#D4 nearby D1
rawrroarart · 5 years
Words and Chess
[Little Witch Academia, Diana and Andrew friendship]
Diana and Andrew simultaneously play a game of chess and a word game.
I have really bad writers block (sry ppl expecting something else lol) so I wanted to write this little thing for fun. No post on ffnet cause its more of a short brain candy oneshot and we’ll just see how it does here. Their game of chess is literally from googling ‘best chess game of all time’ but I cant link it because then my post will get deleted for some reason as well as trying to tag it as my work so...
BTW ITS NOT IMPORTANT IF YOU KNOW HOW TO PLAY CHESS OR NOT because I sure don't n honestly don't care whats going on during it
Delicate pale fingers picked up the first white pawn piece, moving it from its starting position of E2 to E4. Diana confidently smiled at her competitor, sitting back in her chair as she picked up her teacup and its accommodating saucer and took a sip. The simple game of chess had begun.
Andrew hummed at the move with interest, as if already predicting the outcome in his head. There was no hesitance as his hand grabbed the black pawn at D7 and moved it simply a space forward to D6. He, too, haughtily grabbed his own teacup with pride and a small smirk, answering back without missing a beat,
Diana nodded knowingly, placing her teacup down to move a pawn in D2 up to D4. Her finger traced against the tip of the pawn in thought despite her chess move having been finalized. She decided on her answer from the many to choose from, and responded,
A light spring breeze weaved its way through their hair, and the two of them relaxed at the scent of the nearby field of flowers and their steamed cups of tea. They sat in a similar manner, perhaps in intimidation to match their already bold confidence. Being the first of the two, Andrew took his knight piece at G8 and placed it onto F6.
Diana paused at the move, taking another sip from her cup as she took her similar knight piece at B1, and matched the movement to C3.
“...Fiery?” Black pawn at G7 to G6.
“Genuine.” Diana boldly took her bishop from C1 to E3.
Andrew leaned forward for a better look at the board, finishing his first cup of tea for the game and placing it down along with its saucer to the table. He rubbed his chin in thought, carefully taking his own bishop from F8 and safely moving it to G7.
“Hassle…” He said with a shake of his head and an exhausted sigh.
Diana stifled a laugh as if she understood, pouring him a fresh new cup from the teapot to their side. She held onto her chin as she stared at the board, then looked up to the sky in hopes for inspiration. Mouthing a few words to weigh her options, she held her Queen at D1 idly in the air and decided on her choice. Diana moved her Queen forward to D2 and ended her turn.
“Joyful.” Pawn at C7 to C6.
“Kindhearted.” Pawn at F2 to F3. Diana poured herself another cup of tea.
“Lively” Pawn at B7 to B5.
“Mischievous.” Knight at G1 to E2
“Nosy.” Knight at B8 to D7
Diana hummed, taking the last sip of her tea as her eyes calculated the game before them. She poured them both a new cup without ever taking away her focus from the board and picked up her Bishop at E3. Offering her full attention towards him, Diana moved her piece all the way up to H6, directly next to many of his pieces without breaking eye contact.
“Optimistic.” She picked back up her teacup, daring him to make the next move.
Andrew didn’t back down from the provocation, staring at her curiously as if to wonder her motives. Interested in her plan, he went along with it, picking up his Bishop directly diagonal to her recently placed one and moved it forward from G7 to H6, taking her piece.
“Peculiar.” He finished, satisfied as he held up the first lost piece of the game.
Momentarily, Diana looked troubled, but her attention was not at the board at all. She picked up her Queen at D2 without hesitance yet struggled to make her move despite the two aware of what exactly she needed to do. Perking up as if her thoughts had concluded, she moved her Queen to H6, taking the black Bishop that had taken her own.
Andrew nodded at both her movement and her response.
“Radiant.” Bishop at C8 to B7.
“Surprising.” Pawn at A2 to A3.
“Teasable.” Pawn at E7 to E5.
“Unique.” Diana castled her Rook at A1 with her King at E1, moving them to D1 and C1 respectively.
“Valiant.” Andrew moved his Queen at D8 to E7.
Diana poured them both another cup of tea.
“Warmhearted.” King at C1 to B1.
Andrew scratched his head in frustration. He ignored the smirk in front of him, toying with the white bishop in his hand to help his thought process. Taking another drink to aid in his search, Andrew instead turned to the side where a large grassy field and a connecting hill laid, and suddenly came the answer he was looking for as he moved his Pawn at A7 to A6.
“Xenodochial.” He smugly smiled, holding his teacup in the air as if to toast before taking another sip.
Diana frowned at the word, staring at the chess board and the field in hopes for inspiration. She hadn’t expected Andrew to be able to move forward, but there was no surprise anyway as she picked up her Knight at E2 and moved it back towards herself at C1.
Andrew sighed, placing his elbows onto his legs to rest his chin against his hands now folded together. He grabbed his Rook at A8 and his King at E8, castling them by moving the Rook to D8 and King to C8.
“Accepting.” Knight at C1 to B3.
“Bewitching.” Andrew grinned at the frown he earned in response, moving his Pawn at E5 to D4 and taking the white Pawn previously there.
“Charming.” Diana said sharply, moving her Rook at D1 to D4 to take the Pawn that had taken her piece. She poured them both another cup of tea.
“Dramatic…” Pawn from C6 to C5.
“Emotional…” Diana moved her Rook from D4 back to D1.
“Fearless.” Knight from D7 to B6.
“Goofy.” Pawn at G2 to G3.
They ignored the screaming in the background as the two pondered over the same chess board in front of them. Taking a sip from their own teacups at the same time as if the screaming wasn’t their business, the two focused on the two games they had been playing simultaneously.
“Hotheaded.” Andrew moved his King from C8 to B8.
When Diana picked up her Knight at B3, she was forced to stop as the screaming became even louder. Her and Andrew turned their heads to the side at the field, watching as Diana’s brown hounds ran past at impeccable speed with a pair of shoes in their mouth. What followed was the source of the loud disruption as Akko came rolling down the hill headfirst after tripping, her white socks now covered in grass and mud.
The two didn’t move as Akko tumbled down the hill until her face planted into the ground at the end, and she even slid about a foot forward from the force. And Akko just laid there as if she were unconscious while the dogs came running back to circle her in enjoyment. “HEY!” Akko burst up from the floor completely covered in dirt and bloody scrapes, struggling to get back up as the dogs tauntingly ran away with her shoes once more. “I PLAYED WITH YOU AND THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME?! COME BACK HERE!” She was back to chasing them, slipping some more in some mud as she tried.
Diana and Andrew took another sip of their drinks, and Diana placed her idle piece into A5.
“Idiot.”  They said in unison.
Diana raised an eyebrow at Andrew boredly finishing his tea, “It wasn’t your turn.” She sighed, gracefully standing up from her seat and patting herself off. “I assume you admit defeat?”
Andrew shrugged, moving his Bishop from B7 to A8. “Maybe for that game.”
Diana nodded, motioning him to pour himself a new cup of tea as she walked out into the field and called for her dogs who obediently obliged and dropped the shoes that were now covered in slobber. Akko caught up not a moment after, completely out of breath and falling to the floor in defeat.
Diana took out her wand and cleaned Akko up, cuts and all, and brought her back to the chess table and offered her own cup of tea.
“Hi guys…! Who’s… winning?” Akko plopped down into Diana’s seat and quickly gulped down the drink.
Diana moved her Bishop from F1 to H3.
“I am.” Her and Andrew responded, daring each other with their eyes as their competitive nature sparked. 
You can pry Diana and Andrew friendship out of my cold dead hands. They would be the most chaotic aristocratic duo and would get along if only because of a certain someone. Also I love Diana’s dogs with all my heart.
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kittyotakunoir666 · 5 years
Felinette Month Day 4: Vacation
Felinette Month Day 4: Vacation
Guys, College is kicking my ass. They are around mid-twenties and married because honestly, they’ve been together since collége.
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“We should go on a vacation,” Marinette suggested to Felix. They were both at their home after they both returned back from work for the day and it was around 8 pm. They were both in their home lounge relaxing and enjoying each other’s presence, they were both on the couch with Felix sitting on the couch reading and Marinette laying on his lap also reading a book. Marinette was wearing a long sleeve satin wrap dress (here), she had come from her MDC fashion company, “Our companies are both in a good place, we both are in a good place, so why not have a vacation”
“Oh,” Felix responded. He was wearing a business casual suits (here), “And where would we go?”
“Let’s go back to Buenos Aires in Argentina,” Marinette suggested, “It could be like a second honeymoon for us” 
“I think a second honeymoon would be nice,” Felix said thoughtfully, “When do you think we should go” 
“Soon, we could plan it for next week since I am ahead of schedule for all my orders for about a month and your bank is also doing good with no troubles at all,” Marinette informed him.
“What if something happens in the week we aren’t here?” Felix asked concerned for leaving for a week
“Then we put Nyx in charge of both businesses,” Marinette told him, “She knows what to do for our businesses and not to mention she is a wonderful secretary without really being a secretary”
“Not to mention a pretty good bodyguard,” Felix said remembering the many times Nyx protected them from anyone harmful. 
Marinette at this point had decided to get up from Felix’s lap and lean against Felix’s side instead. She closed her book and took ahold of Felix’s hand and held it while she spoke, “She does try hard to protect the family she gained to make up from the one she lost.”
