#Constable Medical Test
jaiminiofficial · 2 years
राजस्थान पुलिस | राजस्थान पुलिस भर्ती | राजस्थान पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती
राजस्थान पुलिस | राजस्थान पुलिस भर्ती | राजस्थान पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती
राजस्थान पुलिस | राजस्थान पुलिस भर्ती | राजस्थान पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती राजस्थान पुलिस | राजस्थान पुलिस भर्ती | राजस्थान पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती | Rajasthan Police Recruitment Notification, Apply Online for Rajasthan Police Jobs राजस्थान पुलिस इतिहास | Rajasthan Police History राजस्थान पुलिस भारत के राजस्थान राज्य की नागरिक सेवा है। राजस्थान पुलिस का ध्येय “अपराधियोँ में डर, आमजन में विश्वास”…
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dyns33 · 1 year
The Surgeon
Not proud of this one but I wanted to do one last Nigel Colbie x female reader. 
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Maybe he's a surgeon ?
The sentence had awakened Y/N in the middle of the night.
One of her colleagues had said this several hours ago, when the entire police station brigade had gathered to talk about the new murder attributed to the serial killer whom journalists had dubbed "The Fanatic" and who eluded the police for more than ten years.
Reports had long since established that the individual was definitely a white male, between thirty and forty, educated, socially well off, smart, and well versed in human anatomy.
There had been mortgages concerning an autodidact, a medical student or a butcher, in any case someone who had never managed to obtain the career he had always dreamed of.
But the track had quickly seemed absurd, because the psychologists who had been interested in the killer had all decreed that there was neither anger nor revenge in his crimes. They couldn't really determine what drove him to kill, there was obviously a ritual they didn't understand, and probably an impulse, but it wasn't related to frustration.
As they started over from scratch, a young policeman innocently asked why it couldn't be a surgeon. Even though it was a respectable, time-consuming job that involved a series of tests to make sure the doctor was fit for the job, if the serial killer they were looking for was really smart, he could look perfectly normal, live a trouble-free life, and find time to kill.
So maybe he was a surgeon.
The phrase echoed in Y/N's mind as she opened her eyes, before looking up at Nigel, still peacefully asleep beneath her.
Nigel Colbie, her husband, a thirty-five-year-old white man, surgeon, the best in his school, coming from a wealthy family, his parents having tragically died in a boating accident and their bodies never having been found. Her husband, calm, charming, normal, except perhaps his passion for the history of the Templars and the religious rites of ancient civilizations.
They had met when Y/N had just gotten her police constable badge and Nigel was still a surgical intern. A totally unexpected encounter, on a bus, because Nigel's car was broken and Y/N didn't feel like walking to work when it was raining.
Sitting side by side, she had liked that he was reading a collection of poetry and he had found the music she was listening quite pleasant. They had talked the whole way, very unhappy when it was time to part ways.
It was Nigel who had asked her for her number. It was also Nigel who had called her first to ask if she wanted to have dinner with him. Two years later, it was he who proposed to her.
Everything had always gone perfectly between them. Normal, since Nigel was perfect. The best at his job, the best husband, the best lover. Despite all the work he had, he found time to cook for her, he was there to massage her feet asking her how her day had gone and he told her all the time that he was proud of his inspector-wife.
The only thing that might have seemed strange was the few details he gave about his past. About his parents' accident, which he spoke about without the slightest sign of sadness. There had been suspicious deaths at his school, but that didn't seem to bother him. The fact that his best friend was accused of these murders, before disappearing.
     "I don't know what to tell you." Nigel replied when she asked him about it. "What happened to my parents is tragic but there is nothing I can do about it. I did not know the two students who died, and regarding Jack, even though I considered him a brother, I cannot condone what he did, so I'd rather forget about him."
     "Jack ? I read in the report that his name was Alex."
     "That was his nickname. My dear Jack, totally mad and clueless. But let's stop talking about him. You didn't tell me if you caught any bad guys today."
     "There was another murder. The Fanatic, obviously. The victim suffered a lot... Yet it could not be seen at all on his face, he looked peaceful. The killer placed the body as a work of art, it was as beautiful as it was disturbing. Of course, no fingerprint, no witness, nothing. We will never catch him."
     "Don't say that." purred her husband, kissing her. "You're the best. If anyone can catch him, it's you. Even though you sometimes seem to admire him a lot. Maybe you can't catch him because you don't really want to."
Trembling, moving slowly so as not to wake him, Y/N slipped out of bed into the kitchen, where she drank some water before splashing water on her face to try to calm herself down.
It might have been nothing. A coincidence. Her tired and wary mind. But if his parents had not had an accident. If Alex Forbes hadn't killed those two students and run away. If in addition to finding time for her, Nigel had time to walk around, meet people he didn't know, and whom he quietly killed before returning home or going to work.
He asked a lot of questions about the Fanatic case, especially since Y/N had been put on the investigation, so he knew absolutely everything the police knew. Meaning that they didn't know anything.
Besides this curiosity, Nigel seemed happy when Y/N complimented the killer. They weren't exactly compliments, but she admitted that he was gifted, very intelligent, and that there was something artistic about these murders. If it hadn't been for the murders, she might have considered him an artist.
And now she was in her kitchen, at two in the morning, wondering if she had married a serial killer. No, it was madness, a nightmare, a ridiculous idea. But then why was she staring at Nigel's phone so insistently ? Why did she text one of her co-workers asking him to check her husband's schedule and whereabouts ?
There was nothing to check. She wouldn't find anything, because there was nothing to find, because Nigel was innocent.
However, since he was innocent, there was no reason for her to be afraid to look.
     "My love ?" a voice asked behind her, startling her slightly.
     "I woke you up ? Excuse me."
     "No, but I sensed that you weren't with me anymore. Someone called ?  A case ?"
     "Just a nightmare."
     "My poor darling." Nigel sighed as he took her in his arms, kissing her forehead. "Come back to bed, you must be exhausted."
Y/N followed him, lay down against him again, her ear against his heart and she didn't sleep until the next day.
It was impossible to explain to her colleagues why she wanted information about her husband. When they asked her if she thought he was cheating on her, she replied that it was something like that. If she said she thought he was the Fanatic, either they'd think she'd lost her mind, or they'd go and arrest Nigel, when there was still a good chance he hadn't done anything. 
It was better if she checked on her own first.
For several weeks she studied the times he had been in the hospital, with witnesses, with her, and the times when it was impossible to know what he had done.
And she had the unpleasant surprise to discover that each time there was a slight gap in his schedule, it left him enough time to kill one of the victims.
But that wasn't really proof. It could only be a coincidence. Because for the rest, there was nothing. No connection between him and the victims. No clues to the crime scene, the bodies, or their home.
Y/N wanted to believe that she was totally wrong. Because she loved Nigel, her Nigel, the best husband in the world who made her terribly happy. But her instinct was telling her to keep looking.
So she continued to track his actions, tapping his phone and being suspicious of everything.
Until the evening when he woke her up with a tender kiss, apologizing because there had been a road accident and he had to go to the hospital quickly.
After a quick check, no accident to report. No surgery scheduled for Doctor Colbie that night. Y/N therefore decided to follow him, tracking his car, in which she had placed a beacon, in case he turned off his phone.
She found him in a small cabin in the middle of the woods.
Slowly, she entered, discovering her husband who was cutting a man, while talking alone. Or rather talking to a skull.
