#Devon Corporation's Receptionist {Mun}
I know I have only begun to dip myself back in here after months upon months of struggling, but I want to let everyone on the dash to know that thoughts of suicide is very real and that it really does ripple concern of not just a few people, but many. You should not have to feel alone in your endeavors, even though it may feel like you are, we are here to help guide and uplift those that don’t think they can love themselves as much as they think they can. 
I support all of you that see this message. I support all of you even if we have disagreements. I support all of you regardless of how hard life seems right now and how bleak life is in an ever lasting tunnel of gray. 
My love for you guys are here, and although I cannot do much other than try to contact and gather info to try my hand at helping to assist, I try my best to do what I can to help others. I know a lot of you are on that same boat, as well. 
It’s very important to remember that we are all here together. I will walk with you all and help you as a friend should, and if you find yourself struggling to get up from bed every single morning, please keep continuing forward. 
The gray does not last forever, even when it feels like it does. Never stop believing in one another, even when times become hard and unmoving. 
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ooc: I will be here at some point hopefully next month. Been going through something really hard IRL and it has taken a lot of energy from me on top of working at a restaurant. 
I miss my rock nerd though, and I know he’s been wanting attention for the longest time. I as the mun am just so exhausted with IRL issues, but give me some time and i’ll hop back on here! 
I hope all of you have been doing alright! I miss you all. 
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Y’all, this bitch has to go to BED!!! But if you want me to throw you steven / one of his pokemon / a headcanon about your muse / a headcanon about our muses, go ahead and like this! If you have a preference for either one, go ahead and respond to this post with what you’d like! 
If you’re a multimuse, PLEASE say which muse you want me to hit! Otherwise I wont send one at all until you decide! 
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Every day is gen 3 appreciation day on this blog and i’ll die with it in my arms 
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OOC: Now if we were CHEATING... I’d say that Pokemon Colosseum and Gale of Darkness are hands down my ultimate favorite out of any of the games created. The kind of serious plotline mixed in with memorable moments will always stick with me, and don’t get me started on its music because it had the best music ever. 
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I’ll be around here tomorrow but I just wanted to say something I feel is utterly important for everyone. 
If I, for any reason, make any piece of content on my blogs that makes you uncomfortable and you approach me on anon asking me to tag it / not write it out because it makes you, the mun, uncomfortable, I will wholeheartedly abide by that through either tags or avoiding it if it is a high risk issue. Everyone here deserves to be respected regardless if they are a mutual follower of mine, a friend, or an anon. 
Granted, I know that I cannot appease everyone. That task in itself is impossible. However, I will never invalidate anyone’s feelings when it comes to comfort levels. I have my own comfort levels too, but that does not invalidate the fact that yours are just as important as my own too. 
I love you guys. I hope that I make you all comfortable here, but also I hope we may all understand one another and support each other even when we all have our own endeavors. My heart is here with you guys! 
- Ammy 
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Also because I am impatient and I have written well over enough pages, here is a preview of Steven’s family so far. Great Grandfather and Great Grandmother up until his verse kid (which I have yet to write up but I know pretty much of what she’s like) so have fun looking through it, I cried completing this for days now. 
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OOC: I just wrote six long replies in the span of four hours and that’s the most energy ive used in one go so far and I hope I can keep it up 
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I see a lot of love on the dash, and honestly you guys all deserve it! Please, keep being yourself and have fun! 
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Steven: Ah yes, Devon Corporation has the most resourceful scientists and researchers you can ever hope to have! 
Me, meanwhile: Didn’t that one EX Magma member from Jirachi Wishmaker create a fake Groudon that almost threatened to suck the life force out of everything? 
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OOC: I finally finished my Devon Corporation Document, a hefty headcanon document that I had created about two or so years ago. I still MAY edit it here and there, but it is mostly complete! I am a proud kecleon.  
Be warned, it is on a google doc, so if you want to view it on incognito, you may do so! I am going to be linking this onto the Devon Corporation tab in his navigation so that way tumblr doesn’t yoink it away from me like it has on my other blogs. 
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OOC: I need to go to bed but jfc I missed multiple stevens and i’ll always love each and every one of them 
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Ooc: Vinnie out here making Joseph Stone content and doing gods work and they never cease to amaze me!!
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Purposefully leaves this here for all the colosseum people to have mental flashbacks
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OOC: I’m putting together a document of Steven’s family for those that have never seen it before! I have created it before, yes yes, but tumblr likes to get rid of my hyper links... so I am retyping it onto a document and organizing it for better clarity! I’m excited! 
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OOC: I will mention that I L O V E  ORAS a whole lot. I’ve loved it ever since it was announced, from when it came out, to when I was able to play it. I liked A LOT of things from it, and even with the hate it still gets, to me, it holds a very special place in my heart because I enjoyed the new stuff that was brought into it. Mega evolutions and everything. 
I will say though that my love for ORAS matches RSE though. I do not think one is better than the other, I think that both versions have a significant enjoyment to them that I cannot choose which one is better than the other. They both are simply great, and I will stan BOTH of them till the day I die. 
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