#Chris Stoddard's Strategies
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Chris Stoddard: The Authority on Small Charity Fundraising with Over £20M Raised Globally
Chris Stoddard is an international speaker, author, and charity fundraising specialist with a focus on small charities. As the CEO of RaiseMore, Chris has helped raise over £20 million globally for charitable organisations. With unparalleled expertise in the sector, Chris offers insights that transform small charity fundraising strategies. Visit: https://chrisstoddardfundraising.co.uk/
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lavendertales · 3 years
Do I wanna know? (Javier Peña x f!reader)
Part 18 of Lay It On Me series
summary: You've had one of the longest weeks in your life and you close it by showing up to Steve and Connie's little get-together party. But things escalate quickly when someone finally snaps.
word count: 4.8k
A/N: just a lot of tension for obvious reasons.
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gif: @dindja-rin
series masterlist | AO3 | playlist
Your task was simple the following day: the moment you saw Steve, you had to talk to him.
But the moment you laid your eyes on him, said task became a bit of a burden.
“Morning!” you said, a little too enthused even for his taste.
Which was probably why he frowned at you as you grabbed him gently by the arm and led him into the conference room, shutting the door behind the two of you.
“What’re you doing? What’s with the sudden happy face? Kind of freaks me out.”
“Just… wanted to talk to you. In private.”
You took a deep breath and wore a bright smile at him before mentally preparing yourself for any reaction that he might’ve thrown at you.
“Okay, I’m just gonna say this out loud, directly. Your wife is here.”
It took Steve’s frown a few seconds to deepen. “I… don’t have a wife. Call the cops.”
It was your turn to frown. “We’re the DEA—never mind. Alright then. Your alleged ex-wife is here.”
And then Steve’s facial expression turned into one of shock.
“Do you have another one that I don’t know about?”
“I—what the hell? What do you mean Connie’s here? And—and alleged ex-wife?”
“Look, it’s kind of a long story. She’s staying with me, and… she just wants to see you, to talk to you. She’ll tell you everything. If you let her.”
Steve remained silent for a while, running his hands through his hair hectically and roaming around the conference room until he felt calmer, but his mind did not get any clearer.
“Is this a joke? A prank, or some sort of—”
“I’d never make a cruel joke like that. She really is here, Steve.”
“I—I don’t know… what to do.”
You sat him down and smiled at him, this time sincerely.
“The only reason why she didn’t pick up the phone when you called her yesterday is because she was on a plane to come to you. She doesn’t want anyone else but you. And right now… she just wants to talk. Would you be able to do that?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I think so,” he said without hesitation this time.
He seemed much more nervous once he left the conference room, completely distracted as the team went over the day’s strategy. Gilberto Rodriguez was in custody of the DEA now, but rumor had it that he wouldn’t be able to be retained. The Rodriguez brothers had bought so many people to keep themselves on that high pedestal that it was damn near impossible to figure out which ones were true to the cause and which ones had been poisoned by the promise of money.
While Franklin Jurado vanished, his wife Christina was left behind, and it was Javier’s time to shine. Her phone had been successfully taped, despite Stoddard’s reluctance and fears that what they were doing was wrong, and Javier was on his way to follow her, leaving you and the men back at the office, going through several policies and potential go-to ideas that might aid you in your search to capture the other three godfathers of Cali.
“Chepe is still in New York,” Steve said, pointing at the picture of José Santacruz Londoño, also known amongst friends and rivals as Chepe. “So there’s no way we can get our hands on him there.”
“And the North Valley cartel isn’t helping us do our job either,” Chris added.
“Why would they?” you replied. “They’re Cali’s main rivals and unlike them, those guys don’t really hide just how bloody they like to work.”
“Just this week there’s been another massacre downtown.”
Chris and Daniel spread several pictures of victims, and your eyes stopped on one in particular. A woman in her fifties by the looks of it, bruised and bloody, shot and left on the side of the road. You stared and stared, a massive hole creating in the depths of your stomach, nearly turning your insides out.
“This woman,” you said, tone grave.
“Uh… yeah, worked with North Valley apparently. Got butchered alongside the others in the fire exchange. Do you know her?”