“It was nice of you to make her your bridesmaid,” Felix said putting his book down and leaning against Marinette now rubbing his thumb on Marinette’s hand, “I think we should go on a second honeymoon, with Nyx in charge of the companies, even if something went wrong, she would take care of it”
“Then it’s settled will have a second honeymoon next week,” Marinette said getting up from the couch pulling Felix with her, “Will start planning tomorrow to leave on Sunday and return on Saturday. Now then let’s go have tea and then off to bed with us”
“We’ll have to sleep in on Monday to sleep off the jet lag since it’ll be a 14-hour flight,” Felix told her. Felix followed his wife still holding her hand all the way to their kitchen before letting go and letting her put the teapot on the stove.
“Then we’ll sleep in and get settled and then on Tuesday we can go out and enjoy our second honeymoon,” Marinette said slyly. They were both sitting down in their dining area that’s connected to the kitchen. 
“True, we can even visit the…” Felix said before getting interrupted by the doorbell. They both looked at each other who would be visiting at this hour. They both headed to the door and opened it and were both surprised to see the person they were just talking about. Nyx.
“Hola, mis preciosos,” Nyx said as she walked in when they moved aside to let her in. Nyx then walked to the kitchen where they were just at. The two followed her and she begins to talk and place things on the table from her backpack purse, “I have come to drop off your plane tickets for Sunday morning at 9 am so you’ll arrive around 10 pm which according to the time difference it’ll be 6 pm over there and so I wish you luck with the jet lag. I booked you in Hotel NH Buenos Aires City in the presidential suite which has a wonderful view and it’ll be under Felix’s name. Also, I’ll have everything under control over here and Marinette here is a new sketchbook since I know you’ll get inspired by the places you’ll go, Felix, you won’t have to worry about anything I’ll take care of the businesses.”
Felix and  Marinette were both surprised at how Nyx knew their plans when they were both just talking about it. They just nodded along with what Nyx was saying as she continued to put things on the table. Felix needed to ask though on how Nyx knew about their plans, “How did you know what we were planning, we literally we’re just talking about it?” 
“The cards told me you both wanted to go on a second honeymoon and that it’ll be the place you were for your first honeymoon so I just got things ready for Sunday, I did try to get you guys an earlier flight but I couldn’t so you got the 9 am instead, pack tomorrow and get ready” Nyx explained walking back to the entrance door with the couple following her again. She opened the door and was heading out when he turned to them to say goodbye, “Adios, mis tesoros, and the teapot will boil the second I leave alright, Adios *muah muah*”
As she closed the door the teapot did indeed start boiling and whistling. Felix and Marinette made their way back to the kitchen and prepared their tea. As they drank their tea they looked over all the things Nyx brought with her. They then got ready for bed and slept to prepare for their second honeymoon. 
On Saturday they decided to check the weather and prepare for most of it. They also planned out on where to go for the five days they’ll be there. They packed for if it rains, the pool, sunny days, they prepared for a lot. They also made sure to have things for when Marinette gets inspired and wants to actually make the item she can.
The day came when they were leaving for their second honeymoon. Nyx personally dropped them off and promised to keep their house clean. They both were in first-class which on the plane was two chairs on either side of the couple's bed. They got as comfy as they could on the chairs and enjoyed the airplane ride. They then moved to the bed to cuddle as Felix read a book and Marinette was just drawing. They spent the rest of the plane ride on the bed, being comfy and either doing their own thing or watching movies.
When the plane was getting ready to land they put away their things and got ready for the landing. After landing they called for a taxi and were driven to their hotel. They entered the lobby and saw how beautiful it was. The front counter was a nice color mixture of brown. The floor was marble and the carpet was the color velvet. The whole thing was just nice and calmly. They then saw that the clock said 7:46 pm  They quickly asked for their room and were given the key. 
They made their way to the presidential suite. They opened the suite and noticed that the room was decently big, there was a table with coffee and wine glasses, a minibar, a sitting area, and the bathroom had a bathtub. The bed was tucked in the corner with the TV in front of it and near the window. They settled down and got into bed. They began to watch a movie when they both fell asleep holding onto each other. 
The next day, they woke up around 11 am well rested but still sleepy. They had decided to stay at the hotel and called for room service. While they waited Marinette decided to shower and get dressed. For the day she wore a pink top, white shorts, red anchor earrings, red sandals, a white bracelet, and some sunglasses (here). Felix followed right after and got dressed in a white dress shirt, blue business pants, a brown belt, and brown dress pants. (here). 
After they had their breakfast it was around 12:30 pm and they decided to walk around the city near the hotel. They took in the view and kept walking around talking about everything and anything. It started to get dark so they decided to go back to the hotel. They also decided to head to the hotel’s pool which was on the roof.
Marinette changed into an Aegean paisley bandeau one-piece with red flip-flops while Felix put on black swim trunks with black flip flops and they headed to the pool. No one was on the roof, it was just them so they entered the pool and begin talking.
“So, the first day of vacation,” Marinette started while floating next to Felix who only had his legs in the pool, “Is officially over and I enjoyed today” 
“As did I, Mari,” Felix said as he got in more into the pool and held Marinette's head in his hand, “It was a wonderful suggestion to go on a second honeymoon”
“My Felix, My kitty” Marinette said leaning her forehead to his, “I love you”
Felix pulled her closer and whispered back, “I love you too”
Tuesday 7 am
On Tuesday they got up early and had decided to visit a cafe that was nearby for breakfast. So they both showered and Marinette put on a black crop top, pink shorts, black boots, pink and white hoops, and black boots (here). Felix was wearing a black shirt, black pants, tan work shoes, a black watch, and a dark green open shirt (here). They spent a good hour at the cafe since Marinette got inspired by the cafe’s vibe.
After they decided to head toward the theatre nearby as Nyx had bought tickets for Tangled the musical which was 1hr long. After that, it was around 9:40 am. They decided to visit the ice rink to skate as they did when they were younger. They skated holding hands and never letting go of each other, they would do tricks, they would skate along with the children, and they would dance when the skating rink put on music. 
They had stayed at the ice rink for about 3 hours before leaving at 12:40 pm. So they moved on to go to get lunch at I Latina, a place owned by a friend of Nyx named Linda Hernandez, where they went to in their first honeymoon. They loved the food and enjoyed the company of the friend, they ended up staying there for about 3 hours catching up with Linda and Marinette sketching some designs based on the restaurant and Linda. 
So when it turned 4:00 pm they bid Linda goodbye and had decided to head back to the hotel but by walking which would take them at least 2 hours. So as they held hands they began to walk and talk.
“This place is so beautiful” Marinette sighed
“It is, just like our first honeymoon,” Felix said
“Felix, do you remember when we first met?” Marinette asked him. She had grabbed his arm and was leaning on him as they walked.
“How can I forget, it was the day you transferred to my school since you were being bullied at your old school,” Felix said remembering that day, “I was the class representative and I had to show you around since Rosemarie was sick that day”
“And when we became friends by 3rd class you didn’t want to share me with your friends,” Marinette said smugly, “You wanted to keep me all to yourself.”
At this Felix began to develop a small blush before responding, “You were the second friend I made who appreciated silence when needed and noticed I had boundaries immediately just like Nyx. I also didn’t want our friends to scare you away”
“They didn’t” Marinette giggled, “I actually appreciated how they tried to make me feel welcomed. Especially after what I went through, though I did appreciate you hiding me behind you. I also liked how when it came down to it you guys protected me from my old class when they came to visit the school.”
“We will always be there for you, Marinette,” Felix told her. They had made it to the hotel without even knowing it since they both are fast walkers with years of experience, “For better or worse, in sickness and health I’ll be there when you need me”
They kissed and headed to their room when they arrived at 5:45 pm. They had decided to order room service and watch a romantic movie, To All The Boys I Loved Before, and then settling in for the night in each other’s arms whispering I love you’s.
Wednesday 9 am
On this day they had actually woken up late but they didn’t mind. They had showered and gotten ready with Marinette wearing a chiffon bandeau sundress, nine west’s karmic platform wedge sandals, a purple stretch bracelet with earrings to match. Felix was wearing black pants with a black belt, a black dress shirt, and black shoes. ( Mari and Felix ). 
They had decided to head to the museums nearby so Marinette could get inspired by the artwork and Felix could talk about the paintings and artifacts. They quickly had breakfast and started making their way to the first museum that would only have paintings. They paid to get in and began to look around with Marinette getting inspired and Felix enjoying telling Marinette what he knew about certain paintings.
They left around 11:46 am so they decided that on their way to the second museum they would get lunch. So they headed back to I Latina and had their lunch, then they headed to the museum of the history of Buenos Aires at 12:46 pm. But as they made their way to the museum they ran into someone from Marinette's past they never had to see after her old class visited their school.
Marinette never thought she would see the person she once called  ‘best friend’ but here they were. Alya quickly noticed them and made her way to Marinette and Felix, oh boy. 
“Marinette, I can’t believe it, How have you been?” Alya asked Marinette. She was acting like they didn’t have a bad history, “It’s been so long”
Felix, when he saw Alya, had put Marinette a step behind him to protect her from anything Alya threw at her. Marinette squeezed Felix’s arm and held his hand to try and calm him down and to tell him that she was okay but she didn’t move from where she was, behind Felix.
“I’ve been good Alya and you?” Marinette asked calmly still holding on to Felix. She was also trying not to run away.
“I’ve also been good though for a while I had trouble getting a job,” Alya responded
“Oh, How come?” Asked Marinette but already knowing the answer. After the class visited her school the class was hit with the biggest karma, with a little help from Nyx, they would ever experience.
