. Or reminded to do something. And I think these apps do a lot of that as well.
My wife, who’s had two children, might say — which she did before I invested in the company — why would I ever need such an app? And I told her, “Unfortunately you’re the wrong demographic… because when I speak to an 18- year-old she says, ‘Ah, so cool! And by the way do you have an app to remind me to brush my teeth?’ So notifications is what I think what makes it interesting for that younger demographic.
And then curiously enough — this is again the magic of what technology can bring and great products can bring — Flo is a company created by two brothers. They had no particular direct experience of the need for the app. They knew the market was big. They obviously hired women who were more contextually savvy to the problem but they were able to build this fantastic product. And did a bunch of things within the product that they had taken from their previous lives and made it so that the user experience was just so much better than looking at a calendar on your phone. So today 35M women every month use this product tells you that there’s something there — that the tech is coming and that people want to use it. And so that’s one type of a problem, and you can think about a number of others that both males and females will have — for whom making that single user experience better could be interesting. And I could go from that to ten things that might be interesting for women and ten things that might specifically be interesting for men — you can imagine breaking that down. This is why, again, the space is so big. There are so many things that we deal with as men and women [related to health and biology].
Now for me the question is, as a venture investor, will that sub-set be big enough?
And that again is no different than if I was looking at any other industry. If I was in the telecommunications industry — well is voice calling big? Is messaging big enough? Is conference calling big enough? All that is around calling, but you start breaking it down and, in some cases, we’re going to conclude that it’s big enough or that it’s not big enough. But we’re going to have to go through the process of looking at these. And we’re seeing these thematic things pop up all over the place right now. All over Europe and in the U.S. as well.
It did take us a little time to say is this big enough [in the case of Flo] but obviously getting pregnant is big enough. And as a business, think about it: once you know a woman’s menstrual cycle process and then she starts feeding into the system, ‘I am pregnant; I’m going to have a child,’ you start having a lot of information about her life and you can feed a lot of other things to her. Because you know when she’s going to have a child, you can propose advice as well around here’s how the first few months go. Because, as we know, when you have your first child, you’re generally a novice. You’re discovering what all that means. And again you have another opportunity to re-engage with that user. So that’s something that I think is interesting as a space.
So the thematic space is going to be big — the femtech side and the male tech side. All of that’s going to play a big role. One could argue always there are the specific apps that are going to be the winners; we can argue about that. But right now I guess Flo is working very well because those people haven’t found such a targeted user experience in the more generic place. They feel as if they’re in a community of like-minded women. They have forums, they can talk, they have articles they can read, and it’s just a comfortable place for them to spend some time.
So Flo is the first example of a very specific play that we did in healthcare about a year and a half ago. The first investment, in fact, that we made in healthcare.
The second example is opposed to that — it’s a much more general play in healthcare. It’s a company called K Health . Now K Health looked at the world… and said what happens when I wake up at night and I have a pain and I do go to Google and I think I’m going to have a heart attack…. So can I build a product that would mimic, if you will, a doctor? So that I might be able to create an experience when I can have immediacy of information and immediacy of diagnostics on my phone. And then I could figure out what to do with that.
This is an Israeli company and they now have 5 million users in the U.S. that are using the app, which is downloadable from the U.S. app story only. What they did is they spent a year and a half building the technology — the AI and the machine learning — because what they did is they bought a very large dataset from an insurance company. The company sold it to them anonymized. It was personal health records for 2.5 million people for 20, years so we had a lot of information. A lot of this stuff was in handwritten notes. It wasn’t well structured. So it took them a long time to build the software to be able to understand all this information and break it down into billions of data parts that they could now manipulate. And the user experience is just like a WhatsApp chat with a robot.
Their desire is not to do what some other companies are doing, which is ‘answer ten questions and maybe you should talk to a doctor via Skype.’ Because their view was that — at the end of the day — in every developed country there are shortages of doctors. That’s true for the U.K.; it’s true for the U.S. If you predict out to 2030, there’s a huge hole in the number of GPs. Part of that is also totally understandable; who would want to be a GP today? I mean your job in the U.S. and the U.K. is you’re essentially a sausage factory. Come in and you’ve got 3 minutes with your customer. It’s not a great experience for the doctor or the person who goes to the doctor.
So K Health built this fantastic app and what they do is they diagnose you and they say based on the symptoms here’s what K thinks you have, and, by the way, here’s a medicine that people like you were treated with. So there’s an amazing amount of information that you get as a user, and that’s entirely free as a user experience. Their vision is that the diagnostic part will always be free.
There are 5 million people in the US.. using the app who are diagnosing. There are 25 questions that you go through with the robot, ‘K,’ and she diagnoses you. We call that a virtual doctor’s visit. We’re doing 15,000 of those a day. Think about the scale in which we’ve been able to go in a very short time. And all that’s free.
To some extent it’s great for people who can’t necessarily afford doctors — again, that’s not typically a European problem. Because socialized medicine in Europe has made that easy. But it is a problem in the U.S.; it is a problem in Africa, Asia, India and South America. There’s about 4 billion people around the world for whom speaking to a doctor is a problem.
K Health’s view is they’re bringing healthcare free to the world. And then ultimately how they make money will be things like if you want to speak to a doctor because you need a prescription for drugs. The doctor has access to K’s diagnostic and either agrees or disagrees with it and gives you a prescription to do that. And what we’re seeing is an interesting relationship which is where we wanted it to be. Of those 15,000 free doctor visits, less than one percent of those turn into I want to speak to a human and hence pay $15 (that’s the price they’re charging in the U.S. to actually converse with a human). In the U.S., by the way, about a quarter of the population — 75 million people — don’t have complementary insurance. That when they go to the doctor it’s $150. Isn’t that a crazy thing? You can’t afford complementary insurance but you could pay the highest price to go see a doctor. Such madness.
And then there’s a whole element of it’s simple, and it’s convenient. You’re sitting at home thinking, “Okay, I’m not feeling so well” and you’ve got to call a doctor, get an appointment, drive however long it takes, and wait in line with other sick people. So what we’re finding is people are discovering new ways of accessing information…. Human doctors also don’t have time to give empathy in an ever stretched socialized medicine country [such as in Spain]. So what we’re seeing also is a very quick change in user behavior. Two and a half years ago [when K Health started], many people would say I don’t know about that. Now they’re saying convenience — at least in Europe — is why that’s interesting. In the U.S. it’s price.
So that’s the second example; much more general company but one which has the ability to come and answer a very basic need: ‘I’m not feeling well.’
We have 5M users which means we have data on 5M people. On average, a GP in his life will see about 50,000 patients. If you think about just the difference — if you come to K, K has seen 5M people, your GP Max has seen 50k. So, statistically, the app is likely to be better. We know today, through benchmarks and all sorts of other stuff, is that the app is more accurate than humans.
So you look at where that’s heading in general medicine we’ve for a long time created this myth that doctors spent eight years learning a lot of information and as a result they’re really brainy people. They are brainy people but I believe that that learning process is going to be done faster and better through a machine. That’s our bet.
The third example of an investment that we’ve made in the health space is a company called Happify . They’re a company that had developed like a gamification of online treatment if you have certain sicknesses. So, for example, if you’re a little depressive you can use their app and the gamification process and they will help you feel healthier. So so far you’re probably scatching your head saying ‘I don’t know about that…” But that was how they started and then they realized that hang on you can either do that or you can take medicine; you can pop a pill. In fact what many doctors suggest for people who have anxiety or depression.
So then they started engaging with the drugs companies and they realized that these drug companies have a problem which is the patent expiry of their medication. And when patents expire you lose a lot of money. And so what’s very typical in the pharma industry is if you’re able to modify a medicine you can typically either extend or have a new patent. So Happify, what they’ve done with the pharma companies now, is said instead of modifying the medicine and adding something else to it — another molecule for instance — could we associate treatments which is medicine plus online software? Like a digital experience. And that has now been dubbed Digital Therapeutics — DTx — is the common term being used for them. And this company Happify is one of the first in the world to do that. They signed a very large deal with a company called Sanofi — one of the big drug makers. And that’s what they’re going to roll out. When doctors say to their patients I’m diagnosing you with anxiety or depression. Sanofi has a particular medication and they’re going to bundle it now with an online experience — and in all the tests that they’ve done, actually, when you combine the two, the patient is better off at the end of this treatment. So it’s just another example of why this whole space is so large. We never thought we’d be in any business with a pharma business because we’re tech investors. But here all of a sudden the ability to marry tech with medication creates a better end user experience for the patient. And that’s very powerful in itself.
So those are just three areas where we have actually put money in the health space but there are a number of areas that one looks at — either general or more specific.
Yeah it is big. And I think for us at least the more general it stays and it’s seen the more open minded we’re going to be. Because one thing you have to be as an investor, at least early stage like ours, completely open minded. And you can’t bias your process by your own experience. It has to stay very broad.
It’s also why I think clinician led companies and investors are not good — because they come with their own baggage. I think in this case, just like in any other industry, you have to say I’m not going to be polluted by the past and for me to change the experience going forward in any given area I have to fundamentally be ready to reinvent it.
You could propose a Theranos example as a counterpoint to that — but do you think investors in the health space have got over any fallout from that high profile failure at this point?
