#Chilli's crayon saga
penumbramewtwos · 4 months
Chilli's 'commissions' are open!!!
How to get a 'commission', and the rules! Please read carefully! - Send in an image of a pokemon or an OC (can be human, your own, or my own OCs) into the ask box, and Chilli will draw it for you! - Please leave a form of 'payment' for him as well. e.g. Candy, plushie, more crayons. He doesn't do this for free. - Please send 1 per person at a time. - Chilli will be drawing them in his signature green crayon. - Lastly! All I ask is: Don't put anything inappropriate in the ask box, please, thanks!
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For all of you who answered 'Yes, can I hug him too?' uhh, yeah. You'll have to get past his grandmother first.
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radiant-flutterbun · 5 years
Pixel and the Shapeshifter
(Some context because it’s been Awhile. In my lore I have gods from another world who can visit Sornieth if my shapeshifting shadeling, Inkdrop allows them to. These gods have a mostly human appearance, but a few animal characteristics too. Think of Catra’s design from the new She-Ra show)
Queen Sagacious wasn’t around anymore. One day she just left her queendom and never returned. She didn’t leave a note. She didn’t leave anything behind to tell her subjects what to do in her absence. It was unusual for her. Normally every move she made was carefully planned and organized. She scheduled her life out years ahead of time. And now she was just. Gone.
There were rumors that she went to live on the Dragon Planet, that the gods have started to hear so much about. The was a land dominated by dragons. It was a land of magic. When gods entered the land, they too turned into dragons, but with a price. They lost their immortality.
Ever since Sagacious’s disappearence, Pixel looked for a way to escape. But no matter what they did, they couldn’t seem to get the ankle bracelet that Sagacious placed on them off. It was ironic, considering that Pixel’s own creation was being used against them. As the God of Technology, that had made the parts possible to create the bracelet, and yet Sagacious outsmarted them with their own craft. None of Pixel’s tools could pry the thing off of them. They suspected that Sagacious mixed their tech with her magic, meaning that if they had any hope of removing it they would need to either remove their own leg, or beg Sagacious for forgiveness.
Pixel was considering cutting off their leg when they spotted someone move past their house. They lived in a pretty busy section of the queendom, so the movement wasn’t that unusual, but the look of the being certainly was.
She looked like a young girl with jet black skin, neon green hair, and bright yellow eyes. Immediately Pixel stepped outside for the first time in years.
“HEY SHAPESHIFTER! OW!” Their anklet bracelet zapped them “HEY WAIT!” Zap “OW! PLEASE-” Zap. They could hardly speak with the ankle bracelet continually pumping electricity into them the longer they were out of their house.
The strange girl stopped and turned around. She watched Pixel with a wary expression. Pixel trotted closer to her, but with another good zap collapsed on the ground beside her.
“Um,” The girl said “Are you ok?”
“No,” Pixel admitted as they yet again felt the pain of electricity coursing through them “But I will be if you can take me to the Dragon Planet.”
The girl clicked her tongue “Hmm I don’t know, the last god who convinced me to take him there turned out to be a no good meanie.”
“Hey- OW! I promise I’m not a no good meanie,” Pixel winced. The voltage was increasing the longer they were outside of their house.
“Why do you have a shocky thing on you?”
“Hey uh, I’ll be happy to discuss this with you in my house where I’m NOT constantly getting electrocuted.”
The girl watched as Pixel was shocked yet again and then looked at their open door. She shrugged “Ok, sounds safe enough to me.”
The girl followed Pixel into their little home. Inside wires and glowing machinery lay across everything in a seemingly unorganized mess. There was only a small path to walk without stepping on something. Pixel gestured to a spot on the sofa with no machines lying on it. 
“Please, you’re my guest so you can sit on the couch. I’ll just slump on the ground and catch my breath from being repeatedly electrocuted.”
“Ok,” The girl sat on the couch as was requested “You have a lot of… stuff.”
“Yeah, I have a lot of on going projects. I’m Pixel by the way. Pixel Pronoia, the God of Technology. And I only know of you as the Shapeshifter, but I’m guessing you have a name right?”
“Yeah it’s Inkdrop!”
“Alright cool! Nice to meet you! Now about the Dragon Planet…”
“Why do you have the shock bracelet?”
“Oh. Because I’m under house arrest.”
