#D) I miss the season 1 YJ kids
bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
Sixth Tuesday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— Unkown Factors
- The Babylonian theater in Hollywood. The Great Khan. Babylonian was the city where Vandal used to live and Gengis Khan was actually him. So Goode Studio promotes Savage’s life. 
- “Playtime after the mission.” Jeff’s thought: “Is he flirting with me now?”
- This robot doesn’t seem to be good news... 
- “Dreamer hasn’t come back for it yet.” Duh, how could she without her Motherbox, dummy? With the Motherbox of another Forever People, my bad. 
- So the robot is Apokoliptan tech.
- Granny’s house is pretty big! No surprise.
- “This is too easy.” You think? :( 
- That was a trap, indeed...
- Shayeris, where Kaldur and his family live.
- Wait... Dolphin’s name seems to be dolphin in Atlantean, which is more logical than in English. I didn’t hear the word “dolphin”. So how do you say dolphin in Atlantean? Delfis?
- They are in Granny’s house since 24h? And Oracle wasn’t worried or tried something before? 
- Kal, why do you speak to Barbara in Atlantean? The lenses translate but still. 
- Why Batman and Robin are in Africa? Tim’s team is also there? What is Miss Martian’s team’s mission? What about the Outsiders? No, too risky for them. 
- “I could not help but overhear;” Of course you did, since your boyfriend was speaking in Atlantean... 
- Great someone want to watch his back :) And Kaldur wants to protect him. 
- Wyynde did military school and sorcery school! 
- “I can beat your ass any day of the week.” Did he just say that chilly to the League’s leader? xD
- Ivy Town. Mal and Karen! Is it still/near Mount Justice localisation?
- So I guess metagene’s test is pretty common now? And what happen to those who are positive? How could they activate it without endangering their lives for the ones who want it?
- I love that Karen’s first answer is no: she doesn’t care if Mal is positive or not :) 
- “Just a regular guy.” Mal, have more self esteem! You fighted against a strong alien last season and had pretty good ideas!
- They only saw the “cool” part of the metagene, meaning powers, as they trained young heroes. But I think they retired before people went with human trafficking so they never saw the bad part of it.
- “He doesn’t have to be meta to be cool.” “Of course not.” Really good point to remind us that. 
- “Your brain’s beautiful too.” Guardianbee are really relationship goals! 
- When Mal says “genetically evolves so rapidly” I think he refers to the human DNA in general as they are more and more meta people (I mean with an activated gene). So humankind goes from Homo Sapiens Sapiens to Homo Meta and metapeople are the next step in human DNA evolution?
- “Genomes can be alter.” I don’t like the route this conversation takes... It’s one thing to activate a gene which is already there, another thing to alter complete a genome...
- “She can keep up.” to the human DNA evolution, right? Not because metagene is here that the other humans would disappear, right?
- “I think my water just broke.” she said so casually xD
- Ketchup, barbecue sauce, hoisin sauce xD
- Brion’s jokes xD
- The Condiment King. We saw one of his tweet earlier in the season.
- So M’gann is still going on mission only with Tara and Fred, so Violet is still benched from the Team. And where is Traci??
- Brion and Violet are still awkward to each other :/ 
- Vic has settle fine between the Team :)
- So Jace still doesn’t want Violet to tell the Team and the Team didn’t ask Jace questions about Violet since they all know she knows things? 
- Granny is reading the same book than Dick!
- Wyynde finds the airbreathing pretty weird xD Wait, was that a gay joke? (edit: now I know blow has another meaning in English. RIP my innocence xD )
- Wyynde must be the only one outside the Anti-Light who knows that Oracle is helping them as back up. 
- “That would not be necessary.” Did Kaldur see another distraction? *ring bells* Did Granny order pizzas or something? *Kadur and Wyynde are behind the door* WHAT? WTF? Why? And why are you telling her your name and your BF’s name? What happen to secret ID this season? (I love that partner are two diffferent meaning)
- How Granny could see a drone that small?!
- Is Overlord the name of this big robot?
- “You did not just ask me to hurry!” Mal, what were you thinking? xD
- The last scream was intense. And you can see Mal’s eyes widening :) 
- “Stay calm, there’s a problem with your little girl.” Difficult to do so actually... I hope she will be okay!
- Some Gar and Vic moments! :D
- So now Vic starting to be ok with the tech now there’s no Fatherbox anymore :)
- “Beetle taught me that one.” Did we miss a bonding moment between Vic and Jaime? Guys, do you know I was waiting for this since Vic was introduced in January?? Writers, how could you be this dirty to me? :( 
- Gar’s smile is up to no good xD Teenagers messing around xD Which room was that?
- Brion waiting for Violet and it’s Jace xD 
- That was a good advice actually. I think? Weird but logical. 
- “This could be your ticket back.” And what about Tara?
- Poor little baby girl :(
- “You just gave birth!” How could she stand??
- “I take the baby outside of the mom and never put the mom into the baby.” xD 
- A hole in the heart?! :(
- Back to the X-pit. The painful X-pit. which is for... brainwashing?
- Granny, stop with the lesson. 
- Don’t step outside, it’s a trap!
- Magic helps against the X-pit. 
- Wyynde took the Motherbox too!
- Granny seems to communicate with the Overlord. Is she Apokoliptan tech too?
- “He must be disciplined.” As if Kaldur will let his BF get torture, you crazy bitch! è.é
- Why everyone knows Nightwing’s true ID now?
- Ouch, Kaldur & Wyynde VS Nightwing and Lightning :/ 
- Karen, what are you doing? Why are you crying? How could she reach the DNA size? 
- So her scientific project was enhance the human capacities? It’s not even eugenism, it’s transhumanism! and she did that to her girl? So she would become super without being meta. 
- I love we have the heartbeats in background.
- Sure Atlantean strenght and magic are stronger to the surfacers’ but we are lucky Black Lightning is against Kaldur who is immune to electricity. It would have been different if the sparring was reversed. 
- Granny seems even crazier is this panel... She has Apokoliptan weapons in her house?!
- Infinity Incorporated? 
- Violet and Vic can feel the Motherbox’ being attacked. 
- “Vic can boomtube?” Duh, he has the same technology than Violet, but maybe less stronger... And maybe kind of different since their powers are from Mother and Father boxes.
- “Don’t fear, sister. I will heal you now.” So this line come from this moment. 
- “The tongue of the old gods.” This is bad she knows right?
- Great move, Oracle!
- Granny is ever more frightening than usual in this episode... 
- What, Overlord is this tiny? Seriously? And it’s so weird to see Granny being... sweet to someone?
- Karen smaller than her baby, so cute! :3 
- Rhea Malia Beecher Duncan, what a beautiful name! Welcome to this world, baby girl :)
- “Weirdest birth ever.” I can feel you. 
- “I did the right thing.” Let’s hope you did :/ 
- Why Dick is so sick? :( 
- Kaldur is worried :( 
- Wyynde knows how to confort his BF :) They’re so a cute couple :3
- Brion apologizes for his reaction, Violet is crying. They finally made peace! 
- And Dr Jace isn’t happy about it? 
- “Complications. Need to get my kids out.” Is it because they faced Granny and she is now worried she come back for them? Doe she know something?
- Wait, her rmentor is Ultra Humanite? (In Western Mongolia) She is indeed a grey person :/ 
- Baby Rhea Malia! :3 So cute! 
- What! A post credit scene? :o
- “I found the Anti-Life Equation.” I’m sure this is Violet :/ 
6 notes · View notes
bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
Fourth Tuesday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— Elder Wisdom
- Bwundasa, another fictionnal country? Why the Team always fights in a fictionnal country except for Russia?
- 31 December? So no Christmas episode...
- Garth, the evil UN secretary, Gordon and... a general? His name his Simon M’Barra (and I’m always right with the general status, aren’t I? xD ) It’s a leader in perpetuity? Pretty word for dictator... So Bwundasa is located in Africa.
- You know you’re a bad guy when even Luthor cares about the climate change...
- Troia! In the room 1616 xD
- What? How an arrow couldn’t pierce Garth’s arm but his neck? He has Atlantean skin! Oh no, he’s down!
- They are after Troia now! A psychic? She’s female, it’s not Psimon, who?
- Why Diana calls his sister Troia instead of Donna when Donna calls her sister Diana? 
- Here are Halo and Terra! :D 
- They are against the dictator, are they necessary bad guys?
