#Didn't realise how much of what i found attractive about dennis was his hair
gothmacbookpro · 2 years
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Your Energy
Klaus hargreeves x reader, Diego hargreeves x reader (platonic)
Description: You and diego have been friends for a while now, and he finally agrees to you meeting his family. Klaus, in particular, takes a liking to you - but how will they react when they find out you have powers?
Word count: 1.9k
(There's no warnings other than swearing and this tiny tiny tiny moment in the second part that is NOTHING like smut, but I guess it could be implied? Idk, you'll know what I'm on about when you read it)
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• Okay.
• You are one of the 43, but Reginald couldn't get you.
• Your power was being able control energy, and that included spiritual energy.
• This meant that you could see people's souls and auras, dead or alive.
• You and Klaus met quite strangely, to say the least. You were one of Diego's close friends, and after years of knowing each other, he finally let you meet his family.
• It was a warm summer's afternoon when you and Diego arrived at the Umbrella Academy. Just as Diego was about to open the main doors, you both heard bellowing screams coming from inside.
• Silently, you both shared a confused glance before proceeding to walk through the doors.
• Standing before you in the main hall was a very large man, who seemed to have somebody on his shoulders. They were seemingly fighting, the larger of the men trying to get the other off his shoulders.
• "Uhh, Diego, does this happen all the time?"
• Before he could answer, the broad shouldered man threw his opponent from his shoulders and directly into you, sending you flying backwards.
• In this case, you'd be able to stop yourself from falling and float in mid air, controlling your gravitational energy. However, this came as such a surprise that you didn't have time to save yourself.
• You were sent back through the open doors, and onto the empty street. The person who had been launched into you laid half on top of you, half next to you.
• Not a second went by before you used your powers to lift the man up in the air. Getting up from the cold pavement, you dusted yourself off.
• "What the fuck is going on?" He asked, in quite a calm tone.
• Diego jogged through the doors, running over to you.
• "I could ask you the same thing." He scolded, standing in front of you. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he asked if you were okay.
• "I'm fine," you responded, "just hurt my back a bit." You looked up at him with a small smile. Carefully, you lowered Diego's brother down until he was back on his two feet.
• You only just realised that your summer dress had ridden up slightly, and you blushed as both Diego and his brother watched you pull it down.
• "Y/n, this is Klaus." Diego muttered under his breath. Smiling, you turned to him and stuck out your hand.
• "It's wonderful to meet you, Klaus. My name's y/n, but you can just call me y/n/n!"
• Instead of shaking your hand, he bent down slightly and placed a chaste kiss on one of your knuckles.
• "It's my pleasure." He replied, a small smirk on his face. Only then did you notice somebody standing behind Klaus; he wore a black hoodie and had his arms crossed, yet wore a bemused expression.
• Instead of introducing yourself to him, you shot a small smile his way. You wanted to wait until you got into the mansion to properly get to know everyone.
• When he saw you smiled at him, he seemed confused, and looked behind him as if to see if anyone else was stood near him. Contently, you turned back to Diego.
• "Can we go inside?" You politely asked, and Diego stuck out his arm for you to hold. "Be my guest."
• Once you, Diego, Klaus and the mysterious man got back into the house, Diego called for everyone to come to the living room.
• Slowly, everyone trickled into the common area, the last being a 13 year old boy. Once Diego noticed the last of his siblings enter the room, he closed the door behind him.
• "Everyone, this is y/n." You smiled, looking at everyone in the room, hearing them all say hello. One by one, they all went around and introduced themselves, until you got back to Klaus.
• "Y/n/n and I have already met." Klaus proudly admitted to group. Next to him, the man wearing the black hoodie spoke. "God, Klaus. Don't act so love sick."
• He looked both irritated yet amused, which made Klaus turn to him and roll his eyes. Laughing, you stuck out your hand.
• "I don't believe I've introduced myself," you replied, "it's lovely to meet you."
• You felt everyone's eyes on you, burning into your skin. The boy in the black hoodie didn't shake your hand, but merely looked at you, a stunned expression plastering his face. Meekly, you took your hand back and fiddled with the hem of your skirt.
• "Who are you talking to?" Allison asked, not really understanding what was happening.
• "Ben." Klaus answered for you, wearing the same shocked expression as everyone else in the room. The only person who wasn't surprised was Diego.
• He perched on the end of a sofa. "Y/n's one of us, but our prick of a father couldn't adopt her." He looked almost proud and nodded towards you, as if to let you carry on.
• "Oh, right." You added. You were talking directly to Allison, but everyone listened intently.
• "Yeah, I can control energy. It's more complex than it seems, really. I can control all main types of energy like light, sound, gravity, the like. But I can also control spiritual and emotional energy. So if I really wanted to, I could change any of your emotions."
• "Spiritual energy..." five repeated. "That makes more sense."
