#DONT MATCH!!! i got carried away :\
rodismancave · 5 months
[ Starter for @for-the-better-and-worse ]
It takes Rodimus very little time to find what he assumes is the hole Prowl enjoys burrowing himself in. A place like this isn't all too hard to find, especially when all you have to do is find the last building you saw him in, and look for the one single hallway people avoid walking through at any given time.
The whole place is desolate. Perhaps a little more now with Starscream in charge. Rodimus has seen people, and he's certainly heard people, but it all feels superficial. Mechs he doesn't know, and won't ever bother getting to know.
In all honesty, Rodimus had been in Cybertron for nearly two days now. He hadn't want to give Prowl that satisfaction, and he would frankly never admit that Megatron and Ultra Magnus did, in fact, let him go without much trouble. He'd say his excuse of 'Urgent call from Cybertron, Prowl won't stop bothering me to help. Says only I can do it,y'know how he is' had been convincing, but he can never tell these days. He could've probably just left without saying anything and Rodimus is sure they'd only notice when they realize the quiet. (and the missing vessel)
When he knocks on the door and there is no answer, Rodimus simply makes himself at home. The door is unlocked (which shocks him to a degree, he'd expect Prowl to be better than this) and the inside is dark and gloomy and ridiculously organized, a feat Rodimus both appreciates as familiar, and is repulsed by due to the simple fact it reminds him of who lives here. Making sure not to leave a trail (Prowl is a detective, but Rodimus is stealth-- he knows not to be obvious when he wants to), Rodimus goes through a few surface level items, checking everything he can, gathering whatever fucked up personal information he can while Prowl is away. He's not trying to find anything to blackmail the mech, he is Prowl, after all, and everyone's got something on him, but he does enjoy going through people's things, reading things he is probably not meant to. Simply taking his time exploring his surroundings.
His (very careful, very methodical) research gives him a single screaming result: Prowl is boring, and he works and works and works, and doesn't even give himself the pleasure of having doodle pads. It's almost sad, really.
Disappointed but not deterred, Rodimus is quick to find a nice, cozy spot to wait Prowl in. (Which happens to be a particularly tight closet. er. He's not picky.) The runaway Captain inspects the door, shrugs, and closes it, trying to wiggle into a comfortable position, and promptly getting the edge of his spoiler stuck in-- God, he doesn't even know what it's gotten stuck in, but it hurts like a motherfucker, and he can't do anything about it now, because the more he struggles the worse it gets wedged in there. Oh, yeah, and he hears someone come in.
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supraxstcllas · 5 months
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the transition from frontlines to Griffin Rock has been difficult for the Autobots. after their base was discovered and destroyed by the Decepticons, they had scattered in order to keep themselves safe but at the cost of losing whatever connection they had to each other. with the comms down, no one on Griffin Rock knew what happened… until Bumblebee appeared on their doorstep, tired and distressed, with his human partner in tow.
it took a lot of talking and planning, but the rescue bots were open to the idea of the Autobots using their bunker as a temporary base of operations, at least until they could regroup and hash out what to do. with approval from Chief Burns, they sent pings out to the other Autobots, heavily encrypted and hidden from Decepticon receptors, leading them to their island. slowly but surely, the other Autobots trickled in, and were given sanctuary by the people and bots living there.
it was another quiet night in Griffin Rock, no emergencies in the last few days had left their guests time to recover in peace. but it was clear none of them were used to it; most would startle easily at any sudden noises, or would pace across the bunker to keep themselves busy. Blades had noticed that Ratchet would stick to the monitor room, keeping the channels open for any sign of Optimus. the helibot poked his head into the room, not having seen the other medic come out for some time, and he was worried about him.
with a little cough, Blades tries to get the other's attention, wringing his servos together as he spoke,
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" Um... Everything alright in here? Do you need anything, um.. Sir? "
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heartsofhell · 7 months
@infernalight asked Hospital (gently sets a Valentino for Angel)
Fights were nothing new to Angel. Fights with Val were as common as anything now. It didn't stop them from hurting, though. There was the emotional pain mixed with the physical pain. But it was never anything he couldn't handle. Or his version of handle at least. This time was no different. They had fought, Valentino had beaten the life out of him, and Angel had stormed out. It was routine at this point.