You kept staring at the picture, trying to compose yourself by taking deep, long breaths and maintaining your blank face. Eventually, you gulped and looked elsewhere completely. There wasn’t any solid reason for you to be feeling like that over a stranger, and yet a small part of you couldn’t help it. You scratched your wrists, pressing your nails into the flesh just enough to feel them and not to hurt yourself.
Not anymore.
“Let’s figure out a way to get our hands on Miguel then,” you responded after what felt like an eternity.
“We need to move fast,” Daniel said. “If Gilberto doesn’t get to stay locked in, we’re gonna have an even bigger problem.”
“Let’s get a move on then.”
Steve waited until Chris and Daniel were out of sight to approach you again, nervously putting his hands on his hips and moving close enough to whisper to you.
“Is it okay if I stop by your place tonight? To—you know, talk to her?”
“Sure thing. I’ll let her know.”
“Thank you. For… everything.”
You smiled fondly.
“Also, did you happen to, uh—mention to her that we—and Javi—?”
“Yeah, cause that was the first thing that I was gonna tell your wife the moment she stepped back into Colombia. That you, me and Javier went at it one time.”
“I was just making sure.”
“If I were you, I wouldn’t start the conversation with that.”
“Wasn’t going to.”
“Good. Be yourself. Be honest. You got this.”
“Thanks. Speaking of honesty—”
You rolled your eyes and sighed. You didn’t even need to ask or hear the rest of the sentence. You knew exactly where Steve was headed with that, and you already hated it.
“Just focus on you and Connie, please,” you said, walking away with a frustrated strut.
“What about you and—”
“There’s no ‘me and’. It’s just me. It’s always been just me.”
“Especially now. Right?”
He knows more than he leads everyone to believe.
Go, Steve.
“What are you talking about?” you asked, arms crossed at your chest in some sort of a defense.
“You knew that woman from the massacre, didn’t you?”
You forgot to breathe normally for a solid moment before you exhaled, chest heavy and limbs numb.
“It doesn’t matter whether I knew her or not. It makes no difference now.”
“I think it does.”
“What are you, my father?”
“Definitely not.”
You let out an involuntary chuckle, perfectly aware of where you and Steve stood in your relationship.
“If you’re dying to know… it was my mother.”
Definitely not the answer that had Steve expected.
“Your—your mother?”
You nodded, knot painful in your throat.
“We haven’t spoken much since she threw me out of the house. And we haven’t spoken at all in ten years. We were hardly close. I had no idea she was in Colombia, nor that she was working for North Valley… I had no idea about anything. For all I care, she was a stranger.”
“Your face dropped when you saw the picture. Even now, you look pissed off and… sad.”
“I am not sad. On the other hand, I am always pissed off. So just—drop it.”
You left, too overwhelmed from the events that transpired in a single morning. You kept scratching at the surface of your wrists with your nails, sneaking in the gesture beneath your blazer and averting yourself from anyone’s eyes, particularly Steve’s.
There was plenty of work to be done.
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After yet another exhausting day, the last thing on your to-do list was stop by Steve’s place to check up on him – and Connie, subsequently. There were dozens of scenarios going around in your head regarding the outcome of their conversation. The first one, the most obvious and desired one, was their reconciliation. However, your pessimist side couldn’t help but throw in a little fear in one of them: that Steve might choose to move on. But he had missed Connie so much over the past year—and apparently so did she—that it was almost unfair and cruel to split up for good when they were both madly in love with each other.
Indeed it seemed like a cruel sentence to each go on their separate ways when there was so much in between.
You were about to knock on the door when your fist remained suspended midair, stunned at the other presence in the hallway.
“What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to check up on Murphy. Both of them,” Javier answered, a little taken aback himself.
“How did you know Connie was here?”
“I asked Steve if he wanted to grab a drink tonight and, inevitably, he spilled it all out.”
“Give him a break. He was nervous.”
“Look at you being a softie.”
You threw Javier one of your trademark death stares, but he didn’t fall for it.
He never did.
“I have had a very shitty day. So if you don’t mind, I am not in the mood for another screaming match. Please.”
You were about to knock on the door again, and again you stopped midair, this time surprised because of something else entirely.
The noises were unmistakable. There was no way they could’ve came from anything else. Eyes wide, you stared dumbfounded at Javier and he stared back at you with the same facial expression.
“Sounds like they’re getting along,” Javier commented, ear pressed to the door.
“Is that—?”