     "See, Jack ? It's really not complicated. You could have done it very easily if you had made an effort, but I was wrong about you. You were not the right one. I think I found my Malaclea, but she's not ready yet. I won't make the same mistakes as with you, I'm not going to rush. She understands my art, I see the admiration in her eyes, something that wasn't in yours, or that you were ashamed of. She just has to understand that it's not bad, and then nothing can stop us."
     "Hands behind your head."
     "... My love ?" he whispered without looking back.
     "Nigel, put your hands behind your head." Y/N sighed, pointing her gun at him. "Please."
He first put down his scalpel before obeying her and turning to her. Nigel didn't seem angry. On the contrary, he was smiling, as if he were really proud of her.
     "I knew you would find me. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment."
     "You wanted me to arrest you ? It might help you in front of the judge. Besides the fact that you're talking to a skull."
     "Jack hears me, even though he can't answer. We're linked in death. I was hoping we'd be linked in life too, but he disappointed me, he wasn't like I imagined. It saddened me so much that I wanted to die, but he didn't even have the courage to shoot me, so I took care of him, before resuming my journey, alone. I had always been alone and after him I thought I'd never find anyone else. Then I met you, my love. And I knew it would be you."
     "Turn around so I can handcuff you."
     "Think of how much we can accomplish together." he continued while still obeying her, letting her tie his hands without resisting. "It would be magnificent and no one could ever suspect us."
     "Please shut up."
     "I know you won't disappoint me, not like him. My heart, my sweet, sweet heart. In the end, I was only killing for you. To see your bright expression when you told me about the case. Do you remember when you asked me about the Templars, because you were wondering if one of the rites had something to do with them ? I thought you had guessed, that I was going to be able to tell you everything. But no, you had seen the design, not the designer. Not yet. But we're finally there !"
He looked so happy, so calm, like the whole situation was normal, that he hadn't just killed someone, that he wasn't talking with a skull, and that Y/N wasn't sobbing, realizing that her beloved husband was mad.
A cry a little louder than the others seemed to wake him up. Nigel was suddenly sad, asking her why she was crying, approaching as if he didn't see the gun, to kiss her like he did whenever his wife was sad.
Y/N let him, too confused to react, and remembering all the good times they had spent together. A hand on her cheek, and another on the hand that held her weapon brings her back to realization.
     "Hush." Nigel muttered, taking the gun, hugging her. "It's okay, love. I know you're a bit lost. It's normal. But I'm going to help you. Come, you'll see, it's simple and wonderful. Jack never got it."
Too scared to refuse, Y/N watched him put the gun in his back pocket, before retrieving the scalpel, which he placed in her hand, before positioning it in front of the corpse. Slowly but firmly, he guided her to open the chest.
Y/N didn't want to look, and at the same time she was fascinated, as Nigel placed his hands in the opening, rummaging inside before pulling out the heart.
     "Normally I do this well, taking the time. But I'm too excited tonight. Look, Y/N, my maraclea. Here is a heart for you, as an offering. A heart that we took together, symbol of our eternal love .Oh, you don't know how happy I am right now !"
He kissed her again, still holding the heart. Y/N let him, while twirling the scalpel between her fingers, considering the options available to her. Kill him and hide his body to avoid scandal. Hurt him and take him to the police station. Follow him in his delirium and continue to live with the man she loved, even if he was sick and he was going to want them to kill together.
A glance at the skull reminded her of the existence of Jack, Axel Forbes, whom Nigel had loved, and who had disappointed him, and whose remained were now on this table. If she didn't make the right decision, she might join him.
So Nigel continued to kiss her, whispering that he loved her, and Y/N continued to play with the scalpel, praying that the last option was that this was all just a bad dream, and that her husband was just an innocent surgeon who was sleeping peacefully next to her and who would laugh when she told him about this nightmare.
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ahandfullofreviews · 1 year
Review: Outer worlds
Outer worlds is a game where you take the helm of a colonist by the name of YOU.
In outer worlds you are the captain now. Literally, you become a ship captain like 10 minutes in.
Pick a side in this war between communism and capitalism. Don't ask why those are the only 2 sides.
After getting stolen from your colony ship and getting rudely waken out of cold storage, you immediately are jettisoned onto planet 4546B Terra 2. You crush your chaperon upon landing. He's dead now, and there's nothing you can do to prevent it. You've landed on top of a mountain. As you make your way down you run into the copy-and-paste enemies from borderlands, canids, ratatatatas, ratatatatatatatatatatatatas, and a guy who goes by the name of Icompletleyforgothisnamebutyoudon'trunintohimagain. He's injured. If you help him he'll give you his gun. He's also contractually obligated to say the slogan of his company or else he'll be killed. That is quite literally what the in-game reason is.
After making your way down the mountain, you come across Hawthornes ship and the police.
You ignore them entirely and go inside the illegally parked vessel.
It is here that you meet the first thing you can't mercilessly kill, ADA (Autonomous Digital Astrogator). She's pissed and mistakes you for a miscreant.
You decide to work together because you need to get a vat of something, and ada needs to fly. However, there is a catch. YOU you can't issue orders to ADA because you aren't captain Hawthorne (the guy you crushed) so you have to say you're Hawthorne in disguise in order for ada to accept you as the captain.
You exit the ship and the constables want to talk to you.
You can either
A: end the convo asap
B calmly explain what happened
C: threaten wanton violence
D: Bullshit your way out of a ticket
After you make a decision you're attacked by *checks notes* the unemployed
Jesus christ this game is just a fuckload of propaganda isn't it
You make your way to edgewater to get a *checks notes* power converter.
It is here you meet the guy I hate the most. I hate him SO much I forgot his name. He tells you that edgewater only has the 1 converter and it's not for sale. However if you force people out of there homes you CAN take 1 from the botanical garden.
The botanical garden tells you the same thing. And it is here that the choice is made.
My actual thoughts:
Side quests and companions are what make the game fun. And boy howdy does this game deliver on those fronts.
The side quests are amazing. They're all an easy difficulty and you never feel like you're repeating what you're doing from another quest. One of my favorite side quests is apparently a mandella effect cause I couldn't find any mention of it on the wiki.
For companions you get
A janitor
The only character in this game who never passes the Bechtel test even tho they totally could
The space pope
Drunk & disorderly
Dangerously close to copyright infringement
Medic from TF2
My favorite? If I were to say you'd all hate me
Final thoughts:
It's good. Gives me a nice space western fallout 3, with character writing where their personalities all feel natural. Even when it's lgbt. Memorable weapons, an easy to follow story, and the only game I've ever played where I didn't constantly feel like my character missed out on a far more exciting time in the lore.
Just a few questions
Why are there no children. Is it the corporations? System limitations?
I'm almost positive there were supposed to be cars at one point.
What exactly is "saltuna"
Final rating:
Jokes that I couldn't fit in:
You have to go to the planet formerly known as Terra 1
And you call them fried sprats, despite the fact they are obviously grilled
Too many covid-19 jokes. To the point where it just felt wrong.
None of the safety gear works anymore. If only I could, Idk, use some of it to bypass dangerous areas
You go to jail. You go directly to jail. You do not pass Byzantium. You do not collect 200 credits.
At the bottom of the pit you find spratman
In this room you either find the chairman or the ghosts of communism past, present, and future. Depending on which side you took.