- Of course, the reptile was Gar :)
- Did he just speak swahili? Or another African language? I guess it’s swahili as it is spoken in various African countries, like esperanto could have been in Europe. He should have learnt it while he was living in Qurac :) 
- “BIF? Bif?” I love this scene xD 
- ED! I love his superhero costume! :D El Dorado makes ED, that’s kind of funny xD But his hero costume is more red than gold, maybe to match with someone... :)
- Where are Jaime, Virgil and Brion? I can understand for Brion as a prince, but for the other two?
-  The cleaning lady was Miss Martian! 
- Terra and Halo fight! The white aura! :D Terra isn’t good at aiming yet :/ 
- And Halo is wounded again! è.é Doesn’t she care anymore? She could have made a shield or something :( And Terra taking care of her
- Psychic fight! But we don’t see it like in season 1 :( She was controlled! :o
- The bad lady is a good fighter to go head to head with an Amazonian :o
- Gar has turned into Wolf! :D
- Bart has exploded! :o 
- Of course, Ed overreacts to his wounded crush :3 But he doesn’t buy Bart’s “I’d be fine” ^^ You’re not as a good liar you used to be, Bart. Or Ed is really good at saying through it because he really cares :)
- Bart just took an explosion in his face and he just has his goggles broken. It was way more visual with Vic’s explosion :/ And how can people be sincerely worried if Bart has just broken goggles? They should say he’s lucky to not have severe wounds instead...
- Garth is super cool! Telepathic waterbend! :D What are his tatoos?
- Flash! Who still have blue eyes... 
- One has escaped!
- Of course Barry’s worried too for Bart :(
- And Ed is so unconfortable to look at him in the eyes. What does that suppose to mean?
- Of course Lex set that up. That makes the dictator looks good and the resistant look bad è.é
- “I’d be fine!” with a outraged voice in the background xD
- The Flash is ready to smile to the camera but can see right into Lex’s game!
- “Not for long!” Gar is as pissed with Lex he is with Granny. 
- It’s Lia or Lea? Leah? 
- Ed is close to Bart in the bioship and Tara to Violet :) But Bart seems to still have a headache or something. Would he truely be fine? :(
- Ed has the same golden symbol on the back of his jacket than on his T-shirt in season 2. 
- So it’s was a drug forbidden him to use his powers? Could it be possible? I mean, it’s based on magic and mystic, not physical por genetical powers. How could it be?
- Why it doesn’t surprise me it was a set up? (I should have guess)
- The woman who attacked Terra and Halo was Lady Shiva! No question she was able to fight with Troia! And the one who have escaped must be Cassandra. Wait... So the BIF was not even real, they were the League of Shadows. They had to do this to make the dictator looks like a victim instead of a bad guy. 
- The murder of Garth and Donna wasn’t goal 1 but an option. He wanted to shame the Outsiders in the first place. How his logic works? It would have be more useful to get rid of the Ambassadors than the Team’s reputation, no?
- “They captured Briggs!” She’s conscious they freed her right? That she was controlled? Why is she that upset? They probably saw just like a tool anyway... Not friends or something. (Please don’t tell me she was close to her in other ways...)
- Ah! It was because they will know it was a set-up. They probably would guess it with Lex involved...
- “Knowing and proving are two very different things.” True... 
- Ed, Bart and Gar are talking together while Tara gives her report to M’gann.
- Violet still can’t respond to Brion :(
- “You can talk to Helga.” That’s why keeping it secret wasn’t a good idea, Jace...
- “Until I know what’s going on with you, you’re benched from the Team.” That’s blackmail, right? And M’gann, that strategy doesn’t work... Dick already tried it with Roy and the Runaways almost go back to Lex because of it...And we still don’t know what happen to Roy before that. Was he living in the street? Alone? With the Runaways? Halo would feel rejected and definitely won’t come to you to talk. Great, M’gann! Are you a real councelor??
- “That’s the problem. I understood intellectually. But see it live was very different.” Ed, I’m sure you can understand, you were worried too in First Impression.
- “I’d be fine!” *Eduardo senior slowly looking at him* xD
- “He has a metametabolism. He heals fast.” Ed, you were the most worried one of them all :)
-  “You can’t walk away so easily.” “Watch me.” burn Ed is back again. 
- “You didn’t have to be there.” He means Ed? He didn’t understand why he wanted to be part of the Outsiders? Ah no, he meant the Outsiders, no just Ed. “The most powerful man in the world has made you his target?” Ed, that wasn’t a clever move, now he’s even more worried and this sounds more dangerous that it was. And he’s just the UN secretary, if it was a powerful place, things would change faster in our world too... And there’s still the UN Council who can make their veto. “Behind my back? Ugh. I can’t even talk to you now.” At least, Ed prefers to leave before saying something too painful.
“Halo, get us out of here.” The Runaways also left the War World with a boomtube, parallels. 
- The Outsiders look at M’gann because she benched Violet, and not at Eduardo senior, right?
- We also miss the New Year where everyone kiss :( 
- Aw Gar&Tara VS Jaime&Virgil :) And of course, Ed and Bart stand near each other.
- Violet is isolating herself, as I fear with M’gann benching her. And Vic is still doing so...
- Why noone asks for Traci? :( She wasn’t in the covert Team either :( 
- Even Gar barely sees Vic? It’s even worse than I thought...
- It’s been... what? Two weeks already she knows she’s dying? Maybe she should tell the Team now. 
“Maybe I’m not a really good girlfriend.” Sweetie, not of these was your fault :( 
- “Violet has her issues.” So now Brion knows Jace knows something. Tell it to M’gann and Artemis! 
- “First love is very sweet but the truth is: is really last.” are you trying to make them break up? You suppose to be on their side! But she keeps refering them as her childs, so maybe she sees them as siblings? O.o
- We finally see Cassie’s mom and she’s barely better drawn than in the video game... And they live in Washington DC.
- Eldel Initiative? What is that?
- LA Wayne Tech? Is Batman aware of this? Part of it?
- Gar just found a distraction: Ivo? Isn’t he supposed to be in Belle Reve? (maybe working on new invention for the US government)
- LittleMatchGirl16, does it mean a female superboy? Supergirl?
- Cassie is so proud/excited about it!
- “Check her profile.” Bart isn’t stupid :) But Jay isn’t impressed :( 
- We’re going to Ireland! :D 
- “You’re not going anywhere, not until...” Jay, this little girl might be in grave danger... Conversation could wait, not victims.
- Gar is still that polite and... he’s emancipated minor (I think it’s pleonasm But well)? From Mento? Or he was before already?
- “Jaime and Virgil are both 18.” Great to finally know Virgil’s age but I thought majority was 21 in USA? 18 is logical for enter the League as the majority of countries use this age for majority. But there are all US citizens for parenthood? (maybe except Gar)
- It makes more sense that the legal guardians forbid their own child to go and not the others, minor or not.
- Match Electronics Store. Oh, so it was just her last name, no supergirl...
- That is a terrible Irish accent...
- “Other ways to get attention.” That was really mean...
- “By encouraging this children to put themselves in danger?” Actually he has a good point. Tye and Asami would have been great models too, to show the kids there are different paths for them and not all lead to the hero game.
- “Please, don’t say ‘it’s not you, it’s me’.” yes please, that a common trope. 
- Violet at least gives one of her secrets. the smallest one. “but I didn’t stop her.” because you were caught off guard and with alcohol in your system, not your fault! 
- I love Brion is concerned she has feelings for someone else rather than she kissed someone from the same gender :) Pan Brion confirmed? And he understood and forgave her! Brion is such a good boyfriend! But was the point of the kiss seriously? Violet already had secrets to Brion and it didn’t even make her question her sexuality (pan for example).
- “Damm it!” The first curse word of the serie! 
- “Most of the memorials are kids like you.” Well, the show is called Young Justice, so I think that’s why.
- “Marry and have children of their own.” I’m pretty sure that is not the first thing they have in mind when they think about their future self. Especially not Bart who isn’t even born yet!
- Why are you talking about Wally? :’(
- “There’s something I need you and your brother to hear.” Oh no, she’s gonna tell them this secret! And she seems so cold while saying this. 
- “They’re Lex Luthor’s spiderbots.” Why are they in Ivo’s wharehouse?
