bighardpush · 9 months
Sexy body in labor, good faces and sound id love to have helped her deliver
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zegalba · 1 year
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Crowning Sculpture By Snail Scott
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flnpushy · 2 months
Idea for a story: Woman has a homebirth that goes on for a very long time because the baby is huge. She has to do things such as making food and try to sleep, even getting the package sent to her home all while the head takes forever to come out.
Tia's Super hard crowning.
“Oh my god!” 
Tia said as she endured another intense contraction. She had been in labor now for about 36 hours. It started with tiny contractions and slowly became more intense for her as the hours passed by. Tia, a single mother was now due to give birth in her apartment. She wasn’t the social type and really did not want to give birth in a hospital or with others around. She was willing to risk a home birth alone to simply be away from interactions. Tia had gotten pregnant from a hookup that was taken too far. She always wanted a friend and companion with her, so who better than her own baby to join her. Needless to say Tia was excited to have this baby. 
Tia was 26 and had always been introverted. She was 5 foot tall and had a petite frame. She had blond hair and blue eyes and was truly beautiful. Her pregnant belly was so big and contracted on her tiny frame, it looked like she was carrying a Beach ball. Tia ignored the doctors appointments and simply did the birth research herself. She wanted to avoid people and the touch of midwives or doctors. Tia knew her belly was a bit on the bigger side for a girl of her stature and was simply unaware that she had within her a 12 pound baby girl. For a first time mother, a 12 pound baby, and a small frame woman….. This was to be an interesting birth.
“Uggghhh, This is starting to hurt!” Tia said aloud as she sat upon her couch. She had been naked since the labor had started. Besides it was just her, so why not? She sat upon the couch with her big belly protruding from her frame. She reached down and felt inside her vagina. She pushed her finger about 3 inches in.
“Nothing yet.” She exclaimed. 
Tia had gone through a rough transition and knew she was dilated properly, but with her cervix being naturally high, and her fingers being small, she didn’t have the ability to note the giant head that was now stretching her cervix wide open. 
A few hours progressed as Tia endured contractions. As she did she watched her favorite movies to keep her entertained. The day was young yet, and she figured that by days end, she would have the baby out. Around 1pm Tia had made a small lunch and the contractions became intense. She had bought a birth stool upon which she sat, facing her couch and enduring contractions. Around 1:30 pm the urge to push finally hit her. It had been 40 hours of labor now, and it was good that she could finally start working the baby out of her belly. Tia was excited. 
At 1:45 pm Tia reached down once more and interred a finger, she pushed her finger was in and bumped something. It felt warm and squishy, but as she pressed in a bit, It became hard to the touch. She knew this was her daughters head. Tia smiled ear to ear knowing that her baby was soon to be born. The celebration was short lived however as the next painful contraction hit. She pushed, and pushed hard. 
“Ahhhmmmmmugh.” Tia pushed intensely with each contraction, they were now about 2-5 minutes apart, depending on intensity. 
This continued for a couple of hours, finally around 4 PM, tia could feel herself beginning to bulge. As she made the next push, she reached down with her hand. As she pushed, she could feel something beginning to bulge her skin out. She knew now that the head was just inside. About another hour past, the entire time she could feel this bulging with each push. After sometime she was finally made aware of the heads arrival in the opening as she could feel herself open up slightly. She immediately reached down and could feel the top of her daughters head in her vaginal opening. With the end of the push she could feel the head slide back in as her opening closed up. She was excited at this, but she knew that there was a lot more work to come to get the head out. She had watched videos of birth, and knew that this next step in her birth could take some serious time and effort to progress that baby out of her. 