Inkdrop cocked her head “Why?”
“Because Saga is a bitch.”
“You mean Sagacious?”
“Yep. That’s Queen Bitchface.”
“My brother says she’s a bit mean, but all I’ve ever seen her do is read.”
“So you know where she is?”
“Yeah. At Clan Ton Theon.”
“That wouldn’t happen to be on the Dragon Planet, would it?”
“Yeah. Queen Virtuous asked me to take her there.”
“I fucking knew it! It has something to do with the Demon King’s growing power, doesn’t it?”
“Uh. Maybe? Sorry it’s hard to keep track of the politics that happen in every single world I visit.”
“Right. Must be nice being able to travel between worlds AND shapeshift.”
“You’re right it is pretty nice!” In an instant Inkdrop’s hair changed into long thick locks that matched Pixels “I like your hair by the way.”
“Thanks, that’s a good look for you. Anyway, I guess if you’re going to trust me I owe you the truth. Sagacious put me under house arrest because I befriended some mortals, which we gods aren't supposed to do.”
“Really? My brother has lots of mortal friends! And so do I! That’s such a dumb rule!”
“Wait. But you’re not a god.”
Inkdrop shot Pixel a chilly glare that sent a shiver up their spine.
“I mean yeah, it’s a fucking dumb as fuck rule. So as you can see I’m innocent. So can you please take me to the Dragon Planet?”
“Hmm… I still don’t know…”
            "Who was the god you let in that you regretted?"
             Inkdrop's face further soured "Naperone."
             "Why in the Spirits' names would you ever think trusting him was a good idea?!"
              "Hey I was new to this world and he seemed nice! How was I to know? Just like how am I to know that I can trust you?"
            "Ok, fair. What can I do to get you to trust me?"
            Inkdrop scratched her chin "Oh! I know!" She snapped her fingers and suddenly there was a swirling black void in the middle of Pixel's living room.
            "Is that a portal?!"
           "Yep! But it's not to the Dragon Planet. Hop on in. I want you to meet someone."
           Pixel backed away from the portal "Hold up. Where are you taking me?"
            Inkdrop held out her hand "Do you want to go to the Dragon Planet or not?"
           Pixel thought for a moment and then took a deep breath, stood up and grabbed her hand. 
With a giggle Inkdrop jumped into the portal with Pixel in tow.
For a moment everything was black, and then for a split second Pixel saw a flash of white light, causing them to instinctively close their eyes. When their eyes opened again they were in what appeared to be some sort of massive, dim lighted cave. There were several buildings constructed in this cave and the one closest to Pixel was one they recognized. It was a massive black Victorian style mansion, except this version of the building wasn’t dusty or falling apart. It looked formidable and elegant.
“Am I… Am I in the Underworld?”
Inkdrop nodded.
“But didn’t it get overtaken by demons?”
Inkdrop didn’t answer, a tall winged man was approaching her.
Pixel instinctively took their phone out of their pocket and it transformed into a knife with electricity sparking off of it.
Inkdrop smiled and tackled the man in a hug.
“Inky! Wasn’t expecting you to be here. Are you visiting Saph?” the man asked, returning the hug.
“Uh huh! Is she around?”
“Yes she’s in her room.”
Pixel squinted at the man. There was only one person that this could be, but something was off about him “Sepulchral Solstice?”
The man turned to Pixel. He was wearing a blindfold over his eyes, so he must not have noticed Pixel until they spoke.
“Yes that’s me,” The man answered “but I have a feeling that I’m not the Sepulchral you’re familiar with.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh!” Inkdrop spun back around to Pixel “Yeah this is a different universe. It’s pretty similar to yours accept not quite. Like the Underworld is fine here, and Sepulchral is older and Saph exists! That’s who I need you to see so come on!”
Inkdrop grabbed Pixel’s empty hand and with a strength Pixel couldn’t believe such a little thing could have, she began to drag them away from Sepulchral and into the mansion. Pixel quickly turned their weapon back into a phone before they could accidentally shock anyone.
Pixel watched as Gods of Death walked by and ignored them and Inkdrop. Some of them looked familiar to Pixel, but like Sepulchral there was something off about each one.
“Is Arkina here?” Pixel asked as Inkdrop led them up a staircase.
“Arkina, the Goddess of Animal Souls? She’s my sister.”