“Yep, that’s Connie, alright.”
You frowned at him, slightly disturbed. “Why do you know that?”
“I lived right across the hall from them. It was a pretty small building. Walls weren’t that thin.”
You and Javier moved away simultaneously from the door, exiting the building altogether. There was another uncomfortable silence as you walked to your car.
“What happened today?”
You chuckled, a sarcastic smirk smeared across your lips. “Look at you, a softie.”
Javier smiled as mockingly as ever.
“It’s been a long day, okay? That’s all there is to it.”
“You sound like you could use a drink.”
“Are you really down that bad that you want to have a drink with the woman that you despise?”
“I thought we agreed to drop this stupid act.”
“What act? It’s true.”
“No, it’s not.”
Suddenly you felt bad. Guilt consumed you once again, and it was all the more terrible because you had no more room in you for any feelings today.
“Goodnight, Javier.”
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That week kept getting worse and worse for you, and all you could’ve wanted that weekend was to be alone and drink until your whole body went numb. Bad news were on a streak, and you were tired of everything.
So when Steve launched the invitation to come by his place to celebrate his much desired reunion with Connie, you wanted to refuse, loud and clear. But when you noticed the spark in Steve’s eyes, the hope that had valiantly returned, you found that you could not refuse the invitation.
“It’s a casual night,” he informed you. “Dinner, some drinks and hopefully we can diffuse some of the tension.”
“Like you and Connie did?”
Steve scowled, but you were quick to clarify. “I stopped by your place to make sure you guys were okay and—well. You sounded like you were doing just fine.”
“Sorry about that. Were we that loud though?”
“She was. But it’s a good sign.”
“Anyway, tomorrow night, nine o’clock.”
“Got it. I’ll bring alcohol.”
“I mean—as you want. We got plenty.”
“Not enough, trust me.”
The prospect of spending an entire evening with your work colleagues and Connie was simultaneously alluring and dreadful. You weren’t quite sure what it was; perhaps the thought of drinking yourself into calmness in a room which would contain Javier as well was something you weren’t100% ready to face after such a disappointing and long week. Steve was the only one who knew about the two of you and your questionable past, and you intended to keep things that way. At the very least, you could play pretend and be everyone’s friend that night.
Except you couldn’t.
The moment Steve welcomed you into the apartment, you placed the bottle of whiskey on the kitchen counter and sat on the couch near Daniel, and as much as you wanted to smile politely and be friendly, you just couldn’t.
“Tough day?” Daniel asked you.
“Tough week. Or life in general.”
He nodded, clearly not about to engage in some boring or uncomfortable speech, gesture which you appreciated immensely.
“Guess we’ll be doing the drinking tonight,” Daniel said, sipping on a beer.
“You bet we—”
The door opened wide enough for Steve to welcome Chris and Javier, both greeting Connie with a brief hug and a polite hand shake. Your eyes landed instantly on Javier, admiring his tightly fitted black shirt and jeans. You gulped, perfectly aware of the fact that you were staring by that point.
But for the first time, you truly didn’t care.
“Are,” you finished your sentence in a whisper.
Javier intercepted your glare and returned it in his very characteristic way, something dark residing behind his chocolate eyes.
“Thank you for the drinks, guys,” Connie said in her ever cheerful and warm voice. “Anyone hungry?”
“I could eat,” Chris admitted.
Connie and Steve fumbled around in the kitchen, fixing some plates for everyone, whilst Daniel engaged in a conversation with Chris about the latter’s son, which left you and Javier in yet another highly tensed situation next to each other on the couch.
You didn’t just feel shitty anymore. You were tense and nervous, your whole body rigid next to Javier’s. You didn’t dare look at him anymore, but you could tell he sensed your nervousness.
I feel everything that you do.
“How are you doing?”
You couldn’t help but turn around slowly to face him. Javier appeared to be genuine with his question, yet something about it didn’t sit right with you. It was out of character for the both of you somehow.
“We moved on to silly pleasantries now?” you fired back.
“I can’t be polite?”
“I don’t know if you can. It’s never been the case with me.”
Javier huffed, and the sheer frustration and anger that came out with that mundane gesture stiffened you even further.
“I’m not gonna fight with you tonight,” he cooed into your ear and the moment his breath touched your earlobe, you felt like losing all of your consciousness. “Not when Murphy called us here to celebrate.”