The next part was always the same for Angel as well. He'd take himself to some sleazy bar to get drunk and let anyone do what they wanted to him. Sure, he was already in pain from Val. The pain shot through him as he moved. But it didn't stop him. He got to the bar and immediately started to flirt with a random stranger. He let them convince him to do some varying drugs and even watched them slip something into his drink. He was barely with it when he got dragged out of the bar by a group of strangers
Angel didn't even understand what was going on when they dragged him to an alleyway. His arms were grabbed behind him, and he was certain something in his shoulder popped. But he could barely stand let alone fight them off. The words that were being yelled at him didn't process. But the pain certainly did. The punches, the kicks, everything the gave landed. His pain was through the roof when he suddenly the knife slide into his side. Everything faded black and he didn't see them take everything he had.
When Angel finally came to, he was lying in a hospital bed and still in pain. He was covered in bandages, and one of his arms was in a sling. But the most surprising part was Val sat in the chair next to him. He tried sit up, only to cry out in pain from the movement and immediately flop back down. "Wha...wha...wha...what ya doin' here?" He manager to stuttered out. "Ya...shouldn't.. be here... how.. why...what?" It hurt to talk, everything word caused him to wince or scrunch up his face. "Don't...want ya here."
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soldiersscream · 6 months
@x1968 from here x
Erwin's jaw clenched involuntarily at the curt reply, a simple "no" that left him feeling dismissed and frustrated. The emotion was evident in the tension of his clenched fists and the intensity of his gaze fixed upon Don. It was a look of both disbelief and concern, as if trying to decipher the rationale behind such a seemingly reckless plan.
The notion of exposing himself to potential threats, of offering a clear target to unseen enemies lurking on rooftops, ignited a spark of outrage within Erwin. How could Don entertain such a dangerous course of action without considering the inherent risks? Had he even entertained the possibility that their new guard could be a pawn in the hands of their enemies, a devious scheme designed to lure Don into a deadly trap?
Erwin's mind raced, his instincts honed by years of training and experience as he contemplated the countless dangers lurking in the shadows. He understood the mind of a killer, knew how to anticipate their moves and outmanoeuvre them at every turn. Erwin was that predator, waiting in the dark, setting traps and striking only when everything was in place. He couldn't shake the sense of unease, the nagging suspicion that they were playing a dangerous game.
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Despite the threat from Don, Erwin's resolve remained unbroken. There was a brief flicker of vulnerability in his eyes, a momentary lapse in his stoic façade, before he regained his composure. "I won't intervene," he stated firmly, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "I'll simply act as another set of eyes above. If not me, then utilise your other guards". Erwin stood up straight again, the hard look back on his features, he was clear now on where he stood with Don, "But don't be a fool and go alone with him."
It wasn't a plea, nor was it a demand. It was a statement of fact, a stark warning made with genuine concern for Don's safety. Erwin wasn't one to beg, and he wouldn't start now. If Don chose to disregard his advice once again, then so be it. He would obey the order, no matter how reckless it seemed.
However, that threat echoed through him, the ease in which Don had spoken the words without the hint of pain. To just have him leave. It had him question what they were doing. If he was nothing but an object for Don to indulge his darker impulses with. He knew the man wasn't good with emotions but to just throw him out? Erwin knew better than to voice such suspicions aloud, understood the consequences of probing too deeply into matters best left unspoken.
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outofthiisworld · 8 months
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ @mystiquent field work fiascos
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[🧪] Deep within the outskirts of the wild, far from the farmhouse and the workshop— Doc had busied himself with another personal pet-project (add it to the ever-growing pile; incidental retirement was both a blessing and a curse).
This time, his venture led him to vehemently recording various foragable (and not-so-foragable) goodies that grew in this neck of the ‘neighborhood.’ A perfect expedition to test out a new invention, one that was shaped as a mushroom to find… you guessed it: mushrooms. 
Except, the lil’ mushroom bot stumbled upon something else instead: a poor rabbit with a busted leg! <- Now, what sort of irredeemable LOSER would Doc be if he let this little guy succumb to a cruel fate? He was under Hippocratic oath after all (never mind the loss of said medical license).
Just then, he noticed another far out in these wilds. With the rabbit carefully in one hand, he waved the other toward the stranger dressed in bright hues of pink.
“HEY!” The rabbit jolted— oops, too loud. He tried again, this time a stage whisper.
