#Christmas Ball Monte-Carlo
lavotha · 6 months
Princess Charlene shines at Christmas Ball in Monte-Carlo
Honoring Prince Rainier III This past Friday, December 8. 2023, was the 18th edition of the now legendary Christmas Ball honored the Centenary of the birth of Prince Rainier III, in the magnificent Salle Empire of the Hôtel de Paris Monte Carlo. Princess Charlene joined the celebrations to the delight of the privileged guests. H.S.H. Princess Charléne, Sandrine Knoell, Santa Claus@ Eric Mathon,…
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
❄️Enchanted AU: Christmas Part 22❄️
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Enchanted Mondays are here!! This one is one of my faves! and its a long one 😍
Part 1 | Christmas Part 1 | Last Chapter
Part 22/Christmas Part 9
“The tree is really big!” Lio whisper-shouted, his blue eyes comically wide as he took in the decorated Christmas tree in the middle of the city centre. Luka pointed up at the ornaments sparkling in the night, his other hand was clasped tightly in his dad’s grip. Daniel shifted Lio on his hip, making sure to keep him snug and secure.
“Need some help?” Max saddled up beside them, offering his hands to his nephew. Lio shook his head and clutched Daniel around the neck. Daniel smiled tauntingly, his eyes teasing that he was now Lio’s favourite. Max stuck his tongue out, causing Daniel to laugh.
“Stay close?” Daniel asked softly, when Sophie and Vic walked in the direction of the shops. 
“Of course.” Max stuffed his hands in his pocket.
They were at the Christmas market. Casino Square was extravagantly lit up with trees, giant nutcrackers and teddybears. The classic car club was out in full force, showcasing the best of the collections of the residents of Monte Carlo. Even the casino building itself was lit up to look like a giant snow globe– so far that had been Luka’s favourite.
The Christmas choir had just finished their second to last concert of the evening and Sophie had suggested they make their way to the carousel in the centre of it all.
The group continued walking around, lazily making their way through the throng of people and shops. There were many things to see and do and it took all of Daniel’s willpower to not veer off down one of the paths to follow the smell of sweets. 
“Uncle Max, did they grow that Christmas tree that big?” Lio asked in awe, he was still looking at the brightly lit tree behind them. It stood out beautifully amongst the buildings and trees, a beacon of Christmas in the darkening park.
“No, they grew it someplace else and brought it here for all of us.” Max explained patiently.
“So there's more?” Lio’s innocent wonder warmed Max's heart.
“Yup. And there's probably trees that are bigger too.”
“Have you ever seen one Uncle Daniel?”
Daniel shook his head, looking properly awestruck as well. “Nope!” He popped the p, “this is the biggest Christmas tree I've ever seen!” Lio’s wondrous expression didn't go away until they got to the carousel.
The merry go round was enchanting; the cliche carnival music did nothing to stop the laughter and joy that exuded the people who rode it.
Max and Daniel joined the line, Daniel was excited to ride the carousel. He couldn't remember the last time he was able to, more than likely when he was a lot younger. 
They were almost to the front when Luka bounced up– a ball of excitement and started screaming in Dutch about Santa Claus. Lio wiggled and squirmed until Daniel put him down and the two boys were off dragging their parents in a different direction. Daniel looked over at Max to see if he still wanted to go now that they didn't have Lio with them anymore.
“Do you still want to?” Max asked.
“If you don't want to, it's fine.” Daniel demurred, he was fine to do something else if that's what Max wanted.
“You told Luka that you wanted to go on it, we can, of course, still do it while they go visit Santa, maybe.” Max nodded his head because the plan was sound, Daniel nodded along. He didn't know when Luka told Max about the carousel but he wasn't going to fight it. He did want to ride this ride.
The line conductor motioned for them to enter the ride, and they walked onto the platform and mounted the pair of horses in front of them. Daniel grinned over at Max and held onto the pole tightly. 
The ride jolted into movement and Daniel laughed joyously as they floated along on the horses. Max watched as he threw his head backwards in glee, he couldn't keep the smile off of his face even if he wanted to. And Max didn't want to. 
Daniel was a breath of fresh air. His life hadn't been boring or tedious, far from it. But Daniel had brought a lightness to his days recently. And Max realized that he didn't want to be without him. He didn't want Daniel to leave and go back to Australia when this was all said and done. Max wanted him to stay here, in Monaco with him and Jimmy and Sassy.
He needed him to stay.
They stumbled off of the ride together, breathless with giggles. Max crowded Daniel into his chest and led him out of the brightly lit, cordoned off area for the carousel. They stepped onto the empty path towards the back of the ride. It was by the tree line, darker and with everyone's focus was around the corner (getting onto the ride and the line for Santa), no one would notice them.
“That was fun!” Daniel's grin was wide and bright.
“It was! I don't remember the last time I rode one.” Max confessed, grinning at Daniel's smile.
“Really? Don't they have it every year?” 
Max shrugged and Daniel laughed. It didn't matter, they just did it together. A breeze blew by and Daniel shivered under his sweatshirt. Max pulled him close and clutched Daniel's cold hands between his own.
The air was crisp, now that the sun had gone down. It wasn't as frigid as Max was used to when it came to winter, but it was cold for Monaco which meant it was cold for Daniel.
“Let's get you some tea, there was a booth I think.” Max murmured, Daniel swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded, captured by the softness of Max’s eyes on him, by his tender smile. He would go anywhere Max wanted him, he thought.
They rejoined the crowd of people and Max took Daniel's hand and led him along the path, through the chaos. He found the shop with little issue. 
Daniel chose a simple chai blend, it smelled delicious.
“You sure you don't want chamomile? You always have it at home.” Max asked, poking through the prepackaged containers of loose leaf tea. He had no idea what any of it meant but it was something Daniel liked.
“Oh Maxy, if I drink chamomile right now I'll be like asleep on my feet!” Daniel giggled to ignore the butterflies when Max said home.
“Of course, I would carry you.” Max pointed out offhandedly. He took up a container that looked good. It was chamomile with something else inside, the tag said it was good for sleep and keeping calm.
Daniel snapped his mouth shut in surprise, he was sure his eyes were wide. The barista got his attention and he accepted his drink sheepishly, a blush resting on its now usual spot high on his cheeks.
Max placed the container of the countertop to be added to his bill.
“Do you have an infuser?” The barista asked and Max's brow furrowed. What was that?
“No, we don't.” Daniel bit his lip, he knew Max didn't drink tea, so he wasn't exactly sure what was happening. Maybe he drank hot drinks during the holidays? It did get cold. Or maybe it was for Vic.
“Oh, well would you like to choose one?”
Max looked at the options on the tray and selected one that looked like a cat holding onto the side of the mug. The barista rang up everything and handed Max a little bag with his tea and accessories. 
Max pressed his hand on Daniel's back, between his shoulder blades and guided him from the shop.
“Who's that for?” Daniel asked, he blew a little on his cup and sipped his tea. He moaned a little at the flavors. It was really good and it was so warm.
Max hid his surprise at the noise and bit his lip, determined to not focus on it. “It's for you!” He said instead. “It's chamomile and something else, it's supposed to be good for sleeping, I think.” He scratched the hair at the nape of his neck when Daniel's eyes widened. 
Daniel licked his lip and Max's eyes followed the movement, his lips were plump and pink from the tea and Daniel's constant biting. Max just wanted to pull Daniel's lip from between his teeth– preferably with his lips.
“For me?” Daniel asked, trying to peek into the bag at Max's side. 
“Yeah, well you like chamomile tea, and they are a very good tea shop it seems.” Max shrugged as if this was a normal thing to do and Daniel took a slow sip of his tea while watching Max. 
“Thank you Maxy.” Daniel whispered, ducking his head shyly. He focused on his tea and not on the super kind and considerate man in front of him. The cup felt amazing on his palms, so warm and cozy and the tea was divine. Max hadn't been wrong about them being a good tea shop.
They strolled around for a bit, pointing out decorations or things they both found funny. They ended up buying a bag of cat treats that Daniel offhandedly said Jimmy and Sassy might like.
Daniel walked aimlessly through the stalls and Max followed contentedly, they kept up a light banter throughout it all. Max watched as Daniel wandered up to a jewelry display and fingered a silver necklace, then he smiled sheepishly at the attendant and wandered away to a different stall to get lost in some paintings. 
Max tilted his head consideringly before walking up to the attendant, he was still looking for a Christmas gift for Daniel and maybe this could be it.
By the time they caught up with the rest of the family, Lio was fast asleep in Sophie's arms and Luka was rubbing his face with his fist. He was gripping a new plushie, however, and Max could see a similar one pressed under Lio's arm.
“They look like they had fun.” Max grinned. 
“So do you.” Vic teased and Max coughed into his hand with a blush while Daniel awkwardly sipped the lukewarm dregs in the bottom of his cup. Anything to get out of this situation.
“Stop teasing them, we should get these boys home.” Sophie cut in softly before Max could bicker back. Tom scooped Luka into his arms and the boy rested his head on his dad's shoulder.
Sophie led the group out of the marketplace and to the car park. Max's hand rested on Daniel's back once more to lead him through the crowd, this time it settled lower.
Next Chapter
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notjustabooksims · 5 years
Fifty Questions Tag
@thesimperiuscurse​ was kind enough to tag me in this tag and since I’m supposed to study for exams, I thought I’d do it right away. I’m heading off to procrastination station! :D
I’m answering these questions for, who else, Gina, but I’m going to do it under a cut, so you don’t have to scroll so much on your dash.
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How old is your sim? 24.
When is your sim’s birthday? 3rd of April.
What is your sim’s zodiac sign? Aries.
What is your sim’s ethnicity? Italian.
Does your sim have any nicknames? She goes by Gina and her uncle calls her Cupcake. He’s the only one who can get away with it.
Do they have a job? If so what is it? She’s a gang leader who also works as an art thief.
Where does your sim live? In Monte Vista.
Who does your sim live with? She’s lived alone with her dad in Monte Vista since her brother moved out, but her dad has since moved to Collesena to live with her mother.
