horseshero · 1 year
Electric Fence for Horses: Review and Guide
In recent years, electric fencing has gained popularity among horse owners as a safe, convenient, and affordable way to keep their horses secure. With its ease of installation and low maintenance requirements, it has become a go-to solution for many. If you're considering an electric fence for your horses, this comprehensive guide is for you. We'll discuss the benefits of electric fencing, the various types available, and tips for installation and maintenance. Let's dive in! Read More
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
"Hey, buddy, you've been hogging the Supercharger® long enough," emits the carrier signal of a Tesla owner. They're right to be upset. Ever since they opened up their fancy DC fast chargers to every Tom, Dick, and Ford owner, what was once a hoity-toity elite parking lot full of American-made economy cars is now full of a bunch of weird shitbags trying to fill up their batteries.
My electric car? Pretty much the same as yours: a 1974 Plymouth Fury III, with the original smog-coughing low-compression 400-cubic-inch V8 engine replaced with nearly a metric ton of golf-cart batteries I borrowed from the local country club. Hey, they weren't using any of them in the middle of November when I cut through the fence. Not to mention it's unethical for anyone to hoard valuable resources that could be used to reduce emissions, such as I am doing (unless you count the fact that this vehicle is still, somehow, leaking 10w40 motor oil from somewhere.)
The system isn't perfect. For instance, the "fast charge" system is not particularly fast. This is because it's an old Canadian Tire 12-volt boat battery maintainer that I've riveted onto the hood, and tricked the Tesla system into talking to. As far as the computer inside it knows, it's just a really stupid SUV. Before you blame me for being a charge hog, you must also know this: it is keeping my decrepit Galaxy Note smartphone alive, which hasn't had a working battery in it since that whole airplane fire snafu. And in turn, that phone is playing an educational podcast, about climate destroyers. This, I believe, is what the Tesla owner is actually angry about, and not the fact that I have been "fast charging" for the last seventeen hours using a stolen credit card.
I ignore him. I have long ago learned that pedestrians talk a lot of shit, but are generally afraid to actually damage my car: an emergency tetanus shot, after all, is unpleasant and can cost upwards of $25. Walking back inside the donut store at which I am "parked," I ask the attendant to refill my bottomless coffee once more. Maybe I'll live here, I think. I don't want to go anywhere more than about five miles away from this charger from now on.
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angel-in-shibari · 9 months
a slave's collar is their most important accessory. not only does it show that they're owned, but with stylization and customization, it can also show who exactly owns them. Mistress prefers a nice rose gold band with floral engravings. to the unsuspecting, it looks like a fancy metal choker or extravagant piece of jewelry. but to those who do know, it's true purpose is undeniable.
the collar is equipped with the obvious essential features: gps, microphone, motion trackers, proximity sensors, and various devices that monitor my every movement. of course, all those features would be pretty pointless if Mistress didn't have a way to control me. that's why there are five electrodes placed equidistant from each other at various points along my neck. the electrodes can be controlled manually by a secure program that only Mistress has access to. all five can be fired individually, with 25 levels of intensity. 1 is a mild tickle. 5 is a painful shock, but relatively manageable as long as it's not prolonged. 10 is enough to bring me to my knees as I cry and beg for her to stop. she has only ever used 11 once, and I blacked out immediately. as for 25... don't worry about it
the collar features an incredibly secure and tamper-proof locking system. as it's locked, various circuits are armed. if the lock is broken and those circuits are broken... um... well. maybe you're thinking I can just wait for the battery to drain completely before taking it off without issue. think again, because there are two batteries installed that last quite a long time without a charge. the collar itself doesn't use all that much electricity, but in the case that one battery is completely drained, it will switch to the second battery. both batteries can last about 5 months each, so I'd have to go almost a year without charging for it to even reach depletion. also, once the final battery reaches its last 5% of charge, all the remaining electricity is released at once through the electrodes at level 25 until there is nothing left. basically, my collar isn't coming off with me alive.
I never have to worry about low batteries, however. Mistress has installed a number of radio frequency wireless charging devices around her mansion, meaning that as long as I am inside, my battery remains at almost full charge. the only time it has ever dipped below 99.7% is one afternoon when Mistress was extremely mad at her father and decided to take her anger out on me. whatever makes her happy makes me happy. I'm glad that my suffering is cathartic for her.
alongside the chargers, proximity detectors are placed on the outside walls. if I get to close to an exit, Mistress is automatically notified and a level 1 shock is admitted. if I get even closer, the shock is amplified dramatically. stepping outside is a level 25. the only way I'm ever allowed outside is if Mistress manually disables the 'electric fence' as she calls it. but when she does that, she has a separate system that acts in a similar way that shocks me more the further away from her I get.
you might think that all of this is unnecessary. all these systems and programs are what you might call "exceptionally overkill" or "horribly sadistic" or "just plain cruel". but the main reason they exist actually isn't to keep me in line. even if trying to take my collar off didn't kill me, I wouldn't ever dream of removing it. I would never go outside unless Mistress made me, even without the electric fence active. even the 25 levels of shock are a display of power. I'm small enough that level 13 would probably be enough to kill me.
the reason all these things exist is actually to show everyone that every single aspect of my life is completely under Mistress's control. I already know it's pointless to try and escape or fight back. I realized that before the collar was ever locked around my throat. all the ways in which Mistress has power over me are already obvious to me. because these precautions aren't for me. they're for you. to terrify you, and show you exactly what happens to people who wrong my Mistress. unless you want to end up like me, I strongly recommend you stay on her good side.
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bonefarm · 1 year
Net Fence post
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I bought 3 of the 186ft electrostop step-in rolls from premier 1 and a Solarstop 80 8 joule charger Kit + 10 fiberglass support poles. The entire order was about $930 and I can graze about a quadrant of my 5 acres at a time with that amount of equipment.
I ordered all this after using a secondhand single post kit and a cheap Patriot charger for about a year to see if I’d like it. I did and my goats responded well to it. YMMV depending on your situation.
I would NOT use this unsupervised for large amounts of time. I usually let mine graze when I’m home working so if something goes wrong I’m here to address it. It’s a good babysitter but it’s not totally goat proof (almost nothing is.)