Tia Continued working to push as she sat upon her birth stool. With each push her daughters head would open her vagina, and bulge to the same spot. Then it would slowly slip back inside and close her vagina at the end of the contraction. This work continued for another hour as Tia pressed on attempting to free the baby from her womb. Tia decided that she needed to use the bathroom. After a push she stood up from the birth stool. She could feel the baby slide way back inside as her legs closed to Stand. She walked into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. It was hard to go but she was able to a little bit. She endured another push as she sat. Next she returned to the living room area to keep pushing. She sat upon the stool once more and began trying to push her baby free of her belly. Another 2 hours passed until finally with the next push, the head made some progress. Tia reached down to feel the head bulging out a little ways, from what she could feel only about 20% of the head was in the opening and she already felt stretched. The other 80% still remained clenched behind her tight vaginal skin. She kept making pushes, with each push she could feel the baby pushing against the opening, but not making any forward progress. Essentially the baby was stuck. The babies head did not recede back inside after a push, but It didn't progress forward during a push. To add to her concerns, she could feel the baby wiggling as she pushed. The baby wanted out, but it wasn’t fitting. Not to be discouraged, she kept on pushing. This continued for about another hour. However to her disbelief, even with consistent pushing, the babies had refused to budge. Finally she knew that it was time to get something to eat, she needed to maintain her energy to get the baby to come out. As she stood up the baby did not recede back inside. The head simply remained in place. This made it very difficult to walk, so she had to waddle to the kitchen. Babies head poking out in between her legs. As she attempted to make food she continued to have contractions. Each time a contraction over took her she would squat down and attempt to push the babies head out. However no progress was made. Once the food was prepped she ate quickly standing up as waddling back to the couch would take too much effort. She eventually return to the couch and continue pushing. This went on for another hour. There was some progress made, but still only about 30% of the head was outside of her vagina. 70% of her daughters large head was still within her tight skin. She could feel that the baby inside was becoming impatient, the baby started wiggling much more vigorously in order to attempt a free itself from her womb. However between her pushing and the babies wiggling, the tight clenches of her vagina were not going to allow the baby to come out. Another tense couple hours of pushing passed. It was now getting on to 9pm. The babies head was at best 40% bulged out at this point. Still so much of the head remained trapped inside. Tia could handle no more. She needed rest. 
Tia waddled to her bed as the head remained pressed in her opening. As she laid back she reached down to feel the babies stuck head. It was dry now as it had been bulging out for so long. She tried wiggling it around with her hand, but the skin was so tight she couldn’t budge it. After a couple more contractions, Tia passed out into sleep. 
She awoke… It was morning time, somehow she had slept the night and slept through most contractions. She had been up several times during hard contractions, but managed to fall back asleep. She reached down to find babies head in the exact same place. Stuck. It was 7 am and she waddled to the living room. Tia placed a mirror in front of the birth stool now to see her babies head as she labored. She worked but with no prevail. The baby was simply stuck. At 9am the door bell rang…
“Hell!” Tia said aloud. 
She quickly tossed a robe on and waddled to the door. She opened it. 
“Package for Tia.” The delivery man said. 
As tia reached out to grab the package she was struck with a hardcore contraction, she had no choice but to squat and push.
“Oh my god, are you ok?” Asked the delivery man 
“Yeah, um food poising cramps, yeah not good.” Tia muttered.
“Ok as long as your good.” The delivery man said as he gave her a storage look.
“Yeah I’m good, thanks.” Tia said. 
The man walked away and tia closed the door. During the intense push she felt something happen. She pulled the robe off and sat upon the birth stool. She looked into the mirror and noticed something. She was Crowning! The head was now about 80% out, almost full crown. It was absolutely huge. Her vaginal skin around the head was so stretched that it was bleach white in color. She was being stretched to the physical max. But still 20% of the head was inside! Tia pushed and pushed hard. 
“AHHHHHH COME OUT!” She yelped as she gave it her all. 
She could feel an intense tearing pain as she pushed. Finally her vagina gave in and released the babies head. It was absolutely massive. She next felt the baby rotate inside her. Now the shoulders had to come. She pushed hard and to her surprise the baby basically just slipped out. The head was thankfully the largest and hardest part. The baby began crying and tia was relieved. She was now a mother, and had a new best friend, Her daughter. 
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lilly-aurora4 · 1 month
Since the video is too long to share, here is the link to the 51 minute birth compilation I created
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angelicm0ans · 8 months
oh to struggle getting the head to crown while straddling someone’s lap. as the head slips in and out of view, their hands caress my bulging lips, heavy belly, and swollen breasts. the cherry on top would be their sweet, but teasing whispers in my ear telling me how well i’m doing birthing their baby 🥰🥰
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maiesyday · 2 months
from the kissing to the midwife’s assistance… this video is a dream
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plspush · 3 months
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He’s struggling so hard🥺 He’s pushing and pushing, but his friends and partner are still in the other room gathering supplies for the birth. He can't focus on much else; just the heaving pain from his back to his stomach and the ring of fire bulging, forcing his legs open to make room for such a large head. He grips the couch and cries out, frantically stuck in a place where he needs to push, but is scared to push, and wants to wait for them to come back. He isn’t sure if it’s stuck at almost crowning or he’s just stressing too much to relax and open up. He pants heavily, groans and pained moans throughout. He screams.