“Oh right you wouldn’t know, So it turns out that Lila was lying about everything the whole time and that she was probably not even Italian but she did come from Italy,” Alya explained and as she explained Marinette was becoming angry. “I mean who would have thought right but because she had lied about everything the Ladyblog took a huge hit along with my credibility” 
“Yes if only someone had warned you, right Alya” Marinette hissed out making Alya flinch, Felix, who has been quiet in the conversation, had to squeeze Marinette’s hand to calm her as they wouldn’t want a scene to be created since they were still on the street, “I mean it's not like I tried to warn you”
This made Alya mad, “Girl, How was I supposed to know that you were right. Marinette, back then you would easily get jealous whenever any other person showed interest in Adrien who by the way is available right now if you wanna try getting with him” 
Alya had a smirk on her face remembering all their plans of the girls trying to get Marinette together with Adrien. But when Alya said that Marinette got angry because she knew Alya might throw her jealous streak at her but got even angrier when she told Marinette of Adrien’s availability as though she wasn’t clinging to Felix at the moment. 
“Okay, First of all, Alya, I was your best friend, you knew me, you knew that I didn’t like liars and I was trying to tell you on how I knew she was lying but at that moment you interrupted me, not to mention that I did try many other times before I moved schools. Second of all, Yes I did get jealous but you seem to have forgotten that even if I was jealous I also tried to help him with his crush Kagami,” Marinette raged and at the mention of helping Adrien with Kagami Alya flinched, “And third of all, I don’t care if Adrien is with someone or is available I’m already with someone” 
At this Marinette raised her and Felix’s hand up for Alya to see but Alya then rolled her eyes and shook her head before speaking, “Marinette we both know you and whoever this guy is won’t last, now come on give me your phone so I can give you Adrien’s phone number then you can dump this guy and get the guy of your dreams”
This made Marinette pissed and Felix knew they wouldn't make it to the museum and instead will spend the rest of the day trying to calm Marinette so her kleptomania doesn’t activate since it always happens when her emotions become too much. But for now, he would be here for his wonderful wife.
“Alya,” Marinette began seething with anger, “Felix and I are married”
At this Alya’s eyes began to widen as she saw the rings on their hands. She gawked at finally seeing how they held onto each other before getting mad again, “Marinette, why didn’t you tell me, why wasn’t I invited to your wedding?”
At this Felix let out a scoff getting a glare from Alya but it didn’t faze him. Marinette also scoffed before speaking, “Because, Alya, my business is my business and you have no right at my life”
“Mari,” Alya began before being interrupted
“Don’t call me that,” Marinette said letting go of Felix and walking up to ALyas face making her take a step back, “Only my friends call me Mari”
At this Marinette turned and began to walk away leaving Alya behind her just like her past and with Felix following Marinette. They arrived at the hotel got to their room and Marinette began to cry letting out her emotions and finally feeling relief on that particular part of her past. Felix held her and let her cry it out knowing she needed this and knowing that she would feel much better after all this. They spent the rest of the day in their hotel room trying to relax.
On Thursday they spent the whole day in their hotel room and the hotel itself relaxing after the day they had the day before.
They went to the gym, the spa, the pool, and the hotel’s restaurant. Doing their laundry and packing their things to prepare for Saturday.
Friday last day around 8:26 am
On their last day on their vacation/second honeymoon, they decided to spend the day walking around the streets and to just spend it outside so they showered and got ready. Marinette wore a pink multi strappy dress, a denim vest, brown ankle boots, and brown feather earrings. Felix wore a white short-sleeved button-up shirt and black lined shorts. ( Mari and Felix ).
They made their way to the Museum they didn’t get to the day before. Then they made their way to the theater again to watch another musical. They then went to the ice rink where they skated with the children again. They had lunch at I Latina saying goodbye and to come to visit Linda when they have time again. They went to the different shops that were around and got some gifts for their friends and a new suitcase to contain the gifts along with also getting survivors. As the day began to die down they made their way to a park that was near and was becoming empty as the night was coming through.
“Felix, My kitty” Marinette began with a smile on her face
“Yes, My bug” Felix responded also with a smile
“There was a reason why I wanted to go on this vacation /honeymoon,” Marinette said as they sat down on a bench. Marinette held Felix’s head in her hands she gave him a kiss before continuing, “I wanted to tell you somewhere special to us about something that will be special to us”
“What is it Marinette?,” Felix asked placing his hands on top of Marinette’s hands that were still holding his head.
“Felix,” Marinette began taking a deep breath, “I’m pregnant”
At this Felix’s eyes widened and before they both knew it he lifted them up from the bench and he lifted Marinette up spinning them around with Marinette letting out giggles and laughing before Felix set her down and giving her a kiss. 
“Are you sure my Marinette?” Felix asked wanted it conformed.
Marinette could only nod her head yes as Felix kissed her again both just being so happy. They made their way back to their hotel room where they spent the rest of the night celebrating.
Saturday 7 am 
On Saturday they had gotten up and showered and put on the clothes they came to Buenos Aires with. They made their way to the airport and when they got on they headed to first-class and prepared themselves to go back home.
As for the vacation/second honeymoon, other than the confrontation with Alya, they enjoyed it and they looked forward to extending their family with a new member in nine months.
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thetaizuru · 5 years
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[D6] https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/06/us/nas-pensacola-shooting.html
[D5] https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/12/05/pearl-harbor-shooting-dead-sailor-navy-dod-defense/2617338001/
[D4] https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/12/04/jackson-state-university-shooting-lockdown-lifted-person-shot-nearby/2609270001/
[D3] https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/oshkosh-wisconsin-school-shooting-leaves-student-officer-injured-n1094856
[D2] https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/02/us/waukesha-south-high-school-shooting.html
[D1] https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/10-people-shot-new-orleans-police-say-n1093721
0 notes
ackbario · 7 years
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On the morning of April 26th, 2017 I sent an inordinate amount of time looking up how to build my own airplane. This proved to be a difficult task, both learning of how to go about this, and the excecution of such a feat proper.
In my web excursions, beggining with the Po-2 Soviet reconnaisance vehicle turned nuissance night attack thing, I moved into the history of DIY aircraft. Self mades, with the Spirit of St. Louis my starting gun to my eventual Catalina trail.
Ken Stanford's brilliant reportage in images had me finding all sorts of clues to the history of this beautiful vessel.
The original craft, whose images I've rehosted here, were documented by LIFE magazine in the fifties.
Another great write-up can be found here, nad it uses many of Ken's images.
To quote Ken, it suffered a tragic fate.
"On the 22nd March 1960 Thomas Kendall landed at the Strait of Tirana and anchored the aircraft a short distance from the shore to spend the night there. They heard someone shouting but did not pay any attention. In the afternoon of the following day they were attacked with machine guns and automatic firearms from a headland nearby. The children were able to swim back to the aircraft. Mr Kendal and his secretary were wounded while trying to start the Catalina but moved it about 800 metres, unfortunately it ran aground on a coral reef. The firing lasted 30 to 40 minutes and no fewer than 300 shots hit the aircraft. The fuel tanks were perforated and 4000 litres of fuel poured from the holes but miraculously the aircraft did not catch fire. The sea was only about 1.5 metres deep and all aboard managed to leave the aircraft and reach the shore. On the beach they were captured by a group of Bedouins attached to the Saudi Arabian army, who had taken them to be Israeli commandos. They were eventually taken to Jeddah, interrogated and finally set free with the help of the American Ambassador. The Ambassador protested to the Saudi Arabian government but they refused to accept any liability for the attack and consequent loss of the aircraft."
I found the speculation as to the plane's origins rather amusing, and the pictures sublime.
It's here, if anyone is up for a trip
28°05'27.02"N 34°36'30.93"E - The PBY Catalina N5593V
0 notes
backofthebiketours · 3 years
Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
Let’s face it, during your first tip to Saigon, You don’t know anything about the different districts of Ho Chi Minh City. Now it’s up to you to pick the best spot for your family to stay during your vacation to Ho Chi Minh City! The pressure is on! I’m gonna give you some information about District 4 compared to District 1 to help you make a decision if an Air Bnb in District 4 is a good option for your family.
How does Ho Chi Minh City’s District 4 compare to District 1? They are very different but District 4 is so close to District 1 that it makes sense to stay here if you are travelling. I’m going to go over some of the questions you might have if you choose to stay in District 4 rather than District 1.
Should I stay in D4 instead of D1?
This all depends on what you are looking for. In my opinion, if you are planning to spend most of your time outside of your hotel, I would have no problem staying at one of the accommodation options in District 4. It is an easy hop in a taxi cab to get right into the thick of things in the middle of District 1.
If you are looking for an apartment style stay that has a swimming pool, the accommodation options in D4 are pretty sound. The location is good if you are okay with jumping in a taxi cab ride when you want to go out. If you decide to walk around, you’ll be in for a real experience of a local area of Ho Chi Minh City. Honestly, this isn’t the right location to stay in if you want to leave your hotel and walk right outside to find a restaurant that is suitable for younger kids or western food.
District 4 Information
Over Thirty years ago, district 4 was often known for its low level of security and gangsters. However, thanks to improving management by government and gentrification, today District 4 is a pleasant place. It hasn’t been known as a dangerous area since the 70’s.
Due to its location, District 4 has become a coveted area for people to live and work. This makes the property value for homes in District 4 extremely high. Many of the families who still live in this district now have been living in these houses for decades. The small houses that we refer to as tube houses because of their narrow width but tall height are tightly packed in, creating a web of small alleyways that are very interesting.
In recent years, due to the influence of other nearby districts like District 1 and District 2, District 4 has gradually developed. Many new apartments were built here, streets were improved and repaired, entertainment areas also began to appear. This not only makes local people’s lives better but also creates convenience and comfort for tourists when visiting District 4.