It takes me about an hour to tear down and set up 558 feet of fence
This is what one roll looks like space wise
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I usually roll mine out flat on the perimeter I’m going to go around and then stand it up starting at one end.
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This is what a connection looks like between rolls. I usually overlap a little and use three dummy posts to keep everything together but not shorting.
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Watch out for stuff like this at the top and bottom. Don’t let your fence short out on itself.
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Total time from tearing down the old electro net to letting the impatient assholes out? Little under an hour. 4:47pm to 5:32pm.
In practice the fence seems to be producing about 6.7 joules. I touched the hot side of the charger on acciden while setting up. I’m fine but it kicks like a mule. I’m also an able bodied 33 year old. Don’t go grabbing electric fences if you have heart stuff going on.
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donman2112 · 2 months
"We have the standard 6 ft. Fence in the backyard, and a few months Ago, I heard about burglaries increasing drmatically in the entire City. To make sure this never happened to me, I got an electric Fence and ran a single wire along the top of the fence.
Actually, I got the bggest cattle charger Tractor Supply had, made For 26 miles of fence. I then used an 8 ft. Long ground rod, and Drove it 7.5 feet into the grund. The ground rod is the key, with The more you have in the ground, the better the fence works.
One day I'm mowing the back yard with my cheapo Wal-Mart 6 hp big Wheel push mower. The hot wire is broken and laying out in the Yard. I knew for a fact that I unplugged the charger. I pushed the Mower around the wire and reached down to grab it, to throw it out of The way.
It seems as though I hadn't remembered to unplug it after all.
Now I'm standing there, I've got the running lawnmower in my right Hand and the 1.7 giga-volt fence wire in the other hand. Keep in Mind the charger is about the size of a marine battery and has a Picture of an upside down cow on fire on the cover.
Time stood still.
The first thing I notice is my pecker trying to climb up the front Side of my body. My ears curled downwards and I could feel the Lawnmower ignition firing in the backside of my brain. Every time That Briggs & Stratton rolled over, I could feel the spark in my Head. I was literally one with the engine.
It seems as though the fence charger and the piece of shit lawnmower Were fighting over who would control my electrical impulses.
Science says you cannot crap, pee, and vomit at the same time. I beg To differ. Not only did I do all three at once, but my bowels Emptied 3 different times in less than half of a second. It was a Matrix kind of bowel movement, where time is creeping along and You're all leaned back and BAM BAM BAM you just crap your pants 3 Times. It seemed like there were minutes in between but in reality It was so close together it was like exhaust pulses from a big block Chevy turning 8 grand.
At this point I'm about 30 minutes (maybe 2 seconds) into holding Onto the fence wire. My hand is wrapped around the wire palm down so I can't let go. I grew up on a farm so I know all about electric Fences ... But Dad always had those piece of shit chargers made by Intrnational or whoever that were like 9 volts and just kinda tickled.
This one I could not let go of. The 8 foot long ground rod is now Accepting signals from me through the permadamp Ark-La-Tex river Bottom soil. At this point I'm thinking I'm going to have to just Man up and take it, until the lawnmower runs out of gas.
'Damn!,' I think, as I remember I just filled the tank!
Now the lawnmower is starting to run rough. It has settled into a Loping run pattrn as if it had some kind of big lawnmower race cam In it. Covered in poop, pee, and with my vomit on my chest I think 'Oh God please die ... Pleeeeaze die'. But nooooo, it settles into The rough lumpy cam idle nicely and remains there, like a big bore Roller cam EFI motor waiting for the go command from its owner's Right foot.
So here I am in the middle of July, 104 degrees, 80% humidity, Standing in my own backyard, begging God to kill me. God did not Take me that day ... He left me there covered in my own fluids to Writhe in the misery my own stupidity had created.
I honestly don't know how I got loose from the wire ...
I woke up laying on the ground hours later. The lawnmower was beside Me, out of gas. It was later on in the day and I was sunburned.
There were two large dead grass spots where I had been standing, and Then another long skinny dead spot where the wire had laid while I Was on the ground still holdng on to it. I assume I finally had a Seizure and in the resulting thrashing had somehow let go of the wire.
Upon waking from my electrically induced sleep I realized a few things:
1 - Three of my teeth seem to have melted.
2 - I now have cramps in the bottoms of my feet and my right butt cheek (not the left, just the right).
3 - Poop, pee, and vomit when all mixed together, do not smell as bad as you might think.
4 - My left eye will not open.
5 - My right eye will not close.
6 - The lawnmower runs like a sumbitch now. Seriously! I think our little sesion cleared out some carbon fouling or somthing, because it was better than new after that.
7 - My nuts are still smaller than average yet they are almost a foot long.
8 - I can turn on the TV in the game room by farting while thinking of the number 4 (still don't understand this???).
That day changed my life. I now have a newfound respect for things.
I don't care what type of humor you like this is funny
I appreciate the little things more, and now I always triple check to make sure the fence is unplugged before I mow.
The good news, is that if a burglar does try to come over the fence, I can clearly visualize what my security system will do to him, and THAT gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling all over, which also reminds me to triple check before I mow.
Credit Goes To The Respective Owner"
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tartrazeen · 2 years
🎅🏿 Nellis Fluff - The Kisses 🎅🏿
Word Count: approx. 4,100
🎅🏿 For the 2022 Nellis Secret Santa event! 🎅🏿
Your recipient for this event is:
Here's what they suggested for their gift!:
▫️ Would love to see them boys kissin or to read their first time confessions to each other 💖
Summary: one-shot - established relationship - fluff - 100% what Vulpixxxxxxx asked for, assuming you've consulted a lawyer
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44957146
He’d had it all figured out.
 Just like the house they’d found for the night.
 It’d been one of those grey, old-timey kind’f mansions – y’know, with tall, square roofs and spiky, little iron fences runnin’ ‘long the gutters – that could’ve looked like somethin’ they’d put in as a haunted house, but tonight was so covered in snow that it got to lookin’ more like that big house from the Addams Family – the first one, the one where they’d stood on the balcony or somethin’ like that an' tipped a whole pot of boilin’ acid onto some carolers below. The image in his brain made the whole damn thing feel like a festive, black’n’white, icicle-covered fairytale. The others went with it ‘cause there’d been more iron decoratively barrin' up the windows, and ‘cause a place this old had had to have some way of heatin’ it from the ‘before times’. In this case, that was less about the zombies and more about a time ‘fore electricity ever made it to American soil.