The screaming is enough to alert Aiden of his dilemma, and the three come barreling in to find Caleb splayed out, big baby visibly coming out between his shaking legs.
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hypbellylver · 7 months
Pink socks girl video
I have been looking for this video for so long!! It's one of my favorites and used to be on youtube. Here's the link to it through google drive.
Video Link!!
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birthingout · 16 days
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xxemiexx · 1 year
Do It Again
Around 2500 words
Dark theme, birth denial, clothing birth
I took deep breaths as I slid the dildo inside of me, the soft vibrations taking my mind off the contractions. Hopefully this would help me get through my last shift.
I put on 2 pairs of tight panties over the top to ensure the dildo stayed in place. This baby was not being born today I needed that bonus from work too badly.
The bus station came into my sight but the bus was already there
"Shit! Please wait!" I shouted and started a slow jog up to it but the driver shut the door.
"Please!" I waved and shouted but the bus drove off.
A contraction rushed through my stomach and I quickly ducked into an ally as I doubled over, I pulled my phone out and turned the vibrator up needing something to ease the pain.
I started to walk very quickly so I wouldn't be late.
I got to work 5 minutes before my shift started. I rushed to put my coat and bag in my locker, the movement of the stairs moving the dildo inside of me making my moan quietly to myself.
Just 7 hours and I could go home and give birth. I clocked in and went to the shop floor.
The store manager, John, came up to me after a while of stacking shelves.
"Could you get something from the top shelf for me sweetheart?" He smirked as he asked looking me up and down.
I nodded and walked towards the isle, grabbing a step stool on the way. I carefully made my way up and reached towards the back of the top shelf, the stretching movement allowing the baby to drop down. I groaned a little, focusing on the task.
He chuckled to himself as I felt his hand press against my vagina, I gasped as the dildo went deeper, pushing through my dilating cervix.
"Oh my god!" I said breathlessly. I looked around for help but the isle was empty. He pushed the dildo so far into my cervix I felt the vibrations in my stomach. I doubled over holding the shelves to keep me up.
"I could fuck that baby out of you sweetie, I'll take good care of you. You better keep quiet if you want the bonus." He whispered into my ear as he reached inside my trousers pushing deeper through the panties.
The stretch of the dildo in my cervix made my eyes water.
"Come with me baby." He pulled me down from the stool. I was in a haze of shock, pleasure and pain as he lead me to the entrance of the store.
He told the front of store staff he was taking me to the hospital as I was in labour. They nodded and wished me luck before going back to their work.
He led me out to his car, it was small and only had two doors, he opened the passenger door and pulled the seat forward telling me to get in the back.
"I won't be able to fit in there." I panted, there was no room in the back, both front seats pushed back as much as they could be.
"Get in, it's the back seats or the trunk." He grabbed my arm and pushed me forward.
I took my time to climb through the small gap, gasping when I felt the baby flail around in my stomach when the manager slapped my ass, the dildo digging in hard.
"Good girl." He said when I was finally in. He slammed the door.
I tried to move my legs so I could spread them, there was an ache deep inside me, needing relief from the pressure I kept trying but I was so restricted from my tight pants and the lack of space back here.
John finally got in and started his car.
"Please take me to the hospital." I panted rubbing my stomach as a contraction hit me.
"We're going sweetheart don't you worry!" He chuckled and set off. "Put your seatbelt on." He warned, looking at me through the rear view.
I reached and pulled it around me, it was incredibly tight around my stomach. He seemed pleased with this and got on the highway.
The vibrations inside me were steadily increasing, my hips bucking from the seat searching for friction. John chuckled and I saw my phone in his hand, he was controlling it. He turned it up full and threw it in the seat next to him.
My hips were bucking faster, moving the dildo deeper inside of me, I put my hand inside my pants, reaching for it to pump it in and out of me but I could no longer feel it it was so deep inside me.