With that company one could argue who’s fault it really was. Clearly the founder lied and did all sorts of stuff but her investors let her do it. So to some extent the checks and balances just weren’t in place. I’m only saying that because I don’t think that should be the example by which we judge everything else. That’s just a case of a fraudster and dumb investors. That’s going to continue to exist in the future forever and who knows we might come across some of those but I don’t think it’s the benchmark by which one should be judging if healthcare is a good or viable investment. Again I look at Flo, 35M active users. I look at K Health, 5M users in the US who are now beginning to use doctors, order medicine through the platform. I think the simplicity, the ease of use, for me make it that it’s undeniable that this industry’s going to be completely shaken up through this tech. And we need it because at least in the Western world are health systems are so stretched they’re going to break.
Europe vs the US is interesting — because of the existence of public healthcare vs a lack of public healthcare. What difference does that make to the startup opportunities in health in Europe vs the US? Perhaps in Europe things have to be more supplementary to public healthcare systems but perhaps ultimately there isn’t that much difference if healthcare opportunities are increasingly being broken out and people are being encouraged to be more proactive about looking after their own health needs?
Yeah. Take K Health — where you look at it and say from a use example it’s clear that everywhere in the world, including US and Europe, people are going to recognize the simple ease of use and the convenience of it. If I had to spend money to then maybe make money then I would say maybe the US is slightly better because there’s 75M people who can’t afford a doctor and I might be able to sell them something more whereas in Europe I might not. I think it becomes a commercial question more than anything else. Certainly in the UK the NHS [National Health Service] is trying to do a lot of things. It is not a great user experience when you go to the doctor there. But at the end of the day I don’t think the difference between Europe-US makes much of a difference. I think this idea that what these apps want to tend towards — which is healthcare for everybody at a super cheap or free price-point — I think we have an advantage in Europe of thinking of it that way because that’s what we’ve had all our lives. So to some extent what I want to create online is socialized medicine for the world — through K Health. And I learnt that because I live here [in Europe].
Somebody in the US — not the 75M because they have nothing — but all the others, maybe they don’t think there’s a problem because they don’t recognize it. Our view with K Health is the opportunity to make socialized medicine a global phenomenon and hoping that in 95% of the cases access to the app is all you need. And in 5% of the cases you’re going to go the specialists that need to see you — and then maybe there’s enough money to go around for everybody.
And of course, as an investor, we’re interested in global companies. Again you see the theme: Flo, K Health, Happify, all those have a potential global footprint right off the bat.
I think with healthcare there are going to be play that could be national specific and maybe still going to be decent investments. You see in that in financial services. The neo banks are very country specific — whenever they try to get out of their country, like N26, they realize that life isn’t so easy when you go somewhere else. But healthcare I think we have an easier path to going global because there is such a pent up demand and a need for you to just feel good about yourself… Most of the people who go through [the K Health diagnostic] process just want peace of mind. If 95% of the 15k people who go through that process right now just go, “Phew, I feel okay” then we’ve accomplished something quite significant. And imagine if it’s not 15,000 it’s about 150,000 a day, which seems to be quite an easy goal. So healthcare allows us to dream that TAM — in investor terms, target addressable market — is big. I can realistically think with any one of the three companies that I’ve mentioned to you that we could have hundreds of millions of users around the world. Because there’s the need.
There are different regulatory regimes across markets, there are different cultural contexts around the world — do you see this as a winner takes all scenario for health platforms?
No. Not at all. I think ultimately it’s the user — in terms of his or her experience in using an app — that’s going to matter. Flo is not the only menstrual cycle app in the world; it just happens to be by far the biggest. But there’s others. So that’s the perfect example. I don’t think there’s going to be one winner takes it all.
There’s also (UK startup) Babylon Health which sounds quite similar to K Health…
Babylon does something different. They’re essentially a symptom checker designed to push you to have a Skype call with a human doctor…. It answers a bunch of questions, it’ll say, “Well, we think you have this, let’s connect you to a real doctor.” We did not want to invest in a company that ever did that because the real problem is there just aren’t enough doctors and then frankly you and I are not going to want to talk to a doctor from Angola. Because what’s going to happen is there aren’t enough doctors in the Western countries and the solution for those type of companies — Babylon is one, there’s others doing similar things — but if you become what we call lead generation just for doctors where you get a commission for bringing people to speak to a doctor you’re just displacing the problem from in your neighborhood to, broadly speaking, where are the humans? And I think as I said humans, they have their fallacies. If you really want to scale things big and globally you have to let software do it.
No it’s not a winner takes all — for sure.
So the vision is that this stuff starts as a supplement to existing healthcare systems and gradually scales?
Correct. I’ll give you an example in the U.S. with K Health. They have a deal with the second largest insurance company called Anthem. Their go-to-market brand is called Blue Cross, Blue Shield. It’s the second largest one in America… so why is this insurance company interested? Because they know that
There’s not enough doctors.
That the health system in the U.S. is under stress
If they could reduce the amount of doctor’s visits by promoting an app like K, that’s financially beneficial to them.
So they’re going to be proposing it, in various forms, to all their customers by saying, “Before you go see a doctor, why don’t you try K?”
In this particular case with K there’s revenue opportunities from the insurance companies and also directly from the consumer, which makes it also interesting.
You did say different regions, different countries have different systems — yes absolutely and there’s no question that going international requires work. However, having said that, I would say a European, an Indonesian and a Brazilian are largely similar. There’s sometimes this fallacy that Asians, for instance, are so different from us as Western Europeans. And the truth is not really — when you look at it down into the DNA and the functions of the body and stuff like that. Which you do have to do, though. If we were to take K to Indonesia, for example, you do have to make sure that your AI engine has enough data to be able to diagnose some local stuff.
I’ll give you an example. When we launched K in the U.S. and we started off with New York, one of things you have to be able to diagnose is called Lyme disease which is what you get from a tick that bites you. Very, very prevalent in the Greater New York area. Not so much anywhere else in the States. But in New York, if you don’t have it it looks like a cold and then you get very sick. That’s very much a regional thing that you have to have. And so if we were to go to Indonesia we’d have to have thing like Malaria and Dengue. But all that is not so difficult. But yes, there’s some customization.
There are also certain conditions that can be more common for certain ethnicities. There are also differences in how women experience medical conditions vs men. So there can be a lot of issues around how localized health data is…
I would say that that is a very small problem that is a must to be addressed, but it’s a much smaller problem than you think it is. Much smaller. For instance, in the male to female thing — of course medical sometimes plays differently — but when you have a database of 5 million of which 3 million are women, and 2 million are men, you already have that data embedded. It is true that medications work better with certain races also. But again very tiny, very small examples of those. Most doctors know it.
At the big scale that may look very small but to an individual patient if a system is not going to pick up on their condition or prescribe them the right medicine that’s obviously catastrophic from their point of view…
Of course.
Which is why, in the healthcare space, when you’re using AI and data-driven tools to do diagnosis there’s a lot of risk — and that’s part of the consideration for everyone playing in this space. So then the question is how do you break down that risk, how do you make that as small as possible and how do you communicate it to the users — if the proposition is free healthcare with some risk vs. not being able to afford going to the doctor at all?
I appreciate that, as a journalist, you’re trying to say this is a massive risk. I can tell you that as somebody who’s involved in these businesses it is a business risk we have to take into consideration but it is, by far, not insurmountable. We clearly have a responsibility as businesses to say: if I’m going to go to South East Asia, I need to be sure that I cover all the ‘weird’ things that we would not have in our database somewhere else. So I need to do that. How I go about doing that, obviously, is the secret sauce of each company. But you simply cannot launch your product in that region if you don’t solve — in this case Malaria and Dengue disease. It doesn’t make sense [for a general health app]. You’d have too many flaws and people will stop using you.
I don’t think that’s so much the case with Flo, for instance… But all these entrepreneurs who are designing these companies are fully aware that it isn’t a cookie-cutter, one-size fits all — but it is close to that. When you look at the exceptions. We’re not talking about I have to redo my database because 30% or 20% — it’s much, much smaller than that.
And, by the way, at the end of the day, the market will be the judge. In our case, when you go from an Israeli company into the U.S. and you have partners like Blue Cross, Blue Shield, they’ve tested the crap out of your product. And then you’re going to say well I’m going to do this now in Indonesia — well you get partners locally who’re going to help you do that.
One of the drawbacks about healthcare is, I would say, making sure that your product works in all these countries. And doesn’t have holes in the diagnostic side of it.
Which seems in many cases to boil down to getting the data. And that can be a big challenge. As you mentioned with K Health, there was also the need to structure the data as well — but fundamentally it’s taken Israeli population data and is using it in the U.S. You would say that model is going to scale? There are some counter examples, such as Google-owned DeepMind, which has big designs on using AI for healthcare diagnostics and has put a lot of effort into getting access to population-level health data from the NHS in the U.K., when — at the same time — Google has acquired a database of health records from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. So there does seem to be a lot of effort going into trying to get very localized data but it’s challenging. Google perhaps has a head start because it’s Google. So the question then is how do startups get the data they need to address these kinds of opportunities?
If we’re just looking at K Health then obviously it’s a big challenge because you do have to get data in a way. But I would say again your example as well you have a U.S. database and does it match with a UK database. Again it largely does.
In that case the example is quite specific because the dataset Google has from the department of Veterans Affairs skews heavily male (93.6%). So they really do have almost no female data.
But that’s a bad dataset. That’s not anything else but a bad dataset.
It’s instructive that they’re still using it, though. Maybe that illustrates the challenge of getting access to population-level healthcare data for AI model making.