- Why don’t we see the fight? :o 
- “Gabrielle and who she really was.” The mistakes she made are not the only things about her, Violet :( 
- We still don’t know why Gabrielle took the bribe. But yes, she was killed because she knew too much :( 
- “How long have you know?” “Long enough.” Violet, sweetie, why are you so cold while telling the story? Is that a defensive mechanism? Is she trying to make Brion hate her thinking he would be less sad when she die?
- Tara is the most choked about it her vision begins to blur :o 
- Of course Helga straightly go to Brion...
- Can someone take care of Tara please??
- Oh no,she send a text to Slade because of her panick attack :(
- Bart is such a good liar he can see right behind the other’s mask.
- “But I’m not going anywhere.” You all better be! 
- Whoa! Did the little girl knew he was a machine? Did Blue told her? (because he’s smiling at her) Or just didn’t know she has enough strenght to destroy a machine? 
- Eduardo seems so proud while looking at his son :3
- “Whom.” I never understand that grammar rule...
- “Radley Overshoe Factory” is about to blow. That a change in events... xD
- “the lastest explosive exploy.” Imagine if the public had seen the other explosion xD
- “An explosion. Massive property damaged. Sad.” Lex I knew you with a bigger vocabulary...
- You know it’s a bad sign when Gordon is smiling like this...
- “I happen to know parents and guardians of the teenage Outsiders are not on board with their attics.” The Team would find it suspicious he knows about that, right?
- So now Lex wants to give restrictions to the Outsiders like for the JL? Dude, 50′s aren’t a good example...
- So the Team doesn’t care about secrets ID anymore? They just outed their parents and make them targets! I’m sure Eduardo senior is already famous with his scientific work so now everyone can make a connexion between his son and El Dorado... Same thing with Cassie and her mom who is an archeologist. Just hope this tweet won’t have consequences for the parents or the hero secret ID in the future... 
- “Three generations of heroes.” Technically is four since there is a generation between Barry and Bart :) (But the public better not knows that)
- Jay created an account (or Bart made him for him) just to kick Lex’s ass on the Internet xD 
- Look at them! The girl in Brooklyn, LittleMatchGirl and her dad, Helga, Lia, Donna, Wendy, a Black boy (does VIrgil has a little brother?) and a men. 
- For once Gordon is defending the heroes xD And against Lex! xD
- I knew Gordon secretly works for the Light but it’s great to see it directly. 
- “Personal vendetta?” Ivo’s factory was his? That explains the “massive property damaged” came from...
- “Embrace and coorp.” He wants his own team like in season 2, doesn’t he?
- So the girl, Moira, was M’gann and the father Batman? That explains the bad Irish accent! xD 
- Lex knows it was a set-up (taking his own medicine) but “knowing and proving are two different things.” Did Batman understood Lex’s logic and does he know he said that? Could Lex be on the Anti-Light’s side? That could explain why he did a miserable interview (for him I mean, he’s smarter than that) to give more credits to the Outsiders?
- Diana has a point: it’s not just secrets and lies, now it’s manipulation, the truth, the facts, others, included the public and their allies   
- This picture is so good!
- Violet is writing a note. Please, tell me it’s a runaway note, and not a suicide one :( 
- The Hub with the bioship sleeping in her egg form :3 
So these 3 episodes should have been watched in one go and that would have made more sense...
4 notes · View notes
bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
Fourth Friday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— Exceptional Human Beings
- Is this... Batman works with Oracle. It’s the same tech than Nightwing! 
- Yes! These is Katana and Metamorpho! I already love Metamorpho facial expressions! The scene from the trailer! Santa Prisca, Bane’s island! They’re so efficient! (Yeah, I have in mind the first time of the Team on the Island...) 
- Is it thanks to Jade’s intel? So they will save Tara? :D
- Victor Stone? So this is Dr Silas Stone! I saw the movie, I know Dr Stone wont have time to go... Oh! The Reach tech is back!
- And it’s Steel or John Irons. (Why every person choosing a English name comes with John?)
- Did... did Metamorpho just turn himself into a fart? Seriously? Katana in the background and the indignated face of Metamorpho xD
- Sex implied, definitely mature content... Is it really the time to talk about Dick? You know what I mean... Wait, was that a joke? Like a subtext joke? 
- Training Time! Forager’s sounds are so funny! 
- Violet fell because she was blushing and Brion uses his powers because he was blushing. They’re cute! :3 
- Nightwing definitely knows Batman is on Santa Prisca already and knows Brion will likely get himself killed with his actual combat skills...
- Deathstroke in the place. Oh she’s Cassandra, Savage’s daughter (yeah a lot of Cassandra this season!) 
- She knows Tara! Now she’s is used by Granny Goodness... And Cassandra seems to... like her? She is a different character than Scandal (who is lesbian) right? Because I don’t want our first rep to be a pedophilic rapist, thank you very much... We already had Slade for that in Judas Contract... 
- “I have observed that.” Definitely thinking about her sister Olympia :(
-  Victor’s team! “I would ask Wonder Woman out!” “Me Black Canary” *Vctor rolls his eyes* Are we wasting screentime for straight idiots? (and I mean it in both ways) Just a question: do you think Victor could be gay with his reactions to the “straights comments”?
- “Cisco, a superhero?!” Well, Francisco Ramon will be a superhero one day (but I don’t know his powers yet.) Don’t worry my dear, a lot of people love Zatanna! He’s a Spanish speaker, from where? 
- Victor don’t appreciate the bullying but not interfere :( But he’s so above their shit! 
- Boo-yah is back! I can’t believe they also gave this easter egg! 
- Batman or how burn someone with only words! xD
- “I always hated that name too!” Why don’t you change for you mother name, Arty? :( 
- Violet Harper, I love how the writers connect the dots between the comics and what happens on the show! 
- JADE! I love how she’s smiling, like she considerates it. We know she would love that. Why could hold her back? How could she think they don’t need her? Because of her father? Football... er I mean soccer is just a lame excuse! She’s crying! She definitely loves them! :’(
- Katana VS Lady Shiva! OMG Katana also uses a wakizashi (a short saber) with her katana like a samouraï :o 
- “Bulletproof. That’s annoying” We already know that line but still funny xD So Metamorpho isn’t fireproof? That’s his true form! 
- Oracle time! 
- “No, no my guns!” Seriously Bane? Metamorpho just blows them a kiss xD
- Booyah! Someone is still using the goggles... Poor Vic :( “I see great things in your future” while showing a FatherBox. I don’t like it... I know the story but still don’t like it...
- Brucely! (Or Bruce Lee?) Such a good boy!
By the way, Katana never talks. She took a vow of silence after her sensei dies.
—————————— Another Freak 
- First, I don’t like the title. I dislike even more the wiring from the Reach tech... 
- There’s a bad father/son relationship (I mean with fights) each season, isn’t there? “Scene/seen. Now you’re boying me?” I love the dialogue! I know I could hate the wiring... The “dad” at the end broke my heart :’(
- “But Brion Markov’s attitude will soon change! :D” Forager knows what’s going on between those two. Forager is a Haloforce shipper! Human Forager is so cute!! “Be careful on the boys! They only have one thing on their mind!” “What one thing?” *embarassed Brion* “If we arrive with the councelor and the principal, all the other kids will love us!” My poor summer child... “No flying at school!” xD
- After gory Halo, here’s gory Victor :( And here comes the Fatherbox so bad news?
- “I’m so happy to be here it makes me sick” Violet is still dealing with human emotions. Stay whelmed! Or could it be the Fatherbox? 
- Is that Terra with blue hair?? And... freckles? (she has the same character design that in the animated movie) Oh she’s Harper Row. My bad. The whole conversation was hilarious and cute!
- Victor’s still alive!
- Of course, access denied. Nightwing knows he would do it. He did it as Robin first! And of course Nightwing appears! And now they’re fighting...but with it Brion could speak his heart out.
- “How they could know us if they don’t interact with us?” I know Forager. Most human are most judgmental at first sight... 
- “Are Violet and Fred freaks?” Oh no sweetie don’t think that :( “But Fred must look like a freak...” He refers to his human form. It’s logical. Would you feel like yourself in an alien form? “Freak is cool.” Exactly! “Two hands only” xD
- Victor is freaking out. Naturally. So... he goes... violet when the fatherbox takes control? Like he calls to be heal.  So the violet color has a reverse meaning for a fatherbow than for a motherbox, logical as they are the two faces of the same coin.
- Harper is so sweet! 
- Whoa new aura: indigo (between blue and violet). So we still don’t know what blue aura does (and black aura, but I’m not sure it exists). What does it do? She opened a Boom tube? 