District 4 Location Compared to District 1
District 4 is likened to a triangular island located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. It is surrounded by rivers and canals and stuck among 3 other developed districts: District 1 (in the Northwest), District 7 (in the Northeast) and District 2 (in the South).
    This means that District 4 is very close to District 1, people here usually only take 10 minutes to reach famous places in District 1. To get to District 1 from District 4, you need to cross a Ben Nghe canal. There are 5 bridges built to cross this canal such as Khanh Hoi bridge, Calmette bridge, Ong Lanh bridge, Rainbow bridge, and Nguyen Van Cu bridge. Depending on your location, you can choose the closest bridge to shorten the time to reach District 1.
  Hotels or Airbnb?
Honestly, District 4 doesn't have many hotels like District 1. So sometimes on holiday, hotels in District 4 often run out of rooms. Therefore, if you want to stay at a hotel to enjoy high-class service, you should book a room advanced.
Although not owning many famous hotels like District 1, however, District 4 has a lot of room rental services which local people open by themselves. To be able to find out more information about these rental rooms, you can easily find it on Airbnb’s website.
Normally, both hotels and room rental services will be in the newly constructed apartments right across from the canal. This means you are very close to the center of the city for a bit cheaper price. The area to wander about from these large apartments is actually interesting. Just behind these large apartments you can wander into Xom Chieu market for a visit during the day to see one of the most local and busiest wet markets in Ho Chi Minh City.
Transportation in District 4
District 1’s location for walking to some of the main attractions in Ho Chi Minh City is better than District 4. District 4 is about a 10-minute walk plus a bridge crossing in order to get to Nguyen Hue walking street in the center of the city. The walk might be a little bit difficult but interesting. While walking across these bridges, you can watch the canal flowing through the city and take some nice photos. The bridges at night will shine by the beautiful street lights, which is one of the typical beauties of this city.
If you are going for a night out and a bit dressed up, you’ll probably want to call a taxi or grab to give you a lift. I don’t think District 4’s location is convenient for making a lot of trips back and forth to the city center on foot but its very close if you are using a taxi cab. Check out our in depth article about about taxi cabs in Ho Chi Minh City to
Another thing about transportation in District 4 you should know is heavy traffic jams at rush hour. Because the roads in District 4 are quite small and narrow, so during peak hours these roads often occur more serious traffic jams than other districts. My university is located in District 4, every afternoon after school, it takes me about 45 minutes to 1 hour to get home. If you choose to use a taxi or grab to take you around, don't choose rush hours to go out.
Walking around District 4
If district 1 is famous for high-class and luxury restaurants, the cuisine of district 4 is famous for being found in plenty with delicious options. There are so many people living, working, and visiting District 4 that the local street food is fantastic and famous. You can find street foods in food carts, food stalls or small private restaurants open by locals.  Food stalls and restaurants are usually located along many streets in District 4, which makes district 4 is so famous for many food streets. The three most famous food streets that I want to recommend to you are Xom Chieu, Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan.
Xom Chieu has special and delicious dishes. The food stalls and restaurants in this street have existed for a long time and have created a famous reputation. That makes them attract many people coming and trying the taste of special foods. These dishes which are cooked with unique recipes seem to be “specialties” of this district. Some "specialties" on Xom Chieu street I want you to know are banana cooked with sugar, crab soup mixed vegetables and many other types of ingredients, mussel noodles.
- Pha Lau Miss Oanh
Beef Organs Cooked in Coconut Milk served with Banh MI
Address: C200 / 20 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Vermicelli crab and snail
Address: C200 / 6 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Oc To
Small but Popular Seafood Stand
Address: C218 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Crab Soup Hang
Thick Soup made with Tapioca, Crab, Shrimp, and about 8 other ingredients
Address: C200 / 18 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Banana cooked with Sugar
Braised with sugar and topped with sesame seeds, this dish is unique to Xom Chieu
Address: Head of the alley 200 Xom Chieu, District 4
In 2018, Vinh Khanh street officially became the food street of District 4 and is strictly managed on food safety and hygiene by the government. Up to now, it has been extremely famous not only to locals but also for foreign visitors. Most of the restaurants here serve seafood and beer. Plates of seafood here are cooked in Vietnamese-style but a little bit spicier than normal Vietnamese food. Famous dishes like snails cooked with coconut milk, fried crab with salt and chili, grilled octopus with sate can be found up and down Vinh Khanh Street. If you are a person who loves seafood, Vinh Khanh is definitely a great choice for you. The operating hours of Vinh Khanh street are from afternoon to evening. The restaurants here are crowded at 6:00 pm until Midnight. Make sure that you are there at the right time so you can enjoy the bustling atmosphere of this food street and delicious dishes. If you want to experience street food like this but are a bit nervous to do it yourself,
- Chilli hotpot
Alot of grilled meat options, oysters, and hotpot. Delcious and Highly recommended
Address: 232 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Oc Oanh
A standout on a street known for seafood, don't miss out on the scallops!
Address: 534 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Sushi Ko
International Sushi on the Street?
Address: 122/37/15 Vinh Khanh, District 4
In addition, other roads like Hoang Dieu, Doan Van Bo, Ngo Van So or Nguyen Truong To also have a few interesting restaurants. These roads are very close to Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan, you can visit them conveniently.
- Mi Vit Tiem Thuan Hieu
Chinese inspired Duck soup with wheat Noodles. Very Tasty and Open late
Address: 3 Hoang Dieu, District 4
- Crab Curry in Quan Oc 63
Crab smothered in Delcious curry sauce that you mop up with Vietnamse Bread. Very close to Air BnB's on Ben Van Do
Address: 63 Nguyen Truong To, District 4
Any other recommendations?
Yeah, I’m gonna let you now about my secret coffee shop that is my absolute favorite This is my place for working during the afternoon. This is located 2-5 minutes from the Air BnB locations in District 4.
Spotlight Coffee 
Address: 64 Le Quoc Hung, Ward 12, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City
The operating hours: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
We hope these tips help you make a decision on staying in District 4 or not. If so, please enjoy our recommendations for spending time in District 4 and commuting to District 1. Please share this article if you think it will help other travelers like yourself book a vacation that they will remember for a lifetime.
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Read More Here: Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
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backofthebiketours · 4 years
Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
Let’s face it, during your first tip to Saigon, You don’t know anything about the different districts of Ho Chi Minh City. Now it’s up to you to pick the best spot for your family to stay during your vacation to Ho Chi Minh City! The pressure is on! I’m gonna give you some information about District 4 compared to District 1 to help you make a decision if an Air Bnb in District 4 is a good option for your family.
How does Ho Chi Minh City’s District 4 compare to District 1? They are very different but District 4 is so close to District 1 that it makes sense to stay here if you are travelling. I’m going to go over some of the questions you might have if you choose to stay in District 4 rather than District 1.
Should I stay in D4 instead of D1?
This all depends on what you are looking for. In my opinion, if you are planning to spend most of your time outside of your hotel, I would have no problem staying at one of the accommodation options in District 4. It is an easy hop in a taxi cab to get right into the thick of things in the middle of District 1.
If you are looking for an apartment style stay that has a swimming pool, the accommodation options in D4 are pretty sound. The location is good if you are okay with jumping in a taxi cab ride when you want to go out. If you decide to walk around, you’ll be in for a real experience of a local area of Ho Chi Minh City. Honestly, this isn’t the right location to stay in if you want to leave your hotel and walk right outside to find a restaurant that is suitable for younger kids or western food.
District 4 Information
Over Thirty years ago, district 4 was often known for its low level of security and gangsters. However, thanks to improving management by government and gentrification, today District 4 is a pleasant place. It hasn’t been known as a dangerous area since the 70’s.
Due to its location, District 4 has become a coveted area for people to live and work. This makes the property value for homes in District 4 extremely high. Many of the families who still live in this district now have been living in these houses for decades. The small houses that we refer to as tube houses because of their narrow width but tall height are tightly packed in, creating a web of small alleyways that are very interesting.
In recent years, due to the influence of other nearby districts like District 1 and District 2, District 4 has gradually developed. Many new apartments were built here, streets were improved and repaired, entertainment areas also began to appear. This not only makes local people’s lives better but also creates convenience and comfort for tourists when visiting District 4.
District 4 Location Compared to District 1
District 4 is likened to a triangular island located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. It is surrounded by rivers and canals and stuck among 3 other developed districts: District 1 (in the Northwest), District 7 (in the Northeast) and District 2 (in the South).
    This means that District 4 is very close to District 1, people here usually only take 10 minutes to reach famous places in District 1. To get to District 1 from District 4, you need to cross a Ben Nghe canal. There are 5 bridges built to cross this canal such as Khanh Hoi bridge, Calmette bridge, Ong Lanh bridge, Rainbow bridge, and Nguyen Van Cu bridge. Depending on your location, you can choose the closest bridge to shorten the time to reach District 1.
  Hotels or Airbnb?
Honestly, District 4 doesn't have many hotels like District 1. So sometimes on holiday, hotels in District 4 often run out of rooms. Therefore, if you want to stay at a hotel to enjoy high-class service, you should book a room advanced.
Although not owning many famous hotels like District 1, however, District 4 has a lot of room rental services which local people open by themselves. To be able to find out more information about these rental rooms, you can easily find it on Airbnb’s website.
Normally, both hotels and room rental services will be in the newly constructed apartments right across from the canal. This means you are very close to the center of the city for a bit cheaper price. The area to wander about from these large apartments is actually interesting. Just behind these large apartments you can wander into Xom Chieu market for a visit during the day to see one of the most local and busiest wet markets in Ho Chi Minh City.
