#Elfie Donnelly really said 'Yes of course trans women are women and therefore can be witches' in 1980
kittyprincessofcats · 8 months
When you're listening to the very first Bibi Blocksberg Hörspiel ever made ("Hexen gibt es doch" from 1980), and there's this exchange:
Narrator: "And only women can become witches. It's always been that way." Barbara Blocksberg: "And it's always going to stay that way, Boris." Boris Blocksberg: "But mom, if you magic me into a girl, then I could become a witch, right?" Barbara: "No Boris, then you'd only look like a girl. But your soul would be a boy, and you still couldn't do magic."
So here we have the very first Bibi Blocksberg episode ever, from 1980(!!!), explicitly making a difference between physical sex and "what gender your soul is", and clarifying that the latter is what matters for their "only women can do magic" rule.
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