“Oh. I didn’t know she existed. But if she is here, you know she’s not really your sister right? She’s another Pixel’s sister.”
Pixel rolled their eyes “I know that. I’m just curious is all.”
“Oh well, we’re here now,” Inkdrop knocked on a door painted a dark purple with crayon doodles tapped on it. It was hard to make out what some of the drawings were depicting, but they thought some of them were supposed to be Inkdrop. Others showed a girl with black wings, and more showed another kid with orange eyes and who always seemed to have a dragon nearby.
The door opened and there was a girl with brown skin, black feathered wings and a frilly purple dress. Her face lit up when she saw Inkdrop and the two kids squealed and hugged each other.
“Inky!!!” the winged girl shouted at the top of her lungs.
“Saphy!!!” Inkdrop returned the shouting energy.
“I LOVE your hair!”
Inkdrop giggled and twirled one of her new dreadlocks “Thanks, I thought Pixel’s hair was neat so I decided to sport a new look!” As she said this she gestured to Pixel who was standing awkwardly behind her.
Pixel gave a little wave to Saph “Er, hello?”
“Oh! Hello! I’m Saprophyte Solstice! And who might you be?”
“Oh. Uh Pixel Pronoia.”
“Pronoia? Oh! Are you Arkina’s little sibling?”
At the sound of their sister’s name Pixel’s ears perked up “Yes! But uh-”
“Oh this isn’t your world’s Pixel!’ Inkdrop interrupted “This is a Pixel from another world.”
“Oh, okie dokie.” Saph said.
“And I actually came here because I’m not sure if I should trust them.”
“Ah gotcha,” Saph gestured for Inkdrop and Pixel to enter her room.
Her room was black with splashes of purple and pink. More doodles were taped all over the walls.
“I was kinda hoping you were here to play,” Saph said as she sat on the side of her bed.
“I know I’m sorry.”
“Next time you visit you should bring Cassia and we can have another adventure together!”
“Ok, ok I promise. Next time I visit we’ll do that.”
“Yay!” Saph turned to Pixel “Now I’m going to have to look into your Soul.”
She reached out toward Pixel’s chest and they took a step back “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the fuck are you doing?”
“I have to touch your chest to see into your Soul.”
Pixel scowled “Oh fuck no.”
Saph rolled her eyes “Relax, it's not like I’m asking you to lift your shirt or anything. I just have to touch the spot where your heart is. That’s where the Soul is. Don’t make it weird.”
“Uh, how about no?”
“Then I'm not taking you to the Dragon Planet.” Inkdrop crossed her arms.
Pixel clenched their fists “Fine. Read my Soul or whatever the fuck.”
They winced as Saph placed her hand over their chest and closed her eyes. An uncomfortable silence followed, and then Saph gasped and yanked her hand back. Her eyes were wet with tears and she began to sob.
“Uh… Are you ok?” Pixel asked. In response Saph hugged them.
“You… You’re in so much pain.”
“SHE KILLED YOUR GIRLFRIEND.” Saph shouted it at the top of her lungs, a combination of rage and sorrow.
“Y-yeah…” Saph’s reaction brought back a wave of emotion that Pixel thought they had buried. They crumpled to their knees and were now at the perfect level for Saph to wrap her arms around their shoulders. Tears now fell down Pixel’s own cheeks “Her… her name was Dana.”
Saph sniffled “That’s a beautiful name! I bet she was beautiful.”
“Y-yeah… She was. But she was more than just looks,” Pixel clutched their chest “She was the only one who ever saw anything in me.”
“W-well I just saw into your Soul, and I think you’re pretty great too,” Saph wiped away her tears and nodded to Inkdrop.
“Alright, if Saph trusts you, then so do I,” Inkdrop snapped her fingers creating another portal “Let’s take you to the dragon planet.”
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series Rules: Complete the questions and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!
Tagged by: @the-roci which means I guess I am officially part of The Expanse fandom now.
1. Are you named after someone? First name, no. My middle name was my grandfather’s nickname (“Claire” used to be more gender-neutral).
2. When was the last time you cried? Watching the final episode of Person of Interest about a week ago.
3. Do you like your handwriting? I have basically perfect handwriting so yes.
4. What is your favorite lunch meal? Is that supposed to be “meat”? If so, turkey. Otherwise, as long as it fills me up I will probably eat it.