What environment did your sims grow up in? She grew up in a loving and caring environment, despite the close connection with the gang.
What are your sim’s favourite foods? Gina will eat nearly everything and she absolutely loves food. She has a special fondness for sweet stuff, especially cake (Hence the nickname Cupcake by her uncle).
What is your sim’s favourite drink? White wine. Her and Carlo constantly argue over whether white or red is better, though they generally agree that wine is fantastic.
If they have one what is your sim’s favourite color? She likes teal but it was sort of a surprise to her when Lotta first pointed out that she nearly always wears teal - she honestly didn’t think much about it and never really thought much about a first colour.
Does your sim believe in any clichés? (love at first sight). Not really. She’s a romantic at heart and wants both the big white wedding and family, but she has no illusion that it comes out of nothing.
What is your sim’s sexuality? Straight.
What is your sim’s gender identity? Cis female.
Is your sim type a or type b? If we’re talking A and B personalities, she’s more on the A side.
Is your sim introverted or extroverted? She’s more extroverted and is the type of person who invites someone over rather than being alone.
What is your sims favourite woohoo position? Gina is up for plenty of stuff and doesn’t have a particular favourite position.
Is your sim a pet person? If so what is their favourite animal? No, she is not. She likes animals but she can’t be bothered to have one herself. She would probably like the personality of cats better, but she thinks dogs make better pets but again - she wouldn’t get any.
Does your sim have a best friend? Yes, Carlotta Allegri. They’ve known each other always but only been friends for eight years.
What is/was your sim’s favourite school subject? Lol. No.
Is/was your sim a high, mid or low achiever in school? Low achiever. Very, very low.
Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? If so, what would be or what was their major? Gina went to university for around a year, studying art history. The stuff she retained was useful enough but she loathed studying.
What are your sims political beliefs? (If they have them). She doesn’t really have any. She’s happy to use the gang’s influence to affect political decisions but she mostly does it for the good of the gang.
What is one thing your sims wants to do before they die? Make a name for herself in the underworld - and she’s well on the way to doing it.
Does your sim have a favourite TV show (cable) and/or movie? So, I don’t like to connect pop culture to my stories. You will rarely, if ever, see me referencing real life works that aren’t old (we’re talking 100+ years old). It’s my attempt at keeping the stories fairly timeless, though that’s obviously impossible. To this, therefore, I’ll simply answer that no, I don’t think she has any favourites - she will watch a movie or show with a friend, but she doesn’t care enough to pick a favourite.
Is your sim a Netflix viewer? If so what are their top 3 shows. Yet again, I’m not going to mention any actual works, but as with the movie question, I don’t think she’d have any top 3 shows. She simply doesn’t care enough about movies or tv.
Does your sim like books? If so what’s their favourite one? Oh hell no.
Does your sim enjoy video games, if so what is their favourite one and do they play on PC or console? I can imagine Gina playing with her nephew when he’s playing a console game, though she’s terrible at it. She’s actually terrible at technology.
What is your sim’s personal style? For work, she likes to dress in dark clothes and to send a certain image, which results in hear nearly always wearing her leather jacket and shiny black boots - at the same time, she will still wear revealing clothing as a sort of reminder that hey, she’ll completely kick your ass and you’ll probably be lowkey attracted to her while she’s doing it.
Does your sim have a lucky charm? She does not, but she is a little superstitious so she’ll be the first to tell you not to do certain things before an art heist.
Is your sim religious? No.
What kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their  favourite artist? Again, not going to mention any particular real-life artists (also not going to make any up for the story). Gina likes to listen to music that sounds good when played obnoxiously loudly and especially when she’s driving at high speeds in a stolen car. Though she also likes piano music.
Is your sim a festive person? If so what’s their favourite holiday? She’s festive when it comes to holidays that involves family so Christmas would probably be her favourite.
What is your sim’s favourite type of weather? She likes it to be sunny and very warm.
Does your sim prefer to start fights or finish them? Oh, she does both. Gina is a tiny ball of anger and it doesn’t take much to provoke her, though she’s gotten better as she’s aged. In her teen years, she was happy to start fights at the slightest provocation and she wasn’t popular with teachers as a result.
Does your sim have a dream job? She’s working it!
Does your sim have any siblings? She has an older biological brother, Giuliano, and an older adopted sister, Marta.
Does your sim get along with their family? She does, though she gets along best with her dad (whom she adores) and her siblings. Her and her mother have a healthy respect for each other but they’re too similar to really get along.
What is your sim’s favourite hobby? She likes to take a long, fast drive in the countryside and preferably in a vehicle she doesn’t own.
What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? Mostly, she looks for a connection and especially for someone she can talk to for a long stretches of time without getting bored. Though she’s not aware of it, she also looks for someone who grounds her.
What is a secret about your sim? She still has a little stuffed rabbit that she was fond of as a kid. It’s pink and because she loved it so much, it’s absolutely terrifying now. The only person who knows about it is Enzo.
What is a wish your sim has? She doesn’t verbalise it but she really wants a stable, long-lasting relationship and a loving family like the one she grew up in.
What is a flaw your sim has? Her terrible, terrible temper is her biggest flaw - with it comes a tendency to act rashly and to find it hard to forgive.
How do others generally perceive your sim? She’s generally perceived as sweet and fun-loving, though also as someone to watch out for, due to her temper.
Does your sim have a greatest achievement? Her greatest achievement is yet to come - it would be spoilery to write it here. ;)
If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? She regrets getting together with Doriano Montanari as a teenager and even more she regrets not knowing that her now future sister-in-law, Flora, was seeing him as well. She wishes she could have warned her and prevented the pain Flora went throlugh at his hands.
Does your sim have a favourite emoji? Gina is completely baffled at technology and can only do the most basic things with her phone so no, she doesn’t have a favourite emoji.
Does your sim use simstagram? If so what’s their @? Another nope. (This is also my own aversion against referencing social media in my stories - re: My attempts at making the story more timeless).
What is the last text your sim sent (and who did they text)? She only texts Carlotta and all her messages are to the effect of: “get your ass over here i have wine.” (All in lower caps, of course).
Welp, that was a long one and I’d better get back to studying, so I’ll skip the tagging this time, unless somebody wants to do it in which case: You have hereby been tagged - go forth and do it.
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go-erika-bost-world · 5 years
Every #fairytail has a #ball .... this also has it! Don't you know @montecarloprincipaute every year during #christmastime has his #christmastraditionalball with the patronage of Charlene Princess ... So ... once upon a time there was ... Christmas in Wonderland (the theme of #christmasball of thus year) . Ogni fiaba ha il suo #granballo anche questa! Come non sapevi che #monacomontecarlo tutti gli anni durante le feste di #natale ha il suo #baldenoël sotto il patrocinio della Principessa Charlene .... e allora ... c'era una volta ... Natale Nel Paese delle Meraviglie .. (il tema del Ballo di quest'anno) . . . . #christmas🎄 #christmastime #christmasdecorations #luxurycity #luxuryplaces #monacochristmas #montecarlochristmas (presso Hôtel Hermitage Monte-Carlo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bra-phoF6Rj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jb00beeoh52y
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thoughtsthatstray · 5 years
Over the weekend Winter Storm Diego (since when is this a thing) spit out 8-10-12 inches of snow in this part of North Carolina.  It’s not as fun as it was when you are kid. Now it’s just a pest and a pain in the ass. 
However it did jar loose memories from various snow storms.
The first that came to mind was a neighbor named Wes, that owned the little corner store that I’ve talked about a time or two. The state would take care of the main roads, but he’d go through the neighborhoods and side streets with a blade on his tractor.  He’s no longer with us and likely would be in his 90′s at this point if he was but they don’t make em like that any more.
Tons of snow ball fights. Too many to count.
1987ish...age 15.  Snowed in for about 4 days at a guy named Floyd’s house. His pops was a Postman, so about mid-week, he we made it a point to deliver each of us home. 5 guys in the back of one of those small postal trucks is quite cramped.
Age 13ish, pelting cars on Dutchman, then nailing old lady Holcomb. The youngest of three sons that I was staying with actually cracked her windshield. All seven of us got our asses beat by their dad. He’d be in jail today I’m sure.
Getting stranded at my Grandmother’s after one weekend in April, also around 13ish and I remember loving the food, but still being a bit pissed that I wasn’t home to play with my friends.
Also at my grandmothers, sledding down  what they called a sinkhole on car hoods. Dragging those bastards back up the side not to ruin the track sure was a bitch.
BB gun fight at Floyd’s which likely contributed to the said delivery of teenagers. That ended with someone getting shot about an inch below their eye. Might have been  more fun with paintball guns, but not sure if those were out yet. I’m old.
1989-1990 Walmart Parking lot. An untouched canvas meets about 4 different cars. The ole CRX with it’s front wheel drive was great in the snow. It was so fun speeding and spinning around that parking lot. Well, except for the guy that had the ole '74 or so Monte Carlo. It didn’t turn as quickly as the CRX or the Celica. He tried to turn and the right rear quarter panel slammed into one of the cement bases for the lights. 
Tackle Football games, always fun in the snow. Well until Monty breaks a collarbone again. 
My dad and one of his co-workers coming up on me helping the guys daughter get her VW Bug unstuck. It was on a dirt road and she veered off in  ditch. I was in my CRX and headed out who knows where.  I was 17, she was home from college and they were on their way home for lunch. My dad’s friend had a Grand Wagoneer (love those to this day) with a winch on the front and was going to pull her out.  While he was trying to hook it up, I was able to pick up the front end and move it back in to the road. He looked stunned. She took off. Sadly, I’m the only one of the four that are still around. Life sucks at times.
More snow ball fights
Age 14, driving through a field on my four-wheeler. It never went fast enough, but more fun in the snow and ice. 
1989, calling in to the local NBC station and calling off school when snow was predicted.  It didn’t snow
1990, trying to call and in to the local NBC station to call off school when snow was predicted.  They asked for a school system code this time. Well, it was worth the try. The next day we got out about 12, since it finally started to snow.