Maybe it does. But I don’t think this is one of those insurmountable things. Again, what we’ve done is we’ve bought a database that had data on 2.5 million patients, data over 20 years. I think that dataset equates extremely well. We’ve now seen it in U.S. markets for over a year. We’ve had nothing but positive feedback. We beat human doctors every time in tests. And so you look at it and you say they’re just business problems that we have to solve. But what we’re seeing is the consumer market is saying holy shit this is just such a better experience than I’ve ever had before.
So the human body — again — is not that complex. Most of the things that we catch are not that complex. And by the way we’ve grown our database — from the 2.5M that we bought we now have 5M. So we now have 2.5M Americans mixing into that database. And the way they diagnose you is they say based on your age, your size, you don’t smoke and so on — perhaps they say they have 300,000 people in their database like you and they’re benchmarking my symptoms against those people. So I think the smart companies are going to do these things very smartly. But you have to know what you’re using as a user as well… If you’re using that vs just a basic symptom checker — that I don’t think is a particularly great new user experience. But some companies are going to be successful doing that. At the end the great dream is how do you bring all this together and how do you give the consumer a fundamentally better choice and better information. That’s K Health.
Why couldn’t Google do the same thing? I don’t know. They just don’t think about it.
That’s a really interesting question — because Google is making big moves in health. They’re consolidating all their projects under one Google Health unit. Amazon is also increasingly interested in the space. What do you make of this big tech interest? Is that a threat or an opportunity for health startups?
Well if you think of it as an investor they’re all obviously buyers of the companies you’re going to build. So that’s a long term opportunity to sell your business. On the shorter term, does it make sense to invest in companies if all of a sudden the mammoth big players are there? By the way, that has been true for many, many other sectors as well. When I first invested in Skype in the early days people would say the telecom guys are going to crush you. Well they didn’t. But all of a sudden telecom, communication became the current that the Internet guys wanted — that’s why eBay ultimately bought us and why they all had their own messenger.
What the future’s made of we don’t know, but what we do know is that consumers want just the best experience and sometimes the best experience comes from people who are very innovative and very hungry as opposed to people who are working in very large companies. Venture capitalists are always investing in companies that somehow are competing one way or another with Amazon, Facebook, Google and all the big guys. It’s just that when you focus your energy on one thing you tend to do it better than if you don’t. And I’m not suggesting that those companies are not investing a lot of money. They are. And that’s because they realize that one of the currencies of the future is the ability to provide healthcare information, treatment and things like that.
You look at a large retail store like Wal-mart in America. Wal-mart serves largely a population that makes $50k or less. The lower income category in North America. But what are they doing to make you more loyal to them? They’re now starting to build into every Wal-mart doctor’s offices. Why would they do that? Is it because they actually know that if you make $50k or less there’s a high chance you don’t have an insurance and there’s a high chance that you can’t afford to go see a doctor. So they’re going to use that to say, “Hey, if you shop with us, instead of paying $150 for a doctor, it’ll be cheaper.” And we’re beginning to see so many examples like this — where all these companies are saying actually healthcare is the biggest and most important thing that somebody thinks about every day. And if we want to make them loyal to our brand we need to offer something that’s in the healthcare space. So the conclusion of why we’re so excited it we’re seeing it happen in real life.
Wal-mart does that — so when Amazon starts buying an online pharmacy I get why they’re doing that. They want to connect with you on an emotional level which is when you’re not feeling well.
So no, I don’t think we’re particularly worried about them. You have to respect they’re large companies, they have a lot of money and things like that. But that’s always been the case. We think that some of these will likely be bought by those players, some of those will likely build their own businesses. At the end of the day it’s who’s going to get that user experience right.
Google of course would like us all to believe that because they’re the search engine of the world they have the first rights to become the health search engine of the world. I tend to think that’s not true. Actually if you look at the history of Google they were the search engine of the world until they forgot about Amazon. And nowadays if you want to buy anything physical where do you search first? You don’t search on Google anymore — you search on Amazon.
But the space is big and there’s a lot of great entrepreneurs and Europe has a lot to offer I think in terms of taking our history of socialized medicine and saying how can tech power that to make it a better experience?
So what should entrepreneurs that are just thinking about this space — what should they be focusing on in terms of things to fix?
Right now the hottest are the three that I mentioned — because those are the ones that we’ve put money into and we’ve put money in because we think those are the hottest areas. I just think that anything where you feel deep conviction about or you’ve had some basic experience with the issue and the problem.
I simply do not think that clinicians can make this change — in any sector. If you look at those companies I mentioned none of the founders are clinicians in any way shape or form. And that’s why they’re successful. Now I’m not suggesting that you don’t have to have doctors on your staff. For sure. At K Health, we have 30 doctors…. What we’re trying to do is change the experience. So the founder, for instance. was a founder of a company called Vroom that buys and sells cars online in the States. When he started he didn’t know a whole lot about healthcare but he said to himself what I know is I don’t like the user experience. It’s a horrible user experience. I don’t like going to the doctor. I can change that.
So I would say if you’re heading into that space your first pre-occupation is how am I going to change the current user experience in a way that’s meaningful. Because that’s the only thing that people care about.
How is possible that two guys could come up with Flo? They were just good product people.
For me, that’s the driving factor — if you’re going to go into this, go into it saying you’re there to break an experience and make it just a way better place to be.
On the size of the opportunity I have seen some suggestions that health is overheated in investment terms. But perhaps that’s more true in the U.S. than Europe?
Any time an investor community gets hold of a theme and makes it the theme of the month or the year — like fintech was for ten years — I think it becomes overfunded because everybody ploughs into that. I could say yes to that statement sure. Lot of players, lot of actors. Money’s pouring in because people believe that the outcome could be big. So I don’t think it’s overheated. I think that we’ve only scratched the surface by doing certain things.
Some of the companies in the healthcare space that are either thinking of going public or are going public are companies that are pretty basic companies around connecting you with doctors online, etc. So I think that the innovation is really, really coming. As AI becomes real and we’re able to manage the data in an effective way… But again you’ve got to get the user experience right.
Flo in my experience — why it’s better than anything else — one is it’s just a great user experience. And then they have a forum on their app, and the forum is anonymized. And this is curious right. I think they anonymized it without knowing what it would do. And what it did was it allowed women to talk about stuff that perhaps they were not comfortable talking about stuff if people knew who they were. Number one issue? Abortion.
There’s a stigma out there around abortion and so by anonymizing the chat forum all of a sudden it created this opportunity for people to just exchange an experience. So that’s why I say the user experience for me is just at the core of that revolution that’s coming.
Why should it be such a horrific experience to be able to talk about that subject? Why should women be put in that position? So that’s why I think user experience is going to be so key to that.
So that’s why we’re excited. And of course the gambit is large. You think about the examples I gave — you can think of dietary examples, men’s health examples. When men turn 50 things start happening. Little things. But there’s at least 15 of those things that are 100% predictable… I just turned 50 and given there’s so much disinformation online I don’t know what’s true. So I think again there’s a fantastic opportunity for somebody to build companies around that theme — again, probably male and female separate.
Menopause would be another obvious one.
Exactly… You don’t know who you can talk to in many cases. So that’s another opportunity. And wow there are so many things out there. And when I go online today I‘m generally not sure if I can believe what I read unless it’s from a source that I can trust.
For 50 year old men erectile dysfunction is another taboo — a bit like the abortion taboo is for women. Men don’t even talk to their male friends about it… So if there was a place where you could go and learn about it I think there’s a big opportunity. I don’t think erectile dysfunction is a business, but I think how men age is one.
So it’s opportunities for communities around particular health/well-being issues.
Exactly. Because we’re looking for truths when we’re going through that experience ourselves.
The addressable market is massive. There’s men turning 50 every year and they’re probably all pretty interested to find out what are the ten or 15 things that could go wrong for them. There’s a lot of opportunities. It’s so broad. The challenge is you have to think about building it for people who are 50. You’re not building it for an 18-year-old. So the user experience again has to be somewhat different probably. And the healthcare goes all the way to the seniors. What are you looking for when you’re 75? So you see it treats anywhere from certainly from 18 all the way up across a broad-based spectrum of things. So it’s one of our major themes for the next five to ten years.
And so the idea of it being overheated in investment terms is a bit too abstract because there are specific areas that are very underinvested — like femtech. So it’s a case of spotting the particular bits of the healthcare opportunity that need more attention.
Yes. You’ve described it perfectly. In our more simpleton terms, we look at it and say if I look at the previous hot industry — fintech — you would end up with companies doing credit cards, companies doing bank accounts, companies doing lending, companies doing recovery — so many pieces of the value chain. In this case the value chain is humans.
We are even more complex than financial services have ever been, so I think the opportunities are even broader to break it down and build businesses that are going to satisfy certain sexes, maybe certain demographics, certain ages and all these kind of things that are out there. We are just so different.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204425 https://ift.tt/39NjiAW via IFTTT
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decisionforsight · 3 years
Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market
Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market Size, Share, Application Analysis, Regional Outlook, Growth Trends, Key Players, Competitive Strategies and Forecasts to 2030
Global AI in cyber security market size accounted 10.75 billion in 2020 is estimated to reach 100.1 billion by 2030 growing with a CAGR of 25% during the forecast period.Demand for artificial intelligence is growing considerably, and cyber security is one among them. Artificial intelligence in cyber security decreases the workload of cyber security engineers, as it handles highly complicated situations that cannot be accurately resolved by humans. Organizations are forced to employ high security technologies such as artificial intelligence owing to the constantly increasing cyber-attacks. Small and medium enterprises are more vulnerable to cyber-attacks than large enterprises due to the lack of strong and secure infrastructure. AI in cyber security is estimated to witness a significant growth in the forecasted period attributed to the increasing utilization of security solutions and services by organizations. According to the research study by Consumer Technology Association, 44% of global organizations are implementing the artificial intelligence to encounter the cyber-attacks. 