The final boss is something that can be so easily defeated I don't think it would meet the qualifications
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alpharegiment · 4 months
Embarking on a Journey: How to Join the Border Security Force (BSF)
Joining the Border Security Force (BSF) is a prestigious opportunity for individuals who aspire to serve their nation by safeguarding its borders and ensuring national security. As one of the primary border guarding forces of India, the BSF offers a challenging yet rewarding career path for those committed to upholding the country's integrity and sovereignty. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to join the BSF:
1. Understand the Role and Responsibilities of the BSF:
Before pursuing a career with the BSF, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the force's mission, values, and operational duties. The BSF is tasked with guarding India's land borders during peacetime and preventing trans-border crimes, including smuggling, infiltration, and illegal immigration. The force also plays a vital role in disaster management and maintaining internal security in border areas.
2. Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates aspiring to join the BSF must meet certain eligibility criteria, which may vary depending on the rank and position applied for. Generally, candidates must:
Be citizens of India.
Meet the age criteria specified for different positions.
Possess the required educational qualifications, which may vary from 10th pass to graduate level depending on the position.
Meet the physical fitness standards prescribed by the BSF, including height, weight, and physical endurance.
3. Choose the Entry Level:
The BSF offers various entry levels for candidates with different educational backgrounds and career aspirations. Some of the common entry levels include:
Direct Entry: Candidates can apply for direct entry positions such as Constable, Sub-Inspector, or Assistant Commandant based on their qualifications and experience.
Technical Entry: Technical positions such as Engineer, Radio Operator, or Electrician are available for candidates with specific technical skills or qualifications.
Sports Quota: Talented sports persons can apply for positions under the sports quota, which offers special recruitment opportunities for individuals excelling in sports and athletics.
4. Application Process:
Once you have identified the entry level and position you are interested in, you can proceed with the application process. Keep an eye on official notifications and advertisements released by the BSF for recruitment drives. Fill out the application form carefully, providing accurate information and supporting documents as required.
5. Physical Fitness and Medical Examination:
Physical fitness is a crucial aspect of joining the BSF. Candidates must undergo physical fitness tests, including running, long jump, high jump, and other endurance exercises. Those who qualify in the physical tests are further subjected to medical examinations to ensure they meet the required health standards set by the BSF.
6. Written Examination and Interview:
Depending on the position applied for, candidates may have to undergo a written examination to assess their knowledge, aptitude, and skills relevant to the role. Shortlisted candidates are then called for an interview or a physical efficiency test (PET) to evaluate their suitability for the job. Additionally, candidates applying for officer-level positions may have to appear for a structured interview or personality test conducted by the BSF selection board.
7. Training and Induction:
Candidates who successfully clear all stages of the selection process are inducted into the BSF and undergo rigorous training at various BSF training centers across the country. The training program includes physical training, weapons handling, drill exercises, combat techniques, and theoretical classes on border management, law enforcement, and national security.
Joining the Border Security Force (BSF) is a noble endeavor that requires dedication, commitment, and a sense of duty towards the nation. By understanding the recruitment process, meeting the eligibility criteria, and preparing diligently for the selection stages, individuals can realize their dream of serving the country as proud members of the BSF. With valor, integrity, and a spirit of service, BSF personnel stand as the vanguard of India's borders, ensuring peace, security, and prosperity for the nation.
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manasastuff-blog · 5 months
RPF Constable Eligibility Criteria 2024
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Welcome to the Manasa Defence Academy, the premier institute for NDA. In this blog post, we will explore the eligibility criteria for the RPF Constable exam in 2024. Whether you aspire to join the Railway Protection Force (RPF) or you're just curious about the requirements, this article will provide you with the necessary information. So, let's dive into the details!
RPF Constable Eligibility Criteria 2024
The eligibility criteria for the RPF Constable exam in 2024 are as follows:
To be eligible for the RPF Constable exam, you must be a citizen of India. This criterion ensures that only Indian citizens have the opportunity to serve in the RPF.
Age Limit
The minimum age to apply for the RPF Constable exam is 18 years, while the maximum age is 25 years. Age relaxations are provided for candidates from reserved categories, such as SC/ST and OBC, as per government regulations.
Educational Qualification
To apply for the RPF Constable exam, you need to have passed the 10th standard or its from a recognized board or institution. This educational qualification ensures that candidates possess a basic level of knowledge and understanding.
Physical Standards
As an aspiring RPF Constable, you must meet the physical standards set by the Indian Railways. height and chest requirements vary for male and female candidates. For males, the minimum height is 165 cm, whereas for females, it is 157 cm. The chest measurement for males should be at least 80 cm without expansion.
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Along with the physical standards, you will also need to pass the Physical Efficiency Test (PET). This test evaluates your physical fitness and includes events such as a 1600-meter race, long jump, and high jump.
Medical Standards
Candidates must meet certain medical standards in order to be eligible for the RPF Constable exam. A medical examination is conducted to assess your overall health, including vision, hearing, and other physical capabilities.
At Manasa Defence Academy, we strive to provide the best training for the National Defence Academy (NDA) and various other defence exams. Our experienced faculty and comprehensive study materials ensure that you are well-prepared for the challenges ahead. We offer regular classroom courses, online coaching, and mock tests to gauge your progress.
With a focus on conceptual understanding and practical application, our training methodology prepares you not just for the RPF Constable exam, but also for a successful career in the defence sector. Join us at Manasa Defence Academy to take your first step towards fulfilling your dreams of serving the nation.
In conclusion, the eligibility criteria for the RPF Constable exam in 2024 include Indian nationality, age between 18 to 25 years, 10th standard qualification, meeting the physical standards, passing the Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and satisfying the medical standards. To ensure success in this exam and other defence entrance tests, enroll in Manasa Defence Academy, where we provide top-notch NDA training. Begin your journey towards a bright future by joining us today.
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latestgovtjobnews · 6 months
Assam Rifles Exam 2024: Application and fee deadlines announced; women encouraged to apply.
New Post has been published on https://www.jobsarkari.in/assam-rifles-exam-2024-application-and-fee-deadlines-announced-women-encouraged-to-apply/
Assam Rifles Exam 2024: Application and fee deadlines announced; women encouraged to apply.
The Central Armed-Police Assam Rifles Exam 2024 is scheduled to take place, and the important dates for the submission of online applications, receipt of applications, and fee payment have been announced. The government aims to have a workforce that reflects gender balance, and women candidates are encouraged to apply. The recruitment process will consist of a Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Medical Examination, and Document Verification. Candidates should carefully fill out the application form, and selected candidates will be liable to serve anywhere in India.
The examination will be conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) for the recruitment of Constables (General Duty) in various forces, including the Border Security Force (BSF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Secretariat Security Force (SSF), and Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles (AR). The vacancies will be filled based on the vacancies intimated by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and the Memorandum of Understanding between MHA and SSC.
Candidates should meet the age limit criteria, which is 18-23 years as of January 1, 2024. Age relaxation is applicable for candidates belonging to SC/ST, OBC, Ex-Servicemen, and other categories as per government rules. The educational qualification required is Matriculation or 10th Class Examination from a recognized board or university.
Candidates should carefully select the examination centers and indicate their preferences in the online application form. The examination will be conducted in English, Hindi, and 13 regional languages. The syllabus for the examination includes General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi.
Candidates should adhere to the physical standards set by the CAPFs, which include height, chest measurement, and physical efficiency tests. Relaxation in height and chest measurements is applicable for candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes, North Eastern States, Gorkha Territorial Administration, and other categories as per government rules. The physical efficiency test includes a race of 5.6 km for male candidates and 1.6 km for female candidates.
Selected candidates will undergo a medical examination and document verification to verify their eligibility. The final result will be based on the performance of candidates in the Computer Based Examination, PET, Medical Examination, and Document Verification. The Commission will provide the tentative answer keys of the Computer Based Examination, and candidates can submit online representations if they have any objections.
