#Danham real
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braddersbangerz · 3 years
5 (dialogue) and 18 (concept).
This is an AU and it uses some very minor details from Trollhunters, you literally don't need to know anything about Trollhunters other than the species in it are called Trolls.
It's Danham, and it might actually be something I could continue on.
It was just the wind.
Yeah, the wind in his bedroom on a winters night with all his windows shut.
The wind.
Of course.
"It was nothing," Dan mutters. "You've just got a wild imagination after a night of horror films with the lads; that's all it is."
So, why, is he still peering over the side of his bed like he expects to see something poking out from underneath it?
"Come on, Dan, lad," He tries to pump himself up. "Just get out of bed, go for a whizz, come back; that's literally all ya gotta do, mate."
But maybe he could look first?
"Right, if anything is under me bed, then I'm gonna scream, and neither of us wants that 'cos it'll wake my parents, so, uh-" He begins leans further over his bed. "-yeah, you best not be there-"
"I'm not meant to show myself to you."
Dan freezes, his breath suddenly caught in his throat, mouth dry, heart thumping out of his chest.
The voice is scratchy to the ears, like when you run your thumb over a hairbrush.
"Didn't mean to scare you."
Dan pulls himself back up and over the bed. He breathes heavy, rocking slightly as well. "If this is you, Kevin, I swear to fucking god I will kill you!"
There is a shuffle coming from under his bed, and before Dan has a chance to ready himself, he spots whatever is under his bed, crawling out from it. He squints at it in the darkness, but he can't make anything out. "Kevin?"
"No," The shadow-creature mumbles. "Kevin is mean to you."
"The human you call Kevin," The shadow-creature states. "Is mean to you."
Dan shuffles backwards, unnerved. "How'd you know that?"
"I like watching you."
Dan lets out a shaky breath. "I-" He's scared, really scared. "-no, this is a nightmare, this isn't real-" He reaches for the light on his bedside table, blinking the moment he turns it on. "When I open me eyes, there is not gonna be anything there-"
That turned out to be a complete lie.
Because what is there is something Dan has never seen in his short life. The shape is remarkably human; the only difference is the small horns on its head and stone-like skin glinting in the light from the lamp.
"What the fuck-" Dan cuts himself off when he hears a knock against his door.
"Dan Lewis, I thought I told you to get off to bed?"
"Uh-" Dan suddenly feels comforted by the sound of his mother's voice, but the look of fear spreading quickly across the face of the stone monster in his room makes him shut his gob. "-yeah, mum, going now-"
The stone creature turns its head and looks quizzically at Dan.
"Night, mum," Dan shouts, waiting a moment for her to vanish. Then, once he's satisfied, he turns his attention what to the stone monster again.
"You didn't tell your elder human," The creature murmurs. "Why not?"
Dan shuffles himself towards the creature. "Your face," He gestures to his own. "It looked like mine a moment ago."
"What are you?"
The creature blinks.
"Like-" Dan flicks his eyes around his room. "-I'm human, you ain't, so what are you?"
"Troll," Dan repeats. "Like the internet kind?" The creature inclines its head at that. "Nevermind, why are you under my bed?"
"Caught outside," The creature explains. "Sun was coming up, had to get inside, found this place."
"So, you, uh," Dan rubs at the back of his neck, unsure. "Found my bed and decided to stay under there."
The creature steps towards Dan, its bright blue eyes peering right through him. "You watched some moving pictures, entertaining."
"Those films?"
"The one you called Kevin was very scared," The creature smiles, toothy, sharp. Definitely not human. "That was funny."
Dan nods. "Are you an alien?"
"You know-" Dan points upwards, the creature follows his hand. "-from the stars?"
The creature snaps its eyes back down to Dan again before pointing downwards instead. "I'm from under the Earth."
The creature nods. "We live there; we hear you up here," It explains. "They probably wonder where I am."
"Your mum and dad?"
"No," The creature shakes its head. "Different," It reveals. "She looks after me, old, the thirteenth caretaker of our home."
That- that makes zero sense to Dan, but who is he to argue about it?
"What's your name?" Dan asks. "You know my name, so, what's yours?"
The creature blinks, its stone brows creasing together. "Gray."
"Gray," Dan nods. "How old are you?" Gray gives him a blank look in return. "See, I'm fifteen," He points at his chest. "You must have an age."
Gray nods. "It doesn't translate to your date," It states. "But yes, the same."
"Are you just saying that 'cos you don't know?" Gray smirks at that and nods, and Dan will admit that he finds it quite cute. "Alright then, you're Gray, you're fifteen, and you're a Troll." He extends a hand towards the. "You gotta shake me hand."
Gray reaches out and wraps its stone hand around Dan's flesh one. "You are soft, like a mushroom."
"You're like a rock," Dan remarks with a scowl. "Uh, are you-" He glances over the strange features, trying to figure out if he can tell if it's a boy or a girl, or whether it even has a concept of what that even means.
Maybe he should stop referring to it as it.
"Right, uh," Dan presses his lips into a thin line. "Are you like me?"
"Soft like a mushroom?"
"No, you twat," Dan sighs. "A boy, ya know?" Gray shrugs. "Uh, well, I'll just use whatever then." He decides. "Do you always look like that?"
Gray glances down at himself. "Do you want me to change?"
"Well," Dan taps his hands against his knees. "Can you look humans or something?"
Gray squints their blue eyes before nodding. His face twists, focused, and before Dan can even move, he finds himself staring at a boy, fifteen-ish, eyes just as bright as the blue from before, sandy blond hair, a strange mix of his mate Kevin and a few others. "Gray?"
Gray ignores him and looks down, grinning. "Did it," He exclaims, excited. "Thirteen will be so proud of me."
There's that knock at Dan's door again, and soon followed is it swinging open, revealing Dan's mother looking less than pleased. "Daniel Lewis, I thought I told you-" She pauses when she spots Gray standing in Dan's room. "-I thought all your friends went home, Dan?"
"Uh-" Dan flicks his eyes between his mother and Gray's terrified ones. "-I invited Gray to stay-" He mumbles. "I told his parents that you said it was okay."
"Dan," His mother sighs. "You should've asked."
"I'm sorry, mum," Dan glances at Gray. "Won't happen again."
"Make sure it doesn't," She points at him before turning to Gray. "You'll have to share with Dan; it's far too late to get the spare out now; I'm sorry for probably scaring you just then," She smiles at the disguised Troll. "Tomorrow, you'll have to go, though, because Dan has got some explaining to do."
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