His hand was in dangerous proximity to your upper thigh and whatever air you had in your lungs got stuck, causing you to nearly choke.
“If you would be so kind to get your hand—”
You filthy, impertinent piece of shit—
The exchange was going under everyone’s noses, though they all seemed too preoccupied by their respective activities to notice the heavy tension and the whispers that lingered in between you and Javier.
“Off of my leg,” you finished murmuring, sucking another breath in.
Eyes stuck on you, Javier succumbed, pouring himself a whiskey. You looked at him pleadingly and not a moment too late, he poured you a glass as well. You chugged it immediately, feeling the sting and the burn down your throat calming you down a little. You poured yourself a second one and stared at Connie and Steve gushing around each other, a sight which surely made you smile, even if it was for a split second.
Once everyone ate something, Connie had everyone sit in a circle and you were thankful to be sandwiched between Steve and Daniel, but the fact that Javier ended up right in front of you could’ve only been bad news. When you began playing Truth or Dare, your gut told you that things were about to get messy.
“Alright man, truth or dare?” Steve asked Chris.
“I’m feeling bold tonight, so dare.”
“Finish the whole beer in one sitting.”
Without hesitation, Chris did what he was told. The men applauded, just as you would’ve expected, whilst you and Connie chuckled.
“Boss,” Chris said afterwards, wiping his mouth, “truth or dare?”
Chris was now asking you, and you felt a rush throughout your body, a tingly feeling that only worsened when you glanced for a fleeting second at Javier eyeing you closely.
“Truth,” you responded.
“What’s the fun in that?”
“You can ask whatever you want. Everyone has to answer truthfully, so.”
“Okay. And pardon me for the language, but tonight we’re all friends here, right?”
“Then don’t call me boss.”
“Deal. So, what’s the most outrageous place you’ve ever… done it in?”
Any time and place with him, really.
Any time we did it because it was all outrageous in itself.
“Uh… I would say… the closet. In a restaurant.”
Javier finished his whiskey without exchanging a single look with you, but he needn’t do that anyway. You knew damn well he recalled the time, and it was the one time you could reveal without exposing your situationship and the times you hooked up at the office.
“Oh, bold,” Connie seemed impressed.
“Wasn’t the space too small?” Daniel asked.
Taken aback, you stared at him for a bit before you answered, “Not if you know what you’re doing.”
“Ask the next question then.”
“Connie. Truth or dare?”
“Okay. Tell us about the best sex you’ve ever had.”
Connie proceeded to tell a rather lewd story about her and Steve in the parking lot of some diner and everyone was having a copious laughter, cheeks flushed and drinks in hands. You actually felt good for a moment, forgetting the exhaustion and the frustration. 
For one single moment.
And then Javier’s eyes found yours and you lost yourself again.
“Alright, Javi,” Connie said, clearly feeling playful. “Truth or dare?”
“Weak,” Steve muttered.
“Who do you think is the most attractive person here? Yes, everyone included.”
Javier stared right at you without a single moment of hesitation and, seconds later, shamelessly muttered your name.
The rest of the group turned to you, only to notice your blank face and unable to see through the torturous inner battle that was raging inside of you.
“Thanks. I think,” you said dryly.
You weren’t in your right mental faculties anymore to have another reply in your arsenal, a bolder one, so you stuck with that one.
The game went on and on until everyone was at least a little tipsy and until it was Steve’s turn to ask Javier.
That’s when your stomach churned and twisted, painfully so.
“Alright Javi, since you said she’s the sexiest person here—no offense taken—”
“You should take some offense, but whatever,” Javier comments playfully.
“I dare you to beg her not to leave you in an over-the-top performance. Wailing is encouraged.”
“Why would he—“you began.
“Oh, come on. It’s all for entertainment purposes.”
And just when you might’ve thought things could return to the casual atmosphere, there was an explosion.
“Stop being so fucking pathetic, man!” Steve shouted, standing up. “You’ve been drooling like a love struck dog for, what, a year and a half, because of this woman and you can’t even have the balls to tell her?? You’re pathetic! Own up to it, get your head out of your ass and talk to her because this is fucking torture for everyone around you and especially for her!”
Everyone stared at Steve in utter shock until, inevitably, they turned to you and Javier. You gulped, feeling like everything was spinning and the whole world was crashing atop of you.