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Market Dynamics and Factors:
Increase in the adoption of Internet of Things and connected devices concurrently increased the chances of cyber-attacks. According to the research study, cyber-attack reported in 2016 was 82,000 and it reached 159,700 in 2017. Growing number of cyber-crimes faced by the organizations forced them to adopt AI in cyber security thereby fostering the market progression. Identity and payment card theft is one of the common attacks encountered by large enterprises and these crimes when left unresolved can lead to huge financial losses. AI in cyber security market is majorly focusing on cyber threats by early threat detection, reducing response time, and partition of threat by priority. AI solutions offer wider security coupled with complete recognition and solution for cyber-attacks, when compared to human potential. Therefore, rising cyber security threats majorly drive the AI in cyber security market growth. However, inadequacy in technical expertise for artificial intelligence implementation hampers the AI in cyber security industry development. According to the research study by Tencent Holdings, approximately 300,000 professionals around the globe possess the required expertise in AI applications. Escalating demand for cloud based security systems among SME’s and rising awareness regarding cyber threats is anticipated to propel the AI in cyber security market growth in coming years. Approximately 88% of businesses are estimated to increase their expense on cyber security in the next two years and around 10% companies are expected to double the cyber security budgets.
Market Segmentation:
Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market – By Offering
Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market – By Security 
Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market – By Technology 
Machine Learning
Context Awareness
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market – By Security Solution
Identity & Access Management
Risk & Compliance Management
Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems
Data Loss Prevention
Unified Threat Management
Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market – By End-User
BFSI (Banking, Financial Services And Insurance)
Government & Defence
Automotive & Transportation
Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market – By Geography
North America
Rest of Europe
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East
New Business Strategies, Challenges & Policies are mentioned in Table of Content, Request TOC at @ https://www.decisionforesight.com/toc-request/DFS020207 
Geographic Analysis:
Owing to the presence of major key players such as IBM (International business machine) Corporation, Intel Corporation and Cisco System North America is dominating in the AI in cyber security market. Due to the increasing cyber threat among the banking, government, and financial sectors coupled with the awareness regarding the security threats in North America, helps this region to attain the top position in the market.
Competitive Scenario:
Some of the major key players in AI in cyber security market are IBM Corporation, Cisco System, Intel Corporation, Amazon Web Services, Inc., Cylance Inc., Acalvio Technologies, Inc., Nvidia Corporation, Xilinx, Inc., Micron Technology, Inc., Darktrace, Cylance Inc., Vectra AI, Inc, Securonix, Inc, Symantec Corporation, and SparkCognition Inc.
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The data analysis present in the Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market report is based on the combination of both primary and secondary resources.
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The 2021 Annual Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market offers:
100+ charts exploring and analysing the Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market from critical angles including retail forecasts, consumer demand, production and more
15+ profiles of top producing states, with highlights of market conditions and retail trends
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Benchmark wholesale prices, market position, plus prices for raw materials involved in Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Cyber Security Market type
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kdulgar-blog · 5 years
Churchill Club Top 10 Tech Trends Debate
I just got back from the Churchill Club’s 13th Annual Top 10 Tech Trends Debate (site).
Curt Carlson, CEO of SRI, presented their trends from the podium, which are meant to be “provocative, plausible, debatable, and that it will be clear within the next 1-3 years whether or not they will actually become trends.”
Then the panelists debated them. Speaking is Aneesh Chopra, CTO of the U.S., and smirking to his left is Paul Saffo, and then Ajay Senkut from Clarium, then me.
Here are SRI’s 2011 Top 10 Tech Trends [and my votes]:
Trend 1. Age Before Beauty. Technology is designed for—and disproportionately used by—the young. But the young are getting fewer. The big market will be older people. The aging generation has grown up with, and is comfortable with, most technology—but not with today’s latest technology products. Technology product designers will discover the Baby Boomer’s technology comfort zone and will leverage it in the design of new devices. One example today is the Jitterbug cell phone with a large keypad for easy dialing and powerful speakers for clear sound. The trend is for Baby Boomers to dictate the technology products of the future.
[I voted YES, it’s an important and underserved market, but for tech products, they are not the early adopters. The key issue is age-inspired entrepreneurship. How can we get the entrepreneurial mind focused on this important market?]
Trend 2. The Doctor Is In. Some of our political leaders say that we have "the best medical care system in the world". Think what it must be like in the rest of the world! There are many problems, but one is the high cost of delivering expert advice. With the development of practical virtual personal assistants, powered by artificial intelligence and pervasive low-cost sensors, “the doctor will be in”—online—for people around the world. Instead of the current Web paradigm: “fill out this form, and we’ll show you information about what might be ailing you”, this will be true diagnosis—supporting, and in some cases replacing—human medical practitioners. We were sending X-rays to India to be read; now India is connecting to doctors here for diagnosis in India. We see the idea in websites that now offer online videoconference interaction with a doctor. The next step is automation. The trend is toward complete automation: a combination of artificial intelligence, the Internet, and very low-cost medical instrumentation to provide high-quality diagnostics and advice—including answering patient questions—online to a worldwide audience.
[NO. Most doctor check-ups and diagnoses will still need to be conducted in-person (blood tests, physical exams, etc). Sensor technology can’t completely replace human medical practitioners in the near future. Once we have the physical interface (people for now), then the networking and AI capabilities can engage, bringing specialist reactions to locally collected data. The real near-term trend in point-of-care is the adoption of iPads/phones connected to cloud services like ePocrates and Athenahealth and soon EMRs.]
Trend 3. Made for Me. Manufacturing is undergoing a revolution. It is becoming technically and economically possible to create products that are unique to the specific needs of individuals. For example, a cell phone that has only the hardware you need to support the features you want—making it lighter, thinner, more efficient, much cheaper, and easier to use. This level of customization is being made possible by converging technical advances: new 3D printing technology is well documented, and networked micro-robotics is following. 3D printing now includes applications in jewelry, industrial design, and dentistry. While all of us may not be good product designers, we have different needs, and we know what we want. The trend is toward practical, one-off production of physical goods in widely distributed micro-factories: the ultimate customization of products. The trend is toward practical, one-off production of physical goods in widely distributed micro-factories: the ultimate customization of products.
[NO. Personalization is happening just fine at the software level. The UI skins and app code is changeable at zero incremental cost. Code permeates outward into the various vessels we build for it. The iPhone. Soon, the car (e.g. Tesla Sedan). Even the electrical circuits (when using an FPGA). This will extend naturally to biological code, with DNA synthesis costs plummeting (but that will likely stay centralized in BioFabs for the next 3 years. When it comes to building custom physical things, the cost and design challenges relegate it to prototyping, tinkering and hacks. Too many people have a difficult time in 3D content creation. The problem is the 2D interfaces of mouse and screen. Perhaps a multitouch interface to digital clay could help, where the polygons snap to fit after the form is molded by hand.]
Trend 4. Pay Me Now. Information about our personal behavior and characteristics is exploited regularly for commercial purposes, often returning little or no value to us, and sometimes without our knowledge. This knowledge is becoming a key asset and a major competitive advantage for the companies that gather it. Think of your supermarket club card. These knowledge-gatherers will need to get smarter and more aggressive in convincing us to share our information with them and not with their competitors. If TV advertisers could know who the viewers are, the value of the commercials would go up enormously. The trend is technology and business models based on attracting consumers to share large amounts of information exclusively with service providers.
[YES, but it’s nothing new. Amazon makes more on merchandising than product sales margin. And, certain companies are getting better and better at acquiring customer information and personalizing offerings specifically to these customers. RichRelevance provides this for ecommerce (driving 25% of all e-commerce on Black Friday). Across all those vendors, the average lift from personalizing the shopping experience: 15% increase in overall sales and 8% increase in long-term profitability. But, simply being explicit and transparent to the consumer about the source of the data can increase the effectiveness of targeted programs by up to 100% (e.g., saying “Because you bought this product and other consumers who bought it also bought this other product" yielded a 100% increase in product recommendation effectiveness in numerous A/B tests). Social graph is incredibly valuable as a marketing tool.]
Trend 5. Rosie, At Last. We’ve been waiting a long time for robots to live in and run our homes, like Rosie in the Jetsons’ household. It’s happening a little now: robots are finally starting to leave the manufacturing floor and enter people’s homes, offices, and highways. Robots can climb walls, fly, and run. We all know the Roomba for cleaning floors—and now there’s the Verro for your pool. Real-time vision and other sensors, and affordable precise manipulation, are enabling robots to assist in our care, drive our cars, and protect our homes and property. We need to broaden our view of robots and the forms they will take—think of a self-loading robot-compliant dishwasher or a self-protecting house. The trend is robots becoming embedded in our environments, and taking advantage of the cloud, to understand and fulfill our needs.
[NO. Not in 3 years. Wanting it badly does not make it so. But I just love that Google RoboCar. Robots are not leaving the factory floor – that’s where the opportunity for newer robots and even humanoid robots will begin. There is plenty of factory work still to be automated. Rodney Brooks of MIT thinks they can be cheaper than the cheapest outsourced labor. So the robots are coming, to the factory and the roads to start, and then the home.]