Candidates should submit their applications online through the official website of the Commission. The application fee is Rs. 100/- for general category candidates, while women candidates and candidates belonging to SC, ST, and Ex-Servicemen categories are exempted from payment of the fee. The fee can be paid online through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, or debit/credit cards.
Candidates should carefully fill out the application form and ensure that all details are correct. They can make corrections in the application form during the specified period. The Commission will not be responsible for any disconnection or inability to login to the website due to heavy load or other reasons beyond their control.
The vacancies are tentative and subject to change. Candidates should regularly visit the website of the Commission for updates on the examination process and download of admit cards. Admit cards will not be sent by post and can be downloaded from the regional websites of the Commission.
Candidates who have already secured employment in civil side under Central Government on a regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation as ex-servicemen will not be eligible for re-employment. However, they can avail of the benefit of reservation for subsequent employment if they immediately join civil employment after retirement from the Armed Forces.
Candidates who belong to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, and
The Central Armed-Police Assam Rifles Exam 2024 has certain eligibility criteria and requirements that candidates must meet in order to apply. Female candidates who are found to be pregnant at the time of examination will not be eligible to participate. Candidates must also meet the physical and medical fitness standards set by the CAPFs. The examination will consist of a Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Medical Examination, and Document Verification. NCC certificate holders will be granted incentive marks. The final selection of candidates will be based on their merit in the Computer Based Examination, and the allotment of CAPFs/ Organizations will be made based on their preferences. Candidates should provide accurate information about their personal details, including their domicile state and district, as any variation in this information may result in the cancellation of their candidature. Candidates are advised to carefully read and follow the instructions provided in the notice of examination. Multiple applications from a candidate will be rejected, and candidates should submit their applications well before the closing date to avoid any technical issues. Admit cards for the different stages of the examination will be available for download from the respective websites. Candidates should carry their admit cards, along with two passport size photographs and a valid photo ID proof, to the examination venue. Any misconduct or use of unfair means during the examination will result in strict action against the candidate. Candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination, as their admission at all stages will be provisional and subject to verification of eligibility. Candidates should also note that success in the examination does not guarantee appointment unless the government is satisfied with their suitability. Candidates should exercise due diligence while providing information about their domicile state and district, as no request for change will be entertained after submission of the application form. Candidates should also be careful while providing their personal details and ensure that they match the details in their matriculation certificate. Any discrepancies may result in the cancellation of their candidature. Candidates should also note the various malpractices that are strictly prohibited during the examination, and any candidate found guilty of misconduct will face appropriate action. The decision of the Commission in all matters relating to the examination will be final. Candidates who score above the cut-off marks in the Computer Based Examination will be considered eligible for short-listing to the next stage, which includes PST/PET, DME/RME, and Document Verification. Candidates who are not satisfied with the decision of the PST board may appeal to the appellate authority. Candidates should participate in the recruitment process with proper physical and mental preparation and will be responsible for their own safety during the recruitment stages. Candidates should regularly check the websites of SSC-HQ, SSC Regional Offices, and CRPF for updates on the recruitment. Candidates should also provide accurate contact details, including a working email ID and mobile number, as all correspondence will be made through email/SMS. Candidates should also note that possession of mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets in the examination hall is strictly prohibited. Candidates should carefully review their application before final submission and take a printout for their records. Admit cards for each stage of the examination will be available for download from the respective websites, and candidates should carry their admit cards to the examination venue. Candidates should also carry two passport size photographs and an original valid photo ID proof. Candidates should be aware of the appellate authority for Physical Standard Test and should contact them in case of any disputes. Candidates should also be aware of the help desk contact numbers for any clarifications regarding filling and submitting applications and computer-based examinations. Candidates are advised to complete the registration process within 14 days and ensure that their basic details are filled exactly as recorded in their matriculation certificate.
The Central Armed-Police Assam Rifles Exam 2024 is scheduled to take place with important dates for online application submission, receipt of applications, and fee payment announced.
The recruitment process includes a Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Medical Examination, and Document Verification.
Candidates should meet the age limit criteria of 18-23 years as of January 1, 2024, with age relaxation applicable for certain categories.
The educational qualification required is Matriculation or 10th Class Examination from a recognized board or university.
The examination will be conducted in English, Hindi, and 13 regional languages, with a syllabus covering General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi.
The Central Armed-Police Assam Rifles Exam 2024
Scheduled exam dates and online application submission
Encouragement for women candidates to apply
Reflecting gender balance in the workforce
Recruitment Process Overview
Computer Based Examination (CBE)
Physical Standard Test (PST)
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Medical Examination
Document Verification
Age Limit and Age Relaxation
Age limit: 18-23 years as of January 1, 2024
Age relaxation for SC/ST, OBC, Ex-Servicemen, and other categories
Educational Qualification Required
Matriculation or 10th Class Examination from a recognized board or university
Examination Details
Conducted in English, Hindi, and 13 regional languages
Syllabus includes General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi
Physical Standards and Tests
Height, chest measurement, and physical efficiency tests
Relaxation for certain categories
Race distance for male and female candidates
Medical Examination and Document Verification
Ensuring eligibility and verifying documents
Final result based on performance in CBE, PET, Medical Examination, and Document Verification
Application Submission and Fee Payment
Online submission through official website
Application fee exemption for women candidates and certain categories
Application Form and Correction Period
Careful filling of application form with accurate details
Corrections allowed during specified period
Updates and Admit Cards
Regularly visiting Commission’s website for updates
Downloading admit cards from regional websites
Employment and Re-employment Eligibility
Eligibility criteria for re-employment after availing benefits of reservation
Benefit of reservation for subsequent employment after retirement from Armed Forces
Eligibility Criteria and Requirements
Meeting eligibility criteria for applying
Physical and medical fitness standards
Incentive marks for NCC certificate holders
Final Selection and Allotment
Merit-based final selection through CBE
Allotment of CAPFs/ Organizations based on preferences
Important Instructions and Exam Conduct
Accurate information about personal details and domicile state/district
Instructions to follow and avoidance of malpractices during the examination
Eligibility Verification and Appointment
Provisional admission subject to verification of eligibility
Suitability evaluation for appointment
Key Takeaways for Central Armed-Police Assam Rifles Exam 2024
The exam dates, recruitment process, and eligibility criteria have been announced.
Candidates should carefully fill out the application form and meet the age and educational qualifications.
The examination will cover various subjects and be conducted in multiple languages.
Physical standards, tests, medical examination, and document verification are part of the recruitment process.
Regularly visit the Commission’s website for updates and download admit cards from regional websites.
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careergurukul · 7 months
Fabulous Preparation Tips for the SSC GD Constable Examination
The Staff Selection Commission recruits suitable candidates for the post of Constable (General Duty) in various forces such as the Central Armed Force, NIA, SSF, etc. The commission releases the SSC GD Constable employment notification to announce the details for the same. The commission conducts an exam to filter out the deserving candidates for the post. Every year lakhs of candidates apply for this prestigious post making it an extremely competitive examination. To ace the selection process, candidates must know How to Crack the SSC GD Constable examination.
Also visit: SSC GD Constable Coaching in Chandigarh
The SSC GD Constable Selection procedure is conducted in three stages -Computer-Based Test (CBT), Physical Standard Test (PST), as well as Detailed Medical Examination (DME). To be recruited for the post of Constable General Duty, candidates are required to qualify for each round. The qualification is frequently based on candidates required to secure the minimum SSC GD Cut-Off Marks. While it may seem a daunting task to ace the test, it is not so, if the candidates have the correct preparation strategy.