“You’re in love with her?” Connie was the first one to speak, voice cracking.
“Nobody said anything about—”
“For fuck’s sake, would you stop it??” Steve shouted again. “Man up!”
You were too stunned to say anything. You stared breathlessly at Javier, feeling the color drain out of your cheeks. Daniel and Chris were just as quiet, sipping on their drinks and watching the show unfold rather than saying something regrettable.
“Steve, come on, sit down,” Connie tried to coax him.
“Just admit it already,” he growled at Javier.
“Fine! Yes, I have feelings! I am not made of fucking stone! I am not a fucking boulder than everyone sits on! I have fucking feelings for her, yes! Why else would I do the things that I do, steal transfer files—”
You would’ve choked on your drink if you would’ve had any left. You felt completely sober for a split second as you stared at him in shock and displeasure.
Javier went mute, avoiding your death glare and you figured he felt incredibly guilty, which he should have, you thought. He absolutely should have.
“You stole her transfer application?” Connie asked, stunned.
“She applied for a transfer back to the States and she was supposed to leave after Escobar died,” Steve explained to her.
“But that’s—isn’t that illegal in some way?” Chris intervened.
“You broke government rules—”
“I can’t… believe you,” you moved closer to him, nearly forcing him to look at you. “What gives you the right to do that?”
“I think he just wanted you to stay. It’s sweet.”
“It’s not—sweet! It’s—it’s a lot more complicated than that! That was my decision, Javier, not yours!”
“You chose to walk away because of me, because I am hurting you, us, constantly, and you have every right to do that.”
“You bet I do!”
“But I chose you. I always choose you, voluntarily or not. You were always my choice. And I am selfish and a piece of shit, yes, but I would tear apart every narco in this country, limb by limb, if it meant you got to stay. And I would break the fucking law and the fucking rules over and over… and over again. Without any second thoughts. If it meant you got to stay.”
The silence was earsplitting again. You couldn’t take your eyes off of Javier, and neither could he. You also couldn’t decide if you felt enraged at the revelation or flattered. It was a tough call, especially since you knew, deep down, that you didn’t really want to leave Colombia in the first place. The job had priority, to be sure, but—
“That’s it,” Steve dragged the both of you by the arm into his bedroom. “If you don’t talk things right the fuck now, I am gonna have another meltdown, and you won’t like this one.”
“What are you doing?” you asked, slightly taken aback by his reaction.
“I don’t care how long it takes, you better figure things out right now.”
Steve closed the door with you two in the bedroom, astounded at his behavior.
“And if I hear you having sex in there, I’m killing you both!” he announced behind the door.
You actually chuckled this time.
“Well now I kinda wanna do that just to piss him off,” Javier said.
Again you chuckled, shyly staring at him. “I guess we have no choice but to talk.”
Javier sighed, feeling his skin afire. He scratched the back of his neck and sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes turned soft and warm at your figure.
“I meant what I said,” he began. “I—I do have feelings for you. I thought it’s just because of the whole sleeping together arrangement, that it’s just me wanting more of that but—”
“It’s not just that.”
“I know. I… feel the same way.”
You sat next to him, hands in your lap and nails digging softly into your wrist, gesture which didn’t go unnoticed by Javier.
“What’s that?”
You stopped as if on command.
“A… habit to calm myself down when I’m anxious or… nervous.”
“Is it working?”
No, it’s not, because you’re staring at me with those soft puppy eyes and I can’t handle it very well right now.
“Not so much,” you admitted.
It was for the very first time that you were totally honest with Javier and the moment turned itself into something fragile, filled with sensitivity and a raw emotion that neither one of you could had foreseen.
“Our first fight,” he said out of the blue, a grin on his face.
“What about it?”
“When we went on that stakeout, close to the brothel. And I tried my best to pretend like I didn’t know that place but I had three of those women say hi to me.”
You smiled, reminiscing the moment perfectly.
“You sank onto the passenger’s seat, not at all smooth, and acted like you didn’t know them but you couldn’t help but say hello to them,” you giggled.
Javier stared at you in awe, soaking up the image as best as he could.
“This might be the first time I’ve ever seen you smile,” he said. “You should do it more often because… shit, it—it lights up the room.”