Trend 6. Social, Really. The rise of social networks is well documented, but they’re not really social networks. They’re a mix of friends, strangers, organizations, hucksters—it’s more like walking through a rowdy crowd in Times Square at night with a group of friends. There is a growing need for social networks that reflect the fundamental nature of human relationships: known identities, mutual trust, controlled levels of intimacy, and boundaries of shared information. The trend is the rise of true social networks, designed to maintain real, respectful relationships online.
[YES. The ambient intimacy of Facebook is leading to some startling statistics on fB evidence reuse by divorce lawyers (80%) and employment rejections (70%). There are differing approaches to solve this problem: Altly’s alternative networks with partioning and control, Jildy’s better filtering and auto-segmentation, and Path’s 50 friend limit.]
Trend 7. In-Your-Face Augmented Reality. With ever-cheaper computation and advances in computer vision technology, augmented reality is becoming practical, even in mobile devices. We will move beyond expensive telepresence environments and virtual reality games to fully immersive environments—in the office, on the factory floor, in medical care facilities, and in new entertainment venues. I once did an experiment where a person came into a room and sat down at a desk against a large, 3D, high-definition TV display. The projected image showed a room with a similar desk up against the screen. The person would put on 3D glasses, and then a projected person would enter and sit down at the other table. After talking for 5 to 10 minutes, the projected person would stand up and put their hand out. Most of the time, the first person would also stand up and put their hand into the screen—they had quickly adapted and forgotten that the other person was not in the room. Augmented reality will become indistinguishable from reality. The trend is an enchanted world— The trend is hyper-resolution augmented reality and hyper-accurate artificial people and objects that fundamentally enhance people’s experience of the world.
[NO, lenticular screens are too expensive and 3D glasses are a pain in the cortex. Augmented reality with iPhones is great, and pragmatic, but not a top 10 trend IMHO]
Trend 8. Engineering by Biologists. Biologists and engineers are different kinds of people—unless they are working on synthetic biology. We know about genetically engineered foods and creatures, such as gold fish in multiple other colors. Next we’ll have biologically engineered circuits and devices. Evolution has created adaptive processing and system resiliency that is much more advanced than anything we’ve been able to design. We are learning how to tap into that natural expertise, designing devices using the mechanisms of biology. We have already seen simple biological circuits in the laboratory. The trend is practical, engineered artifacts, devices, and computers based on biology rather than just on silicon.
[YES, and NO because it was so badly mangled as a trend. For the next few years, these approaches will be used for fuels and chemicals and materials processing because they lend themselves to a 3D fluid medium. Then 2D self-assembling monolayers. And eventually chips , starting with memory and sensor arrays long before heterogeneous logic. And processes of biology will be an inspiration throughout (evolution, self-assembly, etc.). Having made predictions along these themes for about a decade now, the wording of this one frustrated me]
Trend 9. ‘Tis a Gift to be Simple. Cyber attacks are ever more frequent and effective. Most attacks exploit holes that are inevitable given the complexity of the software products we use every day. Cyber researchers really understand this. To avoid these vulnerabilities, some cyber researchers are beginning to use only simple infrastructure and applications that are throwbacks to the computing world of two decades ago. As simplicity is shown to be an effective approach for avoiding attack, it will become the guiding principle of software design. The trend is cyber defense through widespread adoption of simple, low-feature software for consumers and businesses.
[No. I understand the advantages of being open, and of heterogencity of code (to avoid monoculture collapse), but we have long ago left the domain of simple. Yes, Internet transport protocols won via simplicity. The presentation layer, not so much. If you want dumb pipes, you need smart edges, and smart edges can be hacked. Graham Spencer gave a great talk at SFI: the trend towards transport simplicity (e.g. dumb pipes) and "intelligence in the edges" led to mixing code and data, which in turn led to all kinds of XSS-like attacks. Drive-by downloading (enabled by XSS) is the most popular vehicle for delivering malware these days.]
Trend 10. Reverse Innovation. Mobile communication is proliferating at an astonishing rate in developing countries as price-points drop and wireless infrastructure improves. As developing countries leapfrog the need for physical infrastructure and brokers, using mobile apps to conduct micro-scale business and to improve quality of life, they are innovating new applications. The developing world is quickly becoming the largest market we’ve ever seen—for mobile computing and much more. The trend is for developing countries to turn around the flow of innovation: Silicon Valley will begin to learn more from them about innovative applications than they need to learn from us about the underlying technology.
[YES, globalization is a megatrend still in the making. The mobile markets are clearly China, India and Korea, with app layer innovation increasingly originating there. Not completely of course, but we have a lot to learn from the early-adopter economies.]
Posted by jurvetson on 2011-05-26 05:36:16
Tagged: , Churchill , Club , Top , 10 , Tech , Trends , Debate , SRI , Curt Carlson , Paul Saffo , Aneesh Chopra
The post Churchill Club Top 10 Tech Trends Debate appeared first on Good Info.
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santosh1995-blog1 · 5 years
data science training in Noida sector 62 :- Data technological know-how and Artificial Intelligence are the fields which might be penetrating many agencies and industries all over the world. The connection between information science and AI become hooked up through the records scientists. Earlier days, information scientists work turned into to isolate and generally for R&D studies motive, however afterward, the scientists moved to the brand new innovations of artificial intelligence. It allows lots for them to invent many new assets & things which are useful for the human beings. The way of managing different things are converting in line with the generation. The programming languages, cloud computing, and open supply libraries assist loads in making organizing pastime less difficult.
 Importance of Data Science
 Traditionally, the records was small in length and dependent that would be analyzed using the easy BI gear. In the existing time, data is semi-dependent or unstructured. Here arises the want of getting a more advanced in addition to complicated algorithm and analytical gear for studying, processing and drawing something significant out of it. But this is not the handiest purpose why Data Science has become immensely popular. Nowadays, it is utilized in various fields. It is the Data Science that facilitates to a remarkable volume in choice making.
 All About Data Science Course
 In the latest years, there was a super call for a number of the excellent company in hiring the statistics scientist. If you are eager on bagging a dream job in a reputed employer, the data scientist is a great option. All you need to do is to join a reputed institute for the data science direction. If you are a busy expert, the online class is there to get in-depth knowledge approximately information technology. The course will permit you to get a clear idea approximately the records scientist toolbox. You will get an outline of the questions, records, equipment that the data scientists paintings with. There are  additives of this path: the primary part deals with thoughts behind turning the statistics into actionable understanding and the second part offers with the sensible introduction to the used by the data scientist. Thus, join for the course and end up a talented expert.
 Data Science:
 Data technology is a subject wherein it could gain data and insights which are anything of cost. In truth, records technological know-how is growing so rapid and has shown diverse possibilities of spreading that has vital to recognize it. It is an interdisciplinary subject gadget and process to extract know-how from the records in many forms.
 Artificial Intelligence:
 Artificial Intelligence is the term that makes a opportunity for machines to learn from the enjoy. AI isn't like robotic automation, hardware-driven. AI can perform high-quantity, frequent, automated duties without weariness. In different phrases, synthetic intelligence dumps large data to clear the goals.
 The Connection between Artificial Intelligence and Data Science:
 Data science is the sphere of interdisciplinary structures in which it observes facts from data in several paperwork. It is also used to adjust and to build Artificial Intelligence software program on the way to obtain the required facts from the big facts sets and information clusters. Data-orientated technology like Hadoop, Python, and SQL are protected by using the use of records science. Data visualization, statistical evaluation, allotted structure are the big uses of information science.
 Whereas Artificial Intelligence represents an movement plan wherein in starts offevolved from belief which results in planning movement and ends with the remarks of belief. The information technology plays a first-rate role wherein it solves unique troubles. As we mentioned in the first step statistics science identifies the styles then unearths all the possible solutions and then in the end select the high-quality one.
 Both Artificial Intelligence and statistics science are the fields from the laptop technology that penetrate numerous businesses all around the world. Their adoption corresponds with the Big-records rise in the beyond 10 years. In current times the advanced statistics analytics can remodel companies understand organize an activity, insights and create price. Progress with open supply libraries, cloud computing, and programming languages have also made it very simple to get powerful data.
 Data Science produces insights:
 Data science aim is to reach the human one in particular i.e. To acquire perception and know-how. The very classic definition of records technological know-how is that consists of a combination of software program engineering, facts and area understanding. The important distinction among AI and facts science is that facts technological know-how always has a human within the loop: someone seeing the parent, know-how the perception and taking advantage of the belief.
 Exploration of Data Insight
 This is an thing of Data Science that deals with exploration of reality. Driving deeper into the subject to mine and knowledge complex traits, inferences, and behaviors, DS are about the exploration of hidden insight which could assist businesses in better and quicker selection making. To mine insights, it has to begin from exploration of truth. When a difficult query is obtainable, facts scientists look at leads in addition to attempts to recognize the sample and feature of the information.
 An overview of information product improvement
 The facts product (DP) occurs to be a technical asset, making use of facts as the enter and it strategies the records to supply effects, generated by means of algorithms. Recommendation engine is a great instance of DP that ingests user information as well as produce customized tips, primarily based on the same statistics. Following are few of the gallant examples of Products:
 The skill units required to emerge as a Data Scientist
 Data Science blends the skills inside the following regions:
 Mathematical Expertise: to the center of records insight mining and improvement of DP lies the capability to view the facts thru quantitative approach. Exploring solutions thru the utility of information turns to a brainstorming of quantitative techniques.
