#Doctor Wyndia
"Another failed test. As this rate, we'll be run out of the plot of land. Ettie, do be a dear and run the simulation again."
Handing off the pad, quill and paper to another of her assistance, she gave her young charge a rare smile. "You've been doing so well, my dear, I'm sure the Emperor will be pleased to hear it."
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Is your character a particularly religious person? Why/why not? Has there ever been a time where their religious/moral code has been called into question and, if so, what was it and what did they do about it?
OOC: Nina is 100% not religious, but she will swear using the gods names mostly because she finds it amusing and it insults the Twelve worshipers. But she’s a scientist, and garlean, so no, she prefers her magitek and work over “muttering to the air” for aid.There was a time that I was tempted to make her tempered to a primal, but it didn’t really go far. Thanks for the ask
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