Transportation in District 4
District 1’s location for walking to some of the main attractions in Ho Chi Minh City is better than District 4. District 4 is about a 10-minute walk plus a bridge crossing in order to get to Nguyen Hue walking street in the center of the city. The walk might be a little bit difficult but interesting. While walking across these bridges, you can watch the canal flowing through the city and take some nice photos. The bridges at night will shine by the beautiful street lights, which is one of the typical beauties of this city.
If you are going for a night out and a bit dressed up, you’ll probably want to call a taxi or grab to give you a lift. I don’t think District 4’s location is convenient for making a lot of trips back and forth to the city center on foot but its very close if you are using a taxi cab. Check out our in depth article about about taxi cabs in Ho Chi Minh City to
Another thing about transportation in District 4 you should know is heavy traffic jams at rush hour. Because the roads in District 4 are quite small and narrow, so during peak hours these roads often occur more serious traffic jams than other districts. My university is located in District 4, every afternoon after school, it takes me about 45 minutes to 1 hour to get home. If you choose to use a taxi or grab to take you around, don't choose rush hours to go out.
Walking around District 4
If district 1 is famous for high-class and luxury restaurants, the cuisine of district 4 is famous for being found in plenty with delicious options. There are so many people living, working, and visiting District 4 that the local street food is fantastic and famous. You can find street foods in food carts, food stalls or small private restaurants open by locals.  Food stalls and restaurants are usually located along many streets in District 4, which makes district 4 is so famous for many food streets. The three most famous food streets that I want to recommend to you are Xom Chieu, Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan.
Xom Chieu has special and delicious dishes. The food stalls and restaurants in this street have existed for a long time and have created a famous reputation. That makes them attract many people coming and trying the taste of special foods. These dishes which are cooked with unique recipes seem to be “specialties” of this district. Some "specialties" on Xom Chieu street I want you to know are banana cooked with sugar, crab soup mixed vegetables and many other types of ingredients, mussel noodles.
- Pha Lau Miss Oanh
Beef Organs Cooked in Coconut Milk served with Banh MI
Address: C200 / 20 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Vermicelli crab and snail
Address: C200 / 6 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Oc To
Small but Popular Seafood Stand
Address: C218 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Crab Soup Hang
Thick Soup made with Tapioca, Crab, Shrimp, and about 8 other ingredients
Address: C200 / 18 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Banana cooked with Sugar
Braised with sugar and topped with sesame seeds, this dish is unique to Xom Chieu
Address: Head of the alley 200 Xom Chieu, District 4
In 2018, Vinh Khanh street officially became the food street of District 4 and is strictly managed on food safety and hygiene by the government. Up to now, it has been extremely famous not only to locals but also for foreign visitors. Most of the restaurants here serve seafood and beer. Plates of seafood here are cooked in Vietnamese-style but a little bit spicier than normal Vietnamese food. Famous dishes like snails cooked with coconut milk, fried crab with salt and chili, grilled octopus with sate can be found up and down Vinh Khanh Street. If you are a person who loves seafood, Vinh Khanh is definitely a great choice for you. The operating hours of Vinh Khanh street are from afternoon to evening. The restaurants here are crowded at 6:00 pm until Midnight. Make sure that you are there at the right time so you can enjoy the bustling atmosphere of this food street and delicious dishes. If you want to experience street food like this but are a bit nervous to do it yourself,
- Chilli hotpot
Alot of grilled meat options, oysters, and hotpot. Delcious and Highly recommended
Address: 232 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Oc Oanh
A standout on a street known for seafood, don't miss out on the scallops!
Address: 534 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Sushi Ko
International Sushi on the Street?
Address: 122/37/15 Vinh Khanh, District 4
In addition, other roads like Hoang Dieu, Doan Van Bo, Ngo Van So or Nguyen Truong To also have a few interesting restaurants. These roads are very close to Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan, you can visit them conveniently.
- Mi Vit Tiem Thuan Hieu
Chinese inspired Duck soup with wheat Noodles. Very Tasty and Open late
Address: 3 Hoang Dieu, District 4
- Crab Curry in Quan Oc 63
Crab smothered in Delcious curry sauce that you mop up with Vietnamse Bread. Very close to Air BnB's on Ben Van Do
Address: 63 Nguyen Truong To, District 4
Any other recommendations?
Yeah, I’m gonna let you now about my secret coffee shop that is my absolute favorite This is my place for working during the afternoon. This is located 2-5 minutes from the Air BnB locations in District 4.
Spotlight Coffee 
Address: 64 Le Quoc Hung, Ward 12, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City
The operating hours: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
We hope these tips help you make a decision on staying in District 4 or not. If so, please enjoy our recommendations for spending time in District 4 and commuting to District 1. Please share this article if you think it will help other travelers like yourself book a vacation that they will remember for a lifetime.
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Source Here: Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
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backofthebiketours · 4 years
Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
Let’s face it, during your first tip to Saigon, You don’t know anything about the different districts of Ho Chi Minh City. Now it’s up to you to pick the best spot for your family to stay during your vacation to Ho Chi Minh City! The pressure is on! I’m gonna give you some information about District 4 compared to District 1 to help you make a decision if an Air Bnb in District 4 is a good option for your family.
How does Ho Chi Minh City’s District 4 compare to District 1? They are very different but District 4 is so close to District 1 that it makes sense to stay here if you are travelling. I’m going to go over some of the questions you might have if you choose to stay in District 4 rather than District 1.
Should I stay in D4 instead of D1?
This all depends on what you are looking for. In my opinion, if you are planning to spend most of your time outside of your hotel, I would have no problem staying at one of the accommodation options in District 4. It is an easy hop in a taxi cab to get right into the thick of things in the middle of District 1.
If you are looking for an apartment style stay that has a swimming pool, the accommodation options in D4 are pretty sound. The location is good if you are okay with jumping in a taxi cab ride when you want to go out. If you decide to walk around, you’ll be in for a real experience of a local area of Ho Chi Minh City. Honestly, this isn’t the right location to stay in if you want to leave your hotel and walk right outside to find a restaurant that is suitable for younger kids or western food.
District 4 Information
Over Thirty years ago, district 4 was often known for its low level of security and gangsters. However, thanks to improving management by government and gentrification, today District 4 is a pleasant place. It hasn’t been known as a dangerous area since the 70’s.
Due to its location, District 4 has become a coveted area for people to live and work. This makes the property value for homes in District 4 extremely high. Many of the families who still live in this district now have been living in these houses for decades. The small houses that we refer to as tube houses because of their narrow width but tall height are tightly packed in, creating a web of small alleyways that are very interesting.
In recent years, due to the influence of other nearby districts like District 1 and District 2, District 4 has gradually developed. Many new apartments were built here, streets were improved and repaired, entertainment areas also began to appear. This not only makes local people’s lives better but also creates convenience and comfort for tourists when visiting District 4.
District 4 Location Compared to District 1
District 4 is likened to a triangular island located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. It is surrounded by rivers and canals and stuck among 3 other developed districts: District 1 (in the Northwest), District 7 (in the Northeast) and District 2 (in the South).
    This means that District 4 is very close to District 1, people here usually only take 10 minutes to reach famous places in District 1. To get to District 1 from District 4, you need to cross a Ben Nghe canal. There are 5 bridges built to cross this canal such as Khanh Hoi bridge, Calmette bridge, Ong Lanh bridge, Rainbow bridge, and Nguyen Van Cu bridge. Depending on your location, you can choose the closest bridge to shorten the time to reach District 1.
  Hotels or Airbnb?
Honestly, District 4 doesn't have many hotels like District 1. So sometimes on holiday, hotels in District 4 often run out of rooms. Therefore, if you want to stay at a hotel to enjoy high-class service, you should book a room advanced.
Although not owning many famous hotels like District 1, however, District 4 has a lot of room rental services which local people open by themselves. To be able to find out more information about these rental rooms, you can easily find it on Airbnb’s website.
Normally, both hotels and room rental services will be in the newly constructed apartments right across from the canal. This means you are very close to the center of the city for a bit cheaper price. The area to wander about from these large apartments is actually interesting. Just behind these large apartments you can wander into Xom Chieu market for a visit during the day to see one of the most local and busiest wet markets in Ho Chi Minh City.
Transportation in District 4
District 1’s location for walking to some of the main attractions in Ho Chi Minh City is better than District 4. District 4 is about a 10-minute walk plus a bridge crossing in order to get to Nguyen Hue walking street in the center of the city. The walk might be a little bit difficult but interesting. While walking across these bridges, you can watch the canal flowing through the city and take some nice photos. The bridges at night will shine by the beautiful street lights, which is one of the typical beauties of this city.
If you are going for a night out and a bit dressed up, you’ll probably want to call a taxi or grab to give you a lift. I don’t think District 4’s location is convenient for making a lot of trips back and forth to the city center on foot but its very close if you are using a taxi cab. Check out our in depth article about about taxi cabs in Ho Chi Minh City to
Another thing about transportation in District 4 you should know is heavy traffic jams at rush hour. Because the roads in District 4 are quite small and narrow, so during peak hours these roads often occur more serious traffic jams than other districts. My university is located in District 4, every afternoon after school, it takes me about 45 minutes to 1 hour to get home. If you choose to use a taxi or grab to take you around, don't choose rush hours to go out.