"HEY! You— yes, yes, you! C'mere! Do me a favor and hold this guy for a sec? I need to make a temporary splint and I don't need 'em trying to hop off on a busted foot..."
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classiqals · 3 months
status -> closed starter for @espionisms {risa}
setting -> mysteries of Osiris gala event
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for all his time spent blaming... cursing whatever spirits risa had made deals with to provide such vision, rather than even considering his own home had been the host to evil. even just a small drop had poisoned his kingdom, and within his fears built around him like a cage. thanin had imagined their confrontation regularly, at first... but now that it had happened, there was a deflation in his hate. something had started to allow the air to seep out; but to read a familiar name had gutted a hole in him only one other would understand.
the only other who had shared a nursery with him; learning their rhymes when thanin would read the same ones again, again, as many times as requested. lao patalung was a name meant to be associated with nostalgic childhood, the peace of youth... not this; but hadn't he always been accused of being too sentimental? shoving it down until now, even he wondered if he'd lost it for good? for once, the opulence of the gala had not captivated thanin's attentions, and he waited for a moment of privacy in the courtyard to take gentle hold of risa's arm, tugging them just out of sight behind a row of shrubbery.
" tell me you did not know it could have been her - tell me i am not the only one blind to this betrayal. " his voice wavered, though the choice of words were strong, the tone delivering was weak. thanin had never been taught a lesson on brotherhood; only how to be a king. paranoid, self-serving, distant - the marks of a leader who stays in power. a king would demand first, despite a truth his own heart already believed, a statement of innocence in the facts presented. a brother would leave his hand on their arm once privacy was granted, even if only to feel less alone in a world getting more && more lonely.
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disadva · 1 year
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₊ ⊹ my eyes are green
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'cause i eat a lotta vegetables . .
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sarawritesx · 1 year
starter for @ofginjxints
The night shift was surprisingly slow which wasn't usually the case for the general hospital. But of course Willa didn't mind it, because everyone knew what kind of patients would roll into the ER during the night. So she did some paper work and was dealing with some notes with nurses when she heard two of her interns talk about a patient that was just admitted. "Male, in his forties... Trauma to the head."one said. "No, his arm is all busted."said the other, and the whole argument started. "You think he got into a fight? He looks like the type."one mused while the other shrugged. "Dunno, but he's hot either way."they both snickered and Willa had to cut in.
"Since both of you are quick to judge and obviously can't remember what kind of trauma the patient has suffered, i'll be taking over - he might be in urgent need of care while you argue if he's hot or not."she scolded them and took the chart from the hands. "Now go finish your notes."Willa said firmly and began walking towards the room the patient was in. Surely her interns had irrited her a bit with such behavior, but she was also bored and just wanted to do something useful.
Walking into the room, Willa didn't look at the man right away but instead read from his charts. "Alright, Mister Jones, I'm doctor Trembley. Would like to hear what happened to you, where it hurts, before I access you..."she continued on speaking as she put the chart down and began pulling on the gloves before she actually looked in his direction.
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angelsofsmalld3ath · 1 year
izabella + rowan // kinda based on x @devouredher
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izabella had heard her uncle leave for practice not to long ago so she assumed she would have ample time to try at the smallest plug in the anal training kit she had ordered, the kit had only recently came in and she was nervous. her door was still open, she wouldn’t dream of breaking one of her uncles rules and disapoint him even if he wasn’t home after he had been so generous as to let her stay with him.
izabella set the kit on her bed along with the bottle of lube she ordered as well. the brunette opened her lap top pulling up her favorite porn video, as she sat down on her bed. izabella watched the video as she rubbed over her panties, she still had her school uniform on she hadn’t bothered to change out of it wanting to savor all the time she got alone in the house. it wasn’t to long before she began to get impatient, she set her laptop down and quickly took of her panties. izabella grabbed the bottle of lube squeezing a little onto her finger as she bent over her bed, her back to the door as she rubbed her lubed finger over her puckered hole she was hesitant as she pushed a single finger into her tigh asshole. she moaned out loudly at the new feeling she continued fingering her ass, and it wasn’t long before she was adding a second finger.
with her free hand she opened the kit before pulling out the smallest plug she brought the plug to her mouth sucking on it, she continued to suck on the plug while she fingered her ass. once she felt she had lubed the plug up enough removed her fingers from her ass as she reached back, spreading her cheeks with one hand, the plug in her other. she rubbed the plug over her tight hole before she began to push it in, she bit her lip as she whimpered at the new and foren stretch on her tight ass. “oh my gosh…” the femme moaned as she pushed the plug all the way in her ass, tears forming in her eye’s from the full feeling.