- “I’m not an abomination. I’m a freak.” That’s the spirit. That’s my girl! 
- Pleasedon’tmurderhalo! pleasedon’tmurderhalo! Yes! She’s okay! 
- She’s healing him! Poor Vic, he’s so confused. “My work here is done.” Violet is so cute! 
- Silas trying to find a common thing with Vic is sweet but yeah.. Vic would feel like a rat lab, ask Ed. “Can I go with you?” His voice was so heartbreaking :( Victor prefers to leave to not hurt his father again :( Yeah he’s angry, it’s understanding. At least, he’s alive right? 
- Kind of ironic they boomed tube in a football field...
- Brion is finally moving forward! :D 
- Lobo’s finger begins to morph. Slobo on the way!
—————————— Nightmare Monkeys
- Tork from Mars, seriously? xD M’Comm should be so pissed... 
Was that the Wilhelm scream? 
- “I have practice” My heart :( 
- it’s Paul who played Conner in Hello Megan! What time had done to you? Gar’s look when they talked about Marie :( Paul is his godfather! And Rita his godmother. Steven is his stepfather? That means he was with Rita, right? He’s Mento? “Thanks God.” I think they both don’t like the situation but still try to play their part... 
- I don’t know if this seashell alien is real or just a costume...
- We were right! Halo IS a Motherbox! What happen to the script? Now we can predict things :( She’s... the reincarnation of the dead Motherbox Doctor X and Psimon studied. So Queen Bee works with Vertigo, since Psimon works for Quee Bee. So Gabrielle Daou consciousness died, murdered by Bedlam’s minions and the Motherbox soul regenerates/resurected in her body because she needed a vessel. But Violet still has some of Gabrielle’s memories via the brain, but maybe not her thoughts or emotions?
- I love the Emerald Crown teasing! Was Gar talking about his mother(s) when he said queen? That needle doesn’t seem good...
- “And now he tells you to be patient...” xD 
Sphere, stay whelmed! And... the Fatherbow is awake again... And... Conner is shirtless again... Halo has clearly no idea what she’s doing. So cute she calms Sphere down :)
- So that doesn”t sound good... Encino, what/where that could be? 
- “He’s dead, Tom.” What that the voice of... WALLY??? And all the dead heroes in the grotto... I mean Watchtower garden.
- Great! Supermartian know how to communicate now :) “Alone time” Weren’t you have a “intimate” time in a bathroom two episodes ago? “Date night/Secret base” Yeah Wolf me too. They got the communication, not the understanding...
- “The Reach... I mean the Klamulons” seriously? 
- Tula, Ted Kord, Jason, was that the chronological order? I thought Ted was the last one. That’s why in season Tim went to Jason’s hologramme. Ted Kord died during the Summer break and they were in February. So Tim was a really young Robin! 
- Wally speaks to casually about their death. “Who’s next? Guess it’s me.” Does that mean he’s not dead yet? But could soon be? Wally’s death scene reminds me how good the previous style was... RIP too! “Cancel the show already?” I heard the 4th wall break down.
- DOOM PATROL GO! WHAT’S THE HECK?The 4th wall is collapsing in a firy explosion. 
- Garfield also collapsed. AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 
Rita Aka Elasticgirl with Starfire’s voice. Chief with Robin’s voice. Robotman with Cyborg’s voice (more like Cyborg’s father xD), Negative Woman with Raven’s voice. 
- Steve Dayton is indeed Rita’s husband; So Rita adopted Garfield when Marie died? She did! 
- “Sorry your mom(s?) died!” The song. “Just say goodbye to your second mom!” Rita and Marie were together? Was Rita bi/pan? “Let’s die!” 
- Of course M’gann save the day, back with her season 1 appearance. The whole Mento’s speech is how Gar sees the situation right? Not the truth right? “I was 14.” Wait, all of this (except Marie’s death) only happen last year? 
- M’gann is there to save her brother!
“Sure you’re even born yet?” This joke could also work with Bart. Man, if Bart was in that episode... 
- “Queen Bee wants her honey back!” That was a lesbian joke right? The first rep of this season would be Queen Bee? Being Bi? (Why in English bi is pronounced like by and not bee? Do you see the missed joke here?) 
- “Let’s watch the episode you were in.” Season 2. The pieces of the 4th wall break again. 
- “Shut it down.” “I can’t hear a heartbeat.” He meant the channel, not the heart, Wally. Wait, was it a death wish because Gar can’t handle with all the mourning happening in a few minutes? 
- Reminder: Beast Boy’s metagene was activated by Martian transfusion and a bite from a green monkey. 
- Mass conservation? Is it a clue for Wally’s return? Like his mass was conserved somewhere when he was desintegrated? A place where he can save Garfield from the Goggles? How can Gar remember Wally’s death if he wasn’t even there?! But he appears as the green monkey to show a parallel? Between the monkey and blood transfusion saving him and Wally saving him now? 
- Come back as a hero my boy! 
- “Are you real or is this all in my head?” Ask Dumbledore, kid.
- M’gann is in the place! White but with a green aura. 
- Yes, I think it was a distraction to cope with all the trauma. 
- “Ready to get back to reality. Ready to get back to the life.” hero life? It was both litteral and metaphorical. 
- Perdita who don’t understand the Team’s slang :) Gar, did you teach anything to her? 
- Garfield finally understand that Gretchen is a bad guy. But it feels off as we already know it. The Evolution episode should have happen after this I think? 
- Emerald Crown is so cute! Their kiss was ok, but why M’gann are you doing the same in front of your brother?
- Haloforce kiss! After we finally understand who Violet is! But I would like to see the moment which brings to the kiss :(
- Sphere!
- Of course Wally won’t come back until part b or even the end of the season, will he?
—————————— True Heroes
- It’s Halloween! Halo and Forager are adorable as usual. 
- Poor Vic :( Halloween cancel and Violet can’t come :( Forager drives bioship xD (Such a weird sentence...) 
- Tara is 15, same age than Bart and Gar.
- Dr Jace had a little girl. who was taken from her. Was she meta? It’s thay why she started to work with Bedlam? To have intel to find her? Or did Bedlam blackmail her to make her work for him? That’s why she’s is so overprotecting with the kids? 
- “You’re be my little girl for tonight.” That sounds creepy, right? 
- “I know I said pretend I’m not here but I’m.” Yeah, Dr Jace, maybe not the best way to explain where the teenager hormones lead to... 
- “Vulnerable” weaks the Fatherbox up. Great. And it’s because she is vulnerable, Dr Jace tries to be closer?
- Cameron (Icycle Jr) and the Terror Twins grew up so much... And not in a good way. I miss the Twins’ design in season 1. They get uglier each season, bad guy cliche. But Tommy could be the Bad Blue Beetle from Bart’s future, they have quite the same morphology and Queen Bee sold Chimmer to the Reach, why not him too? 
- Holocaust?
- Wolf attacking the Fatherrbox. 
Dr Jace just took a violet ray and if they’re like Halo’s yellow one she should be badly injured... Not just inconscious. 
- Emotions turn off Halo’s powers? They just activated them! 
- Earth VS FIre. Terra lost :( 
- Stay Whelmed, Brion! 
- Psimon out! Wait, did just Devastation called him baby? 
- Tara is free!
- And Holocaust is with a Queen Bee’s minions. 
- Family reunion!
- YJ is now a scary movie. Maybe it’s just panic which shut down Halo’s powers? Fight Vic! “The problem is I had too much.” So it was panic. Now save him!
- Yeah, go save the other kids! 
- The conversation between Junior and SB is so chill (no pun intended) and funny. “She was my girl.” “But I was into her.” Dudes, it’s not a competition or a race, just let the girl decide maybe? 
- “Maybe that means there’s hope for me too!” Redeem arc foreshadowing? 
- “Ow.” Junior plays dead. 
- Can we appreciate SB’s combat style? 
- Princess speech! 
- The Black girl speaks French? Who they could be? Anita?
- League and Team squads were successful” I wish we could have seen them :( 
- Dr Jace activated Tara’s metagene on the blackmailing to kill her :o 
- Princess speech! :D 
- Violet cry of joy is so cute! :) 
- “M’gann’s gonna kill me.” xD 
- Wait, why is Dr Jace taking Violet’s, hair? 
- “They’re ready for the Team!” We’re gonna go our children back! But maybe give Tara some rest?
