#Don't know enough about wolves to decide what I want wolf Knight to look like
ceebeekay · 5 months
I am terribly, sickly, disgustingly late to posting fanart but honestly I'm just happy I'm finally posting this 😭 @castleaudios
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And with this post I declare Storm by S.J Tucker to be Claire's song minus the use of the gy-word because Claire wouldn't do that
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silverynight · 3 years
The King and the consort
Chapter 2
It's easy for Newt to forget that someone in the chambers is watching him; he's worried about the dragon who's clearly just a frightened baby that hasn't even learned how to walk with those wings of hers.
He to takes the steak on the plate and tears it up into small pieces, leaving them all around the place and finally sits on the floor, waiting.
Newt is careful not to make any sudden movements and after what it seems a long time, the dragon starts moving away from the corner she decided to hide in and starts eating the meat.
Even though she's clearly hungry, she considers it for a while before eating her way up to Newt. She studies him first; there's light coming from the room that makes her blue scales shine every time she moves.
Newt doesn't dare to move, he even closes his eyes, making himself vulnerable in front of her, letting her know he's not a threat. Then, after a couple of seconds, Newt feels a cold muzzle on his arm and listens as she starts sniffing around.
Finally, after eating the last piece directly from his hand, the dragon curls up on his lap and when Newt opens his eyes and looks down he can't help but grin at her.
"I'm impressed," the King comments, almost startling Newt. "What's your name?"
"Newt, my lord," he doesn't say anything else because he still doesn't trust him and he's not sure if the King is actually pleased or furious with him.
Although, he certainly doesn't look angry.
Now that the dragon trusts him, Newt takes her in his arms and rises up; he knows in a few days he won't be able to do that anymore. Dragons grow incredibly fast.
"Would you like to take care of the creatures of the castle from now on, Newton?" King Grindelwald asks, getting closer to him. There's a glimmer in his mismatched eyes Newt has no idea what it means.
But he's too happy to worry about it.
"Really?" He practically beams.
"Of course. Actually, let me take you there so I can give the order."
The man in charge of the stables clearly doesn't like the news, but since it's the King himself the one walking next to Newt, the man has no other choice but to comply.
"Come on, Lila, let's meet your new friends." Newt says, leaving the dragon on the ground who follows him around like one of those wolf cubs he usually finds in the woods.
Too focused on checking on the wolves and the horses, Newt doesn't notice Grindelwald's eyes following every single one of this movements, nor the smile he's trying to hold back.
Newt informs his friends about the work he has to do in the castle and although Jacob laments he won't be able to see him as often as he did before, he's glad Newt is doing something he loves.
Tina is worried about what happened with the King while her sister is delighted, although she seems to have the wrong idea about it.
"So the King is interested in you, sweetie." Queenie comments, looking at Newt with a pleased smile. Even though he knows she means well, he doesn't want her to spread rumors about how he got his current job.
"I don't think he likes me," Newt mumbles, he knows better than to think the King would like to be his friend; he's heard enough things about him to trust him so easily. "But I'm glad he decided to give me this opportunity."
Newt loves to take care of the creatures, but it's not that easy at first; the horses (except a black one, that he suspects is King Grindelwald's horse) have been mistreated. They're not healthy enough for the knights or guards to ride them as often as they do and they have not been given enough food to get better.
It takes a couple of days for the horses and wolves to start trusting him; Lila has helped him a lot with that since the other animals seem to change his opinion on him quickly when they see how attached she is to him.
When he moment comes, Newt decides to introduce Niffler to all of them which is not easy at first for Lila because the dragon doesn't like the idea of sharing her Mummy, but she realizes soon that Niffler is a good wolf.
"I can take you now," Tina tells him one morning; it's cold and there are no people around (most of the servants are afraid of Lila for some reason) as they don't usually get close to the stables since Newt started working there.
The redhead nods, heart beating inside his chest with nervousness and excitement; it's been a while since he last saw Theseus and he has missed him dearly.
It takes a couple of minutes to convince Lila and Niffler to stay there, but Newt manages... According to her friend it's important to be discreet about the whole thing, since she doesn't want to get in trouble.
"Do you remember Abernathy?" She asks as Newt follows her back towards the castle. When he tells her that he does, she adds: "He's going to be guarding the dungeons this morning and he's agreed to let you see Theseus."
Jacob meets them halfway, prompting Tina to scold him for it, but he assures him that no one knows about it and gives Newt a piece of apple pie.
"For your brother!" He whispers with a grin before rushing back to the kitchen, he doesn't even give Newt time to tell him how grateful he is.
But at least he has time to say thank you to Abernathy who's already waiting for them at the entrance.
"You're welcome! You look really beautiful this morning, Newt!"
Tina rolls her eyes, but Newt can't say anything because he's distracted by the dim light coming from each one of the cells; most of the prisoners seem to be deeply asleep, but...
"Little one?"
Newt rushes towards the bars and sees his older brother like he's never seen him before; he's clearly exhausted and hasn't been eating quite well, his hair is a little bit greasy, although that's the least of Newt's concerns at the moment.
"Here. Take this. You need to eat," Newt mumbles, trying not to sob.
Even though he looks hungry, Theseus reaches out to Newt and puts a hand on his cheek.
"I was worried about you."
"Why? I'm not the one in the dungeons," Newt says, grinning despite of his concern. Theseus can be ridiculous sometimes.
Theseus chuckles and coughs right after, which makes Newt worry even more.
"How did you get here?" He asks, after taking a bite of the pie.
"I'm working in the castle now," he tells Theseus, ignoring the frown upon his face. "It's temporary, I just want to figure out a way to bring you home."
"No, Newt... I don't want you to get in trouble because of me, please... Little one–"
"You don't have much time left," Tina reminds him from behind, cutting Theseus off.
"I'll come to see you soon," Newt promises, before rushing towards his friends. It breaks his heart to leave him there, but he has no other choice at the moment.
He'll be back. He'll see Theseus again.
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