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misteriios · 2 years
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landon’s whole life turned upside down on the the masquerade ball as it most likely did for everyone. he was not careful, wanted to play the hero even though he knew he could never be one. it got him killed, whatever the monster was, he had no chance to fight. after he died, he didn’t remember what happened, but as soon as he woke up again his head started to hurt. he remembered things he never could before, a side of him he had not been for a long time because of another death he remembered. he was stuck somewhere. 
in pieces it all came back to him, some things all at once. when everything was over and they finally could leave, he had to test a theory, to be sure. 
he walked to the nearest river, laid down on the ground, let his hair touch the water. however, he could not test his theory, he thought he heard footsteps and he sat up, looked around to see if someone was there.
“you know it’s a bad time to sneak up on someone, huh? especially if they are lying down on the ground and can’t see anything else other than the sky” but he could still hear them and other sounds as well. he might not be a vampire with super hearing, but he had pretty good hearing especially now when everything finally was quiet.
                       ―    @hiddenstarters​ !
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breathetender · 11 months
@cstarling liked for a starter!!
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geoffrey doesn't let himself HOPE for much. he had connections, knew how to play nicely, and had a keen eye for the strengths and weaknesses in others. he could lead, pull the potential out of them, and is so deeply respectful that they'd thank him for it. but that is a far cry from humbling himself and allowing anyone to see behind the composure. intimacy requires that, the shedding of armor and the invitation into what was once private.
he's got no expectations for a blind date. a friend of a friend thinks so highly of him to recommend him to a woman— clarice. ferocious and beautiful. geoffrey wonders if he'll be able to keep up with her, but the silver lining of moving through the world with no hope is that he can't disappoint himself here. she's KIND and he'll give her the best night that he can, but that's all he can expect: his own efforts. someone walks in, and she matches the description he's heard, the picture his friend had shown him while digging an elbow into his ribs.
geoffrey swallows thickly and lifts to his feet. stay in the moment, mccullum. an easy smile washes over him. she delivers everything they'd said about her, already, in the way that she walks towards the table. her chair is pulled out for her, a proper gentleman in every way he knows to be. "clarice? a pleasure t'meet you." he takes his seat again, allows her a moment to get settled and takes a nervous deep breath. "you reckon this place'll be alright for you?" it's a proper restaurant, and though he frequents places a bit more CASUAL, this is far from fancy. he won't pretend to be someone he's not. "—s'posed to be good, but you say the word, we'll get outta here and get you somethin' that speaks to your cravings."
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sunderedscript · 1 year
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@moonhund: Vampire pain-
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A frozen hellscape, jagged ice spikes like twisted trees jutting from the snow and ice, and the wind howling from the drop of temperature; frozen corpses stick out of the spikes and come encased in ice. How long has Kawabata been trying to fight off these damn vampires? A while. His body shakes from exertion, and his lungs burn in pain. A quick glance off at Tachihara in the distance, still fighting, still going strong. Icey eyes narrow as he freezes yet another undead in place, labored breaths as he steps back.
“Tachihara!! I think we shou-“
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A sharp pain in his throat freezes his sentence, his eyes locking with Tachihara’s and seeing the flash of painic. Something hot is rolling down his neck, a sharp contrast to the cold knife-like pain surrounding it. Eyes narrow, even as a wretched and painful scream tears through his throat, hand pressing into the vampire clinging to his body. Ice formed in jagged spikes, shredding the vampire into frozen pieces, leaving the boy to grip his neck and fall to his knees.
“…Tachihara- run away…” He doesn’t want to hurt his friend. He doesn’t want to. He won't. So he should… Eyes shut as ice begins to envelop his body. There is fear, but. But. Kawabata refuses to harm his friends. He will die on his own terms. He will not betray the mafia. He will not.
"Sorry. It's been fun." A smile adorns his blue lips as ice spreads up his body. Tears roll down pale cheeks and freeze before they can fall. It feels like his mind is slipping into an abyss—into a deep winter night on a secluded mountain with nothing there to guide him.
So this is what dying feels like.
Then. Ice shatters.