I whimpered and rubbed my clit, searching for any kind of release.
All of a sudden John slammed his breaks on, the seatbelt tightening around my stomach so hard the air left my lungs.
I felt something trickling out of me, wetting the seat underneath me.
"No..." I pulled my hand out and it was wet.
"Ah your water! Don't worry, when we get where we're going you won't need it." He said and turned into his drive.
He pulled me out the car, and into his house.
"Let's look at what's going on down here sweetie." He pushed me to lay on his couch and pulled my jeans off and removed my pants, he inserted the length of his thumb inside of me behind the dildo, forcing it through my cervix once again. I felt the baby move in my stomach.
He slid the dildo out after a few extra rough pumps. There was a pop of amniotic fluid on the exit.
I took the opportunity to push, John grabbed my legs behind my knees and pushed them up to my stomach, seemingly aiding my pushing.
"That's it, push hard!" He pushed down on my stomach forcing the head through my cervix with such force my head was spinning.
He did the same again and the head moved rapidly through my birth canal.
A contraction took over and forced me to bear down, the head coming to my opening. John chuckled and pushed my legs apart further as he pushed on my stomach.
I screamed at the speed all this was happening, pressure hitting me from all directions.
Fluid spurted out of me around the stretch of the head and there was a sudden and forceful pop as the head shot out.
"That's it!" He gave a forceful shove to my stomach and pushed my knees so they were by my shoulders.
"Agghhh!! No! Please stop!" I begged him reaching down to touch the baby he was forcing out of me.
The shoulders pop out next and the baby arms come out next, leaving it half out of me.
John let's go of my legs and sighs.
"Silly me! I forgot I had some stuff to do today!" He chuckled to himself. "I'm so forgetful." He said has he pushed the baby's arms back inside of me.
"No John please!" I cried as he pushed the shoulders and head back inside me, he does this until the baby is forced back into my womb.
"Doesn't that just feel better!" He smiled, "It's a shame your water broke, it would be safer in there with some protection." He stood there thinking to himself for a second.
The urge to push slowly creeping up on me.
He left the room for a few seconds, reaching something in the kitchen.
I didn't have the energy to get up and move, I wanted to run away so badly.
He returned with a funnel with a long tube and a 2 litre bottle of water.
"I'm just going to make it like your water never broke!" He smiled, saying it like it was simple.
He grabbed my legs and walked behind the sofa with them making me fall back and hit my head on the floor.
"Gotta have gravity keep the water in!" He chuckled and spread my legs, I put my hands on the floor to support my head.
"Please John! Don't do this I need to push!" I beg as he slid the tube inside me with his fingers.
He held the funnel up and poured the cold water in.
I gasped and tried to wriggle away but he was holding my legs too tightly.
"Yeah, this is a cold one isn't it! I only had water in the fridge!" He laughed and emptied the entire 2 litres into my womb. The stretch felt unbearable but not as bad as the cold feeling.
He finally put the funnel down and pushed something big inside me.
"Ow no!" I gasped as I felt some liquid spill out of me because of how much he had poured in.
His mouth connected with my clit before I could process anything else.
I moaned and arched my back best I could with the full feeling.
He licked and nibbled on my clit, a hand reaching round to my breast. He rubbed my nipple through the fabric.
"John!" I moaned and cried out as I came, clamping down on whatever he had pushed inside me.
He quickly shut my legs and forced some very tight underwear up before wriggling my jeans back on me.
"There you go! It's like it never happened!" He pulled me up to standing.
The weight of all the water in my stomach nearly pulled me over. I rubbed my hands over it.
"It's nearly doubled in size." John commented, "if you're a good girl and do what I say I'll drink from you, you're so full of milk." He reached to grab my breasts.
A groan left my mouth as the baby flailed around in my stomach, my nipples aching for some stimulation.
"Please, I need to push, the water is too much!" I cried.
"We're going to do some errands, the vibrations will get more intense whenever I want them to." He opened the app on his phone and hit the max setting making me gasp as I got close to climaxing around the dildo.
"John!" I moaned, I rubbed my clit over the tight jeans and moaned as the orgasm hit me, my legs shook with the pleasure.
"See, I'll make you feel good if you're a good girl." John purred in my ear.