 They were right – it had a fireplace. Ellis got it lit ‘fore the other three could even kick the snow off their boots.
 It didn’t take much longer to settle in for the rest’f the night. A wood stove had ‘em fed, thick curtains kept ‘em hid, and the candlesticks everywhere else gave ‘em cozy pops of yellow light to carry around. Ellis damn near felt like Ebenezer Scrooge – he loved that movie, man – and was only missin’ the slippers’n’Scooge’s nightdress. He had his own hat, of course, but now with this fancy house, he’d finally started to wonder if he should change it just to fit the mood.
 Curled up, snug as a bug.
 They’d been together in front’f that fire, sittin’ on a round, faded rug, backs against an orange couch that was otherwise goin’ ignored.
 Ro’d planted herself in a readin’ room to give the two of them the den. Coach’d gone upstairs, aimin’ to sleep off that day’s journey. Nick'd kept up his own tradition of rootin’ through other people’s closets and findin' the ugliest sweater to fit since “apparently the damn zombies hate silk.” The man outdid himself this time, comin’ back from one of the rooms wearing a piss-yellow sweater adorned by five, ironed-on, scraggly reindeer. He seemed to love it as much – if not more – than that bajillion-dollar suit from Day One, but the wine Ellis’d filled ‘im with might’ve been leadin’ the charge on that contest.
 The wine – Ellis was savin’ that for this sort'f night. The Chargers didn’t make it easy but he’d learned more than a few new moves.
 It sparkled.
 ‘Overpriced to hell and back’ – that was Nick’s favourite drink. Didn’t matter if it tasted good, and Nick had a funnier time when it was terrible, but Ellis had gone out of his way to hunt down somethin’ that tasted nice and had been locked behind a case at the ‘fancy’ part of the store. Not gettin’ any safe time to imbibe on the go meant this stuff had started to hit real fast (another reason they were on the ground ‘stead of on the couch), and the lack of practice meant they’d only made it ‘bout a third of the way through before Ellis’d moved onto the next stage.
 That, he’d been plannin’ the most.
 That, he’d been playin’ in his mind for a week.
 That, he’d read and re-read and memorized and recited ‘til he was sure he knew every damn word. He couldn’t risk forgettin' what to do if a moment like this came up.
 And it had!
 So Ellis'd done his best.
 It was just – that… well.
 He cleared his throat.
 “That, um –” Way too quiet. Ellis shifted in his place and gave it another go. “… You still hurt, darlin’?”
 Nick didn’t ‘answer’ so much as he swivelled his head and gave Ellis a long and pointed stare, and even though that wasn’t specifically promisin’ murder, it did probably have it in its Top Ten. Ellis took it as a ‘yes’ and hid back under the bill of his thankfully un-Scrooge-like hat. Eventually, Nick swivelled to murder-starin’ at the fire again instead, so…
 At least not all the fire’d gone out, right? Ha. Ha…
 Nick did not appreciate Ellis pipin’ up to actually point that out.
 “Here,” Ro cut in, returnin' with a sandwich bag in her hand. “This should help with the swelling. Glad we’ve got the season on our side for once.”
 “Thanks, Ro,” Ellis said, trying and failing to look up at her while not lookin’ over at Nick’s now Top Five maybe-murder-glare. She handed him the snow. Ellis passed the bag over to Nick, who snatched it away so quick that the speed alone could’ve melted it. “He says thanks too-”
 “Don’t tell her what I said, I didn’t say that, I didn’t say you could talk for me –”
 “I’m finishing my book,” Rochelle sharply interrupted again, “and then I’m going to bed. Both of those mean you need to keep the ‘romance’ down –” She wagged a finger at Ellis there. “– and you…”
 Nick, with the bag of snow mushed up against his face, was quickly narrowin’ his glare down to a Top Two. Ro shrugged at that and carried on with what she meant to say ‘fore she'd trailed off, which – it turned out – was to take Nick’s side.
 “I mean…” She winced as she said it, but Ellis wasn’t gonna blame her. He admitted he’d screwed up ‘fore she’d even run in at Nick’s hollerin’. “You did bite him.”
 “Yeah,” Nick snapped, “he did.”
 “But Coach is already asleep, and not all of us dodged our Chargers, so keep it down anyway,” Ro continued, finally gettin’ her chance to wag a finger at Nick now. “We need our rest. And – come on, that’s not even the worst thing to happen to you this week. You’re wearing it. It’s like you’re visually biting all of us with that.”
 “Oh, I’m sorry,” Nick spat out around the snow-bag halfway in his mouth. “When you put it in terms of biting, I can understand why that’d be awful. Do you know how I’d know?” He didn’t let her answer – “‘Cause this one actually bit me with actual goddamn teeth –”
 They heard Nick’s name gettin’ called from upstairs.
 Nick shut up and furiously chewed on his snow.
 “I warned you,” Ro sang, revelling in Nick’s Top One officially-going-with-murder-glare. On that happy note, she stretched. “Like I said, I’m going to finish my book. Good night, boys.”
 Her leavin’ did not bode well for Ellis, ‘cause now Coach’s sleep was ridin’ on him bein’ able to say the right thing: nothing. He tucked his legs up closer to his chest and waited, lettin’ five whole minutes slide by until the dyin' crackle of fire couldn’t keep the silence away anymore.
 “I’ll…” God, it felt good to make noise. ‘Cept now Ellis had to prove he had somethin’ to say, ‘less he wanted Nick to get double-pissed at him. “… I’ll – just… fix that…”
 Nick grunted.
 Safe enough.
 Ellis’d crawled over to throw in more wood right when Nick decided he'd wanted to talk after all.
 “So can I ask –” And instantly, Ellis whirled around on his knees, almost knocking an on-fire log to the floor. “Nice. Anyway, why in hell did you bite me?”