Age 14-15, on Hawthorne another snowball fight that ended up involving some police cars... One friend said he was the son of a local dentist, grandson of the former mayor. We got a warning, but the actual son/grandson got grounded for a month because his dad didn’t believe it wasn’t him and his friends.  Hate that Jimmy. 
15-16 again on Hawthorne, pelting cars with snow balls from behind this row of hedges. Cops get called. They get pelted. Our big ole wrestling coach and police man,  who was also a, preacher, insurance salesman, substitute teacher, and I might be forgetting one or two, a real Ronnie of all trades got his big ole ass lit up a couple of times. They’d stop, we’d bound down the yard, down the hill, and towards the creek and come up on the other side. Yet the 13-15  year old kid whose house it was always got blamed for it. Well, until his dad shipped him off to a private school. I think that was after a party that he hosted that could easily have been an 80′s movie, I might have to write about that at some point. His douche of a dad had a toilet seat with dollar bills and coins in it. By the end of the night someone had stolen it. That house got wrecked. Party got out of control. The kid had two older sisters, call the three of them Class of 86, 87 and 92. The girls weren’t home. He was in over his head and there were 100-200 people there. The police were finally called and that is what broke the party up. Otherwise who knows what would have happened. It was a mess. If I had to compare the house to a house in a movie. Maybe the Griswold’s from Christmas Vacation, maybe Home Alone. Somewhat in between size wise. 
Shoveling in a sweatshirt and a pair of shorts and one of the neighborhood State Troopers slowing down to tell me I was going to catch a cold.   I said, “I’ll out run it, kinda like you”.  Young and dumb at 16.He only stopped me once. around age 28. We hadn’t quite sold our parents house yet, and I was in town for a high school reunion. Stopping to shower after an afternoon of beating the little white ball around the golf course. He didn’t recognize the car, and lit me up after leaving.  
Rowdy.... Some might say it’s a miracle I have breath.
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ynatan456 · 3 years
Winning Money Casino 메이저사이트추천 2 #2521
If the player requests the Come odds to be not working ("Off") and the shooter sevens-out or hits the Come bet point, the Come bet will be lost or doubled and the Come odds returned. With everyone and their moms laying claim to the creation of the game, it’s hard to pinpoint its actual origins. Most of us can agree that the game was created in Aruba but who actually invented it is a mystery. The role of rank and suit in organizing cards became switched, so the hanafuda deck has 12 suits, each representing a month of the year, and each suit has 4 cards, most often two normal, one Ribbon and one Special (though August, November and December each differ uniquely from this convention). The numbers pre-drawn can be odd, even or the first 43 numbers that pop out the machine.
Over the centuries, people have used packs of cards to gamble, trade, or tell the future; an activity ideally suited for drinkers and hucksters as much as for families seated around the Christmas table. https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=루비게임 From the formula, we can see the standard deviation is proportional to the square root of the number of rounds played, while the expected loss is proportional to the number of rounds played. Other aspects such as splitting, re-splitting, and doubling can alter with each variant and can affect the house edge. You should also make the bet if you have Ace King Queen or Ace King Jack and ANY of your cards matches the dealer’s upcard.If you hold Ace King Queen and two other cards, make the bet if the higher of those two other cards is higher than the dealer’s upcard.
The theory is that the first win would recover all previous losses plus win a profit equal to the original stake. However, their secondary bet is returned to them with no additional money. Continuing with our example, you would receive your original $10 Ante, plus an additional $10, and your original secondary bet of $20 would be returned. In The Rape of the Lock, Pope’s mock epic about a game of cards, we read that “mighty Contests arise from trivial Things” (I:2); and since the entry of this line into the English language, the word ‘trivial’ has been inextricably linked to the playing card. Before playing Caribbean Stud Poker, you might benefit from learning about certain notions of the game. These helpful tips and basic rules will give you a sense of what to expect before you get to the casino.Once you are at the table, don’t hesitate to ask the dealer any questions you may have. Helping you understand how the game is played is part of their job.
If you’ve played the game before, you may have found yourself holding a strong hand while dealer fails to qualify. It can be extremely frustrating, right? That’s why Caribbean Stud features Jackpot side bet which will pay based on your hand alone, regardless of what happens with the dealer. While there are casinos in many places, a few places have become well known specifically for gambling. Perhaps the place almost defined by its casino is Monte Carlo, but other places are known as gambling centers. RACING DEMON, AN ENGLISH GAME OF SPEED-This high-speed card game goes by multiple names.Even with information on up to two of the dealer’s hole cards and an optimised strategy the player still has a substantial disadvantage (nearly 2%) so you need to have knowledge of at least 3 of the dealer’s hole cards before this is a worthwhile game.
52 card French suited packs almost always come with at least two additional special cards called "jokers", which do not belong to any suit, and are required for some games. Some games that use jokers require them to be distinguishable from each other, so in many modern packs the jokers are printed in different colours - red and black, or coloured and plain - or given different pictures. The payout mode lasts for a number of rounds. During each round, amidst more animations and movies playing on the centre screen, a large payout gate opens up at the bottom of the machine layout and the player must try to shoot balls into it. When the German government abolished gambling in the 1860s, the Blanc family moved to the last legal remaining casino operation in Europe at Monte Carlo, where they established a gambling mecca for the elite of Europe. 모바일바둑이환전 Casino operators usually think of price in terms of what is known as the average or expected house advantage on each bet placed by players.
Among the array of prizes available, there will invariably be an item known as the "special prize" (特殊景品 tokushu keihin: typically a small silver or gold novelty item encased in plastic) that can be sold for cash at an outside establishment in the vicinity of the parlor. When the player and dealer both have a pair, the higher-ranked pair wins. Ranking is determined not by the sum of the tiles' pips, but rather by aesthetics; the order must be memorized. Whether it will remain a popular casino top table game in the United States for long is unpredictable.If the dealer has a low card of 2 or 3 then choose to keep hitting until you reach 13 or above.
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Cable networks such as ESPN and the Travel Channel broadcast games from the World Series of Poker and the World Poker Tour—once obscure competitions reserved primarily for hard-core poker players. Dealers will usually announce if bets are working unless otherwise called off. If a non-working point number placed, bought or laid becomes the new point as the result of a come-out, the bet is usually refunded, or can be moved to another number for free. On each spin of the wheel, the odds of red or black coming up are fifty-fifty. Many people believe this means the number of black results will equal the number of red results over the course of time they are playing the game.Therefore, casino games take place in massive resorts as well as in small card rooms.
For example, if a player decides not to wager a place bet mid-roll but wishes to keep the chips on the number, he or she may request the bet be "not working" or "Off". A common gamblers’ fallacy, called the doctrine of the maturity of the chances (or the Monte-Carlo fallacy), falsely assumes that each play in a game of chance is dependent on the others and that a series of outcomes of one sort should be balanced in the short run by the other possibilities. Until the 1980s, pachinko machines were mechanical devices,[10] using bells to indicate different states of the machine. Electricity was used only to flash lights and to indicate problems, such as a machine emptied of its balls.A wonderful ceiling (the most beautiful of its kind in Europe) is composed of 130 laminated timber elements which weigh 19 tons. At the entrance of the church a pipe organ by Jacquot Lavergne was installed in the gallery in 1958 with 3 keyboards and pedals and 40 registers. The organ has 3,660 pipes. The church contains two items that are registered as historical objects:
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infactforgetthepark · 4 years
[Free Audiobook] Doctor Who: The Veiled Leopard [1950s Time Travel Sci-Fi TV Tie-In]
As a special Christmas treat, audiobook producers Big Finish, who have an official license to make spin-offs adventures to the popular Doctor Who science fiction television series, are offering a free download for a limited time.
Doctor Who: The Veiled Leopard is a time travel historical side adventure audio drama starring the Doctor's friends and allies, set in 1955, with two teams sent on a seemingly paradoxical mission at cross-purposes to each other.
*Monte Carlo, 1966. Four time travellers. Two missions. One costumed ball. the Doctor has sent Peri and Erimem to prevent the fabulous Veiled Leopard diamond from being stolen. Which is odd, seeing as the Doctor has sent Ace and Hex to steal the diamond. How will the two teams cope with this... *
This is available as DRM-free MP3 and M4B downloads, via the Bigfinishmas 2019 promo page for their holiday sales. Enter the code SANTACLAWS in the box, and then click the button where it says Unlock (requires account signup with valid email address but no payment info) and click again to check that it made it through to your account where you'll be able to download it anytime at your leisure.
Offered until just before midnight British Time (3:59 pm Pacific Time, I think), on December 25th, directly from the publisher.
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lavotha · 7 months
Centenary Christmas Ball in Monte-Carlo, December 8, 2023
Honoring Prince Rainier III The theme for the 18th edition of the Christmas Ball is the Centenary of the birth of Prince Rainier III. This highly anticipated event is scheduled for Friday, December 8, 2023, at 20:30, in the magnificent Salle Empire of the Hôtel de Paris. in the heart of Monte-Carlo. Organized Under the High Patronage of HSH Princess Charlène of Monaco”, the traditional and…
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thewidowstanton · 4 years
Cylios Pytlak, speed juggler, Cirque du Soleil’s show LUZIA
Self-taught speed juggler Cylios Pytlak – who comes from Valenciennes in northern France – started practising when he was ten, using balls, clubs and hats. He gradually developed his skills through repetition, while also devising new juggling patterns. During his teenage years he performed in small cabarets, shows and festivals, at 15 winning the grand prize at the French festival Talents de Scene. At 17, he spent a season with Cirque Georget and has been performing ever since. His highlights include contracts with Cirque Alexandre Bouglione and Cirque Firmin Bouglione in Belgium, Zirkus des Horrors in Germany, and the Cuban circus festival Circuba.
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But his dream was always to perform with Cirque du Soleil, and after auditioning in 2009, it took until 2017 for him to achieve it. Cylios has appeared in its Mexico-themed show LUZIA – which is directed by Daniele Finzi Pasca – since it opened. Having toured the United States, Mexico and Canada for two years, he now comes to London’s Royal Albert Hall, where the show runs from 12 January – 1 March 2020. He chats to Liz Arratoon via email.