SSC GD Constable Preparation Tips for General Intelligence & Reasoning
General Intelligence and reasoning is a very significant section of the SSC GD Constable exam. This section also helps you to score elevated.
This section is very essential in terms of scoring, so candidates should pay special attention to it.
In SSC exams, reasoning questions take a lesser amount of time than aptitude questions.
This section usually requires focus. Candidates can regain maximum marks with proper guidance in addition to ample practice.
This section is vital in determining a candidate's merit. Candidates' grades are also impacted by this segment.
So, aspirants of the SSC GD Constable, to pass the SSC examination, make General Intelligence and reasoning your main weapon.
First, try to complete the reasoning section of the SSC GD Constable examination.
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SSC GD Constable Preparation Tips for General Knowledge plus General Awareness
This is the section that is for all time in a state of flux. Because General Awareness covers such a broad syllabus, SSC has the liberty to choose any topic and ask any type of question-related to it in this section of the paper.
SSC has been asking a lot of questions from the General Science section newly. As a result, candidates can devote additional time to studying General Science.
Candidates can cover the syllabus in this section according to their strengths, as questions will be asked about History, Geography, Politics, Economics, as well as Current Affairs.
Candidates can relax on current affairs topics in SSC exams for the reason that there will be fewer questions on current affairs in this exam.
Candidates should choose questions in which they are confident.
Wrong answers lessen your chances of getting a higher score. Therefore, be a little careful while answering the questions.
Candidates must make a habit of reading newspapers as well as magazines every day.
 SSC GD Constable Coaching from Gurukul Career Group
Gurukul Career Group is the Top coaching centre for SSC GD Coaching In Chandigarh. Gurukul Career Group specialises in coaching for the SSC GD Coaching Center In Chandigarh, headed by a squad of Professionals, and good rankers.
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medblogexams · 7 months
Navigating the Path to Becoming a Delhi Police Constable
Welcome to the world of law enforcement in India's vibrant capital! Aspiring to become a Delhi Police Constable is not just a career choice, but a commitment to uphold justice, maintain peace, and protect the citizens of Delhi. In this blog, we will guide you through the essentials of becoming a part of the Delhi Police Force, a journey that begins right here at [Delhi Police Constable Exam Preparation](https://exams.medblog18.in/tests/781/delhi-police-constable).
 Understanding the Role:
Before diving into the preparation, it’s crucial to understand what the role entails. A Delhi Police Constable is the backbone of the city’s police force. They are responsible for maintaining law and order, preventing crime, and ensuring the safety of the public. This role requires dedication, physical fitness, mental agility, and a deep sense of duty.
 Eligibility Criteria:
The journey starts with knowing if you’re eligible. The basic criteria include age limits, educational qualifications, and physical standards, which are clearly outlined in the official Delhi Police recruitment notification. Typically, candidates between 18-25 years with a 10+2 level of education are eligible to apply.
 Exam Pattern and Syllabus:
The Delhi Police Constable exam is a gateway to your dream career. It comprises a written test, physical endurance test, and medical examination. The written test covers Reasoning, General Knowledge, Current Affairs, and Numerical Ability. Familiarize yourself with the syllabus and exam pattern, as detailed on our website, to strategize your preparation.
 Preparation Tips:
1. **Start Early and Plan**: Begin your preparation well in advance. Create a study plan that covers all topics thoroughly.
2. **Focus on Basics**: Strengthen your fundamental understanding, especially in reasoning and numerical ability.
3. **Stay Updated**: For sections like General Knowledge and Current Affairs, read newspapers and follow reliable news sources daily.
4. **Practice Regularly**: Solve previous year papers and take mock tests available on [our website](https://exams.medblog18.in/tests/781/delhi-police-constable) to gauge your preparation level.
5. **Physical Fitness**: Adhere to a fitness regimen since physical endurance is a critical part of the selection process.
 Utilizing Resources:
Our website is a treasure trove of resources. From mock tests, previous year question papers to comprehensive study materials, we have everything to gear you up for the Delhi Police Constable exam. Regular practice through these resources will boost your confidence and improve your chances of success.
 Mental Preparation:
Being mentally prepared is as important as being academically and physically prepared. The role of a constable can be challenging, so it's essential to develop resilience, patience, and problem-solving skills.
 Staying Motivated:
The journey is challenging, but the key is to stay motivated. Remember, every step you take is bringing you closer to your dream of serving the nation. Connect with fellow aspirants, share preparation tips, and keep each other motivated.
 Application Process:
Keep an eye on the official Delhi Police website and our platform for notifications regarding the application process. Ensure you fill out the application form accurately and submit it before the deadline.
 The Final Leap:
As the exam approaches, keep a calm and focused mind. Trust your preparation and give it your best shot. Remember, this is not just an exam but a stepping stone to a life of service and honor.
Embarking on the journey to become a Delhi Police Constable is a noble pursuit. It’s a path that demands dedication, hard work, and a sincere desire to contribute to the safety and well-being of society. With the right preparation and resources, like those available on our website, your dream of donning the Delhi Police uniform is within reach.
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vavaclasses · 10 months
Some facts about Staff Selection Commission
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is an organization that conducts recruitment exams for various posts in the central government of India. The SSC was established in 1975 and has its headquarters in New Delhi. Some of the major exams conducted by the SSC are:
Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGL): This exam is for graduates who want to join Group B and C posts in various ministries, departments, and organizations of the government. The exam consists of four tiers: Tier I (objective), Tier II (objective), Tier III (descriptive), and Tier IV (skill test/document verification). The SSC CGL 2023 notification is expected to be released on April 1, 2023.
Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination (CHSL): This exam is for candidates who have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination and want to join lower division clerks, postal assistants, sorting assistants, data entry operators, and other posts. The exam consists of three tiers: Tier I (objective), Tier II (descriptive), and Tier III (skill test/document verification). The SSC CHSL 2023 notification was released on May 9, 2023.
Multi Tasking Staff Examination (MTS): This exam is for candidates who have passed matriculation or equivalent examination and want to join peons, chowkidars, safaiwalas, jamadars, and other posts. The exam consists of Tier I (objective) and Tier II (descriptive). The SSC MTS 2023 notification was released on June 14, 2023.
Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces Examination (CPO): This exam is for candidates who have a bachelor's degree and want to join sub-inspectors in Delhi Police, Central Reserve Police Force, Border Security Force, Indo-Tibetan Border Police, Central Industrial Security Force, and Sashastra Seema Bal. The exam consists of two papers: Paper I (objective) and Paper II (objective). The SSC CPO 2023 notification was released on July 20, 2023.
Junior Engineer Examination (JE): This exam is for candidates who have a diploma or degree in civil, mechanical, electrical or quantity surveying engineering and want to join junior engineers in various departments and organizations of the government. The exam consists of two papers: Paper I (objective) and Paper II (conventional). The SSC JE 2023 notification was released on July 26, 2023.
Stenographer Grade C and D Examination: This exam is for candidates who have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination and have a stenography skill of 100 words per minute for Grade C and 80 words per minute for Grade D. The exam consists of two stages: Computer Based Test (objective) and Skill Test. The SSC Stenographer 2023 notification was released on August 2, 2023.