Walking around District 4
If district 1 is famous for high-class and luxury restaurants, the cuisine of district 4 is famous for being found in plenty with delicious options. There are so many people living, working, and visiting District 4 that the local street food is fantastic and famous. You can find street foods in food carts, food stalls or small private restaurants open by locals.  Food stalls and restaurants are usually located along many streets in District 4, which makes district 4 is so famous for many food streets. The three most famous food streets that I want to recommend to you are Xom Chieu, Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan.
Xom Chieu has special and delicious dishes. The food stalls and restaurants in this street have existed for a long time and have created a famous reputation. That makes them attract many people coming and trying the taste of special foods. These dishes which are cooked with unique recipes seem to be “specialties” of this district. Some "specialties" on Xom Chieu street I want you to know are banana cooked with sugar, crab soup mixed vegetables and many other types of ingredients, mussel noodles.
- Pha Lau Miss Oanh
Beef Organs Cooked in Coconut Milk served with Banh MI
Address: C200 / 20 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Vermicelli crab and snail
Address: C200 / 6 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Oc To
Small but Popular Seafood Stand
Address: C218 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Crab Soup Hang
Thick Soup made with Tapioca, Crab, Shrimp, and about 8 other ingredients
Address: C200 / 18 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Banana cooked with Sugar
Braised with sugar and topped with sesame seeds, this dish is unique to Xom Chieu
Address: Head of the alley 200 Xom Chieu, District 4
In 2018, Vinh Khanh street officially became the food street of District 4 and is strictly managed on food safety and hygiene by the government. Up to now, it has been extremely famous not only to locals but also for foreign visitors. Most of the restaurants here serve seafood and beer. Plates of seafood here are cooked in Vietnamese-style but a little bit spicier than normal Vietnamese food. Famous dishes like snails cooked with coconut milk, fried crab with salt and chili, grilled octopus with sate can be found up and down Vinh Khanh Street. If you are a person who loves seafood, Vinh Khanh is definitely a great choice for you. The operating hours of Vinh Khanh street are from afternoon to evening. The restaurants here are crowded at 6:00 pm until Midnight. Make sure that you are there at the right time so you can enjoy the bustling atmosphere of this food street and delicious dishes. If you want to experience street food like this but are a bit nervous to do it yourself,
- Chilli hotpot
Alot of grilled meat options, oysters, and hotpot. Delcious and Highly recommended
Address: 232 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Oc Oanh
A standout on a street known for seafood, don't miss out on the scallops!
Address: 534 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Sushi Ko
International Sushi on the Street?
Address: 122/37/15 Vinh Khanh, District 4
In addition, other roads like Hoang Dieu, Doan Van Bo, Ngo Van So or Nguyen Truong To also have a few interesting restaurants. These roads are very close to Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan, you can visit them conveniently.
- Mi Vit Tiem Thuan Hieu
Chinese inspired Duck soup with wheat Noodles. Very Tasty and Open late
Address: 3 Hoang Dieu, District 4
- Crab Curry in Quan Oc 63
Crab smothered in Delcious curry sauce that you mop up with Vietnamse Bread. Very close to Air BnB's on Ben Van Do
Address: 63 Nguyen Truong To, District 4
Any other recommendations?
Yeah, I’m gonna let you now about my secret coffee shop that is my absolute favorite This is my place for working during the afternoon. This is located 2-5 minutes from the Air BnB locations in District 4.
Spotlight Coffee 
Address: 64 Le Quoc Hung, Ward 12, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City
The operating hours: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
We hope these tips help you make a decision on staying in District 4 or not. If so, please enjoy our recommendations for spending time in District 4 and commuting to District 1. Please share this article if you think it will help other travelers like yourself book a vacation that they will remember for a lifetime.
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Article Source Here: Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
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backofthebiketours · 5 years
Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
Let’s face it, during your first tip to Saigon, You don’t know anything about the different districts of Ho Chi Minh City. Now it’s up to you to pick the best spot for your family to stay during your vacation to Ho Chi Minh City! The pressure is on! I’m gonna give you some information about District 4 compared to District 1 to help you make a decision if an Air Bnb in District 4 is a good option for your family.
How does Ho Chi Minh City’s District 4 compare to District 1? They are very different but District 4 is so close to District 1 that it makes sense to stay here if you are travelling. I’m going to go over some of the questions you might have if you choose to stay in District 4 rather than District 1.
Should I stay in D4 instead of D1?
This all depends on what you are looking for. In my opinion, if you are planning to spend most of your time outside of your hotel, I would have no problem staying at one of the accommodation options in District 4. It is an easy hop in a taxi cab to get right into the thick of things in the middle of District 1.
If you are looking for an apartment style stay that has a swimming pool, the accommodation options in D4 are pretty sound. The location is good if you are okay with jumping in a taxi cab ride when you want to go out. If you decide to walk around, you’ll be in for a real experience of a local area of Ho Chi Minh City. Honestly, this isn’t the right location to stay in if you want to leave your hotel and walk right outside to find a restaurant that is suitable for younger kids or western food.
District 4 Information
Over Thirty years ago, district 4 was often known for its low level of security and gangsters. However, thanks to improving management by government and gentrification, today District 4 is a pleasant place. It hasn’t been known as a dangerous area since the 70’s.
Due to its location, District 4 has become a coveted area for people to live and work. This makes the property value for homes in District 4 extremely high. Many of the families who still live in this district now have been living in these houses for decades. The small houses that we refer to as tube houses because of their narrow width but tall height are tightly packed in, creating a web of small alleyways that are very interesting.
In recent years, due to the influence of other nearby districts like District 1 and District 2, District 4 has gradually developed. Many new apartments were built here, streets were improved and repaired, entertainment areas also began to appear. This not only makes local people’s lives better but also creates convenience and comfort for tourists when visiting District 4.
District 4 Location Compared to District 1
District 4 is likened to a triangular island located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. It is surrounded by rivers and canals and stuck among 3 other developed districts: District 1 (in the Northwest), District 7 (in the Northeast) and District 2 (in the South).
    This means that District 4 is very close to District 1, people here usually only take 10 minutes to reach famous places in District 1. To get to District 1 from District 4, you need to cross a Ben Nghe canal. There are 5 bridges built to cross this canal such as Khanh Hoi bridge, Calmette bridge, Ong Lanh bridge, Rainbow bridge, and Nguyen Van Cu bridge. Depending on your location, you can choose the closest bridge to shorten the time to reach District 1.
  Hotels or Airbnb?
Honestly, District 4 doesn't have many hotels like District 1. So sometimes on holiday, hotels in District 4 often run out of rooms. Therefore, if you want to stay at a hotel to enjoy high-class service, you should book a room advanced.
Although not owning many famous hotels like District 1, however, District 4 has a lot of room rental services which local people open by themselves. To be able to find out more information about these rental rooms, you can easily find it on Airbnb’s website.
Normally, both hotels and room rental services will be in the newly constructed apartments right across from the canal. This means you are very close to the center of the city for a bit cheaper price. The area to wander about from these large apartments is actually interesting. Just behind these large apartments you can wander into Xom Chieu market for a visit during the day to see one of the most local and busiest wet markets in Ho Chi Minh City.
If you decide to take a look at some hotels in town check out our article about Hotels for Value in Ho Chi Minh City.
Transportation in District 4
District 1’s location for walking to some of the main attractions in Ho Chi Minh City is better than District 4. District 4 is about a 10-minute walk plus a bridge crossing in order to get to Nguyen Hue walking street in the center of the city. The walk might be a little bit difficult but interesting. While walking across these bridges, you can watch the canal flowing through the city and take some nice photos. The bridges at night will shine by the beautiful street lights, which is one of the typical beauties of this city.
If you are going for a night out and a bit dressed up, you’ll probably want to call a taxi or grab to give you a lift. I don’t think District 4’s location is convenient for making a lot of trips back and forth to the city center on foot but its very close if you are using a taxi cab. Check out our in depth article about about taxi cabs in Ho Chi Minh City to
Another thing about transportation in District 4 you should know is heavy traffic jams at rush hour. Because the roads in District 4 are quite small and narrow, so during peak hours these roads often occur more serious traffic jams than other districts. My university is located in District 4, every afternoon after school, it takes me about 45 minutes to 1 hour to get home. If you choose to use a taxi or grab to take you around, don't choose rush hours to go out.
Walking around District 4
If district 1 is famous for high-class and luxury restaurants, the cuisine of district 4 is famous for being found in plenty with delicious options. There are so many people living, working, and visiting District 4 that the local street food is fantastic and famous. You can find street foods in food carts, food stalls or small private restaurants open by locals.  Food stalls and restaurants are usually located along many streets in District 4, which makes district 4 is so famous for many food streets. The three most famous food streets that I want to recommend to you are Xom Chieu, Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan.
Xom Chieu has special and delicious dishes. The food stalls and restaurants in this street have existed for a long time and have created a famous reputation. That makes them attract many people coming and trying the taste of special foods. These dishes which are cooked with unique recipes seem to be “specialties” of this district. Some "specialties" on Xom Chieu street I want you to know are banana cooked with sugar, crab soup mixed vegetables and many other types of ingredients, mussel noodles.