The Widow Stanton: Cylios is an unusual name. Where is it from? Cylios Pytlak: My real name is Cyril. Cylios is my stage name. I chose it with my family when I went on stage for the first time when I was about 12 or 13 years old. My goal was to be the only juggler with this name. It was also easier to remember for the fans and the people from the industry.

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Are you from a circus background? No, my father was a police officer – he is now retired – and my mum is a nurse. I had always been a circus fan. My grandparents often took me to a variety of shows by Cirque Arlette Gruss when I was little. As soon as a circus was in my town, I was taking my bike to go past it all the time. This is where I learned to set up a big top. I was also taking care of the animals, since it was mostly traditional circus. My family always supported me and helped me to reach my goals. I feel really lucky to have them. 

Why did you choose to be a juggler? When I was ten years old I really wanted to learn a circus discipline. However, there was no circus school near my home. So I tried to learn by myself what was most accessible to me: juggling. When my parents offered me my first three juggling balls I was able to do some catches right away. I fell in love with it and shortly became an addict. [Laughs]

Are there any other jugglers in your family? No, I am the only one.

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Why did you decide to do speed juggling? Not so long after I first started juggling by myself I saw Mario Berousek, the really famous speed juggler, on TV; on Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde.
Oh yes, we saw him in Monte Carlo a couple of times. He is actually the pioneer of speed juggling. I was completely fascinated by him and told myself I wanted to be like him. As of that moment, he became my inspiration. What is so crazy is that I had a chance to juggle with him a couple years later. I gave the idea to the juggling equipment company Mister Babache – Jonglerie Diffusion to create a modern replica of his artisanal club. At that time, no club for speed jugglers were marketed. Incredibly, this is the club I use to perform in LUZIA. This club can now be bought anywhere around the world.

What is the most important advice you could give to someone wanting to learn it? It is important to learn to listen to your body and to your mind. You can’t impose an evolution rhythm on yourself. You need to learn to enjoy the good days where you progress well and you learn things. You also need to be able to adapt your training when it’s not going really well. It is a process of hit and miss and it is totally normal.
Are the clubs the same as for regular juggling? As for the length and the weight it is really similar. Overall, a speed juggling club is slimmer and the rotating point is more central. This allows you to have tighter juggling and allows you to accentuate the propeller effect and the rotation effect ‘on the spot’, which characterises speed juggling with clubs. It is however possible to do speed juggling with a classic club. I did it for many years.  

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Are there any famous jugglers present or past you admire? There are a lot. I can’t mention all of them. Of course, there is Mario Berousek (pictured above), and the legend, Anthony Gatto. Even though he is not a juggler anymore, he is part of juggling history. Tony Frebourg is also a legend with the diabolos. Even though I don’t do diabolos he was a big example for me. He has such an amazing career. He motivated and guided me a lot when I first started. I always admired his work. He became a friend over time. I met him in 2006, the same year I met Mario. It’s when I saw him succeed with another Cirque du Soleil show, OVO, that I told myself that I could also do it.

Do you remember your first appearance juggling in a show or cabaret? Totally. It was in a Christmas gala in Quievrechain, a small town in northern France, in December 2004 when I was 13. Before that I did little shows in private events, but nothing big. I really see this gala as my first show since it was the first time I was on a real stage. I was in front of a crowd of several hundred people. There was stage lighting and a real curtain opening. A lot of things happened that night that gave me the motivation to continue to train to get better and to go back on stage as soon as possible: the adrenaline before the performance, the atmosphere around the show, the joy to perform in front an audience, the joy of sharing with the public and the feeling when you receive the crowd’s applause. The following morning, I was already working on my act to see how I could improve it. I was doing video sessions of my performance to see what elements on the technical and artistic side I could improve. Since my first ‘little shows’ and especially after this gala, being on stage was what I wanted to do for a living. I never imagined my life without it. I really wanted this to be my life on a daily basis. I put in all the hard work I needed to by myself. Therefore, I never went to a professional circus school. I started my professional juggling career at 17 after completing a sales degree… just in case!
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You had a long wait to get into Cirque du Soleil. Did you ever give up hope? I did a casting with Cirque du Soleil in Paris in 2010. I was 19 and I had been dreaming about Cirque du Soleil for a while. To be part of this company was my biggest dream. I never gave up on my dream, but it’s when I started to think less about it that they first contacted me for LUZIA. 

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Tell us about the show… LUZIA is a wonderful show. It allows you to discover the Mexican culture in a unique way. And you don’t need to be Mexican or to like Mexico to fall in love with this show. You will go through a diverse range of emotions. It’s a magnificent and breathtaking show. 

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I see you have to run through the audience while juggling. Do you enjoy that close interaction? Yes, I love it! It is important for me to establish this contact with the audience. This was part of my routine before I joined LUZIA. I had the chance that the artistic director of the show, Gracie Valdez, gave me the freedom to continue to do it.

What do you like or dislike about touring? To be touring around the world is a great opportunity. A lot of people need to make sacrifices to be able to travel. For us it is the way we live. What I enjoy the most is to discover the landscapes and the lifestyles of people in all the places we visit. But the most difficult part is to be away from my friends and family in France.

Where have you liked the most? I liked a lot of different places, but I think my favourite was California. Especially Los Angeles, which was my first city on tour. It was unforgettable. I also really liked Orlando with all the attraction parks, shows and entertainment… without forgetting the nice weather and the palm trees!
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Do you travel with your family? Yes, I’m married to Madeley. We were touring together in a traditional circus in France, La Piste aux Etoiles, when we met. She was part of Russian swing, Chinese pole and acrobatic jump rope acts then. She went to the National Circus School of Cuba where she trained as a foot juggler. After our wedding in 2012, she was performing foot juggling and aerial hoop as a soloist. We were performing our acts in the same shows before I joined LUZIA but she does not perform in the show. We now have a little girl who’s three years old named Cameron. My wife and daughter travel with me at all time. Cirque helps us a lot with that. It is great!

Cameron loves circus. She already knows LUZIA by heart. She loves to imitate me or Madeley. I think it is normal for her age, because it’s what she is surrounded by every day, which I think is a great experience for her. Madeley and I don’t want to influence her in any way. We want her to do want she loves when she grows up. We both were lucky to have parents who supported us in our passion, and we want the same for our daughter.  
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How do you feel about coming to the Royal Albert Hall? I’m really excited to perform in this iconic venue. It will be a really important moment of LUZIA’s tour. I had the chance to visit the Royal Albert Hall when I was in London a few weeks ago for a PR trip. It is magnificent! I have goosebumps just thinking about it. 

Has being in Cirque du Soleil lived up to your expectations? Totally! I worked as a professional juggler for about ten years before joining the company. As soon as I got here I was able to notice the difference. Cirque du Soleil gives us a lot of support around the show. I’m so glad to be working for them. I work with a team that dedicate themselves 100 per cent to the show every day. They want the show to be at its best and also to have it evolve. All the teams: technicians, administration, marketing, artistic, everyone gives the best of themselves to this show and it is inspiring to see.  

Cylios performs in Cirque du Soleil’s LUZIA at London’s Royal Albert Hall from 12 January – 1 March 2020.
For tickets to LUZIA, click here 
Pictures: Courtesy of Cylios and Cirque du Soleil
Cylios on Facebook
Follow @TheWidowStanton on Twitter
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Disco Queen Gloria Gaynor Will Survive Selling Her $1.4M New Jersey Mansion
Debra L Rothenberg/Getty Images
There are no disco balls in the Green Brook, NJ, mansion of disco queen Gloria Gaynor. But the grand, two-story marble foyer will give you a need to survive.
Whether you’re ready to feel the beat or not, Gaynor has put the 8,000-square-foot home she lovingly customized on the market for $1.4 million.
Gaynor was impressed when she walked in the front door for the first time.
“We had visited a lot of homes in the area and we had found one we really liked, but I was looking in my handbag when we arrived at this one—and the moment I looked up and saw it, I said, ‘That’s my house,'” she tells us in an exclusive interview.
“There’s an acre of land. I just fell in love with it immediately. And the more I saw, the more I liked,” she adds. The style of the home is “very contemporary. It was like nothing that I’d ever seen before, except in magazines like Architectural Digest. … I love the fact that it’s bright and sunny, with floor-to-ceiling windows, French doors, and skylights.”
Two-story, marble foyer
Gloria Gaynor’s New Jersey mansion
Family room with French doors
Living room
She was also impressed by the huge walk-out basement, to which she added a pool table as well as a game area with tables where she and her guests have played board games. There’s also a Pac-Man machine, slot machine, and full gym. Though it’s a basement, it gets plenty of sunlight.
Walk-out basement
An amenity she couldn’t resist? The abundance of closet and storage space in the home.
“Every bedroom has a walk-in closet,” she says. “And there are a couple of walk-in closets that are not connected to any bedroom—the storage is crazy!
“When I take women in to see my closet, before I open the door, I say, ‘Now don’t drool.'”
There were so many closets, she converted one of the storage spaces into a theater. “There are three rows of four reclining theater seats with cup holders,” she says.
She added a powder room off the theater. In total, the home has four bathrooms and two half-baths.
Home theater
She also built a ground-level deck and rebuilt the deck above that.
Another impressive customization she added to the home is a large, in-ground pool with a transparent cover.
“I keep saying I’m going to have a Christmas pool party in there, because I can do that! It’s very warm in there and it’s heated,” she says.
Covered pool
But it looks like a holiday party won’t happen, as the home will likely be sold before Christmas rolls around.
“I love it, I really do. But I’m alone now, and it’s just gotten [to be] too much for me,” she explains.
And although the home is only a half-hour from the Newark airport and just a few minutes from high-end shops, restaurants, theaters, “and the madness,” she says she needs to be closer to New York.
Gaynor, 69 and a New Jersey native, is about to embark on an international tour with stops in England, Monte Carlo, Spain, Italy, and Turkey. She’ll be singing her classic dance hits such as “Never Can Say Goodbye,” “Let Me Know (I Have a Right),” “I Am What I Am,” and her immortal hit, “I Will Survive.”