Constable GD in Central Armed Police Forces, NIA, SSF and Rifleman GD in Assam Rifles Examination: This exam is for candidates who have passed matriculation or equivalent examination and meet the physical standards required for the posts. The exam consists of four stages: Computer Test (objective), Physical Efficiency Test, Physical Standard Test, and Medical Examination. The SSC Constable GD 2022 notification was released on October 27, 2022.
We hope this note helps you understand the SSC and its examination better. If you want more details about any specific exam, visit the SSC official website or check out some online resources. Good luck with your preparation!
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opinjobs · 11 months
Latest Government Jobs: Opportunities for Employment in the Public Sector
Government jobs have always been a popular choice among job seekers due to their stability, attractive benefits, and the opportunity to contribute to the development and welfare of the nation. In this article, we will highlight some of the latest government jobs opportunities across various sectors, providing you with valuable information to pursue a rewarding career in the public sector.
Civil Services:
The civil services are highly esteemed positions that offer a wide range of opportunities to serve the government at various levels. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil Services Examination, which includes prestigious positions like Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Foreign Service (IFS), among others.
Banking and Finance:
Public sector banks regularly announce job openings for positions such as Probationary Officers (PO), Clerks, and Specialist Officers (SO). These jobs provide excellent career growth prospects and job security, making them an appealing option for those interested in the banking and financial sector.
Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs):
PSUs are government-owned corporations or companies that operate in various industries such as oil and gas, power, telecommunications, and engineering. Some well-known PSUs include Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), and National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC). They offer lucrative employment opportunities for engineers, management professionals, and technical experts.
Defense Services:
Joining the defense services, including the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force, is a prestigious career choice. These jobs offer a chance to serve the nation while enjoying excellent salary packages, perks, and opportunities for personal growth and development. Recruitment in the defense services is conducted through competitive examinations and selection processes.
Railway Jobs:
The Indian Railways, one of the largest employers in the country, frequently announces job vacancies for various positions such as Railway Protection Force (RPF) Constables, Junior Engineers, Station Masters, and Ticket Collectors, among others. With a diverse range of job profiles and opportunities for growth, railway jobs are highly sought after.
Teaching and Education:
The government sector offers numerous opportunities for those aspiring to make a difference in the field of education. Teaching positions in government schools, colleges, and universities are in demand, with competitive pay scales and job security. State-level and central-level teacher eligibility tests are conducted to select eligible candidates for these roles.
Healthcare Sector:
With the ongoing focus on healthcare infrastructure, the government has been actively recruiting healthcare professionals. Positions for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare workers are regularly advertised in government hospitals, medical colleges, and research institutions. These roles provide an opportunity to serve the community and contribute to the nation's well-being.
For More Info:-
Govt Jobs New Vacancies
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newsytv · 1 year
The 700 constable jobs being filled by the Chandigarh Police have been made public via an official statement. The comprehensive notice for the Chandigarh Police Recruitment 2023 has been uploaded on the official website chandigarhpolice.gov.in. The Chandigarh Police Recruitment 2023 registration period will end on June 22, 2023, the deadline for submitting an online application. Review all of the Chandigarh Police Recruitment details, including the online application link, important dates, notifications, and specifications.
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The Chandigarh Police Recruitment 2023 is the best opportunity for qualified job candidates who desire to work for the Chandigarh Police Department. Candidates for the Chandigarh Police Recruitment 2023 must be at least 18 years old and graduates of the 12th grade. The Chandigarh Police Recruitment 2023 selection process consists of written examinations, physical efficiency tests, physical measurement tests, document verification tests, and medical exams. Candidates that are selected will be paid on a monthly basis at Pay Level-3.
Notification of Police Positions in Chandigarh 2023
The Chandigarh Police Recruitment 2023 Notification is a substantial document that contains all important details, such as registration deadlines, eligibility standards, hiring guidelines, exam schedules, etc. Candidates must read the notice pdf before submitting an application for the Chandigarh Police Constable Recruitment 2023. You can access the pdf of the Chandigarh Police Constable 2023 Notification directly from this page.
Education Requirements for Chandigarh Police Constable Recruitment 2023
Candidates must have received a grade of 12 or higher.
For applicants who have completed Levels 0+2 or have received certificates from Defence Services.
driving abilities
Male applicants in all categories must have a valid driver’s license that allows them to operate both two-wheelers and four-wheel vehicles as of the day the online application was submitted.
computer expertise
Candidates must possess fundamental computer skills from a reputable institution.
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Chandigarh Police Coaching in Chandigarh from Gurukul Career Group is best Chandigarh Police Constable Coaching in Chandigarh. We provide Best Coaching for Chandigarh Police constable and Chandigarh Police SI (Sub Inspector) and Gives Best result with 100% assured Success. Last time Chandigarh police constable exam was conducted in 2018 and Gurukul Career Group only Academy that gives best result. Now in 2021 once again Chandigarh Police ASI Coaching in Chandigarh administration is going to conduct exam for recruitment of Constable and SI for proper functioning of Administration and maintaining Law and Order. This time exam procedure will be different than the previous year. This time candidates have to first qualify written exam and then has to pass physical test and medical. To crack this exam you need best police constable coaching for which Gurukul Career Group is Police Coaching in Chandigarh.
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rojgarbharat · 4 months
Name of Post:
Railway RPF Constable & SI Recruitment Online Form 2024
Post Date:26 February 2024 | 01:30 PMShort Information :The Railway Protection Force (RPF) has Recently Issue to Online Application Form for the Post of RPF Constable & Sub Inspector Recruitment 2024.
Railway Protection Force (RPF)
RPF Constable & SI Recruitment 2024
RPF SI 01/2024 & RPF Constable 02/2024 :
Application Fee
General, OBC : Rs. 500/-
SC, ST,EWS,Female : Rs. 250/-
Correction Charge : Rs. 250/-
Important Dates
Application Start : 15/04/2024
Last Date : 14/05/2024
Exam Date : Notified Soon
Admit Card : Notified Soon
Payment Mode
Use the Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking Fee Mode.
Age Limit  As on (01/07/2024)
Min. Age (RPF Constable) : 18-28 Years.
Max. Age (RPF SI) : 21-28 Years.
Read the Notification for Age Relaxation.
Vacancy Details
Total Vacancy : 4660 Post
Post NameVacancyQualificationRPF Constable4208Candidates Should have 10th Pass CandidateRPF Sub-Inspector452Candidates Should have Graduate Degree Pass.
Pay Scale
RPF Constables PM Salary - Rs. 21700/- plus allowances.
RPF Sub-Inspector (SI)PM Salary - Rs. 35400/- plus allowances
Selection Process
Written Exam
Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Document Verification
Medical Examination
RPF Constable & Sub Inspector Physical Eligibility Details
Height CMS
165 CMS
160 CMS
157 CMS
152 CMS
1600 Meters Run Constable
5 Minute 45 Second
5 Minute 45 Second
1600 Meters Run Sub Inspector
6 Min 30 Sec
6 Min 30 Sec
800 Meter Run Sub Inspector
04 Min
04 Min
800 Meter Run Constable
3 Minute 40 Second
3 Minute 40 Second
Long Jump Sub Inspector
12 Ft
12 Ft
09 Ft
09 Ft
Long Jump Constable
14 Feet
14 Feet
09 Feet
09 Feet
High Jump Sub Inspector
3ft 9 Inch
3 ft 9 inch
3 Ft
3 Ft
High Jump Constable
04 Feet
04 Feet
3 Ft
3 Ft
RPF Constable and SI Exam Pattern 2024
Negative Marking: 1/3rd
Time Duration: 90 Minutes (1 Hour 30 Minutes)
Mode of Exam: Computer Based Test (CBT) Objective Type .