 This was – uh…
 Well, he’d had a few backup plans for if this hadn’t worked out, but all’f ‘em had been sorta on that ‘too foolproof to screw up’ side. Not that he didn’t have an answer planned, but…
 Nick wasn’t gonna like it.
 The man was waitin’ for something though, sat like he was with both knees up, an arm rested on one (‘rested’ – the man was coiled tighter than a snake), and the other startin’ to drip from the water leaking down his hand.
 Probably – um… wasn’t the right time to notice Nick’s legs were spread maybe a little wider than they had to be but… notice, Ellis did. And with the wine and the food and he couldn’t really out-talk a man known for talking…
 “I dunno,” Ellis said, immediately givin’ up. “Guess I thought it’d be sexy.”
 And from the reading room came a garbled, choking, glob of sound that took fifteen entire seconds for Ellis to puzzle out. When he did, he tried to give a friendly call of, “Uh – Ro? Could you maybe please –”
 “Get out of here, Rochelle,” Nick roared.
 Ro was just as bad as Nick was, startin’ to howl with laughter now as she went upstairs. It kept going ‘til it finally got into a bedroom and the door shut, where she’d clearly gone to yuk it up in private.
 “Poor Coach,” Ellis mumbled. “Hasn’t even had an hour of quiet yet.”
 “Yeah – poor Coach,” Nick shot back. “Who in the hell told you that was sexy?”
 “The –” Aww. “Uh… the magazine?” Alright, yes, that was about the worst answer he could’ve gave, and the way Nick’s back straightened and eyebrows lifted gave off a strong suggestion that Ellis had nothin’ to lose now by tryin’ to talk his way out of this hole. “‘Cause – uh… back in that store from the other day? Where you were sayin’ I was takin’ too long? That’s just – there was a rack of magazines in the corner, and – uh... I took a look ‘cause – well, the internet’s gone –”
 “Wait, wait, wait.” Those were not good ‘wait’s. Nick was leanin’ in, and that bag of snow was sloshin’ as he moved. “I’ve been telling you for months to read up on any shit you’re not comfortable with, and the first time you decided to listen, you beelined it for a porn mag saying, 'Bite your man in the face, he'll love it'?”
 “That ain’t even what I did,” Ellis protested. Nick purposely didn’t interrupt that time, which meant Ellis was stuck lookin’ like he had more to say when… no, well, that sorta summed up his best shot. He ended up finishin’ with a lame, “I told you I was sorry,” and turnin’ back to keep pokin’ at the fire.
 ‘Metaphors,’ he guessed.
 He could feel the risin' smirk from Nick burnin’ a hole into his neck, and he could sure as shit hear it in the man’s voice when Nick said, “So was I right? It actually said ‘bite me in the face’?”
 Oh, of course bein’ right would perk Nick up.
 “I bit your lip. Quit makin’ it sound like I chewin’ off your jaw.” Of course Ellis gettin’ touchy ‘bout it would be a damn delight for Nick, too. Blood was really in the water, huh? “It didn’t say ‘bite’, it…” And then Ellis was embarrassed as hell ‘cause now he had to speak this word out loud. “… said ‘nibble’.”
 … He looked back over his shoulder to see what Nick’s reaction to that’d been. Unfortunately, it was about the worst one possible: Nick’s head cocked at an angle in a pure split of ‘Ellis, I’m gonna leave you to the first Hunter we find’ and ‘This is the most fun I’ve had in a week’.
 “And that,” Nick said, horrifically curious, “was a ‘nibble’ to you?”
 “Shut up'n'finish your snow,” Ellis muttered. So much for a perfect night. Nick was having fun again but Ellis was done. “And no. I was tryin’ to be gentle at the start, but you didn’t notice so I – just…” Forget it. “If you’re out’f snow, I’ll get you more. It’s everywhere outside.”
 “Hang on, sugarteeth,” Nick said, sounding like he’d jump up too if Ellis tried gettin’ away that easily. As it was, since Ellis was still sittin’ down, so was Nick, and with the snow-bag fully turned to water, the man was free to lean back, relax and enjoy. “If you’re talking about your pre-war-crime stuff, then sure, I noticed the little ‘nibbles’ you were doing. I liked your little nibbles. What you’re calling ‘Nick didn’t notice’ is what most people call ‘Nick’s having a good time but isn't stopping to hand out gold stars because the fact you were allowed to continue with that should’ve been its own reward’.” … Oh. “Yeah. ‘Oh’.”
 Nick must’ve read that response off Ellis’ face. Not the other part bubblin’ up, though, and that was ‘cause Ellis deliberately looked down and started pickin’ at his shoes where he was sittin’ on the floor. Those were just some short boots Nick’d pulled off a shelf for ‘im when it started getting’ cold – and good timing, ‘cause his feet were about as cold as they were gonna get right now.
 He pushed through anyway.
 “… did say ‘bite’,” he mumbled.
 “What was that,” Nick cooed, viciously leanin’ right back in.
 “It said‘bite’,” Ellis snapped. “Wasn’t just nibbles, ‘cause those were only on the way to bitin’ you, but it was supposed to be – like, a sexy bite. They had a whole thing ‘bout settin’ the mood and such – and I had considered the mood to be set.” He paused. “My bad. It wasn't.”
 Should’ve stuck with the damn nibbles, since apparently those were doin’ some magic.
 “So it said ‘bite’.” Nick’d gone from ‘coo’ to ‘crow’ at a record pace. “That’s interesting. You just said it didn’t say that.”
 “Can you not get like this for once?” It was killing every urge Ellis had to try this shit again. “Yes, Nick, you were right, you win, just skip the part where I was tryin’ my best.”
 Ellis was decidin’ on if he should be stomping off upstairs when Nick, who’d given him thirty seconds to think about it, broke the silence himself that time.
 “You take it?”
 That man looked impossibly evil at gettin’ to ask his question again.
 “Did you,” Nick repeated, somehow looming over everything without ever even standing up, “take the magazine?”
 Ellis narrowed his eyes.
 “I want to see it,” Nick said, keepin’ it real simple. But simple was also bad. It meant there was no use lyin’ at this point, ‘cause Nick'd already figured out the answer. Gettin’ hugely comfortable about that, the man lazed so far against the couch that he might as well’ve gotten off the ground and sat on the damn thing properly – but he didn’t, all for the drama of provin’ a point about how he could. “Giddy-up, Seabiscuit. Bring it to me.”