- “I’m in.” So we go for the Judas Contract storyline? Or that is a mislead?
- Wolf in the Bioship!
5 months to wait now :( 
3 notes · View notes
bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
Second Tuesday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— First Impression
- Is that... a Reach ship? Could it be linked to the machine? It’s fonctionning, nothing good...
- 4 days later. 
- I love how Garfield is respectful and aknowledges Kaldur and M’gann efforts despite the situation. Batman should take him as an example...
- A public Team. So is that what he had in mind in the previous episode? I’m relieved. So much clever that what I thought! But the bad guys will probably guess if there is a public Team, there also is a covert Team. Not all of them were aware of this...
- Kaldur being a protective Big Brother :)
- Lex restricted even more the JL? What does he want them to do? Charity missions and gala?
- Strikes against meta people :( Not really surprising as we have strikes against POC and queer people... Humankind really doesn’t like difference, does they? :(
- Of course bad guys would find a way to make profit of humans. We already do it with pollution,
- Gar has good points actually! My boy had mature so well!
- It’s me or Traci is drown way differently when she is in civics and hero costume? Her face seems different.
- It’s them at the end of the previous episode! And there’s a picture with Gar and Perdita. #RelationshipGoals I agree!
- “We’re gonna start a revolution! A... a small one anyway.” xD It would be a revolution in YJ verse and against the Light actually :)
- “Get on board or get out of the way!” xD And Conner is not really proud about this and probably wonders who told this to Gar xD Who bet Wally?
- “Green skin. Can’t hide.” He’s already a famous star anyway. But easily recognizable because of it.
- “Public doesn’t always get I’m a different guy.” Aw sweetie :( 
- “They already know what I have become. Now I want to show them who I have become.” So powerful :)
- “And there were no way I was gonna let this be a no girl squad.” / “Group needed a little color.” Seriously writers? Can’t they have real character motivation? Like Cassie wanting to be aknowledged as a true hero (to show her growth since her insecurities in season 2) or Virgil wanted to be known as a hero (since in the previous episode the girl didn’t know Static). This kind of comments are in the 4th wall dimension, something the fans see, not something the writers say to show they have included diversity in their characters. It’s something you show, not tell, or it doesn’t have the same impact on the fans. 
- But I like Jaime and Virgil friendship
- “Not ready. Noy yet.” That would also have been a great occasion to give them character development. Like Forager is supposed to be dead, Terra still copes with her abduction and Traci doesn’t trust her control on her powers yet (her hero insecurities) and develop why Halo isn’t ready yet. 
“Guessing we’re too old. Whoa. When did that happen?” Technically Conner is 8 so he can still be part of their Team and I would have love Artemis being with them as their Team lack of martial arts :)
- So it’s Teen Titans Tower but in Hollywood instead of San Francisco? And it’s called the Hub.
- Wait... where’s Traci? I know she’s the only one who isn’t part of the Outsiders or lives there but still!
- “This is so crash!” I agree Bart!
- “Finally! I mean: thank you!” Brion is so glad to have his own personal space again :) The bioship should have felt pretty small compared to his room in a royal palace.
- “Who’s paying for all this?” “Gretchen Goode.” xD
- “Now that what I call payback!” “This is a sympathy bump.” I love Cassie and Virgil frienship! Finally a girl and boy being BF without love involved! :D Please, writers, let’s them stay BF! :( I want Cassie to give poor flirty advice to Virgil when he meet a girl he like xD But fans, still feel free to ship them ;)
- Poor Forager :( 
- “No way 6 teenagers are gonna to live here alone and unsurpervised.” *she says while looking at Violet and Brion* “Yeah, who knows what might happen?” Those two make love (with their respective boyfriend) in the Cave, didn’t they?
- “I would be happy, honored to act as a den mother.” Helga, stop saying honored, that’s weird and suspicious... What everyone else doesn’t find it suspicious?!
- 3 days later. It feels like it’s the same day, doesn’t it?
- Nowadays teenagers reflex: record it before to go in safety...
- Does he... play against himself? Super cute!
- EyeSpasm? What kind of technology is that? Something to make livestream? I don’t like the “Spasm” on it... Look like Granny’s goggles to me...
 - So the Reach ship makes a move 6 days after?
- “Mother of God!” Brion is still so funny while he’s angry xD
- “No drill, the Reach are back!” “No, just no!” My poor babies, please no more trauma for them :( maybe we’ll have flashbacks of Bart’s past and Jaime’s while on mode?
- Kaldur is so great and... beaten to easily? I know it’s Reach tech but I thought he would manage longer as he put Blue inconscious in season 2...
- He’s DEAD? No, he’s ok! Don’t give me heart attack like that! I had enough with Forager already!
- “Chill, Aquaman!” Is that supposed to be a joke? You know, because it’s winter and/or Kaldur is Atlantean.
- *fangirl laugh* I hated that... I just hope she won’t get hurt because the fangirling makes people dumber...
- “My spectacles” Is that an old word for glasses? “Gratitude.” This girl definitely has a high rank vocabulary.
- “Stay calm, citizen, and stay inside.” Cassie feels a little unease and  in a confident character :) Not confortable yet with speaking with the population yet :)
- “Superamalgamated.” No clue of what she said...
- Love that Virgil has a techonological plateform now :) 
- Helga seems so proud of Brion :) Ok, maybe she’s not evil, but just overprotective like I thought...
- “Please, miss, you must get to cover.” Give up, Kal, she’s a teenager AND a fangirl, no way she stay out of danger...
- Wait, why Joan is at hospital? What happened to her? :(
- Aw... Ed showing the Team to his proteges :3 And Wendy is laughing!
- “Maybe it was a bad idea to do this in mid-air.” You think? Didn’t Scarab tell you about this? “This is a really bad idea, Jaime Reyes. You should...” “Don’t worry, Scarab, I’ll handle this!” By the way, why we don’t hear him? It would be interesting to have his pov since it’s the Reach in front of them!
- The scream doesn’t seem to be Jaime’s voice but Brion’s...
- Aw... Mom Arty is sad they’re leaving :( Or did they already have? Violet is crying :( “One last sleepover.” They haven’t leave yet.
- So cool Gar is introducing his team :)
- The Sheriff is funny but what kind of American accent is that? Is it cliché? I find it annoying :/ (no offense, it’s just difficult to understand)
- “We prefer protégé.” = “don’t call us sidekicks!” in season 1 xD But more diplomatic.
- Whisper A’Daire and Intergang are back! Blue already met her in season 2 with Superboy. And here are Scorpia A’Daire (her little sister I guess?) and Cairo Defrey. Is she from Egypt? Is she old or does she have metapowers with her white hair?
- Scooby Doo vibes? I mean the Team appeared in an episode, so why not? Wait, so the two girls are from Scooby Doo Team too? (Don’t know their names in English...)
- This bip doesn’t look good... The big ship is awake again! So the Reach will come? But it seems pretty empty so? Did the signal activate because of Whisper’s line? As she said they didn’t succeed?
- “Look what they’ve done to our library!” It’s just a glass sir, pretty sure it’s no big deal compared to a destroyed city... Have you seen Central City after Neutron?
- Tommi Tompkins, sound like a boy name... Wait! Is Tommi transwoman and his dad just use his dead/birth name? He’s really a jerk :( 
- He’s on Lex Luthor’s side, that’s why...
- The ship is huge! Is it the same than where the heroes and Runaways were abducted in season 2?
 “This is so moded!” “No way...” “Yes way! I mean: look at us! We’re in chackles!” They still have the same dynamic! :’)
- When the bad guys told you to call the JL, you know you’re in trouble! Except if you’re a dumb jerk...
- He called the US Air Forces. Is he dumb or... No, there’s no other explanation that stupidity (I mean a lack of knowledge, but essentially common sense...)
- And... they’re dead... Mayor, your stupidity caused two deaths (maybe 4?) of soldiers. Are you proud? Remorsed? “No, no, no!’ He’s a stubborn dumb jerk, isn’t he?
- “Mine aren’t (tied). Just handcuffled.” and they break free so easily it’s funny xD Why do you think they use collar in Belle Reve, stupid mayor?