SubjectQuestionsMarksGeneral Awareness (GK)5050Arithmetic (Maths)3535Reasoning3535Total120120
How To Apply RPF Constable & SI
These are following step.
Click on the Apply Online Link given below.
Fill out the application form.
Upload the required documents
Pay Fees
Print the Application Form.
Apply Online
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alpharegiment · 11 months
Understanding the Selection Process for BSF Head Constable Ministerial Position
The BSF Head Constable Ministerial position holds a significant role within the Border Security Force, contributing to the efficient administrative functioning of the force. If you're aspiring to join this esteemed position, it's essential to comprehend the BSF Head Constable Ministerial Selection Process. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the selection process, enabling you to prepare effectively and increase your chances of success.
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BSF Head Constable Ministerial Selection Process: A Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Notification and Application: The selection process for the BSF Head Constable Ministerial position begins with the release of an official notification by the Border Security Force. This notification outlines the eligibility criteria, application procedure, important dates, and other essential details. Eligible candidates are required to submit their applications within the specified timeframe.
Step 2: Written Examination: The first phase of the selection process involves a written examination. The examination assesses candidates' knowledge in areas such as general awareness, English language, mathematics, and reasoning ability. It's crucial to prepare thoroughly for this stage, covering the prescribed syllabus and practicing previous years' question papers.
Step 3: Documentation and Physical Standard Test (PST): Candidates who successfully clear the written examination proceed to the documentation verification stage. This involves verifying your educational and personal documents to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria. Following documentation, candidates undergo the Physical Standard Test (PST) to ensure they meet the required physical standards set by the BSF.
Step 4: Typing Speed Test: For the BSF Head Constable Ministerial position, candidates are required to possess typing skills. As part of the selection process, candidates are tested on their typing speed in English or Hindi on a computer.
Step 5: Medical Examination: Candidates who qualify in the typing speed test undergo a thorough medical examination to ensure they meet the medical standards prescribed by the BSF. Good physical and mental health are essential for the role.
Step 6: Final Merit List and Selection: Based on candidates' performance in the written examination, typing speed test, and medical examination, a final merit list is prepared. Successful candidates are selected for the BSF Head Constable Ministerial position based on their ranking in the merit list.
Step 7: Training and Induction: Candidates who make it to the final merit list undergo comprehensive training at BSF training centers. The training equips them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and understanding of their responsibilities as Head Constables.
Conclusion: The BSF Head Constable Ministerial Selection Process is a meticulous journey that evaluates candidates' abilities, skills, and suitability for the administrative responsibilities of the position. By comprehending each step of the process, aspiring candidates can prepare effectively, ensuring they meet the eligibility criteria and perform well in the various stages. A successful journey through the selection process not only opens the door to a fulfilling career but also enables individuals to contribute meaningfully to the administrative functioning of the esteemed Border Security Force.
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manasastuff-blog · 7 months
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SSC GD Constable Qualification
The minimum age requirement is 18 years, and the maximum age limit is 23 years. Candidates should have completed class 10 or matriculation. Separate physical standards are set for male candidates.
Becoming an SSC GD Constable requires meeting specific qualifications and undergoing rigorous training. Manasa Defence Academy excels in providing the best training to aspiring candidates, focusing on educational qualifications, physical fitness, medical standards, and overall personality development. With their comprehensive study materials, experienced faculty, physical training sessions, mock tests, and interview preparation programs, the academy ensures that candidates are well-prepared to excel in the selection process. Choose Manasa Defence Academy to embark on your journey towards a successful career in the defense forces.
Call : 7799799221 Website : www.manasadefenceacademy.com
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latestgovtjobnews · 6 months
2024 CAPFs and Rifleman Recruitment Notice details eligibility and application information.
New Post has been published on https://www.jobsarkari.in/2024-capfs-and-rifleman-recruitment-notice-details-eligibility-and-application-information/
2024 CAPFs and Rifleman Recruitment Notice details eligibility and application information.
The Central Armed-Police and Rifleman Recruitment Notice 2024 has been issued by the Indian Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions. The notice provides important dates for the submission of online applications, as well as details about the recruitment process.
The recruitment process is open to both male and female candidates, with a focus on gender balance. The notice states that women candidates are encouraged to apply.
The recruitment is for the posts of Constable (GD) in Central Armed-Police Forces/(GAPFs), SSF, and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles (AR). Candidates selected for appointment are liable to serve anywhere in India.
The examination will be conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) and will consist of a Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Medical Examination, and Document Verification.
Candidates should carefully read the notice and fill out the online application form. It is important to note that any candidate who produces a Domicile/Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) issued by a state other than the one mentioned in their application will not be allowed to appear in the Detailed Medical Examination.
The recruitment process will be conducted as per the rules and regulations of various organizations, and the Commission will not prepare a waiting list/reserve list after the declaration of the final result. The appointment of candidates is subject to availability of seats in the respective organizations.
Candidates should ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria, including age limits and educational qualifications. The age limit for candidates is 18-23 years as of January 1, 2024, with certain relaxations for candidates belonging to reserved categories.
Candidates should also carefully select their preferred forces at the time of application, as the choice of forces will be considered during allocation. Candidates selected for appointment are liable to serve in the force they have opted for.
Candidates should submit their online applications well before the closing date to avoid any technical issues. The application fee is Rs. 100/- for candidates who are not exempted, and it can be paid through various online modes.
Candidates are advised to regularly visit the websites of the SSC and the regional offices for updates on the examination process and download of admit cards for each stage of the examination.
The vacancies for Constable (GD) in SSF will be filled on an All India basis, while vacancies in other CAPFs will be filled as per the vacancies available in various states/UTs. Vacancies are also earmarked for Border Guarding Districts and Militancy/Naxal affected districts.
Candidates are required to submit a Domicile/Permanent Residential Certificate (PRC) issued by the competent authority to prove their domiciliary status at the time of Documents Verification.
The examination will be conducted in English, Hindi, and 13 regional languages. The syllabus for the examination includes General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi.
Candidates should carefully select their preferred examination centers at the time of application, as requests for change of center will not be considered later.
The examination will be conducted in a computer-based format, and candidates will have a specific time limit to complete each section of the examination. There will be negative marking for wrong answers, with a deduction of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer.
After the computer-based examination, candidates who qualify will undergo a Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and Document Verification. The final selection will be based on the performance of candidates in these stages.
Candidates are advised to go through the detailed notice for all the information regarding eligibility criteria, application process, and examination pattern. They should also regularly check the websites of the SSC and the regional offices for updates and notifications regarding the recruitment process.
Overall, the notice provides important details about the recruitment process for the posts of Constable (GD) in Central Armed-Police Forces/(GAPFs), SS
The Central Armed-Police and Rifleman Recruitment Notice 2024 provides important information about the eligibility criteria and recruitment process for candidates interested in joining the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Rifleman posts. The document outlines the physical standards, physical efficiency test, medical examination, and document verification that candidates must undergo during the selection process.
Eligibility criteria for candidates include meeting the height and chest requirements, which may be relaxed for certain categories such as Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Ex-servicemen (ESM) on the production of valid certificates. Female candidates are also required to meet specific criteria, including a self-declaration regarding pregnancy, and they will undergo a separate physical efficiency test. The document emphasizes the importance of candidates carefully reviewing the educational qualifications, age criteria, and physical medical standards to ensure their eligibility for the posts.