 Not perfect.
 Ellis closed his eyes and let a tired breath huff out’f his nose.
 “Okay,” he said, givin’ up immediately again, and a lot less happy to do it than he’d been before.
 His mood dropped harder when he made it to the first step of the stairs, and instead of journeying up to get anything, a whack of paper hit ‘im on the head from on high.
 Ellis looked up.
 He looked down.
 The magazine was on the floor.
 The magazine that’d been in his bag, in the room him’n’Nick were takin’, meaning somebody else had gone ahead an’ helped themselves to searchin’ it – and ‘cause of that, had definitely seen the other shit Ellis’d kept in the same pocket.
 The joy he felt at knowin’ it wasn’t Nick who’d found his stuff was takin’ a real backseat right then.
 “I would prefer not havin’ to talk about this,” Ellis said, knowing he sounded weak.
 “Go to bed, Rochelle,” Nick shouted.
 “Boy, if you wake me up again –”
 Coach didn’t even need to finish that. A much less hostile, “Sorry, Coach,” floated in over from the den.
 And then Coach was back to starin’ down at Ellis. Why was everybody loomin’ today – goddamn.
 “I’ll keep quiet,” Coach began, doin’ the worst thing by lookin’ amused– “if you do.”
 “Deal,” Ellis said.
 With a mutual nod, Coach returned to his room, Ro guffawed from inside’f hers, and Ellis picked up the magazine that Nick was gonna lose his mind over at bein’ exactly the type that he had guessed.
 It had articles. That was why Ellis’d taken it.
 In any case, Nick’d been busying himself with pokin’ the fireplace back to life, so there was one moment between Ellis startin’ to hand the magazine over, but before Nick lit up in a very ‘fuckin’ knew it’ sort’f way, where Ellis could’ve chucked the damn thing in, let it burn and skipped the headache. At the very least, he should’ve ripped the pages out and burned the rest. Too bad he didn’t have either of those thoughts ‘til after the windows had closed and the magazine was already in Nick’s hands.
 Him and his stupid, yellow sweater.
 Him also drinkin’ his wine, though, and his lip – even curled into a smug, little smirk – did seem much better.
 So with one hand filled by a glass and the other filled by pages of... well. Nick wasn’t even lookin’ at ‘im, ‘cause he was happily flippin’ through what the thing was sayin’ and takin’ a sip just when it seemed like he was gonna bust a gut laughin’ at it all.
 Ellis stood awkwardly watchin’, ‘cause…
 Nick was havin’ fun.
 That’d been the point of this in the first place.
 … He fuckin’ forgot he’d wrote himself some notes on those pages too, goddammit, goddamn, shit, shit.
 “Done,” Nick announced, keepin’ a notable limit to his volume. He tossed the magazine to the side and patted a spot on the rug beside him. For Ellis. And he obviously had to finish that off with a gulp of the rest of his glass at whatever he was readin’ on Ellis’ face now. “Sit.”
 Ellis frowned.
 “You gonna bite me back?”
 “Yes,” Nick said, puttin’ down his glass too. “It’s only fair. And now that I’ve read those highly annotated instructions, I’m pretty sure I know what to do.”
 Ellis eventually sat at where he’d been summoned, but he might as well’ve gone beside a Jockey with how many teeth were in Nick’s grin. The man was serious – he wanted some type of revenge, and if he wasn’t usin’ anything written on the magazine as torment, being ‘even’ was how this was gonna go down.
 He sighed. He couldn’t help that.
 This was supposed to’ve been a nice night for ‘em. A break. Cozy. Snow outside, warm inside, big house, candlelight and a fire, drinks and food and privacy…
 “I was tryin’,” he said, ‘fore they just got on with this. “I know you ain’t much for ‘it’s the thought that counts,’ but I did what I could. Damn Chargers smashed up the bottles I kept finding for ya. One time it was a Tank an’ I just threw the wrong thing. But I was tryin’ to make it nice. So I’m sorry. I screwed up.”
 “Jesus, Ellis,” Nick replied, soundin’ like the wine that had survived was sinking in. “What are you, on death row? Relax.”
 “If you’re gonna bite me –”
 “Not like you bit me,” Nick snapped. “Even though – yeah, you’d totally deserve it, ‘cause I read what you read, including your fun citations, and nowhere in there was it written, ‘Pair his blood with a nice Merlot’.”
 “I’m sorry,” he almost begged. “I wanted –”
 “To make it sexy – right, whatever,” Nick said, abruptly looking around the room and spying the wine. “We gonna finish this?” And then he chugged from the bottle anyway, which means he wasn’t gonna share it anymore. Sharin’ was ‘gross’. “That’s mine now.”
 “It was for you to start with,” Ellis muttered.
 “D’aww.” But finally, Nick stopped spoutin’ his bullshit. He leaned his head back to rest it on the couch cushions behind him instead, and then rolled over to look at Ellis from out and under his half-lidded eyes. It seemed as if he’d taken his own advice about relaxin’ ‘cause that’d all been after he had stretched every like a cat, and after the expression on his face had gained a lazier mix of ‘I’m having fun’ and ‘I’m still leaving you for a Hunter later.’ And that was fair. The far side of Nick's lip wasn’t swollen anymore, but Ellis could plainly see the sign of his handiwork. “You closing your eyes or what?”
 Not perfect.
 “I can’t even look at you?”
 “No, you can’t,” Nick said, matter-of-factly and nearly stern. “I didn’t get to see it coming, so you don’t. Consider that your lesson on consent.”
 That was bullshit. And so was Nick’s extra-smug smile at that reaction. The silver lining of shuttin’ his eyes meant no more of that.
 He shut them.
 Nick made ‘im wait. Ellis could hear the wine slosh around as the bottle was finished up. After that, he was down to having to listen to the crackle of the fire. He could hear his own breathing too, along with his heartbeat the longer this took.
 It was only gonna be the one bite, probably.
 He waited.