- Pha Lau Miss Oanh
Beef Organs Cooked in Coconut Milk served with Banh MI
Address: C200 / 20 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Vermicelli crab and snail
Address: C200 / 6 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Oc To
Small but Popular Seafood Stand
Address: C218 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Crab Soup Hang
Thick Soup made with Tapioca, Crab, Shrimp, and about 8 other ingredients
Address: C200 / 18 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Banana cooked with Sugar
Braised with sugar and topped with sesame seeds, this dish is unique to Xom Chieu
Address: Head of the alley 200 Xom Chieu, District 4
In 2018, Vinh Khanh street officially became the food street of District 4 and is strictly managed on food safety and hygiene by the government. Up to now, it has been extremely famous not only to locals but also for foreign visitors. Most of the restaurants here serve seafood and beer. Plates of seafood here are cooked in Vietnamese-style but a little bit spicier than normal Vietnamese food. Famous dishes like snails cooked with coconut milk, fried crab with salt and chili, grilled octopus with sate can be found up and down Vinh Khanh Street. If you are a person who loves seafood, Vinh Khanh is definitely a great choice for you. The operating hours of Vinh Khanh street are from afternoon to evening. The restaurants here are crowded at 6:00 pm until Midnight. Make sure that you are there at the right time so you can enjoy the bustling atmosphere of this food street and delicious dishes. If you want to experience street food like this but are a bit nervous to do it yourself,
- Chilli hotpot
Alot of grilled meat options, oysters, and hotpot. Delcious and Highly recommended
Address: 232 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Oc Oanh
A standout on a street known for seafood, don't miss out on the scallops!
Address: 534 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Sushi Ko
International Sushi on the Street?
Address: 122/37/15 Vinh Khanh, District 4
In addition, other roads like Hoang Dieu, Doan Van Bo, Ngo Van So or Nguyen Truong To also have a few interesting restaurants. These roads are very close to Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan, you can visit them conveniently.
- Mi Vit Tiem Thuan Hieu
Chinese inspired Duck soup with wheat Noodles. Very Tasty and Open late
Address: 3 Hoang Dieu, District 4
- Crab Curry in Quan Oc 63
Crab smothered in Delcious curry sauce that you mop up with Vietnamse Bread. Very close to Air BnB's on Ben Van Do
Address: 63 Nguyen Truong To, District 4
Any other recommendations?
Yeah, I’m gonna let you now about my secret coffee shop that is my absolute favorite This is my place for working during the afternoon. This is located 2-5 minutes from the Air BnB locations in District 4.
Spotlight Coffee 
Address: 64 Le Quoc Hung, Ward 12, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City
The operating hours: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
We hope these tips help you make a decision on staying in District 4 or not. If so, please enjoy our recommendations for spending time in District 4 and commuting to District 1. Please share this article if you think it will help other travelers like yourself book a vacation that they will remember for a lifetime.
Source Here: Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
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backofthebiketours · 5 years
Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
Let’s face it, during your first tip to Saigon, You don’t know anything about the different districts of Ho Chi Minh City. Now it’s up to you to pick the best spot for your family to stay during your vacation to Ho Chi Minh City! The pressure is on! I’m gonna give you some information about District 4 compared to District 1 to help you make a decision if an Air Bnb in District 4 is a good option for your family.
How does Ho Chi Minh City’s District 4 compare to District 1? They are very different but District 4 is so close to District 1 that it makes sense to stay here if you are travelling. I’m going to go over some of the questions you might have if you choose to stay in District 4 rather than District 1.
Should I stay in D4 instead of D1?
This all depends on what you are looking for. In my opinion, if you are planning to spend most of your time outside of your hotel, I would have no problem staying at one of the accommodation options in District 4. It is an easy hop in a taxi cab to get right into the thick of things in the middle of District 1.
If you are looking for an apartment style stay that has a swimming pool, the accommodation options in D4 are pretty sound. The location is good if you are okay with jumping in a taxi cab ride when you want to go out. If you decide to walk around, you’ll be in for a real experience of a local area of Ho Chi Minh City. Honestly, this isn’t the right location to stay in if you want to leave your hotel and walk right outside to find a restaurant that is suitable for younger kids or western food.
District 4 Information
Over Thirty years ago, district 4 was often known for its low level of security and gangsters. However, thanks to improving management by government and gentrification, today District 4 is a pleasant place. It hasn’t been known as a dangerous area since the 70’s.
Due to its location, District 4 has become a coveted area for people to live and work. This makes the property value for homes in District 4 extremely high. Many of the families who still live in this district now have been living in these houses for decades. The small houses that we refer to as tube houses because of their narrow width but tall height are tightly packed in, creating a web of small alleyways that are very interesting.
In recent years, due to the influence of other nearby districts like District 1 and District 2, District 4 has gradually developed. Many new apartments were built here, streets were improved and repaired, entertainment areas also began to appear. This not only makes local people’s lives better but also creates convenience and comfort for tourists when visiting District 4.
District 4 Location Compared to District 1
District 4 is likened to a triangular island located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. It is surrounded by rivers and canals and stuck among 3 other developed districts: District 1 (in the Northwest), District 7 (in the Northeast) and District 2 (in the South).
    This means that District 4 is very close to District 1, people here usually only take 10 minutes to reach famous places in District 1. To get to District 1 from District 4, you need to cross a Ben Nghe canal. There are 5 bridges built to cross this canal such as Khanh Hoi bridge, Calmette bridge, Ong Lanh bridge, Rainbow bridge, and Nguyen Van Cu bridge. Depending on your location, you can choose the closest bridge to shorten the time to reach District 1.
  Hotels or Airbnb?
Honestly, District 4 doesn't have many hotels like District 1. So sometimes on holiday, hotels in District 4 often run out of rooms. Therefore, if you want to stay at a hotel to enjoy high-class service, you should book a room advanced.
Although not owning many famous hotels like District 1, however, District 4 has a lot of room rental services which local people open by themselves. To be able to find out more information about these rental rooms, you can easily find it on Airbnb’s website.
Normally, both hotels and room rental services will be in the newly constructed apartments right across from the canal. This means you are very close to the center of the city for a bit cheaper price. The area to wander about from these large apartments is actually interesting. Just behind these large apartments you can wander into Xom Chieu market for a visit during the day to see one of the most local and busiest wet markets in Ho Chi Minh City.
If you decide to take a look at some hotels in town check out our article about Hotels for Value in Ho Chi Minh City.
Transportation in District 4
District 1’s location for walking to some of the main attractions in Ho Chi Minh City is better than District 4. District 4 is about a 10-minute walk plus a bridge crossing in order to get to Nguyen Hue walking street in the center of the city. The walk might be a little bit difficult but interesting. While walking across these bridges, you can watch the canal flowing through the city and take some nice photos. The bridges at night will shine by the beautiful street lights, which is one of the typical beauties of this city.
If you are going for a night out and a bit dressed up, you’ll probably want to call a taxi or grab to give you a lift. I don’t think District 4’s location is convenient for making a lot of trips back and forth to the city center on foot but its very close if you are using a taxi cab. Check out our in depth article about about taxi cabs in Ho Chi Minh City to
Another thing about transportation in District 4 you should know is heavy traffic jams at rush hour. Because the roads in District 4 are quite small and narrow, so during peak hours these roads often occur more serious traffic jams than other districts. My university is located in District 4, every afternoon after school, it takes me about 45 minutes to 1 hour to get home. If you choose to use a taxi or grab to take you around, don't choose rush hours to go out.
Walking around District 4
If district 1 is famous for high-class and luxury restaurants, the cuisine of district 4 is famous for being found in plenty with delicious options. There are so many people living, working, and visiting District 4 that the local street food is fantastic and famous. You can find street foods in food carts, food stalls or small private restaurants open by locals.  Food stalls and restaurants are usually located along many streets in District 4, which makes district 4 is so famous for many food streets. The three most famous food streets that I want to recommend to you are Xom Chieu, Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan.
Xom Chieu has special and delicious dishes. The food stalls and restaurants in this street have existed for a long time and have created a famous reputation. That makes them attract many people coming and trying the taste of special foods. These dishes which are cooked with unique recipes seem to be “specialties” of this district. Some "specialties" on Xom Chieu street I want you to know are banana cooked with sugar, crab soup mixed vegetables and many other types of ingredients, mussel noodles.
- Pha Lau Miss Oanh
Beef Organs Cooked in Coconut Milk served with Banh MI
Address: C200 / 20 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Vermicelli crab and snail
Address: C200 / 6 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Oc To
Small but Popular Seafood Stand
Address: C218 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Crab Soup Hang
Thick Soup made with Tapioca, Crab, Shrimp, and about 8 other ingredients
Address: C200 / 18 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Banana cooked with Sugar
Braised with sugar and topped with sesame seeds, this dish is unique to Xom Chieu
Address: Head of the alley 200 Xom Chieu, District 4
In 2018, Vinh Khanh street officially became the food street of District 4 and is strictly managed on food safety and hygiene by the government. Up to now, it has been extremely famous not only to locals but also for foreign visitors. Most of the restaurants here serve seafood and beer. Plates of seafood here are cooked in Vietnamese-style but a little bit spicier than normal Vietnamese food. Famous dishes like snails cooked with coconut milk, fried crab with salt and chili, grilled octopus with sate can be found up and down Vinh Khanh Street. If you are a person who loves seafood, Vinh Khanh is definitely a great choice for you. The operating hours of Vinh Khanh street are from afternoon to evening. The restaurants here are crowded at 6:00 pm until Midnight. Make sure that you are there at the right time so you can enjoy the bustling atmosphere of this food street and delicious dishes. If you want to experience street food like this but are a bit nervous to do it yourself,
- Chilli hotpot
Alot of grilled meat options, oysters, and hotpot. Delcious and Highly recommended
Address: 232 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Oc Oanh
A standout on a street known for seafood, don't miss out on the scallops!
Address: 534 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Sushi Ko
International Sushi on the Street?
Address: 122/37/15 Vinh Khanh, District 4
In addition, other roads like Hoang Dieu, Doan Van Bo, Ngo Van So or Nguyen Truong To also have a few interesting restaurants. These roads are very close to Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan, you can visit them conveniently.