The recruitment process consists of a computer-based examination (CBE), physical standard test (PST), physical efficiency test (PET), medical examination (DME/RME), and document verification. Candidates must clear each stage to proceed to the next. The CBE will be conducted at various centers, and candidates will be shortlisted for the PST/PET based on their performance in the examination. Those who qualify in the PST/PET will then undergo the DME/RME, where their physical and medical fitness will be assessed. Candidates are advised to participate in the recruitment process with due preparation and at their own risk.
The document also provides information about the selection process, including the allocation of CAPFs/organizations based on merit in the CBE and preferences expressed by candidates in their online applications. It highlights that SC, ST, OBC, EWS, and ESM candidates who qualify on their own merit without relaxed standards will not be adjusted against reserved vacancies but will be accommodated in unreserved vacancies based on their position in the overall merit list.
Important instructions are given to candidates, including the need to carefully fill out the online application form and provide accurate information about their domicile state and district. Candidates are advised to submit only one application and to review their details before final submission, as changes or corrections will not be allowed after submission. The document also warns against fraudulent applications and the use of unfair means during the examination, which can lead to disqualification and legal action.
Candidates are required to provide their Aadhaar number or alternative ID numbers for verification purposes. They must also upload a recent passport-sized photograph and provide a valid mobile number and email address for communication. Admit cards for the various stages of the recruitment process will be available for download from the CRPF website, and candidates are advised to regularly check for updates.
The document includes details about the physical standards, physical efficiency test, and medical examination requirements for candidates, highlighting the importance of physical fitness and the consequences of deliberate attempts to deceive the recruitment process. It also provides contact information for regional help lines in case of any queries or clarifications.
In conclusion, the Central Armed-Police and Rifleman Recruitment Notice 2024 provides comprehensive information about the eligibility criteria, recruitment process, and important instructions for candidates interested in joining the CAPFs and Rifleman posts. It emphasizes the need for candidates to carefully review the requirements, provide accurate information, and participate in the recruitment process with due diligence.
The Central Armed Police and Rifleman Recruitment Notice for 2024 provides important details for candidates interested in applying for these positions. Candidates who score above the cut-off marks but are not qualified for the subsequent stage or final selection must represent themselves to the Regional Office within two months of the result declaration or two weeks prior to the next stage of the examination. If a candidate is selected but does not receive any correspondence within one year after the result declaration, they must immediately communicate with the concerned User Department.
To complete the registration process, candidates must save their information, review it carefully, and click ‘Final Submit’ after agreeing to the declaration. Different OTPs will be sent to their mobile number and email ID, which they must enter to complete the registration process. If the registration process is not completed within 14 days, the candidate’s data will be deleted from the system. However, after completion, basic details can still be changed.
Candidates must ensure that their name, gender, father’s name, mother’s name, and date of birth are filled exactly as recorded in their matriculation certificate. Incorrect or wrong information can lead to cancellation of their candidature. They must also provide information about their visible identification mark and nationality.
The online application form requires candidates to upload a recent scanned color passport-sized photograph and a scanned signature. The photograph should be without cap, spectacles, and both ears should be visible. The signature should be legible. Blurred or illegible photographs or signatures will result in rejection of the application.
Candidates are advised to keep their data ready before proceeding with the online application form. Information in certain columns will be automatically filled from their one-time registration data, which is non-editable. Candidates can modify their registration details by clicking on ‘Modify Registration’ if necessary.
They must also provide information about their category, whether they are an ex-serviceman or a National Cadet Corps (NCC) certificate holder, and their preference for examination centers. The medium for the computer-based examination should also be selected.
Candidates must select their domicile state/UT and district and provide details of their highest educational qualification. They must also indicate their preference for CAPFs/organizations and provide details of their qualifying educational qualification.
Certificates for serving defense personnel, employed personnel, ex-servicemen, and economically weaker sections must be submitted as applicable. SC/ST and OBC candidates must submit their respective caste certificates.
Candidates belonging to militancy/Naxal affected districts or border districts must indicate the same in their application. They must also provide their preference for posts and indicate their highest educational qualification.
The application form should be previewed and verified before submission. Printout of the application form is usually not required to be submitted to the Commission, but it may be required in case of grievances related to online application.
Candidates belonging to scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, or other backward classes must submit the respective certificates issued by competent authorities. Similarly, candidates belonging to economically weaker sections must provide an income and assets certificate.
Finally, the document provides a list of militancy/Naxal affected districts and border districts for reference.
Overall, the document provides a comprehensive guide for candidates interested in applying for Central Armed Police and Rifleman positions. It emphasizes the importance of accurate information, proper documentation, and completion of the registration process within the given timeframe.
The Central Armed-Police and Rifleman Recruitment Notice 2024 provides important details about the eligibility criteria and recruitment process for candidates interested in joining the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Rifleman posts.
The recruitment process includes a computer-based examination, physical standard test, physical efficiency test, medical examination, and document verification.
Candidates must carefully review the educational qualifications, age criteria, and physical medical standards to ensure their eligibility for the posts.
Female candidates have specific criteria and will undergo a separate physical efficiency test.
The selection process includes merit-based allocation of CAPFs/organizations and preferences expressed by candidates in their online applications.
Candidates must provide accurate information about their domicile state and district, and any incorrect information can lead to disqualification.
Admit cards for the various stages of the recruitment process will be available for download from the CRPF website.
Candidates must complete the registration process within a specified timeframe and ensure that their information is accurate and complete.
Eligibility Criteria and Recruitment Process
Meeting height and chest requirements
Relaxations for certain categories (SC, ST, ESM)
Specific criteria for female candidates
Computer-based examination, physical tests, medical examination, and document verification
Importance of reviewing educational qualifications, age criteria, and physical standards
Selection Process and Allocation
Merit-based allocation of CAPFs/organizations
Preferences expressed by candidates in online applications
SC, ST, OBC, EWS, and ESM candidates on merit without relaxed standards
Importance of accurate domicile state and district information
Disqualification for incorrect information
Admit Cards and Updates
Admit cards available for download from CRPF website
Importance of regularly checking for updates
Communication through mobile number and email address
Contact information for regional help lines
Physical Standards and Fitness Requirements
Importance of physical fitness
Consequences of attempting to deceive the recruitment process
Medical examination requirements
Highlighting physical efficiency test for female candidates
Contact information for queries or clarifications
Registration Process and Important Details
Saving and reviewing information before final submission
Completing registration process within specified timeframe
Basic details can still be changed after completion
Ensuring accurate name, gender, date of birth, etc.
Providing visible identification mark and nationality
Uploading Photograph and Signature
Scanned color passport-sized photograph without cap or spectacles
Legible scanned signature
Rejection for blurred or illegible photographs or signatures
Providing Additional Information
Keeping data ready before proceeding with the application form
Modification of registration details if necessary
Providing category, ex-serviceman or NCC certificate details
Preference for examination centers and medium
Domicile State/UT and District
Importance of selecting the correct state/UT and district
Preference for CAPFs/organizations and highest educational qualification
Submission of certificates for defense personnel, SC/ST/OBC, and economically weaker sections
Previewing and Verifying Application Form
Reviewing and verifying application form before submission
Printout of application form usually not required
Importance of accurate information and proper documentation
Completion of registration process within given timeframe
Key Points to Remember
Eligibility criteria and recruitment process outlined in the notice
Importance of accurate information, proper documentation, and completion of registration process
Admit cards available for download from CRPF website
Regularly check for updates and communicate through provided contact information
Follow instructions carefully to ensure eligibility and successful participation in the recruitment process.
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