The post Disco Queen Gloria Gaynor Will Survive Selling Her $1.4M New Jersey Mansion appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/gloria-gaynor-selling-new-jersey-mansion/
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eviltriumphs · 7 years
This weekend I went to Nice, France.  I don’t know how I did this, but I have hit SO many Christmas markets since I have been here.  I am not even sure that I’ve been to a market at home, but now I’ve been to one in 4 different countries.  The one in Nice was so adorable, the atmosphere was just so romantic in some weird way.  Lots of families with well behaved children, lots of couples… my Canadian friend and I strolling by taking pictures of them.�� They had this big Christmas tree with fountains timed to Mariah Carrey’s “All I want for Christmas”, it was really pretty.
We went to a local market in the morning and then wandered through the old town to get some of those last minute gifts done.  There was this women on the street (I am assuming homeless) juggling with two balls…. yes, two. I LOVED HER, she was so adorable with her blue eye shadow.  This display seemed to be a common one, there was another older lady who was playing violin very poorly on this other street. I think those are my favourite street performers… the ones that are so bad you love them.
We went to Monte Carlo for a day… I gambled and lost at the casino, but the 5 euros was well worth it. I thought maybe if I gambled on the “Rocky Horror Picture Show” penny slot that luck would be on my side, but no.  Monte Carlo lived up to the richy rich reputation it has.  The cars were so unbelievably beautiful… I think I saw one of every nice European car there.  We made a point of going into every store we could not afford something at, and my conclusion is the Prada had the most welcoming staff and Only for Pets (yes a pet store) had the least welcoming staff.  My Canadian friend was going to buy her dog some treats… and we were told we were not allowed to touch the bags of treats.  She didn’t buy the treats.
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Nice This weekend I went to Nice, France.  I don't know how I did this, but I have hit SO many Christmas markets since I have been here. 
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imacrowcawcaw · 3 years
How many of these (classic-ish) books have I read??? Thank you @4-star-dragon-ball for the tag!!! You always tag me in the coolest stuff, sorry I dont always get to it all 💗 oh yeah the directions: bold or highlight in some way the ones you've read. This is a list of 100 books from BBC (it's estimated that the average person has only read 6/100!)
Blue is "Have Read", Green is "On My Reading List"
1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
2 Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
3 Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte
4 Harry Potter series
5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
6 The Bible
7 Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte
8 Nineteen Eighty Four – George Orwell
9 His Dark Materials – Philip Pullman
10 Great Expectations – Charles Dickens
11 Little Women – Louisa M Alcott
12 Tess of the D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy
13 Catch 22 – Joseph Heller (fucking LOVE this book)
14 Complete Works of Shakespeare (im like halfway through)
15 Rebecca – Daphne Du Maurier
16 The Hobbit – JRR Tolkien
17 Birdsong – Sebastian Faulks
18 Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
19 The Time Traveller’s Wife - Audrey Niffeneger
20 Middlemarch – George Eliot
21 Gone With The Wind – Margaret Mitchell
22 The Great Gatsby – F Scott Fitzgerald
23 Bleak House – Charles Dickens
24 War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy
25 The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams
26 Brideshead Revisited – Evelyn Waugh
27 Crime and Punishment – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
28 Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck
29 Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll
30 The Wind in the Willows – Kenneth Grahame
31 Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy
32 David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
33 Chronicles of Narnia – CS Lewis
34 Emma – Jane Austen
35 Persuasion – Jane Austen
36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – CS Lewis
37 The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
38 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres
39 Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden
40 Winnie the Pooh – AA Milne
41 Animal Farm – George Orwell
42 The Da Vinci Code – Dan Brown
43 One Hundred Years of Solitude – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
44 A Prayer for Owen Meaney – John Irving
45 The Woman in White – Wilkie Collins
46 Anne of Green Gables – LM Montgomery
47 Far From The Madding Crowd – Thomas Hardy
48 The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood
49 Lord of the Flies – William Golding
50 Atonement – Ian McEwan
51 Life of Pi – Yann Martel
52 Dune – Frank Herbert
53 Cold Comfort Farm – Stella Gibbons
54 Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen
55 A Suitable Boy – Vikram Seth
56 The Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon
57 A Tale Of Two Cities – Charles Dickens
58 Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time – Mark Haddon
60 Love In The Time Of Cholera – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
61 Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck
62 Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov
63 The Secret History – Donna Tartt
64 The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
65 Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
66 On The Road – Jack Kerouac
67 Jude the Obscure – Thomas Hardy
68 Bridget Jones’s Diary – Helen Fielding
69 Midnight’s Children – Salman Rushdie
70 Moby Dick – Herman Melville
71 Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens
72 Dracula – Bram Stoker
73 The Secret Garden – Frances Hodgson Burnett
74 Notes From A Small Island – Bill Bryson
75 Ulysses – James Joyce
76 The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath
77 Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome
78 Germinal – Emile Zola
79 Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray
80 Possession – AS Byatt
81 A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens
82 Cloud Atlas – David Mitchel
83 The Color Purple – Alice Walker
84 The Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro
85 Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
86 A Fine Balance – Rohinton Mistry
87 Charlotte’s Web – EB White
88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven – Mitch Albom
89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
90 The Faraway Tree Collection – Enid Blyton
91 Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad
92 The Little Prince – Antoine De Saint-Exupery
93 The Wasp Factory – Iain Banks
94 Watership Down – Richard Adams
95 A Confederacy of Dunces – John Kennedy Toole
96 A Town Like Alice – Nevil Shute
97 The Three Musketeers – Alexandre Dumas
98 Hamlet – William Shakespeare
99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl
100 Les Miserables – Victor Hugo
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brucesmithphoto · 5 years
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The very beautiful Maria at the Christmas Ball 2018 at The Hermitage Hotel Monaco. #hermitage #hermitagehotel #monaco ##cotedazure #monaco🇮🇩 #monacolife #monacophotographer #monacobynight #monacomoments #hello_monaco #maria_montecarlo (at Hôtel Hermitage Monte-Carlo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrznjBcA2AF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=euf859h69m3p
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MONTE PAY THE PENALTY! has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/12/23/monte-pay-the-penalty/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2018/12/23/monte-pay-the-penalty/
CD Montesinos 2-2 Callosa Deportivo B Report and photographs By Andrew Atkinson at The Municipal stadium Los Montesinos. CD Montesinos paid the penalty in the last game of 2018 in the 1st Regional Group 8 fixture - hosting Callosa Deportivo 'B' at the Municipal stadium - when striker Vazquinho failed to net a spot kick! After opening the 2018-19 season with two 4-1 wins in September against CD Altea and Monovar CD, the early season form bubble burst, leading to the sacking of Carlos Perez in November. Up stepped youth team coach Ruben Saez who chalked up impressive victories - but a heavy 3-0 defeat against CD Murada going into the fixture against Callosa saw Monte ebbing dangerously near to the relegation zone. Midfielder Maccan returned to the fold - along with new signing Roberto Palomo from Torrevieja CF - to bolster the Montesinos line up. Montesinos needed a win, ebbing too close to the relegation slots, against Callosa, but it was the visitors who took the game to the hosts. Vazquinho scored a 'goal', ruled offside after Monte began to settle from Callosa penetrating the home goal. Callosa took the lead on 20 minutes following a free kick at the edge of the penalty area, which was floated to the back post, where the ball was fired into the net past Carlos. [caption id="attachment_25719" align="aligncenter" width="2727"] MONTE PAY THE PENALTY![/caption] A mix up in the Callosa goalmouth lead to Montesinos getting an early Christmas present, when the keeper and a defender both went for the ball, evolving with the ball ending up in the net. Montesinos took the lead on 43 minutes when hard working frontman German went through on goal to fire past the advancing visitor's keeper, to lead 2-1 at the interval. Montesinos started the second half on the attack and following the Callosa keeper bringing down Vazquinho in the penalty area, the referee pointed to the spot, and red carded the goalie for his misdemeanor. [caption id="attachment_25722" align="alignleft" width="2000"] The Callosa Keeper takes a long walk after seeing red in the CD Montesinos v Callosa 1st Regional Group 8 fixture.[/caption] Up stepped Vazquinho on 48 minutes to take the spot kick - only to fire the ball over the bar - to the dismay of the Monte players and the home fans in a crowd of 130 in attendance. The spot kick miss came back to haunt Montesinos as Callosa pressed for an equaliser, hitting the bar on 60 minutes. On 81 minutes the Montesinos defence were caught flat footed to let the visitors in on goal, that lead to Callosa equalising to take a share of the points, in a 2-2 draw. The point kept Monte out of the relegation spots going into the new year, but improvement is needed in 2019. Montesinos defender Dimitry exclusively told me after the game: "We are not happy with the 2-2 scoreline. Going into the new year we are hoping that we see more new faces in the dressing room." Montesinos midfielder Maccan told me: "I think we should have won the match. After the penalty miss our intensity dropped." The Montesinos players and coaching staff were each given a Christmas hamper by the Full Monte supporters club after the game. CD Montesinos return to action after the Christmas and new year break on January 13 against CD Altet; with a trip to Monovar CD on January 20, and hosting Bahia Santa Pola on January 27.  
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beretbrand3-blog · 6 years
Winning At Online Live Roulette - The Very Best Strategy To Use
Paid studies are made for market research functions, to discover out customer choices. But much better then Caesars, Bally's and The Showboat. Since we weren't together at Christmas we celebrated it prior to him leaving. How happy would you be if only you could win the lotto? This fantasy is universal since many people are unhappy, discontented with their lot in life. What is the distinction in between the diet plan market and the regional neighborhood goon? There is a distinction. In the diet organisation, the "customer" usually only returns to get their "repair" once a year between the vacation season and the beginning of each year rather of nightly like our junkie friend. "You have to take care", Johan says, in the middle of a new hand. "Internet poker is two times as fast as live poker, so the cash reoccurs simply as quickly". When anybody thinks about Las Vegas they tend to consider Caesars Palace. It is a truly enormous hotel housing over three thousand rooms, a convention centre, a shopping mall, night clubs, carrying out arts venues and various restaurants. The Online forum Shops mall (just recently extended) hosts a big variety of outlets and even includes 2 complimentary shows - The Fall of Atlantis - an incredible animatronics reveal with a lot of fire, and Bacchus - a another animatronics show, this time celebrating the Roman God Bacchus. He is my preferred as he's the god of wine and good food! By now your wallet will probably be empty so it would be a great time to take in a free program at The Mirage.