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netmetic · 4 years
Amdocs Voices
Learn about Amdocs’ catalyst projects, award nominations and speaking opportunities taking place at TM Forum’s Digital Transformation World 2020
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At TM Forum’s Digital Transformation World 2020, taking place online from October 7 – November 12, Amdocs will show how it’s taking the industry to the cloud and innovating in areas like 5G, cloud-native IT and artificial intelligence (AI). These advancements enable the effective and efficient managed digital and network transformation of communications and media companies. Here’s a snapshot of the activities Amdocs and customers are participating in. Keep an eye on Amdocs Blogs, Twitter and LinkedIn for more updates in the weeks to come.
Automating NaaS Wavelength (Lambda) Services Introduces a NaaS platform to enable “complex” network transformations for network monetization and decoupling OSS/BSS systems from the network. AI-Driven Business Assurance for 5G Demonstrates industry best-practices for using AI-driven business assurance innovations in multiple 5G-scenario use cases, including COVID-19-related eHealth services. Ecosystem Assurance This “mega catalyst” combines three projects around assuring trust in an ecosystem and demonstrates how a secure supply chain with repeatable patterns in a digital business marketplace can be constructed utilizing a plug-and-play design.
Amdocs is a finalist for three TM Forum Excellence Awards
Sprint transformed to cloud-native architecture using a unique co-development approach with Amdocs, supported by Amdocs’ Microservices360 platform. Amdocs helped Sprint move from a heavily-siloed environment to a unified, simplified cloud-native architecture to deliver functionality in weeks instead of months, and enable digital, omnichannel experiences and continuous new, fast-to-market offerings.
Amdocs transforms its own culture to help service providers move to the cloud. To accelerate the way it delivers value to customers, Amdocs’ highly successful top-down, company-wide transformation included moving to a cloud-native, microservices-based portfolio and services that can deliver new functionality and value to customers in rapid iterations.
Three Ireland – a Hutchison Company – & Amdocs. Amdocs supported Three Ireland with their complex post-M&A BSS consolidation and customer-experience transformation, which used a “build-once-deploy-many” design-led approach and DevOps methodology to deliver a category-leading, omnichannel, digital-first experience across mobile, web, agent-driven channels and physical stores.
Catalyst Showcase Discussion
Thursday 22 October 2020 | Is business assurance critical in ecosystems?
Andreas Manolis - Head of Strategy & Innovation, BT; Gadi Solotorevsky – TM Forum Distinguished Fellow & Co-Head of Business Assurance group, CTO of Amdocs cVidya;
Amdocs speaker sessions by track
Wednesday, October 7 | Accelerating the journey to the cloud
Andre Fuetsch – President AT&T Labs and Chief Technology Officer, AT&T;
Anthony Goonetilleke – Group President – Strategy & Technology, Amdocs
Wednesday, November 4 | Redefine your business with a whole new approach to AI
Dan Noel Natindim – Vice President & Head of Enterprise Data Office, Globe Telecom;
Gil Rosen – Chief Marketing Officer & Division President, amdocs:next
Wednesday, October 21 | How to transform into a digital organism for complete business agility
Avishai Sharlin – Division President, Amdocs Technology
Thursday, November 12| LIVE MASTERCLASS: Utilizing the Diversity & Inclusion Maturity Model (with BT, Amdocs & Bain)
Idit Duvdevany – Head of Corporate Responsibility & Inclusion, Amdocs
Wednesday, October 21 | The migration dilemma
Ralf Hellebrand – Head of Solstice Transformation, Vodafone Germany;
Avishai Sharlin – President, Amdocs Technology
Wednesday, October 21| Solving the complicated integration challenges of a digital transformation
Meg Knauth – VP, Billing & Technical Product Solutions, T-Mobile US;
Josh Koenig – Head Of Client Solutions, Amdocs Digital Business Operations
Wednesday, November 5 | The 5G network platform – How to apply cloud business models to the network and edge for innovative monetization
Visu Sontam – Senior Partner Solutions Architect of Global Telecom Partner Technology, AWS;
Ron Porter – Product Marketing Lead, Monetization Solutions, Amdocs; David Hovey – Director of 5G Solutions and Strategy, Openet, an Amdocs company
Wednesday, October 28 | Private enterprise networks panel – Why vertical enterprises are doing it for themselves
Alla Goldner – Chair of ONAP Use-Case Subcommittee, Linux Foundation, and Director, Technology, Strategy & Standardization, Amdocs
Wednesday, October 28 | From theory to practice – Making network slicing monetization a reality
Joe Hogan – Founder & CTO, Openet, an Amdocs Company;
Angela Logothetis – CTO, Amdocs Open Network;
Dereck Quinlan – VP Sales, North Asia & ANZ, Mavenir
Wednesday, October 29 | Satellite case study: Implementing the world’s first open, standards-based network-automation and service-orchestration NaaS platform on a public cloud
Gint Atkinson – Vice President, Network Strategy & Architecture, SES Networks;
Yogen Patel – Head of Solutions Marketing, Amdocs Open Network
Wednesday, October 28 | LIVE MASTERCLASS: Moving to predictive business assurance in the age of AI
Gadi Solotorevsky – TM Forum Distinguished Fellow & Co-Head of Business Assurance group, and CTO of Amdocs cVidya
Wednesday, October 28 | LIVE MASTERCLASS: How Rogers are moving machine learning to an operational business-assurance functionality
Nurlan Karimov – Fraud Management Expert, Rogers Communications;
Gadi Solotorevsky – TM Forum Distinguished Fellow & Co-Head of Business Assurance group, and CTO of Amdocs cVidya
TM Forum Rising Stars & Talent Mentors Program
The new Rising Star program aims to recognize and showcase young diverse talent in the tech-communications sector. TM Forum has selected Amdocs Software Engineer, Gitika Sinha, as one of their Rising Stars, and will be broadcasting her story throughout the conference. TMF also selected Amdocs Head of Learning and Talent Development, Nomi Malka, as a TM Forum Talent Mentor. Her story of leading pioneering internal and external mentorship programs will also be broadcast throughout the conference. Communications service providers can register for TM Forum’s Digital Transformation World 2020 at no cost.
    published first on https://jiohow.tumblr.com/
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10 Mind Numbing Facts About SEO 2019
The good SEO strategy is your own first step towards developing a good online relationship with your clients. Over the particular last 20 years SocialSEO offers grown to be the biggest full digital marketing firm within the state of Colorado, offering Social Media, Pay Per Click on and SEO in Denver, Co Springs, Boulder and across the particular State. Lastly, Amazon will dominate web commerce queries in 2018 via Alexa voice, touch, as well as other innovative interfaces, leaving many e-commerce SEOs in order to focus in on the content-side of their marketing. If you could use something like 20 times more chances for internet traffic, three times better effects than social, and returns about investment that will only raise over time, SEO must end up being a priority. Since artificial intelligence search motor optimization is in its preliminary stage, the impact of synthetic intelligence in marketing is heading to be felt in 2019 and 2020. So regional businesses have to put specific effort into maximizing their SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION efforts for local visibility, which usually means doing things like enhancing their Google Places pages. All these types of steps are used by the particular company to provide the greatest search engine optimization services in order to its clients in Thailand, below the Thailand SEO concept. Keywords and phrases, although it is not being as important in order to SEO ranking as they as soon as were, still play a significant part. •Social Press Optimization - SEO services make use of various means of social mass media optimization for clients. Lots of people are usually now asking, How will AI and Voice Search impact SEO”? On this web page you'll find a list associated with 21 SEO insanely tactical strategies that you can use in order to boost your engine rankings. 26% of respondents state email is the digital marketing and advertising channel with all the greatest positive effect on revenue; SEO is 2nd (17%), followed by paid lookup (15%), social media (5%), plus online display advertising (5%). Along with an increased focus on consumer experience, Google has challenged the particular SEO community to pay even more attention to the entire encounter of a website and just how the content interacts with customers, rather than just the simple elements that most optimize towards. While that will certainly not get solved in 2018, we require integrate the SEO group alongside other marketing, both compensated and owned initiatives. For example, a few businesses miss the mark along with SEO and images, and nevertheless rank well. Thankfully, you can find your very own broken links on site using the particular myriad of Tools available. Ask any SEO services company and they will tell a person that whenever a page is definitely searched, the major search motors spiders search it through hyperlinks. Effective SEO aims to boost research engine position, user visits, come back visits, and to improve transformation rates, which reflect the figures of visitors who take preferred actions on the site. Wise SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION activities increase your rankings in the particular search engine results page (SERP). This is the greatest goal for ecommerce SEO, plus the traffic those links can bring through will convert in a very high rate. The much better you get at SEO, the particular more traffic - and even more leads - you're likely in order to attract over time. To find away more read our 2019 tendencies in SEO marketing report. Are voice searches plus it's expected that by 2019, 67 million voice-assisted devices is definitely going to be in make use of in the U. S. These types of kinds of changes and provide on your website shouldn't become a problem logistically — the particular overall practice among the greatest web companies nowadays is making sure that websites are flexible sufficient, especially for SEO purposes. Whether you are usually a marketer, webmaster or enterprise owner, it is very crucial invest in voice SEO search engine optimization to reap benefits in 2019. We said earlier that sociable media isn't a direct SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking factor, so you're most likely wondering why we're even bringing up it. The particular effects of Black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION are temporary, keep in mind that take the particular search engine long before this spots these illegal strategies plus then penalizes you; the lookup engine may spam your hyperlinks and if you continue making use of these malpractices the search motor will altogether block your web site and links. Algorithmic chasers, technical SEOs, plus Google Doodle followers should develop their technical skills to concentrate on emerging voice search systems and AI applications. Single Grain is a electronic marketing agency in order in order to companies like Uber, Amazon plus Salesforce grow their revenues on-line using SEO and paid marketing. You will end up being introduced to the foundational components of how search engines such as google work, how the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION landscape is promoting and exactly what you can expect in the particular future. The SISTRIX Toolbox consists associated with six modules 1) SEO, 2) Universal, 3) Links, 4) Advertisements, 5) Social and 6) Optimizer. Low-quality content can severely impact the achievements of SEO, within 2018. When your own SEO starts building strong reasons, competitors can start maligning your own SEO backlinks. ” With content marketing spend anticipated to reach $300 billion by 2019, this statistic is worrisome. Now the electronic marketing companies know how in order to use AI for SEO, plus in coming years AI may dominate in developing the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies of the digital advertising companies. Ray Cheselka, AdWords and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Manager at webFEAT Complete, the design and SEO agency, states that in 2019 search objective will continue to become even more important. Expert writers of SEO articles will certainly take the time to study the particular industry or specialized niche market. 