• Now you were the confused one, furrowing your brows. "What do you mean?" You asked five, sitting down on the chair next to you.
• "What I mean," he started, "is that Ben's dead."
• The air lay thick among you all, as you turned to Klaus and Ben.
• "I'm...so sorry." You quietly spoke, avoiding eye contact.
• "Hey, don't worry about it." Ben said at last, smiling at you. "I've grown bored of only being able to talk to this moron."
• "Hey!" Klaus exclaimed as you laughed. Everyone else was silent as you, Klaus and Ben had your own conversation.
• "This is so weird." Luther whispered to Allison, who nodded in agreement.
• "Why don't we all go and get some lunch?" Diego offered, ending the awkwardness between you all.
• "Sounds good to me!" You replied, grabbing your bag. And with that, all of you were making your way out of the living room, off to Dennys.
• All 8 of you were sat in a large booth, you sandwiched directly between Klaus and Ben. The waitress came around and took everyone's orders, and once she left, Diego hopped out of his seat at the end of the booth.
• "I'm going to the bathroom, if the food comes before I'm back and any of you even think about eating me fries, I'll cut you." You were very much used to his knife threats, so didn't dare going near his food. As soon as Diego was out of earshot, everyone bombarded you with questions.
• "Are you and Diego dating?" Allison asked, eyes wide. "How did you two meet?" Added Luther. "Where do you live?" Five questioned, kind of creepily. "Are you single?" Inquisioned Klaus, quiet enough that only you heard him.
• "Jesus christ, guys. I live a few blocks away from Diego, which is how we met. I was at target, and was about to get the last bag of doritos, when we both reached for them. Finally, no, Diego and I aren't dating. However we do have lots of sleepovers."
• Happy with how you answered the questions, everyone turned to each other to star their own conversations. You leaned in to klaus, and very quietly whispered in his ear.
• "And yes, I'm single."
• You weren't going to skip around the fact that you found Klaus attractive; his messy hair, dark eyes and cheekbones chiseled by the Gods did something to you.
• Diego returned, sitting back on the end of the booth, just as two waitresses walked over with arms full of plates and cups.
• You only started eating once everyone had gotten their food; you ordered a bowl of fries and a strawberry milkshake, your favourite. The restaurant hummed with chatter as the people around you laughed and quietly spoke to each other.
• "So Vanya, Diego told me you play the violin, right?" She nodded, taking a sip of her cola.
• "Yeah, I play in an orchestra." She added.
• "That's really cool! I played the flute when I was a kid, but now I-"
• As you spoke, you felt a warm hand on your thigh. Klaus's hand was soft, his slender fingers slowly inching their way up your leg, sliding underneath the skirt of your dress.
• "Now I play the drums." You finished, taking a sip of your milkshake. Before you could swallow, you felt Klaus's fingers get dangerously close to your underwear. You choked on your drink, coughing like it would save your life.
• Klaus removed his hand as Luther passed you a red napkin. "Thank you." You uttered, still trying not to cough up your strawberry milkshake.
• "You better get used to this, there's no escape now you've met him." Ben advised, a smug grin lining his face.
• "You can say that again."
• Roughly a week had passed since you met Diego's family, and you couldn't stop thinking about it.
• After you all went to dennys, Allison suggested that a game of bowling would be fun. Spoiler alert: Luther broke the mechanism at the back of the bowling alley by bowling the ball too hard.
• You were sat in bed in your apartment, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. Realising it was just past midnight, you turned your light off, switched off your phone, and laid down.
• After a few minutes of trying to get to sleep, you heard the window open behind you, and the sound of someone crawling through it. Not in the mood to deal with an intruder, you used your powers to slam them against your bedroom wall. With your other hand, you turned on your light switch and found Klaus pressed up against your wall.
• "For shits sake, what are you doing?" You asked, letting him go. Ben stood next to him, leaning again the wall.
• "Go on, Klaus. Tell y/n why you've broken into her home at midnight, despite me warning you not to."
• Klaus was silent for a second, his tired eyes staring in to yours. He wore the same outfit from last week, looking like he came straight from the mansion.
• "Uh, y/n, would you like to go out with me?"
• He actually seemed pretty nervous, despite how he had been acting at Denny's.
• "...now?" You asked, looking at the clock.
• "Not now, but maybe tomorrow? Diego told me you have a day off and I was thinking maybe we could..." he took a deep breath, and looked down at the floor. "Maybe this was a bad idea."
• He made his way back to the window, but you managed to convince him to stay.
• "Klaus, of course I'd like to go out with you."
• You spoke in a gently tone, not wanting to startle him.
• "Plus, if you want to, you could sleep over here?" You knew it was a long shot, but it was worth a try.
• "I'll only stay if you give me a makeover!"
• "Deal."
• That night was filled with a lot of sad movies, you painting Klaus's nails bright pink, and Ben rolling his eyes about 400 times.
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