#Don't worry you are best bogan
bite-sized-devil · 1 year
um yes? of course we should make the bin chicken our national animal. and the aussie song about birds can be the new anthem ehe
i think my usage of swear words can best be summarised by “i am around my mother too much” and as such no, i don’t use cunt whenever, but it doesn’t really phase me at all djdkdj dad’s a tradie tho, so i oft sound ridiculously bogan
and vegemite all the way~ (actually, genuinely, try it with honey sometime; i know it sounds like an odd combo but it works so well)
but i’m so glad there’s at least the two of us; we’ll pull others outta the woodwork, and until then we can have fun with it~
also i never got around to saying this so congrats on 500! you really deserve every one ^^
- 🌙
Ok ok ok, but what is this Aussie bird song?? I'm interested, I LOVE birds. I went to Bunya mountain last year and omg so many birds 😍😍 fairy rens are my favourite 💕💕💕
Ooof we have very different Mamas 😂 mine went from super religious, to super anti religious and swears all the time. What can I say other than I'm a bad influence on her 😂
Babe don't worry, so do I! You can't be Australian and not a little bogan 😭😂
I love both actually! Love it thiiiiiiick too. If I wasn't vegan, I'd definitely try it! ☺️☺️ It wouldn't be the weirdest food mix I've tried.
Surely there has to be more of us! We can't be the only two. Maybe it's weird that I got so excited to have an Australian moot since I tal to Aussies all the time. But idk! It's exciting to me!!
Aww thanks ☺️☺️ I hit 700 yesterday and I'm like, why are y'all following me? You're about to be disappointed 😂😂
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