- Tara’s flashbacks are heartbreaking :( She couldn’t see her parents again after her kidnapping :( 
- “Do you see how brave Tara and Violet are? You can be brave like them.” *Violet hides because of thunder* It was sweet and funny :) And Artemis is educating Lian to be brave like her parents and auntie :)
- Big sisters Artemis and Tara :) It’s rare to see Tara smiling, those family moments do good to her :) 
- Gar still likes to perch on people’s shoulder :) 
- “No baddies, just their bones.” Bart, the Reach are insect-base, they don’t have bones... Wait, could be the bones of the abducted teens in season 2 who didn’t have the metagene? Virgil said there were kids they never saw again and they were only 5: the Runaways plus Chimmer. Where were the other kidnapped kids? Dead. And that won’t make any sense the Reach stay on that ship to die at the end of season 2... And the Team didn’t kill anyone while saving the abductees. So yeah, it have to be the murdered abducted kids :’( 
- “bad news, there are still militaries air force.” The mayor is really stupid or the soliders didn’t get the memo their colleagues are dead in one blow?
- “Good news.” “Please no bad news, Please no bad news.” “Bad news.” “Urg!” xD
- Virgil’s sarcastis comments are back! xD
- Gar still has clever solutions :) 
- Of course, Ed is worried :) And Wendy doesn’t have the collar anymore! The Team did inspire her! :D 
- Joan :( 
- Big Bro Kaldur is so proud of them!
- “No concept of how much that thing is gonna cost to get out of my lake?” Sorry, mayor, we thought Brooklyn was a democraty, not Tompkins’ kingdom... And the taxes aren’t your money either but serve the city... --’
- “A Young Justice League” that a recall of the show title, isn’t it?
- “We are all Outsiders.” Catchy indeed!
- “Relax, your time will come.” Tara can’t wait to act, but against what? against who? Those family moments didn’t stop Tara for working with Slade :( 
- Is she looking at Lian? Why? :o :(
- So the ship was indeed empty for 2 years. Man, Jaime and Bart would be so mad at them when they’ll learn the Anti-Light thing and that they knew there were no Reach on it... 
- Lag’aan! Is still in the hero game! Only for Atlantis or he’s part of the League now?
- Oracle!
- So Kal was indeed holding back!
- Who is the second guy? He looks like Garth’s old brother. Edit: name’s Wyynde. he appeared in the tie-comics. 
- “I don’t think he’s ready for that, for this.” M’gann also talks about the lies and secrets the Anti-Light has to come up with. She doesn’t want that responsibility and burden on her brother’s shoulder. And maybe fears his reaction to this.
- What is the Anti-Light mission?
- Brucely and Wally plushie! Wait... is that text sounds? This’s Tara but where is... In Lian’s room? In her own room? Are they sleeping in the same room just like Violet and Artemis?
2 notes · View notes
bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
First YJ Friday appreciation
I will talk here of the episode 1 to 3. If you didn’t see them yet, do not read the text following as it’s full of heavy spoilers but have my theories and comments too :)
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
Princes all
- the big bald bad guy with Ana is the same one from S1 who works with Count Vertigo to kill Perdita. 
- So here the collar 2.0 who can control people in addition of shoking them... Do you think they have a bomb in them like in Suicide Squad?
- The girl scream voice when Ana dies :( But BL that wasn’t your fault :( Don’t bet yourself up. The Light are the true responsible ones for her death! 
- The music from the generic looks like a scary movie one! 
- So Gamma Squad are the 8 heros from the ad picture? And who is on Alpha and Beta Squads? 
- I love M’gann new look! After 50 years, she finally accepted herself as a white Martian <3 That’s a character development!
- Steel: new hero in the superfamily? 
- From Virgil’s vince, we can figure he knows already that BL is about to quit the JL :/ He shoud have tell him before and off screen.
- Bart, I missed your comments and that smile of yours! <3
- As announced Kaldur is Aquaman, the Leader of the JL by democratic vote and his coach is Wonder Woman. Such a development! And I love the symbol of Atlantis and Amazon heros working together! (Do you remember Flashpoint where they’re at war?) Arthur is now king of Atlantis full time (according to Greg), with his wife and his child.
- Batman, don’t talk about the mission above the symbol when you dress like a bat as a symbol of fear... --’ But Olly has a little moment of silent before saying “So do I.” Hesitation?
- Batman Incorp! With Katana, PlasticMan, Batwoman and Hardware (is he Luke Thomas or someone else?)
- Tim holding Cassie’s hand, like he wants to say he wants to stay, is so cute (and so short!) I think Batman and GA ordered their mentees to not say anything to their teammates :(
- So Barbara/Batgirl is now Oracle. 
- Tara Markov/Terra was abducted the 28th July in Team year 8
- Bialya has invaded Qurac, teasing form S1.
- Artemis has move to Star City to leave with Will (clone Roy) and her niece Lian (maybe Jade as well?) I think Artemis and Will are roommates. “Who are you to recruit this time?” says Will. So it’s not the first time Dick asks for help on a mission one of these two. So the second one has to babysitt Lian (assuming Jade could work for herself)
- Halo works in Markovian palace and looks like a Quraci refugiee. Maybe she was stealing that silver plate to make some money? But she ends to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
- A speester assassin is really frightening! And “LIMBO TIME”! And he looks like he was betrayed when he get shocked. 
- Did you notice the twins both cry when they see their parents but not their uncle? And their parents holding hands in death TT.TT
- M’gann and SB leaves with Wolf in Happy Harbo, the island where Mount Justice was.
- And Trump... I mean Gordon is here again. Can the Team can find out quickly he works for the Light so he can receive a deserved punch please? I hate that character but I love the work of the actor!
- So the twin brothers are only 17? Why not 20 with a majority at 21?
- I fear so much for Anissa and Jenifer with that children trafficking... And Anissa looks to young to be Traci’s girlfriend :( (but we don’t know their age yet!)
- Lynn has a GL for brother and BL as ex-husband. Do not mess with her of her family!
- BL has a power block due to his guilt... 
- YJ! How dare you! Bruce Lee’s picture is so cute and heartbreaking in the same time! TT.TT
------------------------------ Royal We
- So now Gar has is own TV show just like he wanted in S2. Is he still leaving with SB and M’gann? Is that thanks to him they could buy this huge house?
- Catherine Cobert, the JL liason, is back! Wait, is Hardware blind? Donna Troy/Troia and Garth/Tempest are now ambassadors in UN for Atlantis and Themyscira! :o And Donna is another queen of sass! Rhelasia is finally reunited since S1 and I’m sure it’s a rogue nation like Bialya and works for/with the Light too. So does Zviad Baazovi, ambassador of Markovia, or for the person who ordered the murder of the royal couple.
- 2 days after this murder, Gregor’s pre-coronation! Some traught shippers here? They fake it but still :) And Artemis is so beautiful in this dress. 
- So no one except Dick knows Barbara is now Orale? 
- “Do you want to hold my hand” Is there a dirty joke or it’s just me?
- poor mother box! :( 
- Plasmus looks like Ana, instead we see his brain instead of his heart. Otto? And how Count Vertigo manages to get out of jail?  
- Halo :’( Wait! Did they experiment of those kids? Because there was just Halo who get caught no one else :/ And Halo talks to Sphere? or at least understands what she says.
- And SB looses his shit shirt. Again.
- It’s a tiny beetle? Wait, can Blue do the same thing? Is it from Blue? Was there where Dick got the inspiration? Is that a hint for the flawless shippers? (That’s the name of this ship right?)
- Wait! Was she the justice liaison in the pod? She has a mole in the same place! :o
- Brion is shirtless too! Like his mentor! ^^ (What? they train together in the trailer.) Believe Helga! She knows what she is doing! She seems to have played all of you :) 
- “One of the girls” So they did experiment on all of those dead girl :( So the attack was run by Vertigo? Does he want to annexe Markovia? Or to have a political/royal power to take back his own kingdom? “the Superboy and his escaped companion”. Does he think Lightning is an escaped metaslave?
- “My child”? I don’t know if it’s creepy or if it implies that Helga is on the prince’s side.
- Now Sphere for the generic. Are these pictures clues for the future episodes? Knowing Greg and Brandon, I think it is! 
------------------------------ Eminent threat
- Star Girl! So Gar is also a teen actor in Space Trek 3036. Does he start his career thanks to his mission in the last comic since he met an actress who worked with his mom on Hello Megan! ? He’s dating Perdita (who sould be around 17 yo). They met at Wally’s funeral (I read few fanfic where Perdita comes to his funeral and they were right!) I think he’s still a hero since we saw him in costume in the trailer and the picture with the whole team (well the ones who was revealed to be in this season).