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I am looking to get a used car really soon, I have saved up enough money to put a good down payment down and have had a steady job for a little over 2 years now. The question is, will dealerships let me finance a car even tho I am on the car insurance with me dad? I am 20 yrs old and I still have insurance with him because I am a college student and also because I still live with him""
Help finding a car insurance quote?
I'm doing a project for my economics class where I have to pretend to be a 22 year old living on my own and make a monthly budget for myself. I have to find a car insurance and health insurance quote, but everywhere I search asks for personal information and has to search through my records and credit to give me the right quote. I'm only 17 so they wouldn't find anything on me. I need it for a 22 year old making 27,000 a year. Please help me! 10 points to the best answer :)""
How much will my insurance go up with one point on my license?
I live in California and I have Farmers insurance, got a ticket for a speeding back in December and I didn't take traffic school so there's now a point on my ticket. Anyone know if Farmers cares about one point on the license and if so how I will be affected?""
Help! i need to find out insurance costs if i add parts to a car?
hi, im 17 and i own a peugeot 206, im wanting to tune it, and i need to know where to find a cheap body kit, new headlights, and some wheels? just trying to make my driving life and little more better :) i need to know roughly how much it will up my insurance cost, im currently paying 1,650 for it, and i can mabye go up to 2,000 also i need to find some speakers to go in the boot of my car, will that make my insurance go higher to? thanks for your time.""
Do teens need insurance when they are issued their learner's permit?
And if so what is the cheapest, most discounted method to get insurance?""
What if i cancel my auto insurance and get back after six months?
I canceled my auto insurance before six months. now I got another car and I got accident before I purchased insurance for this car with the same company. then I purchased the auto insurance.so, my question is does my insurance company has to cover for this.""
Auto insurance for son ?
Is my son automatically covered under our auto insurance now that he has a Driver's license ? If I call the insurance company won't they charge me some ridiculous amount of money for a 16 year old ?
Where i can get car insurance groups explain?
Where i can get car insurance groups explain?
In BC should the owner pay the insurance for the renter?
i rent a appartment and then the owner said i should pay the insurance i thought it is owner's responsibility to pay all these
Proof of insurance in Georgia?
If I will be driving someone elses car and they have auto insurance do I have to have insurance as well?
Car insurance on a minor?
How much would it be to carry a sr22 on a minor in kansas city ks.
How much will i pay per year in motorcycle insurance?
20 years old. No car drivers license, first time rider. planning to take the motorcycle safety foundation 3 day basic rider course. Live in new york city. Looking at a pre 2007 used honda rebel. not looking for an exact quote, just ballpark what i should be expecting.""
Would the auto insurance still liable?
I was involved in a car accident and I was hit by a guy who ran a red light. A policeman was a witness to the accident and the report states that it was the guys fault. After a couple of weeks his insurance which was under his mom is stating that he was not listed as a driver on the policy so they are not liable for damages. My question is are they still liable for this negligence. I would really appreciate some help. The guy is still driving and I have been without a car for 2 weeks.
IVE GOT A LOT OF FRIENDS WHO PUT NON-SMOKER ON THERE INSURANCE AND THEY DO SMOKE TOBBACCO, so my question is how do they get away with it. when you smoke and you go and get a physical and they do blood work dont the doctor see your a smoker and then he or she tells your insurance company that your smoking. HOW DO YOU GET AWAY WITH INSURANCE FRAUD LIKE THAT... i just cant understand how does this work they have done it for years they say that the doctor never tells on them. if someone will give mea ligitiame awnser on how they get away with this i will give you 5 stars i need explanations not short awnsers""
Affordable health insurance in NC?
I am moving to North Carolina after living abroad to start my own business & I need health insurance. Any recommendations?
""Car accident, no insurance?""
I just got into an accident 5 days ago. I still don't believe it was my fault if anything maybe both of ours. Regardless she had minor damage. She was on the phone obviously not paying attention as I was pulling out of the driveway when she was attempting to pull into a drive way across from the one I was pulling out of. So as you can imagine it's hard telling. We both have scratches on our left hand side bumpers but she has a dent that can be fixed. She had her friend with her so it was hard to really even defend myself because it was her word against mine. She called the police, thank God they passed because no one was hurt. They just told her to take down my information and deal with it. She took down my license plate, took pictures, such a drama queen, it honestly wasn't that bad. She has my license number too but when I when I went to call my insurance provider, they said it wasn't renewed. No police report, and she hasn't called me with a quote. How much trouble can I get in??""
How long does it take to get auto insurance?
if i apply now how long will i be able to get the insurance? im a new driver and i need insurance 4 myself. i need to drive a car with insurance before may
How much is liability insurance?
I am going to be a new driver soon and I will be driving a 4x4 dodge single cab truck and I live in missouri and was wondering how much liabillity insurance would cost per month? Thanks!
Am I covered by my dad's liability insurance?
I just got my license, but my dad says I can't drive his car because I don't have insurance. The car itself has liability insurance under his name, but he says I would need liability insurance before I can drive any car, even if it's just once in awhile. That doesn't really make sense to me, to have car insurance even though I don't have my own car... Is he right? If I were to get in an accident in his car would it not be covered by his liability insurance? Thanks in advance.""
What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ?
I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ?
Inestment in Gold or Life insurance ?
it is better to invest in gold or invest in life insurance / same amount
Car insurance after a DUI?
I know everything I have to get with SR22 Interlock, etc... I'm just wondering if I should look into more popular car insurance companies like progressive, allstate,..... Or if local ones will be better/cheaper? Any advice or help is appreciated thank you!""
How much would car insurance be..?
BALL PARK figures, if anyone knows how much car insurance would be for an Acura LSX 2014? MSRP is in the $30k I guess the record would be clean however I am only 21. Would it be good to also add my mother if that helps lower the cost? I haven't had a new car before and it's all new..""
Big Piney Wyoming Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83113
Big Piney Wyoming Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83113
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
Car and insurance help?
I had turned 17 yesterday and im going to do driving lessons, so if I get a cheap car for christmas and do it up ( fixing, accessories ect..) while its on my drive without being used atall, will I have to pay insurance?""
Wondering about maternity insurance?
okay I dont have maternity insurance. My insurance will only cover me if I have complications. Is this what most people have? or do you have an insurance that covers maternity? I am asking because we are trying to have a child and I am losing my mond trying to find a good insurance co. What and whom do you recommend and why? and say I got the insurance in a month for maternity coverage will it cover me right away if I get pregnant in 2 months or etc or do I have to wait a full year to have the insurance and than be covered? Cause thats what I have been hearing.. ANY help would be great!!! thanks!!! ttc#1 on 8th month trying!!!
What dental insurance is affordable for individuals in Western New York?
I'm 24 and my job does not offer dental insurance. I m in a wedding in two months and need a cap put on a front tooth so I'm looking for insurance now. I'm having trouble finding a good insurance company for individuals that fits my needs and doesn't have a waiting period. Anyone have any suggestions as which way to go and what is ideal for a single woman my age? Thanks so much!
Ii need a dentist with no money or insurance. ?
Hello every body how u doing? Me I'm good i just have a real deep situation i need help with. Okay I'm 33 year old female I'm here in san diego. I have had a rough life. Im n need of answers for dental. I haven't been to the dentist in years i need work. Its been so long and I'm inbarest to open my mouth. I'm not working and i have no money saved up. I live with my mom and brother which receive ssi so my momma and brother help me. And i have no insurance. I really need to smile again i don't kw where to start every thing neg shuts me down. So is there any answer for me.
""I want to purchase a nice USED car, but I want insurance from out of state? How can I get that?
I want to buy a car directly from the seller and a good running car and I want to be insured out of state. I have a few questions: 1. What is the best and cheapest insurance I can go for? 2. How can I get out of state insurance? 3. What type of used car that you highly recommend me to by?
""Silly car insurance cost, why so much?
I am a 40 year old woman who is taking my driving test next week. I have run through some quotes for a car (nothing flash or sporty) and the cheapest I can find is 1450 fully comp. I thought this was some kind of joke but it appears to be true. Why is it so much? I'm not a young person but this has priced me out of affording a car for the foreseeable future. I've just wasted 4 months learning. Why on earth is it so much and why are they getting away with it? It would be cheaper to take the risk and get a fine if I was unlucky enough to be stopped surely? Not going to do that before anyone gets on their high horse but just saying.
Term Life Insurance Ownership?
My wife and I are in our 40's and 50's. We have created A/B trusts and transferred our assets to them, and expect to have estates that will benefit from the estate tax saving these trusts afford. We recently both purchased $1M 10-year renewable term life insurance policies that we expect to keep for 10 years. We chose not to use life insurance trusts because the purpose of the policies is to replace the lost income of the deceased spouse if one of us dies relatively soon, not to increase our final estate, and the trusts are somewhat costly. We each specified our own trusts as the beneficiaries, because we want the disposition of assets specified there to be used for this money. The trusts provide for the income, and principle if needed, to be paid to the spouse, and for the remainder to be paid to our child at the remaining spouses death. The question of ownership of the policies is less clear. My lawyer says that it doesn't make much difference who owns them, because the value (estate) taxed is only one year's premium, not the $1M. My accountant says that the $1M is taxed, and that each policy should be owned by the other spouse to avoid tax on that amount. A friend said that there's no way to avoid or significantly decrease the tax, so just leave the ownership as is (each spouse owns their own policy). A further fly in the ointment is that the insurance company (Massachusetts SBLI) makes some forms of trust ownership more difficult and costly. I'm confused. What ownership is the best? What is the benefit of that choice? Thanks for your time.""