5. Do you have kids? Nope, and barring marrying someone who already has some I never will.
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Do I have the same personality type in this scenario? Because in that case likely not, we’d probably step all over each other’s toes.
7. Do you use sarcasm? Of course.
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.
9. Would you bungee jump? No. Mortally afraid of heights.
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? Muesli.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Most of the time no.
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? Not really. Forceful and opinionated, true, but I’m also a mess.
13. What is your favorite ice cream?  Mint chocolate chip.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? How tall they are.
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? Awkward construction in that sentence much? If I interpret the meaning correctly, my answer is endometriosis.
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Black pants, black socks.
17. What are you listening to right now? “Green Light” by Lorde (has been stuck in my head since I first heard it a few days ago)
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I have it on the authority of a synesthete that I would be dark green.
19. Favorite smell? Yankee Candle’s Silver Birch, though their Lemon and Sage is very close.
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom.
21. Favorite sport to watch? Baseball, but only live not on TV.
22. Hair color? Brown.
23. Eye color? Green.
24. Do you wear contacts? No, my eyes are too sensitive.
25. Favorite food to eat? Banana bread.
26. Scary movies or comedy? Comedy usually, though I feel like lately there have been way more good horror movies than good comedies.
27. Last movie you watched? What We Do In the Shadows
28. What color of shirt are you wearing? Tannish-brown.
29. Summer or winter? Here in Kansas, neither. Summers are unspeakably hot and the winters are chilly with no snow. It sucks.
30. Hugs or kisses? Hugs from family members and very good friends.
31. What book are you currently reading? I think you meant “books”…The Round House, Immigrants to the Pure Land, The Pure Land Tradition: History and Development, Heirs of Forgotten Kingdoms, Curse of the Mistwraith, and I’m catching up on Vinland Saga too.
32. Who do you miss right now? Barack Obama.
33. What is on your mouse pad? I haven’t used a mouse pad in almost 8 years.
34. What is the last TV program you watched? Timeless, thanks to a friend recommending it. I’m trying to catch up now.
35. What is the best sound? The 8:39 mark in “Shohmyou” on the Akira soundtrack.
36. Rolling stones or The Beatles? Beatles.
37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? From the U.S., South Korea, though I was living in Japan at the time and it was only a short flight from there.
38. Do you have a special talent? I was declared Karaoke Queen by one of my students in Japan, if that counts.
39. Where were you born? Iowa.
I feel uncomfortable tagging people here, so don’t feel like you have to do this if I name you, I’m just putting down some of my most active rebloggers: @aggnis, @when-did-this-become-difficult, @maplepancake, @seriesofnonsequiturs, @demoiselledefortune
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
if chilli has a spot open, id like to ask him to draw the purple one :)
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i can give him a caramel lollipop in return :3
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having a brief moment where his two braincells connected then disconnected again at the tail.
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
Chili! For the commissions, could you draw….
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I’ll give you a lollipop as payment if you accept :>
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
Thanks for playing everyone ^^
Apologies for the spam ^^;
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he's gone to bed for the day~
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
Would Chilli be interested in drawing my baby Delta? o: I can offer one of those biiig crayon boxes as payment, with the little sharpener built-in! :D
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
For the payment of Chillis commission i offer some crayons and some treats because he newds to keep the energy up while creating masterpieces XD
I'll offer Mewtwo, Lumi will show Chilli's masterpiece off to him onve it's done
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
I am leaving Chili a green mew for his green crayon! I also leave him a purple crayon, he may need some more colours for all of these commissions!
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
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Does chili want to draw mezuni? Payment will be in the form of a cupcake :3
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
Chili, can you draw yourself?
In exchange I have no-bakes, they're pretty good!
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
Hi, owner of @the-reborn-ancestor-project here.
(I'd ask this on that account but it won't let me do asks on side blogs for some reason-)
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May I offer up Reborn for Chilli's commissions?
In exchange I have these cookies for them
(that I totally did not steal from Google or anything what are you talking about)
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
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Draw me :D
I’ll give you cookies 🍪
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
could I offer this fella for Chilli’s commissions? i offer a cupcake as payment 🧁
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
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Payment of a triple chocolate cookie and a shiny green crayon!
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penumbramewtwos · 4 months
I will pay Chili in cookies and stuff for Zachary to be drawn
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