You didn’t want to smile again but you did it anyway against all of your willpower, staring at the wall. It was a wider smile, honest, and it drove Javier insane.
“That first fight was when I first felt it,” he continued. “That… tingle, that thrill you always brought to me. I thought ‘this woman knows how to push my buttons. I finally found my match’.”
“That was like… two years ago.”
Javier shrugged and your heart skipped a beat at the realization. Looking back on it, it made all the sense in the world.
“Es como si vivieras en mi cabeza por lo mucho que me molestas.”
It’s like you live in my head because of how much you annoy me.
“That’s what you told me the first time we—”
“Did you mean it as in…?”
“I think I did. I didn’t realize it at the time, I thought I was just being angry but… I think I did.”
“The first time we kissed.”
“That’s when I felt that tingle, too.”
Javier frowned. “That was… the first time we hooked up.”
“Mhm. And I know it was just something to get the tension out, but… I never shared a kiss like that. It was… consuming and passionate and… it was like it ate me alive. That’s when I realized that… no one ever felt that way.”
“Not even your—”
“No one.”
The silence was no longer uncomfortable. It was pleasant and cozy and you both found some peace in it after a very, very long time.
“I’m still angry with you for the whole transfer situation,” you scolded him.
“I know.”
“I mean it.”
“I know that. I’d do it all over again.”
You turned to him to let him just how much you disapproved, and he pulled you in for that very same maddening kiss that you always shared. It was slower, but deeper and more intimate, having now sharing an actual feeling and adding it to the tension lingering in between you two.
The kiss deepened and your hands snaked their way up to his broad shoulders, hanging onto the little handles on his shirt. Javier pulled you onto his lap so you had sufficient space to grind onto him whilst kissing him. The friction felt maddening, even against your clothed core; Javier groaned into the kiss, his hands resting on your back, pressing your body onto his.
“Hold onto me, baby,” he muttered, peppering kisses on your neck.
The violent and sudden knock on the door pressed pause on your activity.
“Y’all better not be fucking in there or so help me God—”
“Murphy, I swear—“Javier grunted.
You put your index on his lips and he retaliated by kissing it gently, goosebumps all over your body from that gesture alone.
“We’re not,” you shouted.
“We can do this quietly, can’t we?”
You stared at him in disbelief. “You know I have a hard time keeping quiet with you.”
“I’m having a hard time myself.”
You cleared your throat and climbed off of his lap, pecking his lips once more before knocking on the door. Steve unlocked it, staring judgingly at you both.
“Well?” he demanded.
“We’re good. We just talked.”
“You may come out of the room then.”
“I’ll be there. In a minute,” Javier said, not looking at either one of you.
Steve frowned. “You said you just talked.”
“We did.”
You waltzed out of the bedroom, the memory of that fiery kiss imprinted so deeply on your mind that you knew you’d have it last at least for the following week.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
#TwitterHouse 2016 was about politics. In @realDonaldTrump’s America, it’s everything else
Image: Michael Mendoza/RPB Studio
South by Southwest Interactive’s claim to fame includes being the place where companies like Meerkat, Foursquare and Twitter have gotten their start.
Unfortunately for SXSW, most of those companies have struggled. Meerkat’s gone. Foursquare? Viewed as dead, but is in fact alive and embraced a new data business. And while Twitter is mentioned every day on national television, essentially leading our news cycle, it continues to have a tough time on the stock market and finding new users.
SEE ALSO: Yeah, Twitter’s watching you even when you’re not tweeting
But Twitter’s trying to make a comeback at the place it first rose to prominence, no less. This year, Twitter organized its first consumer push since launching at SXSW in 2007. They’ve always been here, but for the first time, Twitter had a house on Rainey Street (alongside Pinterest, Intel and CNN).
#TwitterHouse epitomizes how I feel rn http://pic.twitter.com/PecShwJ6fG
Kerry Flynn #SXSW (@kerrymflynn) March 11, 2017
They’re inviting not only business partners, but other SXSW attendees, to experience and learn about what’s happening on Twitter.
There were major events happening every single day of SXSW Interactive and into SXSW Music at Twitter House.
Last Saturday, Twitter held a casino-themed party with Warner Bros (“The House Party”) to celebrate the movie The House.
On Sunday, people could watch the NCAA’s Selection Sunday, and have a Wendys Frosty (Wendy’s is very good at Twitter).