Am over 25 yday passed my test but cant get cheap insurance for a small car.?
here it is. am 25+ and yesterday passed my driving test. looking over the internet for insurance for nissan micra 3 dr 1L 3 door. cheapest i can get is 140. my cousin who is 4 years younger than me, he got it for 94. tried same company aswell. am i missing any trick?need help suggestion and recomendation""
Car insurance even though do not own a car?
Hi, I got my license on may and since then I drive my mom's car. So my mom tried to add my name under her car insurance and I have to pay the same amount of car insurance as her. I only drive during the summer and they told my mom that even if i dont pay the insurance now, they will still accumulate the rate starting from the day i got my license and sums it up and give it to me when i start paying insurance. So either way I would have to pay the same amount of insurance. Is this legitimate? I mean I only drive during the summer and im in school during the year. im 18 by the way and I live in new jersey""
""If I get a license and use my parents car, will there be insurance added for having a license?""
My parents have two cars, and are paying insurance currently for said cars. If I get my drivers' license is there going to be money needed for having a drivers' license? Or is insurance only paid just for cars?""
Why is the Affordable Care Act proving to be so Unaffordable ..........?
Why is the Affordable Care Act proving to be so Unaffordable for almost all concerned ? The Affordable Care Act has already caused over 4 Million People to lose their Health Insurance Plans because the Plan did not meet the mandates of the accepted Affordable care Act Insurance Plans The Affordable Care Act has already caused and is continuing to cause many thousands of employees to lose their Jobs through layoffs that Businesses/Companies are making in order to reduce the number of Business/Company Employees to below 50 in order that the Business/Company is exempted from having to purchase the More Expensive Insurance Plans that are mandated by Obamacare The Affordable Care Act has already mandated that everyone be enrolled in a Health Insurance Plan with medical benefits that many people don't want and/or don't need and these additional unwanted/unneeded medical benefits have caused many Insurance Plans to raise their Premiums for these additional benefits thereby raising the cost of premiums that Most Health Insurance that Most Subscribers will have to pay more for The Bottom Line is that thousands have lost their Jobs because of the Affordable Care Act + Millions have lost their Health Insurance Plans because of the Affordable Care Act + Millions More have had their Health Insurance Premiums raised in order to pay for the unwanted & unneeded medical benefits mandated because of the Affordable Care Act so.......................Why si the Affordable Care Act proving to be anything but Affordable ?
Car Insurance Help Please!!?
So I was just wondering what types of things made a car more expensive on insurance... im a 16 year old guy...the car im looking at has these mods:17 inch konig racing rims. wrapped in new falken tired Brand new black pint with fleck Aftermarket front bumper and grill Cold air intake Front sway bar Full exauhst. dna headers. 2inch catback with 3 inch tip welded on 5% tint Tezza tailight Aftermarkey spoiler jvc headunit Shaved emblems Its a Honda Civic...Thanks
Can you exchange a motorcyle if the insurance ends up being higher than what was quoted at the dealer?
i called progressive, geico, esurance, and allstate and they all gave me a quote of over 2400.00 but the dealer quoted me 900.00.""
St. Johns Insurance Company?
Does you have any positive/negative expierences with St. Johns Insurance Company?
How much does it cost to own a classic car?
So I was on craigslist looking at Camaros for fun. I came across a 1979 Camaro Z28. The car was completely redone in 2001 and a new 350 crate engine was put in it in 2003. The car has new leaf springs, suspension bushings and tires on it. The new engine and trans has just under 45,000 miles on it as well. The seller is asking $5500. Ive driven it and am pleased. The car seems to be strong and is of good quality. If I were to get this car it would only be brought out on nice days, probably over the summer. Next year the car would be 35 yrs old so im assuming its considered a classic . What would be a good estimate for 50yr old man in Pennsylvania to own this type of a car that is rarely driven. Again the car is in good shape, only a little rust and probably wouldnt even see 1000 miles a year. Just curious for some input.""
Insurance for a car that is about to sell?
I live in north carolina and I have two cars right now. One is a dead car ( having insurance) and the other is new car ( dealer said it is ok to drive that vehicle for atleast 30 days with in the state without transfer of insurance ..I will be transferring the insurance from my old car to new car in 3-4 days as holidays are ahead. My question is some one is willing to buy my dead car ASAP and do I have to do the paper work of transferring the insurance of my dead one to new one before I sell this car. Or Insurance is the responsibility of the buyer? I don't have to worry about it? I really appreciate if some one gives a nice suggestion. I could not able to reach the insurance people bcz of holidays
What would the insurance on a 2000 corvette be?
What would the average state farm insurance for a 2000 corvette be for a 15 year old. No comments about not getting a 15 year old the car, just answers to the insurance question.""
Insurance on small cars example punto ?
hey everyone iv just passed my theory test today and i want to buy a punto for my fist car i need advice on de price off tax and insurance like for example i would probably purchase any punto from 1997 -2001 and im 19 does anyone av any advice for me cause i don wanna be ripped off thanks for readin you guys xxxxxxxxxxx
What will happen if I don't have health insurance?
What will happen if I don't have health insurance?
Am I covered with name not on car insurance?
I am very worried. I feel bad enough about getting into an accident, but now I find out that I can be in very big financial trouble. I am 17, I recieved my license 8 days ago, and I ...show more""
Can a non-car-owner buy auto insurance to drive any car (rental or friend's)? How does one obtain it?
Can a non-car-owner buy auto insurance to drive any car (rental or friend's)? How does one obtain it?
Need help with Car Insurance?
I am a 16 year old male in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance""
Whats the best practical car or van insurance wise for a banned driver?
I was banned from driving due to a dr10 conviction and rest assured i have heartedly learned my lesson from this experience. My question is im looking to get my life back on track and so was wondering if anyone would know whats the cheapest practical car or van insurance wise for say if i wanted to start a buisness or just best overall. When i say practical i mean at least something that could pull a trailer as i e been told a 1400cc would be inadequet. Im 22 with no no claims bonus so i know its gonna be hard but any info appreiciated. Please no lectures i know what i did was a stupid incident but i truly have learned from it.
Where can i get insurance for my Aixam ?
On a full uk motorcylce licence category B1. a number please ! thanks
Big Piney Wyoming Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83113
Big Piney Wyoming Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83113
How much does a filling cost with insurance? like an estimate?
I'm 19 and clueless, and well i decided to get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) anyways , i know it depends where i go and etc, but i want an idea... just typically speaking
Is there a law in California stating that the newest driver(under18) has to get insured under the newest car?
Is there a law in California stating that the newest driver(under18) has to get insured under the newest car?
Estimated car insurance cost for an 18 year old beginner driver?
I waited until I turned 18 until I went to get my drivers permit. I've had my permit since November 18 2009. I plan to stay on the permit until its expiration date. I'm not sure what car I plan to purchase after that, something affordable (nothing over the top) and that will last quite awhile. Now assuming all that, can any of you share with me what your car insurance payment is monthly, just an estimate of course. And throw in what type of car you have in so I can get a better idea. I'll be 19 at the time I finally get my license. My parents will not be adding me to their insurance, I have to pay for this on my own and I'd like to start putting some money away towards it so that I can make the payments with no problem later on. Are their any other things I can do to lower the cost of my car insurance as well?""
Which insurance companies offer the lowest rates for a vehicle?
I would just like to know with peoples experience with different insurance companies which ones are more reasonable than the others. I'm looking to buy a sports car soon so I just need to know which insurance company won't rip me off. thanks
How much will I get charged for an insurance ?
Im 20 and I received a Ticket for no Insurance, How much should I get charged once I get one? Which One is a cheap one to get, and how much for a Fred Loya insurance ?""
Is it possible to get a national insurance number when you are under 16 years old?
I am applying for a job at a cafe, but the application form requires a national insurance number, I am 14 years old.""
Health Insurance Questions?
Hi, I'm a freshman in college and this was the first time I've had health insurance and I have a couple questions I can't find answers to online. 1) Does health insurance apply to a visit about a week before you got your insurance card (and maybe a week before it was valid, I'm not sure) 2) If you didn't provide an emergency room with your health insurance information and they've sent you the full bill, can you still notify them of the insurance? Thanks!""
What is the best health insurance in NY?
In the boroughs...NOT most affordable best... JUST the best, anywhere accepts.""
Can i get braces free from insurance?
I reallllly need braces and I've been looking for any dentists in chicago that accept insurance in chicago. I live around cook county and anywhere around irving park or places near there would be fine but i really want to get braces that my insurance will cover. I am 13 years old.......thx!
How much would it cost to insure a Toyota 1985 corolla AE86?
I'm 18 and I am still under my parents insurance. I've only been driving on my own for a month or so. The car is a two door coupe.
About how much is the average teen insurance of the lowest requirements for TX of a 17 year old with a license
About how much is the average teen insurance of the lowest requirements for TX of a 17 year old with a license
Question:How much does it cost to get a cheap but decent car and for insurance?
I really need to know how much money insurance would be for a car if you have a new license and how much for a decent used car that won't break down on you and what coverage would you have if if it did break down?Also, gas is pricey but i know a lot of people i've seen who are poor and are able to afford this all but how?I don't want to prostitute that is disgusting and violating to me but ineed some extra money,suggestions on how to get it in a respectful way??Can you buy a car without a license and how long do you have to register it i'm clueless about cars and need to know more!!!!""
Multiple auro insurance for vehicles in different states?
Me and my fiancee are relocating to different states for new job. I am moving to south Carolina and she is moving to san diego, California. We have multiple vehicle insurance discount now. If we move is it better to register both vehicles in one state to save on insurance , title and registration. I heard it is expensive to register vehicles in california. Can I register the vehicle in my name in south carolina. she is going to be there working at UCSD and the stay is temporary (max 2 years) or is it against the law?""
Registering and Insuring a vehicle in a new state?
I have recently moved to Virginia, however I have my car registration and insurance in California and my license in California. Do I need to change all three, if I still have an address in California?""
Car Insurance?