- “Kill” Halo, sweetie, are you okay? What do you mean? That the place where you were killed?
- Dick who was tricked by his bug xD And Barb’s comment xD 
- Helga used to work for Bedlam but now she’s on the prince’s side! :D So Vertigo does want to make a coup d’Etat to Vlatava?
- Maneuver 7! 
- Bedlam = Delamb. It was under our nose from the beginning!
- “Cost you more-” than what? career? life? than you think? Helga has no time for your consideration, Dick :( She said “my child” Could she be the prince true mother? They’re both brown hair and Brion and Gregor aren’t homozygote twins. 
- The children was boom tube away to be sold off planet or to other countries :( Sounds like the Runaways in the episode in Bialya right?
- Perdita’s talking with Gregor!
- Helga knows exactly was Brion’s powers are in seconds. Was she also there when they activated Tara’s ones?
- Vertigo’s minions have a lot of New Genesis technology. Is it thanks to the deal between Salvage and Darkseid?
- So Dr Ekcs is also a meta.
- Does Delamb wants to take this occasion to murder Gregor too? And this prince is clever! :)
- BL has recovered his powers thanks to another child’s death. The irony. It’s me or Sphere shows Halo how to heal?
- Gregor is indeed clever and sees right into Delamb’s game! I like him :) I’m even more sure the markovian ambassador works for the Light and he’s going to manipulate Gregor instead of Delamb. His decision for Brion was the only way to protect him from jail and maybe he hopes he will find their sister like Brion does.
- And now BL knows the metaslaves are controlled! “Not again. Again” I love this scene! ^^ And the farmer takes Otto’s victory scream for a threat to the heroes :( I knew Otto was going to die since his powers is too close to Brion’s ones.
- The picture from the generic of the third episode could be the Kent’s farm? (Or SB’s house, I’m not sure) However i’m sure this is the place we saw in the trailer (The one where Brion ends naked).
One week to wait now! And I thought 3 episodes per week were going to be enough ><
8 notes · View notes
bookdragonlibrary · 4 years
Ninth Tuesday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— Into the Breach
- Victor talking about gift, he’s starting to accept his situation :D
- Another 16.
- The Team faces one Granny when the other one faces the other.
- Bart making the sound effect and being a fan nerd xD Bart being Bart!
- “I guess it’s Klamulon tech!” I’m sure he’s not serious xD
- Scarab is back! Apokaliptian tech, Blue isn’t compatible to this :/ Just like in season 2.
- They fell in the X-pit!!
- Jaime seems to suffer more without his armor on :(
- Did Ed just teleport to another dimension?! Right next to Bart? But he is still lost without bearings just like in season 2. So maybe the screams of his friends was the bearing he needed? Plus the urge to save them?
- Does Bart know Jaime is incompatible with this tech?
- Granny can fight against a rhino?
- Why Overlord is this big now?
- I love Gar with Granny’s haircut.
- Why Jaime is alone? Where is Ed?
- Gar being a Martian animal! :D He went to Mars just after the end of season 2 remember?
- The fights are too realistic for Gar and Vic I can barely watch it :/ 
- Booya indeed!
- OMG! Gar has a black eye! Green eye! Well he badly injured! But the team has such a solidarity!
- Worst! Grandma! Ever! XD
- Vic understood everything! Made all the dots connected!
- Well this is “serious Bart”, pretty rare to see him like this. The situation must be critical.
- “Blue nearly died.” I couldn’t have tell if I didn’t remember a line from season 2! You could guess for Gar and Vic but not for Jaime. He stood almost right after the others when he should be like Dick or in coma or something to make us undertand/feel he almost died because of Apokaliptian tech and not with just a line.
- “Did we just... loose?” He sounds so broken :( That must remind him events or situations from his past :(
- Is it the two Body merging with each other? Disgusting
- Wow! Rainbow powers! So now Halo is able to use all her auras at once without switching?
- So there is a bigger Overlord?
- Vic and Violet just saved the day!
- It seems that Conner is a literal person right?
- War between Darkseid and Savage now?
- “Now he and Violet are lost forever...” Two boomtubes opening. “I knew you’d make it!” Pick comedy! XD
- “You MVP this puppy!” Translation please? Did i miss an inside joke?
- Victor did accept himself and the change!
- M’gann isn’t worried to see her brother that injured?
- Ok so the fight with Infinity was fake since Frost was controlled. They are working for Luthor of course...
- He’s still growing... :/
—————————— Overwhelmed
- 316 new teenagers for the Center. We can see Ed and his dad taking care of few of them, including the Great Smurf?!
- Why the plan in motion implies Lian? I’m worried for her :(
- She want to find Wally and her mom :,( She’s so sweet! ;-;
- They are babysitting her in the Hub!
- Nope! Nopenopenope! Why the few kisses there are are so bad? ><
- She feels she betrayed Wally even after 2 years :’(
- I love Conner adapting to Forager :)
- Geranium city? Sounds familiar.
- OMG! They finally have their own city!
- It’s not like Jaime to spit on someone :/ Especially someone of the team. Who wrote that?
- it’s good to see the 3 siblings together!
- Why Tara is sad? Wait! Is she still talking to Slade? About her own brother?! Why?
- Wait what? What did Zatanna just say?
- it’s so cute to see Gar playing with Lian!
- No! Don’t hurt Lian!
- They can’t speak? Granddaughter? “Extremely important players” Foreshadowing for season 4? It will have a season 4 right?
- “Assuming Darkseid will not kill you” This part better not be a foreshadowing...
- Other lines from previous seasons. Is Wally stuck in a loophole? Or Artemis not be able to imagine a new dialogue? Third year in a row?! Wally knows about sunrise because he’s alive or because Artemis knows?
- Their old appartement!
- Compromising Tara cover? They want to sacrifice her? Slade wants to betray her just like he promised the others will!
- They have diplomas! And of course Wally has one in Physics! They’re teachers! They have a baby! And Zatanna is there to remind her sunrise is soon!
- Does Wally seem to be worried about Artemis?
- interesting speech to Conner but maybe a little harsh :/
- What is written in Greek above the front door?
- Even Wally is chocked how Artemis receives their friends.
- If he was an illusion created by her imagination he would just get along with her not fighting to make her love her life right? He seems too real to be an illusion. I need proofs he’s still up there somewhere somehow... ;-;
- What? All the stress during the season for that conclusion?!
- Tara, what have you done? Why?
- Wolf sleeping with Greg :’)
—————————— Nevermore
- Jeff working with Barbara?
- Vlatava and Markovia are indeed bordered countries.
- Why Bart and Ed are so far from each other? Did something happen?
- There is more?
- The moment Tara is waiting for. Revenge her parents to her uncle? Killing Gar?! Why? What did he do to her?! I can’t understand the logic between the betrayal of her brother and this! Someone can?
- Brion protecting his sister!
- Gar is injured again :(
- Brion is letting his anger controlling himself again :o
- Why Tara wants to kill Gar? He looks so hurt by her betrayal :(
- Batman has seen his micro expressions? He’s such a Gary Sue... -_-‘
- Yes! A happy ending for Tara in one timeline/story!
- Wait! Bedlam was without fighting spirit a moment ago and now he’s provoking Brion?!
- Did he just... kill him? He... seems sad and lost after. He really thinks he had no choice.
- Why is he mad at his sister? At the League I can understand. But doesn’t he understand his sister was manipulated?
- The Ambassador seems weird...
- Brion just joined the Dark side...
- Where Gregor would go now?
- What M’gann team (Blue Beetle, Kid Flash, El Dorado, Wondergirl, 13 and the others) was here for? A diversion? This characters sadly seem useless this season :( è.é
- Luthor is the one who was stabbed on the back! XD
- Troia could be the next secretary? :D
- Tara was redeemed!
- Brion seems sad all alone, he isn’t made to be king :/ Jace is back? è.é
- The Amabassador was a meta? And is working with the Light? He was manipulating emotionally Brion to make him kill his uncle when Gar successed to stop him! It wasn’t his fault! :( 
- Wonderwoman, Aquaman and Miss Martian resigned? :( It’s not like Diana could have done anything in space and she tried to knock some sense in them! Feel a little unfair for me... 
- Black Lightning is the new leader? :D
- Well secrets already almost destroyed the team back in season 1...
- After Forager and Tara, Conner is also part of the Outsider!
- Conner and M’gann are back together. Again. Can we please stop this drama? And develop more the other relationships? Like Kaldur’s and Bart/Ed situation for example?