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emersonxcassidy · 2 years
for - @slithcrs​
Emerson had only been back in town for all of two weeks and while it was still all kind of overwhelming, it was still...comforting, in a way. She walked familiar streets and went by familiar storefronts with muscle memory. And also like muscle memory, was the path that she’d found herself walking that afternoon. It was almost intrinsic, unconscious as she turned down sidewalks and made her way through the town, walking from the apartment building to the center of town where the shops were- heading to one in particular.
While she spent many (many) hours studying in her room or reading in the bookstore, Emerson wound up in the coffee shop at least three times a week, always managing to grab a little table in the corner by the windows. And every time she was greeted by a warm smile and a drink already made for her before she even had time to order it. Jace was....odd. But not in a bad way- not at all. He’d been friends with Jameson’s group, but he was also pretty kind to everyone. He was nice and funny and sweet--and he never treated Emerson different even though she was a few years younger. So when Jason left for college just before she turned 16, Em was admittedly a bit sad about it. And she missed him. But as fate would have it, they met again in New York, spent a weekend together even, and although nothing ever happened, Emerson couldn’t deny that she felt....something between them. Something between the laughter and the lingering gazes and the dinner and flowers he got her...
So now that she was back in Aurora Bay...and she’d found out that Jace was here too, she kind of dropped everything and walked the familiar path to the coffee shop, the smell of it wrapping around her senses and comforting her- making her smile almost as much as the sight of him behind the counter, his head ducked down, not having seen her yet. Emerson tried not to think of the butterflies that were rushing through her as she walked as she walked to the counter and gently cleared her throat. “Can I get a pumpkin spiced latte? Or are you still against making those.”
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lycaonx · 2 years
For: @senatusstarters , open 
Location: slaughterhouse on the outskirts of the city aka Willy Wonka’s Lycan Factory 
Date: February 1 
His anger was a vile beast, tainting the bodies of others to make its presence known. When things could not be mended, sometimes the most logical solution was to burn the old to the ground so that the new can bloom from its ashes. Because only from death could there be rebirth. 
It started with a select few, lycanthropy spreading from the progenitor of the species through the tips of his fingers. But those few had been killed. So Tors made more. And his progeny descended upon the city with the ferocity seen in rabid animals, hooking their claws into anything unfortunate enough to cross their paths.  Those that survived the initial mauling would drag themselves like wounded dogs to the slaughterhouse, eager to lick the palms of a cruel master. This had been going on for months, but recently the frenzied newborns had started to become more reckless, alerting many in the Roman supernatural community.
It was time for every species in Rome to reacquaint themselves with fear. 
His infiltration of the slaughterhouse had been easy. He was able to turn the majority of the staff by the end of the first week, posing as a new hire. The ones that weren’t turned were properly disposed of, no traces left behind.  The energy in the building shifted when the sound of someone approaching one of the doors, a warehouse full of bloodthirsty guard dogs ready to tear apart whatever came inside. But Tors shut down that possibility with a hard look at the crew of lycans, all clad in yellow rubber aprons splattered with animal blood. "Who the fuck's here?" Lycaon said in a low growl under his breath, a mask of professionalism sliding over his hardened expression. He grabbed a filthy apron off a hook on the wall and slipped it on, a disguise that grouped him together with the other workers before flinging the door open. 
He stood in the threshold, hulking frame obscuring most of what was going on inside. The lycans inside pretended to work, cutting up meat with unskilled chops and dragging carcasses across the floor. "I'm so sorry, but the facility is not open for visitors today." He tried to coat his voice in as much fake politeness as he could manage, but he was never good at these kind of social nuances. A forced smile, all teeth, "So what else can I help you with?" 
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soldiersscream · 5 months
Closed starter for @littlequeens <3
The nightmares were relentless, an unyielding barrage tormenting him every night, each time he dared to close his eyes. Nothing he tried seemed to offer respite. Seated at his table, the rhythmic ticking of the clock served as a haunting accompaniment as he gazed at the photograph cradled in his hands. The picture that saved his life. A pretty woman with a warm smile and kind eyes, on the back of the picture was a hand written message to keep safe, a silent plea that had unknowingly altered the course of his destiny.
He had to find her.