He turned the vibrations down and pulled me toward the stairs.
“Let’s get you a new top, this ones covered in milk.” He grabbed my breasts and squeezed, that alone let a fresh flood of milk out.
He pulled my top over my head and threw it on the couch, he then reached round to unhook my bra leaving my top half fully exposed.
His fingers flicked over my nipples, the sensation brought on another contraction instantly.
“Owwwwww-! John please!” I tried to squat down but the weight of my stomach would allow it.
“Let’s go upstairs.” He stood behind me and pushed me slowly towards them, it took my a deep breath to lift my leg and get on the first step.
“This can’t take all day!” John reminded me. By the fourth step a contraction took over me and I was pushing, John tutted and pulled my body down into a squat.
The pressure made my body ache. I crawled up the rest of the stairs and finally made it to his room.
He gave me a shirt but before I could slip it on, he latched onto my nipple, sucking and drinking from me.
I moaned and gripped his hair.
I gasped as I felt a little dribble of cold water run down my thigh. I must be dilating around the dildo.
He covered me with the T-shirt and made me face the stairs again. More cold water ran down my thighs as I had to stop to push. We got outside eventually and he opened the trunk of his car.
“Do you need help getting in?” I moved to get in, it was a tight fit.
“If that baby’s out by the time I open the trunk I’ll force it back inside of you and you won’t give birth for a month!” He threatened and slammed the boot shut.
The force of the slam hit the top of my stomach, the pressure knocking the air out of me.
My legs were left open, in a birthing position. It made the vibrations feel so much more intense when he turned them up full!
I moaned as more water escaped.
We were driving for what felt like an hour. He finally pulled over and I heard him on the phone, his voice faded and 30 minutes later I was struggling to hold on.
I undid my pants and wiggled them down, only able to get them to my hips, my thighs spread too wide to go any lower.
I reached in the panties and pulled the dildo hard, it hit my panties and slid right back in.
“Fuck!!” That felt so good. I did it a few more times until I came around it.
I then pushed my pants to the side and with a strong push, the dildo came out of me, along with floods and floods of water!
The baby’s head shot down so quick it blocked most of the water from coming out.
“Oh god!” I moaned as the head was at my opening ready to crown.
I felt the head pushed down lower as a contraction hit through my stomach
I gripped the back of my thighs and pulled up towards my stomach as I pushed hard.
A scream left my throat as the head reached a full crown in my underwear. I looked around for something to cut the pants with, I can’t pull them any lower.
I find an old pair of scissors and start to cut down from the zipper, I just get to the front when I need to push again.
“Fuck!” I pull my legs up as much as I could and pushed, the head inching out slowly.
I quickly cut the rest of the pants and felt the baby’s head, half out of me and I push, birthing the head into my hands.
A gush of water escaped around the head.
I was mid push when the trunk opened and John took in what was happening.
He chuckled as I begged for him to leave me alone.
“I’m gonna let you give birth, then I’m going to push it back in, so you can do it again.” He pulled me out the trunk roughly and dragged me into the field we were parked in.
The baby dropping lower inside me with each step.
“She’s going to fall onto the floor!” I screamed as the urge to push took over.
John pushed me to the floor I landed on my stomach, the force alongside the pushing forced my baby out of me, the water gushed from me.
The crying made a sigh of relief leave me.
John picked the baby up and started pushing its feet back inside me.
“I’ll leave its head out. Now do it again.” He chuckled.
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birthing1020 · 11 months
Hold me while i wiggle and thrash
Let me drop all my weight on to your arms
Let me scream and squat and crown hard 🥵
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seasprite-kink · 2 months
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So this is my little oc guy, he is a Brittany spaniel dog thing
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flnpushy · 3 months
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I love when babies get stuck right at this spot for awhile. The mother tries to wiggle, or move her legs, but yet the baby just stays in there
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submissivebirther · 3 months
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That's exactly the face expression I'd expect to have as I birth your massive baby
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keep-going-its-ok · 2 years
Current fantasy
I want to be laying on my back, legs in the air, pushing for my dear life to get your baby out of me. I want to feel the burn of its head crowning. I want to moan. I want you to praise me as I push. ‘Good girl. Such a good girl.’
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maiesyday · 2 months
I haven’t found a new video as good as this one is soooo long
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