- Vic defended Cisco. Fred outed himself. Wait! Tara is in the same class than Fred and Violet? Well, she is 15 and Violet is 16 so that could make sense.
- The infinity Incorporation works for Brion now? Were they turned meta by Jace?
- Oh! It’s the café runner from season 2!
- Did you see the ring?! It’s Legion of Superheroes right? So who is this girl? Saturn Girl? Dream Girl? They come from the future right? So it’s from the alternative future Bart created when he saved the world from the Reach? Now I have a headache...
- The wait for Slobo ended like this?! Another waste of time screen and false hope to end before it even starts! Just like Artemis/Will situation...
0 notes
bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
Fifth Tuesday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— Quiet Conversations
- 1st January. Ok so this is happening in the same time that part of the previous episode.
- Silas tries desperately to connect back with his son :( Now their motivations are reverse. 
- He feels bad :( That’s why he wasn’t there in the previous episode :( 
-  I love than you still see Fred’s true form in his reflexion. How did you feel Vic? Wait, did he spend the whole day outside?!
- The Father box has spread :(
- Where’s Gar?
- Jeff is there! And so is Dreamer! What didn’t they call the New Gods sooner? 
- So Metron is an inventor among New Gods as he created Motherboxes, Fatherboxes and boomtube and his Mobius chair I guess.
- So it was a runaway note :(
- “We’ve talk” Now the Team will ask questions and discover she’s dying. 
- So cute Fred wants to stay for his BF and Tara is concerned for Violet. 
- Brion is a little bit confused with everything going on...
- Is that a M for Metron? Nope, it’s a nose xD Wait, what? The Source Wall. Source of what? The universe? Are this people? Is it people who are the source of this wall?
- Aw Harper got a bruise :( 
- “Must be great to have a lot of people worried about you...” Her father seems pretty careless, yeah.
- Love Tara’s big smile! :D This is promising!
- Dhabar. I suppose this is in Qurac? Violet had to boom tube there. 
- Cousin? Oh it’s her mother! But Violet seems pretty emotionless. I mean, of course, she never met her :( 
- Can Violet speak Arabic because she remembers it from Gabrielle’s memories or she can speak any languages thanks to the Motherbox technology like Scarab?
- So the Center is built near the Star labs. Erdel initiative again. It’s the Zeta lab. Ed talked about it in the previous episode.
- I wonder how Atantis was designed to be understood underwater. Are Atlantis also lips readers? 
- Since they can’t communicate, how did Kaldur know she wants to go?
- This is Eduardo senior. 
- A41. There are 40 Leaguers? :o Wait, what is the A designation for already? Since B is for the Team. Kaldur is now 27. 
- His magic is rusty but it worked perfectly. Imagine how powerful he would be if he had finished the magic school! :D 
- So she’s Indian! :D
- She is happy! :D That should have been so frustrating to not be able to communicate with people. I think they have no idea where she comes from since they can’t hear the language underwater.  
- Silas Stone is A42. So Jace just authorized him. Nope. Dr Irons.
- Thanks for the body horror. That wasn’t necessary. I think Vic and Violet are cursed because they are both through enormous pain this season...
- So the nose from earlier belongs to Gog. So all the people in the wall are gods.
- Minosyss Ring. Must be outside our solar system.
- “My brother.” So Clark still considered him as a brother?!
- Put him in a coma? I know it’s logical but still :( 
- Jace covers her phone. Should be her mentor. So they isn’t someone she wants the Team to see? Bad news :/ 
- Whoa! The parademons’ lasers are strong enough to put Superman inconscious :o 
- This is a strike! :D
- So Conner has his Kryptonian name: Kon-El!
- “I’m glad to see you.” At least, this has changed :) 
- So the League is still after the Furies and stolen minerals to finish whatever machine this was.
- Wait! Granny had finished her machine already?!
- Now the Team now she is also working for Darkseid.
- Clark as his best man? He didn’t have better choice?
- “1.5 Kryptonian” So Conner isn’t 50% from Clark and Lex. 
- Harper’s brother, Colin, has a black eye? This can’t be rough housing.
- “If i say anything, you have to tell the authorities.” So Harper is more afraid of being separated from her brother than she is of her dad.
- Why “of Atlantis”? King Orin isn’t sufficiant? Oh it’s for introducing him to the girl :)
- She noticed he lied. Thanks to her meta powers? I know people think she is Dolphin, so maybe she has something similar to their sonar to... feel emotions and feelings of people? 
- I love that their gesture of respect is a fist on their forehead, maybe to imitate the sonar of dolphins? This is the tiny details which show a fantasy culture ;) 
- Yes, she must talk to her mentor as they’re talking about Violet. 
- Brion is sad and lost :( 
- Now she says Halo instead of Violet. Why?
- That was a good speech actually. It made him smile again. 
- Aw! So Vic was still missing his father :3
- “I am here to watch him die.” Thas wasn’t the plan, dude!
- “I have never seen a Fatherbox completly override an organic system.” Wait to see Violet!
- “Death is common place.” The problem between humans and gods, they don’t see things the same. 
- Clever idea, Jeff. And Conner just throw him xD And Metron just stand up like nothing happened xD
- “0.5 of nothing.” Is it because he half human? (mostly)
- Sha’lain’a and Clavin Durham, Kaldur parents! I know he was named after him but I ignored his character was also his adopted father. 
- Dolphin (I will call her like that until she has a name, because refering as the girl isn’t pratical) doesn’t like hug. Or to be touched in general? Because of the trauma I think :( 
- So Kaldur’s parents adopted her? Hey, Kaldur has a little sister now! I knew he was a good big bro figure! :D  (So please don’t ship them, that would be gross I think :/ )
- Calvin comes from San Diego. 
- “It is more than I ever received up there.” She should have a heartbreaking backstory :’(
- “I have known bad men” I don’t like when tragic backstory involve a young girl and bad men. They often take the same route... :/ 
- It’s great someone finally says to Kaldur is a good person :3 We waited for this since season 1 and he particularly deserved it after season 2.
- I live M’gann knows this is a lie but still acts like it’s true to make Harper talk :)
- So Harper has the gun to bring it away from her alcoholic father. And guess let’s try it after I suppose?
- “Alcohol and fire arms, not a good mix.” “Duh!” The call back xD 
- I love how she said she’s a big sister protecting her little brother and reminds her she’s a kid too :’( And then telling her it’s normal to be more afraid of a unknown situation (what comes next) than the present situation (which is worse but at least familiar). 
- Even her voice is hearbreaking! :( 
- Did you notice on the board in the background “Living with abuse is not a life”? 
- Violet still wants to “fix” people, meaning bring them peace?
- We see Brion watching Fatherbox’ soul and understand what Violet is/ the difference between Violet and Gabrielle. 
- “The soul of the Fatherbox has returned to the source.” So all Mother and Fatherboxes come from the Mobius chair. 
- Vic is now Mobius tech. No more Fatherbox. Good news. 
- “No and yes.” What is that supposed to mean? And who was he looking at while saying no?
- Finally a hug between Vic and his father! Maybe now Fatherbox isn’t a threat anymore, Vic think it’s safe to be with his dad again :) 
- So Violet wanted to heal Gabrielle and go stuck in her body instead. Could it still be possible to resucitate Gabrielle? Can it happen if Violet actually die for real?
- “Everyone reacts differently in difficult times.” Gabrielle’s mother has such a deep philosophy. 
- Samad lost his brother and Gabrielle’s mother lost her husband and now her daughter :( 
- She is so sweet to Violet! :’(
- Tara and Violet hug! 
- M’gann bring Harper and Colin to Child Protective Services. I hope they would have new parents! Who would they be? Someone we know? Would they be heroes too? As Harped is a vigilante in the comics. Batman will adopt her? Or would it be M’gann and Conner?
- Dolphin is happy! :D 
- And here is Wyynde, King Orin’s guard/councelor? AND KALDUR’S BOYFRIEND?! This is so great! I knew he was bi in the YJ show! (Edit: Greg said he’s polysexual actually.) This was straightbaiting for people who wanted to ship Kaldur with Dolphin! 
- Jace is so happy to see Violet back! :) 
- Tara is talking to Slade! And she seems wanting to stop her infiltration mission because it’s a good environment for her! :) 
- The message at the end! 
It was a really great episode with a lot of happy endings and characters moving on. 
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