2 tools to help with nearby SEO are BrightLocal (for rankings) and MozLocal (for local research optimization). Concerning on-page SEO best practices, I usually link out to other quality appropriate pages on other websites exactly where possible and where a human being would find it valuable. It includes a favorite Regular Table of SEO Success Factors”, a 9-chapter guide to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION basics, and links to several from the site's most useful blog posts. This guide will be made to describe all locations of SEO—from locating the terms plus phrases (keywords) that generate visitors to your website, to producing your web site friendly to search motors, to building links and advertising the unique associated with your own site. With no SEO, a website can end up being invisible to search engines. On-page SEO refers to be able to every strategy, technique, and device you utilize within your web site to optimize your web webpages and content for search machines like google. Today, the quality of newly arriving links is evaluated higher as compared to their quantity and may add your SEO efforts. Research engine optimization (SEO) tools assist companies position themselves to obtain a favorable ranking in internet search engine results. The particular second biggest SEO trend within 2019 will be voice research. We are going to long past mobile search plus voice-search being a ‘trend' -- they are the full upon normal now, outdoing desktop research in both volume and SEO-favorability. Rather compared to marketing at people, you require to make it possible intended for them to find you whenever they want you, and that is where SEO is available within. Prior To going BlowFish SEO full Time, Robert Headed very successful internet incoming marketing campaigns for Bella Sante Day Spa's of Boston plus Red Door Spas increasing their own yearly Gift Card Sales simply by over 400% and increasing client appointments over 300%. In 2019 and past, the majority of the on the internet searches will be in the particular form of conversation, and because a result, the online entrepreneurs will give more importance in order to artificial intelligence keywords for marketing of the web content. Off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION targets increasing the authority associated with your domain through the act associated with getting links from all additional websites. Regarding: Search Engine Journal's flagship meeting, SEJ Summit, is dedicated to providing SEO pros the actual require, with an agenda of initial, first-run presentations covering the most recent SEO and PPC tactics through renowned experts, plus excellent network opportunities. SEO combines official research engine guidelines, empirical knowledge, plus theoretical knowledge from science documents or patents. This will be a half-day workshop at LeadsCon that will be designed in order to give attendees an end-to-end look at of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), how it works, and real things they can do these days to improve their SEO overall performance. After the Search engines Panda algorithm appeared, SEO professionals realized just how much key phrase frequency and density matters. SEO means optimizing your content so it shows up even more often in search results. 33. With social media systems like Facebook diminishing visibility associated with companies and brands, SEO (as well as paid promotion) will be becoming critically important for traveling traffic to your social stations. 2019 dates TBD. ). Why go to: One-track conference full of forward-thinking, tactical sessions in SEO, development marketing, the mobile landscape, analytics, content marketing and more. ” Don't miss the LeadsCon Meeting in Vegas, March 4-6, 2019. Looking deeper: In present-day SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, you can't simply include because a lot of keywords as possible to achieve the people who are searching for you. SEO stands for Search Motor Optimization and refers to methods you can use to assist ensure that your site rates high in the results associated with search engines like Google. It blends search positions and search volumes in the manner that makes it even more relevant, insightful and easier in order to understand than any other SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION performance tracking approach. About: Advanced Search Summit is usually designed for advanced SEO specialists, digital marketers, and analysts from enterprise and mid-market sized businesses who want advanced tactics plus techniques. SEO stands for seo. ” It is the process associated with getting traffic in the free, ” organic, ” editorial” or natural” search results on search motors like google. If you're planning about ramping up SEM initiatives to complement organic SEO, end up being sure to take a appearance at Google Adwords ' Research Ads page. The large a part of SEO is developing valuable, high-quality content (e. gary the gadget guy., blog articles and web web page copy) that your audience may find helpful. SEO alone cannot perform much for your business yet when combined with content marketing and advertising, social internet marketing, email advertising, mobile marketing and PPC advertising, it can help businesses achieve the pinnacle of success on the web. Keyword studies about getting those terms so that a person can use them properly within content optimization and SEO within general. Just as content on your own isn't enough to guarantee SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION success, SEO alone isn't plenty of to ensure that people will certainly find and engage with your own articles. While intense SEO may involve complex site restructuring along with a firm (or consultant) that will specializes in this area, generally there are a few simple actions you can take yourself in order to improve your search engine ranking. While we prepare to enter 2019, keyword creation for SEO professionals will become less important. Obtain the training you need in order to stay ahead with expert-led classes on Seo (SEO). Learn how to create articles, learn how to compose some simple HTML, and the particular learn the very basic concepts of SEO, and you may make money online using SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and article marketing to obtain your website (you only require one from each website) detailed on Page #1 of Search engines (forget Yahoo as well since the rest) and you will certainly get loads of visitors that will web page. If your website is definitely made up of lower-quality entrance type pages using old SEO-techniques (which more and more branded as spam in 2018) after that Google will not index just about all of the pages as properly as your website ‘quality score' is probably likely to become negatively impacted. This particular is beyond website content, but great user experience has become a lot more and more important in solid SEO rankings. Getting SEO right can easily influence your business hugely since you start to build natural and organic traffic to your site which usually will naturally grow without typically the need for any underhanded SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION tactics or even spending plenty of money on perfectly efficient but pricey solutions such while Pay Per Click or lavish ads. Searchmetrics is happy to have this partnership along with Elephate, a leading content plus SEO agency with years associated with invaluable experience. However, the particular webmasters can grasp search motor optimization SEO through websites. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION offers incredible opportunity and gain access to (it's an inherently free marketing and advertising channel) to inbound traffic, yet it can be hard in order to know where to start plus what advice to follow. Video can end up being an important contributor to your own overall SEO and digital advertising strategy, but it's important in order to be superior on how video clip is going to help a person achieve your marketing and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION goals. If you possess ever been into black-hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, spam, and un-natural links, Search engines will never forgive you plus you may be penalized by google at any time. As mentioned earlier, SEO companies are usually the most certified in working with various verticals of online marketing, mainly owing to the nature of their particular work. Monitoring: Often overlooked, but one associated with the most important areas associated with successful SEO, this section taking walks through how you can monitor your success and tie your own efforts back to real visitors and business, which gives a person the chance to future modify and optimize your programs. It's maybe not an ideal SEO page title because of the multiple distinct services, however the structure might give rise to rankings for some long-tail keyword phrases. SEOs will have to collaborate carefully with designers and developers in order to prioritize technical SEO and functionality search engine ranking factors to get a competitive edge. Further SEO Smart hyperlinks allows you to set upward your own personal keywords and set associated with matching URLs. When search engine optimization SEO will not involve ethical practices, the particular website may have low presence on Google and even be taken out from the Google index. An SEO technique will be considered white hat if this conforms to the search engines' guidelines and involves no deceptiveness. As an SEO, which indicates that you have to considerably raise your standards around high quality content and links in purchase to achieve top search motor rankings. Most SEO focuses on enhancing for Google's search engine, which usually dominates the overall search marketplace with a share of more than 90%. 7. Social indicators may even become more essential to SEO with time. One Grain is really a electronic marketing agency that helps businesses like Uber, Amazon and Salesforce grow their revenues online making use of SEO plus paid advertising. This can be a growth chance regarding content marketing-specific agencies and the necessary and justified budget collection item for in-house SEO groups. SEO includes both technical and creative components needed to improve rankings, drive visitors, and increase awareness in research engines. Here's the fantastic news: You don't have in order to have to be a SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION wizard to make sure your own website is well positioned with regard to organic search engine traffic. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the acronym for lookup engine optimisation. The particular search engines have refined their particular algorithms along with this progression, numerous tactics that worked within 2004 can hurt your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION today. Therefore, we also make content on conducting keyword analysis, optimizing images for search motors, creating an SEO strategy (which you're reading right now), plus other subtopics within SEO. In 2018 there will be an actually bigger focus on machine understanding and SEO from data. ” Of course, the amplification aspect of things will continue in order to incorporate increasingly with genuine public relationships exercises rather than shallow-relationship hyperlink building, which will become more and more easy to detect by research engines like google. Seo (SEO) is often regarding making small modifications to components of your website. In my SEO content writing guidelines I suggest a person take your main keyword plus 3 or 4 other associated keywords and write at 3-4%. Some SEO specialists claim the fact that building links for SEO uses is pointless; others believe this role of backlinks for the site has continually risen through typically the years. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a huge part associated with any marketing strategy. This fresh paradigm of users relying upon voice search for many associated with their search needs will become a game changer for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Search engines regard metadata plus meta keywords as less essential than they used to, thanks a lot to many years of dark hat misuse, however the name of your page and the relevancy towards the content may always be a highly essential factor in SEO. SEO is important because this helps you get found simply by improving your ranking on the internet research results. Inorganic SEO is definitely good for populating links regarding your website, even on additional websites which signed up with regard to online ads to be demonstrated on their web pages. Of course, finding the period for you to write your own SEO articles every single day can end up being difficult in light of the particular fact that you still have got a company to run. Social media provides its very own perks aside from SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION value. So in case Five Secrets You Will Not Want To Know About SEO 2019 you think about it, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is really just a procedure of proving to look engines that will you are the best web site, one of the most authoritative, the most reliable, the most unique and fascinating site that they can provide to their customer - the particular searcher. SEO professionals employ the variety of different ways associated with make websites appear higher inside your list of results and create it much more likely that will you'll click on them in order to find what you're looking with regard to. SEO more usually talk regarding domain trust and domain power in line with the quantity, type and quality of inbound links to a site. SEO consists of attaining a higher ranking within search engines via changes in order to your site content and program code to make it more appropriate and therefore more search motor compatible. Based on SEO software program company Moz's bi-yearly survey upon search engine ranking factors, the particular titles on your page are usually one of the nine almost all important considerations a search motor makes. Having an SEO method that effectively promotes your pictures business, driving new traffic plus taking into consideration the requires of the site visitors although you concentrate on perfecting your own art is a really highly effective tool. SEO is Research Engine Optimization and it is definitely required for make a internet site view-able. And you will see the section on exactly where to use keywords for even more information on integrating these key phrases into your SEO content technique. 22. Use social media in order to boost local SEO. SEO is the acronym for Seo. Even though certain techniques of SEO articles remain the same, like not really compromising on quality; there are usually definitely techniques which have developed from the past and a person should find out whether your own SEO articles writing services are usually very well aware of that will or not. SEO service suppliers are specialized in increasing the particular traffic to your site simply by increasing your position in the particular search engine ranking positions. Appeal to international people to your internet sites with these SEO tips. The top challenges within organic SEO are link creating (easy-to-get links no more have got much value) and keyword analysis (the low-hanging fruit is lengthy gone). For illustration, the phrase ‘SEO tips' is furthermore included inside the less competing phrase ‘SEO tips 2019', which usually is searched for too. Every advertising SEO blog is usually talking about online video marketing and advertising and every third company professional you talk to is about to shift marketing dollars to a good online video campaign. ” Simply by 2019, video is expected in order to account for 80 percent associated with all web traffic. Don't set it and forget about it. Take time to review your SEO keyword strategy every single few months to make certain it's still relevant and attaining the final results you want. Stories are a easy method to do marketing, you simply need to include some custom made images or text in purchase to let people know these people could swipe to click plus see where you can obtain a skirt, grill, buy SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, or anything else you're attempting to pitch to the people. Jana Granko, PR (public relations) head with SEMrush - one of the particular top marketing tools of the particular world - believe that within 2019 AI (artificial intelligence) might change the way people research for keywords. In fact, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is simply one part associated with every successful digital marketing technique, but possibly the most essential part. These are called SEO rank factors. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the art and technology of driving the most certified visitors to your website simply by attaining high search engine outcomes. From Digital SEO Land, Rintu Biswas a professional SEO expert within Kolkata will assist you to be able to build quality backlinks aimed at your website. This ‘what is SEO‘ guide (and this whole website) is not about churn and burn type of Search engines SEO (called webspam to Google) as that is too dangerous to deploy on a actual business website in 2018. An extensive dental marketing plus dental SEO campaign can become attained by the enterprise just if the web address associated with a dental practice contains directly into all the promotional materials with regard to the business. This shows the importance of focussing voice search engine results within order to grow your company, marketing, and Search Engine Optimization(SEO) strategies. They accomplish this by increasing their site rank through a method known as SEO or even search engine optimization. Just like just about all other SEO approaches, be certain your links are appropriate, plus be careful never to cross the particular line into excessive linking -- you don't want your site visitors to obtain annoyed. Bryan Yeager, Research Director at Gartner, may share 9 Key Insights through Gartner's Marketing Technology Survey in order to Help You Prepare for 2019 and Beyond. SEO is a combination associated with digital marketing efforts all functioning Blog9T together to increase a web site's value to users and presence in search. On-page SEO (also identified as "on-site" SEO) will be the take action of optimizing different parts associated with your site that affect your own search engine rankings. In 2019, we will have to optimize voice research answers with CTAs that Google's algorithms don't pick up upon, but humans do. Dan Mallette, Lead SEO Strategist at each InVue Digital & HearstDMS, forecasts that SEOs will need in order to optimize for voice search in order to find new avenues as SERP real estate property shrinks. Obviously, a social media marketing site that has more interaction will probably bring bigger SEO benefits in order to some business than one that will has less interaction, but basically having a social presence will be a good start.
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raj2patkar-blog · 6 years
Self-driving Car Market Analysis - Size, Share, overview, scope, Revenue, Gross Margin, Segment and Forecast 2025
ReportBazzar has released its latest research-based report entitled ‘Self-driving Car’ market.
A self-driving car, also known as an autonomous car or driverless car, is a vehicle that uses a combination of sensors, cameras, radars and artificial intelligence (AI), to travel between destinations without the need of any human effort. To qualify as fully autonomous, a vehicle must be able to navigate without human intervention, to a predetermined destination, over roads that have not been adapted for its use. The global self-driving car market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 36.2%, leading to global revenue of USD 173.15 Bn by 2023.
To Get Free Sample Copy of Report visit @ http://reportbazzar.com/request-sample/RBPR10102018112883760
AI technologies power self-driving car systems. Developers of self-driving cars use vast amounts of data from image recognition systems, along with machine learning and neural networks, to build systems that can drive autonomously. Advanced control systems interpret sensory information to identify appropriate navigation paths, as well as obstacles and relevant signage. Automakers and technical vendors are investing in AI to succeed in the era of autonomous vehicles.
The global self-driving car market is segmented on the basis of type of vehicle, product type, application of the car, technology components (hardware and software), and geography. The global market for autonomous cars can be categorized on the basis of its use and application, that is, into personal use and commercial use. In the self-driving car market, products are segregated based on type such as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5 automation. The components market comprises radar, video cameras, lidar, ultrasound, central computing and GPS navigation.
Geographically, the self-driving car market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa.
To view the table of contents and know more details please visit: http://reportbazzar.com/reports/RBPR10102018112883760/global-self-driving-car-market-2018-2023
Key growth factors
Rising acceptance of autonomous vehicles by various governments is expected to boost the growth of industrial applications of autonomous cars and trucks over the forecast period. Technological advancements, increasing number of road accidents, and growing demand for automation are the key factors driving the growth of the market.
The rise of the mobility as a service (MaaS) sector is anticipated to provide an impetus to the market for autonomous cars. Automation in the automotive industry will boost the growth of the global self-driving car market.
Threats and key players
Although the self-driving car market is expected to experience positive growth globally, apprehension regarding privacy and security risk and lack of proper infrastructure that is needed to support autonomous cars may pose several challenges for manufacturers. There can be security threats to the wide-ranging networks that will connect with autonomous vehicles.
Major self-driving car providers operating in the market are divided based on technology providers (Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Cisco) and automobile industry players (Google, Toyota, General Motors, Tesla, Volvo)
What’s covered in the report?
Overview of the global self-driving car market
Market drivers and challenges in the global self-driving car market
Market trends in the global self-driving car market
Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the global self-driving car market
Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the types of cars in the global self-driving car market (passenger vehicle and commercial vehicle)
Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the applications of cars in global self-driving car market (passenger use and commercial use)
Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the product types in the global self-driving car market (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5 automation)
Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the technology components in the global self-driving car market (radar sensors, video cameras, lidar senors, ultrasound sensors, central computing systems, GPS navigation systems)
Historical, current and forecasted regional (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East & Africa) market size data for the global self-driving car market
Analysis of the competitive landscape and profiles of major companies operating in the market
Key recent developments in the global self-driving car market
Why buy?
To gain insightful analysis of the entire market and have a comprehensive understanding of the global self-driving car market
To understand the growth drivers and challenges in the self-driving cars market and its impact on the global scenario
To analyze the market potential, drivers, latest market trends, opportunities and challenges, self-driving cars market threats and risks
Identify major Competitors’ business and market dynamics, and respond accordingly
Devise market-entry strategies by understanding the factors driving the growth of the market
Get stakeholder and technology analysis, relevant Companies’ profiles and start-ups’ profiles
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Few Points – Table Of Content: Chapter 1: Executive summary
1.1. Market scope and segmentation
1.2. Key questions answered in this study
1.3. Executive Summary
Chapter 2: Global self-driving car market - market overview
2.1. Global market overview - market trends, market attractiveness analysis, geography-wise market revenue (USD Bn)
2.2. Global market drivers and challenges
2.3. Value chain analysis of self-driving car market
2.4. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
2.5. Market segmentation on the basis of type (passenger vehicle and commercial vehicle)
2.5. a. Revenue from passenger vehicles - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
2.5. b. Revenue from commercial vehicles - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
2.6. Market segmentation on the basis of application (passenger use and commercial use)
2.6. a. Revenue from passenger use - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
2.6. b. Revenue from commercial use - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
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