I just got my license and my parents bought me a used car (03 Nissan Sentra). It has insurance under my mom's name, but not mine. Can I legally drive that car and if I do get into an accident driving it, will it be covered?""
Selling insurance question?
What license/certification does one need to sell and distribute insurance such as home owners, auto, life insurance etc. in the state of Wisconsin. And what schooling if any would someone need to obtain these licenses and or certifications. My grandfather and a friend own a agency that affiliates with another independent agency that allows them access to a large variety of insurers, and they would like me to become apart of business.""
How much will it cost for an 18 year old to insure a BMW M3?
I am an 18 year old, I've just passed my car test and I want a 2002 - 2004 BMW M3 (1.8 - 2.0l) I will not settle for anything less better-looking than a BMW. I also just passed my full motorcycle test 2 months ago. I have 2 years no claims bonus for my Motorcycle insurance since I started riding at the age of 16. I'm planning to sell my current motorcycle and buy a reasonable BMW M3 priced around 2-3k I was wondering what kind of insurance I should be expecting? I have got way more experience on the roads than any other 18 year old out there; but I'm not so sure that the insurance companies will take in mind my 2 years NCB on my motorcycle. Either way; how much could I be expecting to pay? I'm going to be insured as the 2nd driver and hopefully not pay more than 4k anually? The comparison websites are just bull crap, they are quoting my prices of over 20k, even for a small ford ka. I know I know big car young driver - but please just answer my question :) Thanks in advance.""
Is it possible to pause a car insurance but resume it again?
I want to know that if I buy car insurance, will I be able to stop the insurance so that I don't have to pay, just temporarily as I might sell my current car and until I get a new car I don't want to be paying without even having a car yet.""
Is there any advantage of group health insurance?
I would like to know if there is any advantage of a group health insurance plan over a personal health insurance policy. I am planning on buying a health insurance plan so I wanted to know.
How to get cheap car insurance?
im 17, my mates have got theres for just over a thousand pounds, but all my quotes are 3 thousand plus, how can i make it cheaper? like by putting my mum as a driver or?""
In Southern California where is the best place to get a perscription with out insurance?
I have Strep throat and need Medication!
Will car insurance cover modifications?
I have full coverage on my 2005 acura, the car has a custom molded body kit, aftermarket rims, nice paint job, and a turbo, if the car was totalled would the aftermarket modifications be covered? my insurance company is progressive btw. and they never asked if it had any modifications.""
What's the average insurance cost going to be for me? (motorcycle)?
18-19 year old Air Force female riding a low power motorbike in Texas. No previous driving accidents or tickets. What else can affect my cost?
HELP! Insurance company trying to low ball estimate?
Back in April I was driving and a lady tried switching lanes and struck my vehicle. I immediately went to an auto body shop and got an estimate for the damage, they took photos and everything. I've been contacting her insurance and dealing with this for over two months... I had to send them the police report because the woman tried lying and said I hit her, so I had to prove she was at fault. They would never return my calls. Until I talked to the field adjuster. He then called me yesterday told me he got the estimate from the body shop which was one of their recommended shops, and was mailing me the check for the damage. However he failed to tell me the check he was sending was for $1000 less than the estimate. I don't agree with this, what do I do? I called and no one will call me back from the company Also, I own my car outright. It's a 2004 tiburon is excellent condition. The insurance company was giving me issues about me wanting the check sent to me. I plan on getting the damages repaired that are necessary but leaving what isn't and keeping the money that's left over. I'm not even making them get me a rental for the time I don't have the car! Please help The company is American family.""
Am a 16 year old boy and i want a mustang for my first car... gt or v6?
money is my concern... insurance? gas?
Big Piney Wyoming Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83113
Big Piney Wyoming Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83113
Insurance for young drivers?
I just passed my test im 18 tomorrow and i am looking for short term insurance but fairly cheap. I have already tried to look online but most of the insurance company's require the driver to have a years experience on the road beforehand. I desperately need to drive and i desperately need to have insurance. Can anyone please advise on cheap company's plus how to arrange it all?? Thanks
Auto insurance on lease vs purchase ?
is there usually a big difference on auto insurance when financing a new car vs leasing one? thanks guys :)
Little to no down payment on car insurance?
Does anyone know any car insurance companies that have little or no down payment, my current policy ends in tomorrow and since I'm still financing my car, they could come take it since I don't have full coverage insurance. thank you""
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
18yr old with an provisional can i drive my brothers car without me being insurance to drive it?
im 18 yrs old i have a provisional and my brother is takeing me out in his car im just woundering do i need to be on his insurane on his car cos he said thta all i need is L plates and my provisional i just want to make sure thanks ps can u reply asap he taking me out today in his car for the first time
What is the absolute cheapest car insurance for 17 year old males?
I need the cheapest one in general I live In houston Texas with a 92 prelude and I need the absolute state minimum cheapest out there
What is the cheapest car insurance?
in Richardson, Texas.""
Any1 know of any cheap car insurance companies or crappy jobs? i just passed my test but the insurance is a jk?
I dont know what to do, im 18, have no job, a few gcses but not in maths n english, and an AS in finance so its not exactly shocking that i cant seem to get a job. does anybody know of any jobs that nobody else wants? i dont care what i have to do I NEED MY INSURANCE. looks like getting a job is the only way to do it :( would prefer office jobs coz i have experience in admin and accountancy. IF you can't answer that, does anyone know of any cheap starter car insurance companies?, im a girl so i might get a cheaper then boys. thanks in advance :) xx seriously getting depresed and desperate! :'( il do anything!""
How much is moped insurance?
getting a scooter , how much will my insurance be?""
Will my insurance go up due to points on my license?
I am a 22 year old male. Was cited for going 25.5 miles over the speed limit on a freeway. Plead guilty. And 4 points were assessed on my license. This is the first time any points have been on my license. My question is will my insurance go up do to this and if so how much could I expect? Thanks Also, if anyone knows of anything I can do to keep my insurance from going up, please let me know.""
Health insurance?
Im 18 and live in southern california.Im not covered by my parents health insurance or work(unless im injured on the job)....what should I do?
Will like to know what car insurance company is the most affordable?
whats the most affordable car insurance out there? any one know's ?
Insurance co is saying my car is totalled?
I have an 11-yr old car with 106K miles that runs well. Last night I was rear-ended quite hard while waiting at a red light. Both the other driver and his insurance co immediately admitted liability. The damage to my car is pretty bad. I went to the auto body shop recommended by the other guy's insurance co - they told me the car will have to be totalled b/c it will cost more to repair than what the car is worth - he estimated the car is worth $2K and repairs will be at least $4K. So the insurance co is saying they'll give me a check for $2K and I have to get rid of the car (apparently that part is New York law). But I cannot buy another car - at least not one I'd trust to drive! - for $2K. The accident was completely NOT my fault - how can the insurance co not pay to repair it? Has this happened to anyone else out there? Is there anything I can do? I don't want to give up my car! :( Please help?
Do i need full coverage insurance on a car from a buy here pay here?
got horrible credit an i know alot of used car lots that will approve me. but do i need to have full coverage insurance. cant afford a car payment gas an ridiculous insurance price
No insurance ticket in texas?
I got a ticket for no insurance. If I get insurance before court will the judge possibly desmiss it? I know some people have had it dismissed by doing that but not sure of circumstances. I had a fender bender accident at age 17 and had no insurance or liscense. Does the offense as a minor count against me now? Or will this be my first offense to the court? I feel so dumb.
""Motorcycle Insurance Rate New Driver 22 years old 1974 Honda CB360, How Much?""
I'm buying a 1974 Honda CB360 Bobber motorcycle, I'm 22 years old..have had 1 ticket in October for running a blinking red light at night, 1 speeding ticket that got dismissed in court and 1 speeding ticket that stuck a 65 in a 55. I live in Michigan and this is my first ever motorcycle. How much am I looking to pay? and what is the best company to get insurance, online it says Geico wont insurance motorcycles in Michigan so cant use them. Full time college student if that matters any""
Building/home insurance?
front door warped can i claim on insurance
Is my life insurance cheap or expensive?
I pay $4 a week and I get $30,000 insurance and I'm 22 years old, male, is this a good or bad deal?""
Good cars with cheap insurance?
Does anyone know any good cars with cheap insurance for a 17 year old ??
When you buy a used car do you need a proof of insurance to get license plate and registration?
Can I take the new title to DMV and get the license plates? or do I first need to get insurance and bring the proof to DMV to get license plate? Another question If i buy a car from a private person and that person takes off the plates how am i gonna drive it back? without plate? what do i have to do?
Will the insurance company cover my accident on a rental car?
What happen if i rent a car in my friends name and take it out of state but use my dad's insurance card? I am only 19 and live with him. I am not adding my name as the secondary driver at the rental place. If i get in a accident in a different state will my dad's insurance cover the accident. And i can't rent in my dad's name. So that's out of the option. I am renting in Georgia and going to Florida. Thank you
Car insurance help!? please...?
Somebody hit my car and possibly totaled it. If it is totaled would their insurance just pay off my car, just give me a check for what its worth or both??""
What are short-term life insurance needs?
I currently have a 5 year term life insurance policy with State Farm and I was wondering if it were possible for me to make a withdrawl or loan from this policy. I researched this some and on some websites it said it wasn't possible; however whenever I look on State Farms website it says the below: The State Farm 5 Year Term policy provides affordable life insurance protection for a five year period and is renewable for subsequent 5-year periods until age 85 (age 80 in NY). It is great for covering any short-term life insurance needs you may have. Short-term life insurance needs may include such things as: * Car loan * College tuition * Home equity loan * Mortgage loan * Business loan * Student loan * Key employee Term insurance may also be appropriate when your life insurance needs are great but your budget is tight. Does this mean I can make a withdrawal so that I can pay off my student loans? Also, it seems that my policy has ended in December; however, I was still charged this month. The policy started in 2005.""
""Who has the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Tx?
I have Geico right now.. I am a 17 year old boy who has a car accident on his record (in june 2010).
How much is the cost one day car insurance?
How much is the cost one day car insurance?
Big Piney Wyoming Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83113
Big Piney Wyoming Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83113
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