- Mi Vit Tiem Thuan Hieu
Chinese inspired Duck soup with wheat Noodles. Very Tasty and Open late
Address: 3 Hoang Dieu, District 4
- Crab Curry in Quan Oc 63
Crab smothered in Delcious curry sauce that you mop up with Vietnamse Bread. Very close to Air BnB's on Ben Van Do
Address: 63 Nguyen Truong To, District 4
Any other recommendations?
Yeah, I’m gonna let you now about my secret coffee shop that is my absolute favorite This is my place for working during the afternoon. This is located 2-5 minutes from the Air BnB locations in District 4.
Spotlight Coffee 
Address: 64 Le Quoc Hung, Ward 12, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City
The operating hours: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
We hope these tips help you make a decision on staying in District 4 or not. If so, please enjoy our recommendations for spending time in District 4 and commuting to District 1. Please share this article if you think it will help other travelers like yourself book a vacation that they will remember for a lifetime.
Post Source Here: Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
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backofthebiketours · 5 years
Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
Let’s face it, during your first tip to Saigon, You don’t know anything about the different districts of Ho Chi Minh City. Now it’s up to you to pick the best spot for your family to stay during your vacation to Ho Chi Minh City! The pressure is on! I’m gonna give you some information about District 4 compared to District 1 to help you make a decision if an Air Bnb in District 4 is a good option for your family.
How does Ho Chi Minh City’s District 4 compare to District 1? They are very different but District 4 is so close to District 1 that it makes sense to stay here if you are travelling. I’m going to go over some of the questions you might have if you choose to stay in District 4 rather than District 1.
Should I stay in D4 instead of D1?
This all depends on what you are looking for. In my opinion, if you are planning to spend most of your time outside of your hotel, I would have no problem staying at one of the accommodation options in District 4. It is an easy hop in a taxi cab to get right into the thick of things in the middle of District 1.
If you are looking for an apartment style stay that has a swimming pool, the accommodation options in D4 are pretty sound. The location is good if you are okay with jumping in a taxi cab ride when you want to go out. If you decide to walk around, you’ll be in for a real experience of a local area of Ho Chi Minh City. Honestly, this isn’t the right location to stay in if you want to leave your hotel and walk right outside to find a restaurant that is suitable for younger kids or western food.
District 4 Information
Over Thirty years ago, district 4 was often known for its low level of security and gangsters. However, thanks to improving management by government and gentrification, today District 4 is a pleasant place. It hasn’t been known as a dangerous area since the 70’s.
Due to its location, District 4 has become a coveted area for people to live and work. This makes the property value for homes in District 4 extremely high. Many of the families who still live in this district now have been living in these houses for decades. The small houses that we refer to as tube houses because of their narrow width but tall height are tightly packed in, creating a web of small alleyways that are very interesting.
In recent years, due to the influence of other nearby districts like District 1 and District 2, District 4 has gradually developed. Many new apartments were built here, streets were improved and repaired, entertainment areas also began to appear. This not only makes local people’s lives better but also creates convenience and comfort for tourists when visiting District 4.
District 4 Location Compared to District 1
District 4 is likened to a triangular island located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. It is surrounded by rivers and canals and stuck among 3 other developed districts: District 1 (in the Northwest), District 7 (in the Northeast) and District 2 (in the South).
    This means that District 4 is very close to District 1, people here usually only take 10 minutes to reach famous places in District 1. To get to District 1 from District 4, you need to cross a Ben Nghe canal. There are 5 bridges built to cross this canal such as Khanh Hoi bridge, Calmette bridge, Ong Lanh bridge, Rainbow bridge, and Nguyen Van Cu bridge. Depending on your location, you can choose the closest bridge to shorten the time to reach District 1.
  Hotels or Airbnb?
Honestly, District 4 doesn't have many hotels like District 1. So sometimes on holiday, hotels in District 4 often run out of rooms. Therefore, if you want to stay at a hotel to enjoy high-class service, you should book a room advanced.
Although not owning many famous hotels like District 1, however, District 4 has a lot of room rental services which local people open by themselves. To be able to find out more information about these rental rooms, you can easily find it on Airbnb’s website.
Normally, both hotels and room rental services will be in the newly constructed apartments right across from the canal. This means you are very close to the center of the city for a bit cheaper price. The area to wander about from these large apartments is actually interesting. Just behind these large apartments you can wander into Xom Chieu market for a visit during the day to see one of the most local and busiest wet markets in Ho Chi Minh City.
Transportation in District 4
District 1’s location for walking to some of the main attractions in Ho Chi Minh City is better than District 4. District 4 is about a 10-minute walk plus a bridge crossing in order to get to Nguyen Hue walking street in the center of the city. The walk might be a little bit difficult but interesting. While walking across these bridges, you can watch the canal flowing through the city and take some nice photos. The bridges at night will shine by the beautiful street lights, which is one of the typical beauties of this city.
If you are going for a night out and a bit dressed up, you’ll probably want to call a taxi or grab to give you a lift. I don’t think District 4’s location is convenient for making a lot of trips back and forth to the city center on foot but its very close if you are using a taxi cab. Check out our in depth article about about taxi cabs in Ho Chi Minh City to learn more about Vietnams and Taxi's and popular apps like Grab.
Another thing about transportation in District 4 you should know is heavy traffic jams at rush hour. Because the roads in District 4 are quite small and narrow, so during peak hours these roads often occur more serious traffic jams than other districts. My university is located in District 4, every afternoon after school, it takes me about 45 minutes to 1 hour to get home. If you choose to use a taxi or grab to take you around, don't choose rush hours to go out.
Walking around District 4
If district 1 is famous for high-class and luxury restaurants, the cuisine of district 4 is famous for being found in plenty with delicious options. There are so many people living, working, and visiting District 4 that the local street food is fantastic and famous. You can find street foods in food carts, food stalls or small private restaurants open by locals.  Food stalls and restaurants are usually located along many streets in District 4, which makes district 4 is so famous for many food streets. The three most famous food streets that I want to recommend to you are Xom Chieu, Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan.
Xom Chieu has special and delicious dishes. The food stalls and restaurants in this street have existed for a long time and have created a famous reputation. That makes them attract many people coming and trying the taste of special foods. These dishes which are cooked with unique recipes seem to be “specialties” of this district. Some "specialties" on Xom Chieu street I want you to know are banana cooked with sugar, crab soup mixed vegetables and many other types of ingredients, mussel noodles.
- Pha Lau Miss Oanh
Beef Organs Cooked in Coconut Milk served with Banh MI
Address: C200 / 20 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Vermicelli crab and snail
Address: C200 / 6 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Oc To
Small but Popular Seafood Stand
Address: C218 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Crab Soup Hang
Thick Soup made with Tapioca, Crab, Shrimp, and about 8 other ingredients
Address: C200 / 18 Xom Chieu, District 4
- Banana cooked with Sugar
Braised with sugar and topped with sesame seeds, this dish is unique to Xom Chieu
Address: Head of the alley 200 Xom Chieu, District 4
In 2018, Vinh Khanh street officially became the food street of District 4 and is strictly managed on food safety and hygiene by the government. Up to now, it has been extremely famous not only to locals but also for foreign visitors. Most of the restaurants here serve seafood and beer. Plates of seafood here are cooked in Vietnamese-style but a little bit spicier than normal Vietnamese food. Famous dishes like snails cooked with coconut milk, fried crab with salt and chili, grilled octopus with sate can be found up and down Vinh Khanh Street. If you are a person who loves seafood, Vinh Khanh is definitely a great choice for you. The operating hours of Vinh Khanh street are from afternoon to evening. The restaurants here are crowded at 6:00 pm until Midnight. Make sure that you are there at the right time so you can enjoy the bustling atmosphere of this food street and delicious dishes. If you want to experience street food like this but are a bit nervous to do it yourself, click this link to read more about our food tour on motorbikes.
- Chilli hotpot
Alot of grilled meat options, oysters, and hotpot. Delcious and Highly recommended
Address: 232 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Oc Oanh
A standout on a street known for seafood, don't miss out on the scallops!
Address: 534 Vinh Khanh, District 4
- Sushi Ko
International Sushi on the Street? Read our Blog to find out about this great restaurant
Address: 122/37/15 Vinh Khanh, District 4
In addition, other roads like Hoang Dieu, Doan Van Bo, Ngo Van So or Nguyen Truong To also have a few interesting restaurants. These roads are very close to Vinh Khanh and Ton Dan, you can visit them conveniently.
- Mi Vit Tiem Thuan Hieu
Chinese inspired Duck soup with wheat Noodles. Very Tasty and Open late
Address: 3 Hoang Dieu, District 4
- Crab Curry in Quan Oc 63
Crab smothered in Delcious curry sauce that you mop up with Vietnamse Bread. Very close to Air BnB's on Ben Van Do
Address: 63 Nguyen Truong To, District 4
Any other recommendations?
Yeah, I’m gonna let you now about my secret coffee shop that is my absolute favorite This is my place for working during the afternoon. This is located 2-5 minutes from the Air BnB locations in District 4.
Spotlight Coffee 
Address: 64 Le Quoc Hung, Ward 12, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City
The operating hours: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
We hope these tips help you make a decision on staying in District 4 or not. If so, please enjoy our recommendations for spending time in District 4 and commuting to District 1. Please share this article if you think it will help other travelers like yourself book a vacation that they will remember for a lifetime.
Article Source Here: Staying in Ho Chi Minh City District 4 : Tips for Air Bnb Guests
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