 He tasted Nick before he could feel ‘im. Nick always liked comin’ in light, like he wanted a sense of how Ellis would be, but the wine and its spice wasn’t waitin’ on any of his usual checks. Ellis wasn’t lettin’ it wait either, ‘cause the heat of Nick's skin after bein’ so warmed by the fire let him melt against that mouth like snow, and the gentle scent of pine along Nick’s jaw carried him in to chase after the rest. He’d barely had to ask before his tongue was allowed to celebrate, but ask, his tongue did, and although Nick welcomed his question, opening up to draw him inside, Ellis felt a shift as the man’s attention first went to his teeth catching Ellis’ lip.
 Gentle. And light. Enough to notice and then move past into having Ellis in the rest of the way. And they moved like that every time Ellis had to lift away to breathe or swallow, or just when he took Nick by the back of the head to turn them where they needed to be: Nick would let him leave for that half of a second, then catch his lip when he pushed to come back. Twice. Three times sometimes. That gentle pressure while he was trapped grew, and Nick would tilt to pull him in knowin’ damn well he was stuck, nippin’ like Ellis was takin’ too long. Then Nick would let him go and kiss at ‘im like the mystery solved, only to leave him waitin’ again the next time Ellis made any sort of change.
 The thought of a bite had changed in his mind. Nick was too gentle on purpose, in his way on purpose, outright obstructin’ his path and releasin’ him like it hadn’t even happened. Ellis kept thinkin’ about it – well, tried, ‘cause the second his tongue met Nick’s, his mind emptied out to fill up on the heat – and how that bite was gonna be a reveal – an admission – that yes, Nick was fuckin’ with ‘im on purpose, but then Ellis was gonna get his full access back.
 And then –
 “How did that feel?”
 Nick’s eyes, too dark from the light of the fire to see the green that’d be gleamin’ in them, were loomin’ over Ellis as Nick straddled his legs – along with the ghost of a smile, too faint to tell what Nick was thinkin’.
 Ellis had to think.
 He had to focus real hard to think, but he did it in the end and stupidly said out loud, “Did you bite me?”
 “No,” Nick said.
 Ellis thought again.
 “Weren’t you gonna?”
 “Yes,” Nick said. Then that fuckin’ grin – “Oh, not now. You’re expecting it. See, I didn’t know it was coming, so you don’t get to know. That’s how this works.”
 … The man actually patted Ellis on the shoulder, smug as a fuckin’ bug.
 “So –” And Nick went right back to kissin’ him like Ellis wasn’t tryin’ to ask another damn question. “Wait – so –” Obligingly, Nick paused his kiss and even opened his eyes when Ellis sat up, waiting while Ellis propped himself up on his elbows. But he kept his damn lips pressed to Ellis’ mouth so they just had to – like… talk around that while this man was starin’ into his soul. “You’re gonna hang this over me every time? Like, every time? For how long?”
 “I dunno,” Nick said directly into Ellis’ lips. “Until it’s funnier to finally bite you, I guess.”
 “And if you don’t ever get that chance? If I just decide ‘screw it’ and never kiss you again?”
Nick cackled at a Coach-approved level and pushed Ellis back down to the floor.
 Fair enough, he guessed.
 The night was as perfect as it got for them.
 In some part of his mind, one Ellis could get to a lot faster when Nick wasn’t on top of him, he felt a thrill at realizin’ how ‘perfect for them’ still meant it was perfect after all.
 Nick got ‘im in the shower ‘bout a week later. There, Ellis knew it was sexy –
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colindotpdx · 3 months
Snapshots from Oslo.
Vikings - the Historical Museum has an exhibit of Viking artefacts. Swords and armour that include weapons deliberately destroyed to be buried with their owners. A runestone that depicts a transition in Viking times from paganism to christianity with three wise men following the star of Bethlehem. The Vikings pillaged all across Europe but came back converted to Christ and even participated in the Crusades.
Old boats everywhere but ferries that are electric with sci-fi chargers that drop down to top up the batteries when docked. Many floating wood-fired saunas for rent, with people leaping off their roofs to cool off in the harbour in front of the Opera House.
The Opera House and the ferries with the same angular architecture to allow maximum visibility of the city. Christiania Torv statue that represents where King Christian IV supposedly pointed to the ground and said build me a city here.
The astonishing sculpture park with hundreds of works by Gustav Vigeland of bodies and families piled on each other in every possible way. This park is huge and the scope of Vigeland’s work is breathtaking.
No other way to cover the ground and Oslo than on an electric scooter. This is a very safe place to do this - almost no traffic and very polite people and the scooters self limit in pedestrian areas and are geo-fenced from going where they are not welcome. I am a convert thanks to Chris and Bill.
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fencefacts1 · 4 months
How to Test Electric Fence Energizers: A Detailed Guide
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As someone who has worked with electric fences for years, I know that the energizer, or fence charger, is the heart of your electric fence system. It’s crucial to regularly check your fence charger, especially if you’re experiencing issues with fence voltage.
In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to test an electric fence energizer using simple tools, based on my own experiences.
Read Detailed Guide on: https://fencefacts.com/test-electric-fence-energizer/
How Does an Electric Fence Energizer Work?
A fence energizer works by generating a high voltage, low amperage pulse, similar to an automotive ignition system. When current enters the energizer coil, it creates a magnetic field, producing a high voltage (5KV to 12KV) due to electromagnetic induction. However, exposure to moisture and rain can cause rust and lead to poor performance.
To protect your energizer, install it under a cover on a wall away from flammable materials, and where children and animals can’t reach it. Regularly inspect the wiring and circuits for loose connections, and use rust cleaner to keep it in good condition.
Tools Needed to Test an Electric Fence Energizer:
Electric fence tester
A digital electric tester
Step 1: Safety Measures
Before testing, wear insulated gloves and shoes. An electric fence charger inputs 120 or 240 V AC and outputs high voltage (5–10KV), which can be unpleasant to experience.
Step 2: Test with a Screwdriver
Turn on the fence charger.
Attach the screwdriver’s metal part to the ground terminal.
Move it near the live terminal.
If the energizer is working, you’ll see a spark jump from the live terminal to the screwdriver, indicating a current pulse.
Step 3: Test with an Electric Fence Tester
Attach the tester’s metal pin to the live terminal.