On Monday, Twitter and NYLON held a happy hour and a party for Hulus upcoming show, A Handmaids Tale,as well as a live viewing of The Bachelor finale.
And finally, on Tuesday, Twitter kicked off the music portion of SXSW with a concert with SoundCloud.
Frances Cone live @twitter at #SXSW https://t.co/F1BBlivRSd
Mashable (@mashable) March 14, 2017
I sat down with Nola Weinsteinhead of influencer engagement and experiential marketing at Twitterbetween all these events (which she planned) to learn why there was so much happening for Twitter this year at SXSW (yet, sans- politics).
We met up in the backyard of the Four Seasons, where PureWow was hosting a brunch next door, and where we could finally enjoy the sun after days of rain.
“Our strategy?” Weinstein said after we talked about her job. “Twitter is the place for whats happening. It’s whats happening in the world. It’s whats happening in culture. We had a roster that focused on our core passion points, like elevating our super fanatics of The Bachelor.”
Super fanatics, like my colleague, Mashable’s digital entertainment reporter Saba Hamedy:
At @Twitter house at #sxsw for #bachelor finale viewing party. Look at the themed food & drinks http://pic.twitter.com/faq7CD39AQ
Saba Hamedy (@saba_h) March 14, 2017
The Twitter House itself was an intriguing venue.
“The space was designed to be very conversational, without barriers, standing outside or mixing outside. We had a photo booth, t-shirt printing,” Weinstein said. “The space itself we chose because it felt sort of like a clubhouse.”
Tshirt game was totally on point for #sxsw at #TwitterHouse http://pic.twitter.com/8g7qA33uGQ
Helen J. Stoddard (@helenjstoddard) March 15, 2017
Last year, Twitter’s much smaller presence at SXSW featured only a house a little far off the path of the main SXSW action. But they had a panel discussion with Ted Cruz’s digital director, among other political figures. The event was coordinated by Twitter’s policy and government team.
“That was not run by the events team,” Weinstein said. “At the time it was what’s going on. The theme is its what happening. We’re focused more around pop culture.”
#TwitterHouse on at #SXSW http://pic.twitter.com/riNHwWnCw8
Jen Marcus (@jenmarcus) March 15, 2017
Twitter did a host a somewhat political event, a brunch titled #SheInspiresMe with powerful female leaders.
Twitter organized a #sxsw brunch for a bunch of women who follow each other and made us sweaters. #SheInspiresMe http://pic.twitter.com/V4Trq06m1a
Elizabeth Plank (@feministabulous) March 11, 2017
“It’s about driving action, coming together. They are collectively supporting movements, passion projects on Twitter,” Weinstein said. “This is a chance for them to meet. It’s kind of like Twitter in real life.”
Throughout the day at the Twitter House, they had a live studio with various celebrities coming through to air videos. For example, Jon Hamm and Octavia Spencer both talked about their new movies.
Jon Hamm isn’t on Twitter, but wait… did he just Tweet? #BabyDriverMovie #SXSW #TwitterHouse http://pic.twitter.com/rYjg7r9ME6
Twitter Movies (@TwitterMovies) March 12, 2017
So, yeah: It was a big event. Still, big names in the tech industry are boldly speaking out against Twitter. Big Twitter investor Chris Sacca said Wednesday he sold all his stock in Twitter. Jason Calacanis spoke on CNBC’s Squawk Alley calling for CEO Jack Dorsey to step down, and to bring Twitter cofounder and now Medium CEO Ev Williams back.
For now, Twitter is still explainingone week before its 11th birthdaywho and what it is, at the place it all began.
“We wanted this to provide clarity around who we are,” Weinstein said. “The side of our house here, the questions and answers and excitement. It’s really incorporating our brand identity, catching people’s attention in new ways.”
WATCH: Ditch your nail and hammer. Build your dream house in just 2 days using only wooden bricks.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mtAv9q
from #TwitterHouse 2016 was about politics. In @realDonaldTrump’s America, it’s everything else
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Chris Stoddard
Chris Stoddard’s book "A Blueprint for Fundraising" is set to revolutionize fundraising strategies for small charities. Scheduled for release in November 2023, it promises to enhance the efficiency of fundraising efforts. Visit: https://chrisstoddardfundraising.co.uk/
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