#Citlalli Citlalmina Anahuac
mexicanswakeup-blog · 8 years
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Citlalli Citlalmina Anahuac: "'The concept of being a new race, was developed by Jose Vasconcelos who was the secretary of Public Education of Mexico in the early 20’s following the Mexican revolution. Vasconcelos was a Mexican who sought to unite all non-white cultures under the Spanish European culture of language and Catholic religion which he deemed supreme. What some have considered to be a very inclusive terms, Raza and Mestizo, in reality are a white supremacist celebration of our defeat. They claim to be a melting pot of cultures in Mexico but in reality it is a culture of defeat. He even went as far as to talk about the population control of non-white peoples and the increase in a White population in Mexico. In a debate held in Chicago he suggested that Black, Asian, and Nican Tlaca peoples reproduction be regulated. The debate was documented in the published book Aspects of Mexican Civilization : “If we do not wish to be over-whelmed by the wave of the Negro, of the Indian, or of the Asiatic, we shall have to see that the Negro, the Indian, and the Asiatic are raised to the higher standards of life, where reproduction becomes regulated and quality predominates over numbers.' P. 100-101 The concept of mestizaje is practically stemmed from the core idea that Mexicans are a bunch of half breeds who needed the Spanish culture as the essence to this existence. The concept along with the idea of us being a “new race” or “nueva raza” was birthed from the Eurocentricity of Jose Vasconcelos, who wrote “The Cosmic Race” as a way to theorize what he saw as the meshing of races, but all united under the Spanish language and European culture. The complete colonization of a people can be deemed successful when “the colonizers were able to convince the colonized of their own inferiority,’ and once the population stopped considering itself Indian, then de-Indianization was complete.” (22 and 46 Batalla). Our people, who were stripped of our Indigenous identity could never truly be considered European, they were labeled mestizos as a way of killing their identity in a form of identity genocide." Meme author Frankie Mageño
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