Connect the black probe to the ground terminal.
Read the voltage on the tester. It should be above 5KV.
A good fence energizer will show a strong voltage reading. If the voltage is significantly lower than expected, the energizer might be faulty.
Step 4: Test the Output Voltage with a Multimeter
Although not recommended for precise readings due to the pulsing nature of the energizer, a multimeter can still provide a rough idea.
Set the multimeter to the AC voltage (V〜) at a higher range.
Insert the red probe into the VmAΩ port and the black probe into the COM port.
Connect the red probe to the live terminal and the black probe to the ground terminal. A functioning energizer should show between 5–12KV. If the reading is low, there might be an issue.
Step 5: Test the Amperage with a Multimeter
Set the multimeter to AC amps (A〜) in the milliamps range.
Connect the probes as before: black to ground and red to the live terminal.
An electric fence should output very low amperage (0–500 milliamps). Higher amperage could be dangerous.
Testing a Solar Fence Charger
Solar fence chargers store energy in a battery. Here’s how to test one:
Unscrew the plate on your solar energizer to access the battery.
Unplug the battery wires and fully recharge the battery.
Use a digital tester to check the battery voltage. A 12V battery should read around 12–12.6V.
Attach the battery to the energizer and turn it on. If you hear clicking, the battery was the issue.
If the problem persists, inspect for improper ground connections or shorted wires. Clean any corrosion with a rust spray like WD-40.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is my electric fence clicking but not working?
Check the output voltage. Disconnect the wires, turn on the charger, and measure the voltage at the terminals. If it’s low, the charger is faulty.
2. How to test an electric fence without a tester?
You can use a piece of grass, a screwdriver, a tester screwdriver, a non-contact voltage tester, a compass, a tube light, or a light socket.
3. How to connect an electric fence to an energizer?
Connect the ground terminal to the fence rod and the live terminal to the fence wires using galvanized wires and clamps to prevent rust.
Testing your electric fence energizer is essential for maintaining a functional fence system. Follow these steps to ensure your energizer is working properly. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below.
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hyenadon · 4 months
So today like a HUGE EXTREMELY FUCKING MAJOR PROBLEM occured in my workplace through no fault of my own. Like I went to the back for one second to do a round of dishes, I come back a few mins later and the roof of the kitchen is leaking. I notify the front desk, ask abt maintenance. Two minutes later an entire roof tile has collapsed and it is FUCKING WATERFALLING into the kitchen. Immediate panic bc all this shit is going to need to be rewashed, the fridges will most likely all be fried w all this water around and also it's just fucking dangerous! I'm already freaking out and calling my managers and FREAKING OUT when I go upstairs to the office, where the computer is and SO MANY important documents are. It's even worse up there, water an inch deep with chargers and stuff right on the floor so the chance of electrocution is like. PRETTY HIGH UP THERE. I run in to grab the laptop, successfully thank god, but i'm pretty sure that entire room which has probable years of documents and thousands of dollars of equipment, is quite simply ka-fucking-put. Done. Totally fried.
I also attempted to unplug the charger that was on the floor and I got the scariest electrical shock of my life and i have touched horse fences multiple times! I have been (attempted) mugged at (alleged) gunpoint. But there's nothing to do against the laws of nature. That was possibly the scariest moment of my entire life. I was genuinely afraid I was going to die.
Anyway I fucking hoofed it out of there after that shock happened, I let out a scream I wasn't aware I was capable of screaming.
And I just thought to myself why did I go in that room at all? The giant leak that travelled down 3 floors and ruined the company wasn't my fault. I don't have anything valuable in the office. I don't have real stakes in this.
Real eye opener tbh. Anyway. I have now developed an extreme fear of electricity just sorta in general and now whenever I need to screw in a lightbulb or plug in a sus outlet I'll probably call someone, ask them to stay on the line with me, and give them all my information so if I don't respond they can call 911 immediately. God that was actually truly perhaps the scariest moment of my whole life
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shocktape · 7 months
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Bird & pigeon deterrent devices for keeping birds away from rooftops, patios, windowsills fences. This bird trainer shock tape is a humane way to train birds to stay away from your house. The shock tape is designed to give birds a gentle shock that won’t harm them but will teach them to stay away from that particular surface. The tape features flexible PVC with aluminum strips that are very simple to set up and connect to the electric charger. The kit has 33 ft of shock tape, an electric charger, and additional aluminum connectors. This product is safe, effective, and easy to use.
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backroadshomesteading · 8 months
Fencing has become a pressing concern at the moment. As we commence the planting of seeds, the clock is ticking, and there's a limited window to address the fence issue before the seeds are planted in the soil. With a significant deer population and other predators on the horizon, our plants and fruit trees are facing a time-sensitive situation that requires prompt action.
Join our free newsletter! -https://backroadshomesteading.com/join/
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Items In This Video: IMOUMLIVE Mini Chainsaw https://amzn.to/3OLpP6n
Gallagher S30 Solar Electric Fence Charger - 20 Miles/60 Acres https://amzn.to/3SgD5AJ
AgriOtter Aluminum Electric Fence Wire for Garden Fence https://amzn.to/3ud2IKD
Briidea Solar Fence Alarm with Light Transmission https://amzn.to/3HEVIt3
Smart Light | Electric Fence Voltage Indicator | Solar Powered | Non-Contact https://amzn.to/3HABoJz
RiteFENCE Electric Fencing Premium Stand Off https://amzn.to/3ugM6Sn
SPINNING JENNY WITH BRAKE https://amzn.to/3SCjOuK Affiliate links help support our homestead at no cost to you.
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barndoorag · 10 months
AgraTronix PW200 Fence Energizer – Plug-in Charger
The LED fence charger covers the electric fences in acres of land. It energizes up to 5 miles of fence wire under optimal conditions. It features a fence voltage indicator that displays the voltage being distributed to the fence.
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chargingoption · 1 year
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
N.S. Power brings in alternative to copper wire in response to thefts
Nearly two-hundred electrical substations dot the province of Nova Scotia. They’re fenced in and locked. Within six weeks, police say thieves broke into ten of them.
