#Cinnaba Mineral
neonwaste-bah · 2 months
headmate based off the holiday Valentine’s Day? Make the xenogender and neopronouns COMPLETELY unrelated! Also, give them a typing quirk if you wanna!!!
❝╰ Name(s) ⊹ : Amanda, Amora, Marian, Mary, Lavi, Latte, Cinnamon, Cinnaba (from the mineral Cinnabar), Darling, Kyuu (from the Japanese pronunciation of Cupid), Parfait
╮✧ Gender(s) ⊹ : Cinnaromic, Pluvialgender, Autumgender, Blackberrian, Crystalic, Luminyx
⊹╰ Pronouns ⊹ : zey/zem (preferred), she/her, they/them, sy/skyself, crys/crystself, dia/dialself, rayne/rayneself, rain/rainself (secondary preferred), light/lightself, nya/nyaself, glow/glowself
╮ ᶻz Sexuality ⊹ : Abrosexual, Aceflux, Panromantic, Ambiamorous, Panqueerplatonic
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
❝╰ Age ⊹ : 19
╮ ✧ Role(s) ⊹ : Comforter, Delight, Intermediary, Moderator, Peacemaker, Matchmaker, Playmate
⊹╰ Likes ⊹ : Roses, sunshine, spring and autumn, cute things, Decora fashion, magical girls, desserts, love and love/romance related things, candy, butterflies, stories with a lot of lore/worldbuilding, fantasy stories, writing, drawing, DIY (specifically papercrafts), astrology + astronomy, physical touch (cuddles, sweet kisses, etc), rainy days, gemstones and shiny rock collecting, fruit
╮ ᶻz Dislikes ⊹ : Not being taken seriously, most bugs, making hard to keep promises, thunder, excessive heat (90°F and above)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
❝╰ Personality ⊹ : A very upbeat, easy to befriend person. Zey're very cheerful a lot of the time, and love to spread zeir joy to rains headmates. Zey're very loyal, but also strong willed, and won't hesitate to call someone out for their behavior. Outgoing and talkative, especially about things rains passionate about. A hopeless romantic, often pondering about things like love and romance. Rain is wonderful with littles/syskids and similarly energetic headmates, easily keeping up with their childlike enthusiasm with a smile on zeir face. Zey always have the system's best interests in mind, coming to aid zeir system in times of need. Call zeir name, and zey'll be right there to help !
╮ ✧ How they type ⊹ : Typing Quirk: replaces "s" with "z", uses kaomojis a lot, puts spaces before exclamation marks and question marks.
"hello there !! iz there anyzing you need ? ^^" / "there'z thiz book i'm reading, wanna hear a piece of it ? ^.^" / "butterfliez are zo beautiful… zometimez i wizh i waz one.." / "awwh, that'z adorable !! ><"
[tq translation: "hello there!! is there anything you need? ^^" / "there's this book i'm reading, wanna hear a piece of it? ^.^" / "butterflies are so beautiful… sometimes i wish i was one.." / "awwh, that's adorable!! ><"]
⊹╰ Other Info ⊹ : Zeir main aesthetics are Lovecore and Candycore
╮ ᶻz Face Claim(s) ⊹ :
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sorry for taking awhile ! orz -- this was a fun one to do ^^ hopefully the neos and xenogenders are unrelated enough lol
have a great day !
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