If only to thank her for saving his life. If he hadn't moved to pick it up, he would have been caught in the explosion. But because of her he made it back. Home to an empty house and nights full of terrors. With a determined gulp, Erwin downed his shot of whiskey, feeling its fiery trail sear down his throat. Rising from his seat, he swiftly gathered his belongings, methodically packing his rucksack with essentials for the journey ahead. It was time to embark on his quest, a solemn vow to express his gratitude to the stranger in the photograph.
Months of painstaking research had decided this moment. He had scrutinized every detail of the picture, from the background artifacts to the distinctive landscape, Erwin had meticulously pieced together clues, ultimately pinpointing the place where the photograph was likely taken. Armed with this slender thread of information, he was resolved to start his search there.
Setting his jaw with determination, Erwin shouldered his pack, ready to walk unknown roads, to take in his first taste of freedom since finishing his turn in the war. Perhaps it would help clear his head, take him out of the battle completely. Another goal. Another purpose.
Months later he reached the town, showing the picture to men in the inns, they all waved him off with dismissive shrugs and vague gestures until a young man took notice. With a nod toward the imposing manor perched atop the town, he revealed that the woman in question was none other than the daughter of Lord Tyrell.
The next day he left the hotel and made his way to the manor, the picture of the lady in his pocket ready to thank her. But fate had other plans in store.
"Stop that horse!" echoed a frantic cry from the manor grounds, jolting Erwin into action. With reflexes honed by instinct, he sprang into action, intercepting the charging horse with a steady hand and calming voice. His touch gentled the panicked animal, coaxing it into stillness as he waited for the estate staff to arrive and take control of the situation.
Erwin stepped back once the horse was lead back, watching them go before stepping forward, about to ask where he could speak to the Lord, but he was greeted by the woman he was looking for. His eyes widened slightly before he composed himself, standing straighter but nodded as she thanked him, "No need to thank me. Your horse as just spooked by something" he explained. How had it happened that she was the one thanking him.
In that moment, every rehearsed scenario, every imagined conversation, evaporated from Erwin's mind. Faced with the woman he owed his life to he found himself at a loss for words. No words to tell her he walked all this way to find her. To thank her. To let her know she saved his life.
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stormllight · 1 year
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( You can hear it in the silence || Imogen Temult ft. Laudna || @macabrepuppet )
The quietness had been a stranger to Imogen for a long time. Even as she got some level of control over her powers, the thoughts that surrounded her would still leak through to her mind. It made crowds insufferable, friendships overcomplicated and her feelings for Laudna all the more distressing. They had been inseparable for over two years, and Imogen had been in love with her friend for nearly that long. She couldn't consider saying or doing anything about it, though, not when she could read Laudna's thoughts and know she was thinking of anything but that. Not when she would have immediate, unfiltered access to a possible rejection. So she locked those feeling inside and focused on appreciating her luck to have met Laudna in the first place.
The circlet changed everything. Her mind was her own again, and she could choose to have privacy, and to give it to the people around her. When she first got the item, on a race to get to the Malleus Key in time, she had only started to appreciate what it meant. Then, chaos rained down on Bells' Hells and they were thrown to different continents. During the time they spent apart, Imogen could barely stand the thought of losing Laudna again. She needed to find her better half again, and she would take her shot if she could. If Laudna only wanted her friendship, Imogen would gladly move on (or try her best to), without having to hear the reaction in her own mind. She loved Laudna in more than one way, after all, and nothing could take that love away.
As soon as they were alone and free to talk, Imogen said those terrifying words, and Laudna said 'yes'. Laudna said 'yes'. Not only that, but, after their first kiss, Laudna kissed her again. Her Laudna. Her beautifully scary best friend, her savior, her tether. The world was possibly ending and Bells' Hells were jumping from one crisis to another, but that was the happiest Imogen had ever been. Watching Laudna glow in her new outfit on the way back to Zhudanna's, she would risk assuming she was not the only happy sorcerer around.
When they finally got to their shared room at Zhudanna's, the closest they had to a home, she couldn't stop smiling. Maybe she should take it slow and not overwhelm Laudna, but she didn't know when they would be by themselves again. This one peaceful night in their old room was a gift, and Imogen wouldn't take it for granted. She took Laudna's cold hands in her own and guided her dearest friend to sit by her side on the bed. "I just have to make sure, Laudna. Did you... Did you mean it? Did you want to kiss me as bad as I've been wanting to kiss you? I don't want you to ever feel pressured to do or feel anything that doesn't feel right for you."
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