“In my 12 years as a police officer I’ve never seen as many break-ins in this short of a time span to so many different substations,” said Cpl. Chris Marshall, Public Information Officer with Nova Scotia RCMP.
Police are investigating from Pictou County to the Digby-area. In a joint statement with RCMP, Bridgwater Police Service, and Halifax Regional Police, police released a photo of a black pick-up truck that was spotted near at least three substations.
“The prevailing theory is the black truck does have involvement in many of the other break-ins that have occurred,” said Marshall.
Marshall noted a white Dodge Charger was seen near the power substation in Pictou County and it’s believed it be a separate incident.
Matt Drover, senior director of energy delivery at Nova Scotia Power said thefts at substations are not rare but the power utility has seen them become more frequent over the last few months. This despite ongoing warnings from Nova Scotia Power about the dangers of stealing live wire.
“It’s electrical wire for the electrical system. It’s extremely dangerous when they’re taking it,” said Drover. “It’s got current running through it and if somebody makes contact with it they could electrocute themselves.”
While some substations sit across the streets from houses and are very visible, others are hidden down long gravel roads. Gates block some of these roads but not all.
Nova Scotia Power noted it’s beefing up its security by installing surveillance cameras and reinforcing fences. The utility is also replacing its copper wires.
“We are going through our substations and replacing a lot of the copper wire with wire that has no value, that’s no copper, still provides the same electrical currents,” said Drover.
“So we’re actually reducing the costs right now when people do break into our substations.”
While the most recent thefts didn’t cause major outages, that has happened before. Drover noted how last year the utility had to turn power off for several hours while a substation was repaired.
“Normally for an incident where there are wires stolen or other tools it can be over $10,000 per incident in terms of the repairs that are needed,” Drover said.
For more Nova Scotia news visit our dedicated provincial page.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/lcG17mo
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allhorsefence · 1 year
Safeguarding Equine Companions: Exploring The Best Safe Horse Fence Options
When protecting your beloved horses, ensuring a secure and reliable fencing solution is paramount. A sturdy and horse-friendly fence keeps your equine companions safely contained and provides peace of mind for horse owners. The article will delve into horse fencing, exploring the best safe horse fence options available today. From traditional wooden fences to innovative electric and mesh alternatives, it will discuss their features, benefits, and considerations to help you make an informed decision for your equine family.
Wooden Wonder: Classic Charm And Strength
Wooden fences have long been a staple in horse enclosures. Their timeless appeal and robustness make them a popular choice among equestrians. However, choosing and maintaining the correct type of wood and maintaining it is crucial to ensure safety. From traditional post-and-rail to split rail and board fencing, an HDPE horse fence offers a rustic aesthetic while providing a secure barrier for horses.
Woven Wonders: Mesh Fences For Optimal Safety
Mesh fences have gained popularity recently for their enhanced safety features and durability. Made from solid and flexible materials like high-tensile wire or woven tape, these fences offer superior visibility, preventing horses from getting entangled or injured. With varying mesh sizes and configurations available, horse owners can select the option that best suits their specific needs, whether a no-climb fence or a diamond mesh design.
Electric Efficiency: Shockingly Effective Horse Fencing
Electric fences, powered by low-impedance chargers, offer an effective and economical solution for horse containment. These fences deliver a mild, safe shock to discourage horses from testing the boundaries, ensuring they stay within designated areas. Electric tape, rope, or wire fences are highly customizable and easily installed and maintained. However, proper training and monitoring of horses are essential to ensure their safety and respect for the fence.
Vinyl Virtuosity: Beauty Meets Durability
A vinyl or HDPE horse fence provides an attractive, low-maintenance option for horse enclosures. These fences are known for their resilience, as they resist rot, weathering, and insect damage. With a wide range of styles and colors available, vinyl fences can add aesthetic appeal to your equestrian property while offering a secure environment for your horses.
Pipe Dreams: Heavy-Duty Metal Fencing
Metal pipe fences are an excellent choice for those seeking an extremely durable and long-lasting fencing solution. Made from steel or aluminum, these fences provide exceptional strength and can withstand heavy pressure from horses. With sturdy construction and minimal maintenance requirements, metal fences offer a reliable option for horse owners looking for extra security.
Investing in a safe and reliable horse fence is essential for the well-being of equine companions. Whether you opt for the classic charm of wooden fences, the enhanced safety of mesh alternatives, the versatility of electric fencing, the low-maintenance allure of vinyl, or the durability of metal pipes, each option has its benefits and considerations. By assessing your specific needs, budget, and property layout, you can select the best safe horse fence that ensures your horses' security, comfort, and happiness, giving you peace of mind as a responsible horse owner.
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sffgtrhyjhmnzdt · 1 year
Electric Shock: Power fencing wire is electrified by a power source, typically a battery or mains electricity power fencing wire distributor in Hyderabad. When an animal or person comes into contact with the wire, they receive an electric shock. The shock is usually harmless but acts as a strong deterrent.
Components: Power fencing wire consists of several components. The wire itself is typically made of high-tensile steel or aluminum, which provides strength and conductivity power fencing prices in Hyderabad. It is connected to energizers, which supply the electric current, and insulators, which prevent the wire from grounding.
We are a renowned Electric Fencing Wire Suppliers in Hyderabad, wire fencing manufacturers in India. We manufacture a wide range of fencing to meet the needs of livestock farmers, poultry farmers, and animal breeders.
Energizers: Energizers, also known as fence chargers or controllers, are the heart of an electric fence system. They convert the power from the source (battery or mains) into brief high-voltage pulses that are delivered to the wire. Energizers vary in size and power output depending on the length of the fence and the type of animals being contained.
Safety: While power fencing wire can deliver a strong shock, it is designed to be safe for both animals and humans power fencing wire manufacturers in Hyderabad. The voltage and current are regulated to ensure that the shock is unpleasant but not harmful. Additionally, most power fencing systems have built-in safety features, such as alarms and low-impedance technology to detect faults or tampering.
Installation and Maintenance: Proper installation and maintenance are essential for an effective power fencing system power fencing wire wholesalers in Hyderabad. The wire must be properly tensioned, and the grounding system should be correctly set up. Regular checks for vegetation interference, damage to the wire, and functioning of the energizer are important to ensure the fence remains effective.
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